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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 27, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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little bit of market investing? why what they are cooking up in congress impacts what tax you get. a very special edition of "cost of freedom" this weekend. we've got it covered. all of you, we will see you this weekend. >> hello, everyone. i'm dana perino along with kimberly guilfoyle, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." the long-awaited jfk files are out in part 2800 never before seen record assassinations of jfk released by the national archives, but hundreds remained classified. president trump said he had no choice but to heed warnings of the cia and fbi to keep some of the files secret from further review, releasing them unredacted could pose international harm to our security. here's what we learn from documents allowed to go public.
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in the aftermath of the assassination, the soviets apparently worried they would be blamed for putting lee harvey oswald up to the attack. more on that later. also the cia once intercepted a phone call from lee harvey oswald to the kgb's department in charge of sabotage and assassination before oswald murdered the president. another interesting item, a british newspaper received an anonymous phone call about "big news" in the u.s. 25 minutes before jfk was shot. there actually was some big news in here, kimberly. >> this is interesting, this is one of the more fascinating topics. did you everything in our lifetime they would reopen these files? it's the question i'm getting from everyone is what are we going to find out, or something's going to be held back? i think what we will find out is what makes us uncomfortable knowing in terms of what transpired here. i think it's an important moment in american political history and just some transparency for our government also because a lot of times will say for other
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governments, you aren't being transparent, you aren't being open. i think this shows that actually we trust the american people to know this information even though this was one of our top secret intelligence, you know, agencies. to me, that's one of the most compelling aspect. i don't know if i necessarily found something in this that was, um, or chattering, also my fact pattern of the chronology of the prosecutor a bite on like what i thought went down. in that sense, it's helpful, because people think there was a big conspiracy behind this were wondering what's going on, or if the government is keeping secrets from us. >> cannot get away from the russians, greg. they keep coming us down like up. >> do you know what i love about the russians? they have a department in charge of the sessions and assassinations. they play the villain to a tee, they put the sign up.
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"just go to the department of assassination and sabotage." if we had cloaks over there and the daggers are in the locker. by the way, speaking of assassins, the best and here are the plots to kill castro. contaminated skin this diving suit dusted with a deadly fungus inside. also were going to be tapped what they called a spectacular seashell. so castro enjoyed diving and they were going to put a shell that had bombs in it, they couldn't find a large enough shell. i want this job to sit around and come up with fantastic ideas! it's incredible! the problem with this, and i see why some people are disappointing, it's like when you go to the carnival or the county fair and a sideshow, this is a bearded lady, you are excited as a 10-year-old. it's a guy in a dress. >> and it pulls off. >> they would say it's a monster rabbit, but it's a goat with rabbit ears. i feel like we got lead on a
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little bit. but my last point. rachel maddow just hammered trump over this last night saying how they couldn't get it right. she's been carnival barking for nine months over russian collusion with trump, there's more meat on a cricket than that story. she said she is going after president trump for what she's doing every night from 9:00-10:00. >> clarifying a 50-year-old conspiracy? that's exactly what happens every night. jesse, you've done a lot of research on this today -- >> [laughs] >> i wonder what your biggest take away was? speak at >> investigating the departmt of sabotage? >> -- we've come too, it is funny, off of rachel maddow, the left fantasizes about assassinating president trump and when he releases things that might actually help other countries assassinate him through cia documents? now she's mad. >> wait a minute.
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>> i missed all of that. >> she never said that. >> is in the left mad because trump withheld some of the stuff because the cia doesn't want -- >> richard is like this. >> back away from this over her here. >> i want to put repellent up here in no! >> i accidentally followed everything. >> those are different documents exquisitely entertained by "water's world." >> we will be releasing those documents later. >> president trump was asked by the cia, richard, to hold some of these back. in six months, they hope they will visit it back. we will hold this information and bring it up. >> i actually... the secret service knew he was going to do this and they should have gotten their act together, release all the documents at one time. >> meaning president trump lee harvey oswald? >> no... [laughs] jesse has confused the whole
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table now. the secret service intelligent agencies knew he wanted to release the documents. >> it was required by the law in 1992. october 26, 2017, this will all be released from and unless there's a security concern, which there was, and president trump he did it. >> i feel the secret service had almost a decade to get their act together to figure out the security to deal with it. i applaud the president for releasing these documents because i think the american people deserve to know what happened to jfk. now we can put all of these conspiracy theories too bad, the third bullet, the umbrella man, that lbj did it. we can move on and say he was assassinated, we all now know, it was lee harvey oswald. now we know. >> on the 2:00 show today, "the daily briefing," the former cia director was there. what he said is there is a theory about this guy who was
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and romanian agent and he defecd to the united states, highest level guy, and he said that khrushchev had want to jfk assassinated. so there was a plan going forward, but then he called it off. but lee harvey oswald was such a die-hard believer that he went forward with it and they had jack ruby kill him to make sure there was no conspiracy to find that connection. do you buy that, kimberly? >> i have to tell you something's been for me, some of these theories, i already have heard before. they went very revealing for me. that jack ruby stuff is interesting to me the other thing going to get a confession in the hospital, i thought that was kind of interesting but not able to do that, like a last-minute press to try to get that nugget to say, okay, we can wrap this up and close it down in history would've been very different, i think, if they had been able to obtain that. one other thing, dana, i found really interesting was the phone call, there was an intercept of
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a phone call connecting like we talk about the russians -- i mean, they are everywhere -- between oswald and also a death threat against him. those things were pretty interesting where new, kind of revealing. >> i thought that he was making a lot of sense. greg, what do you think about this british newspaper getting a warning 25 minutes before question makes because sometimes i that is... >> sometimes i think that is... you get a lot of chatter and it happens or terrorist attacks as well. it might've been a coincidence. i don't know who warned them. i don't know that part. it's interesting. what you are getting is a look at what happens all the time, things that you don't know, but was going on. when i go back to the castro stuff, we were doing this too. we were planning to off the head of a country because we didn't like him and i look at this stuff. i go, this is really amazing. we must be doing this now. or maybe we don't. i wonder how many people have no
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idea what we are talking about because, you know, it's 50 some odd it -- what is it? how many years? where we are? 63 years ago? >> 64. >> yeah, 64. so many humans spent so much time and fictitious worlds. playing video games that -- history is not as interesting. >> it does show you how the intelligence community is basically looking through thousands of haystacks -- >> writes. >> the chances of finding the needle are pretty slim. >> i'm not sure... >> you were pulling on the russian threat here. the bomb is pulling the thread. if he's going to the embassy -- >> tell us the emperor has no close. >> meeting with that's assassination squad. he's making calls. and he's speaking russian, broken russian, they got him on a wiretap, how was it not a conspiracy? if you look at hoover, the fbi director making sure that the public doesn't think it's a
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conspiracy because he wants to, what? make sure there's not world war iii? if everyone starts thinking the russians were involved in the plot, assassinates the president of the united states, they want to go to war. >> that may be why the national security community is still concerned with the release of these documents. >> the other thing that the warren commission, the one that lbj put on because people thought he had done it, they didn't have any documents don't make these and documents when they started the investigation. >> they said there was tension between the fbi and cia. clear to tell all on the uranium one deal has proof that clinton engaged in parade quote pro with, guess who, the russians! details next. everyone's got to listen to mom.
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>> this week, we learn who paid for the infamous russian dossier that signed to harm president trump's candidacy. the clinton campaign. and the democratic national committee. you think the chairman of the clinton team and the head of the dnc at that time would remember finding a smear project like that. but all of a sudden, they caught a bad case of amnesia.
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>> when did you learn the dnc and the clinton campaign were behind the dossier? >> i wasn't aware of it at all. >> how could you be in the dark about the dossier? >> i wasn't aware of the arrangement at all. >> dana, that sounds like somebody spent some time with a lawyer. [laughter] >> probably. the thing is... they have been asked about this before. the story originally broke in january, meaning there was the dossier and somewhere it was in the democratic party, they knew there had been some payments. it wasn't directly connected to with the dnc or the hillary clinton campaign. it was a third-party campaign. that actually was just money laundered through the law firm. and they could've found out if they wanted to, but i think you are right. it's better not to know. it's pretty curious that nobody knows where $6 million is spent. they had that much money on the hillary clinton campaign and it didn't matter to them, where this money was going? >> and they wanted to run the
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country. >> fusion gps, the one of the reasons they played over the fifth, they do not want to send over their banking records brain chemistry also has a story on this, she's been following that very closely. you have the bank issue -- denial from different entities than your time is frustrated because they feel like they were lied to when asked about it before. and in addition to all of that, you have campaign disclosure forms. anything over a certain amount has to be listed. the reason you do it to a third party, like a law firm, who denies it for several months, you don't want to disclose that you are doing something. >> greg, the problem is this looks very bad for them because they said, oh, i don't know what you are talking about. i understand they don't want to have a statement that incriminate them or have any inconsistent statements. it just seems like this was definitely they were trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the media and the american people. >> it does look bad only if you
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are looking at it. >> are you looking at it questioning >> welcome in the media, we have a possibility that the dnc colluded with russe fbi's blessing. that's the other piece of it. >> that smelling. >> the msnbc crew is still tweeting stories how botts influenced the election. this might be a little bit more environment important. what the networks except for fox news start embracing the fact. will cnn start embracing that this banana is a banana and hillary flipped on it. or maybe it's an apple like the apple in the garden of eden and the dnc took a big, bad bite of that evil apple, because they could be an apple. or it could be a banana. i don't know. anyway, hillary deserves a nickname. something about being crooked. >> i've got one for you. "fruit of the loom." >> i was referencing the cnn commercial about apples and bananas. would you like me to go through it again? we have time. it's friday. >> it worked out.
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jesse, you must be completely enthralled, vindicated, unbelievably intelligent because this is what you've been saying all. >> this is a great question. the answer is, yes, i do. >> you needed a confidence booster. >> podesta and debbie wasserman, they are incompetent or liars. i believe they are both. she had no idea she was rigging the primary against bernie until she got canned. but ask him, he was the one who gave his password to the nigerian king and it was password. if you don't know, millions of dollars are being paid to some firm to dig up dirt on your opponent, then you were either oblivious and you are running a terrible campaign or you are not telling the truth. i believe both of these people aren't telling the truth. also, some other nuggets in here. >> sure. >> fusion gps, this firm they did business with? also worked with a russian lawyer natalia. she was the one sent over to
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trump tower to talk about don jr. very interesting coincidence. also, the firm that the dnc hired to come in was hired by the same clinton attorney, alliance or whatever his name is, to say, oh, you guys were hacked by the russians over there at the dnc. when the fbi says can we look at the server and investigate, the firm said no, we've got this, no back. take our word on this. the fbi took the word on the firm. >> why would they? >> why would they? the whole thing smells and i'm waiting for richard to explain it away. >> oh, no make that i agree with dana. i think we should take a look at fusion gps's records because vanity repair reported that republicans hired fusion gps initially in the same individual, mr. steele who created the dossier, these never trumpers to do work and never unravel --
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vehicle mr. steele wasn't related -- >> they hired him to look at -- >> not mr. steele. they hired him you guys are correct. i was wrong. i spoke incorrectly. >> up next! >> i will admit my fault when i make them. they hired fusion gps to look into mr. trump. and then they fired him right when they figured out that trump was going to get the domination. democrats at this particular law firm hired mr. steele -- excuse me, hired fusion gps. then, mr. steele was hired way after that and he was also hired after the fbi had already opened up their probe into russian -- >> are you channeling juan williams? >> i want to get to the gag order, friends. >> the fbi probe was already open prior to this to the dossier.
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>> what point at fusion gps, did it used to be "wall street journal" reporters? >> i think they realized being reporters for a population that doesn't pay for their articles, isn't it interesting? targeting your talents. specific wealthy customer, they are essentially writing in-depth investigative reporting for people who will pay for it. if i want to do a piece on jesse watters, i hired fusion gps. >> i know. >> just an analogy. don't get any ideas. >> tread moment for -- a gag order has been reached on the uranium one deal brokered by russian when clinton was secretary of state. he says he was intimidated by obama in ministry to lawyers not to talk and now he can. what does he know? we want to know. here's what his lawyer told fox news earlier. >> him he's got all the bribes. those are reporters who are put into an indictment in 2014. we have on record quid pro quo
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with the clintons being paid, bill clinton being paid half a million dollars by russians, people who were interested in the iranian one deal going and vague. we have the clinton foundation getting tens of millions of dollars from the same people involved in the deal. you've got it right there. the quid pro quo. my client can put some meat on those bones and tell you what the russians were saying during that time. >> all right. okay, dana, jump in the weeds with me. >> i'm going to go in the way back machine. i know this guy, daniel gordy. >> good for you. >> he wrote an op add to, all about this deal. he was questioning, why would we ever do this. he talked about the recipient process and the committee that will look. he writes, it starts with a simple question. if a u.s. mining company, saying nothing of the u.s. backed government agency, made bed for a majority control of a russian
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uranium mind, what would russia do? they would never do it. questions about this go way back to -- why would we have done this in the first place? >> now the smoking gun is the unmasked, so to speak, informant given freedom. >> i will say quickly there were nine people on this committee. hillary was one of those nine people. to say that it's all hillary clinton it's absurd to me. she was 1 of 9 votes, eight, two white house officials. move on. >> wrapped it up. it's friday. the liberal media hard at work this week to provide cover with clinton. when all else fails, what do they do? blame fox news. next.
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>> democrats like me aren't happy with the attempt to take on hillary clinton and turn attention away from president trump's russia investigation. but isn't really fair to blame fox news in her dossiers for the uranium one fiasco? these guys are. >> this whole uranium thing comes from fox news. this is a close investigation that came up in peter schweitzer's book, "clinton cash" in 2015. >> they tried to dredge up a series of the bunk and overblown stories to make it look like it was actually hillary who colluded with russia. fox news would much rather talk about hillary than donald trump. that's because the right in the trump era doesn't have coherent principles or ideology. it just has enemies. that's why they prefer to have an alternate reality where hillary clinton is president. >> ants align with what the white house has been urging ann fox and breitbart, and no consultation with the democrats in congress. i think that tells you all you need to know about whether this
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is in good faith or not. >> kimberly, what is your take? >> that's incredible, isn't it? how they can go ahead and run a narrative all the way down the street to say this is about fox news. they so desperately want to whitewash this, they cover for hillary clinton that they will literally do anything, say anything, to blame fox. there is no new bag of tricks here. they do that, despite the fact that one a week issuing, know, direction or anything like that, we get excellent sources, excellent news department to provide information. if we didn't create the uranium one scandal. so we are reporting on the news. we are covering it. that's what's happening here. it's called good journalism. >> greg? >> kimberly is dead wrong. they are right. fnc is behind the uranium story. under the newsroom, lou dobbs has been running a sub level uranium mine which has helped them pay for the rare lemurs to
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live like he injects into his veins to keep him eternally young. >> wow. what a freak. >> couldn't come up with the stuff. >> by the way, what was the kid, seth meyers? they are doing this so they don't have to talk about trump. are you kidding? all we do is talk about trump! we say good stuff and bad stuff. the guy doesn't watch. what happens with these shows is they have interns -- who they have on the daily show, they set them down and watch fox. these guys don't watch fox. they have them sit down and sitting there eating a sandwich and go, "i like that" and put together a package. they have no idea what goes on this network. they don't know anyone who watches this network. what they are doing is repeating these weird fantasies in their head that are fueled by these little snippets that are fed to them like little birds. >> fox news jell-o mold to put it all together. >> where do you find fox news jell-o molds? >> i have some back in my car. >> clearly they don't let me in
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the secret fox news door. dana? >> you made a good point before and it's one i've tried to make and others here as well. >> i always make good points. >> it requires signoff by nine different agencies. but fox news didn't originate this story. "the hill" newspaper did. if the reporting turns out to be wrong, shame on us. that would be the case. the one thing i would say in defense of fox news is that when any little nugget about any possible story line that connects to to a legend russian collusion on the trump campaign happens, it is a full born breaking news everywhere else. i think everyone should take a step back, let us find a little bit more, the committee should find a little more. "the wall street journal" has raised really good questions about mueller and comey being at the fbi at the time. doj was part of this process. did they know anything was going on or was a totally blind? i think that's worth knowing.
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>> you know the schedule is real when the left blames fox news. these are not just allegations. these are facts. you said it directly. this is based not only on peter schweitzer's reporting, who is not a fox news guy, this is based on "the hill" reporting which is based on actual document eight and, actual files, and actual filing. this didn't originate here. we are just covering it. so to say that this whole story has been discredited, like to toobin said, if it hasn't been discredited, explain how it's discredited, maybe you can debunk it instead of just saying, oh, fox news is doing it. they are saying, you know, all we want to do is talk about hillary? hillary won't go away. we don't necessary like talking about hillary, but since she's hanging around, we are going to talk about her. what else do we have to talk about? >> i mean, the president likes to talk about her too. >> we are covering this because
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it's important and significant and raises alarm and concern, it should! they want to make jokes about it. >> i get it. listen. my take on it is this. i don't want another house floor senate investigation. there are too many of them and they get us nowhere. if people want to discuss this uranium one thing, let's get the best prosecutors, some of kimberly's friends, to investigate it. >> you mean it's time for a special prosecutor against hillary clinton -- hillary clinton -- >> no! i don't think they will find seven. they were seven cabinet secretaries and two white house officials and there was no there there. let's not have another senate investigation and get nowhere. let's get some prosecutors and move on. we are going to move on from -- there is a lot of costumes causing controversy this hollowing. jesse hit the streets thinking about the most offensive ones. we will talk about that i had ahead. we will be right back.
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>> halloween is on tuesday. the costing pc police are out in full force again this year. i asked new yorkers about how they feel the holiday hysteria. >> what costumes do you find offensive on halloween? >> for example, an indian, or something -- >> >> native american. >> yeah, native american. >> but i thought multiculturalism is a good thing. >> there is, but there are complex structures to it that add layers and make it more complicated than that. >> what the hell are you talking about? >> do you know what she's talking about, got failed? >> this fall, like, "this costume is evil, this costume is good" is a way to express moral superiority among your peer group. you have to be the first person virtue signaling. >> yes. >> if you can be the first in line to condemn a costume, it's
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like being the earliest member at church. it's like, you are in the front pew. identity politics is a religion. you have tendencies, indulgences -- >> it has weird rules. >> everything it targets, whether it's football, halloween, or a holiday, identity politics infects and divides. >> there are a lot of rules, as you say. explain to me, richard. as a white male in america, why can't i -- >> oh. thank god you cleared that up. >> and someone from another culture on halloween? >> it's the wrong thing to do. >> tell me why. >> because you offend people. jesse, this second segment... >> i just want to know! >> after the segment is over, we can have a glass of whiskey and i can tell you why -- >> what kind of whiskey? >> or bourbon. i will give you a list of
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costumes you shouldn't wear. no black face. >> obviously, richard. >> good. no indigenous people outfits. no mimicking of indigenous people. >> so you cannot dress up as a native american? >> correct. no indigenous people. >> put a native american dress up like me? >> no. i think -- >> it would be a boring costume. >> would that be culturally appropriate in me? >> i think that would be offensive. >> you think i would be offended if a native american dressed up as jesse watters on fox news following? >> i think you would actually at all from that, you are sick and twisted. >> there is not a lot of demand for that costume. >> it has to be a jesse watters costume? >> it's flying off the shelf! >> what am i dressing up as? well, jessica rabbit.
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>> that is not offensive. does that offend richard? >> why am i... am i the pc police here? >> i think the best costumes are, as i always understood, make you go, oh, my gosh, i can't believe he actually did that. they are supposed to be a little shocking. whatever it is that's defending people, that's the point. >> if gutfeld was: cabinet -- >> do not pull me here. i'm going as tucker carlson. what i do is i ring the doorbell, i go, -- then they te a wide shot. then i just stare at them like this. for about a minute. i go, "thanks for coming on the show." >> you got it. >> next, facebook friday. don't go away. with advanced safety.
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[phone ringing] >> facebook friday. is that your phone? >> no, that is richard's.
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>> fake news! >> halloween addition, you silly people. this is from marie h. for october, what's your favorite horror movie and why? >> it says "or show" -- here's the issue for you. i absolutely cannot watch any horror films, scary movie. i am traumatized from a slumber party in seventh grade -- >> me to. >> "carrie" ." >> stephen king's best agitation was "carrie." >> did you see "it?" pretty good. mine is "nightmare on elm street." >> richard? >> "saw." >> i -- i tell them, you are stupid! run, girl, you are stupid! >> i'm with her. >> you are with her?
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that's a terrible movie. >> that movie bombed. [laughter] >> she means she's with -- >> my parents wouldn't let me watch scary movies, so i'm terrified. >> me? "love, actually." the scariest movie ever put the film. a lot of people, they just throw up. i was in a theater once and people vomiting while watching "love actually." they actually banded in 14 countries! next question. what is your least favorite thing you ever received when you went trick-or-treating? like, one year, our son got pencils. >> raisins. a box of raisin s >> fruit or vegetables, pennies. >> pennies! the taste of copper. >> bad candy. a good name for a band. >> almond joys. >> i hate coconuts! >> send them my way.
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>> those are mounds. >> gave me snicker bars, man. >> receives. >> give me the good stuff. don't give me almond joy. >> i don't want to come i get, like a granola bar. not that i like this like those, i don't want it in that moment. >> if you have it in your pantry, don't -- shouldn't be what you give out for hollowing. like, do not give me kale chips. wright, dana? >> my least favorite thing i got in following was -- paula >> the dumbest rumor of all time is of razor blades and apples because would do this? kids got that, they would tell the police where they got it from. they don't have one documented incident. >> let's not go there. that's what they say. they say men give out apples. >> i didn't know that. >> that is a homophobic thing! >> i have learned something new
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here on "the five." >> way to bring it up, greg! >> this is from mika c. if you are president for one day, what executive order which you signed? richard? >> i would free all of my sons. the lauryn hill song. you've never heard the lauryn hill song? " " ♪ if i ruled the world, i'd free all of my sons ♪ >> trump is doing such a good job, putting isis out of business. that would be my executive order. >> may be bring back waterboarding. just for fun. >> i agree. >> bring it back. >> it actually works. >> for any special occasion? >> to fight the war on terror. i just want to be clear. dana? >> i would do something on adoption to make it easier for people that wanted to adopt to
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be able to adopt children. >> that is a very... >> it's actually something they can and should do. >> you should talk to ivanka trump about that. >> i would ban radiohead. everybody knows they are a poor man's air supply. >> you also hate the red hot chili peppers. >> i hate the red hot chili peppers. they are a poor man's smash mouth. i'm sorry. we aren't getting to you. kathy says if you had to pick a song to describe you, what would it be? jesse? >> "rocket man." we are going all the way up. >> kimberly's face is under discussed. >> yes. >> they took that shot, but they didn't. >> thank god. haven't we done this one too? >> i don't know. >> i can't say it now. like... >> go to dana. >> i can't think of that song!
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it's about a dog. >> "shannon?" >> what about your girl crush song? >> that's a good song. >> how many dog songs out there. "shannon" is about the dog that went away. >> carly pierce had a song about the dog, i believe. >> i've got a song. "simply the best" by tina turner. >> but was ray jean's question? >> my song is "absolutely delight -- "afternoon delight." you people are young. or i'm old. >> the poor man's beatles. >> one more thing is up next. and it really shows. we've got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on
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very quick very prompt. i feel like we're being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we're the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today.
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>> it's time now for one more thing. workers at and airport in alaska are in for a big surprise on monday. 450-pound bearded sealed plop down in the middle of the runway so no one could leave. they waited for the seal to move. they basically -- the pilot said we have a low sealing. they had to make people realize it got away for a minute. scott babcock capture the moment on camera. a lot of things on the run away, but never a seal. you never know what you are going to get in alaska. >> i have the privilege of being
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at the synergy global forum where i am the hostess with the mostest. it is a fantastic event. one of the biggest business events in the world brings together huge names in business and disruptors. guy kawasaki, richard branson, jack welsh. tomorrow, robin wright, a two day conference today and tomorrow in new york city. it was like, wow. >> smart people. >> revolutionary. >> watters' world this weekend, a very big lineup. we have eric trump, kellyanne conway, and dean cain. as you know, we did an offensive following costume edition, and we gave you a new feature. it's called tests that haven't aged well -- if you think my tweets that haven't aged well. >> you don't want it to be taxed. >> it could be from your mom!
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>> the "gigi show" on 10:00 saturday. there is tom shillue on the left and kat the timpf on the left antivirus! donald trump had some kids over trick-or-treating at the white house. and i love this, because even with the children -- donald trump couldn't help but rip the media. the parents to the children 'spaces. enjoyable. >> i cannot believe the media produced such beautiful children. you are going to grow up to be like your parents? don't answer. that can only get me in trouble. so how does the press treat you? i bet you get treated better by the press than anybody in the world, right? you did a good job. did a good job. >> by the way, my favorite costume of all time in the back
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there. a unicorn. >> look! how cute. >> do you think that is so funny? >> president trump is the most entertaining politician i think we've ever had. >> that is hilarious. >> today, one of the things that one of the guys had said, donald trump was one of the biggest disruptors that we've seen in the past and that kind of volatility brings about change, it can be good. >> i'm a disruptor. >> every day. that's why it works here. >> a man, says the producer. richard? >> this past week was my mother's birthday. >> happy birthday! >> happy birthday to my mom. here is mom, pauline, her birthday. i thought i would give -- and my mom is a single mother, so i thought i would give advice to single mothers. so fowler's advice to mothers, especially those raising boys. first, i want to tell you it is okay. you are doing way, way, way
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better than you think you are. and i wanted to say to you that they are listening. we are listening. it might not seem like it because we are distracted with the cell phones, the xbox, playstation, the tv, but we hear you. and we are listening. single mother moms out there? we are listening and you are doing way better than you think you are. >> toughest job in america. >> thank you, richard. >> if we weren't on tv, i think i might've cried. >> she makes me cry every day. >> remember the name of the son song? the name for facebook friday. it's "like my dog." about how the dog doesn't ask him where he's been where do the dishes or anything. the dog loves him because who he is. >> the dog doesn't expect anything of you so you can end up being a horrible person. dogs have a real expectations. >> you cannot be a horrible person around a dog unless you abuse the dog. >> i wasn't going there, dana.
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i was just talking about how terrible of a person you are around jasper. >> i am a pretty terrible person. we will continue that discussion next week. never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is up next. >> bret: this is a fox news alert. i am bret baier coming to you tonight from the courtyard into the middle of the department of justice headquarters in washington, d.c. i will be talking way with attorney general jeff sessions in just a moment. first, president trump and republicans are trying to turn the page on the russian investigation tonight as they shift the russian connection focus to hillary clinton over the trump dossier. today, the president weighed in on twitter and there are new details and new concerns tonight about how much he's been involved in decision-making. catherine herridge in our washington bureau for the timeline on the trump dossier developments, but we start off the net with chief white house correspondent john roberts with his


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