tv Hannity FOX News October 27, 2017 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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good night from washington. sean hannity is next. have a great weekend. is next wt judge jeanine puro hosting. have a great weekend. welcome to the special edition of "hannity." i'm judge jeanine pirro in tonight for sean. we have scandals including the controversial uranium one deal. byron york who joins us in just a minute is reporting the washington free beacon funded the original fusion gps research into donald trump. according to york, fusion gps was also looking into other republican presidential candidates. the washington free beacon is
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responding to this explosive information with a statement confirming york's reporting and adding "the free beacon had no knowledge of or connection to this deal dossier and didn't pay for the doss andwra never had contact with, or provided payment for any of the work performed by christopher steele nor did we have any knowledge of the relationship between fusion gps and the democratic national committee. perkins cole and the clinton campaign." joining us now is washington examiner chief political correspondent byron york. good evening, byron. >> good evening, judge. >> all right, you've got everyone talking about what this fusion gps situation is. you've got the whole thing turned on its head. now, it appears that the original funding for the gps, the fusion gps that we thought
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began with the clinton campaign and the dnc was funded by the washington free beacon which is a conservative publication. tell us what you know? >> it is, indeed. this week we found out that the whole russia part of the trump dossier, the part alleging collusion with russians was funded by the hillary clinton campaign and the democratic national committee, but we'd always known that earlier than that, several months earlier starting in late 2015, a republican group had funded opposition research, not about russia but opposition research into donald trump and some other candidates and now tonight, i reported who it was. it was the washington free beacon which is a conservative web site kind of with attitude. it's a web site that mixes journalism and activism in some of its top staffers have history
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in journalism, activism and politics. they're the ones behind this original oppo effort. >> people are now saying who is the washington free beacon? who owns the free beacon? i understand at one point it was actually a 501c 4 not for profit? >> it was it started in 2012 as a 501c 4. there was a group called the center for american freedom that ran it. one of its board members was bill crystal, former editor of the weekly standard. he was a very prominent never-trump voice in our political debate today and then 2014, it becomes a private organization, and we do know that paul singer who is a new york hedge fund billionaire who's contributed to many conservative causes is a major funder of the washington free beacon today. >> and paul singer, we can assume, was someone who was anti-trump as well? >> very much so, and certainly
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in the never-trump camp. later endorsed marko rubio and actually wanted to somehow stop trump at the convention. you know, there was kind of a last-ditch effort to hopefully stop him at the convention, which didn't work, so, yes, mr. singer was definitely anti-trump at the time this oppo research was going on. >> do we know who else was being -- did they seat this opposition research on? i understand it wasn't just donald trump. >> that's a good question. the answer is i don't know. they did say tonight that when the free beacon acknowledged after my report that they published an acknowledgement of all of this, they said in the fall of 2015, donald trump was the leading candidate, if you'll remember back then in the republican race. in the fall of 2015, they started this oppo research project with fusion gps looking into what they called multiple republican candidates including
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donald trump. so unclear who those other ones are right now. >> and as, you know, going forward, i mean, the washington free beacon has said, you know, we basically did not do any of this stuff based upon a request by individuals. are they saying who the individuals are? >> well, look, a lot of people -- there had been gossip that this was a paul singer operation and they -- and people have said he was the one who was behind all of this. and i think what free beacon is saying is that free -- they're a funder. i got to say this is not standard journalistic practice. i mean, you go to places like the washington examiner or washington post or any other organization and they don't go around hiring politico oppo
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research firms to do work for them. this is unusual situation. >> clearly if they're investigative reporters, they wouldn't just subcontract someone in opposition research to give them their information. but byron, stay with us. i'm also going to ask a few more joining us. fox news contributor charlie kirk and the american -- charlie hurt and the chairman of the american conservative union, matthew schlapp. what's your take on the information that byron has just released this evening? >> there's been a lot of smoke around this for a long time. i give byron great credit, because it just seems like there is almost an axis of political evil here, people who are willing to do almost anything to stop donald trump and there's some familiar names involved, bill crystal who we've all debated throughout the last two years who was a prominent never-trumper. paul singer who put his money with his mouth is to do everything to stop him. you know, judge, the thing i think is interesting is how did it move from this republican
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effort to donald trump back over now to the dnc and to the democrats who perkins coupy this lawfirm, there's a lot more here that we all need to know. >> byron do we know anything about that? because if i understand it, you know, the original investigation from the fall of '15 to the spring of '16 and then it's ended in terms of the funding by the republicans or, you know, the anti-trump people and then it's picked up by the dnc and the clint clib campaign -- and the clinton campaign. who contacted who? do you know? >> we do know something about this. you're right. what we've been talking about, this effort starts this the fall of 2015. it's a conventional oppo research op operation that's looking at -- operation that's looking at donald trump's casino and businesses that he did this and that. if you'll remember on may 3rd, trump won the indiana primary and beat ted cruz in that and
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essentially clenched the nomination. so this effort stopped at that point and what we do know is that after that, glen simpson who is the head of fusion gps shopped the project to democrats and the democratic national committee and the hillary clinton campaign picked it up and at some point after that, that's when they hired christopher steele, this former british spy and that's when it turns toward russia. >> all right and so charlie, i'll go to you now. you know, we just heard that -- or we know that debbie wasserman schultz, john podesta go before congress with mark elias, the attorney here from the lawfirm in question, perkins cole through which the money was funneled before it got the this seal. so the question is, are those two individuals at risk of having lied to congress because they said they knew nothing about it? >> well, certainly the report reveals something that a lot of us have known for a long time
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and that is the insays wus wuss -- incestuous nature of the way business is handled in washington. doing the oppo research, everyone does oppo research. i'm not terribly concerned about all of that. what does concern me though is that we've had this past six months where democrats and in particular -- rather the past year, we've had democrats in particular the clinton haves made such a big deal about these russia connections and they've never -- and they've been lying all this time about their own fingerprints all over this completely fraudulent dossier which then led to the obama administration launching a -- i think an unprecedented investigation using the most powerful intelligence service on the planet to end the political opponent. >> matt. matt. i see you nodding your head. go ahead. >> i'm disgusted by the fact that donald trump jr. gets an email about meeting with with
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people who have information and he's called a traitor and he's said he's colluding with the russian government. hillary clinton and her team went to russia to shake down the trees with vladimir putin's cronies to get information and they're getting away with calling it opposition research. they cannot stand. >> byron, you've got to -- this whole thing is based upon this mueller investigation as well as the unmasking that came as a result of fiza warrants are based this dossier which apparently is purchased by hillary clinton and her friends who say they know nothing about it which supposedly cost millions of dollars. you know, my faith in the american justice system -- i'm a prosecutor and a judge -- i'm destroyed about -- by this because right now it's fruit of the poisonous tree. if that's false, everything else comes down and mueller's got to end it.
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>> let me add one thing in addition to mueller factor here. the reason we're talking about this now, the reason we learned earlier this week that it was the dnc and the clinton campaign and the reason we learned today that it was washington free beacon is because the house intelligence committee and the much maligned person of evan nunez had issued a subpoena for fusion gps' bank records. they had been stonewalled by fusion gps before that. people had come before it from fusion and had come before the committee and asserted their fifth amendment rights and refused to answer questions so they subpoenaed bank records and that is what has shaken this loose. in response, in anticipation of their bank records being handed over to the house, all of a sudden, whoa, we find out that hillary clinton and the dnc had funded and now we find out about fusion gps. so a lot of this is being driven by the house intelligence committee investigation. >> yes and you know what, charlie, to them we certainly
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owe -- they get kudos. i mean, on monday, fusion is supposed to respond to a subpoena handing over the names of clients, their bank records. what do you think fusion is going to do? >> absolutely. we owe a total debt of gratitude to them and the big difference here between today and what we've seen for the past 25 years is democrats aren't circling the wagons around the clintons. normally when the clintons get in trouble and when they cause a mess like this the whole party circles around them. now you have the dnc standing back and saying, hey, man, we didn't know anything about this. talk to them. and you even have former cia director, leon panetta, saying we have to investigate all of this. this is huge stuff. >> where's hillary? where is she? she's been hiding out. she was so talkative. now she's gotten so quiet. >> you know what is interesting is once the lawfirm, perkins cole, who is the initial receiver of the moneys, millions once they waived the privilege, then the focus is on fusion.
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fusion is now in big trouble. i think it's all going to start crumbling. byron, again, thanks to you. what can we look forward to next week? >> well, this is big. this is the next step which is that the house intel committee has subpoenaed the f.b.i. for all of its information about the dossier. you have to remember christopher steele went to the f.b.i., offered his stuff and they kind of took him under his wing and started using this dossier material in some way. so devon nunez subpoenaed them on august 24th. he was totally stonewalled. they have not turned over anything. now, speaker paul ryan in the last couple of days has said, look, this is not just one committee chairman. this is the house of representatives telling the f.b.i. you have to comply with this request. and the f.b.i. promises to respond next week. and that could be really, really big news to see what they did with the dossier information. >> and what they did with it and how much jim comey knew about
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what was going on. all right, gentlemen, thank you so much. and coming up, former high-ranking obama administration official is agreeing that there needs to be an investigation into who paid for the anti-trump dossier. we'll tell you who as this special edition of "hannity" continues. this special edition you know who likes to be in control? this guy. check it out! self-appendectomy! oh, that's really attached. that's why i rent from national. where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. which makes me one smooth operator. ah! still a little tender. (vo) go national. go like a pro.
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>> jeanine: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." more and more people are demanding banss this anti-trump dossier -- answers about this anti-trump dossier including president obama's former cia director leon panetta. take a look. >> how could both the chair of the dnc and the clinton campaign not know about these payments? >> well, it's obviously something that the intelligence committee is going to have to look at. you know, knowing presidential campaigns, they're big operations. somehow the left hand may not know what the right hand is doing. and that could be the case here, but i really do think that the committee is going to have to get into this, determine just
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exactly what happened, who knew what and when? >> jeanine: joining us now with reaction is salem radio nationally syndicated host larry helder and radio talk show host and fox news contributor tammy bruce. all right, tammy, i have to ask you this. we have leon panetta. everybody is giving him credit because he said obviously we have to look at it. then he took the slant "but these are big operations. you never know. the left hand may not know what the right hand is doing." what's your take? >> that's just habit. that's what they're always thinking and always saying. that's the dynamic. possible deniability when you know you're doing these things. the fact of matter here is though, clinton and the democrats have been very slop py. if you think about the pakista pakistanis running the dnc system, right? the server itself with hillary. these are individuals that have got anneway with so much for so long, they figure -- gotten away with so much for so long, they figure they're immuned and made of teflon. but they're not. when something is so much of a mess, you've got to at least stop the fire.
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this could be so bad that he can't even deny that an investigation at least might stop this disaster. >> it's called for. >> yeah. >> jeanine: all right, larry, i'll go to you. leon panetta. i remember leon panetta from benghazi in 2013, he said something like, he was drinking that clinton kool-aid. we didn't have an intelligence warning. we didn't have enough time to get armed military access to respond to been ghazi. -- benghazi. that's when i stop with panetta. what's your take on panetta now? >> he's pretty reasonable, jud judge. he's one of the retired genera generals. leon panetta is not a loon, but it's fascinating how no one seemed to know who paid.
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debbie wasserman schultz says there's no knowledge of it. hillary's spokesperson had no knowledge of it. i wonder about donna brazil. she was vice chair. she played shenanigans and got hillary the debate questions. wonder what her role is. was hillary been asked about this, judge? anyone ask hillary about this? >> jeanine: isn't it interesting? we've not heard from hillary in the past few days. >> she's on her book tour, judge. she's doing a book tour. how about someone hasn't called her and asked her? >> jeanine: i thought she was maybe in the woods with that dog again. let me ask you this. if even leon panetta, tammy, is now saying, yeah, maybe we ought to look at this, does this now take away some of the steam? shouldn't we now recognize that over the last year, all the talk about collusion and trump and russia, not one iota of evidence now the noose is getting tighter and the evidence is becoming obvious.
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>> real evidence. the thing mr. panetta called "awkward" is when podesta in front of congress with mark elias sitting next to him who was facilitating all of this when he said he had no idea who was paying for it, when the man who was managing it, who was his personal attorney was the manager, so we know and this is where you realize that this is out of the box, that the jeanne is out of the bottle and they've got to be able to do it and there have to be investigations. this is where the real panic sets in, because they realize how sloppy they've been. all the doors that weren't closed because in part i think larry would agree is because they expected her to win. so they never locked the doors. they never figured it out. >> that's very interesting. that's a great point. >> that's the thing that really is killing them. >> jeanine: you know, larry. 18 usc, 1001 making a false statement to congress. we have debbie wasserman schultz and podesta with mark elias, attorney, who even the "new york times" said you lied to us for a
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crear and we're fed up with you. -- for a year, and we're fed up with you. they're in big trouble right now. it seems to me, you know, there's been calls for mueller's resignation for the last week. i mean, serious calls in light of this uranium deal so what is mueller do? does he now start pressing for indictments so it looks like he's doing his job? >> i think he ought to resign. i agree with the "wall street journal". step aside. resign. let someone else do it regarding elias, you're right. there are at least two "new york times" reporters who said he flat-out lied to us. even some suggestion fusion gps may have paid journalists to plan stories. this thing is just now beginning judge, and it looks like the whole thing has reversed. the real colluder appears to be hillary, the dnc and maybe even the f.b.i.. >> jeanine: i'm going to go to that in just a second. let me just add to something to that. elias is the attorney for podesta, debbie wasserman
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schultz. he also is the attorney for the dnc. so -- or one of the attorneys for it no, i take that back. he's the attorney of perkins cole, the lawfirm that received the money. here is the thing. if he knows that they were lying podesta and debbie wasserman schultz, and it's pretty clear they were, he is also guilty of subornation of perjury sitting there and letting them to lie of congress. what's your take on that? >> i think mueller's in an interesting spot and the "wall street journal" was the big caller for his resignation because of his length of time with the fbi and with the f.b.i. possibly being part of the collusion, as larry noted, that that would make him really not -- he's not able to be fair in the sense of judging them and investigating them. just he's been there over 10 years and because of his relationship. not just with comey but his own
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work. that's a fair dynamic with what we know now. what troubles me is mr. mueller knows himself his whole history and yet he felt he was fine that he would take this job. everyone says, oh he's so fabulous and he's a really great guy -- just like what they said about comey -- he should have demurd saying i really have too much involved here. i'm not the right person for this. >> jeanine: or i'm a little too busy for this. and the fact that mueller has always said or has been involved in everything from being in the f.b.i. at the time of the investigation of the russians who were carrying on this organized criminal racketeering enterprise trying to bribe people in the united states and the witness now being allowed to talk, hopefully in the very near future by jeff sessions. so comey is too much involved. comey is the one that should be investigated. what do you say, larry?
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mueller. mueller. mueller. >> mueller had this long friendship with james comey. this whole thing absolutely stinks! this is an outrage! it vindicates donald trump. it shows you that he was right when he said he was being wire-tapped at trump towers. some of his aids were being wi wire-tapped at the trump tower. does he know dossier was using him as a muse to go after donald trump? it was used to get a warrant to tap donald trump even though the people knew what they relied on this dossier that it was full of crap? these are the kinds of questions that need to be answered. this thing is just now beginning. again it vindicates donald trump. you head to to have an i.q. two points under plant life now to still believe there's a trump collusion going on right now. >> the only person who hasn't been involved in this mess is jeff sessions. he's the only person who
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recaused himself. he's the one guy -- recused himself. he's the one guy who is not a part of this. >> jeanine: not sure he should have recused himself. any way, coming up, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse for hillary clinton, there are new developments in another one of her scandals. we'll tell you why this particular scandal is not going away anytime soon. that and more as this special edition of "hannity" continues. l edition of "hannity" continues. maria is confident.
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>> jeanine: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." more bad news for hillary clinton this week involving another one of her scandals. the chairman of the house judiciary and oversight committees have announced they're opening a new probe into how the f.b.i. and doj handled the investigation into clinton's private server. also this week, screw dishl watch announced last year the f.b.i. recovered -- judicial watch announced last year the f.b.i. recovered 40,000 records of which the state department still has to process. joining me now is the president of judicial watch tom fitton and jordan sekulow. tom, let me ask you what is the
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latest in terms of the information you've gotten from your subpoenas? >> freedom of information act request. we've been asking for these e-mails for years. they've been stonewalling the release of the information even under the new administration. as you highlighted, there are 72,000 pages of clinton e-mails the f.b.i. went and found and these are the e-mails hillary clinton tried to delete the f.b.i. found or recovered. and they've only released a few of them. and at the rate they're releasing them to us now, we won't get all of them until 2020. on top of that, there are 2,800 pages of records or documents over in anthony weiner's laptop that are different records that are from the clinton email server. we don't know what is in them is it classified information? russia information? what was being deleted by hillary clinton is the big mystery. >> jeanine: you know, my take, if we've got 72,000 e-mails and
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the state department that was asked for them at the time of benghazi, how many years ago was that in 2012? and it's taken them this long. i've an idea. let's defund mueller and his special counsel and use that money get people to start releasing those state department e-mails and jordan, what say you about this? >> well, i think that i'm encouraged that congress is now looking at this, judge, and put with a new lens in a couple different ways. one when it comes to the new investigations under how the f.b.i. handled the whole really investigation they never wanted to call it that matter, i guess, into hillary clinton. why they were so public and kept telling congress and giving them uptakes about hillary clinton and maybe ultimate call not to prosecute instead of deferring to the department of justice, the normal course of action. and then also, tre, who [ indiscernible ]
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wants to bring back james comey to testify under oath. that's important. but second, and i think this ties to something we're working on right now at aclj, is that the f.b.i. we now know is part of -- had inked a deal, it appears, with christopher steele to continue the opposition research that hillary clinton's campaign was paying for through fusion gps. we want to know how far along the f.b.i. went. so we filed with the f.b.i. to get that information, judge, because that's absurd. you had said earlier in the broadcast, it taints everything if the starting point for the unmasking, if the starting point for the special counsel, if the starting point for all of this trump/russia info is really a hillary clinton russian scandal. >> jeanine: clearly. clearly. i mean, people have used this term for the last few days, the whole thing has turned on its head. tom, $50,000, i believe, has gone from the f.b.i. to christopher steele.
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how do they justify that? is that the correct amount? >> we don't know. and we've asked for the documents, too. in fact, we're already in federal court on it. and the justice department, f.b.i. have told us they can't confirm nor deny whether any documents exist about the dossier or payments related to it. so this is where we stand. everyone is just talking about the f.b.i.'s relationship with christopher steele, but the f.b.i. doesn't want to say anything about it, and now they're going to turn over some documents to congress. we wonder if they're going to update the court as to whether they still believe they can credibly say they can't confirm nor deny whether documents exist. for lack -- >> lack of transparency is convenient. it's helping hillary clinton and barack obama and hurting president trump. >> jeanine: clearly. >> it's also hurting the credibility of law enforce . you know, judge, that's ultimately what is so damaging here is people's faith in our top law enforcement agencies like the f.b.i., it's totally undercut when they behave this way. >> clearly as between comey and mueller, they have done more to
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destroy the country's confidence in the f.b.i.. as someone who worked in law enforcement for over three decades, what they have done is stunning! it if this trump dossier is the basis of fiza warrants and the unmasking of americans and was used knowingly funded by the clinton campaign and jim comey is the buy it who goes out when it's not his job, tom, and makes a decision that he's going to exonerate hillary, i mean, and the whole criminal justice system falls on its head. >> clinton campaign and the [ indiscernible ] have problems with the dossier. to use the dossier as a pretext to spy on president trump himself, this is much more significant government scandal in terms of the obama administration, justice department and the f.b.i. than frankly anything hillary clinton did. >> jeanine: clearly. jordan, final question. what can we look forward to in the next few weeks? >> i think that that
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confidential of thisant is going to change everything. i think -- informant is going to change everything. i think you'll see both sides try to speed up their activity. you've got people on the run right now, so to speak, in washington, d.c. now they know a confidential informant will be able to provide information on the influence russians were trying to assert on the clintons, both hillary and bill clinton, specific to uranium deals in the united states that were ultimately approved by president obama. >> jeanine: ah, very sad. tom fitton and jordan sekulow, thank you for being with us. the media once again is doing everything it could to defend hillary clinton and the democrats against these scandals. we'll play some of the most biased moments next as this special of "hannity" continues. with advanced safety. standard. lease the 2017 rx 350 for $399 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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jeanne welcome back to "han ty." -- . >> jeanine: welcome back to "hannity." a prominent democrat is involved in russia's scandal. the left mainstry stream media is providing plenty of cover for their comrades. for example, take a look at some of these egregious attempts to defend, deflect and even blame fox use this for the current russia troubles of the left. take a look.
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>> look over there! the trump administration trying to divert attention away from the mueller investigation by pinning the russia problem on hillary and bill clinton. >> remember, this whole uranium thing comes from fox news. this is a story that has been pushed, pushed, pushed in recent weeks by fox news even though it was settled in 2015. it's an old story. >> this is just a counternarrative. it has been pushed by fox. it's been therefore embraced by the white house. >> it's a claim that's been debunkt for years. notice the giant false graphic on >> if you turn on fox, you'd think loretta lynch and eric holder are the ones that hacked the election and helped steer it toward russia. it's absurd. >> trump dossier back in the news along with lots of hype. let's clear up fact from fintion fiction. we knew the dossier was funded by trump opponents in both parties. the big question is whether it was true. >> when there's opposition
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research, the candidate rarely knows, certainly campaign chairman would know but the campaign manager usually wouldn't. >> jeanine: ha-ha. joining us now turning point usa founder charlie kirk and fox's contributor doug schoen. doug, i go to you right away. >> please. >> jeanine: because as someone who worked with those clintons, let's talk about how they spend their money. >> the idea that the the clint clintons are any in -- that the clintons or any other candidate would spend $12 million and the candidate wouldn't know what was being done and what was the result of what was being done strains credulity. i was in the '96 campaign with leon panetta. he'd know about big expenditur expenditures. i knew about big expenditures. no evidence bill clinton would have known about this every reason to believe hillary clinton would have. >> jeanine: ok. charlie, i'll go to you then. given it's clear this money went from the clinton foundation,
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from the clinton campaign and the dnc, doesn't it seem now that it's time for rod rosenstein, deputy attorney general who came in and said to jeff sessions "get out of the way, jeff! let's appoint bob mueller" isn't it time for him to say "bob mueller, get out of the way, you're in the middle of this whole thing" and then appoint a special counsel to investigate the clintons? >> i agree with the "wall street journal". he should step down. he should resign. i agree, this should be a prosecutor into the uranium one deal. you look at what the clintons did. they lost the presidential election in 2008, the primary. they said how can we make a bunch of money as secretary of state? oh, let's sell out something very valuable to america. how about our uranium. let's sell it out to russian billionaires and take a bunch of cash to our charitable foundation. $110 million in quid pro quo and you hear the media.
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you heard the sound clips. they say, this is put forth by tox news. it was the "new york times" that reported on this 10 days ago. they said there's uranium being taken out of the state of wyoming and being illegally exported to canada. and this was signed because of hillary clinton selling out america as secretary of state and quid pro quo for cash to the clinton foundation. >> jeanine: in addition to the other people. the fact there were other people on the committees that approved this sale doesn't make her pay for play any less illegal. let me ask you this. >> please. >> jeanine: doug, look, you've worked with the media for many years. >> i have. >> jeanine: you worked in presidential campaigns. >> i did. >> jeanine: how does geoffre geoffrey -- now that guy's a lawyer. supposed to be a smart guy. where's he get off saying this thing was settled in 2015? who settled this whole thing of the uranium one deal in 2015? >> jeff is a friend of mine, you about he's wrong in this case.
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>> jeanine: clearly. >> clearly, judge, look, this calls for a special prosecutor, someone separate and distinct from bob mueller with no ties to the f.b.i., because one of the big questions we have to figure out with the dose yea is what happened with the fb -- dossier is what happened with the f.b.i.. what's their role? the uranium deal, so many questions. the money funneled through canada. speech in moscow by president clinton. what hillary clinton knew. what she didn't know. she says she didn't know anything. let's do an investigation. i was all for the russian investigation. i'm a democrat. but i'm also for doing an investigation of the uranium deal. >> jeanine: well then let me ask you this. if you were all for the russian investigation after 11 months of nothing, they announce we don't have anything but we're still looking. time to shut it down? >> well, i don't think it's time to shut it down. >> jeanine: why? what do they come up with? >> well, we don't know. we're still looking at gin flynn and paul manafort. my reaction is let's see what happens with those two
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individuals and see where it leads. we know clinton was working with the russians. >> jeanine: you know what? honestly, charlie kirk, doj could have handled man and fort clinton. there didn't need to be a special prosecutor and rosenstein i question his motives. what say you? >> yeah, and he was the one that originally actually advised attorney general sessions to recuse himself. so it's important to note that. but you look at the bigger picture here, and what the media is trying to paint. what i think is so disturbing is they say, donald trump jr. takes one meeting a year and a half ago that resulted in nothing. he came on the front page then of time magazine with the word "traitor." they called him a traitor for nearly a month straight. he had to then testify many times in front of senators in a closed session and now you have all of these new developments that hillary clinton actually sold out something of value for $110 million to her foundation and said, oh, i knew nothing about that $110 million? really?
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you knew nothing about that. you look at the horrible discrepancy there and don jr. took one meeting? and that was all they can talk about for two months. they're saying, oh, it's treason. he's a traitor. the double-standard is horrendous we need a special prosecutor to look into hillary clinton. >> jeanine: i want to tell you, doug, do you see the double-standard? >> what i see are issues that need to be investigated. when general flynn goes to russia and sits with vladimir putin. >> jeanine: we're not talking about general flynn. we're talking about clinton. clinton violated the law. we're talking about the trump that has they would take donald trump jr. who took a meeting -- i ran for office. i took a meeting with anyone. i would take a meeting with the devil. >> you didn't take me. i was working against you. >> jeanine: and you lost! >> i'll never forget it! >> jeanine: now i forgot the question. bad joke. >> here is the issue. the issue is not what donald trump jr. did in my mind, it's what did the russian lawyer who was in the room who was
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coordinating with the kremli kremlin -- i'll get the name wrong but that's what i'm concerned with. what the russians were up to. donald trump jr. i don't belie believe -- >>. >> jeanine: but they're blaming trump. donald trump jr. did nothing. there was no connection. charlie, last word. we have to go to break. >> it resulted in nothing unlike the hillary clinton, you know, scandal. $110 million came out of it. big deal. >> let's investigate it, charlie. >> jeanine: i think $125 million to that foundation. thanks, guys. coming up, more of the special edition of "hannity" right after the break. edition of "hannity." right after the break. [laughs] you know who likes to be
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in control? this guy. check it out! self-appendectomy! oh, that's really attached. that's why i rent from national. where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. which makes me one smooth operator. ah! still a little tender. (vo) go national. go like a pro.
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tonight, we want to hear from you. what do you think about the anti-trump dossier scandal? head over to my twitter. it's at judge jaeanine. let me know what you think. the movie sean executive produced it's called "let there be light" is out in theaters today. earlier this week, sean spoke with kevin and sam sorbo as well as their son braden about the film. take a look. >> sean: all right, this is the weekend "let there be light." theaters near you on yes, we're taking over holiday. at least we're going to try. kevin, sam, braden sorbo. by the end of this weekend, you're going to be a rock star, you know that? >> i hope. that's the goal. >> sean: is that the goal? you were so mean to your father in the movie. >> he was mean to me. what is that? what's up with it that? >> did i do a good job? >> you did a good job. >> sean: i like it. a lot of confidence. you did do a good job.
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it was a year and a half, nearly two years ago, i had gotten on dad -- >> i gotten on dad. soul surfer and all of that. you called me up and said "i want to do a movie with you." >> sean: what was i thinking? >> you said you didn't have anything and we said we do. we pitched you. we talked for 20 or 25 minutes. dan gordon didn't stop. sean didn't interrupt one time. >> sean: shocking. i don't have that reputation. here's what i've been saying in all the interviews i've done. i've been saying hollywood is form lake. this is what you get in -- for formulaic. this is what you get in hollywood. you have spider-man and jennifer aniston and a romance movie. that's pretty much it. there's been contempt for conservative christian faith values in hollywood and this is i think an antidote we went
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independent which means it's totally different. >> you know, this is the stor story -- sam brought this up before about going back to what hollywood used to be before the 60's where everything changed. you have a movie and characters that people could identify and like and want to see the movies over and over and over again. >> that stay with the movie. >> sean: he writes a book aborting god and is proud of it. >> i was acting. >> sean: he abandoned his family. you were a drunk, a womanizer, a drug addict and you helped transform his life. you had the patience of job dealing with him. >> you write a story that hopefully is spelling. you -- compelling. you want people to be interested in it. in order to be compelling, you need to have characters that brush against extremes so you can see that. you have to juxtapose it to what he was before to what he becomes. that's appealing to people. people identify a little bit with each of the characters in the movie. that's what is great about the
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movie. that's why it touches people so much. >> sean: every single person i've shown this movievy -- movie to cries. every one of them. your son makes him cry. >> he's the comic relief in it. >> sean: he looks at me and then boom. >> how was i as a director? come on! >> director or dictator? >> come on! >> no, you were really good. >> sean: is this your first movie or have you done other things? >> this was my first movie. it was a lot of fun. i was really nervous though. >> you and your brothers did fantastically. you were protecting your mom against him. is that what it was like in real life? >> it was the other way around. >> he has a two-parent family. i think for a lot of kids his age in a single-parent family, it comes to that, right? i mean that's why this film touches people because they recognize that there's a lot of real -- reality in it. >> this movie in the screenings we've done, we're finding out women love it but men love it
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even more because it touches them. they have a father problem in this country. look what they do in sitcoms. the dads are all fat and dopey and stupid. the mom is hot. kids make fun of dad. you have generations growing up with this over the last 20 or 30 years. we're treated that way with such a bad attitude. >> this grabbed them from the the front pages. you're right. it hits every societal problem. in as much as -- there's a debate on the college campus today and the guy that writes aborting god and he's debating a christian, he'll have the crowd on his side. >> oh yeah, which is amazing. >> sean: the most amazing thing is you're torn back come back. you have all of your handlers that want to you make more money and more money and more money and you try. didn't work out so well. >> he becomes -- he has an event that definitely changes his world view that makes him actually go spiraling even further down because he doesn't know how to handle this. >> . >> you enter film festival. we entered a film festival and won an award. it was fantastic. >> jeanine: looks great! any way, don't forget to tune in
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tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern time for justice. congressman ron, corey, mike huckabee, jason and the chairman of the board of the museum of the bible in d.c., all of that tomorrow. >> jesse: masa breaking news tonight. who funded the original fusion funded the if you gos if you gos information on donald trump. thanks for being with us. brand new information. we now know the conservative publication set in motion opposition research that let's y the democrats to a dossier regarding unverified claims about trump and russia. let's go to james rosen who is in dc with the ratest. james. >> good afternoon jesse. the washington free beacon says it has appro
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