tv Hannity FOX News October 30, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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laura ingraham launches at ten. she interviewed white house the chief of staff john kelly for tonight's show. good luck to them both, not that they need it. good luck from washington. shan hadn't is next. >> sean: you do not want to miss a minute of tonight's show. welcome to hannity, this is a fox news alert. this may be one of the most important monologs i will ever give on this show. we have a major crisis. does america have equal justice under the law? it appears the answer is no. from everything we now know, there's a justice system for the clintons, the left, and all their cron and i for everyone else. tonight on this show with the result of paul manafort and his associate we'll show you right here how there is zero evidence of trump russia collusion. zero evidence of campaign clugs. and in spite of all of that the media has been lying to you all day and paul weekend long.
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what we have is in continue vert i believe evidence. we'll lay it all tonight. hillary clinton, bill the clinton and others sold-out america's national security interest yet only now in the last two weeks are we beginning the process of investigating. we have an fbi informant showing in 2009 our government including then attorney general eric holder, the fbi director robert mueller and rosenstein all new russia and vladimir putin were trying to corner the uranium market here in america. there's a strong belief that president obama knew all about putin and his crimes in this country as he probably saw it in his press did he know shall daily briefing. this is news, information and truth. i promise you can't get it anywhere else in the media. that is tonight's ever important breaking news opening monologue. let's start from the beginning. it was announced today that paul
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manafort while something that was pretty much expected after his home was raided by the fbi, was indicted today. a 31 page i believe indictment discussing charges on the screen for you. money laundering, failing to register as a foreign agent. tax crimes. but this is the special counsel that was supposed to investigate trump, russia, collusion, this indictment has nothing, let me repeat, nothing to do with trump russia collusion. zip, zero, nada. the most spec tack collar finding within the manafort indictment is this, in regards to the financial issues, the last year of any financial transaction was 20 14shgs the years they were looking at was between 2008 and 2014. as far as we know, trump wasn't even thinking of running for president in 2014. so in other words, nothing of the paul manafort indictment had anything to do with the trump campaign or donald trump. is this all mueller has? because if it is, it's pathetic.
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another day, another example, after a year of speculation, no evidence of any collusion between president trump and russia. now you've heard the saying, you've all heard it, you can indict a ham sandwich. grand jury it's are convened, in case you don't know, only the prosecution gets to present evidence. the defense gets zero is opportunity whatsoever to present their case. the legal standard before a grand jury is much lower. they must be convinced, probable cause. okay. in a court of law the criminal standard is a jury of your peers be beyond a reasonable doubt. massive distinction. this injury was impaneled in washington, d.c. one of the most liberal cities in america where over 90% of the people there voted for hillary clinton. mr. mueller do you think that's fair? here is what paul manafort's attorney said earlier today for the first time they speak out. listen. >> president donald trump was
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correct. there is no evidence that mr. mandel man or the trump campaign colluded with the russian government. today you see an indictment brought by an office of special counsel. that is using a very novel theory to prosecute mr. mandel man, regarding a fera filing. the united states government has only used that offense six times since 1966 and only resulted until one conviction. >> sean: six times since 1966, one conviction. like every america, paul manafort deserves the presumption of innocence. however he is being tried and convicted in the court of public opinion by what is an abusively biased trump hating media. as part of the news that came out today, george papadopoulos, he admitted he lied to the fbi. i think he's 29 years old. now i knew everybody in the trump campaign. i never heard about papadopoulos until today. and i think i knew everybody. now the white house says he was
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a volunteer. it seems that papadopoulos on his own was trying to create an an at this the clinton rush dossier like the hillary dnc president obama funded dossier. and he wasn't successful. so now that we have no trump collusion, here is what we do have to be tnight. this is what the media ignores, this is what matters, these are the facts, this is where the evidence comes in. what did president clinton want to be, president obama it and key members of the administration, what did they know about the uranium one scandal? now we're learning about how the obama administration officials, they knew in 2009 that vladimir putin was using bribes, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering and racketeering all within this country, spice within this country. nothing was done to stop it. we have evidence that all involved tried to cover this up. they put a gag order on the one fbi informant that knew
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everything, to prevent the truth from getting out. now it's getting out. we have evidence that the clintons benefited in a massive, huge, financial way because of this corrupt uranium one deal. we know bill clinton doubled his speaking fees in moscow while giving a speech to a bank that had a financial interest in uranium one. bill clinton also tried to get state department permission, his wife estate department, to meet with russian nuclear officials during the time of the uranium one deal and he eventually the ended upsetting down with vladimir putin himself. as the author peter schweizer writes about in his best selling book, the clinton cash, the clinton foundation got $145 million in kickbacks from people that directly benefited from the deal. we have evidence that putin, his spice and tlugz thugs were actually successful.
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they got 20% of america's uranium. this is inexcusable. hillary clinton, built clinton, the obama administration allowed your national security to be compromised in what is an unprecedented way and few in the media will touch this story. major crimes were committed. they knew about it and did nothing before the deal. here is a simple question. why on earth would president obama or hillary or eric holder ever sign off on giving russia a known enemy, putin a bad actor, 20 pefrs control of our uranium? what did america get? what did you observe observe get from the uranium one deal? it never made sense. we also have evidence that the clinton campaign and the dnc paid fusion gps over $9 million although nobody knows anything and hired a former british intelligence agent who then used current and former russian
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government sources to produce this phoney, fake, sell accomplish thats news dossier that was full of lies, disinformation and propaganda against donald trump. in other words, clinton and the dnc funded the money to spread russian lies and influence the election. they did it all because it is the very thing they're now accusing president trump and his campaign of doing. they did it themselves. and we just found out this weekend this, new report from the headline obama's campaign made $972,000 to the law firm that secretly paid fusion gps in 2016? wow, the same firm that the clinton campaign, dnc used to pay fusion gps to create the fake news propaganda anti-trump dossier that they then put all over tv. we also have robert mueller and his band of big democratic donors that work for him now supposedly investigating trump
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russia collusion and as i predicted right here on this show there is no evidence this ever happened. none. now former, current and top democrats have all said the same thing. smoke but no fire. smoke but no fire. watch this. >> have you seen anything that suggests any collusion between the russians and the trump campaign? >> well there's an awful lot of smoke there. let's put it that way. people that might have said they were involved. to what extent they were involved, to what extent the president might have known about these people, whatever, there's nothing there from that standpoint that we have seen directly linking our president to any of that. >> i asked you if you had actually seen evidence of collusion between the trump campaign and the russians? and you said to me and i'm quoting you, you said not at this time. has anything changed since we spoke last? >> well, not -- no, it hasn't. >> just to be clear there has been no actual evidence yet?
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>> no, it has not. >> at the time i left i did not have -- see any smoking gun evidence of collusion. >> is there any evidence of collusion that you have seen yet? is there? >> there is a lot of smoke. we had no smoking gun at this point. >> no smoking gun. >> sean: tonight, no smoking gun, your lying media will have you believe that paul manafort and his associate has everything to do with trump russian collusion. it has nothing to do about that. none of that is related to president trump, none of that, zero, is related to his exam pain and the campaign and the vast majority all happened before paul manafort ever worked for the trump campaign. the issue of robert mueller attempting to change the narrative to distract from the real russia collusion and massive cover ups, don't think this is a coincidence. last week on this program we had
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sun will stunning revelation, day after day about hillary clinton, uranium one, the fake news dossier and special counsel mueller is clearly complies sit in the uranium one scandal. he was the fbi director. the fbi informant had the evidence of kickbacks and money laundering, and ed nothing. now they need to change the narrative after a very bad week and destroy the evidence about their collusion. mr. mueller who leaked the in indictments to fake news cnn? was it you. friday night, all day saturday, manafort's team did not know this was coming. somebody disclosed this information. that is a crime, mr. mueller, you should know that. and by the way anybody from the grand jury, it's a simple crime. who did it? did anyone in your office do it, mr. mueller. while liberals and the media are his star cal, gidy thinking this
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is the smoking gun about paul manafort, there's another thing dropping. we the first reported on tony podesta over a week ago, on october 24th. he's the brother of the clinton's former campaign manager, john podesta. tony podesta is now stepping down from his lobbying group because he is being investigated by the special counsel. as we have been reporting the probe into tony podesta and his lobbying group came about after mueller started looking into manafort's finances. nbc even pointed out podesta's group worked with manafort on a campaign, and nbc news even adds that mueller could be looking into whether podesta and his company violated fera. and poll lit at this co. is reporting that tony and john and blumenthal were all conveniently
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together this weekend at hillary clinton's birthday party in washington. wonder what everybody talked about? avenue revelations that the clinton campaign and dnc paid almost $10 million to help spread anti-trump russia propaganda. now susan collins is saying that the dnc chair women need to retestify about the lying dossier that was meant to influence the american people on the eve of an election. watch this. >> they absolutely need to be re-called. it's difficult to imagine that a campaign chairman, that the head of the dnc would not know of an expenditure of this magnitude and significance. but, perhaps there's something more going on here. certainly it's worth additional questioning of those two witnesses. >> sean: you need to know there is no chance that over $10
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million goes out the door to pay for this lying dossier, and nobody knows about it? listen to the clinton people, dnc people, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know. nobody knows. $10 million out the door. guess what? they're all lying because they all use the same attorney and the same law firm. take a look how trey gowdy is now properly the interpreting what clinton, dnc and obama did paying for this dossier. this is interesting. >> i'm not an election law expert but the good news is you don't have to be to understand the absurdity of believing you can launder your campaign the money by hiring a law firm. imagine if we hired a law firm and said you go buy all the television and bumper stickers and experts and we're going to launder this through a law firm,
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nothing defeats the transparency more than that. >> sean: i'm not overstating the case. we're at a major crisis point in america tonight. do we have equal justice under the law in this country today? if you or i or anybody in this room with me now or watching tv with you, if we recall did anything close to what the clintons, dnc and others did, we would be rotting in a jail cell tonight hoping our friends would send us a cake that had a file. the only difference between trump, russia conclusions that we have the evidence, and after a year of black helicopter conspiracy theories they have none. just like we have the evidence when it comes to clinton and her email server scandal, why hasn't she been charged? greg jarrett will join us tonight. take a look at the side of your screen. these are the laws that were potentially broken by the
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clinton campaign and the dnc in the fake news dossier scandal. they use russian sources bought and paid for by the dnc, hillary and obama to influence you with russian lies. there's the mass sift scandal that congress is investigating. we need a special prosecutor. federal statutes, involving crimes like bribery, male fraud, racketeering, all of this is beyond serious, it compromised our national security and people should be put behind bars. there is the clinton email scanned scanned it cal. i haven't forgotten. she had top secret special access program, classified information on a server stored in the bathroom of a mom and pop shop. her team deleted over 33,000 subpoenaed emails smashing black
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we are and i other devices with a hammer, removing the cards before giving the mobile devices to the fbi, that's called obstruction of justice, a felony. just to recap, probably the biggest scandal of all is bill and hillary clinton selling out america's national security to putin and the russians, and guess what? the fbi had the information before they made the deal. and the fbi director's name at that time was robert mueller. and eric holder was the attorney general at the time who oversaw the fbi. they had to know. and yet a year later, when -- even though they had evidence of bribery and collusion and money laundering and all these crimes, they ignored the evidence. eric holder and the clinton signed off on the single, beyond the iranian deal dumbest national security deal ever. rod rosenstein is the guy that appointed mueller on a local level while he was serving as
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the u.s. attorney for maricopa, he appointed mueller to be the special counsel here. what about investigating their roles in russia? hillary clinton estate department, eric holder signed off on the deal a year later, knowing what putin's intentions were to corner the uranium market. bill clinton doubles his speaking fees. he tried to get his wife meetings with russia nuclear officials for him, but he met with putin instead in 2009. then in 2010 putin gets everything he wants in spite of all the evidence, his spice and agents committing crimes in this country. between fusion gps, between uranium one, we have evidence of real russian collusion. america tonight is at a crisis point. will we have equal justice under the law or will america be a banana republic, corrupt at its
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core? the media is part of the corruption as the sewer, that is the swamp that is washington, d.c. so the tonight america has a choice. we can have equal justice for everyone or we can live in a country where if you have the right politics, you stand for the right left wing positions you can sell out your country and get away with it? guess what? this program is dedicated to the truth. we'll get to the bottom of all of this. joining us now is the chief counsel for the american center for law and justice. tonight jay sekulow. let me start with a simple question. your take on all of this? >> well you know it's not surprising that there was an indictment that came down in paul manafort's situation because that had been anticipated for a number of weeks. it's been speculated in the press. you had the no knock search of his house which raises a whole host of constitutional issues.
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when you look at the context of the indictment and reed through it, you realize the basis upon which the indictment is rendered has nothing to do with the campaign activities of the president but rather involves business transactions and activities that paul manafort was allegedly engaged in, in his business going back to 2006. so you have to look at these issues on the basis of the documents that have been produced. the document that's been produced right now is the indictment. that indictment focuses in on the business activities and corporate activities of paul manafort and not focus in at all with regard to the campaign or campaign activities of the president. that's a big take away from this, when you look at the nature and scope of the fact that it's been known for a number of weeks that paul manafort was a principal target of this. so again not surprising. surprising that there was a leak of a sealed indictment, however,
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or at least that's what cnn was reporting. >> sean: who released that? >> i don't know. this idea that is sealed number one would be leaked is a crime in and of itself. i don't know who was responsible for leaking t i just know it was reported. and then as you reported, i guess paul manafort's lawyers did not know until late yesterday that they were the subject of that the indictment. so, again, that raises another issue. why in the world would there be a leak of an indictment? especially an indictment that's sealed. they were concerned about flight risk. there's a list in the department of justice manual. >> sean: let me ask you this. the media is obsessed. i was active in the campaign, the media was ready to say hannity is wrong and his career is over, didn't happen. papadopoulos, i never heard of him. i'm told he's a volunteer, 29 years old. maybe worked for mueller from july on.
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i've never heard of the guy until today. thoughts? >> so here is what -- this is what i know. i don't know him either. i do know this, that based on the reports that i've seen, that he was part of a committee, foreign affairs committee that are typical with this. was during the campaign season. these campaigns have a lot of committees and there's a lot of people on the committees. they generally do advisor work but they're not paid staffers, it's not an organized structure as you would think for instance within the state department. this was a volunteer. and what ed or did not do is also interesting in the document because what did he get charged for? did he get charged for conta contacting some professor that was supposedly russian? that's at least the allegation in the documents, the plea agreement that he signed? no, what he got charged with, was lying to a federal agent when asked about the questioning of those meetings, the timing.
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>> sean: that suggested, he said no, and nobody knew who the guy was. >> but again, this is -- the fbi or special counsel didn't indict for his conversation with a professor, they indicted him for lying under oath. which you know is -- >> sean: got to go, jay. >> sean: stay with us this hour. we have so much ground to cover, it's changing by the minute. we have newt gingrich, sebastian gorka, greg jarrett all here. we want to hear from you. do you think equal justice under the law is at risk? tell us what you think. ♪ eras. they're defined by accomplishments. by victories. by those with the resourcefulness, the ingenuity,
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♪ . >> sean: welcome back to hannity. here now with reaction to the opening monologue, all the breaking news out of washington. former speaker of the house. newt gingrich. the most amazing thing here, is this is supposed to be a special counsel on trump russia collusion. the big indictment today, announced, leaked friday, but announced today, paul manafort. mr. speaker, 31 pages, no trump
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russia collusion. zero. but all these other issues i am talking about, the fusion gps dossier, uranium one, we have a boat load of evidence. what is your take? >> well first of all, the united states congress should open an investigation to protect the rights of americans. you have an out of control prosecutor who is supposedly looking into russian collusion who, think about this, paul manafort voluntarily showed up today, walked in, turned himself over. he's not a threat to the public. was not a threat to flee yet this summer the justice department broke into his house at 5:00 in the morning, caught he and his wife in their pajamas, you have to say to yourself this is the most grotesque abuse. then the 29 year old who is now
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pled guilty to what? to having said the wrong thing to the fbi, he clearly lied. would you like to go back and look at the time clinton staff? john podesta? notice that even susan collins tonight, senator collins said he's going to have to come back and testify? implying they did not tell the truth. look at all the people that have been lying. we finally get down to a 29 year old guy? not that they condition i could have him of doing anything wrong in the meeting with the russians, but he gave the fbi the wrong date. now, i think this thing is going to grow into a bigger and bigger the scandal. at the center of it is a corrupt justice department whose professional staff was totally in the tank for hillary clinton and has been grotesquely abusing its power. >> sean: can you think of any reason on god's green earth that barack obama, hillary, putting aside all the evidence that we
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now know they had h. that vladimir putin had agents in america, bribing, exporting, money laundering, racketeering, they knew in 2009? holder knew it. mueller had to know it. rosen teen knew it, the two guys in particular nick. why would hillary or obama, just on the surface of it, why would you ever give a hostile regime and bad actor, vladimir putin and russia 20% of our uranium? that's what he set out for and he was committing crimes forget there? how is that possible? >> well first of all, if the numbers are right, and i think this is another thing congress should insist on bringing in the information and compelling it to be delivered, the numbers are right, there were various sources associated with this who gave $145 million to the clinton foundation through a canadian foundation which could avoid the
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agreement they made with obama about reporting their donations to the united states. now as bad as the bill clinton $500,000 speech was for a russian bank this is 290 times as much money. you have to say to yourself, oh, gosh, why would bill and hillary go through the deal that might involve $145 million? well i'm going to be old fashioned here sean, i know it's a can shoe. follow the money. they wanted the money. this is about corruption. >> sean: hillary from the time she made money illegally on cattle futures for her entire career has thought she could get away with this stuff. it's only as it begins to unravel now that we begin to realize this is truly horrifying. you have two attorneys general of the united states, you have the director of the fbi, mueller, you have a local attorney who becomes the deputy who then, the attorney general who then brings in mueller. you have a level of corruption that's unimaginable, and let me
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say, this is the most corrupt relation did he know sir in american history. >> sean: you're the talking about the obama administration. >> the obama administration is the most corrupt. >> sean: but is there any reason you can think of that you would ever many give 20% of the foundational material, american assets to putin and russia? what did america get? what did you observe observe get? >> they didn't care. they didn't -- well, the clintons got $145 million. they didn't care. remember obama is the president who said to the then russian president, and was caught on camera, let us get through the election and then we can be a lot more generous to you. why would you think that these guys who are looney tune liberals who have no idea of the real world would have world about giving you've in you recall rain yum? they were out of touch with reality.
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you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again.
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♪ >> i would have much preferred to have come to the dinner tonight from a slightly closer residence. [ laughter ] >> but it does strike me that in the last few days at least fox news seems to think that's where i live, in the white house. [laughter] >> because they spend a dispractice portion gnat amount of their time talking about impeaching me. [ laughter ] >> so look, if they want to make a trade, i would be more than willing. [ laughter ] >> sean: no, we're just pointing out potential crimes and
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corruption that you have had. and we believe in equal justice under the law. what you did was inexplicable hillary. that was her over the weekend attacking fox news and obviously us, because we dare to tell the truth about scandal surrounding her. we want equal justice under the law. former speaker of the house, newt gingrich, the very thing that they have been accusing president trump and his campaign of, no evidence after a year, we now know they're guilty of. we now know that clinton's campaign, dnc and barack obama, about $10 million, over $10 million of money spent to the same law firm to funnel money to christopher steele that gets phony information from russia, this salacious dossier using russian sources to influence americans in the last election. when is mueller going to investigate that? because we know the money exchanged hands.
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we know it was propaganda and misinformation. >> well look i think this is the real test of mueller. early on i said i thought he had a record for being honorable. i frankly withdrew that after looking at who he was hiring, how he was operating, what he was doing. it's going to be fascinating to see. >> sean: when you surround yourself with only obama clinton donors, no trump donors and look at the manafort thing and it's so far removed from his original mission which was to look at trump russia collusion, i've been telling people, he wanted to use manafort to squeeze him and take down trump. >> i don't disagree with you. my point is now we have a chance for mueller to prove he is non-partisan, above the law. >> sean: i don't remember it. >> i didn't say i believe it either. i said he has at a chance to do
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it. he goes after tony podesta, then tony's brother john, then down the list of the clinton people. if he's prepared to be genuinely open and go after the clinton case, here is what -- i was thinking about this during the commercial break, the most sobering thing about this entire unbelievable scandal is if she had won, none of this would be coming out. think about it. they would have covered it up. they would have continued to corrupt the fbi. they would have continued to corrupt the justice department. we would have learned nothing about how horrible this is. and they would have continued, i think, to sell out america's interests. it is an astonishing gap. people who wonder about whether or not it was important that president trump won, you think about the difference between what we're learning now and what would have been covered up by hillary clinton. >> sean: bribery, extortion, money laundering, racketeering. and mueller, and eric holder,
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and the fbi informant with evidence in 2009. they didn't stop the uranium one and they knew putin was at the bottom of it. let me ask you this. talk about the fairness of a grand jury process. you can indict a ham sandwich. this is an area where hillary clinton, dc, a good friend of mine pointed out. ken star couldn't get an indictment against the clintons ever. this is the area that is now being used in this campaign. it seems like there's an in justice when it's so overwhelmingly left wing liberal democrat. >> sure this goes back to john conley in 1979 being indicted by a grand jury that was 100% democrats and eventually winning a jury trial. it's very uphill and very difficult. and i think a good prosecutor, remember all the grand jury is saying is that there is reasonable grounds to look at this. the test for an actual trial is
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the opposite. >> sean: probable cause. >> guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. >> sean: huge difference. >> i don't think you automatically respond to that. the point i was trying to make i want to come back to. this is a direct challenge to robert mueller. if he is sincerely interested in justice he has to go after the 145 million in canada, bill clinton's half million dollars, all the different things that we've learned about, including the stuff that when he was fbi director was covered up. i'm with you, i have a hunch he'll fail this test. i think it's a fascinating moment in american history, particularly when you have tony podesta re sign because he now knows the he's so guilty he doesn't want to take his entire firm with him. >> sean: i have another challenge. look at the funding of clinton, obama and the dnc for phone i russian propaganda that was
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repeated to influence an american election. we know they did that. that's a fact at this point. >> right. it turns out that trump's definition of the fake news, i'm not sure how you say it in russian, but you now have absolute proof there was fake news. cheerfully carried out by several networks and the new york times and it was false. i would be fascinated today see if any major elite news media goes back and looks at how much they were duped. >> sean: hillary, dnc, obama bought and paid for russian propaganda to get the election. i see something good coming. go ahead. >> no, i was going to say, couldn't you imagine the new york times or washington post reporting here are the ways we were duped? would that be like a pulitzer prize winning moment? >> sean: yeah but held will freeze over, we were right, they were wrong and they'll never
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admit it. [ laughter ] >> sean: good to see, thank you. up next steve bannon, greg jarrett. why a special counsel should now investigate fusion gps, and of course uranium one, and much more. we're on top of it as hannity continues. continues. ♪ what powers the digital world. communication. that's why a cutting edge university counts on centurylink to keep their global campus connected. and why a pro football team chose us to deliver fiber-enabled broadband to more than 65,000 fans. and why a leading car brand counts on us to keep their dealer network streamlined and nimble. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink.
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. >> sean: >> the big difference here is you have a meeting that took place versus millions of dollars being sent to create fake information to actually influence the election. compare those two. those are apples and orange, what the clinton campaign and dnc did was actually exchange money. they took a meeting. those are far different. one is pretty common practice in any campaign, to take a meeting, the other is paying for false information. that's a big deal and a big difference. >> sean: finally, that's the white house the press secretary sara sanders complaining by the millions of dollars spent by the clinton campaign on the salacious dossier, bought and paid for by hillary and the dnc and now we find out obama. joining us now former deputy assistant to the president, sebastian gorka, and greg jarrett. sebastian gorka, sara is right.
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there is real russia collusion, hillary, dnc, obama bought and paid for, spread flew out the country to influence the election. all lies yeah, let's just look at what happened. james comey, who admitted le leaking federal documents written on federal hardware, admitted to doing so to trigger the creation of the special counsel, who is bob mueller who is his buddy. and what was the mission of the special counsel? to investiga to investigate russian undermining of our presidential election, in relation to the trump campaign. and what do we find out this morning? paul manafort is charged with not disclosing his for reason bank accounts. >> sean: from 2006 to 14. >> right. right. eleven years ago. okay, that's how far they have to dig. and not registering adequately
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as a representative of foreign government. in the past, when other people have been found to not have registered in time, down what they get, sean? they get a slap on the wrist and are allowed to retroactively register themselves. >> sean: let's see what happens to tony podesta, if ed the same thing. let's see. your column is amazing, still no evidence of trump russia collusion. hillary a different matter. the boomer range i predicted is now coming. >> the media was giddy with delight all weekend long when they learned there would be an indictment revealed on monday. it was like a two day long tailgate party for the media. monday comes, and all [ laughter ] >> sean: that's a great way to describe it. >> all of a sudden they reed the indictment and go, oh, tax fraud by manafort and gates, nothing to do with trump, russia and so-called collusion. papadopoulos. >> sean: making a big it deal about the 29 year old -- who is he?
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i never heard of him. >> he was a volunteer who served on a council that met once. he recommended, i can get a met meeting with putin. who is this kid. >> they didn't charge him with a crime, it is not a crime to talk to a russian. my goodness, presidential candidates for decades have been making overseas trips before the election to get their foreign policy credentials and they talk to for reason nationals, incl e including russians. it's not a crime. >> sean: clinton dnc obama law firm connected to the same law firm. laws broken here? >> in terms of the obama campaign, in terms of what the money was spent for. in terms of hillary campaign and the dnc, absolutely in the my judgment. there are are two federal campaign election laws that make it specifically a crime to give
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money to a foreign national in a campaign and hide it by filing false and misleading reports. >> sean: unbelievable. there is so much here. you would be proud of me, like you i read all 31 pages, i did good today. [ laughter ] >> sean: dr. gorka, i don't know what else the bigger scandal? the real propaganda, lies for the campaign, russian lies was paid for, bought and paid for by hillary and the dnc, or that we sold-out our national security for god knows what reason? why would anyone give the russia and putin knowing in 2009 about bribery, extortion, money laundering, racketeering by his spies within our country? they had the evidence, they had an fbi informant, documents, tape regard goes, and nobody stopped them? >> sure. >> sean: and he won, he got the 20% of america's uranium. >> right. right. look about three months ago i was in the oval office and the president told me just the two
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of us, they will never find anything because there is nothing to find. that's why they have to go after manafort on wire fraud. okay? what do we know? we know this whole thing occurred, this russia conspiracy to buy our uranium, that there was racketeering, and who was in -- who were the directors of the fbi when the investigation began? mueller. who was the director when it ended? comey. what happened? nothing. >> sean: rosenstein was the maryland head of the whole thing. >> u.s. attorney. >> the deal went through. i want to the ask one question. why would we ever sell 20% of of our you rain yum to russia? >> sean: never. >> then we're ignoring everything else, destruction of evidence. the laptops, with the fbi's permission were destroyed. the black berries, that's obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence. >> sean: bleach bit.
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33 thousand subpoenaed emails. we have less than a minute. 93%, area, forming a grand jury, probable cause, not beyond a reasonable doubt. >> as a laurie always thought grand jury is were a joke, the defense is not able to be there, the judge is not there, it's a low the standard. basically grand jury is just mimic what the prosecutor tells them to do. >> sean: do you have any gut instincts if they have a good case against manafort, that has nothing to do with trump, russia. >> it has the fingerprints of rosen stein all over it. >> sean: we'll talk about this during the week. thank you. when you come back, wow, let there be light beat george clooney and mater dei machine, we'll tell you how. i'm ginny and i quit smoking
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p$1.9 million over the opening weekend. number two in per screen average all nationwide. now get this, because we're independent we were only until 373 locations. i'll give you an example, george clooney, matt damon's movie was in 2436 heat these are. their movie made only $900,000 more than our film. we had only 14% of locations compared to the other top ten movies, only a 90% rating on rotten tomatoetomatoes. because you went out to see it we're going to get so many more theaters, and i want to thank you. one of the best openings of a christian film ever, you made it happen. we'll have more theaters. it has a message that will impact your heart, mind, so many people cried, so many people sent me the best stories and
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testimony i can'ts. thank you so much for supporting it. that's all the time we have left this evening. the debut, laura ingraham live, the ingraham angle. i'm so proud of you and happy for you, wish you all the success. success. >> laura: thank you so much, sean. really appreciate it and, welcome, everyone, to the debut of the ingraham angle. we're going to dive in today's indictments and implications for the trump administration and, of course, our exclusive interview with white house chief of staff john kelly shortly. but, first, the angle. ♪ i want to start by posing a basic question. the one sinatra asked that old song what is america to me? it's a question that gets lost in the constant infighting that consumes us here in washington. ronald reagan said that the american dream is not that every man must be level with every other man. the american dream is that every man must be free
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