tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News October 27, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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laura ingraham's show, the ingraham angle starts right here at 10:00 pm on monday. be sure to check that out. we thank you guys all for watching. good night. checkbook journalism is nothing new. >> martha: we have to leave it there. see you next time. the . >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. another mystery solved. less than an hour ago we finally learned who began funding of the trump dossier here in washington. an amazing and maybe not surprising tale. first the avalanche of propaganda continues here. you can tell when the democratic party's pr apparatus feels it has come up with the talking point. you're hearing the exact same phrase from every cable news hack on television, including on this show. the latest is opposition
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research. that's what democrats are now calling the trump dossier, that collection of unverified allegations that in some cases appears to have come straight from the kremlin. last months the democrats told us that was evidence of treason and grounds for impeachment. now that it turns out hillary and the dnc paid for it it is being written off as opposition research. totally true teen, move along, nothing to see here, we've heard this story so many times. right, not so fast. the trump dossier is far from opposition research. . it's been the linchpin in a remarkable effort to overturn last year's election results. information in that dossier which looks very much like disinformation flowed from russia to the hillary clinton campaign and the headquarters of the democratic party. it somehow made its way throughout the obama administration to the fbi and various other law enforcement agencies and intel agencies as
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well. the obama administration used the dossier's allegations to just identify spying efforts against american citizens, including trump associates. in other words the entirely investigation into russia and russia collusion, the one that has stalled our government and changed our form en policy, all of it grows from the now discredited trump dossier. it's hardly just a piece of opposition research. it's a history changing document. and apparently a fraudulent one. there's no wonder so many people are now lying about it. maggie haberman reports the democratic officials repeatedly lied to them for a year. neither the hillary clinton or dnc reported how they acquired it as they were supposed to do by law. both clinton podesta and debi becauser man shuments told the
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senate intel community behind closed doors they had no idea who funded the dossier. they had no connection between them and who the fusion gps. not actual likely actually. they paid more than $9 million to the law firm perkins koie and it seems likely that fusion was receiving the lion's share of that. they've resisted having their financial records let out. wasserman schultz and podesta so detached from the campaigns they were running in a presidential year they had no idea where millions of dollars went? that seems absurd. less than an hour another great mystery has been solved. the identity of the fundser of the original fusion gps opposition research on the trump campaign p we've known for a
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long time it was an anti trump republican. now according to byron york we know it was the washington free beacon. a website funded by hedge fund billionaire paul singer and founded by bill chris stole. that's where it all began. we think promise you not a single person in washington is surprised by that. >> a former state department official joins us tonight. david, thank you. i'm glad you're here. we've had many conversations about russia over the past year, you and i. you've expressed outrage about collusion between the trump people and russia. now that we know that the hillary campaign colluded with russia and took information from russia to affect the outcome of the campaign are you outraged? >> i never expressed outrage that there was collusion i expressed outrage that russia interfered in our election which all intelligence agencies agreed to and i said that needs to be investigated f there is collusion that's a very serious
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crime. >> we know the russians gave information through a couple of cutouts to the hillary campaign and the democrat ivanka kushnic committee. >> that's not what happened. the news that we learned this week is that hillary clinton funded fusion gps. but we already knew that a democratic ally had funded it. that came out in october 2006. if you look at the mother jones article which first published these allegations. >> martha: no, we the didn't know it. >> it was clear an it democratic ally funded it did. >> martha: you're tracing the genesis of the story. i'm asking you a factual question about what happened. russia gave information to steel the former head of the russia desk at mi6 who gave it to fusion gps and then it flowed to the hillary clinton campaign and the dnc to influence the outcome of the election. information from russia was used to influence the outcome using hillary as a conduit.
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i'm wondering where is your outrage? >> that is not accurate. >> martha: how is that inaccurate? >> steel was hired to do opposition research and he talked to lots of people, not just russians, people in europe and the u.s. and found sources. >> martha: hold on. why are you -- are you happy with what he did? >> some of his sources were russian sources. >> martha: i didn't say every source was russian. [ laughter ] >> martha: i'm saying what we know from the public record and what the committee the is in the process of learning is that information from the russians and that would be people associated with the kremlin, russian government, found its way to the clinton campaign. they paid for that information and it was designed to influence the outcome of the election. i'm just holding you to the standard that you set when you said this is undermining american democracy, hacking of an election. why is it not the case here? >> everyone should read the steel do is did. >> martha: i have. >> you would see there were many sources. >> martha: that was one of them. i'm not saying it was the only
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one. i am saying -- >> carter page who worked for trump. >> martha: i got it. you're obscuring the point and i think our viewers know that. look, if it's wrong for one tied to do it, it is wrong for any side to do it. you have evidence here that it happened on the democratic side. there is no evidence the republican side did it. >> you are equating two things that are not equal. it is not wrong for opposition research to be conducted and for some of the resources to be russian. >> you don't have a problem with that? >> it's sufficient that trump engaged in collusion with the russians. >> wait a second, wait a second. real quickly, why did hillary not engage, honest question, why different given what we know now that the hillary campaign gave millions of dollars to the russians how are they not including with the russians? i'm missing this. >> there is no news that suggests they gave money to the
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russians, they gave money to a british former intelligently sense agent that gave money to the russians. >> look at that. >> why do we have a special counsel investigation? because trump fired the fbi director, comey, he fired the fbi director comey. >> no, no, i think you're missing a few steps, here is the key step you're missing. the investigation had already begun. the administration began investiga investigating them. why did they do that? i've been here the whole time. the investigation was under way and it was under way in part because of material gleaned from the trump dossier paid for by the hillary campaign. it's a really simple well. does it bother you >> you're wrong. there were lots of reasons why the fbi started investigating. they had surveillance of trump. >> david. >> trump campaign officials talking to russians.
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>> i got it. >> they didn't just open an investigation. >> you can't have a conversation with someone who is shouting. i'll lower my voice, i hope you do the same. >> we know jim comey tried to add the trump dossier to the january intel report from the community showing -- this played a pivotal point. does it bother you opposition research wound up circulating through the obama administration? how did that happen? >> you're trying to argue that all roads lead back to the steel dossier and that's not corrects. >> i'm asking you , does it bother you? >> it came from our cia, fbi, state department. that was based on their review >> we're almost out of time. here is what -- >> their review of the data and the stealing of data from the -- sglu know what? you and the loser we've had on
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last time have convinced me there is no answer to these questions. that's why you're filibustering. >> that's why we have the independent counsel. >> this is really hurting. you're a reasonable guy acting in an unreasonable manner which suggests you know this is bad. it's bad david. we're going to find out. thank you. >> thanks tucker. >> jonathan turley is a cool head, not a right winger, been around a long time. i wanted you to come on to assess, coolly, logically, the legal exposure, potentially from this story. >> there's considerable it exposu exposure. the interesting thing about the original russian collusion argument is that including with russians is not a crime. there is no such crime. there's conspiracy, but the question is conspiracy to do what? i've been saying this and many people have been saying this the case is getting weaker by the day. there's not much evidence to suggest an actual crime. compared to this there is a basis for a criminal charge if
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these allegations are proven. now you have the uranium one deal, which is a pay for play allegation. >> right. >> that's a serious crime. >> the clintons could very well show there was no relationship between the half million dollars that went to bill clinton and what the state department did. but that is a classic criminal allegation, if it were to be proven. with regard to the fusion gps and the dossier, there are issues there, particularly if people lied to investigate ors, either congress until that or federal. that's the type of crime that gets charged in dc >> i think what you're referring to is what happened last month before the senate committee investigating this, john podesta the former chairman of hillary's campaign and becauser man schultz were asked directly, did you pay for this? did monies from your cover wind up at fusion gps and both of them said no. >> you're right.
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this attorney mark elias is in a precarious position. he was the general counsel of the campaign. two reporters have accused him of expressly saying there was no relationship with the clinton campaign and the dossier. he was actually sitting next to john podesta when podesta made the same denial. that gets you into very difficult area, that's when false statements are given to federal investigators. that has to be of concern. it doesn't mean that crime occurred but it's an obvious concern. >> can you think of an alternative explanation? i will take off the table the idea that the head of the campaign and the head of the party didn't know about millions being spent on opposition research. is there some other way they could explain their behavior before that committee? >> well, that's what the investigators really have to look at. it's hard to argue that this isn't appropriate for investigation. there are serious questions here. it doesn't mean there's crimes
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but there's serious questions. it's also true that if you're investigating the trump side for coordinating or including with russians this would seem to be an, analogous situation. having said that the moral high ground in washington has always been measured in millimeters. i'm not so sure i'm going to cast aspersions or congratulations on either side. >> that's always a safe bet. >> there are serious criminal allegations here that could potentially be moved on. i think that both sides need to acknowledge that many people felt after comey was fired there was a legitimate basis for the special counsel investigation. it's hard to deny that there's legitimate basis for the coming depression until that investigation into uranium one and into the dossier to find out the facts. if people lied during the course of that, that's the type of crime people get indicted for in washington. >> the neo conditions hated
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trump and a bunch of them got together and funded the trump dossier, the washington free beacon and everyone associated with that. >> i don't see the crime in gathering evidence, even from for reason sources any more than i did with trump and the alleges on that side. where you get into some serious problems is if you're trying to acquire classified information or if you are encouraging the theft of information or the hacking of systems. those can be charged as a crime. >> right. >> but it terms of gathering information, as you know, that's a long standing practice in washington, d.c. >> sure. >> but what you really have to look for are people that will may have given false information on investigations. and that's what prosecutor's start with, because those are people that can be easily charged. >> right. that's how martha sue wart found up in federal prison. >> thank you.
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peter schweizer literally wrote the book, clinton cash. thank you for coming on. there's actually a new development in basically an old story. tell us what it is. >> yeah well the new development is that hillary clinton's defense in saying she was not involved in the uranium one decision has essentially been they trotted out former assistant secretary of state fernandez to say he was the one that made the decision. they presented him as basically a serious arbitrator who is going to explain how this was done. the problem is, that if you look at the john podesta emails that were leaked, you find something very curious, tucker. you have find that mr. fernandez feels communicating with mr. podesta when this story first broke in 2015 when my book came out. in the fact what mr. fernandez told john podesta feels i want to do all i can to help the hillary clinton campaign. and literally four days after that email, that's when he was
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trotted out to say hillary clinton was not involved in this decision, i was the one that made the decision to approve the uranium one deal. so what it means bottom line is, you know, this is not a source we can trust. it's another example of why we need to investigate this. we simply can't take his word for it or take hillary clinton's word for it. >> it also suggests that they knew exactly how this would be perceived from the outside. so her husband had taken this half million dollar speaking fee. their family the foundation had taken 145 million from board members of uranium one. there are going to be a lot of questions. it sounds like from the evidence you just suggested that they found this guy and said you know what? you're making the decision. >> yeah, no. that's right. their responses have been to trot out fernandez. their other defense has been there are eight other government agencies that approved this deal. the problem is that has absolutely nothing to do with the issue of bribery.
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there's nothing in the bribery statute that says you have to be the swing vote. the point is if she voted and supported this initiative in any way, in exchange for this money it doesn't matter if the vote was 5-4 or 9-0 it still constitutes bribery. this is part of the problem. they have not presented any evidence to support their claim. i think it's why we need to investigate this. we can't take hillary's word for it. the explanations they've offered thus far simply don't add up. >> martha: that's right. not all government agencies are created equally. the state department is the first among equals. this whole thing, american national security suffered because of this. peter, thank you. you're the one who broke this story and i don't think you can get enough credit for it. >> thanks tucker. >> the latest jfk documents have been out for 24 hours. they revealed things people didn't know before. we'll bat it around with a jfk expert next. ♪
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[ music playing ] ♪ . >> tucker: almost 3000 documents remedied to the kennedy assassination were released last night. some were deliberately withheld yet again 54 years later as the cia and other unnamed agencies seek redactions because you're not allowed to see it t it's enough fuel for conspiracy theories of to go another 50 years or so. what have we learned? runs the center for politics and is an expert on kennedy and the
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assassination. larry, whenever you talk about this you don't want to seem like a nut case. on the other hand bobby kennedy has been shown believed, his first reaction was the cia did this h i'm not saying they did. but i'm saying he thought it was possible. so have we gotten any closer to what happened with these documents? >> no. at least not the ones i've read, tucker. remember there were tense and tens of thousands of pages. we're just now skimming them and using some great student resources. i think you know how good the students are at the just of virginia, you know some of them. >> tucker: yes, i do. >> so we're looking for new material. we found some nuggets that are very, very interesting. but i don't think it's changing the course of history. the isn't rewriting the warren commission, or changing the general thrust of the evaluation of this assassination over many, many years. >> tucker: so what have we learned? >> well i'll give you a couple
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of examples. i've tried to understand lee harvey oswald. i've read a great deal about him. >> tucker: right. >> he was young, he was a misfit. some might say a sociopath. very strange guy. who would defect to the soviet union in those days from the united states? then he got to come back amazingly. went right to work for fidel castro. this is an unusual fellow. one thing i never understood was that until i read something in that file, he had murder on his did mind for a long time. one of this associates in the military reported shortly after ice en hour began his second term that lee harvey oswald said he wanted to kill dwight ice en how we are because he was part of the oppressive class, killing the poor people. we know as well that during his -- when he came back to the united states he told his wife and convinced her at one point
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that he was preparing to kill former vice president richard nixon. on a texas trip, yes, on a texas trip. it turned out he was using that to abuse his wife, tucker. the vice president wasn't coming at the time that lee harvey oswald told his wife he was. he never got the opportunity. then, he nearly killed general edwin walker. he shot at him, nearly killed him. we know what happened on november 22nd. this guy had murder on his did mind for years and he finally actioned on it. >> tucker: let me the ask you quickly. there's evidence that a british newspaper or the fbi any way believed a british newspaper received a call less it than an hour before the assassination saying call the u.s. embassy, something terrible is about to happen in america. is that a credible account, do you think? >> yes, it is. in fact today i had a lot of experiences with british tv. they were facscinated with this
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document and focussing on it. what convinced me was not simply the account by the reporter, relearned mi5 british intelligence validated this claim. they were never able to identify the person who made the call. but 25 minutes before president kennedy was sas nated this reporter in the cambridge news. remember cambridge was a nest of communist spies for decades. they the know, 25 minutes before this person said to the reporter, you had better call the u.s. embassy, there's big news coming out of the united states. now look maybe it was a coincidence. maybe it was a crank call but it's one of the most incredible coincidences in history. >> tucker: unbelievable. thank you larry for that. really interesting. >> thank you tucker. thanks a lot. >> tucker: hollywood attorney lisa bloom made her career acting as the supposed champion
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of victims of sexism. that's not at all what she was. tonight additional evidence she worked to discredit victims of sexual harassment, specifically those harassed by harvey those harassed by harvey weinstein and she did it for my name is jeff sheldon, and i'm the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier so now, we're ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free.
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trace gal her has the amazing story. >> hey tucker critics have called lisa bloom a percent nature ri skaf van jer. her decision to defend the very powerful harvey weinstein raised eyebrows, including her mother's gloria all presented who condemned the arrangement. now we know bloom was reportedly willing to ruin his accusers in the process. the daily beast is reporting earlier this yearly sa bloom calderon than federal and offered to share opposition research on the sexual history of wine fine accuser rose mcgowan and the daily mail says at the time bloom did not disclose that she was defending wine teen. other reports say bloom compromised information on italian model and helped new york police get an audiotape
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of weinstein admitting assault. tmz says bloom tried to secretly record at least one of wine fine's alleged victims. bloom says she resigned from representing weinstein after learning of his sexual misdeeds and cannot comment further citing attorney client privilege. tucker >> tucker: what a shame trace. it would be great to know more. thank you for that. we're the joined by fox chief washington correspondent james rosen who has information on the real effect of sanctuary cities. >> tucker, good evening. two of america's so-called sanctuary cities are defying pressure from the justice department to begin cooperating with federal authorities. new york and filibuster may or informed doj today they have no way to proof they are not impede pg immigration enforcement.
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justice has threatened them with not giving them millions in federal grants. enforcement of sanctuary cities is endangering citizens in those communities and had they point to several recent examples. in late august a 38 year old undocumented immigrant from got hal reportedly turned himself in after he allegedly beat his girlt friend to death. he now faces murder charges. he had been charged for beating the same woman all of two weeks earlier. ice gave federal agents 16 minutes notice before setting him free. then the case of a 19 year old undocumented him grant with multiple arrests. he broke into an unmarked police car in month good morning try maricopa and stole an ar15 and was arrested within days. ice filed a detainer but they let the man walk after he posted
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$2,000 bond. he was later arrested by ice agents again. . >> tucker: amazing. it's amazing to see the details of this. normally we speak only in terms of broad slogans. thank you james for that. fascinate sglg you bet. >> tucker: the republican who was challenging bill deblasio in the mayor's race this year says in the past four years he has effectively put the city up for sale. she joins tonight. nicole thanks a lot for coming on. >> thank you. >> tucker: can you be more specific in your allegations against mayor did i braelow yes. read the headlines of the new york post today, it is said during testimony with unrelated core rumgs trial one of those who testifiedless a donor says that he bought the mayor for $189,000 and that he had the mayor whenever he wanted his attention, whenever he needed assistance and he got special
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treatment out of city hall. this is not the first time we're hearing about something like this. we see here in new york city property is being leased off to developers who are building luxury condos and those developers either bundles tens of thousands of dollars for the may or or they're lobbyists and have also seen projects such as dee restriction lifted from a health care facility in lower east side of manhattan >> tucker: none of that is surprising to people familiar with new york but it's upsetting nonetheless. i worked in new york on and off for many years. i wonder if you've noticed what i have, which is that there are thousand and thousands and thousands of people living on the street in new york. more people living on the street than i've ever seen in decades. is this partly due to the mayor's policies? and what would you do about it? >> it is partly due to his policies, diminishing policies
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that were put in place by previous may or. we've seen dee client in quality of lime, homeless issues, the mayor is outcome paining with elisabeth warren, he has bernie sanders coming, he will wants to run for president of the united states and at the same time people of new york city are suffering. my plans to tackle homelessness and mental illness are on my website. we've got to get serious about about the issues plaguing this city. the people of new york deserve better. we're asked to shell out a tremendous amount of the money in property taxes. even he's benefitting from the system here in new york where his district pays the less effective property tax rate. he and his millionaire donors and friends are getting benefits and the people of new york city continue to struggle paying taxes and not getting results. >> tucker: here is might confusion.
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private sector businesses in new york despise deblasio and he did hes spices them. are they behind you? they seem passive. have they come behind you? >> we're getting a lot of the support. every day the more he opens his mouth and revelations like pay to play are coming. we get more support from around the country. we can defeat him november 7th. we need the help to stop his agenda which is dangerous to new york and the city as well. >> tucker: i agree with you nicole. thanks for coming on tonight. an fbi agent infiltrated terror groups over a period of years. they believe he was one of them. an amazing life in the shadows. he joins us next to tell us what he saw. photo ♪
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combat islamic terrorism and he did it in the most dangerous way possible by personally joining their ranks as an inside man. the work was so dangerous that we can't let you hear his real name or real voice. we can't let you know what he looks like in fact. his new book is out. he sat down with us to discuss his life fighting islamic extremism from the inside. here is the first part of of that interview. >> so give us some sense of the lengths you have to go to protect your life tell us what you went through to change your appearance. >> it was quite the process, actually. i had to go to a prosthetic company who essentially adds a chin, a nose, a forehead, new hair, different skin coloring. as you can tell it's a little
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bit hard sometimes to move my mouth to properly enunciate but at the end of the day i'm sitting here looking like this so it's a good thing >> tucker: no worse than botox [ laughter ] >> tucker:. >> tucker: in your book you describe how and i don't think you're bragging, i think it's real, how completely fooled the extremists you lived among were by your cover. how did you convince them that you were one of them? >> i study them. how do you make friends, tuck i, day-to-day? naturally. proper evolution of a relationship. you just have to inject yourself, create the proper persona. we call it a legend, into that individual. but again i got to cheat because i study their pattern of life, what they do, what they don't do, what they eat and don't like to eat. where they go when they're not being jihadi. once i have that, it's really
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not that hard to craft by legend to be able to insert myself into their lives. >> tucker: what are some of the tells? i was struck in reading it how little even those that read the news every day know about the people who commit or try to commit acts like this, what they're like personally, what they believe. what about them is different in the way that they live? >> everything they do is extreme. and that's i guess where the term extremism comes from. so in and of itself that will doesn't make you a terrorist, but it's a red flag for me. it's multiple indicators and that's what i tried to highlight in american radical. it's not just for law enforcement and the intelligence community any more to be able to know, to be able to distinguish between a radical individual and a mainstream muslim. i think it's imperative for us as a country to be able to defeat this enemy to actually have a better understanding of what makes them tick. and there's multiple indicators.
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one, in and of itself doesn't make you a terrorist. but when they all start to add up you want to look behind the curtain >> tucker: the most obvious question, what motivates them? why are they angry enough at america that they want to compel americans, in some case lose their own lives? >> complete and utter disregard for religion. but they take what they feel is an interpretation of how to defend yourself. for example the best way to describe it to you is chad's interpretation. every major religious text, tucker, has ways to defend yourself. so on and so forth. and sometimes those can obviously be harsh, for lack of a better term. but they take it and they would say, for example, that they have said that did he ever taxpayer in the united states is supporting a government that's occupying muslim lands, chad says. and these governments are
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suppressing the proper military so they can't defend themselves with proper military force. so this is the only way to defeat them is with terrorism. strike from within because they do it as a tool of war. it's an absolute did hes he craigs, it's not the proper interpretation of any religion, let alone islam. so that is another indicator and yet a justification. >> tucker: do you become close to these guys? how did you feel about them? >> oh i hate every one of them obviously. but my trick, and others like me that do this, is i latch on it to something significant. in chad's case for example, here he is, he is a brilliant world renown scientific on the precipice of curing infectious diseases, what he offered to humanity was so wonderful. the way he loved his mother and supported his family feels
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wonderful. i hold on to that so i didn't look at him at conditional tempt and discuss at the time we traveled together >> it's so striking that a guy like that who is not a loser, who is now in prison, would devote his life to killing americans. that's not the profile we've come to expect. >> tucker: you know what tucker? that's one of the main reasons i rode this book. chad, that's his story, his radicalizati radicalization, how do you go from mainstream on your way to being within two years one step removed from the leader of al qaeda? that fascinated me because of the fact i work in counter terrorism. but i think it's a deep dive into the terrorist mindset that the all americans should understand. to answer all the questions that you're asking me now. why do they hate us? how do they go from hello to oh my god? >> tucker: up next, brian kilmeade of "fox & friends" is
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♪ [ music playing ] ♪ . >> tucker: time now for the friend shown. an irregular but beloved segment. brian kilmeade hosts "fox & friends," by night he's an expert on andrew jackson. he has a new book called andrew jackson and the miracle of new orleans. it's about the future president's often forgotten but celebrated in this book. brian kilmeade joins us tonight. i'm glad to be on the friend
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zone. >> on the grid iron. >> tucker: this book has modern resonance because our current president has invoked many andrew jackson. do you see similarities? >> i took the same tour with the person the president went with. andrew jackson was not liked by the establishment, the virginia massachusetts establishment. he felt wasn't taken seriously when he ran. he of the wasn't respected by his predecessors, he liked to surround himself by his own family, in the white house in particular. andrew jackson has the same unique hair. >> tucker: i think he literally shot a man on fifth avenue. >> how hell's would you settle your scores? andrew jackson was told, he was abhor fan at 13. i loved this story and i got into it more than i thought i would, is because we are under the belief in american and i know you believe this, it doesn't matter where you start in america you have the opportunity to be successful and
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to pursue happiness. he's at 13 years old fighting anything a war losing his two older brothers. hits dad died before he was born. his mom is dead because her stuff at wives in a trunk. the guy never had a present, celebrated christmas or a birthday. he was raised by his town. he was determined to matter, not to be a criminal, and he works his way up becomes a lawyer, congressman, senator, judge, attorney general, militia general. wins the biggest battle maybe in american history and becomes a two term president. that is an american story. it goes to show you whatever it takes you can be successful. even back then before twitter. >> tucker: he was a tough man. they called him old hickory for a reason. the battle of new orleans you're descri describing as the most important battle. >> there are burn marks until the arch ways there, tony blair apologized. i don't accept it.
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we lose every battle and every city is ter rise did except they wrote the check, so fantastic. they get around and all their generals are under qualified or shot because of the revolution. they have not had a standing army. don't declare war on somebody if you're outnumbered three to one and the army you're about to fight just beat nap pole lee an. note to self. andrew jackson hates the british, they wiped out his family. he bleeds red white and blue. everywhere he goes, whether it's the indians or the spanish in florida or the british down south he takes them on and wins. he knows the ultimate destination is to stop the mississippi, get the mississippi and stop america from growing. they feared what we have become, which is a super power, economic marvel, democracy who rotates people and votes and gives people a voice.
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if you're in the king and queen business you don't usually win votes if you're a king. elect me i'll stay for a life time even if i'm 12, lovely system. outnumbered two to one, out gunned with an army put together in three weeks, we defeat the army. the army that defeated nap pole lee an, in 45 minutes, because of the leader ship of major andrew jackson and the fearless american army, put together by free people of color, indians and pirates. >> tucker: this is your third book, they've sold huge numbers and there's a reason why, you just saw it. brian kilmeade, congratulations. >> and to you. >> tucker:. >> tucker: there's more. before we get to ♪
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and groupthink. we hope you have an absolutely terrific weekend. good evening from washington. "hannity" is next with the great judge jeanine puro hosting. have a great weekend. >> jeannine: welcome to this especially edition of "hannity." i am judge jeanine pirro in tonight for sean. major developments in several democrat scandals, including the controversial uranium one deal. tonight, making news about the trump dossier, in just a minute, reporting that the conservative web site, the washington free beacon funded the fusion gps research into donald trump. it was also looking i
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