tv OBJEC Tified FOX News October 8, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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♪ >> the objects people choose to keep in the room to find who they are. this is "objectified" with benjamin netanyahu. harvey: it is so nice to meet you. i'mld harvey and this is the sty about a man who steered his real destiny for two decades. betjeman netanyahu didwn not hae political aspirations until his brotherb was killed by terrori. >> it was in my world had collapsed five he became an unstoppable political force, a job he would not recommend to his children. >> did you encourageo them to o into politics?
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>> no. harvey: the job has been treacherous insecurity shadowing his every move. >> there is a photo of me in one of my boys and a half a dozen security guards standing there. harvey: his nation has survived the impossible and it remains a flash point of world controver controversy. harvey: it is so nice to meet you. thank you so much for doing this. this is going to. be different than other interviews youave done because this is not about policy, it's not about the s of the world but it's about you and who you became and how you became you. >> it's about life. harvey: yes, told through objects you kept over the years. let's start with childhood. tell me what this is. i'm intrigued. >> these are taken from a tree
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that my father planted in our backyard sprite how old were you question. >> i was about five or six. i went to the garden and my father was a professor and he was digging and he was digging this thing around a sapling and i said to my father what are you doing out here. he said take some water and water. take some fertilizer, fertilize. done. a year later i go to the garden and my father is done the same thing and i said father, what are you doing and he said the same thing. but you did that last year. heun said yeah, but the tree got bigger and today these trees are dragged and. that is the story of israel. you have to water and you have to dig it and you have to make sure he gets sunshine and give it enough fertilizer so the tree grows against all odds. harvey: your dad, tell me about him. >> we got to theh habit of howo
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read and how to appreciate a breath of knowledge and he was very opinionated. harvey: were you conscience of that when you were a kid? benjamin: i was conscience of his opinion but we never spoke politics at all. harvey: really work when you look back what is the best quality that you thank you got fromyo your dad. >> the ability to clarify your thoughts. prime minister: here is my message rulers of iran. your plan to destroy israel will fail. harvey: i have not read a lot about your mom. what about her and how did she influence you? prime minister: how not present she wasut the paddle of the family. she kept us together. she used to say i'm married to
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jews, which he was but even a genius need somebody to care take care of his socks. she raised us, three sons and at theat same time to care my fath. >> israel celebrate the sabbath independence day in the streets of tel aviv echo with shouts of cheer. harvey: when you were growing up, i would think that you were scared a lot. prime minister: i had a wonderful childhood sprite there was no fear that everything around you would or people woul. prime minister: we did have the faintest idea of that. it was a different world. harvey: figure in a tiny place. prime minister: there was self-confidence in the newly emerged nation. we were a generation and i was born one year after the state of the declaration of independence of the state and it was natural toer me sprite you were the mide child and i have done interviews now with many people who have
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interviewsn and it seems like they always targeted the older brother and that he is the one that will do great things and your brother was an exceptional what i have read is your dad especially said this is the kid that will go into the military and be a hero, going to politics and did you feel that shadow? prime minister: psychobabble. my father, the last thing he wanted was d for us to go into politics. this was the superstition like the kennedy family. nothing was further from the truth. harvey: when you were a kid what did you want to be? prime minister: i wanted to be a soccer player, a soccer playing scholar. i didn't really think about it i didn't have personal ambitions until much much later in life.
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[inaudible conversations] harvey: this looks like you in control. it seems appropriate. prime minister: it looks like my son. harvey: tell me about this. this was taken at some soccer match when i was came to the united states. harvey: for you 16 or 17. prime minister: something like that. i came in about 13 and played soccerst. it was a very peculiar time. i went to an american high school in the 60s. can you imagine? >> class of 67 and his yearbook picture in the bottom left. betjeman netanyahu in the chess club and on the soccer team is rendered as a serious student. harvey: when i can't imagine is that high school can be tough and you have this is really do goes to american high school on a level that most have been
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tough. prime minister: a level as far as scholastically? i didn't know -- sprite in terms of sitting in. prime minister: i didn't fit in prime minister: i didn't fit in but with everyone. i didn't have any and there was a language barrier and i learned quickly. >> it's an amazing country and it needs an army to survive so i want israel to continue existing that i have to do my part. harvey: in america there is not as passionate about serving your country as it is in israel. here you are on a trajectory and you go home and join the israeli army so what drove you back? prime minister: i had a strong identity and knowing jewish history i never thought of my life as suffering from the my people and country.
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>> this is a free country and if ith said what is the greatest battle that we face, we live in a tough neighborhood and we have to defend ourselves and we have the bravest soldiers in the worldty to do that. [cheering and applause] prime minister: i always thought you had to have a balance between ambition and collective response ability. >> for the first time in 100 generations we, the jewish people, can defend ourselves, i canra promise you one more thin. even if israel has to stand alone, israel will stand. [cheering and applause] prime minister: we were completely defenseless. we couldn't complain about it. harvey: that is in your consciousness when you are 13. prime minister: not when i was 13. harvey: did you ever think about staying in the us, it sounds like you didn't. you were always going to go
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back. prime minister: always. harvey: what american values did you bring back? prime minister:gh initiative and air and democracy, these are strong values. and how to advance through merit. the society should be open to all people and that if you invest in ingenuity you will likely succeed in these are strong american values that have their roots in jewish values. harvey: you went to a high school so beca honest with me ws the most famous alarm for strike you or reggie jackson? prime minister: reggie jackson. my younger brother called me and told me that my older brother had been killed and i had a
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of letters that my brother, which we collected after his death. harvey: he was an unbelievable writer and someone told me that way he referred to him was they said he had all the golf clubs in the bag. prime minister: he was an exceptional human being in turned out to be an unbelievable leader and a great military commander. he had indescribable courage and he was nothing pompous about him. he never played the part. he was the genuine article. everyone knew it and you didn't have to -- you didn't he didn't have to die to be a legend. he was a legend already in his life five you have said that when you were at mit and he was
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killed that you said the hardest thing that you've ever had to do in your life was tell your parents that you are the one. prime minister: yet, that was indescribable agony. when my younger brother called me and told me that he had been killed which i had a premonition that he would tell me that it was as if my world had collapsed. i had just finished mit. to my parents and my father was teaching at cornell at the time and i didn't want the news to reach them through the news. >> there were both involved i israel a and uganda as a resulto
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rescueal the held hostages fromn enemy airport in uganda. most reached israel in safety but three lost their life. prime minister: it was horrible. i parked the car not far from my parents home and walked up the path that led to their house and there was a big window in their living room and i could see my father pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back and all of a sudden he turned me and he had this, in a mainly he understood because he had heard the news of the rescue and he just stood and it was this horrible streak that i heard him
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give and it was like a second death. it was worse. harvey: how did his death change your view of israel, of terrorism and your worldview? prime minister: well, there is no question that his death change my life and steered it to its present course. i didn't know it at the tim of course. i felt that i had -- that i had to do something about the scourge of terrorism. >> the stumbling block to the road to peace is this demand for a state which will mean more war
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which will mean more violence in the middle east. and be secure and that involves maintaining our own military guarantees against theth destruction of people who surround us. yes, i believe we should fight for survival. prime minister: and then there was the question that the terrorists have a good grievance and are acting out and trying to correct agreements and no, they were not. people were deliberately murdering babies and they don't have freedom on their mind. they will trample their own people once they get into israel. that is what terrorists do. they target the isn't the liberty and my definition of terrorism is the systematic and deliberate attack, murder and naming of innocence and civilians for a political goal. harvey: if he had not died, would you got into politics? prime minister: absolutely not. harvey: it became a calling then? prime minister: it was a public battle against terrorism.
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it became a calling. spread your military career was incredibly distinguished but can you describe what happened with the hijacker? [speaking in native tongue] prime minister: do you want the true story? harvey: my vision is that you walk on the plane as a mechanic and- you then grab one of the terraced and push them against the seat and you essentially got shot in the middle of all of this. i have this big vision of what you did. prime minister: it is all truear except something preceded it. this was a hijacking of a civilian airplane bound for israel and was captured by four arab terrorists. they got into the airport and theygo said let's do such and sh
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prisoners and they will blow up the plane. we hadou absolutely no knowledge of what we were doing in a situation like this. they gave us about five minutes of pistol training and then the sky tapped mest on the shoulder and the sky says you've got to stop the operation. and i said what is the problem and heet said look, i was flying in from london and the [inaudible] i would go to the pallets and i landed and you grab me so i have to go. [laughter] i said now? and he said they were small, big or small and he said big. this is all true and i did not jump off the wing and the
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commanderi was and we have to stop this for a second. he said what is the problem and i said well, this guy has to go go. and he said now, and he said big or small and i said big. you know, he jumped off the plane, got under the airplane did whatever he needed to do and then he resumed the mission. then we broke into the plane and i was shot by another one of the security guards shot me five that was from the fire contract. prime minister: didn't feel badly at all. it hurt like hell. harveythere is a photo of me wie of my little boys and a half a dozen security guards standing with machines and were standing on the sand in the beach and princess dianao. saw this pictue and thought how horrible.
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>> life of america's' headquarters. i molly. hurricane nate quickly weakening to a tropical depression and it moved inland sunday but the storm bringing heavy rains, flooding and wind gusts. some of the worst seen in biloxi, mississippi for the storm it made its second landfall early sunday morning. nate knocked out power to a hundred thousand customers along the gulf coast but crews are working on repairs and the storm is headed to the ohio river valley. film producer, harvey, fired and he took a voluntary leave of absence following decades of sexual harassment allegations detailed thursday in a new york times exposé. the board of directors announced his termination sunday citing new information about the film moguls conduct. i'm molly, back to objective five. prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu. harvey: the books you have here are hamilton, a book on macarthur and a book on george washington. this is your american. prime minister: no, i read a lot of other books, too but i'm not just. harvey: what inspires you about the three giants of america. prime minister: but i didn't know washington on so i read read and it was a veterans day in i thought i'd go to pay a tribute to the greatest veteran of the mall and having read the biography i saw what a great leader he was and he was armed with one thing that i have grown to appreciate in my own term of office. patients. patients. harvey: you live in a fishbowl. you have a relatively small house, small office, everywhere you go youam are followed by ths
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feeling of security and i would think that at a point you need to find outlets that take you out of that world. prime minister: yeah, is, do but they do let me. harvey: what do you do? you live this way a long time and you have to have outlets. prime minister: there is a photo of me with one of my boys, little boys, and i don't know half a dozen securityuards standing with machine guns and we are sitting in the sand on the beach and process diana saw this picture and thought howt? horrible. i don't think it is horrible but you want to be able to go out to the beach andta you want to go t to a coffee shop and you want to sit in a room and open the curtains. okay? and that isur occasionally whati
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insist on. harvey: when you have this kind of security everywhere you go, do you worry that it disconnects you from the public? prime minister: there is no chance of that because i have two young men, my sons at home and they follow the internet and they tell me what young people think and they tell me what their friends think and sometimes i wish that they wouldn't because i'd like to be disconnected from what is happening now in our world. harvey: why would you want that contract. prime minister: the internet has created this thing of instant [inaudible] so what happens is you have political leaders who are constantly bombarded by polarized opinion and i don't think that is a good thing. i think it is inevitable and we all understand it but i like the idea of the
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representative government and it says you are elected, given up. to exercise that power and the problem today for politicians is not being disconnected but they are openly connected and they are completely at the mercy of these shifting tides of opinion that are reflected in the [inaudible] and thatit is not good. harvey: your kids, you encourage them to go into politics? prime minister. harvey: why? business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordableand f" what if... "people" aren't buying these books oe, but "they" areuying them t protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name. it's william actually.
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i have no idea how we're going to get through this. follow me. unitedhealthcare has the people and tools to help guide you through the confusion. well that wasn't so bad at all. that's how we like it. unitedhealthcare. ( laughter, exclaiming ) so you want to know how long i've been in this business? [background noises]
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prime minister: you want to know how long i've been in this business? this is for my first term in office 20 years ago. it was during a rare snowstorm and that was sarah, my wife and our little boy, four years old. he was barely out of diapers and now, fast forward 20 years later in place and we had snow again. sarah is still beautiful and this old clicker is me. look at that. that's the little boy here who is now a soldier in the army and that's his brother. he just finished the university. can you imagine? harvey: tell me about sarah. prime minister: she is the pillar of the family and she taught me something that i
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didn't understand the first time i was ected. this was my fourth term. the first time i was 46 years old and i have young kids and i devoted everything to the job, nonstop, literally. 247. then i was thrown out of office. >> the netanyahu has been ousted. he lost his bid for election. prime minister: this was a very healthy thing to happen to a politician and i came back in for another three terms. this time, the second time i said will do something different and she said will give time to our children because it will never come back because ultimately that is what you come back to. so we had friday night dinner, you know, and then for that i
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would read a portion of the bible and there was one rule in these two weekly rituals. no politics, no phones. gadgets areer not there. all gone. we just talk to each other. i'm afraid i can't raise my kids the way i was raised with no current politics to discuss because they were born into it. >> in my dad's first term, i can relate. [inaudible]. prime minister: their political understanding isothing wha i had at their age. it's much more aanced. harvey: i'm treading on dangerous ground here because there's not a traditional first lady of israel. but she has become effectively the first lady and some people
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don't like that. prime minister: they have attacked her in order to attack me. they can't bring me down with the terrible attacks and unwarranted attacks on herid and shesh has great courage in great capacity to withstand that. she gives everything she has to her kids and she is a jewish mother and she really worries about the kids in the family and she's also works at the child psychologist so every week she goes for a few days to these religious schools where she does psychology and they don't even know these kids they don't know know these kids they don't know that wife may have no idea. harvey: doesn't hurt you in the media is critical of her. prime minister: it hurts me a lot more when the attack occurred than me. >> they have recommended that she stand trial on allegations
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after announcing the conclusion her concerning spending concerning spending irregularities of minister's official and private residence. prime minister: but it's. harvey: does she want out? prime minister: she enjoyed the timei' when we lost the election that ended my first term. we went to disneyland and we had small kids in californi and you're about to tell me what you do when you lose your election. prime minister: i took my kids to disneyland and we were lost on the beach for two weeks. it was no politics, no phones, different time zones and absolutely magnificent. harvey: your kids, you encourage them to go into politics.
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prime minister: no. harvey: do you discourage them? prime minister: it doesn't help. it may not help but here, it's a very tough life. for small, i don't think it makes ai' difference about whate tell our kids. they will do whatever they please. harvey: are either inclined? prime minister: maybe one. i'm not sure. i hope not. harvey: do you tell them that. prime minister: yes. of course, i do. harvey: it served you well. you have made a difference. prime minister: yes, you make a difference but you pay the price. as you walk into my office you will see a computer. you will see cellular phones because anyone that uses those today is exposed. saves money.
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man: israel, a small country, with the highest number of start-ups per capita in the world. okay, i am fascinated. show me what you got for technology. israel from a small country with the highest number of startups. capita in the world. harvey: i amascinated. show me what you have the technology. prime minister: what about this question asked you know what that? this is a pill cap. it's a pill that you can swallow
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it right now and would go through your system and give computer outtake. it would give a picture. >> these images travel to be read by the position. harvey: so this is like an mri. prime minister:r yeah, except yu don't have to go under machines and it eventually comes out. remember the sci-fi films of the people going into summering in the bodies and this is it. it's a really is mentioned and saved a lot of lives. harvey: when wasyo this develop? prime minister: a few years ago and it works. israel is the digital powerhouse. harvey: where did, you develop this passion for technology and i know you went to mit but for architecture and business. prime minister: you have to take all these coursess. and you see what is happening. when i was there they were still using punch cards for computers and i just understood that the
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world was changing very rapidly. harvey: you said something in 1976 that really hit me. you were talking about newspapers creating a database that would revolutionize the way they were able to do their work because they woulds. essentially [inaudible] well, but you envisioned google in 1976. prime minister: that sounds like al gore. [laughter] harvey: but that is kind of the desperate. prime minister: i can't tell you that but i understand there is great change and you to create and find for this creativity. harvey: did you ever worry about privacy back then that if people had databases like this that privacy would really start to wane and was that in your head? prime minister: well, in a way but not because of doubt but because of my years in the
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military in my familiarity with the way intelligence services work and that is why if you walk into my office you won't see a computer. you will see a television screen. you certainly will not see a phone. one of these cellular phones because anyone who uses the stuff today is exposed now and i'm not sure everyone is interested in what i have to say if i were a private citizen but i'm sure they're interested when i'm the prime minister of harvey: what gives you the most pride in terms of technology in there is one thing? prime minister: cherry tomato. [that was developed here too. it was perfected here.
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it's from cherry to life-saving drugs to medical technology to basically if youmi take your cel phone, a good chunk of it is made in israel. a lot of the technology and the programming and the apps were made in israel. >> google has completed its purchase of waves for a little over $1 billion rick they will keep them based in israel and ultimately google made the right choice here by acquiring and it's a smart acquisition in my mind. prime minister: what is happening rapidly is a big revolution which israel has the other most dynamic technology economy in the world. the first one is definitely in the united states and the second by many accounts of people who know that have proven a great capability of investing theirwi
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money. the second-place is israel. but there is a problem with this new industry. it is called cyber security. if the possibilities of sabotage or worse and it's all there for it with a flick of a button you can bring down nations to their knees very rapidly. harvey: is technology the key to security in israel at this point? prime minister: it is one of the keys but the most important key is the willingness of the people to give of themselves to defend the country. harvey: don't emerge and point? prime minister: yes, but technology by itself doesn't do it. you need courage. harvey: you have talked toeo dicaprio, clint eastwood, robert de niro and others.
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prime minis vy good actors? harvey: is at the point that you want to betray israel in a certainm way? m allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. but he hasoke up wwork to so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. ♪ ♪ you nervous? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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the prime minister's restaurant and they find it. harvey: world leaders which mark. prime minister: yeah. harvey: they just don't sign their name but they write a note, though they. this is the obama's. they are bonds continue to grow on w behalf of people in prosperity forur all people. prime minister: it was great. minister: there wl respect andye when we disagree i didn't make a deal. harvey: may i give you an observation. you have become a master at dealing with people you disagree with because that is your life in israel trying to govern the country with so many factions. prime minister: well, it is not quite the same way but when i
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feel that the interest of my country and the survival of my country is at stake i don't hesitate to ske out a position ir'spe rulers promised to destroy my country, murder my people. and the response from this body that response from nearly every one of the governments represented here has been absolutely nothing. utter silence. harvey: you have these four factions in this country that you have traditional and secular and. prime minister: we have at leas. harvey: but those are big factions and i am curious how you can form alliances because what i have noticed in the streets and taxicabs is there is a lot of secular israelis and a
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lot of traditional israelis who have a thing against the ultra-orthodox and i think it doesn't work and they don't pay taxes and they don't serve in the military and they have views on social issues like gay rights that are out of step so how do you form a coalition where you got these different groups and diverse groups. how do you govern? prime minister: by provision, primarily. we try positively and more of more are going onto the job market. it's crucial for reducing poverty because he found that when both parents work, poverty rates decline and they plummet. also,omen work as much as the general population. >> this is a countrye where ars have full rights as something they've been denied in all the vast lands around us and this is a country where a woman is a chief justice of the spring
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court where a woman is a general and a woman in this country can sit anywhere she wants. that is our position. harvey: someone in your government told me that the smart phone mayul have changed e whole landscape of israel because people who are ultra-orthodox, especially young people start to read and they develop a consciousness that they never were exposed to before. prime minister: yeah, it is deathly changed and i didn't say i think that technology is having an effect. harvey: i look at this book and it's filled with signatures from world leaders. you are a tiny country in you get more attention, more media attention than any country other than the us and the world a tiny country. >> a day of rage against israel. >> a thousand rockets have been fired. >> israel is on high alert. harvey: is that by design? prime minister: we get enough attention. our story isn't always told.
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our desire for peace and the fact that we have paid the price of war and that i've lost a brother and friends and one of my earliest recollections is a fellow soldier died in my arms. literally, died in my arms. that i y know, there is no country that wants peace more that priest for peace and yet were portrayed as [inaudible] and its irrational distortion and a concern that distortion is not about me personally but about the distortions of our people. we want peace. >> we are so proud that our small country is making such a huge contribution to the entire
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world. the dreams of our people, those dreams, will be realized only when there is peace. harvey: you have talked to leo dicaprio, clint eastwood, robert darrow and others to make movie. actors. harvey: absolutely. what is the point? prime minister: hollywood is important obviously but i've had the opportunities to meet a lot of people, celebrities but there is a difference between successful political leaders and actors. successful political leaders right their own lives. harvey: but if your storyline is a being told right, why not just do it yourself because you have always done that rather than go to them and try to get them to
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change the storyline? prime minister: it would never be asffectively done as by [inaudible] will have to figure out a new way to get the story out. here is oneu of them. giving this interview. harvey: fair enough. thank you so much for your time. >> live from los angeles the next revolution will be televised. as the vice president walked out of a football game above clear protest we break down the debate and tonight storm watch takes off the nfl ripping off taxpayers ripping off fans shocking hypocrisy. we expose roger caddell and put forth the elitist profit. plus after vegas is the same old gun debate but is it just elitism by another name. will robots really take your job? were the top tech fingers is here to tell us. the populist revolution with spain on the breakup what will th
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