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tv   Fox News Tonight  FOX News  October 27, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern time for justice. congressman ron, corey, mike huckabee, jason and the chairman of the board of the museum of the bible in d.c., all of that tomorrow. >> jesse: masa breaking news tonight. who funded the original fusion funded the if you gos if you gos information on donald trump. thanks for being with us. brand new information. we now know the conservative publication set in motion opposition research that let's y the democrats to a dossier regarding unverified claims about trump and russia. let's go to james rosen who is in dc with the ratest. james. >> good afternoon jesse. the washington free beacon says it has approached to answer
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questions about the firm fusion gps in 2015 and 2016 for the purpose of conducting research into the life of then candidate donald trump. all of the work that they provided to the free beacon was based on public sources and none of the work appears in the steel dossier said free beacon founders. the free beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the steal dossier, did not pay for the dossier and never had contact with, knowledge of or provided payment for any work performed by christopher steele. now the christopher steele dossier was compiled for fusion gps by this man, former british spy christopher steele who's research into mr. trump in 2016 included interviews with top russian spies and diplomats. it brimmed with highly salacious rumors about mr. trump but they went unverified.
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buzz feed published the comments in total until january. the washington post published the steel dossier was bankrolled by the hillary clinton campaign and the dnc. it was formed to discredit mr. trump and ended early in 2016, was picked up by the clinton campaign and the dnc and became an effort to the en earth private information from moscow. all of this is significant of course because for more than a year leading democrats have be alleged collusion between the trump campaign and russia. the disclosures about the funding of the steel dossier suggests it was the democrats seeking to benefit from rush intervention. >> now the mainstream media and the left continue to downplay the russian dossier story and the controversial uranium one deal. take a look at this exchange from the white house press briefing today.
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>> why did the president involve himself in the uranium one investigation. are you trying toig gin up your own investigation to rival the one up on capitol hill of. where is the evidence that hillary clinton colluded with the russians. >> the president has pushed for transparency if that's what you're referring to when dealing with congress. >> the cnn legal analyst seemed to find a curious scapegoat for the uranium one story. >> this whole uranium thing comes from fox news. this is a closed investigation that came up in peter t schweizer's book clint ton cash in 2015. it was discredited then. >> it's from 2010 by the way. >> the book came out in -- >> exactly. >> the book came out in 2015. it was one of the accusations that's been discredited. two years later fox news and republicans in congress and republicans in the white house
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start raising it. simply as a way to wave russia back at the democrats. there is nothing new, no new information here. >> joining us now from boston, syndicated column any of the and boston harold radio host and have virginia ned ryan the ceo of the group american majority. adrian i'm going to start with you. you know the democrats are guilty when the media begins blaming fox news for the standed scandal. >>or t it's just outrageous. that's all they have left? it's just incredible. one thing we can say is as everything that exploded this week with the russian dose do is story. now we know why hillary clinton deleted all those emails, when we learn more and more about this uranium deal. had she not deleted so many emails we perhaps would know much more what was going on. this is an incredible about bombshell. the democrats have been pushing the fake russian narrative that
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the trump campaign colluded with russians to subvert our democracy, accused his son of treason, horrible things and kick started all these congressional investigations and the special prosecutor. now we find out it was actually hillary clinton's campaign and the dnc who paid many $9.2 million to basically russian informants to give them all this fake information, fake news, to subvert our democracy. >> hillary basically paid for fake news. as ironic as this seems. >> exactly. >> i want to fact check something jeffrey tobin said s he said this came from fox news. it absolutely didn't. the book he referred to, peter schweizer is not a fox news w contributor. "the story" was broken by a non-partisan publication. >> more important ins april of 2015 the new york times wrote a long piece on this, joe beck ka was one of the authors and wrote
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about uranium one and the clinton foundation. actually it came out of the new york times in 2015. we need to go back and look at the uranium one deal. go look at these nine cfius voting members and bring them to the hill and ask them under oath in front of either 9 house intelligence or senate judiciary committee, why did you approve h this deal again? it was done in a rather expedited fashion, it was approved october 22nd of 2010. when you're dealing with issues like this, of real national security, sometimes it takes thank you to 120 days. they were more like # 5 days. 75 days, there were mergers that were not approved this quickly by obama's antitrust department. >> it's true the committee you're talking about is the committee on foreign investment where hillary and eric holder voted on this uranium one. journalism is about holding
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powerful people accountable. what is more powerful than the clinton dynasty or billionaire russian industrial lifts? you would think the media maybe want a pulitzer prize and follow the facts, now is an opportunity for them toak really start diggg and looking into the facts? >> absolutely. what we've learned about with this uranium deal it was a pay to play. we don't need peter the schweizer's book as much value as it was. he brought it to a lot of people's attention. the average person in america knows it's very suspicious when you have the united states government, state department approving 20% transfer of our uranium and then around the same time the hillary clinton foundation is getting $145 million, not from joe blow from idaho, they're getting that money from nine uranium one investors. >> that's a great point. this is what i would ask you guys.
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let me ask you, ned i would say to these people that approved this deal, what is the american interest in selling 20% of our uranium to the russians? >> right. >> how does that help america? >> right. so these are the answers that we need to understand, jesse. what were the motivations to actually approve this deal? because the russian nuclear agency, atomic agency, the one that is the controlling interest in the company that acquired the uranium, they've been helping iran build nuclear plants, training iranian nuclear scientists. they the don't have our best interests until mind. an attempt to get russia to come in on a bad iranian deal? was this deal approved to ap benefit democrat and clinton foundation ben factors for a pay back. jesse i want to hit the media on this. they have acted like they are moses coming down from mount sinai with god's truth. they're nothing but opinion i
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was, not journalists, they're just another guy with an opinion, with a different value set trying to drive a specific narrative. the reason they got played on this, they tried to attempt to pull off one of the biggest hoaxes in american history, when the left and the press tried tot persuade the american people that somehow the duly elected t president of the united states was a puppet of putin's and t of essentially a traitor to his country. there is a certain disdain for american and the left and the press. when that difficults detain lines up with the information, they bit hard on it. >> the russian collusion campaign completely boomer ranged and hit hillary right in the head. the democrats and the media on one team and the republicans on the other. it's two against one. >> that's right. and the i wrote my boston heard columns, i think bob mueller needsbo to recuse himself.
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how can we have a special prosecutor aggressively going after the trump administration and the trump campaign associates while on his watch, while he ran the fbi he overlooked the pay to play between uranium one and $140 million going to the clinton foundation? he overlooked a russian bank paying bill clint clunt a half million dollars for a half hour speech and bill clinton met with putin personally right before this deal went down. >> yep. >> if none of that crossed his radar, he let all that go by and he also let john podesta's russian finance the en tangle wants go under his radar. now we're supposed to believe that he's impartial going after donald trump and his family and his associates so relentlessly? he has to accuse himself. >> his i believe contributory negligence i didn't at this is definitely in question because of all the things you cited. we want to let the audience know
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cnn has brought an indictment down tonight. we have not confirmed that. we don't have the facts on that. if we do bring that fact out, we will bring it to the audience, not yet. we're not going to speculate on what is going on happen. it looks like it's going to be a pretty big week next week. adriana, ned, thank you very much. [ laughter ] >> thanks jesse. >> coming up, president trump is draining the swamp and it's driving the establishment crazy. we're going to show you what's going on, up next. you what's going on, up next. i don't want to sound paranoid, but d'ya think our recent online sales success seems a little... strange? na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... "people" aren't buying these books online, but "they" are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name.
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just, uh one second voice guy. [ bloop ] huh? hey? i paused it. bam, family time. so how is everyone? find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. >> jesse: it's no secret there's a deep split within the republican party. president trump is winning the fight so far. it's driving the establishment crazy. time magazine took a january at the president's destructiveness in its upcoming cover, showing president trump as a wrecking ball. now tim miller who worked for jeb bush's campaign. and amanda head. amanda, i'll put it to you simply, is president trump winning and how? >> first i want to note that that cover, i don't really find
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it to be insulting. i know that they meant it to be. i have a lot of friends who call me a miniature wrecking ball. i kind of liked it. >> jesse: you're taking that as a compliment for the president. >> i kind of feel like president trump is too. >> jesse: okay. he might. >> i think that there are some stipulations placed on 2017, going in the win column. tax reform or tax cuts have to be done. but you know, this strain between the gop and trump has been boiling for awhile. and it seems like for the most part americans are siding with trump. >> jesse: do you agree with that, tim, that americans are siding with trump, the president. >> if the spokesman for the committee to defend the president can't say that he's clearly winning, i think it's clear that he's not. they haven't been able to pass legislation. this is the problem with the president. the president thinks winning is triggering liberals. that's nice, there's nothing wrong with triggering liberals. but they need to get legislation
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past. you will need cork sxer flake to do that. the president who is supposed be the great deal make per the hasn't cut a successful deal on the hill since he's been there. we're ten months in. like amanda i hope we get tax reform. it doesn't help when the president is not attracting any democratic votes and name calling corker, flake and others whose vote he needs? >> jesse: i would agree they haven't got a lot of legislative accomplishments under the first nine months of the trump administration. i would put to you this way there's been great judges been appointed. isis has been decimated. the caliphateless gone. the border crossings are way down the wall is not even built yet. ms16, the keystone pipeline was green lit. you can point to a number of accomplishments, regulations being slashed. two consecutive quarters of 3%
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gdp, record high stock markets, there are some things the president is doing well a. man dark although not so successful any on legislation. correct? >> correct. but my thing is, if corker and flake feel so strongly about opposing president trump and moving the country in more in the direction of their view why are they baling? another thing is people who are in the republican party who claim they are conservatives and yet they are not supporting the votes, you have to remember during the election donald trump won over 3000 counties. hillary clinton won 57. of those 57, the majority came from a collective of about ten states and the district of columbia. people overwhelmingly want trump's agenda. when they go back home they act like they know what their voters want, but they already told them what they wanted. >> she really re-drew the map,
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the three blue states, if he can do that again and win a second term, wouldn't it be better to work with the president instead of against the president. >> well look, yeah, the president did a nice job winning the election, you're right about that. even the fox news poll the other day said he only has 37% support. and the point of winning the presidency is not just to win it, to feel good. that was nice. and he deserves credit for winning it. the point is to advance objectives and long-term legislative objectives. i agree with you jesse, i support neil gorsuch to the supreme court. that was a good appointment. all the other things are executive orders that conservatives should oppose. if a democrat wins they can turn back around >>. >> jesse: i don't think pulling out of bad climate deals or bad trade deals or bad nuclear deals i wouldn't consider those executive orders. they're reviewing those and that's in play. >> he took us out of paris, then
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the next president could put us right back in. >> you would have to applaud him for that. you're not a global warming guy, i would assume. one of his best accomplishments is keeping hillary out of the white house. >> i do think the globe is warming, i don't know if that makes meal a global warming guy. >> you look pretty tan. i can't tell. >> i live in california now, i am tanned. >> sore try to hear that. >> during the last segment you said you want to hold the people in power to account. the most powerful guy is the president. i think that you're grading him on a curve here. and sure there's been a couple of things he's done well. he's had a lot of serious problems and i think that corker and flake's criticism of him over honesty and behavior in the west wing and his lack of accomplishments are all fair and strong criticisms. >> jesse: let's get amanda to respond to that. tim has a point here. i mean character counts. and maybe some of these guys
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don't care about getting reelected, they don't want to run again and they're oh fended by the president's behavior, demeanor. that's a fair criticism sm, is it not? >> yeah. i mean maybe they're not running because they are baling out on their own volition, maybe they're also baling out because they know they won't win. americans are so sick of the left and the right it down line party politics. they voted for trump because he represented a version of hope and change that we did not see in the last election cycle because it wasn't some trendy slogan that somebody turned into pop art and put it on the wall above their yoga studio. it actually represented something that americans wanted to see. and yes you're right, his polling numbers are down. but you look at areas of academi academics economics and natural security and he's doing very well. a lot of people on both sides of
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the aisle are obstructing. >> jesse: poll numbers don't matt at this point. if the republicans can get tax reform done and obamacare re-field and replaced within the next year i think both feel you would say the president has a pretty successful first two years. correct? >> well i hope. >> i will posit a. >> jesse: tim go first. >> if bob maueller mueller indi people i don't think obamacare and tax reform would fix that. >> jesse: that's a wild card, i agree. >> i would hope they could have done it already. so yeah look i think the president should get focused on that. if he gets focused on that and not some of these other spats that he's spending his time on, then that would be a the step in the right direction for sure. >> jesse: i don't think the spats are ever going to go away. i don't think the president can ever fail to respond or counter punch. i think we all have to get used
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to that and roll with the punches as they say. tim, amanda, thank you very much. >> thanks jesse. >> thanks jesse. >> jesse: up next hillary clinton just won't go away. is that really good news for president trump? we'll break it all down for you next. back in a moment. you know who likes to be in control? this guy. check it out! self-appendectomy!
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♪ [ music playing ] ♪ . >> jesse: hillary clinton has been in the hot seat this week. but that didn't stop her from taking the stage at the women's media awards. >> look, i follow the media. and i knew there were a lot of folks telling me to just shut up and sit down and never say another word. and i thought to myself well what is it they're so afraid of hearing? but i don't intend to be silenced and i know none of you will let that happen. >> jesse: joining me now with
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their reactions robin and amy holmes ale conservative. amy, she seems like she's playing the sexism card here, saying i'm a woman, they don't want to hear a woman but i'm going to yell and scream and you're gonna hear from me. >> well she says i will not be silenced. we know girl. i mean. >> jesse: this is clear. >> this is clear. this is great for republicans, they should be underwriting the bull horn courtesy of the vast right wing conspiracy, #deplorables. she doesn't seem to remember in the past election she was still one of the least liked least trusted politicians in american history. for her to hog the limelight is actually only good for republicans. >> jesse: that's true. i don't believe it's republicans telling hillary to get off the stage. if anything it's democrats saying let's turn the page. >> jesse, i agree with you. in her book she actually says it's the far left that is
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telling her that more than anything. but you know she has every right to get up and use her voice. she earned $2.8 million -- 2.8 million more votes. she was former secretary of state. she was former senator. she has a load of information. i want to say when you run a campaign and lose you learn so much information. she sees it as her responsibility to impart that information to young females that are aspiring to run for political office. i think that's admirable. >> jesse: perhaps. but al gore also won more votes than george w. bush, and they had the bitter receipt count. what do you do? for the good of the country, he stepped back and was quiet for many years and then it got on the green deal. >> then he gave us global warming. i'm not sure he's a great example. >> jesse: he resurfaced after many years out of the of the spotlight. many people would like to see
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hillary ride off into the sunset with a little class. >> it's many funny you should say sunset she's like norma desmond of sunset boulevard. al gore is go a mixed comparison considering he has wanted to be a star on the world stage, he took an issue that was separate from himself. he took on something that he obviously feels passionate about and he advocates for. we're stealing from hillary, me, me, me, when you talk about young women and whether or not she's a great example for them, look at the young women who voted for bernie sanders overwhelmingly. she did not have purchase on the milen i can't voters, they did not see her as representing their interests. >> jesse: that's absolutely true. one of the reasons besides the book tour, the scanned dals have a way of continue arguing to creep into the news cycle even after they've left the stage. her husband bill, when he left
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office you heard about pardon dons and stealing the furniture from the white house, now she's been gone and we're hearing about uranium one, and the dossier. >> of course. >> jesse: that's why she's still in the news, and people are saying hillary, move on. >> jesse you know as well as i do that hillary will never stop talking about hillary clinton. [ laughter ] >> when donald trump makes serious missteps they love to bring up anything about hillary clinton or bill clinton. stuff from the 90s even to distract from some of the serious missteps from the trump administration that can't pass any major legislation. when that happens start cueing the tapes and rolling anything they can. throw it at the wall about hillary clinton and bill clinton and see what sticks. >> jesse: to be fair, donald trump didn't bring up the dossier. the dossier came out from good reporting and the uranium one thing also was not brought up by
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the president. >> to be fair the clinton baggage could fill an airport. it's pretty easy pickings there. have you noticed with hillary clinton when she was running for the press did he know sir, she was the most detail oriented politician ever to seek the highest office in the land. whenever there's a scandal, i didn't know. i'm oblivious. harvey wine teen being a sexual hara harassers for decades who was one of my biggest fundraisers, i didn't know him. >> jesse: she lost her memory with benghazi, the dossier, uranium one, she doesn't have any recollection of her campaign spending six or $9 million on opposition research? >> you know before that, i want to point out it's not reported much in the news but the gop had spent money, too. i'm not sure which candidate but a gop candidate. >> that broke tonight. that was actually the washington
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free beacon a conservative publication was spending some money with fusion gps. but that was before the steel guy from great brittle tan got involved with the fake dossier, to be fair. >> you notice hillary does get very silent when it comes to continue versus sis that are landing flat on her doorstep. of course she wants to take the mantel of medical tem any of the victim language. give me a break. >> jesse: donald trump has the best enemies. >> he does. >> jesse: it doesn't get any better than hillary clinton. the more and more she stays in the arena i think the better it is. she's a great political punching bag. she has no self awareness. she refuses to accept the results of the election. it was she that accuse would donald trump in the debate of not being able to accept the results of the election, now she's out there saying it was rigged. >> ironically jesse that used to be said of the clintons they're
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lucky in their enemies, now it seems the shoe is on the other foot. >>. >> jesse: is that anaheim with her tie? the bow tie almost looks like the hillary campaign tie. >> i wore the red, white and blue just for you jesse. >> jesse: i love the bow tie, it's more tucker carlson than tucker carlson. i think it looks great on you. rob, amy, thank you very much. >> thank you jesse, appreciate it. >> jesse: our experts break down the biggest political stories of the week. stay with us. booking a flight at the last minute doesn't have to be expensive. just go to priceline. it's the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40%.
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. >> jesse: welcome back it's been a busy week in washington. and to find out what the biggest stories were let's bring two reporters working in your nation's capitol. earn and philip. okay erin, what are your biggest stories, leading with the number one of the week. go. >> i first think we have to talk about the retirement of jeff flake. because no one was really expecting this. and i actually think that that puts arizona into serious play. democrats have a really good candidate there by the name of kristen cinema. they weren't looking at this. they were trying it make arizona competitive over the last couple of cycles. it's never competitive until it
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is. the same can be true of wisconsin, michigan and arizona in the presidential election for republicans, this past cycle. but this story has legs because it is going to be competitive for democrats but also because jeff flake has been a very vocal figure in the republican party critical of president trump. >> jesse: vehicocal is one way say it. do you think arizona is in play for the democrats? what did donald trump within that state by? five, six points. >> i'm most interested that steve ban i don't know got another scalp when jeff flake called it quits. this shows a lot of these guys, these jim de mint guys, their brand just isn't working any more. so they're clocking out early. i think this shows the pop lift national lift side of the republican party is definitely on the upswing. >> jesse: that is true. i think the kelli ward is the ban on pick condition sieve upstart there.
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so we'll see how she performs. >> that is true. also this is gonna go even further because a number of conservative groups came out against another republican can't date who can potentially run a congresswoman in arizona because they want to support kelly ward. you're going to see a nasty republican primary in arizona. >> jesse: the nastier the higher the ratings for cable news. what do you think the biggest story of the week was? >> hands down it's what we see coming out of the russian dossier. if you will paul manafort or michael flynn i would not want to be either of those guys tonight. now that mueller has pressed charges with the grand jury, whoever is charged could find themselves arrested come monday morning. so this i think is going to be the dominant story going forward for all of next week. >> jesse: like i said at the top of the show that's a cnn report about the mueller in diet wants, fox news has not yet confirmed
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that. if and when we do, we'll bring it to you. next week, if that is true and they put someone in handcuffs as soon as monday, that's just going to blow everything out of the water. what else do you think was big this week? is. >> i still think the feud between bob corker and the president was a big story this week. obviously it dominated an entire day of news coverage. and i don't think that it jeopardizes tax reform in the way that people are talking about. it is clearly going to continue the fight between the establishment and the populist and the president trump like you were talking about at the beginning of the show. >> jesse: actually i enjoyed the little story because we got a new trump nickname, little bosch corker, li d.j. le. is that right philip? marco rubio has to feel slighted. that was his nickname. >> jesse: that was lil marco, he
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also was sweaty marco. i don't know if he can accept that nickname. that was gossip. i don't think that's going to jeopardize the trump agenda in the senate if corker is doesn't vote on tax reform he's really selling out his constituents. >> that's right. one other big story that took up a lot of this week, which was mark halperin who is an an list for msnbc but lost that contract, he was political director of abc news back in the 90s. a number of women came out on the record tonight, cnn reported that story but the washington post has followed up and more and more women are coming out it against mark halperin. he's not only lost the nsnbc contract but a book deal and the option for one of his books to get an airing in a miniseries on hbo and show time as well for another show that he had. so that story is a big deal
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because i do think it's not just mark halperin we're going to see a number of other figures in the media and otherwise have more and more women come out against them. >> jesse: you're probably right about that. he released a statement and copped to a lot of misbehavior and rudeness and inappropriateness. so i mean if those allegations are true, i just feel terrible for those women that were suffering that kind of abuse of power. philip, anything else big this week? >> well i think it's really easy to focus on a lot of fights in congress. we saw a positive story coming out of the white house when president trump was getting serious about the opioid epidemic and he got serious in a great way. he of the didn't say do xy and z and we're going to beat this thing. he went with an all of the above approach. in the most powerful moment he talked about his own brother who he lost to alcoholism. this is so the important. if you are that person in the
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midwest. if you are someone who is addicted, the president is talking about his own brother's struggle. shame is no longer an excuse not to go to your community and get help. that's what's important. it's going to be communities not government that's going to solve this problem. >> jesse: that's exactly right o watters' world tomorrow night i have on eric trump. he talks about his father and how he was raised to say no to drugs, alcohol, no to smoking. it's very obviously an important and emotional issue with the trump family. erin, philip we're going to have you guys stay here, take a short break. when we come back we'll have a preview of next weeks biggest stories, so stay with us. wh
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♪ [ music playing ] ♪ . >> jesse: welcome back. we are rejoined buyer in mcpike and philip for their predictions of the biggest stories next week. let's start with you philip. what do you think is going to go down next week? >> i think this is going to be under noticed but it is the virginia governor's race. he did gill less i has the momentum over the democrat. and he's known for doing one thing that's breaking late in contests, and if he's able to
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pull this out, and really turn on the after burner in this last week before election day, not only does he have a chance to turn virginia red, but republicans have a chance it get momentum before the 2018 mid terms. >> jesse: it's a critical state. absolutely. it's been a purple state. hillary won it. and i think gill less i was closing so fast the last time, for senate and came up an inch short because he didn't get any money he should have gotten. er in how do you see this going? >> that's a great question. the polls have been all over the place on this. you know i think we've seen a lot more of ralph norton than he did gill less i in terms of on television. that means that ralph is in. >> v studios rather than meeting with voters, that's a good point. and i think it's obviously still more than a week away. it's not this coming tuesday but the tuesday after. so i think we'll see it in two weeks, be a big story. >> jesse: okay. she took issue, philip with your
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accuracy there. i'm not going to make too much of it. we don't want you guys shouting at each other. so erin you're up. what do you think is going to happen next week that's big? >> jesse i will say that we device did this list before that cnn report came out that charges are going to be filed on monday in the mueller probe. as you've been saying fox news hasn't confirmed that just yet. if that happens on monday that will blow everything out of the water. the other big story that i think you're going to see a lot about next week is president trump in true apprentice fashion has been talking about the fact that he will be naming the next fed chair sometime next week. he's obviously very excited about it. so that for him probably will be the biggest story. >> jesse: yes that will be so boring that nomination, it will have no chance of blowing the mueller news, if it's throughout of the news cycle. philip, the fed chair, why
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should regular americans care? >> well because this is the federal reserve. they are in charge of monetary policy. but look i think it's telling in this media landscape that this is huge news normally. i really think it will probably be overshadowed by what we see with the russian probe moving forward. look, we're going to see what aboutism ad nauseam. people on the right are going to accuse democrats of funding that dossier later on and people on the left are going to respond that it was a conservative publication, the free beacon who originally the funded it. this is a story that is going to dominate the news. if we've seen one thing in 2017 it's that russia hysteria drives headlines. >> jesse: it sure does. any other scandals besides the russia thing that you guys see percolating next week? >> possibly this contract that was given to white fish an energy company based in montana
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in the ryan zinke's hometown. based on how the contract was written, and this company on twitter got into a little bit of a spat with the san juan may or, which seemed on both of their parts to be not quite the thing to do when they actually are trying to bring electricity and energy and water and supplies to everyone in puerto rico. >> jesse: so everyone knows white fish is an energy company from the same hometown as the interior secretary, and they won a contract to i guess help puerto rico recover. this was a very pricey contract. how many dollars was it for? >> that, i cannot tell you. i don't know the answer to that. >> jesse: i think it's like $300 million contract a lot of money. now to be fair ryan sink see key had a strong statement saying he had nothing to do with this company receiving the contract.
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he welcomes an investigation, wants to turn over all documents. it's just kind of a little bit of a coincidence, we'll see how it breaks down. any last thoughts. >> what we're seeing here is the administration, they're not gonna make the same mistakes they did with tom price and the private planes. right now we're going to get our story straight from the beginning. control the narrative, push back early and make sure it doesn't explode out of proportion. >> jesse: let's go back to the mueller thing. let's just assume that there is an indictment that's handed down. i'm just gonna speculate because, you know, we don't know a lot right now, we the haven't conditional firmed it. if it does happen is it a manafort indictment? is it a flynn indictment? and do you guys believe that it's just a small kind of financial filing situation? or is it the bigger collusion situation that everybody is so worried about? >> that's the big question.
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but there is a lot of speculation going on twitter already, whether it's flynn or manafort. i would think that the scales are probably tipped to manafort in this one. but you know, remember, the fbi went and knocked on his door with all kinds of tactics and took him out of bed. it was kind of a messy story. i would imagine it's probably manafort and that there's probably a lot there. story after story has come out about potential collusion with manafort. >> jesse: this does not look good. we've got to run. er in, philip, thank you so much. more fox tonight right after this. you know who likes to be in control? this guy. check it out! self-appendectomy! oh, that's really attached. that's why i rent from national. where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me.
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. >> jesse: before we go tonight i just want to make sure everybody tunes in to watters' world tomorrow night at 8:00 we do an extensive halloween costume edition. i don't want to show a promo clip. i want to say goodbye to a dear friend and colleague, nate fred man, nate fred man has been at the company all of his adult life, starting as an intern and working his way to the top. fantastic producer, great guy, and i just want to say goodbye, we're going to miss you. lovely wife kim and beautiful daughter, and wish you all the success in the world. it's been a real pleasure working for you and with you. and best of luck. >> and that's all the time we have this evening.
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laura ingraham's show, the ingraham angle starts right here at 10:00 pm on monday. be sure to check that out. we thank you guys all for watching. good night. checkbook journalism is nothing new. >> martha: we have to leave it there. see you next time. the . >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. another mystery solved. less than an hour ago we finally learned who began funding of the trump dossier here in washington. an amazing and maybe not surprising tale. first the avalanche of propaganda continues here. you can tell when the democratic party's pr apparatus feels it has come up with the talking point. you're hearing the exact same phrase from every cable news hack on television, including on this show. the latest is opposition


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