tv Americas News HQ FOX News October 22, 2017 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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we'll be back in washington. see you then with the latest buzz. [♪] eric: president trump hopes republicans can repeal and replace obamacare. he sat down with our own maria bartiromo for his latest interview. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's news headquarters." i'm eric shawn. arthel: i'm arthel neville. arthel: the president once again placing focus on healthcare. house republicans are urging the senate to stay on course and
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focus on full repeal. kristen fisher is live at the white house with more. does the president think he has the votes to get this bipartisan deal passed? >> he it would be a temporary fix. but he does believe they have the votes for a broader obamacare repeal and replace bill despite previous multiple repeated failures to do so. >> i think we actually have the votes. people are criticizing me for saying that. i think we have the votes for that. we were basically one short. and i think we'll have the votes for that also. reporter: one thing he hasn't made clear is what kind of vote he would vote for. first he supported the alexander murray bill, now he doesn't. this morning the senate majority
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leader mitch mcconnell had this message for the president. >> what i'm waiting to hear from president trump what kind of healthcare bill he might sign. if there is a need for and i interim step to stabilize the market, we need a bill the president will actually sign. i'm not certain yet what the president is looking for here. but i'll be happy to bring a bill to the floor if i know the president would sign it. reporter: so the message is they want clarity from this white house on what kind of bill the president would sign. all of this is happening at the exact same time the trump administration is trying to push its number one focus on tax reform. arthel: the feud between the chef of staff and frederica wilson is continuing to dominate head lines, and there is more to
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that this morning. reporter: this feud rages on. one day after the funeral for that fallen army sergeant la david johnson, whose widow has found herself at the center of this condolence call controversy between wilson and the white house. the president said wacky congresswoman wilson is the gift that keeps giving to the republican party. a disaster for dems. vote r. vote republican. now she is firing back. listen to what she said on another network. >> i think this will be this administration's benghazi. trump's niger. and they need to concentrate on what is happening. what happened, and what is
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happening. reporter: if anything, this controversy only seems to be building. no signs of it slowing down anytime soon all while this department of defense investigation into what exactly happened in niger, why the four soldiers were killed, all while that investigation continues. a lot of questions to that story. eric: president trump embarking on his big push for tax reform. he sell grates the 1986 -- celebrates the 1986 tax reform bill that he said led to historic economic growth and they can build on the reagan success today with his tax reform. it's unclear if they have the votes to get it all done. for more on this, let's go to
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garrett tenney. reporter: the last time major tax reform was done, it took more than a year to do it. they are aiming to get it done within 10 weeks. but the gop leadership says they are confident they will be able to do it. leadership said there will be plenty of changes made after it's introduced. we are hearing about possible changes. house speaker paul ryan said the house planned to add a tax bracket which would be for the richest americans. majority leader mitch mcconnell wouldn't say if the senate will support that change as well. >> i hate to get into the details of this. it will be hard out in the open in the ways and mines committee in the house and senate. the overall goal is middle class tax relief. the stopping of job ex pore
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takes because of our horrible business tax structure in this country, to get the country growing again. reporter: the president told maria bartiromo that he's open to it if it will help the middle class. he said that's where his focus is when it comes to tax reform. >> the two priorities are middle taxpayers will pay less and it will be simple for them. number two that corporate thanks rate will come down. we wanted 15%. we would love to get back down to 15% as we continue that negotiation. >> he said if it can get the economy going as intended, that will help with the debt.
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arthel: secretary of state rex tillerson in saudi arabia. he's meeting with the saudi king and iraq's prime minister trying to broker a new alliance aimed at countering iran's growing influence in the region. conor powell is live with the details. reporter: secretary of state tillerson was last in the region in july. they have grown worse in the last few months being problems for the administration. he's trying to convince iraq to distance itself from iran. the trump administration has aligned itself with the sunni-arab bloc. but like iran, iraq is a shiia
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majority country. iran played a major role in the effort to defeat isis in the last few months. so the opposite cals to bring iraq into this anti-iran coalition are significant. isis suffering several major blows. losing control of the largest oil fields to the u. svmentd-backed coalition. they captured the alomar oilfield, while syrian troops captured a key city. so there is a lot happening in the middle east. while diplomats talk, isis is continually losing ground to the u.s.-led coalition and also to syrian troops on the ground as well. arthel: conor powell, thank you.
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eric: for more on rex tillerson's visit to saudi arabia, we'll bring in ambassador john bolton. is the saudi-iraqi partnership realistic? john: i don't think it's realistic. if the saudis want to take a swing at it it can't take any harm. but i don't think they are believers they can make it a success. fundamental reality is the government in baghdad on any kind of strategic matters is controlled by the ayatollahs of iran. so they are not going to engage in think cooperation with the audis that would in any way impair iran's strategic position. iran is building a land bridge or arc of control through the territory of iraq, controlled by the baghdad government to the
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assad regime in syria and the terrorist group hezbollah in lebanon. that's an objective of the iranians. and they have the full cooperation of the iraqi government. and they are in alignment on that. ayre what happens? is this a chance for them to just have a facade, a curtain window dressing and something that ends up helping iran's interests and not ours? john: diplomats never fail. whatever they agree to, it's always a great success. but iran has had a post-isis caliphate strategy. they had two strategies. one build the shiite crescent arc of control. give them a lot more maneuver built and flexibility.
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the northern front against the kurds who tried to make themselves independent of the iran-dominated baghdad government. we apparently have no post isis caliphate strategy. during the obama administration and continuing into the trump administration we were supporting the baghdad government against isis which has the effect of strengthening iran. eric: have we abandoned the kurds with the iraqi government taking over some of their territory? >> i think the administration is wrong opposing kurdish independence and calling on both sides to cease hostilities. iraq took advantage of the collapse of kurdish forces and they moved militia to kirkuk to take it back from the kurds.
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it had nothing to do with the kurdish referendum it's a protect, not a cause. the kurds are at a disadvantage. they have been our best friend in the conflict in that region other than the israelis. when we say we take no position, we are leaving them to the tender mercies of the ayatollah. eric: the defeat of isis is a huge victory and the fall of raqqa is a huge victory for the united states. >> it doesn't mean the end of isis by any stretch of the imagination. it gives more an opportunity to iran at this point, i'm afraid to expand their sway in the region as part of the larger
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conflict. we didn't have a longer term strategy. i think we can get one. we need to come to the support of an independent iraqi kurdistan. i don't think iraq is ever coming back together except by military force iran would exert. whatever you think of iran's nuclear program, remains on the u.s. list of state sponsors of terrorism it's bent biggest financier of terrorist activities since the revolution in 1979. there is no reason to allow iran to escape the isolation we tried to impose on them. eric: iran is number one on that list and it remains embolteddenned. arthel: sergeant bowe bergdahl making controversial comments the day before his sensing. why bergdahl is comparing the
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u.s. army to the stall ban. is senator mitch mcconnell losing support from the republican base? why some congressional candidates won't publicly support the senate majority leader. >> i don't expect any candidate in america to sign up on how they may vote for the majority leader of the senate a year and a half from now. give up, skeletor! you're finished! curse you, he-man, you interfering imbecile! give us one good reason we shouldn't vanquish you to another dimension! ok, guys, hear me out. switching to geico could save you... hundreds on car insurance. huh, he does make a point... i do like to save money... catch you on the flip, suckas! geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer.
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and change the way you wifi. eric: bowe bergdahl is speaking out for the first time since pleading guilty to desertion. in an interview with a british newspaper says his taliban cap towards were more honest with him than the army did. bergdahl may recall was captured in 2009 after walk off his base in afghanistan. the taliban held him until may of 2014 and freedom as part of a controversial prisoner exchange for four top al qaeda hon chose. he faces life in prison when he's sentenced tomorrow. arthel: senator mitch mcconnell
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appears to be losing support from him own party. two dozen republican senate candidates are reluctant to back mcconnell as majority leader. some are calling on him to step down. so, senate majority leader out this morning speaking favorably about the where and the president's accomplishments, promoting the idea that he and the president are work on one accord. but how much of this is an effort to save the relationship with the president and save his leadership? >> i think he wants to have a decent relationship with the president because i think in the main, mitch mcconnell and donald trump are after the same things. they are both interested in the tax reform that we have been talking about all morning. mitch mcconnell also -- donald trump also still realizes that mitch mcconnell is a relatively strong and plugged in leader for
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the senate republicans. he has been at this for a long time. that works for good or ill. there are some factions of the republican electorate that think term limits are too long. he's too much in the main stream. too much of an establishment guy it rings in my ears the way mitch mcconnell got booed at the cleveland convention like no other lawmaker. but he has brought results for the republican party. those who are anti-establishment might want to remember mitch mcconnell did one of the most of anti-establishment against political norm things any majority leader has done when he held antoni antonin scalia's sue court seat open. it turned out great. for republicans it's's been donald trump's biggest victory so far. the two of them, mr. trump and
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mr. mcconnell still have the potential to be more symbiotic than not. arthel: the majority leader was out today talking about that victory. let's hear the interview with chris wallace on "fox news sunday." >> i don't be on the ballot in any of these states. i don't think the candidates running need to take a position on me. people are interested in what the candidates can do for them. trying to cook up an issue like this will only create divisions and make it more difficult to win in november. arthel: what is the likelihood of senator mcconnell keeping his position considering the recent public spat with president trump. steve bannon is at war with him and the gop senate hopefuls are not all in for senate majority leader mcconnell. >> there are two different kinds of senate gop hopefuls and the
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two camps are getting more and more clear every day. there are confrontational nationalist republicans steve bannon is getting behind, and then the establishment republicans that would have a more easy rapport with mitch mcconnell and see things more mcconnell's way. they are smart enough to know, there is no reason for them to make this a fight. they are not going to get into this right now. the bannon folks are less likely at this point to win. the election season hasn't gone the started yet, many things can happen. many, many things can happen. a years an eternity in politics. but in the main you have to bet it's the antagonistic bannon times that are most of antagonistic towards mcconnell who are less likely to win. even if they win primary, they
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will become the under dog against democrats. oldest cliche' in politics is you can't beat somebody with nobody. and there is nobody on catch hill, no senate republican who is making noise about running against mitch mcconnell. arthel: when president trump went to washington, d.c. to drain the swamp. is he doing that by putting establishment republicans on the chopping block? >> i'm not sure that's the swamp he was talking about. but he's making life uncomfortable on everybody. he seems to be an inflictor of discomfort for almost every republican. i think it's draining the culture of lobbying and influence. i don't think he has gone the far on that task. many in the administration come from the swamp he denigrates. arthel: the establishment
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meaning the way things were. >> i think he hasn't gone the rid of the establishment yet. no, i do not. eric: president george w. bush honoring those who risked it all to escape north korea. coming up. we'll show you have the unimaginable storive one young woman's life under the oppressive north core reyanl regime. congressman andy biggs on president trump pushing the repeal and replacement of obamacare. president trump: we must continue our campaign to repeal and replace the disaster known as obamacare. to most, he's phil mickelson pro golfer.
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>> well, i've looked at it very, very strongly and pretty much we can do almost what they are getting. i think it's a tremendous person. i don't know, senator murray, i hear very, very good things. i know lamar alexander is a fine man and he's really going to do good for the people appeared we can do pretty much what we have to do. the secretary has tremendous leeway under the obama plan so we can pretty much do whatever we have to do the way it is. this was going to be temporary prior to repeal and replace. we are going to repeal and replace obamacare. eric: that was president trump on a new bipartisan deal from senator omar alexander, republican from tennessee and patty murray to revive obamacare subsidies. that agreement is building support in the senate that could be doomed in the house as some
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republicans dare want to focus to remain on repeal and replace. joining me now is republican congressman andy biggs congressman andy biggs of arizona, member of the house judiciary committee and the hospital doctor is. congressmen, thank you for being here. in your position right away, sir, on the alexander murray bill. >> well, i don't think it does what we wanted to do. we wanted to repeal and the reforms necessary allow the free market and their dad doing this is to keep the market stable. the market is already a disaster. insurance companies are leaving. people can't get insurance in the subsidies are already in place. they want to perpetuate subsidies and i don't think he does what we need to do to help the american people. arthel: they needed for tumor years at >> they want to ask in a tumor years in authority disaster. why would you extend something when we know every repeal that
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we all support of the delay defense to allow the markets to kind of gathering to the new norm after we repeal it. it just doesn't make sense. arthel: dana perino filling in for chris wallace, director of omb mick mulvaney weighed in. >> on the csr, which the president says look, i would be okay with making that payment if i get something for people in exchange. if i get something that actually helps people to give us more ability to sell across state lines. give us more ability to expand health savings accounts. give us tools that help people and we'll talk about looking. arthel: as you know, one of the problems with the affordable care act as you point out, premiums will sky rocket and insurers will pull out of the market place. this is going to happen if congress doesn't restore the csr payment, car sharing reduction payment ended last week did you
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feel the president is positioning congress to be held solely accountable for the outcome, especially if the new health care bill is not passed in is that a fair burden? >> it is fair because congress promised we would repeal it and we are not repealing it. the reality is the insurance companies are fleeing the market place. i'm now talking with constituents all week and they want us to repeal obamacare to make it more affordable. it comes back to us in congress. we ran on this platform. let's accept the responsibility and do a promise we do. if we do that, premiums drop in the marketplace stabilizes and more people to get health insurance instead of being forced out of getting health insurance that doesn't work them. arthel: sounds like you want to work in accord with president trump should with president trump. usually on congressional members have gotten clear direction as
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for what he wants in a health care plan? >> i think it's been very clear he wants to repeal and replace and he's been expressing frustration. when he says that the within the alexander murray plan, what he's saying is you guys haven't done enough. please help me out. do something. arthel: i understand you're working with the president. do you need any more specifics from the president other than guys, get it done. >> well, no, i don't think so. we know what to do. it's whether we had the political will to do it in the courage to keep our promise. arthel: do you? >> i do. my colleagues do. arthel: u.s. a collective? >> i'm hopeful. i think what i've learned in the short term in congress to sometimes it's tough for everybody to do two things at once. we are focusing on tax reform. i believe we will see hopefully something on health care shortly
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thereafter. arthel: just quickly in this is unfair to ask you to do it quickly, but if you could, what do you think would be the best health care plan for american people and how do you sell it to them? >> well, they elected us on a platform of repealing the aca and mike mick mulvaney was talking about, things like, sales, groupings would drive insurance costs down and get more people on coverage. not than a short way very helpful. arthel: congressmen biggs, nice to see appeared maybe should have a pear margarita there. [laughter] thank you. take care. >> you, too. >> my name is crystal and i am an american.
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train to it was a call for freedom for north korea said last week president george w. bush appeared here in new york. after george bush institute at that event, but it also focused on the crisis in north korea. the bush institute honors young escapees who fled to find new life here in our country. one of them honored was greatest joys here on the left. she and her young life experience or that few of us could ever have imagined and she has an astounding journey for north korea to a college classroom. when grace cho walks along the path of montgomery college in rockville, maryland, she's indistinguishable from any other american college student at the 26 road astounding journey took her from the gulags of north korea's dictatorship in the very edge of starving to death to a new unimaginable in the united states. >> america is the greatest country in the world.
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the grace of the north korean escapee who fled with mother and sister. she's now one of the recipients of president george w. bush institute north korean freedom scholarship program, an effort to encourage freedom and american values for those who fled the hermit kingdom. grace now a citizen as an compromised nun when she says should be the faith of north korean dig leader kim jong un. >> they should not in this world anymore, any longer. the u.s. government uses military force or any kind of force we should stop the north korean regime because the regime is killing innocent people leaving the country. child, babies, moms, died without anyhow. >> tough talk is the only thing the regime understands. >> they will be nicely. it is time to take action to
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north korean government. but we don't have any action, we'll may speak the words and try to give something to them like two little crying to, it cancels the moment. >> she does not think the military strength at the predictions of possible catastrophic loss of life in south korea and the region is feasible. >> i don't want to drop the bomb were killing innocent people. trade to vichy hopes the u.s. and allies can conduct covert actions that will lead to the toppling of the regime. her two younger brothers died of starvation and her father died from being tortured while in police custody was making about the racer in china china and she was always taught with a portrait of the north korean leader. >> in new years, they give little kids a gift bag, which is
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cookies and candies in the back and then we hold that back in front of us and fall to the portrait three times. so that was the lecture i got from my grandmother. i have to fall to the leaders portray and i have to think to him whenever or whatever food i can eat. eric: while grace is grateful for her past, she doesn't want those left behind to be forgotten. >> all those people are dying in them and they suffering in north korea. please think about the children who are dying man without any hole. it is getting worse but it never gets better. dream for the bush incident will announce some more north korean food scholarships next year. as for grace, she has launched a charity to rescue other north koreans. the charity is called nk in u.s.a. you see a bright hair. greece hopes to raise $10,000 to try and save the lives to north
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koreans. an astounding story. arthel: go back to her. great story. isis losing ground in the middle east. how will that affect the always evolving war on terror? the retired four-star general explains in the next hour. the long prospered jfk files will soon become public good will ask former cia director james woolsey how they could change history. fox news contributor warns people won't like what they read. >> it's embarrassing for the fbi, for the cia in some ways were oswald could prevent other things. yaaay! the complete balanced nutrition of ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. always be you.
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>> tech: so you think this chip is nothing to worry about? well at safelite, we know sooner or later every chip will crack. these friends were on a trip when their windshield got chipped. so they scheduled at they didn't have to change their plans or worry about a thing. i'll see you all in a little bit. and i fixed it right away with a strong repair they can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> tech: being there whenever you need us that's another safelite advantage. >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. eric: president trump says he will tout the release of thousands of pages of long classified records in the assassination of president john f. kennedy. national archives to make the
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files public by thursday. most records believed to be from 1960s and 70s, but some files were created in response to the conspiracy theories raised over the years, especially after the release of oliver stone's 1991 movie, jfk. what can we learn from this release? james woolsey joins us as former director of the cia. ambassador, i was good to see you. if i could have your indulgence, here's my theory. cover up in 1963 by the cia and the fbi because they did not want americans to know the extent of surveillance of lee harvey oswald trying to get visas in the russian and cuban embassies in the city a few weeks before the assassination. he had contacted the fbi. he confronted fbi agent james hosie and the fbi office by a threatening letter because he tried to interview marina, oswald's life. do you think these documents will shed any light on any of that?
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those another's. the best thing to get ready for those with the book by the epa was the head of romanian intelligence at the time, pitch of the reflects the views of all of the eastern bloc had the intelligence of the time. he said they all believe the following, which was that which was that khrushchev did order a kennedy assassinated, that oswald was picked to do it, that he went through all of the training and that it got cold feet and decided to call it the assassination that oswald went ahead anyway. he was a trained remain neighbor. he knew what he was doing unfortunately he was successful. a lot of conspiracy theories covering everybody from lyndon and to the pope has been involved in the kennedy assassination. i think the only one other than
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the warren commission which is looking flakier and flakier, except for that, what is, news that is useful is the approach of the chapa sonatas without to be checked out in the details of the information from the defectors that of calm since then and.and very thoroughly to see if the other intelligence has been. >> that is absolutely astounding. basically he was in he was a nurse and a lone gunman, but with the planning of the soviet union. >> i want to stress that i'm not sure what is right. i am reporting the book. but the chapa said, his view is shared by all at the time of the
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assassination. train to what would've happened if as you say or he claims there is some soviet union employees. the mac the reason he pulled back is the same reason which is the realize the implications of assassinating the american president could well be right away nuclear war between the united states in the soviet union. even khrushchev but this hotheaded mess and table pounding with this story with rationality and decided to pull back, but he still didn't stop oswald was a communist. eric: somebody told me that was a remarkable woman, 89 isolde cambridge harvard and she worked with jfk in the office and met lee harvey oswald in moscow and
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interviewed him. that was his motivation in 2013 interview. >> do think the mafia killed president kennedy? the cia? lbj? >> i think he got away with it because he was alone. if there had been anyone else. i would put a lot of emphasis on the mental elements. she was going to end up badly, but he ended up badly as an historic figure, that would've taken a lot to predict. >> ambassador, final thoughts. do you think it's the right or wrong thing? >> i'm enough of an historian i go with the release here that
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have been long enough ago that it's unlikely to stimulate any particular immediate strong hostility between the u.s. and russia that is appropriate. people have a right to know what happened. there may be some flaw in the other intelligence and we'll find out about it. they were not completely alone because the cubans were looking over his shoulder and he was ordered through the kgb to kill oswald during the transfer from one jail to another. ruby was according to the eastern bloc intelligence assessment, ruby was doing castro's bidding and castro is doing khrushchev's bidding and killing oswald. eric: niki caro, you know, said
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he just went to get the western union $25 for the stripper and you have to know what time the ramp and they let him in, but i guess that's all part of the mystery that continues the investigation to ambassador james woolsey. as always, fascinating. who will look up the book. thank you. >> at tampa neighborhood on adage after the killings apparently connected. the victims families are looking for answers. >> it's the most offering feeling that you can feel comment that you know that your child and to let you know, to confirm you. it's very devastating. you con. get into a daily groove. ♪ let's groove tonight. the
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in the seminole heights neighborhood. on october 9th, 22-year-old benjamin mitchell on your left was shot waiting for a bus at a stop. 32-year-old monica hoffa's body was found in a vacant lot in a 20-year-old mildly autistic man was shot dead on the sidewalk about 100 yards or where one of the other victims was killed. he boarded the wrong bus and got us in the neighborhood. tampa police released the surveillance video of a person walking in the area where the first merger happen. tampa police chief brian dugan says they are weak in the because of similarities. all three murders occurred within a half mile of each other. there was no suspect or motive yet. >> we don't know if this is one individual. we don't know their color.
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we don't know the race, their ethnicity, sex. there so many unknowns and that is why we are hesitant to label it with anything. >> further adding to the frustration, police heard but arrived too late to catch the suspect. police encourage people to not go out alone. >> for it to happen so close, scared to even go there, scared to be associated. no telling how many more families and are you going to wait until they get to your doorstep before you say something? >> $25,000 reward. arthel: thank you. we'll be back at 4:00 and 6:00 eastern. eric: see you then. the best simple salad ever?
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leland: president trump start of a sunday morning with a series of tweets live at the white house up to the president is heading back on this morning. elizabeth: senate majority leader mitch o'connell talking taxes on "fox news sunday." a deal on tax reform by the end of the year. leland:.since just finishing the 42nd annual or inquire marathon in the nation's capitol. we'll tell you what to run explorer. welcome to "america's news hq" from washington. happy sunday. great t
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