tv Watters World FOX News October 7, 2017 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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greg: thanks? stein, pete, catherine in our studio audience and tyrus. i'm greg gutfeld and i love you america. >> if you have to stay focused and involved in you have to stay prepared. the national weather service shared the storm is moving fast and it will hit you fast and if you are in the way you won't be able to get out of it. a firm warning to those in the path of hurricane nate as its perils is way inland. thanks for joining us everyone for special live hurricane coverage. i'm caddie and brown and this is the fourth major storm we have seen in just the past two months making for a devastating hurricane season so far.
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hurricane nate made landfall late saturday near the mouth of the mississippi river with winds of about 85 miles an hour. the storm also bringing heavy rains and causing storm surges. it is only a category one storm one of the uighurs of the season it should not be taken lightly especially given the destruction seen in central america when nate was just a tropical storm. >> no one should take the storm lightly. it is already claimed the lives of at least 20 people and nicaragua and in honduras and as we know from past storms low intensity it doesn't necessarily mean low impact. kelly: for the latest on the storm let's check in with our median meteorologist, adam. what is the latest what you can tell us about making landfall and what we can anticipate from its past? adam: that was landfall one. it is back out over open water and that initial landfall was a barrier islands just off the
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delta of the mississippi river so we are back out running towards mississippi once again. that will take another hour until we get that second landfall but conditions are really beginning to deteriorate right now as we speak. plans are still at 85 miles an hour and that's a category one storm but were beginning to see that outer i won't get closer and closer to landfall and i do suspect that some of the heaviest rain at this moment is beginning to fall. you see it stretching from biloxi running up to mobile and areas of pensacola. this entire region will seat rounds of very heavy rain and i suspect the surf will pile up at this point, as well. wins becoming stronger and stronger popping out of the south so three-6 feet will be wide spread of service and that will get higher in some locations getting up closer to nine-10 feet as we look as these pockets and in lengths where the wind can pick up. this is a current look at the radar. here is your eye, right there. those outer bands are beginning to approach landfall.
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again, you don't talk about the actual landfall into the center of circulation and that still a good 30 miles offshore moving at 20 miles an hour so that gives us another hour, one hour and a half until we get new official info. here's your center of circulation this in motion for you. seeing that center still moving around the coast in mobile and the strongest weather and the nastiest weather will be on the eastern side of that so you're stretching back over toward pensacola and father off to the east. all areas where you will see the most rain and the most went in here is that forecasted win. remember, the wind does drive that storm surge so areas right along where it makes landfall in these wins will get up to 60-80 miles an hour and that will be enough where were talking about trees coming down, power outages becoming a problem as we are dealing with some of this win. no surprise here but we have hurricane watches throughout this reason and it is still a category one and where it will
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it had? this is actually a quick moving storm. the last several storms we talked about have been moving closer to eight-12 miles an hour and by tomorrow morning through sunday will be talking about the southeast. this is monday it is already a low pressure system in the northeast. it doesn't mean a lot in the way of brain because it's moving so quickly but the wind and the storm surge those are what we will be paying attention to overnight. folks will be waking up to clear skies tomorrow morning. kelly: thank you, adam. patti ann: the city of new orleans with its history of strong storms are busy taking conscience with the mayor urged presidents not to panic. boxes casey siegel is life there now. >> we are right on lake punch attain which is on the northern part of the big easy and right now we are singing scene big
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wins. we have this handy-dandy device that measures the wind speeds and i was holding it up in the air as adam was talking to get a sense of what winds we were talking about where we are and were only doing 25-30-mile an hour gusts in this picture of location. we did sing stronger winds earlier when it made landfall to the east of us and as you heard, certain pool is looming but when it came ashore it brought in some heavy wind and also some heavy rain. reports of flooding already coming in to us from grand isle, louisiana which is the very, very southeast part of the state but nothing in terms of casualties or any injuries or even structural damage that we have heard coming into us from this particular spot, as of yet. here on [inaudible] the storm
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surge was a concern here and adam said this wasn't going to be a real heavy rain maker for a lot of people and when you talk about four or five, six or 7 inches of rain compared to 50 plus that parts of texas got during hurricane harvey and it's nowhere in comparison but the storm surge is what can cause the flooding in some of the concern up and down this area and see the water was on high because of the full moon this week. the moon has a lot to do with the tides and makes the tides higher than they typically would be so there is already a high tide in the lake and there was a concern that when you talked about potential storm surge of six-7 feet on top of that but we have been here for many hours now and i've got to say i am not physically seeing the water levels changing since we have been here.
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the thing we need to point out is still windy and it is still raining so it is certainly not over by any stretch of the imagination here and as we no, further east of us in alabama, florida and the like still have a lot yet to come but for right now nothing really just dangerous or no real reports of catastrophic damage coming to us out of southeast louisiana where we are. again, we're just getting into it so we'll see how that goes. patti ann: will take the good news where we can get it. thank you. kelly: hurricane nate is sitting mississippi, as well, with high winds and heavy rain and is expected to inundate homes and businesses in low-lying areas. a city that is on high alert, fill.
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reporter: all of those low-lying areas were asked to get out hours ago so hopefully people did. we are "getting real" first band of that i wall, the first rains and winds and as you can see the surge is coming in over the seawall and we are now ankle-deep projected anywhere from six-11 or 12 storm surge for coastal mississippi as well as coastal alabama and that is the big concern here. the winds are pretty rough, stronger than they have been all day and the wind is driving the rain like needles in your skin at times but for the most part the waves have been coming from the day but this has been one of the most sustained periods so far. if we have video that our photographer, chad, went over to the seawall where you can see those waves crashing and he was taking quite the pummeling, amazing video and this is life
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as well. the winds are strong and as adam said maybe an hour hour and a half before the actual sensor of the very disorganized eye makes its official landfall somewhere here on the coast in mississippi. again, the concern is less the wind and the rain but about more about the storm surges in those low-lying coastal areas along mississippi's coastline as well as into alabama's coastline, mobile really bracing for possibly a lot of flooding at this point. as far as new orleans goes you heard the mayor lifting the curfew there, nathan clean, natural grain and people are back out on bourbon street but here on the eastern side of the center of the storm, the dirty side, as we call it, the worst rain in the worst win in the worst storm surge and that will be a big threat and a life-threatening threat over the
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next several hours. the storm itself is pretty small and moving fast and the worst is coming in now and it's very possible that it won't be raining here in the early morning hours into tomorrow. kelly: that would be a good thing. where you are standing right now is usually beachfront property, is it not? for seen water, that beachfront. reporter: this is a seawall actually. for at a parking lot of a vote marina and this is a area where all types of locals were coming out prior to the curfew in which the police and forced people people out of there and the splash is good and the scene is good and some locals were telling me they were down here for the thrill of it all and it can be thrilling but it also can be deadly and dangerous. kelly. kelly: thank you. patti ann: low-lying areas of
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louisiana will be inundated by nate's heavy rain and storm surge. joining us now by phone is louisiana lieutenant governor, bill lancaster. >> thank you. how you doing tonight? patti ann: i'm okay and we are hoping you are all okay too. nate, we understand his passing east of new orleans and moving quickly which lessens the chance of prolonged rain but we had those reports of floods in the city's drainage system and are you confident that new orleans will avoid flooding? >> i think we have a dodged a bullet and we are on the last ring side of the storm and i'm down in where the finger sticks out in the gulf and we have seen the bands of rain but not a steady rain and that has moved up into new orleans and i think we have dodged a bullet on this one. the mayor lifted the curfew and within the next hour as it goes
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ashore louisiana dodged a bullet. patti ann: new orleans was under curfew and the mayor lifted it but before it made landfall how is that parish holding up? >> we had a lot of brand-new levies under construction but all the levees because the storm moved so quickly that water did not stay up against the levees but any amount of time and the quick moving storm i believe we dodged a bullet and we didn't see the levees breached, minor flooding into both harbors but nothing real serious and like i said, we made it through this one okay. patti ann: we do have reports that in those low-lying areas there is some flooded streets and the storm surge warning and forecasters say it could go as high as 11 feet and there is that state of emergency but are these mandatory evacuation orders still in place and i know they were put into place not protected by the levees.
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>> they are still in place but they won't be lifted until morning because we need to see people traveling back and when there is chance of flooding in low-lying areas but those areas that .-dot water we expect to see because the storm surge nothing really that was unexpected. patti ann: are they headed to shelters? >> we have some in shelters and we do this so much of low-lying areas most people have a friend of family members that they are all several people in shelters in the north end of those parishes that evacuated and i'm sure first light in the morning they'll be going back home. patti ann: lieutenant governor, thank you for joining us. best of luck to you. still ahead of fox news we are tracking nate as it continues ripping across the gulf coast. kelly: we are checking in live
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kelly: showed coverage of hurricane nate and hurricane nate may be as strong as some of the storms seen in recent weeks. this is a category one but it is likely to pack a punch in fox's peter is live in new orleans and peter, what kind of question that have pushed for. reporter: not much where we are here in the french quarter, kelly. curfew was only around till about 7:00 o'clock until local and that's when mayor said people should be sheltered in a place but they were free to go out in can see there are hundreds of people who are very excited that there is a camera who are now out here and join themselves on the streets of new orleans and there is still a concern in some parts of new orleans or out closer to the water of a storm surge but it does seem like life is getting
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basically back to normal and again this is a big change from a few hours ago during the curfew our crew walked around the entire french quarter and there was not a lot of pool activity along the river it was completely empty. we didn't see one person for several blocks that we walked down by some of the landmarks and down by the cathedral, no lights on but that is completely changed and, as you see, it is like almost a here at all, kelly. kelly: appears like a normal saturday night in new orleans. naturally, for many people who have been watching the storm they were on pins and needles for a while and probably elated to see this kind of response as opposed to what could've happened at the storm had kicked up its surge and come across those levees. reporter: right. kelly, everyone here has a long memory and they know exactly what those concerns were with the drainage system in the city and what the pumps all being
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fully operational in low-lying areas that are not protected by the levees in new orleans that have been repaired since katrina came through and cause such damage but it seems like everyone is starting to come out of their hotels and that's where a lot of people were country down. hotels, bars and everything else was shut down from about 2:00 o'clock but in the direction of the hotels we can have eric around here but the hotels are down that way and that is where the steady stream of people have been coming from about the last hour. again, no rain now and there was never a really ton of rain and the rain was light and there was a gust of wind but as far as we can tell, no damage here in new orleans and the storm seems to be moving away from here toward alabama, toward mississippi and that gives people here many of
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whom that we have seen large group -- the parties, other sorts of events to go on as planned on a saturday night. kelly. kelly: still young in new orleans, enjoy it. that is a sigh of relief for people in new orleans as we can see there because it could have been totally different with a category one hurricane still going up along the gulf coast hitting mississippi, alabama and moving upward. still a fast-moving storm and will continue to watch how it develops. that's why we are here tonight providing live coverage. when he returned, the bulk of the store may have missed louisiana, as we just saw in peter's report, that does not mean that the national guard job
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kelly: hurricane nate has continued on its path and as it does it the new orleans mayor has lifted the curfew on the city as we told you earlier. here's the latest from louisiana is colonel ed busch from a public affairs officer for louisiana national guard. colonel, thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure, good evening. kelly: looks like louisiana has dodged a bullet with the first landfall from hurricane nate is a category one storm hitting just along side but new orleans really didn't get much damage at all but what was the national guard prepared for in this case? >> certainly, we all have memories to go back to katrina so lessons learned from katrina are basically it's extremely important and critical to
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reposition those troops and resources that might be needed so that is what we have done over the last couple of days. we brought over 1000 soldiers on duty and aircraft and those key areas where we know the storm might pass and just in case we were needed we can respond quicker. none of us are required to go out and do a search and rescue or evacuation and that's a good thing. kelly: sir, that is a good thing. we have seen just this season alone how deadly these hurricanes have been and it appears, at this present time, that hurricane nate is not going to cause any tragedy along the louisiana area but what concerns you have about your neighboring states? >> that is how it is for these gulf states. whenever a storm enters the gulf that is the thought that we have
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and we rolled the dice and so, obviously it wasn't that long ago when we were knee-deep in water and shoulder to shoulder with our neighbors in texas. we tried to help bring them through harvey and sheltered them in louisiana and that's how it is here in the gulf. it's a bond that we have and whenever a sister state needs help, that is what we do. kelly: i can remember and i'm probably getting the name wrong and correct me if i am but the cajun army or the cajun navy actually going in to and these are private citizens with their votes going into houston to help rescue people from the flood ravaged area of houston, texas and that storm, hurricane harvey is much different than this one. it's a bigger storm and it lingered and move slow and dumped a delusion of more than 50 inches of rain on that city. this category one storm quite
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different moving a lot faster and that has got to give you a sense of relief, i'll be at, you're still looking to help out your neighbors along the gulf coast or they need to. >> absolutely. the things that storms have in common is the ability to surprise. they are living things almost that can change right before your eyes and just when you thank you have it pegged where they will go and what they will do, nature changes the course or the conditions and suddenly you're dealing with something that you had in forcing. the trick is to plan for the worst implant for everything that's much easier to send people home at the end of the day to try to ring people [inaudible]. kelly: colonel ed busch, thank you for joining us, sir. we are wishing you all the safety that you can have throughout the night and we will wait until don to see how much damage you have received. thank you for being able to help the people there in louisiana and the other gulf states. >> thank you for helping to spread the news. kelly: yes, sir.
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patti ann: parts of the gulf coast to mississippi are getting hounded by hurricane nate. kelly: and we will have the latest one or special coverage continues after this. banging their head on a low ceiling. drinking spoiled milk. camping in poison ivy. getting a papercut. and having their arm trapped in a vending machine. but for everyone else, there's directv. for #1 rated customer satisfaction over cable switch to directv. call 1-800-directv.
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that's $200 off our queen c2 mattress. and free home delivery on select beds only during our fall sale. ends monday. visit for a store near you. kelly: at this hour, hurricane nate is bearing down on the gulf coast and already it seems to have given a glancing shot to louisiana but it is also threatening mississippi and alabama, as well, with commercial rain and potential flooding. i'm kelly. patti ann: and patti ann brown. let's check in with meteorologist, adam, in the news weather center. adam: that was a good description. it's a glancing blow into areas of louisiana and if you recall not that long ago the red highlighted area was in a hurricane warning and that did stretch back over places through louisiana and now that it has changed to a tropical storm warning. they have been on the good side
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of this storm for the western side where you typically see a little less severe weather and actually has a been all that bad for them. were still looking at areas with a hurricane warning and mississippi and alabama and i can stretch farther off towards the east before it's all said and done because that is the side of the storm. we been missing rounds of heavy rainfall and here's your title light. circulation isn't that tight but the outer bands are beginning to move along biloxi and this is your area of circulation. you notice there isn't much of a wall on the backside of this and it has been pulling in dry air which will begin a storm and that is something we will have to watch as this continues to move forward. if it continues to weaken as opposed and dry air but that circulation is still weak but it is there. here is what were looking at as far as the heaviest fans of rain moving along the i ten over to
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mobile in pensacola. all of these areas producing heavy rain along with the strong winds that getting up to 60-70 miles an hour. the strongest winds with in that in the bands of heavy rain will stall out and move a lot. the winds have been registering at 85 miles an hour so that's still a category one hurricane and as it does eventually run on shore for perhaps the most have our two an hour then it will begin to weaken but as ones it makes landfall this thing will keep on moving and it's been moving quickly throughout the day and that will continue and i do think the coast will be clear by tomorrow morning. the system will be running up into portions of alabama, folks in atlanta will see it and running up into the ohio river valley all on sunday. winds forecast even though dryer air will move across the region
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you're looking at winds getting up to 60-70, even 80 miles an hour with the saturated ground is enough to take down trees cause power outages in on top of that still here on eastern side of it that will pile up some water. storm surge still looking at getting up to 6 feet, maybe in some cases eight or 9 feet and that is still a possibility with the system. i still think there is plenty of areas where the worst is yet to come. where will this had eventually? category one does weaken once it makes landfall and it is a quick. you are running all the way up into monday and this is a low pressure system up in the northeast. it will keep moving fast and i think the folks dealing with it right now likely waking up tomorrow will be able to assess the damage because the sunshine will be shining but there are several hours where those folks need to stay in her down. patti ann: how long a delay till the storm surge as you mentioned it's not just the rainfall but if the storm surge which can sometimes not show up right aw away.
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adam: the storm surge is at its most intense when it makes landfall and we are still probably half an hour to an hour away. we don't say landfall until the middle of circulation is actually up on land and that is still about 30, 20 miles away and at 20 miles an hour were looking at about an hour away. patti ann: the new orleans mayor lifted the curfew and the national weather service canceled that city but allison barber is in the big easy tonight and allison we keep hearing they dodged a bullet. do you agree? reporter: yeah, a man just walked by and jokingly said a hurricane but it does seem like for the most part they have and dodged a bullet. the three big concerns officials had heading into this evening and one was this would be a windstorm and could not outlines and call massive power outages around the area and they were worried about flooding and whether or not the drainage
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pumps into the city could handle it. there were 120 drainage pumps into the city and only one oh eight are working as and there were concerns that if it started to rain and there was putting that water wouldn't have anywhere to go in the other concern was that outside of the lobby there could be storm surge. the mayor said between seven and 11 feet but right now you look at where i'm standing and it's really dry. i don't even need to have a rain jacket on right now but behind me is bourbon street. there was a curfew in place for about two hours in the mayor lifted it once a hurricane warning went away in new orleans please they they are going to be enforcing a curfew in the area they are still encouraging people to stay off the roads and even they were walking along the
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streets. the issues a couple hours ago was the cabs were out and the services were suspended so the people couldn't get home but now you can see behind me there are people out here and as i said they never really went inside. they been out most of the night. next allison barber, live in new orleans. thank you. kelly: it tells you just how good this is for new orleans and we keep reiterating that but many people when you watch the coverage are expecting the worst and in this particular situation new orleans, the big easy, had an easy time of it with this hurricane, category one. you have to remember that nate was a deadly storm before it got there. patti ann: very true. kelly: killing 22 people in central america. that's another reason why the united states was high i alert with this and people were on alert throughout mississippi and alabama from those gulf states but still ahead, state of emergency across the gulf coast as nate churns inland which could also cause some trouble, such as power outages and more the emergency response when our life hurricane coverage
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the past but this one a lot of people are saying since it is moving fast and it's a category one will cause catastrophic damage that we've seen from some of the others. >> it will bring down tree limbs and power outages but there will be flooding in low-lying areas along the coast with 3 inches of rainfall expected in certain areas and tornadoes will occur but it will be catastrophic. patti ann: louisiana, mississippi, florida, the main areas in the crosshairs and what is your biggest concern in this point? >> i suppose that if anyone thought it was a nonevent there is to be a storm surge and we don't know how much it will be but there is potential and flooding is what caused 90% of the [inaudible] and the people who won't see the storm understand that they're trying
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to see what is going on in flying debris can cause damage to people and limbs can kill you if they hit you so we have to be concerned about that but that is my greatest fear. patti ann: is a category one and they had a might strengthen to category two but now they are saying it doesn't look like that will happen. >> no, that won't happen. is actually going to lose intensity coming up and so far about 85 miles an hour. patti ann: right. not as bad a wind event but once again, a water event. that storm surge warning from grand isle, louisiana to walton county in florida and the storm surge or be prepared and are beginning more prepared for these now? >> yes, we had a large storm surge of pensacola but in katrina came in with a nervous storm surge in 2005 up to
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32 feet and he won't see anything like that but people are more familiar with it and after all this is one of the major tracks hurricane that hit the red states and it goes up the coast and people have to expect the sort of thing but some of the [inaudible] get larger surgery there but overall it's not a store but we have to be careful. patti ann: it has been a pretty bad hurricane season so far and we had years of relatively calm and what you make of all of it? >> we were almost lulled into thinking that hurricane was something of the past but hurricane amnesia. we went 12 years without any hurricane and then this year irma and a few others and maria did all the damage puerto rico
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so, the us coast has been pretty well hit this year and we had of course hardy hitting texas and a new category making landfall and it's turned out to be a pretty bad season and the reason for it is there's nothing blocking the hurricane and everything was set for the hurricane to develop in this way. patti ann: do you consider it cyclical? >> you know, we have cyclical planners and we have what we called our interactive pattern which last 220-40 years but it's hard to see if the cycles are cycles were not so sure about that except that we have been in because of the warmers the service off the west coast of and about a 2040 year pattern that started in 1995, 1997, or
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other. were deep into that pattern and hoping to come back for a more interactive pattern but within that hurricane to hit florida and carolinas and other times it stays in the gulf and there's a lot of theories about that but the problem is as far as some of these cycles what you need to see the more times. patti ann: steven, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. patti ann: louisiana, mississippi, and alabama in the path of this store. a state of emergency is declared in the states and in 29 counties in florida. kelly: as we continue to give you more live coverage tonight we will have more on how mississippi is actually dealing with the store.
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kelly: about 30 counties in florida in the state of alabama, louisiana and mississippi under a state of emergency right now as hurricane nate goes ripping through and that declaration tied directly to emergency response. joining us now by phone is the gulfport mississippi police chief. sir, thank you for joining us this evening. what are you expecting so far there in the gulfport? >> right now it looks like were in another rain's wall where we have winds and rain and fortunately the winds have not what was anticipated at this point and our key concern right now will be borders and the wind is enough to be where it could be problematic and caused power outages but it's not what i would consider substantial. we will continue throughout the
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night to watch the rise of water in the lay of the land has what we call a lot of back waterway with that easterly wind pushing the water into the back waterway is a longer coast and it will be something that we will continue to watch throughout the night over the next day or so and see how those. kelly: through our for our viewers might not be aware of gulfport, mississippi and they should understand that gulfport is on the gulf of mexico and you're known for that long beach there that you have there did you have to do any preparations as evacuating people or the coastal area in order to make sure they would make possible storm surge that might in the daytime with floodwaters? >> the people that live along the mississippi gulf coast we have become accustomed to these storm events and usually know how to prepare and seek higher
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ground and interestingly enough we had a big event that occurred on the weeklong event on the mississippi calls called cruising the closer we have almost 100,000 people from out of town spent the week with us and though many of those people's aren't from here they realize the storm would come in that evacuation of voluntary ended earlier this morning and we it worked out great. so, with the cooperation of our visitors and with our citizens it's from a law enforcement in public safety perspective it has been an easy storm to work and will continue to watch it and make sure that we get through
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it. kelly: getting through it is what a lot of people are praying for. honestly, in new orleans you people who are partying on the streets of new orleans in the downtown area quarter area because the storm did not hit the area which is a sigh of relief to them. are you at liberty to have that sense of relief knowing that a second landfall will happen and they are dissipating storm surges from anywhere from three-9 feet along the gulf coast. with that include gulfport and neighboring biloxi? >> it will. those are water levels and you know, nothing that will present an immediate threat to life. those people that live along the beachfront have taken the necessary step to ensure their safety. we are watching them and there's a highway that runs along the beachfront called highway 90 and i was just checking with our dispatch and we have where it is cross some of highway 90 and
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those are the things we look for again. were looking for the encroachment on the beachfront as a concern but are back waterway's are more of a bigger concern forward. kelly: well, that is a concern because people living in that area, i imagine, as you stated sought higher ground or with shelter in place. >> we have a little of both. i hate to say it but we have so many residents that have become quite the professional rising water and we will monitor their situation throughout the night. we are prepared for those with both and high water vehicles if we need to go in and get anyone. those resources are in place and we are along the gulf coast are
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good at doing this. we get a lot of support throughout our state. our governor was down with us earlier today and all the resources are in place to get us through it and i feel confident that we will do well. kelly: chief, that is important what you just said there. it is a mouthful of wisdom, as they say. that wisdom is something that the people, the citizens of gulfport and the county that surrounds have learned obviously by going through so many of the storms that hit the gulf of mexico because to be honest, quite a few areas along the east coast sometimes they take storm warnings were granted and it's an education process so through all of this hard work that you have done one has to say kudos to you in the emergency responders who prepared the people by making them knowledgeable and kudos to the people who understand that we can deal with the storm because we know the proper action to
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take. >> you are right. it is lessons learned over the years and it's something when you live on the mississippi gulf coast and the gulf coast community you learn to adapt to those things in prepare and how to put the resources in place so when these things approach you can protect life and property and move on to the next state. we will be back open for business really, really quick. kelly: that's encouraging to hear. as the song says, the sun will come up tomorrow and indeed the forecast is already saying that the sun will come up will be able to look at the damage and assess it. it sounds to me like people will be returning to life as normal, as quickly as they possibly can, particularly with your help of
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your staff. >> yeah, i think we will be fine and to my little girl was asking me is this going to be a big one or a little one and i think this will be a manageable one. kelly: leonard, police chief of gulfport, thank you, sir. stay with fox news for more coverage of hurricane aid as it flashes the us gulf coast. remember that accident i got in with the pole, and i had to make a claim and all that? is that whole thing still dragging on? no, i took some pics with the app and... filed a claim, but... you know how they send you money to cover repairs and... they took forever to pay you, right? no, i got paid right away, but... at the very end of it all, my agent... wouldn't even call you back, right? no, she called to see if i was happy. but if i wasn't happy with my claim experience for any reason,
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patti ann: another blow in what has proved to be a destructive hurricane season. i'm patti ann browne. the storm touching down near the mouth of the mississippi river near east plaquemines parish. the storm bringing intense winds. heavy rain and serious storm surges. states of emergency have been declared in alabama, mississippi and 30
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