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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  November 11, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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that's all for us tonight. be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. and remember i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: breaking tonight, president trump meeting with vietnamese leaders as his historic trip to asia wind down. welcome to a special two-hour edition of justice. my opening statement is minutes away. but first we are about to watch a welcoming ceremony at the presidential palace in hanoi, vietnam. where it's morning. president trump meeting with that nation's president. and we'll be showing you live pictures the next two hours.
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we are joined object the phone by john roberts who is traveling with the president. reporter: the president is looking forward to his meeting with the president of vietnam. there is some thought vietnam could play an intermediary role between the united states and north korea. another thing the president will be talking about is expanding trade between the united states and vietnam. he said that these large multi lateral trading relationships like the trans-pacific relationships are going to be no more because as far as the united states is concerned because the president believes they are not a good deal for the u.s. he will be talking about
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expanding bilateral trade. as well it looks ike the youth is looking for real estate. they want to build a big new united states embassy. on another piece of the puzzle. we are supposed to be in the next little while, a coast guard cutter to vietnam in help in coastal defense. with china developing the degree it is. having a good friend and ally like vietnam is now patrolling the seas to help provide security for that area. judge jeanine: john roberts, thanks so much. we'll check back with you a little later. we'll bring you all the breaking news from the president's trips and live comment from vietnam as it happens. but now my opening statement. is it dangerous to be a trump
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supporter? well, it's unlike anything i have seen in my lifetime. with convictionn and an air of condescension the left so hates donald trump and those who support him that they sanction the use of violence against them. they are attempting to recast our legal system without authority to do so, without legislative sanction and without judicial intervention. for them the use of physical violence is legal, proper and justified if they disagree with your politics. the very ones who call yo call u fascist. they are propagating a legal theory that is not only outrageously incorrect and affront to democracy, it's an outright attempt at anarchy. a man calmy asks whether players
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on a baseball field in d.c. are democrats or republican. a documented republican and trump hater, he doesn't start shooting until he's told the players are republicans. and republican congressmen and majority with whip steve scalise is shot. instead of a discussion of this issue. there is a concerted effort to claim the short was just a nut job. the mainstream media and the left weren't comfortable blaming a crazy man or guns for the actions of a leftist trump-hating progressive. this guy wasn't crazy. that's an excuse to not deal with the left's hatred of the right. had he been crazy he would have been found incompetent to stand trial when previously arrested. the man was in business, he had
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licenses for those businesses. he was focused, lucid and clear. evidence, in california, a teacher with the martin luther king middle school tells her class that it is okay to use violence against the right and such is not a crime. one woman was so open about her hatred and use of violence, she was charged. and she is a member of the leftist group by any means necessary. she is caught on cam are a assaulting a member of a traditional worker party. and the berkeley unified school district has reinstated her this past fall at the middle school. just last week rand paul suffered six broken ribs by his
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liberal neighbor whose lawyer claims the assault was about leaves. if it's determined by federal investigators that it was politically motivated, well then this will just be another example of the left's actionable hatred. antifa itself, the ones in the black ninja outfits and masks believe they are justified in destroying property and burning buildings, and assaulting anyone who disagrees with their socialist agenda. and if that's not enough. law enforcement is also standing down. not detaining, not arresting, not stopping the violence. and amazingly the order actually coming from the top. from a chief of police, a shaffer, a superintendent, a governor directing cops to violate their oath to protect victims and the public. the proof is in the pudding. after 12 hours of violence in
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berkeley that involved individuals as well as property, only one arrest. if you were in washington as i was on inauguration day, you know they aren't shy about it. madonna on a microphone saying she was thinking of blowing up the white house. kathy givein with a bloody image of the president's head on social media. they are inciting and mobilizing hatred and turning it into violence. osa, organizing for action, once obama for america is a democratic protest movement with barack obama at its helm and is reportedly busing protesters to events. the claim that words alone or beliefs justify violence is so far afield from the common law and our legal foundations that most of people are smart enough
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to not even entertain or argue it. it's not just speech these organized militants seek to shut down, they seek to up end the very rules upon which our criminal justice system is based. these trump-hating progressives claim assault is legitimate and justified. that it's okay to punch a fascist and their thinking is starting to become mainstream, folks. in 2016, americans elected donald trump. we were tired of 8 years of a lawless obama presidency. we believe that the outsider donald trump was just the one to bring back law and order and truth and justice. little did we know that the law and order we craved wasn't just about enforcing the law like violations that occurred before our very eyes by the clintons, lois lerner, loretta lynch, it's about preventing a complete
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takeover of the justice system by infiltrating in the minds of millennials and militant forces that justice tolerates violence. that's my open. tell me what you think on my facebook page, twitter and instagram, #judgejeanine. joining me is a her to and conservative columnist, ann coulter. they stride to stop you from -- they tried to stop you from speaking at berkeley and did. >> i have been subjected to leftist violence for 20 years now. you and i need bodyguards.
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my long-time bodyguard died a year ago today from a freak accidents. but i have to go around with bodyguards. michael moore, bill maher, chelsea handler doesn't. the left has always been the violent one. this has always been true. i wrote about it in the my book "demonic." every presidential assassination if it had a political motive, it was from someone on the left. every single one. some were totally crazy. sometimes there are crazy people. but the left is constantly joining their side up -- ginning their side up to be violent. there was occupy wall street, black lives matter, the weathermen. any liberal can show up on a
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college campus and liberty university and be treated with utmost respect. people like us can't walk around many parts of this body without having bodyguards with us there. they they they are justified in attacking us. they call us white supremacists and nazis. what do mitt romney and marco rubio say? they say one side are farbives, and the other -- they say one side is fascist. and the other side is fighting fascists. how about the biology professor in washington state. judge jeanine: the president is arriving in vote a number of this morning there. there are ceremonies there, i believe in hanoi at the palace.
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let's talk about the tea party. for years the tea party was blamed as this violent organization. the most of i ever heard as i recall, there was a racial slur, although i don't know -- they say it's true. $100,000 reward. and nobody, nobody was ever violently hurt by some one in the tea party. yet right now we still have that echo of the tea party being racist. but what is going none this country? what can we do to make it clear? >> the country is in a civil war. frankly i wish the president were back in this country dealing with it. the tea party rallies, they were all families that leave the park cleaner than when they showed
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up. harry reid and nancy pelosi say they are right-wing extremists. they were parents with their kids. conservatives do tend to be married with children and that's who they are bringing into these trump rallies where trump ralliers were set upon. conservatives were attacked. but there is has sales been the case. the left its constantly in search of some price winger engaging in violence. but to the extent you can find one someplace, it would be talking about the problem of women sexual predators in hollywood. maybe you can find one. maybe you can find one right winger out there. but that's not what the problem is. judge jeanine: there is a liberal outlet that attacked
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rand paul. a splinter writer compares the injuries paul sustained means he's weak boned and he needs to drink more milk. >> if you or i were hit with a baseball bat they would laugh. >> this is the second time rand paul was attacked. he's trying to wave to his supporters and a crazy woman ran up to him with a sign. running up to him, his fans pull her back, put her on the grounds and say stay down. one guy puts his foot on her shoulder. that became the head stomping. it's the second time vand paul
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has been physically attacked. if rant paul isn't telling what the motive is. word to the wise wbl people think there is something nefarious going on. apparently it's not an affair. i read his liberal attacker is divorced. it's not a good time to be magnanimous. judge jeanine: only one hand, the police and sanctuary cities, basically they are told to stand down, and not assist the federal law enforcement brothers and sisters, deporting immigrants and arresting and detaining them. but now what we are in
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charlottesville and the police directed the people who had the permit for the rally straight into the hands of the antifa. the reporter with the "new york times" said the left is as violent as the right. the. bernie sanders supporters killed two people on a train earlier this year. judge jeanine: thank you so much. we are keeping an eye on hanoi, vietnam where president bush -- president trump, guys, he's meeting with that country's president. keep it here. it's 2017.
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judge jeanine: president obama
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on a sweet storm the fast few hours. one of his tweets say when will all the haters and fools out there realize having a good relationship with russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. they are always playing politics. bad for our country. i want to solve north korea, syria, ukraine, terrorism, and russia can greatly help. here with reaction, david fosse. thanks for being here. let me ask you this. it appears that the president is taking enormous criticism for what little he has said about putin. and he's even being misquoted. he says i spoke to putin and i asked him about the meddling or whatever. putin denied it of course.
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and what trump said, i believe meant it when he said it. all of the press goes ballistic and says trump believes putin that he didn't meddle. >> this is disgusting. it's completely what i consider irresponsible and dangerous for the democrat party. they are putting american lives at risk. that's what the president said today. i completely agree with him. what he has been saying is the russian collusion issue is a made up investigation by the democrats falsely aquiewsd no evidence. that's been going on for over a year. we have been watching with nothing to come from it. however, the democrats continue to attack his relationship with putin. that makes it a dangerous foreign policy decision for the democrats to continue this great divide it forces the president who just listens to putin say he
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said he didn't do it. what diplomacy is is what the president just did. that's an amazing thing that the democrats think john mccain are dangerous. jesse: what's he suppose to do? have a fistfight. everybody agrees they meddled. >> he doesn't disagree with that. judge jeanine: john mccain comes out and he says he wants to comment, it's so personal with him and the president. that his personal convenient i am does not allow -- his personal venom doesn't allow him to be objective. he says there is nothing about america first about the president taking the word of a kgb colonel instead of the
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national intelligence agency. you have got to worry whether this person mccain is more interested in america and the success of this country or in destroying donald trump. >> it's just another black mark on john mccain's legacy. it's a terrible thing on veterans day. john mccain is an american war hero many years ago and i respect him for that. but what he has become. what he is doing in the united states senate goes against the republican party and what we are as conservatives. for him to personally attack this president on a daily basis. it's beneath him. and i feel sorry for him. judge jeanine: i want to move on to roy moore. two gop senators are withdrawing their support. mitt romney has actually said,
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another republican, the presumption of innocence only applies in the court of law, it doesn't really apply here. how can this guy and if the allegations are true, i spent my career going after sexual presented towards and pedophiles. but right now it's 40 years later. i doubt there could be a charge filed here. the guy has been investigated a million times, roy moore, apparently more than any other candidate in alabama. is the republican party destroying itself or didn't they do enough vetting of this guy moore? >> i don't know the answer to those questions. but i can say judge moore has been on the ballot many times over a long period of time. how this just miraculously comes out when this hollywood weinstein and the atmosphere that is pervasive, which is the second there is an allegation, the person is guilty.
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in weinstein's case, the low lifes in hollywood on the left. they are accurate. judge jeanine: i want to you keep going. with louse c.k. he admitted -- with louis c.k., he admitted it. and harvey weinstein, the lapd admitted he did what she said he did. >> if it were coming out at a different period of time i don't know if it would be getting this kind of seriousness. john mccain would attack a conservative at any time. i'm repelled by them. it's so disappointing. judge jeanine: the whole thing is ugly and let's hope none of
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it is true. but if it is, it's just an example. >> it's a remarkable thing that one of the accusers is a hillary clinton supporter and volunteer. and with joe biden. it's a very interesting thing that seems to be democrat activists, a leftist activist in alabama. the washington post put her up -- judge jeanine: gotta go. thanks for being with us. retired brigadier general is on deck. don't go away. yea, so, mom's got this cold
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booking a flight doesn't have to be expensive. just go to priceline. it's the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40%. just tap and go... for the best savings on flights, go to priceline. lauren: vice president mike pence honoring our nation's veterans today. he paid his respect, laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldiers.
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mrs. pence and the vice president worked with volunteers washing the vietnam memorial. he said you were there for us, now we are there for you. flights were canceled at orlando interest national airport due to a gun scare. a loud sound was thought to be a gunshot. it took authorities four hours to give the all clear. i'm lauren green. now back to "justice with judge jeanine." judge jeanine: welcome back to this special two-hour special edition of justice. we are awaiting the president's remarks in a short time which we'll take live as soon as they begin. but first here with reaction to
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the trip so far, general, i have to say on this veterans day and all you have done not just during the course of your service, but in your books. i understand you are a best-selling author, and you have another within you just gave me. let's talk about this trip. how has it gone so far? i want to be clear on one thing. the mainstream media is casting the trip in a very negative light, he opportunity they get, even misquoting the president. how do you interpret this trip? >> that's to be expected because the main real media wants the president to fail and the country to fail. this is a landmark achievement the president is achieving right now. south korea, japan, meetings with china and meetings with russia. and putin.
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all of this is part of the diplomatic and information power that we need. overarching objective is to squeeze north korea. get them to capitulate. get them that golden bridge out. not as a nuclear power. but right now what's happening is you have got back channel cushions going on with korea. you have got maybe russia, this is, you know, the president's quote it would be a great thing, not just a good thing. right now china has torqued count economic sanctions using economic power through the u.n. resolution. but russia is leaking a little bit over that. judge jeanine: just because someone like russia is not a friend, that doesn't necessarily they mean they always have to be an enemy, does it? there are sometimes when like with north korea where we have interests that might be joined.
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>> the old saying the even michigan your enemy is your friend. russia has a contentious relationship with us in estonia and ukraine. but it doesn't mean we can't deal on the eastern side of their bored. they don't want nuclear war in north korea. they don't want a major war where the west could come up to the border of russia and china. they love having that buffer there and they love north korea provoking. but it's bringsmanship and they -- it's brinksmanship and they don't want it to go to nuclear war. judge jeanine: what are they doing there? >> they are preparing for war, helping the south korean and the other allies in that region repair for defense of the republic of korea. i have glen the demilitarized
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zone a couple times. i have trained on these major shows of force that we do over there. and my last years as a jennifer i went over there and talked about asymmetric warfare. north korea has 8,000 along the demill tearized zone and 8,000 rocket launchers. judge jeanine: if they send, if kim jong-un from north korea send a nuclear war head on an icbm, or they say that he can hit seoul before we can prerent that missile from hitting us. am i wrong? >> we have the terminal high altitude defense systems, the thaad missiles we heard about. we are deployed throughout the
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region. but we also have ways to detect what's happening and what their preparations are. and we didn't mention the 6,000 troops we got in guam. that's where our strategic arsenal is. when we any about what we have got in japan and south korea and guam. i believe secretary mattis when he says we have a good option here. that involves a conventional option across the border to stay me the 8,000 and 4,000 artillery tubes and rocket launchers and potentially nuke pyongyang. and that's a whole problem for china. judge jeanine: veat a number is a bad memory for until this country. what do you think our reaction to this to is as americans.
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>> that's a good question. we have got japan and germany from world war ii. vietnam we had a lot of blood and present treasure die there. by the same token those same veterans would be glad to have them as a prospering nation, trading with us, and also acting as a buffer to china who is building those artificial islands in the south china sea to control more resources along the vietnamese coastline and along the philippines coastline. judge jeanine: we are talking washington's worst next. don't go away. ♪ ♪ohhhhhh, ou! guess what i just got? uh! ♪i used to be spellbound hello again. ♪i used to be spellbound hi. ♪i used to be spellbound that's a big phone. ♪in your arms. [screams] ah, my phone. ♪you built the flame
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judge jeanine: joining me to talk about the obama era holdovers in washington, d.c. and why they need to go and why they are still dr there, former department of justice election attorney jay christian adams. now, you know, people ask me all the time, i give speeches all over the country, people say why are they still there. why don't they just fire them. obama fired all the bush people when he came in. you were there. give us an idea way it's like. >> a lot of these people are deeply embed. they have been at the justice department for 20-30 years. but many of them are part of what's called the senior executive service. these people can be moved out on monday or told they have three weeks to pack their stuff up because they are going to duluth, minnesota to study
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snowfall. that's what the administration could do. judge jeanine: and the administration can't be sued? >> no. they are ses. judge jeanine: even though you have a job, you can't be fired, but you can be moved. >> they can be moved out of the swamp out of washington. where it's really cold and they may not want to move. but you can send these people who have been causing trouble. i love guam. there are people in the department causing the problem. for 8 years under eric holder dehaven't have voter fraud prosecutions. what happens when you don't prosecute? we had people double voting. we had none citizens voting. and people in the swamp refused to enforce the law. and do you get more of when you
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refuse to enforce the law. you get more crime. judge jeanine: aren't there cases that i remember last year reading about a county where there were more votes of a particular candidate than there were registered voters? >> this is a problem with the voter roll roles all over the county. we are lit ghaight broward county in florida. the justice department should be fixing this. the head of the elections crimes branch, obama and holder told him there. he is the person responsible for no voter fraud prosecution for 8 years. there were double voters. a congressional candidate in maryland voted twice for president obama. she wasn't federally prosecuted. federal law is being committed all over the country.
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why do people -- they are like the may tag repairman. the problem was the system was broken unlike the may tag machine. the system was broken and he didn't do anything for 8 years. judge jeanine: if they are not prosecuting and they are in the department of justice, and we have these illegalities going on, and nobody is prosecuting these cases, shouldn't jeff sessions and i have my own problems with him as it relates to clinton and loretta lynch. mollie 99. this is his bailiwick, too? >> sessions is not the problem. there are going to be people above people like other swamp creatures who don't want to do anything about the problem. i'm on the president's voter
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fraud commission. one of the things we look at is what do you do to stop voter fraud. step one is you start prosecuting it. judge jeanine: richard pilger, we'll get his picture up next time and koskinen. koskinen is gone. maybe we had something to do with it, maybe not. remember, in our second hour, we are going to take you live to hanoi for president trump's stress conference. jeg jarett is standing by. fargo?
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than we could ever go alone. sofi. get there sooner. jack: this ridiculously long table in the middle of nowhere? jack: to invite all my friends in the industry to try this. jack: fast food's first ever ribeye burger. jack: made with 100% ribeye beef, grilled onions, a red wine glaze and creamy havarti cheese. jack: ahh, here comes the competition now. jack: and of course, since they work for my competitors, i've obscured their identities jack: except for this guy. jack: he is so screwed.
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jack: try my new havarti & grilled onion and all-american ribeye burgers. judge jeanine: another hour of justice still ahead. but first did former fbi director james comey obstruct justice by protecting hillary clinton from prosecution? joining us is legal analyst gregg jarrett. there was a story in "the hill" that says a newly discovered document shows fbi director jim comey offered a draft statement accusing clinton of mishandling classified documents and being
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grossly negligent and this was confirmed by senator chuck grassley, a well-respected member of the senate judiciary committee. it says the words "gross negligence" were edited and crossed out with "extreme carelessness." what does this mean? gregg: john solomon of the hill * uncovered the document. it is a crime to mishandle classified documents through gross negligence. comey wrote out a letter of exoneration of hillary clinton in which he crossed out the words gross negligence and substituted extreme carelessness. those terms are i man us in under the law. comey appears to not understood that. this seems to be evidence that he was trying to absolve hillary clinton and con injured up an excuse to protect her. if he did that.
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he needs to be put under oath and explain why he did that, why did he change the language. did he do it for political reasons. was he pressures by loretta lynch or others to absolve and clear hillary clinton. if the answer is yes, that would be obstruction of justice. judge jeanine: when you put that alongside the fact that this exoneration draft memo was written 6, 7 weeks before 17 witnesses before the target hillary was even interviewed. that's further corroborating circumstantial evidence that intent of james comey was to protect hillary clinton. i heard people on this channel say they do it all the time. it has never been done. i have done this for 32 years. i have been a prosecutor and a judge. i have never ever written an exoneration before most of of
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the witnesses are interviewed. this is corruption. i'm sorry, i can prove this to a jury. gregg: i have been a lawyer 37 years. i have never seen it or heard of it. not only do is comey misinterpret gross negligence. this another statute hillary clinton seems to have violated. willingly and knowingly seems to have mishandled classified documents. in this news conference james comey said she didn't intend to break the law. that's not the legal test. the test is did she commit intentional acts that violate the slaw? yes, she set up a private email server and used it exclusively for all of our documents. that's per se violation of the espionage act.
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judge jeanine: ways so disappointed about -- what else so disappointing about this. the public gets it. people are so disappointed that washington is what we always suspected it was. and this is something that the president has agreed to end. yet we are not seeing any resolution of this except for exceptional people like john solomon of the. billsolomon -- of "the hill" and others. gregg: jeff sessions needs to resign, but before he does, he needs to appoints a special counsel and reopen the case involving her email scandal under the espionage act. and add to that, investigation of corruption, pay-to-play in the uranium one deal, as well as the payment to foreign
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nationals, the dossier on donald trump. that violates three different criminal statutes. and finally add in the rigging of the nomination base count a couple of statutes, criminal statutes that she violated there including money laundering. judge jeanine: thanks so as much for being with us. we are keeping an eye on the presidential palace in hanoi, vietnam. president trump will be speaking in the next hour and we are staying live. hour two of "justice" is next. stay close. thanks for the ride-along, captain! i've never been in one of these before, even though geico has been- ohhh. ooh ohh here we go, here we go. you got cut off there, what were you saying? oooo. oh no no. maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military
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for over 75 years? is that what you wanted to say? mhmmm. i have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. ... ♪ ♪ you nervous? ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪
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judge jeanine: breaking that our president meeting with leaders in vietnam and ready for a joint press conference with that country's president. hello and welcome to a special second hour of justice. i'm janine. thank you for being with us tonight. if you missed tonight's opening statement you get to see it in a moment. first, we are charmed life from hanoi, vietnam with john roberts. what is going on now? reporter: good to talk with you. the rain has finally stopped which is a good thing considering that the event with the president of vietnam is going to be outside. the sun is beginning


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