tv Media Buzz FOX News October 30, 2017 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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on #mediabuzz the washington post reveals that the hillary clinton and d&c funded the dossier. >> i think is that what they've done with this faith dossier. it was made out and i understand they pay a tremendous amount of money and hillary clinton always denied it. >> the democrats hired foreign agents to dig up dirt on donald trump. look, that maybe it happens all the time in politics but it seems really cd. >> we were all worried about this meeting from two bit russian lawyer trump junior.
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go ahead democrats paying for a kremlin designed in part, a dossier that was compiled by this character. >> it gives donald trump every trump huge card to play to say i told you! partisan which, mueller's investigation is a partisan witchhunt also cleared present the report says the anti-trump was originally hired by the washington free beacon. and a republican ripping into donald trump. and much of the press hails flaking and bob corker's as hero. >> the more these politics will become normalized then we cannot afford that. >> far beyond the review this shows the insanity that has overtaken the republican party. >> for all of you sinners heading for the exits, people like bob corker and jeff flake,
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guess what? take your other collies with you. mitch mcconnell, john cornyn, goodbye! >> are the senators courageous or quitters? plus msnbc's it spends mark halperin of a sexual harassment allegation so he loses book and movie deals after apologizing. there are dozens of occasions. with so many accusations rocking the media, hollywood and corporate america, has there been a cultural game change? this is #mediabuzz. >> the unsubstantiated dossier about the president and russia has done enormous media attention. but now the washington post is exposing hillary anclinton's campaign and the dnc funded the research by spending millions
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on the law from the hired a research outfit using gps which in turn hired next british spy with ties to the fbi that wrote this report. >> and lentils are really talking about the real collision with russia. as with the clinton campaign and the dnc on both of these matters. >> so says sarah sanders be joining is now, anna palmer, co-author of the playbook column. and a commentary writer for the washington examiner good and joe, the democratic strategist on fox news contributor. months of many tributor. investigations about alleged collusion between the adam o'neal and russia, does this story, which is been covered on all networks, make it look like democratic digging?>> this was an heexcellent report. it certainly changes the narrative. it means that the media really has student brought in the narrative when it comes to russian collision. we are seeing clearly both sides there is an interest in going this route.
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so this is a big thing. it changes how we will talk about this for the foreseeable future.and it does not make the democrats look good. >> joe, you seen most a lot of research. about this british spy, who is paying for this, as they were dealing with russians to find out more about the republican nominee.>> i think with the media has missed is that all campaigns do this. but no campaign sets out to find fake or phony information. we higher opposition research firms defiance of the other side doesn't want the others to know. >> i agree they'll do this but how many campaigns of someone, that this is all secret obviously, talking to kremlin officials? i mean that has given us an entirely different >> that is was different. it is not who paid for it, it is about was the kremlin, in both campaigns. i mean was it eating fake
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information to christopher steele?was a guinea pig information or information in exchange for something for the trump campaign? >> out of the desert who paid for and i think that is crucial. some journalists will send the democratic lawyer involved lied for this. and then "the new york times" quoting sources saying that clinton didn't know about, the former spokesman now it says he doesn't know about it. the media is going to pursue this question of all the money being spent, who actually knew about it. >> i think that report is months have been trying to get to the bottom of who funded the dossier.cnn reported about this a while ago. we have political indolence went to the people i think it is that they did not tell the truth.i think you'll see more reports, there will be more digging. and more digging on what happened with the free beacon. >> i do want to mention people
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forget that most organizations will not touch this, it was buzzfeed that made it public by saying they had no way of confirming whether these allegations are true. the president tweeting this morning saying it is not all of us al with focus on phony trump and russia stuff what he's trying to get tax reform. there so much guilt by democrats. not a factor pouring out to do something. so the reader beacon, does the conservative news website hiring fusion gps, the dossier came later but still, this raises a credibility issue. it is a partisan issue. hiring one of these firms. >> i think the washington free beacon's explanation of what they did was fantastic. they were completely open and honest, they did not run from it, they said this is something
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we did. the only was not subject of investigation. there were other candidates that fusion gps was looking into. i think the reader beacon needs to be careful that there were reporting that fusion gps about disclosing they had hired fusion gps. i think that was problematic. but overall the explanation was good. >> that is a really important point. there is nothing wrong with hiring some outside form to help you. firm who is doing this and you explore that hell is not a big conflict? >> it is. there are things that are conflicts going on here. but >> we do this for a living, right? but i think what's happening is that if you're trying to find these things, trying to hunt them down, go to where they are. so if the facts are leading you to something with trump and russia, that is where the research form will go. if it is in the bahamas and that's where the research firm
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will go. the question, because this is been an internal document, they could go after negative information. the question is if any of it is true. because from the campaign points of view, that is what you want. >>. [multiple speakers] >> cnn went wall-to-wall starting flooding occurred msnbc as well. they reported that romulans brought the first indictment, except a little detail that we don't know who is it! there were a few mentions but then the political, washington post, did not have a story. is it hard to stay away from story that is not confirmed when it is all on certain cable networks? >> frenzel as reporters us what we do. you're trying to confirm but you have to be right. i think k you're trying to confirm what happens, everyone is focused on it. obviously the president is as well. >> it might not be a huge depending on who it is. it could be someone very low
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level. i think let's move now to the republican and citing. >> steve bannon has turned himself into a major media figure. working the press, using breitbart and herecruiting candidates -- has he become a media and political force in this cycle? >> absolutely! he is actually really i think a media manipulator. he knows what narratives will energize his base, energize what has become the trump base. get back to the president and other presidents set the narrative is huge! >> would you say that admiringly or as an miinsult? >> it depends. sometimes i think the narratives he latches onto are very true and are very helpful and there are not a lot of other people calling them out. so circumstances, absolutely. >> and you got kind of famous
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running a campaign. is it a mixed blessing when the operative is a bigger media figure than the candidates he's trying to recruit? >> that is definitely the case! that can be a problem. i think steve bannon was a base -- waited for the trump campaign. he was just not as high profile. now that it is time i think he is more powerful and having a bigger effect particularly within the republican party. >> the lead story the other day, steve bannon's efforts, due to his efforts to recruit -- today warned that kind of media treatment? isn't as big a deal oh just let you write about it and talk about it?
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>> i think any time there is tension there is a bias in the meeting. imagine if emmanuel went out when clinton was president said i'm going to recruit candidates you don't want. i think that is the tension on obviously very interesting. we are following this on a day by day and minute by minute basis. >> you're saying is a really good story. let's arget a break. let us know what you are thinking. when we come back, to republican senators and the president. is this war being trumpeted by the press? and the top contributor with more sexual harassment allegations.
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an avalanche of coverage. >> is difficult to win a republican primary these days if you disagree with the president on anything. or if you counter his behavior. which i do not think that we ought to mobilize. >> any other republican must now look in the mirror and ask themselves whether they have the courage to do what jeff flake and bob corker have done. >> i mean jeff flake has nse as part of the business. we don't need him, >> let's put it bluntly, left his own devices do think that they president is a threat to national security? >> i did there is several people around him that work in an effort to contain him. >> as i mentioned at the open, have media organizations largely fourth-grade jeff flake and bob corker as courageous? >> i think there's a lot of focus for two reasons. there's a lot of people are
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saying behind the scenes as they are coming forward. again, this is a fight brewing in the republican party and be love nothing more than to cover a good story about a fight. >> ali also saying things that journalists and commentators have said both publicly and privately and they can say that look, this is not as being biased, look at jeef flake and bob corker. trump is chaotic and -- >> i think they're very convenient proxies were reporters. the majority of them would never consider themselves part of this. but they do not like trump and when speaking about all of this language they become i think really convenient proxies were reporters. i think we do not hear a lot about the democrats. >> first of all there is tension on the democratic side but you never see, i mean this is new. with two senators >> the other side of this, if you are a reporter and you are hearing from republicans on this come behind the scenes come off the record ãthen it
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is fair to convey that these people are heroes or courageous for stepping forward. >> in the middle of congress, it is very mean this does not happen. >> i absolutely agree that there's a lot of coverage. it's the way it is framed. the president, one of many tweets, let's put one up. -- he said jeef flake cannot get elected dogcatcher and is now fighting caskets. and in both cases, bob corker was on bunch of morning shows. and then the president was attacked and he counter punched. does it seem to you that both sides want despite?>> certainly, you do not see bob corker or jeef flake shying away from the dialogue. they clearly have put this and are driving the narrative. >> that the second way of
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stories and things being retina says, you know jeef flake and bob corker don't make the harshest criticism for they both announced not running for another term. and they were safely out. so they're not brave after all. >> i think that is fair. because if you go with bob corker was in contention for a vp slot. >> secretary of state at one point. >> both of them, if you are of that mindset you can say it enables the trump phenomena appears another facing 10,000 electorally, i think is a fair point. but i think you can point out that if you look at jeff flake, part of the reason he could not reelected because he wrote a book about this. said he was brave maybe we weren't paying attention but he has been at this for a long time. >> some say that these retirements are a win for donald trump because he is getting rid of two senators clearly that have very strong feelings against him.
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and of course it all depends on whether democrats end up winning but could this be seen as trump taking over the party and other people are having to leave? >> the party is taken over. i mean this is, these are two wins for him. that is why there are struggle in the party. did you look at polling data, 57 presort of the party -- >> in terms of the coverage, is it properly cast as a deep divide? >> for one, it is being called a divide. the most coverage has been, brave and courageous for these guys to do it. and not so much of this is a big win for donald trump. >> okay thank you. it is good to see you all this sunday. coming up, the new york reports on another actors accusing harvey weinstein. his is producing a change in the culture? and the republican civil war. if you want to stay on top of your health,
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investigation and the political wars hitting up we have mark joining us originally stuck don's vice -- this story about hillary clinton and the democrats funding dossier, it was broken by the washington post. >> we looked at cnn and msnbc, they were blaming us all as fictitious creation of fox news. they ignore the fact that it started with the washington post. this is just fanother example a fundamental disconnect between some of the media to have been banned in reporting. "fox report" has a bigger audience and reading them cnn and msnbc combined.>>
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speaking of ccnn, went to get your take as a former reporter. they had this story based on the source that robert mueller has someone he knows is sort of been confirmed king announced monday. hours and hours of talking, we do not know who it is. it could be a small fish, could be a big deal. what you lemake of this endless speculation with the missing facts? >> you want to look at who leaked this. if that is in fact what happens tomorrow. but the other factors give some liberal outlets jumping to conclusions and speculating on when it could be what we do not know. will is seen in the past is that they rarely actually result in charges or issues that are related to what the original charge was. it was usually something completely unrelated to what they were originally looking into. we just do not know at this point. >> i'm not trying to outlaw
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speculation on igtelevision but the identity of the person that legibly is going to be indicted, obviously is a big deal. let me move not to this internal battle of the republican party. with the president going after jeef flake and bob corker. and they both announced that they returned to does is great with the white house would call a distraction of other issues for example, the president having his big presentation on the health emergency on opioids? because the press loves these fights. >> i don't think so. i heard ari fleischer say, there always it does only stores at any given moment about the white house. so work on tax reform, work on repealing and replacing obamacare. all of those things continue regardless of what may be being discussed in the media. but the one thing, and i will say i have faith and the elected leaders. all of them on the republican side. when it comes time to vote in on something that the president and the other republicans are talking about for a long time like tax cuts, reforming the
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tax system, that is something that they will have to vote for. >> say do not by this distraction, the idea that love the media oxygen is consumed by the political sniping, less on the issues of the white house is pushing. >> this legislation was actually done on personality and relationships, obamacare would already be repealed because of lindsey graham. as i mentioned, do think that mike pence has been covered fairly? or is there been an attempt to drag him into the russia situation saying that he should have known something or does know something? >> avenue b there is always this tendency to try and draw distinctions between the vice president and the president on any given issue. we saw this during the campaign. >> mike pence makes it hard. >> he makes it very difficult. but the thing people don't understand, i think some of the media are starting to get this. remarkably close relationships with the president and the vice
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president that they have. they are in constant communication that can become good personal friends. this is one of the biggest champions out there for the president's i think a lot of the narrative is shifting recently. and had to get them moving. >> has the media covered the vice president fairly? >> by and large i would say yes. >> great to see you! thank you for coming in. coming up on #mediabuzz, the president says that this makes him look more uncivil. is this true? and sexual allegations rocking hollywood, msnbc, fox news, even a former president. we'll take a closer look
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from five women unnamed when he worked it abcnews a decade ago. they say that he kept propositioning them for sex or engaging in unwanted kissing and groping. while more women are going on the record saying the washington post that he kept pushing her to sit on his lap. all this prompting and apology. >> our hearts break for mark and his family. because he is our friend. but we fully support nbc's decision here. we want to know more about these allegations. we want to hear the stories. we need to know what happened. and we're not going to avoid the story just because he is our friend. >> meanwhile the latest new york times on bill o'reilly having had his fox contract renewed after privately settling a $32 million sexual harassment case with former fox analyst which we reported on last week is also drawn widespread attention. and more than 50 women have now accused harvey weinstein of
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assault with one saying that they raped her and ashley judd going on camera. >> i was sitting on the bed talking to harvey when he pushed me back and force himself on to me. >> mice thought was, no. maybe he heard that as maybe, maybe heard it is yes, maybe it turned him on. >> jung is now we have lynn spent three decades of the correspondent for abcnews and was -- with mounting allegations against mark halperin, that he was suspended, they have canceled his book, the next edition of it. hbo canceled the movie that was going to be based on the. showtime has canceled him. does it show us how much culture has changed or is changing? >> i think it is changing anyway but keep in mind that sexual harassment is a criminal thing has only been around for a little bit less than 40 years. when is it my first story for abcnews it was 1979. i actually looked it up and i think that mark halperin have been in high school at the time. we've known about this for a
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long time. but the point is that has changed in some ways but the truth is, we are talking in many of these cases about a range that goes from sexual abuse and sexual violence and assault all the way down to things that only men wearing dirty raincoats were doing. one of my colleagues at abc had a great line. he said, sexual harassment is just a dignified term for disgusting behavior. >> that is an important distinction that you make. now we go back to halperin. he says he found profound guilt and aggressive crude, selfish and wrong. he says he relates to a problem that after leaving abc human to counseling, he has not repeated the misconduct. but other journalists say that his conduct was an open secret abc. he worked there, was that true? >> i was not there at the. these allegations are, around that time. do not forget, i was in a
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different situation. i was older than mark. probably more famous than he was at the time. and sexual harassment is always an older person usually a guy with a younger, weaker person. he did not see any charges of sexual harassment against bill o'reilly from barbara walters. it doesn't work that way. it is always someone underneath them. >> right. >> my understanding now having spoken to a lot of abc people is that these rumors were around.the facts were around. and people did know about it. but you know as well as i do, why do women not report these things? because they were afraid, because they want a future. because also, they think that they are to blame here they somehow believe falsely that they are the reason why it happens. which of course is not true. >> was painful to watch -- say that they support the suspension of their friend. we faced similar questions at
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fox news. and now they are friends of the former literary editor at the new republic. now reports from ex-colleagues that he harassed so many women with unwanted kisses and crew talk. that he was fired from a new magazine a is going to launch. but since you mentioned that, did you ever experiences as a younger journalist and how did you react? >> you know, i have been racking my own brain is all of us have dam. i never experienced it in terms of pay for play and that you will keep your job if you don't do this. was a proposition? absolutely paid one time i turned in a script around the rim, you know the u-shaped just and the executive producer said to me when you take up your clothes and convince my office and we will discuss this. i said nothing. he laughed, i shrugged it off. i mean what are you going to do? back when i was with the
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associated press, spent an entire luncheon, a business lunch where nelson rockefeller, the governor of new york had his hand on my leg. >> and you did not say anything? >> i did nothing! i was embarrassed, i was young. i do not know what to say or do. that is what we are dealing with. what we are seeing now, because of this, the strong women have been brave enough to come out and talk about roger l scott bill o'reilly, harvey weinstein, halperin, cosby. the cause of them, there are safety in numbers. we are seeing a little bit of sisterhood is powerful. >> right, and i think the coverage may be getting some women feeling that they can speak out without being penalized. although it is still and hard decision. again with harvey weinstein, daryl hannah says he sexually harassed her. and -- from the sopranos that he brutally raped her in her apartment she slept with a baseball bat for 20 years. and it is getting hard to keep track.
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i mean weinstein, the resignation of the amazon studios chief, celebrity chef, 38 women in the "l.a. times". do you think that they are making this easier for women to speak out? >> i really do. and on the way over here this morning i was reading on twitter, and 70 has posted i am doing a piece, about on sexual harassment on wall street and big law firms. and reporters are seeking stories. there is going to be much more of this. we are now in the me generation. that sure is a student to private to tell, too intimate to share with the public. suddenly we are in a period where privacy is gone. i think we will hear a lot more about this. but can i just say that every stranded on sexual harassment over the years, when there were settlements i just reviewed a lot of them.
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somebody always says in it, we hope this jury, a verdict will send a signal. this kind of behavior will never be tolerated. that was 1983. in 1992.we have a lot of signals, a lot of crashes. i think now with hopefully we will get some rules in. >> on the sq by george h. w. bush before women have not said that he, in a wheelchair, patted their bottoms and made dirty jokes. i'm not going to defend it. obviously made his woman uncomfortable. but your thoughts on this situation? >> i do not find horny old geezer is cute. >> i think a lot of people might agree with that. thank you for stopping by. we appreciate it. >> thank you. west after the break, we will look at cnn's report on robert mueller's first indictment and the frenzy over the mystery. and then anti-trump opposition you won't see these folks at the post office.
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there will be the first indictment but who is charged? that question is speculative. >> from what we know at this point, how serious is this for the trump administration? [laughter] well, it certainly looks like the dam is starting to break. >> we do not know those charges or who has been charged or
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confirmed, they are not saying. how significant a development is this in a russian investigation? >> this is a landmark development. >> is that true transistor and is now we have the fox chief national correspondent and an author of the book of jackie robinson and a white house correspondent. people are spending hours and hours on the impact. but we do not have this crucial mystery of who exactly is this and is it true that robert mueller has brought charges against. >> some will not like this but i will say is a former cnn, hats off to reporting if it is true. they were ahead of other news organizations in saying that there will be charges coming. people should not dismiss it as quote - unquote fake news. if we are hearing, indictment omight be coming. >> but here is where i thought
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it went off the rail. we were all watching the coverage because we are trying to match the story on friday night. and you have david saying the dam is breaking. we do not know that! you are saying, we do not know who is being charged or they been charged with. he throws out money laundering. that is possible, underlining possible. bottom line is that you have paul bernstein on cnn friday night, some of you go to jail for 20, 30, 40 years. when he does say 50 years paul! 100 years! it could be jaywalking for all we know. >> there were a few mentions. they did not have word because someone is trying to confirm it and also, what is it. it is something we still don't know. >> you're right. we don't know. could cbe paul trevor paul manifort, it could be anyone key! days and have not received
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confirmation but it is somebody they said that could be close to the president. i i think that it is important point that actually going to some of the sources and asking them, point blank, is if this person and getting a response. >> i think that is a fair thing to do. because when a defendant knows that he or she will face charges they put out and statement. there has been a back-and-forth this week about the president, bob corker, jeef flake, and so forth. a reporter asked the president about this and maybe he is being too aggressive. take a look. >> could you be more civil as a leader of this country? >> i think that the press makes me more uncivil than i am. >> so the media, are they making this more uncivil? >> he asked for himself.
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goes, he is looking for these battles, he goads centers and picks fights. but i'm not someone who says he should be tweeting. he has a constitutional right to speak out on twitter, facebook, instagram or at a news conference like you did there in taking questions. however, i think the president has a point that i have never seen an entire, almost medium of that no matter what he does, it is long, it is crazy, it is uncivil. he is correct in saying that is magnified and exaggerated. and i would point out connecting it to the last story in russia and bob mother, whether these are indictments about real transactions or something. les reminds everyone mother the mother had not been any collusion and it certainly has not been any evidence that a single but was changed by the russians to impact the elections. despite the claims. >> the president does sometimes
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hit people hard on twitter. but they downplay his often punching back against people that attack him. >> and you have to understand the tcontext of the question in a press conference. i was there outside on the south lawn. it was about what he had been doing with the goldstar -- no one made the president tweet at her. she did go on national television and say that he was disrespectful on the phone call with her. but he was when i tweeted back at her. and he kesaid he hoped he had t right to counterpunch when he felt he was being attacked. the question was whether he should have done that on twitter and whether he should have just said i'm sorry you feel that way. that is not what i said. >> this is the time to repair this as the wrecking crew. trump and his team are dismantling the government as we know it. some people take this as a terrible thing. >> right. and it gets at the swamp.
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it gets of the central part of the president's campaign. i was just saying i've never seen the media has gathered together to try and take them one man before. the bottom line to me, if the swamp feels threatened, the enzymes footprint, the president is shaking things up and people do not like that! >> white house brags about this. >> the white house brags about -- they are saying this is what he was brought in to do. that is what the american people wanted him to do. they are prideful of this. >> and thank you all for joining us today. after the break, how -- broke the story about re
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>> the washington free beacon has acknowledged hiring fusion gps the research firm to dig up dirt on republican candidates including donald trump here but this it had nothing to do with the russian dossier. and now the chief political correspondent of the washington examiner and fox news contributor. byron, how did you find this out and what is the propriety of this new site -- paying a research firm to dig up dirt on trump and others? >> i have been covering this larger issue of the dossier quite a bit. when you do that you try to get in touch with people who know stuff about it. he thoping something happens someone will tell you something. so someone told me something. on the propriety of the free beacon, this is not the normal practice journalistic organization. they do not hire apple research firms.
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a higher investigative reporters that do this for the organization. >> onright, they go out and try to get sources. not paying a company to do it. >> sometimes the media group will pair up with another organization. completely out in the open, let's work with a firm to find out about something. >> sure! this is a time when obviously free beacon is covering this story. >> this is so secretive it did not come open until a subpoena not to lose. >> this is a statement from the washington free beacon and we invited the founder to come on the show, he declined. we stand by this we do not apologize for our methods and we find it i would duty to report verifiable information. not for slander. what about the free beacon funding and how would they have been someone who wanted to put a negative pin on donald trump? >> let me say something about the free beacon attitude. when they were first founded in 2012, they published a
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manifesto and called it combat journalism. i think they have kind of a view toward journalism. >> and that is fine! >> plenty of publications on both sides. >> on the funding, they were originally founded as a c4 organization which is a nonprofit organization. then they went private i believe in 2014. m one of the major funders is a billionaire named paul singer. a longtime contributor to republican and conservative causes. was in the trump camp when this was the fall of 2015. eventually supported the marco rubio. so, there is no doubt that this came out of the sensibility that was really picking up steam. remember in the fall of 2015, trump had been leading the republican race. many of the best minds in politics that he was going to implode or fall apart for commit some thing.
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then people began to think, what if he does not implode? >> me ask you this. it sounds like it could be said that paul singer, this big donor, was using the free beacon is a conduit. a secret conduit to finance and distribute material on donald trump. >> it could be said that. it could be said, i do not know. i have not said it. i mentioned in the article that singer was a major funder of the free beacon.but i think the line of causation, i do not have yet. >> right, very carefully answered as a reporter. and your sources enabled you to break the story and then other news agencies jumping on. great to see you. still to come, cps gets a new evening news anchor! very few
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guard air station clearwater. howard: jeff glor seems like a good, solid pick, but what's striking is howin the era of superstar evening news anchors is over. tom brokaw, dan rather and peter jennings were succeeded by diane sawyer, brian williams, katie couric. this new crew of anchors is competent, workman-like, undoubtedly paid a lot less. the big three draw a combining 24 million viewers. glor. that's it for this edition of "media buzz." i'm howard kurtz. we hope you'll like our facebook page, check it out. let me know what you think on twitter, and if you want to write to us, media you can't catch the show live,
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dvr. we'll see you next sup, back here at 11 eastern with the latest buzz. thanks for watching. ♪ ♪ >> believe me, if you're the person, you know. you have already been told you are a target. >> we don't know who is being charged. we don't know what they are being charged for. the only conversation i had with robert mueller it was stressing to him the importance of cutting out the leaks. >> i'm on the committee, which is investigating the whole alleged russian collusion. and i have not seen one bit of evidence. >> when they start rallying against things and they succeed, everything starts unraveling. let the tax writers do their job. >> what's going to happen with me politically? i have no idea. >> here comes fisher
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