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tv   Fox News Tonight  FOX News  October 16, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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family. now tomorrow night, this is the announcement. huge breaking news. if i'm hillary or fake news, i am not sleeping well. see you back here tomorrow. good evening. welcome to "fox news tonight." president trump held a wide-ranging press conference today. >> i hope hillary runs. is she going to run? >> i think a lot of people hope that. in russia, making strong gains after they pledged to get tough on immigration, amid europe's refugee crisis.
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the party let by sebastian kurtz, who is only 31. when will the ruling elite get the message that people don't want open borders? joining us for reaction, a powerful populous voice, monica crowley. i remember when we first got talking, it was during the 2016 campaign. i got back from campaigning for brexit. you were one of the lone voices supporting donald trump and predicting that his message would prevail and it's continuing to grow. immigration is one of the issues at the heart of that. what is your take? >> i think there are a lot of fissures that are dividing, but the gettest one, most profound one, steve, is the elite versus everybody else. about a year ago, there was an
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extraordinary piece written, the protected classes, versus the unprotected class. what we're seeing in the west, including the election of donald trump, we're seeing the revolt of the unprotected class, regular citizens looking for jobs, looking for nation's security and sovereignty. that's where the immigration crisis is kicking in to play. people want their country. they want to preserve their nation's sovereignty and their nation's culture, heritage and probably, above all, the rule of law. >> steve: you have to ask, what is wrong with that? i remember years ago when i worked in politics in the u.k. michael howard was the leader of the operatish conservative party and he ran an ad campaign and he
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said, it's not racist to want to control immigration, but the elites keep coming back to all of the things that you say and brand it racist. i'm sure that will happen to this guy in austria. >> of course, but he's 31 and he seems fearless. the leaders of brexit were, to try to counter the leftist message and the globalists and the elite, that want no part of the policies. keep in mind, the ruling class controls the media and still the people are rising up in enough numbers to say, no, we're rejecting this message. we want to restore our country's back to foundational principles, where it's austria, u.k. or the united states. >> scott: the elites that preach this ideology, they're not affected by it.
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it's not their jobs going away as a result of immigration. it's not their neighborhoods that were under pressure. they don't live in the places where immigration has an impact and that's what i think is so outrageous about the way that the elite just try to crush any discussion and expect people to put up with the open boarders approach, which everyone is rejecting. >> there's an economic element to the mass migration that's come in to western europe. a lot of women in german towns cannot go out after sundown because of fear of being raped and assaulted. in austria, over 70,000 migrants have come into that country, mostly muslims. in germany, it's over one million. what you have are the citizens of the country saying, wait a minute, our culture is being
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assumed. and it's getting out of control. >> scott: just in the year of the massive influx of immigrants that have been difficult to emigrate, eve seen a steep decline in german high schools. i want to bring it back to america for a second and see how the populist rebelian plays into the politics. of course, the election of donald trump was the ultimate expression of the populist revolution, but what do you make of this battle that seems to be going on within the republican party, steve bannon taking on the establishment, mitch mcconnell being his main target. how will that play out? >> donald trump loves the foil. he has the democratic party and
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leadership and the far left and he's got the republican establishment on top of which mitch mcconnell sits. so they're perfect foils for donald trump. i would argue that we have a three-party situation. we have democrats, republicans and then we have donald trump. what is happening now in the republican party, the reason that donald trump became the nominee is that he was able to maximize and exploit the extraordinary crosscurrents happening in the united states as well as across the west, but when people say to me, how could the republicans have elected donald trump, i said, republicans didn't elect donald trump. disaffected democrats in the 10 key swing states elected donald trump. so he is presiding over a massive, historic realignment and we haven't gotten the handle on it. >> steve: i heard newt gingrich
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say that what bannon is doing is stupid because all you need to do is elect a few more republicans and you can pass the president's agenda. the republicans we've got, if it's the same old republicans, why would we think it will be better than what we have at the moment? >> donald trump crushed 16 professional republicans, some of whom had $100 million. his message was, "i am here to smash the existing order. that includes the republican establishment." and nobody has a handle on how it will play out. >> steve: that's exactly right and a lot more will be to come. president trump is putting the swamp on notice. we'll have a report on a major development in washington and have a huge pile of brian kilmeade's unused jokes to get through. not a lot of time to squeeze it
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throughout history, the one meal when we come together, break bread, share our day and connect as a family. [ bloop, clicking ] and connect, as a family. just, uh one second voice guy. [ bloop ] huh? hey? i paused it. bam, family time. so how is everyone? find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. >> steve: president trump, determined to push his agenda through congress, held a meeting today with mitch mcconnell.
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what went down? mcconnell has not been the most popular figure with the president. >> to say the least. good evening to you the most important message the president sent is that he was standing shoulder to shoulder with the senate majority leader. they were supposed to,ing woulding together, but there's been frosty relations and today got together and work on the rest of the trump agenda. the president told reporters that they've never been closer than they are right now and that's interesting because it comes weeks after saying that he was disappointed in o'connell and failing to repeal and replace obamacare.
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john kelly was saying, i'm not going anywhere. the president tried to turn it on democrats and say, they've been obstructionists. that's the key problem on the hill. they dished out criticism to democrats. and most importantly for ow viewers tonight as to when they will get a tax cut, it was interesting that the president and senator mcconnell seemed to move the goalpost. saying that they want to see progress on tax cuts, but it may get done next year. >> i would like for it to be done this year. if we get it done, it's a great achievement, but don't forget, it took years for the reagan administration to get taxes done. i've been here for 9 months. >> the goal is to get it done this calendar year, but it is important to remember that obama signed obamacare in march of
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year two. obama signed dodd-frank in july, year two. we're going to get this job done and the goal is to get it done by the end of the year. >> the goal is to get it done by the end of the year. the two men were pressed about steve bannon, trying to look into the mid terms. bannon saying he will endorse challengers that agree to vote against mcconnell staying on as republican leader. here's what bannon said to conservatives over the weekend. >> it's not my war. this is our war. [applause] and y'all didn't start it the establishment started it. right now, it's a season of war against a g.o.p. establishment. >> the president praised bannon, but said he would like to talk him out of having this war with some of the republican senators, who have been helpful to the
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president and his agenda. mcconnell meanwhile trying to save his job said, look, look at the lesson from 2010 where there were anti-establishment tea party candidates that won republican primaries but were not strong enough to beat democrats in the general election. that will be an issue for the republican parties moving forward. one of the things that got the president worked up about mcconnell is when he said that he had excessive expectations. it's all well for him to say that. i remember paul ryan sitting down with sean hannity saying clearly, we're going to get repeal of obamacare done. we're going to get tax reform done. and we're going to get infrastructure done. what happened to that? all within 200 days.
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paul ryan said that to sean hannity. i see people in congress say things about when things will get done and i don't believe a word of it. what do you think? >> i travel the country. i talk it republican voters that tell me, look, if you get a rep condition house, we can repeal and replace obamacare. they did that it. no, you need a republican senate. that's key. they did that. you will get that veto from president obama. so they said, you need a republican in the white house. what the president is dealing with is dealing with the swamp, where, yes, he wants to challenge mcconnell and press him and it's time to deliver. if he spends time beating up on mcconnell, he won't have anybody that's his cheerleader, his point man, getting anything
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done. so trying to walk a fine balance. get it done already. >> steve: right. that's what it's all about. thank you very much. let's bring in our guests to talk about the dramatic news conference. we have erin from independent journal review. erin, having heard with the we saw from the president, from mcconne mcconnell. will it ever happen? >> great question. i wish i knew the answer, but it's um possible to know the answer. we're not going to know of anything happening until it's signed. generally, we don't know what president trump is going to do until the moment that he does something. now i would point out that
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treasury secretary mnuchin was on your air yesterday and said that he thought he could have a bill signed by the president by december. >> that's what they always say. >> but they keep on moving the goal posts. i heard back in march, that a number of lobbyists fell good about tax reform and they were further along on tax reform than on healthcare reform and look what happened with the healthcare effort. i think that mcconnell is right in pointing out that the obama administration did not get healthcare and dodd-frank until the second year of his administration. >> steve: what drives me crazy about this -- you have it right in terms of their attitude, but
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the attitude is important. they dream of their schedules without realizing that people are desperate for a pay raise, a job, for something to happen. sorry for the rant. daniel, wanted to get your take on one particular thing that mcconnell said. when he was talking about steve bannon's efforts to recruit republicans to run against the incumbents, mitch mcconnell said, the most important thing is winning and the way you win is choosing the right candidates. it just felt to me that he is not even interested in the substance of getting things done for people. >> there's a big problem with leadership on capitol hill and the results speak for themselves. from president trump's point of view, there are two avenues. you can trash republicans and
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republican leadership and say, this inaction is not right. it's wrong. these people are slowing down the process. we need to get rid of them. or you can say, these are the people in power in place right now and try to get something done. if that doesn't fail, who knows what will happen in 2018 or 2019. that's the right decision. rather than going to war hoping that the next election will prove, you know, something that the last few elections, despite it going republicans' way haven't been able to do, try to work with the people you have and hopefully get something passed even if it seems unlikely. >> steve: we've been hearing it for so long. the republicans are the problem. that there's a real division between the stestablishment and the populous movement. isn't steve bannon right, that we need to get rid of them and
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get the proper populist in? >> i don't know if that's the case, but one of the biggest headlines out of this press conference today and i know people were saying it was another crazy donald trump press conference, but i think he was trying to play peacemaker between mitch mcconnell and steve bannon calling them his "great friends" and saying, he will try to talk steve bannon out of these challenges and that the president and mcconnell are on the same page and that represents a turn for donald trump understanding that maybe they need a new strategy. >> quick last word to you. is it going to last? is it going to survive the week? >> i'm not sure about that. it depends on the results. there is time for donald trump to go to war with the republican establishment if they continue not to deliver, but it's worth a shot given that these are the
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people here right now to try to get something done at this moment. >> steve: amen to that. that's all we want is something done. great to see you, both. up next, an explosive "60 minutes" report on the opioid epidemic. who is really fueling the opioid crisis. stay tuned. tuned. i can't wait for her to have that college experience that i had. tuned.
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or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. we're fed up with your unpredictability. remission can start with stelara®. talk to your doctor today. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. >> steve: welcome back, everyone. at 60 minu >> steve: a former top d.e.a. officialing alleges that the pharmaceutical industry and congress derailed a crackdown on opioid abuse. >> we'll have a major announcement probably next week on the drug crisis and the opioid problem and i want to get that absolutely right. the country and, frankly, the
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world has a drug problem. the world has a drug problem, but we have it and we're going to do something about it. >> steve: president trump said that the federal government was going to do more to crack down. >> this is an industry that allowed millions of drugs to go into bad pharmacies and doctors' offices that distributed them out to people who had no legitimate need for the drugs. >> steve: opioids were shunned because of the addictive quality. but that changed in the '90s.
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part of it was run by a nonprofit -- the american pain foundation. sounds nice, right? it received 90% of its money from health companies. it's literally killing people while enriching those that play the game. joining us now to analyze from washington is john walters, a former drug czar under former president george w. bush. i want to start with you, jonathan. one of the issues is whether tom marino should continue in that process given his support for this legislation, which is many
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are alleging undermined the fight against the opioid epidemic. do you think he's the right man for the job? >> he certainly will get more careful scrutiny. there are some allegations that will trouble people. he will have to answer those. i think the president indicated that today. >> steve: and what do you think about the issue of this legislation? there was a statement saying that there are unintended consequences and maybe we should reverse it. what do you think about the impact that the bill has had? >> your earlier report is absolutely right. there was a gigantic failure by medicine, by industry, and by others. i was in office in 2006 and there were criminal charges,
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$600 million fine and it's the tip of the iceberg. it was a juggernaut of having unlimited access to powerful, addictive substances and we have people dying. this goes back to the obama administration and obama justice department as well. what is killing people today are too many misused prescription drugs, but also the key now is fentanyl coming from criminal sources in mexico and china. and we're trying to rebuild the capacity to enforce the drug laws that president obama crippled. >> steve: i know there's an argument to make for the liberalization of the drug laws. what do you say at the heart of this, whatever the situation now, this whole opioid epidemic was created by the
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pharmaceutical industry, the same industry that funds all the people in congress that are making it easier for them to do this. >> i think it's more complicated than that. >> steve: it's not that much more complicated. pharma releasing oxycontin in 1996 claiming the addictive properties of opioids were nothing to worry about. that was found to be a lie. they had to pay $600 million in fines because of the lie. >> there's an issue having to do with the conflict between drug control and pain control. it's an issue that was not invented by the pharmaceutical industry. there are lots of americans that were suffering from paying needlessly. and whenever the government cracks down on nonmedical use, yes. i would argue that they are pushing people into the black market where the dangers are
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greater, but it affects bona fide patients, because pain cannot be verified. if you are encouraging doctors to be more suspicious of their patients, not to trust them, you will have people being cut off from the treatment that they need in order to make their lives livable. look at the comments at the end of the cbs news story about the marino bill and you will see complaints from chronic pain patients saying it's gotten harder for them to get the drugs they need. and, in fact, some of them are driven to the brach market as well. you have the problem with fentanyl spiking. >> steve: what would you do then?
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>> the key thing to do is ask why are people dying. heroin use is levelling off but deaths are rising. why is that? people are mixing heroin or opioids with depressants. how do we get at that issue and discourage people fromizing these drugs. what do you do when people overdose? we should go further and explore supervised injection facilities, where people can take the drugs. they bring their own drugs, but take them under medical supervision, so if something goes wrong, they can be saved in
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time. >> steve: i'm sorry to cut you off, but i want to get a quick -- i appreciate that and the specific points. 5 want to get a quick, final word from john. do you think that more liberal approach to this is the right way to go, very quickly? >> of course not. it's ludicrous. his answer is, more drugs. they want to legalize it. we're living with the legacy of the obama administration of barack obama and joe biden and eric holder and the entire effort to suppress this. it's the wrong policy. you -- they're not on top of it. they handed this mess to president trump and he has a tough job, but cut off the supply and cut off the people who are perpetrating this crime. we have to do that.
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>> steve: i think a lot of people will agree with you about that. that was a good debate. thanks for joining us. sergeant bowe bergdahl pleads guilty, but what punishment is in store? store for our recent online sales success seems a little... strange?nk na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast."
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ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn's medication isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. >> steve: sergeant bowe bergdahl was in military court today and
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pled guilty for leaving his afghanistan base in 2009. he spent five years in taliban captivity until president obama traded five taliban commanders in exchange for his release. >> i can't comment on bowe bergdahl. he is doing something today, as we know, and he is setting up sentencing. 25 years ago, 50 years ago, you do what he did, it's bing, and goes quickly. it's the called, you're dead. >> steve: we're hearing from sergeant bergdahl himself. >> may as well go back to kangaroo courts and lynch mobs. they got what they wanted. the people that are to the point of saying, yeah, shoot him, you
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can never convince those people. here's the only person that you want to hear from. kimberly guilfoyle who has been following this from the beginning. haven't you been completely vindicated? >> thank you for bringing that up. i kindly thank you for that introduction. i follow these cases very closely and i monitored the case for three years. he decided to plead guilty. nothing that he was railroaded into doing something. the military judge heard different pieces of motions, evidence and ruled that it could come in and all of it would be admissible, so he was getting tells along the way that showed what the judge thought of this
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case and thought of his behavior. he could get a life without possibility of parole on that case. so there's a big spread here. so people are saying, he pled guilty to this now. but what is the proper punishment. he tried to escape 12 to 15 times, but don't tell that to the people that were injured and tried to save him. there's other options if you don't feel like things are being handled properly. so i think that he should to some time because it's horrific.
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i think that president obama did a bad deal and then president trump having to come in and clean it up. but five very dangerous taliban prisoners and we released them back and where are they today, steve? missing. they can't be accounted for. they were supposed to be under home detention. we know that three tried to engage in jihadist behavior. >> steve: see, i knew it. get kimberly here. what should we do in terms of the administration's response.
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the administration and you have bowe bergdahl's father there. and everybody is saying, what is going on here with the situation. he said, i wouldn't be able to get a fair trial because of the comments of president trump. the court ruled it would not come in as evidence. today very circumspect. not wanting to influence the proceedings. so he took the high ground. >> steve: i afrgree with that. the stuff they said that came out with the obama administration, they haven't gone back and cleaned it up. this is yet one more reason why people are so fed up with politicians. they say this stuff and they move on and they think we'll
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forget. >> if their lipped are moving, they're lying. they tried to exonerate him from the beginning and throw a welcome party and parade, but truth and justice has prevailed. >> steve: thank you so much. why president trump was practically begging hillary clinton to run. ♪ hungry eyes ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪
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♪ i've got hungry eyes ♪ applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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>> steve: president trump is having some fun at hillary clinton's expense. trump reacted to her support of nfl players and "the national anthem." >> oh, i hope hillary runs. i hope hillary, please run again. >> steve: joining us now with reaction from washington is republican pollster. so great to see you. when i watched hillary clinton's concession speech, i remember thinking, she's not done. she was gracious, but i had a strong sense she would keep goi
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going. what is she doing, if she's not running? >> i don't think it's likely she's running, but i think she's focused on trying to figure out what her legacy will be. and if her last act was losing to donald trump, probably not what she want to be remembered for. continuing to weigh in publicly is her way of saying, look, i still have this microphone and i will keep trying to use it as much as possible while i still have it. >> steve: i know that -- let's just state the obvious. people that support donald trump don't particularly appreciate her weighing in, as you say, on an almost daily basis. what about democrats? do they find it helpful? >> when president trump said that he hoped that hillary runs again, he is poking a finger
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into an open wound. i think it's something that has created divisions in the party and, frankly, as long as hillary clinton has the microphone, it's harder for younger leaders in the party to step uchlt -- step up. i ask people, who do you view as rising leaders? it's hard to get people to name rising leaders in the democratic party. nancy pelosi, hillary clinton. i don't want to be in a position where i'm saying that anyone, including especially a woman should not talk or view their views, i get it. if you are looking at your party's future rather than continuing to relitigate battles in the past, the more that
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hillary clinton is out, the harder it is for people to move on. >> steve: very wise words. they should listen, but i don't know that they will. thanks for joining us. when we come back, the f.b.i. said it's uncovered dozens of pages on the bill clinton-tarmac meeting. >> tech: don't wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. with safelite's exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis? how do you chase what you love
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10:55 pm might be missing to stasomething... ♪ ...your eyes. that's why there's ocuvite. it helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age. nourish your eyes to help keep them healthy. ocuvite. be good to your eyes. >> steve: unexpected new twist in the tarmac meeting in arizona between bill clinton and loretta lynch. a freedom of information act lawsuit brought by conservative watch, the f.b.i. admit they'd found 30 pages of documents related to the meeting after saying previousry there were not any. joining us now, president of
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judicial watch. what is this all about? it gets murkier and murkier. you've been a valiant crusader. >> we filed two lawsuits for records about the meeting because we can't get a response and they finally gave us some documents and they show that justice department officials were talking to the f.b.i. about the clinton-lynch tarmac meeting. the f.b.i. told us that they didn't have these records. i don't believe that senior officials there were telling the truth to judicial watch. we expect the f.b.i. to investigate cover-ups, not be implicated in them and that's the circumstance here. >> steve: how should it affect
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our understanding of the big arguments, comey firing, hillary clinton. how does it change our thinking about those things? >> the general concern is that the investigation, as it were was biased to help mrs. clinton, but the justice department and the f.b.i. and the most vivid illustration is that loretta lynch met with the witness and maybe in a target in a fair world, bill clinton, a week before that they were supposed to be interviewing hillary clinton on the email matter. and ms. lynch admitted that the media cast a cloud over the investigation, a meeting that we wouldn't have known about but for a reporter figuring it out out there in phoenix, arizona.
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so it lends further credibility to the teryn that the investigation to hillary clinton was rigged by the justice department, otherwise, why play games? >> steve: what's the next move in this story? are you following other avenues? >> the f.b.i. will take forever and a day to give us the records. they need until november 30 to review 30 pages of information to make sure there is nothing they want to withhold from us. so the test is now whether the f.b.i. will give us records or records that are highly redacted. i would think that they will want to take a look at how the f.b.i. handled this freedom of information act request and make sure that the american people
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get honest disclosures, because the f.b.i. has been damaged about how they handled the information request. >> steve: you are so right about the damage to the reputation. i feel like it will never be cleaned up unless they produce a full accounting of what went on. why do we believe they only have 30 pages of records? it reminds me of the clinton email scandal all over again. we asked for records and we were told that they didn't have them and it was judicial watch litigation that forced them to own up that she had an email system. >> steve: it's the same thing all over again. i agree. thanks for joining us. and thanks for joining us here tonight. that's all from fox news tonight. if they let me, i will be back
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tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. eastern. good night from new york. new y. ♪ b b b b back here at 7:00. tucker carlson is up next. >> tucker: good evening and welcome to tuckerrer carlson tonight. we have learned a remarkable amount from the harvey weinstein scandal so far. the most powerful man in hollywood was the serial predator. the press assigned to cover him instead covered up for him. self-appointed guardians of women looked the other way. in some cases in exchange for cash. the corruption was total and complete. nbc's role is especially shocking. executives at nbc news knew exactly what harvey weinstein was doing nearly a year ago. and, yet, instead of reporting it, they did their best to keep that information hidden from public view. thanks to leg work of their former anchor


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