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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  November 13, 2017 3:00am-6:00am PST

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longer being in the armed forces. some military members saying quote prince harry is letting us all down. jillian: the ugly, taking one for the team. broncho's sideline assistant gets hit in the head when the ball is thrown and goes wild. rob: "fox & friends" starts right now. see you later. >> i believe that he feels that he and russia did not meddle in the election. as to whether i believe it or not, i'm with our agencies. >> i think mr. putin is very clever in terms of playing to mr. trump. >> with all due respect to your previous guests. those were the most ridiculous statements. president trump is not getting played by anybody. >> will the house pass your tax plan by thanksgiving? >> i believe it will. our republicans in the house know that it is time to deliver. >> police say a botched robbery at a macy's dressing room inside mall of america turned into a stabbing spree just feet from where kids were visiting with van that. >> the envelope honored
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veterans day with a two minute moment of silence before the game. two players from the san francisco 49ers and one on the new york giants did in fact kneel. >> the unexpected lefty did that did happen. the cross hands picture well it didn't actually go how they drew it up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ steve: this month the 13th day is on a monday, thank goodness it's not a friday. ainsley: i like that song. makes me want to. steve: dance? ainsley: i turentd into my dad. the lady at the briefry of
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the dance floor going like and snapping. steve: not just going out there. brian: just to show people looking that you could dance but you chose not to do. ainsley: maybe i need one more glass of wine. steve: please wait until noon. abby: not to worry. steve: thank you very much for joining us today. we have a busy show. we start with a fox news alert. overnight president trump talking trade at the summit in the philippines. brian: president holding several meetings it happened overnight for us not for him. big announcement when he gets home to d.c. he thinks as early as wednesday. ainsley: kevin corc is traveling with the president in the philippines. good morning. >> good morning. a little bit after 7:00 here in beautiful manila, philippines. you are right. it's been very interesting to watch the president. first trip to asia.
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tonight's break out with the prime minister reflected not only what it is all about. it's really a regional need of collaboration and cooperation. the u.s. a very big part of that everything from the welcome here, which was really quite tremendous as you can well imagine as to what we have seen in terms of the lords and their cooperation and high level talks with allies and economic partners all over the region. it's been a chance for the president to focus his attention on securing trade deals and market access for american goods and services. but most of all, everybody wants to talk about hey how did that bilateral go with the leader of the country? the two men did hammer out details on security and fight against isis and need for economic cooperation. >> we have had a great relationship. this has been very successful. the asean conference has been held by the philippines and representatives. we have had a tremendous time.
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all of the leaders. >> notice how i didn't talk about the idea that they spent a lot of time talking about human rights. not so much. but as mentioned, this is an important opportunity for the president to leave this trip with billions of dollars in new trade deals to announce. should also point out tonight he met with the leader of india for another trade discussion. we expect to hear more about that when the president makes his way back to the white house that is coming up tomorrow. of course, in the meantime, more chances to talk about pro-american business. why have that for you as we continue to watch it unfold. back to you for now. steve: thank you very much. manila, the president is having dinner with the prime minister of australia. brian: let's look how fresh they look the time zones on its head. early morning here and late night there and look as though they could do another 12 days. steve: i think they are probably sleeping during the day and up at night.
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brian: really? we will find out. steve: when the president was flying over vietnam they had a gaggle in the back of air force one. there was a pool report. there was no recording, however. during that he said he had had two or three short conversations with vladimir putin largely about syria. but, russian meddling did come up and putin denied it. john roberts, our own reporter, who brian is reporting looked fresh, reported the potus did not say he believes putin, just the fact that putin says he was not involved. brian: he says putin believes that he is telling the truth when he says he didn't meddle. that's what president trump said. and then he looks to move on because how are they supposed to have relations if they keep on going back to the same thing? ainsley: he said the facts are the facts. there is no collusion and evidence of collusion, we need to move past this because it's hindering our moving forward with russia. john brennan was on one of
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the sunday shows and he says the president is just afraid of vladimir putin. listen. >> i think mr. trump is, for whatever reason, either intimidated by mr. putin, afraid of what he could do, or what might come out as a result of these investigations, so, it's very worrisome. it's either nativity a knave at, naivete. >> the reason why those two are booked with james clapper on cnn called out on a tweet partisan hacks. he said they don't like each other. they don't like president trump when he was candidate trump. he doesn't like him as president. he called them both out. they were out to defend the intelligence agencies. the president has couple things. next time vapght says i didn't hack, he should have two or three bullet points to show without giving up our methods and practices to say listen, whether did you
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it directly or inel directly, russia, you hacked. and here are the two or three things we know of. if you want to move past, you move past. you better not do it again. for some reason the president thinks if he acknowledges this he is acknowledging collusion. he is no. because he sees someone is going to take advantage of what he says and use it against him. >> there are a lot of analysts on the media who said shouldn't have called out president right to his face. have in your face diplomacy like that. others have said look, he got played. ultimately what the president said is hey, why can't we just get along with all the countries, watch? >> i believe that he feels that he and russia did not meddle in the election. as to whether i believe it or not, i'm with our agencies, especially as currently constituted with their leadership. i believe in our intel agencies, intelligence agencies. there weren't 17 as previously reported there were actually four. so i'm not looking to stand and start arguing with
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somebody when there are reporters all around and cameras recording and seeing our conversation. president putin really feels and he feels strongly that he did not meddle in our election. what he believes is what he believes. what i believe is that we have to get to work. getting along with other nations is a good thing. not a bad thing. believe me. brian: i think that's a really good point. flat out i'm with our agencies. mike pompeo said they did it he is with the cia. he meets with the president every single day. what he is trying to say is let's move forward. when we get closer to the election, when we get closer to 2018, he has to have a few brush back pitches against the russians, don't even try this again. steve: brian, the reason he specified he was siding with the intel agencies is because some of those analysts on the other channels were going, look, he is believing putin over his own people at the cia and the other people who gather stuff and spy.
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ainsley: let us know what you think friends at fox no secret that the "new york times" has not been very friendly to this president or to this administration. steve: what are you talking about? ainsley: we have a perfect example. the president is traveling on this asia tour. this was published by the photographer doug mills. he tweeted thought photo. family photo of the president with world leaders of the association of southeastern asian nation summit. and if you watch the video. look at this picture. this looks like the president is uncomfortable. he is not smiling. but if you watch the video. do you see that face? i watched the video didn't even in the that look. is he smiling there hey, how are you doing? talking to the guy: and still smiling. they snapped the photo when he was making that interesting awkward face. >> what is interesting the same photographer who tweeted out that image of the awkward face. president awkward face is doug mills who on friday posted a -- just a blank frame. because he said this is what
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our coverage looks like today. no coverage. that was from the apec forum meetings and he was steamed about that. so the "the washington post" said monday mills got his revenge with the family photo trying to make the president look awkward. brian: here is what "the washington post" analysis he had. the analysis from story not editorial. trump's awkward grimace reveals the messy reality of high stakes geo politics that an air brushed official portrait of the family would gloss over. photos like these can remind us there are different comfort on the world stage that play behind the scenes. ainsley: when you watch the photo and see that video can you see what they are doing. trying to portray him as being awkward and want him to be remembered n light. brian: anything that stands out about the photo is that medvedev can't do it. is he standing like this. supposed to cross your arms. if president trump had gone like this instead of like this, oh he thinks he is above everybody, it's this america first.
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steve: ultimately after the election medvedev would be more flex sick. >> so, by the way is it president trump's fault he is 6: 63 6363. >> feeding of the fish, the japanese comments and awkward photo like that, that's revenge according to "the washington post." brian: by the way,en this trip every time he does well, well, they are just playing to his ego. if there is anything offered, wait a second, no, he is getting along with people and they are get along with him. let's see results on policy. ainsley: no evidence of collusion get along with putin. oh, he is scared of putin. steve: being played. anyway, a busy monday. right now we have jillian joining us right now. jillian: good monday morning. good, how about you guys? excellent. no problem.
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let's begin with a fox news alert. at least 330 people are dead after a monster earthquake iraqs the iran/iraq border. 7.3 magnitude quake hit north of baghdad. many people running for their lives as buildings swayed. video shows a guest shaking in his seat during an interview before rushing off the set. aftershocks rocking those countries as crews now scramble to rescue thousands now injured. a stabbing spree at the nation's largest shopping mall just feet away from where kids were visiting with santa. police say a botched robbery at a macy's dressing room inside mall of america turned into a stabbing spree when the suspect was con fronted by other shoppers. two people were stabbed but will be okay. customers holding the man down until police arrested him. roy moore vows to sue "the washington post" over its report accusing him of sexual misconduct with multiple women. one as young as 146789 the
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g.o.p. senate candidate in alabama continues to deny those claims. >> minor child false. we will see sue. jillian: moore vowing he will not drop out of the seat for jeff sessions. liz smith has passed away. agents says she died in her new york home of natural causes. smith's column liz schmidt was one of the most widely read in the world for 25 years. helped usher in the era of celebrity journalism. smith was 94 years old. a look at your headlines. ainsley: i got that notice on my phone last night. steve: she was great. they referred to her as the first lady of dish. brian: 13 minutes after the hour. ainsley: coming up, a truck comes within inches of hitting a i would choovment we will tell you more about that and show you the video.
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brian: g.o.p. and elections, what should they have learned from tuesday? steve: party says his party did everything wrong in 2016. ♪ born to be wild ♪
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it happen with this wide of margin? the next guest says it's a establishment party. republican establishment problem. a democrat who said his party did everything wrong in 2016 in many cases. chairman of the harris poll and former hillary clinton campaign strategist mark perron. mark, what should a republican take from governor gillespie loss of not governor gillespie but ed gillespie's loss is he not governor? karl rove came out and said listen, ed got more votes than the other republican candidate for when he was running for governor. he just more people came out. >> oh, i think when you look at the exited polls, the view here is far from simple. number one, i think the republican party and the establishment itself is 5 points lower than trump. right there that explains a lot of the problems i think that gillespie got into. and, of course, democrats had a moderate candidate. an army veteran. remember, mcauliff did a pretty good job.
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had a 54% approval rating. brian: healthcare, the reason they voted the way they did 28 percent said healthcare. number two was the economy at 26%. most of the economic indicators are strong. strengthening in the right direction. back to healthcare. republican failure on healthcare? >> i think the republican failure on hurricane was not just in the failure to pass a bill, but i think on the messaging. i think they never really explained why their healthcare bill would work, what it would do. i think they lost that really badly. and i think virginia reflects that. brian: you say the establishment republicans are the problem, you think the establishment republicans combined with moderate democrats give democrats the vote. but the bernie sanders democrats will have many independents running for the hills, won't they? >> well, i think that that's exactly right. i think here the new governor of virginia defeated the sanders/warren
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candidate. from my perspective as a democrat i think that's good news not only primary but won in the general. that's where the party has got to head. that's big trouble for the republicans if that does happen. steve: mark, as you know the democratic party that you did a lot of work for is going like this, too, right? >> well, they are going like that. but it's a long way between now and the elections. i think a lot of this -- the interesting thing to me here is that trump was at 40. and that means if his rating in virginia was at 40. is he probably more like 43, 44 nationally. not the kind of 30's that you see in a lot of these polls. brian: mark, thanks so much. we will continue to break this down. the president the way is he tweeting news story coming. in everything could change again. thanks so much, mark penn. >> absolutely. thank you. brian: meanwhile, straight ahead. one of the most famous football stadiums in the country. even a classic rivalry could not fill up the stands on veterans weekend. soldiers field. is the anthem protest to blame in many in the media
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screaming russia, russia, russia after advance their agenda? we'll debate it next. ♪ ♪ when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums
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♪ ♪ ainsley: here are quick headline informs are you the final witness in the kate steinle murder trial expected to take the stand today. lopez also deported five times admits to shooting steinly but claims the gun went on accidently. she was killed on a pier while walking on a pier with her dad. paul george danden who worked at the charlotte douglas international airport had a pipe bomb at
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his house. he claims he got it from his roommate derek fells who planned to use it on a neighbor after a dispute. both men facing federal charges, is he no longer allowed at the charlotte airport as an air traffic controller. >> steve: that's a good thing. mainstream media screaming russia, russia, russia after the presidential told reporters after flying to vietnam that he told putin about russian meddling in our election. putin denied t that's not how the media reported it. >> i think is he giving putin a pass. i think it demonstrates to mr. putin that donald trump can be played. >> he believes him. while he does not believe the intelligence agencies of the united states of america. >> donald trump's policies seems to be trust. hey, listen, putin said that they didn't do it so they didn't do it. >> so were the president's remarks taken out of context? some think so. so here we've got a debate right now. we have staff writer for the federalist bree peyton along
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with professor and political commentator wendy. >> good morning. >> professor, let's start with you. some analysts said that it sounded like he was siding with vladimir putin over his own intel agencies. although that wasn't quite what the president said. what do you make of that? >> well, i think it's really interesting that he mentioned the names of comey and clapper and he said they were political hacks. and that's not something we want to say especially when we are dealing with an aforeign adversary like russia. quite frankly, i don't think that there is a media bias. in the recent study from harvard they showed there is not a media bias towards trump. it's the way in which the media is portrayed. the media likes things that are fun that are disorganized. that are a little off left field. with the trump administration, he has had a bunch of missteps. so, as they are reporting, they are not reporting this to say he is a bad president. they are targeting the things which he has done which is out of the ordinary.
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steve: bree, what do you think, our own john roberts said the president never said he believes putin, yet the mainstream media coverage was i saw several examples of where they were saying well, the president believes president putin over his own intel agencies. that's not at all what he said. >> yeah, it really isn't at all what he said. in the next breath he says i believe our intelligence agencies are very fine people that work over there. i think he is making a distinction that putin is not going to change his answer and, you know, we are just going to have to move on from there, right? we have to trust on own intelligence community. trust our intelligence agents and move on and go from there. if the reason why all of this matters so much is because there is an ongoing investigation into whether or not the donald trump campaign and to what extent they colluded with russia in order to meddle in the election, right? it matters. it matters to be accurate and it matters to be precise. being imprecise and sloppy and acting like donald trump and putin are best friends honestly just plays into the
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kremlin's hand. this is what moscow wants is to seem more powerful and influential and like donald trump is this dumb behalf foon is totally playing into the kremlin's hand, right? we have to zoom out and look at the long game here. steve: and perhaps, bree, why a number of outlets are showing the awkward photo of the president trying to shake hands like that when you look at the tape it wasn't that awkward at all. professor, what do you think about this? >> i honestly think that bree makes good points we can't try to dumb this down and say there was no collusion. we have some evidence that says that something happened. we don't know. steve: what evidence? >> i was about to say that we don't know whether, in fact, the collusion happened between the trump administration and russia but i do believe we have to let the investigation play out. and, again, this is not something where he can say one breath i believe the evidence from my intel committee and then the same breath call the members of that committee, you know, political hacks.
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we're not -- you know, the american people are very smart here. we understanding the game that is being played. so if he does believe the evidence that's coming out of his intel committee, then he needs to say that he doesn't need to then go into the name calling. which he has not only done to members of the intel committee, he has done to media. he has called them dumb and reckless. he said all kinds of things that farrous and not becoming of the office of >> it's very important to get to the bottom of it and determine whether or not the trump campaign did indeed collude with russia to collude in the election. we know russia did try to meddle with n. our election and play this propaganda long game it is very important. i think those two things can be true and don't conflict with one another, right? i think it's possible to trust the intelligence communities and now it's about russia meddling in the election. also factually true that
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james comey is a hack. his behavior has demonstrated that to be true over and over again. steve: the president was referring to that report that was compiled by comey and clapper and brennan and that's why he referred to them as political hacks. all right. ladies, great discussion this morning. wendy, professor and bree peyton from the federalist. coming up on this monday morning, a college party ends in disaster after a floor collapses underneath dozens of students. look at this. [screams] [bleep] steve: what happened? we have the frightening moments caught on cam rand a an explanation coming up. and football players protest the anthem on veterans weekend. lawrence jones wants to know where does it go from sneer as you can see he is in the studio. he's next. ♪ we hanging around ♪ singing everything on the radio ♪
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♪ we are family ♪ i got all my sisters with me ♪ we are family. brian: first time in the free world ainsley earhardt and brian kilmeade were two publishers and go to the brewery and have a joint appearance and sign. steve: you were at a brewery selling books? ainsley: it was so much fun. brian: in jacksonville, florida. ainsley: these guys protected us. these two make these custom hats. big trump supporters. they wrote the forgotten man. married their own caps out of jeans. book as millions, they this steve doocy's poster front and center in jacksonville. orange city mall. steve: orange park.
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ainsley: your book tour? steve: yeah when i wrote the father book. families of revolutionary war. ainsley: if you were there, thank you for supporting us. we loved jacksonville. fun to do at brewery. we talked about the wounded warriors and had some of them on stage. brian: first two rows were wounded warriors. one of them came up and told their story how not only did they serve and go through some rehab and tough times. he also gave a kidney up for a fellow soldier. ainsley: one guy gave his kidney and is doing great. steve: unbelievable. ainsley: i will be in kansas city this weekend earhardt brian: i will in philadelphia wednesday night. ainsley: blue bell? brian: montgomery community college. over the weekend ong and st. louis. jillian: i grew up near there. i will tell everyone to come check you out.
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jillian: let's begin this w. this story. the pentagon now identifying the measure soldier who died in iraq. chief warrant officer lee smith killed during a noncombat related incident. the assigned by isis and combat aviation brigade. lee was from arlington, texas, his death is under investigation. a college party literally bringing down the house when dozens of students plunge through the floor. up to seven people had minor injuries at the university of north texas. students' third floor apartment when this happened. 48 people were forced to leave their apartments. firefighters say too many people jumping at one time caused that collapse. scary. tragedy avoid by just inches when the truck nearly hit the child getting off a bus. [horn blowing.
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>> oh my gosh. this happening in norway where the boy wasn't looking before crossing the street. fortunely he wasn't able to outrun the truck double am tee marine veteran completing 31st marathon in 31 days. rob jones making his final strides on veterans day in washington, d.c. he joins us on the show last month, telling us why he decided to start his remarkable journey after losing both of his legs during an explosion in afghanistan. >> i just figure in this is a situation now. i'm going to -- my mission is still the same. make a difference in the world. leave the world better than i found it so how am i going to do that now? jillian: jones ran more than 9,000 miles raising about $125,000 for veterans charities. isn't that incredible? what an inspiration. steve: that is unbelievable, thank you very much, jillian. >> she just mentioned it was veterans day weekend. we have been telling you
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about how there was a facebook group that started a boycott the nfl this weekend. lawrence jones from the blaze joins us right now. lawrence, when you look at the stands, for instance, soldier field, legendary rivalry between the bears and the packers, there were a lot of empty seats there you would have expected everyone to be filled up. >> that's how the market works. the players have a right. the owners decided they weren't going to ban the players for kneeling. the consumers have a right not to go to the game. that's what's happening across the country for those teams that decided to kneel. look, i have been very vocal on this movement. i think there is a lot of virtue on both sides. my biggest problem is that if you really want to help your movement, why would you do it on that day, of all of days, you should have stood for the veterans. that's why there was only like three to five players doing it enough of them had enough sense to know this wasn't the right day to do it. ainsley: when you everywhere watching that and saw three players took a knee but the
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majority of those all of those that had taken a knee they decided to stand yesterday because it was veterans day weekend. including rashard matthews who hasn't stood since the president criticized him. >> it was interesting becausely to see it through the play backs because i'm a cowboys fan and none of our plawrs, since we are america's theme we don't kneel. there is a lot of people within this movement that have very jit mat concerns that i think we should talk about. but the question is it the time or the place? i want to see if they really want change to happen, i think the president should invite the players to the white house and talk about criminal justifiable reform. if the players deny that chance, then you know where their heart is if you really want to get change moving, you have to sit at the table with people you don't agree with politically to get change. brian: collin kaepernick has been invited up a kel before times. he doesn't show up. he says i just want a job. he is suing the owners saying it's collusion and
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actually subpoenaing their emails to prove it? >> he is going to lose. he can go forward all he wants. always talk about the collin kaepernick situation when he was nfl super bowl contestant he was not kneeling then. it just seems very mighty suspicious to me that on the downside of his career he decided to kneel. i think that there's a combination of the kneeling as well as his performance that's why he doesn't have a job right now. steve: all right. lawrence, let's change topics. in the "new york times" they ran an op-ed from a university law professor. and topic was can my children be friends with white people and here is a passage from it. donald trump's election has made it clear that i will teach my boys the lessons generations old one that i, for the most part, nearly escaped. i will teach them to be cautious. i will teach them suspicion. and i will teach them distrust much sooner than i thought i would. i have to discuss with my boys whether they can truly be friends with white
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people. >> when i was reading it i couldn't believe it. i had to check it multiple times. is he teaching his child to be racist, prejudice, to judge people by skin color and not the content of their character. it goes to show you this is what being taught to your children. this is the money that you are giving to fund literally prejudice. they are teaching it all across the country. parents should beware. brian: how does this make the cut to be a "new york times" op-ed. >> this is theirend. this is the new liberal, of the new democratic party. this is where progressives are going. i caution parents be careful where you are sending your kids to school. the money that you are funding this -- you are essentially funding this movement. so i think parents need to be careful. this is nothing new i just think the nation needs to turn back to god. i think we lost our compass. our kids are going to be experiencing this on a daily basis. ainsley: thank you so much for being with us.
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one church sending a message to its provisionallers we are not a gun-free zone. the pastor is going to join us live. brian: house and senate will take up their tax reform bills this week. what does that mean? what does each version mean for your family? liz claman broke it down for us. she promises to turn around, face it, and talk to us. ♪ ♪ i had frequent heartburn, but my doctor recommended... ...prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning, 24 hours and zero heartburn. it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10... ...straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed.
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ainsley: this week both the house and the senate will work on separate tax plans. brian: good, soon they will talk to each other. while the bills have some similarities they also have some differences. what does this mean for the average american family and we assume you are american. steve: liz clay plan is here with insight host of countdown to the closing bell on sister network fox business. good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: ultimately what the president said what he wanted is he wanted the tax plan that comes out of congress to be simpler, to be able to do it on a piece of paper and for it to be
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released provide relief to the middle class. do both plans do that. >> h and r block accountants should not be worried they are losing their jobs. people are so confused there is a little bit of complex dealings within each one. but you have to look at both of these and say are they a total mess? no. they are each flawed depending on which state you live. in you have to look and see that the house definitely simplifies things way more. it gives a little willing room on things like the elimination of the deduction for the high tax states like new york, new jersey, california. there are middle class people who do use that deduction. so if it goes away, they will perceive it as a tax hike. but it's not what you are looking at the exact wording of it. brian: someone should tell republicans. people like darrell issa and peter king republicans in high tax states are saying i'm out. >> well, they are representing their constituents. that's the thing, brian. we are these 50 states, everybody is completely diverse in their wants and
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needs and complaints. if we can get something where everybody everybody feels just a little bit of pain, that will be fine. they don't. for example, neither plan gets rid of this very sort of quiet side window issue called the carried interest trade for billionaires who are it in private equity. they pay at 20% rate. brian: why? >> how is that fair? why? because the way they calculate their income and i don't want to get too much in the weeds here. for your viewers that don't understand, this the way they calculate their income it is not earned income like the rest of us. so you can have a very wealthy ceo who paying 39% but these guys are only paying 20%. it's untouched. the president says he wants to get rid of it neither one does. ainsley: something we are very proud of you for. you are proud of this organization building homes for heroes. bob massi was at the event when you got the award. liz is an amazing person. she knows each of these heros that have come back from fighting for our country. they are badly, badly injured. she helps raise money to build mortgage-free homes for these individuals.
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tell us about this night and what we are seeing. >> i have to tell you, we were able to honor our heroes. these guys they are the worst wounded. they have multiple amputations. they have. ainsley: returned? >> they have brain damage. it's horrible. but what we do is we build mortgage free totally customized homes for their specific injuries. so if you are blind, we will give you a braille kitchen and the floorlging in each room. for example for hugo gonzalez who got traumatic brain injury and he became blind, we gave him this flooring. each room it's different. he knows it's his second daughter's bedroom or his kitchen. brian: like for this organization? >> i they calculated and told me over seven years since i first heard about them that i was responsible for about 30 million. steve: unbelievable. for the folks watching right now, if they would like to help out, what's the website? >> building homes for i can tell you i will take
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the change in your sofa cushions. we have had veterans 70 years old on fixed income, send in $5. we have had people sending in 2,000. brian: back in a moment. ♪ ♪ you nervous? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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i am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy. it's been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. that's why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and i'm asking you to join me. take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. this is our shot to take. learn more at:
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i am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy. it's been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. that's why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and i'm asking you to join me. take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. this is our shot to take. learn more at:
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>> to for months the ufers air force says it's been facing a pilot shortage. it appears to have gotten worse. > steve: we have silings up our own rob schmid. >> i can't fix it what they do is incredible. one way to get more pilots in the air for the air force and the navy. train them fast err and more effectively. one company competing for a big air force contract to replace its aging training jets which are very old by the way. that company is lockheed
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martin i went to see their operation in greenville, south carolina. check this out. >> i feel the need, the need for speed. rob: i may look like i'm ready to fly. but it takes a lot to make it as a fighter pilot in the u.s. military. lockheed martin is aiming to make the process a little easier. they are one of three major companies looking to win a contract with the u.s. air force to build a new training jet. but it's not just a plane, lockheed is offering the air force it's an entire training system. >> we are trying to develop pilot training for the air force. >> this is where they start trying to get. >> exactly. one of the keys to that is virtual reality. the student can see inside the cockpit, can manipulate controls of the cockpit all within the classroom. rob: the whole idea here is
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teaching student pilots in a faster way and cheaper way using programs like this. this is just the simulation. now it's time to get in the jet rob helping me out is clemens, a former f-18 pilot who has hundreds of hours flying the new f-35. >> this is a t-50. a well-vetted high performing jet trainer. as technology matures we take advantage of that it's going to train air force pilots a lot more efficiently than has been done in the past. it's low risk. the aircraft been produced, it's been tested and vetted and felony. we did have this airplane modified a little bit. rob: you've got to be kidding me. >> do you recognize that name? are you ready to go flying? rob: i'm absolutely ready to go flying. >> let's get out there then. rob: let's do it. ♪ ♪
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♪ red triangles i just started up this scenario. rob: sure. >> those are the computer generated. once we will get into range we will shoot stimulated missilestem simulatedmissiles a. rob rock would you play games with each other. >> to get that training? rob: right. >> we need actual aircraft in the air flying against us. this system we don't. what we could do now is let you have a chance to fly the airplane. >> that sounds fantastic. you can take the stick and roll it as much as you want. rob: are you ready? >> i'm ready.
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rob: here we go. i'm rolling it whew! [laughter] >> the rule is if you roll left, you have to unwind by rolling right. rob: okay, rolling right. here we go. whew! [laughter] >> pretty good for never flying before. rob: this is the craziest thing. steve: congratulations. ainsley: did it feel good to be back on solid ground? rob: you said it he said that would scare me to death. when i was in it. i was fine. as soon as they let me control it i was like i'm going to die. ainsley: how was your stomach? did you get sick? rob: so close. i held it together. i was holding the bag when we were landing. i said come on, don't lose it. brian: 18 to 22-year-olds just signed up to be pilots. steve: good job, maverick. rob: thank you.
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brian: still ahead on this show, mike huckabee, according to our run down ivanka trump and louie gohmert. separately very different ♪ making the coffee erupt with flavor. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. that erupts with even more flavor. which helps provide for win's family. and adi the goat's family too. because his kids eat a lot. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. packed with goodness. patients they ask me all of the time. i tell them the thickness of your enamel determines essentially how white your teeth are going to be. the strength of your teeth needs to be there in order for that whiteness to last. i would definitely recommend pronamel strong and bright to my patients to keep their enamel strong,
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>> i believe that he feels he and russia did not meddle in the election. as to whether or not i believe it or not i am with our agencies. >> mr. putin is very clever playing to mr. trump. >> with all due respect to your previous guest those are ridiculous statements. president trump is not getting played by anybody. >> will the house pass your tax plan by thanksgiving? >> i believe it will. our republicans in the house know that it is time to deliver. >> police say a botched robbery at a macy's dressing room inside mall of america turned into a stabbing spree just feet from where kids were visiting with santa. >> the nfl honored veterans day with a two-minute moment of silence before games. but two players from the san
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francisco 49ers and one on the new york giants did, in fact, kneel. >> the unexpected left that happened during the family photo, the crossed hands picture, well, it didn't exactly go how they drew it up ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ any way you want it ♪ that's the way you need it brian: journey new release any way you want it. just out today. what is it about this group and this album that continues to get played over and over? ainsley: they are a classic. just like when i was growing up, they were like a led zep palestinian. steve: for certain demographic apparently. hope you like it because that's how we are starting this hour. let's ask mike huckabee the former governor of arkansas
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by. brian: he plays the bass. steve: is he a fox news corinth tore. what is it about journey a classic in so many ways and used in tv and movies theist days? >> they have a great sound that is timeless. it's one of those rock bands that their music transcends generations and time they just have great tunes. brian: governor, that was not on the preinterview and look how it turned out? look how diverse you are. it's amazing. >> there are some things i'm never ready about but if you want to talk rock music i'm ready to go. brian: governor no, doubt about it, the president i think if you were doing an honest analysis, he is having a superb trip. from one country to another. reaffirming relations with him i says they will have substantial gains announced as early as wednesday trade and alliances. people are focused on what he did on a whim. evidently his plane was being delayed an hour
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because they were there early. he decided to go back and talk to a few reporters. he said oh, by the way, i talked to vladimir putin a couple of times, at which time, again, he emphasized that he thinks that he did nomeddle. in election. is he under the belief i believe he sincerely believes he didn't meddle nut election and then all hell broke loose. what your take on the president wanted hand grenade handling of this. >> it's interesting, brian, because the people there with him. fox news john roberts and cbs have said you guys have missed. this he was very expressly clear not in saying that i believe it but putin believes it. if you throinge what donald trump said, which actually was played on air and is available online. he never said i believe putin. he said putin believes putin, but i believe our agencies. and i believe the people who work for me in those agencies and they tell me something different. it was very clear. but, this is what donald trump has to deal with every
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day a prisz that will find a way to twist the story to have a way of making it totally negative. it's just -- ainsley: the quote that the president said was he said he didn't meddle, i will ask it again. only ask some times. he said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. did he not do what they are saying he did. now, john brennan was on one of the sunday shows yesterday saying the president is saying this and trying to get this message out because he is fearful of vladimir putin. listen to this and let's get your reaction. >> there think mr. trump is intimidated by mr. putin or what might come out as a result of these investigations. very worrisome. either naivete ignorance or fear vis-a-vis the russians. ainsley: do you think he is scared of president putin. >> no. that guy is just a tool.
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come on. donald trump is not afraid of anybody. this is a guy who talks straight to the face of anybody he wants to and pretty clear about it. i think it's absurd and one way the media discredited themselves. guys like that validate presidendonald trump's moniker r them as fake news. i think trump has had wonderful trip. done with to these countries and shown his ability to negotiate with the world leaders in a way that we have not seen in decades. is he straightforward with them. we are renegotiating trade deals. i think thinks conversations with china will result different kind of approach to north korea. i don't know what they are missing here, but, boy, they are missing a lot. steve: as the father of the white house press secretary i'm sure you're paying a lot of attention to all of the press coverage. what's interesting is during this particular 12-day swing through asia, first there was the look, he dumped the whole box of fish food in.
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the thing about the japanese cars. and then yesterday when they were doing the class photo at the conclusion of this summit, there was a moment when a photographer by the name of doug mills who was upset the day before because they were not allowed to cover the apec forum, he actually took this picture and "the washington post" said mills got his revenge the family photo awkward moment. the revenge was that the president of the united states had a grimace. he looked -- he did not look his best even though, you know, you look at the balance of the tape and it is more distinguished than that picture right there. brian: here's the tape. steve: are they selectively going for the photo that makes him look bad? >> there is an old expression that those of us that have been on the other side of the camera particularly in politics always said the reason the photographer takes so many pictures he keeps looking for one that's so bad he can
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actually print it on the front page. look, these are motor wound cameras. it's like a machine gun going off how many frames per second they are taking these shots. so he has hundreds of pictures from that very scene to take from and he picks one an isolated frame so it looks bad. this is what people get so disgusted by. this was a hit job on frying to make donald trump look bad when if you watch the video, it's just a funny moment. is he holding hands with these guys. steve: stretching. >> those things are awkward anyway. they really are he handled it well and was a good sport about it. brian: here is what they had to say about it: do you know what's so amazing? this is something i never anticipated there are times when the president goes overseas i remember when
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mitt romney as a candidate went over seas and said not ready to host the olympics. horrible things about mitt romney he would want that statement back played negatively. president goes overseas and gets treated well by south korea liberal leader. gets treated welt by abe over in japan. and goes over to china and gets his pomp circumstances and instead of saying wow, they are really upbeat about this president they are playing to his ego. what do they need every time president tweeted well playing to his ego if your name is donald trump? >> what they are doing is showing respect. they have more respect for him than the media in the united states has. that's a little bit discomforting. but donald trump has had a successful trip. and they cannot find a way to really diminish what he has accomplished and the matter of respect he has brought to the united states. america is back. i hate to break this to some of the people who can't stand him and some of those are republicans the truth is
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he is a strong leader. he exhibits and exerts that strong leadership. and people respect strength. they do not respect apologies and grabbling and what we have in donald trump, like him or not, he is a person who believes in this country. it's why he is president. it's why he has had very successful trip. he is projecting the america that many of us love and appreciate. brian: have you unbelievable contacts in israel. we understand the trump administration is putting together saudi arabia playing a major role. looking at the west bank and movement of the capital. how does this play into the president's proposal that you know of? >> can i only hope that there is a legitimate process in place. at least a proposal. but i'm going to be very honest with you. i do fear that the president may be getting some advice
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that is not 100 percent correct that mahmoud want some palestinian peace deal. i believe that when they stop naming streets after terrorists jerusalem can never be divided and when israel has a right to a secure and safe homeland. when that happens and it's publicly acknowledged i will believe interest is a legitimate opportunity for some resolve. steve: you are skeptical? >> i am skeptical, yes, i am. i want to be a believer and say this all is going to work out. but i have never seen and honest sense of the palestinians to say we recognize israel's right to the capital of jerusalem undivided which has to happen. you cannot divide that city up jerusalem is the capital of israel never been the capital of any other people ever. never was the capital of jordan. never was the capital of any other country except for israel and it has to stay that way.
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brian: governor, who do you think is leading him down the wrong path? who is giving him bad information? >> rather not go there but, you know, i think there are some good people, sincere people, but i don't know that they trily understand the depth of this issue. this goes back to the 148, 1917 ball for agreement, this goes back to isaac and ishmael. unless somebody can resolve that, you can have all the talks you want. something not just going to wave the magic wand. it may be that there is a desire to put a palestinian nation in part of the arab country. let me just remind you that there are 640 times more acres of land under arab control than there are under israeli control. israel only ones 1/640th of the property and land. and to ask them to give up more is absurd. ainsley: thank you, governor, for being with us.
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brian: no footage of ice mick or ishmael or we would have showed it in his remarks. steve: 7:11 in new york city. we have a fox news alert. jillian: get you caught up on breaking news overnight. a fox news alert. at least 341 people are dead. nearly 6,000 hurt after a monster earthquake rocks the iran/iraq border overnight. those numbers rising by the minute after the 7.3 magnitude quake hit just north of baghdad. many running for their lives as buildings swayed and take a look at this video from a kurdish tv news station, showing a guest shaking in his seat during an interview before rushing off the set. aftershocks rocking those countries as rescue crews now scramble to find survivors. we will keep you updated on the latest. a stabbing spree at the nation's largest shopping mall just feet away from where kids were visiting with santa. police say a botched robbery at macy's dressing room inside mall of america turned into a stabbing spree when the suspect was
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confronted by other shoppers. two people were stabbed but will be okay. customers holding a man down until police arrested him. roy moore vowing to sue "the washington post" over its report accusing him of sexual misconduct with multiple women. the g.o.p. senate candidate in alabama continues to deny those claims. jillian: moore adding he will not drop out or be forced out of the election for the vacated suit of attorney general jeff sessions. a look at your headlines on this monday. send it back to you. ainsley: thank you, jillian. one church sending a message to parishioners after the shooting saying we are not a gun-free zone. the pastor of the church is going to join us next. steve: ivanka trump is going to join us live in the studio just about 10 minutes from now. put down the remote. she's coming up
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ainsley: a church welcoming parishioners to bring their guns to sunday worship services after the tragic shooting in texas.
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it's called the light house mexico church of god in upstate, new york. and posting this message saying, quote: we say it again we are not a gun-free zone. that's the sign in front of their church. joining us now is the pastor of that church ronald russell. pastor, thanks for joining us. >> you're welcome. thank you for having me. ainsley: you're welcome. why did you decide to do this? >> to send a strong message that it's not going to happen in our church. i have like 40 kids and they are very valuable to us. and to have someone think they are going to come in and shoot the place up, that's not going to happen. ainsley: you say we are looking at the sign right now. it says we say it again. we are not a gun-free zone. you've done this before, right? >> yes, we have. we have noticed in times past ever since sandy hook that these individuals whether it's sandy hook, whether it's in san bernardino, people like to go to gun-free zones to shoot them up and we're just
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putting out a warning that we believe in the second amendment and we do carry. and it's not going to happen in our church. ainsley: you mess with us, we'll mess with you. have you had any instances where someone in the church has it h. to pull out their gun to protect someone in the church? >> no. we did have an incident where one of our young ladies was sexually assaulted. this was not in the church but consequently we hired a couple of sheriff deputies to come in and train all our women, train our young ladies what to do wherever -- well, self-defense. wherever they are attacked. ainsley: wow. what's the reaction? >> we believe in empowering our women, our kids, our girls. i'm sorry? ainsley: i hope that young lady is okay. what is the reaction from your community, from your provisionallers? have you lost people that have gone to your church or is it attracting more people? >> well, we have seen more
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people come in. it's like if a thief comes to your house and he knows you are there, he is not going to come to your house, he is going to go to the house next door. all these shootings, it appears that the majority of them, once they do their damage, they just shoot themselves. it's like that's what they are there for. and if they know -- you don't see any of these shooters going to a cop station and understand the police, they are great in responding. if they have to respond, that means something has already happened, the damage has already taken place it's the first 3 minutes, 5 minutes that they come into that -- that's when all the damage is being done. ainsley: right. >> it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun. ainsley: pastor russell, i appreciate you being here. i know pastor jeffress pastor in dallas saying the same thing. god bless you for what you
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are doing. >> god bless you. and thank you so much. ainsley: you are he can with. what is joe biden ready to make white house run in 2020. you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance.
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♪ brian: glad you are up. sorry it's monday. it's cold if you are in the east. 2020 former vp joe biden about to be pictured here shying away from a presidential run. telling snapchat good luck america quote i'm just not sure if it's appropriate for me to do that right now. i actually think he is going to run next $50 million that's how much roger goodell is to be rumored for thinks contract from league owners. the league's top dog wants lifetime jet use for private jet for himself and lifetime insurance for his family.
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he denies this entirely. and finally. 8 feet. that's how long this monster gator was, yep. when he was found in a florida garage at country club. wildlife officials say this just happened. saying for real. able to grasp it and safely remove it so it's safe to go in the garage again. let's go over the rail and to the couch. steve: all right. thank you, brian. donna brazile getting backup in her claims that the primary process was rigid for hillary clinton from one of the candidates that ran against hillary clinton. we are talking about lincoln chafee. it's been an ayear since the election and clinton people haven't looked in the mirror over the course of this year. they have been blaming the russians and everyone else. blaming senator sanders. look in the mirror and say how could we as the clinton campaign lose to a seemingly unelectable man? three years for donna brazile. i like a truth teller. i thought the fix was in all the way through. steve: so was the fix really
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in for hillary? here to debate we have former 2017 candidate for dnc chair and advisor for hillary clinton's 2008 presidential campaign jehmu green screen left and national justice director for the 2016 bernie sanders presidential campaign tezlyn figaro. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> tezlyn, let's start with you, what do you make of lincoln chafee coming out and saying i love the fact that donna brazile is telling everybody that it was rigid against bernie. >> i mean, i love it i love it and can't get more of it you know, it's very interesting to have jehmu on the panel with me because i was disappointed to see how she did all that work for hillary clinton and yet northillary clinton was nowhere to be found when it was time to stomp for dnc. she probably doesn't remember me i tweeted her constantly asking where is hillary? it's more of the same when donna brazile talks about in her book how she was treated like a slave and how the system was rigged and use us for opportunities that best suit them.
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when it's time for them to come and actually support people like jehmu where are they to be found? i'm excited more people having the courage to say yes, it was indeed rigged they choose who they want and once they choose their choice they push that person. steve: jehmu? >> donna brazile is definitely a truth teller. truth tellers also can get it wrong every now and then. and just to start, lincoln who? i look at his remarks and it's astounding how whether it's him and the other men who happen to be white, who were beaten by millions of votes by this woman just can't seem to began pell with the fact that a fair and square, election wasn't rigged there is a narrative that people want to enforce to one, rewrite history understanding that the dnc has no power over one single vote in a primary or in a
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calculation is something that's very important here. it's very important to understand that the dnc as an entity is not this boogie man. >> they don't have the power -- jehmu you are the same way. steve: hold on. go ahead. >> don't look into the light, they did you the same way. you know it's rigged. >> no, no. >> they did you the same way. they didn't support you. where was hillary clinton when you were running? no, no, no. where was hillary clinton when you were running for dnc and they chose tom perez over you? where was hillary? you stomped and stomped and stomped for hillary. where was you? let's ask jehmu to not have hillary clinton fighting for you? steve: let her answer. >> i'm very sure that hillary clinton during the time of the dnc chair race was still processing the fact that she had lost the election. >> aka she wasn't anywhere to be found. >> that's okay. >> no support. steve: one at a time. >> but it want to do it.
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steve: tezlyn, hold on for a second. jehmu, finish your point. >> my point is that the dnc has no power to rig the primary election. and this narrative is in line with trying to rewrite history against the first woman to get a nomination by a major party. this is not the first. this is what women in history have faced for, you know, for our life and did this hatch to john kerry and walter mondale? did this happen to dukakis? >> the difference is. >> it's rigid. you know what is she won by 4 million votes. steve: she won by 4 million. >> the difference is, the difference is. steve: jehmu, hold on. >> the difference is the super delegates rigged the process like. >> that's not true. that's not true. >> yes it is. you know it's true. just like you were told to go support perez.
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>> that's so immature. steve: one at a time, ladies. >> we are continuing to say n domestic violence relationship. you as a black woman did not get the support from hillary clinton from the base, the black woman base that supports this democrat party. the democrat party has yet to elect a black governor in the state. you didn't get the support. they threw you under the bus. >> there is a lot. there is a lot. >> we know how it works. jehmu i want you to love yourself more than hillary clinton. >> i love myself, ridiculous. stop. can we have a real conversation here. >> we are having a real conversation. talking about clinton. they let's talk about -- no, no, no. >> real issue is. [talking statement] steve: all right, ladies. >> when it comes to class. >> >> all right, jehmu green ands at the lynn figaro, ladies, we have run out of time. all right. and she is going to keep talking. she was making her point as was jehmu. we thank you so much for a spirited debate on this monday morning. meanwhile, the push for tax reform kicks into high gear
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this week. can congress get something done by christmas? ivanka trump has been hands on with tax reform in the white house. she will join us live on the couch next. there she is. ♪ i like the sound ♪ i like the sound of that ♪ people would stare. psoriasis does that. it was tough getting out there on stage. i wanted to be clear. i wanted it to last. so i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. and keeps on working. now? they see me. see me. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you- cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms.
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♪ ♪ ainsley: someone we like sitting on the curvey couch with us ivanka trump, special advisor to the president and daughter of the president of the united states. thanks for joining us. >> i always have fun joining you so thank you for having me. ainsley: you are welcome. you have had quite a busy schedule. you have been in japan. >> yes. ainsley: you were in california with tucker at mnuchin meeting with susan
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collins. you are going to new jersey later today. you have a very busy schedule talking about tax reform and trying to get all of our legislators on board with you. why is this such an important issue for you? >> and i have been spending a tremendous amount of time meeting with members of congress on the hill. ainsley: hosting dinners at your house? >> tax reform is a critical component of our plan to inrig rate the economy we have already seen the president's agenda bearing fruit in the growth stock market what's happening. this is largely due to aggressive deregulation platform. i think deregulation has been enormously beltway. job training and renewed focus on championing business here in america. so we have seen that already play out in recent months. this deregulation philosophy coupled with tax reform is going to have an enormous impact that we think conservatively will lead to sustained g.d.p. growth to
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3%. but more aggressively 44 and 5%. steve: last time they tried to get part of father's agenda done tax reform: is there unity in the republican caucus they want to get taxes done for sure this time and will? >> if you look at the framework and outline and how the house and the senate work together to establish principles with the president and executing on the president's vision which is really two fold. how do we enable american businesses to be competitive in a global landscape and to truly thrive and we're doing that through aggressive tax cuts for corporations and for small businesses. for small businesses it's the lowest tax rate since 1931. so it's going to be incredible boon to small businesses and to our larger employers as well. the second prong is to ensure that this offers
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middle income families real relief. we're doing that through tax cuts. we're also doing that through keeping really important policies around the child tax credit, where dramatically expanding that and that's very beneficial to families. ainsley: how much does that mean for a family who is watching right now? >> at least 1600. the first 1100 of which under the senate plan is refundable. the senate actually brought it up to 1650. i'm optimistic it only gets enhanced from here on out as they go to conference. and potentially through amendments. that's an enormous expansion of a credit that's incredibly valuable to parents at a time when they need more money in their pockets when they have young children. we are also keeping the child and dependent care tax credit which is great particularly for working parents and disproportionately working mothers who need choo child care and the cost of child care is enormous in this country. on average 30% of family
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income goes to child care which is unsustainable. keeping that credit, keeping the adoption credit, double the standard deduction will provide enormous relief for so many families. so taking that to 24,000 and 12,000 for an individual. so, the purpose of tax reform is to provide middle income tax relief and to enable our businesses to grow and our economy to grow. we think this is going to happen. brian: senator mur cow is i and senator john mccain: what are their objections? when they sit down with you, what are they telling you and what do you bring back to the white house? >> well, this is why i'm so optimistic. because, when i was in maine with senator collins, she couldn't have been more hospitable and more warm and more excited about the opportunity to reform our tax code to create simplification. brian: they have the problem with the state tax in the states we live in, new york, new jersey, as well as in
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california. even have some republicans upset by that do you feel there is some play there. >> well, i think that house ways and means really solves that problem in a very collaborative way. in allowing property taxes to be conducted. i think in talking with senator collins and you know the senate is still not there to solve the issue together. in talking with senator collins about this, she has the same objectives as the president does. so that is a good start. and you know, she wants to create growth. she wants to create prosperity. she recognizes that cutting corporate taxes is going to give employers the imtis to hire more. wage growth which this country needs and has not had for a very long period of time. just starting to seat first uptick in wages the last several months. we think we can do far, far better. steve: it sounds like on wednesday your father is going to have andreas from the white house where he talks about all the business
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deals and any sort of deals we might have with south korea. japan, and whatnot. that's coming up on wednesday. you probably can't tell us any of that stuff. >> no. but it will be very interesting. so suggest that you watch. steve: it will be. as ainsley pointed out. you were in japan with your father early support of the trip. have you been struck by the coverage, the media coverage internationally as opposed to here? because this morning we ran a picture from a "new york times" photographer who it looks like selected that picture because it makes your dad look awkward. >> so i was in japan actually prior to his visit. prime minister abe had invited me to speak at a conference intended to engage women in the workplace and he is rolling out incredible policies to support women in the workforce. he asked me to speak at this conference. i actually left before my father arrived. he wanted me to focus on tax reform which was definitely time well spent.
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but i will tell you the enthusiasm, the energy, the excitement about this presidency and this president in asia was unbelievable. the reception that i received just in anticipation of his arrival was truly remarkable everywhere we went. it was very supportive and encouraging. i think we have continued to see that wherever the president has traveled tremendous respect for the office of the presidency. and real palpable excitement. so it's been a very, very successful trip for him. brian: in china especially, the pomp and circumstances was unbelievable and they say well, they did a profile on the president and they said they are playing his-to-his ego. what's your reaction to that. >> i think that's how the american president should be received. all of the leadership across asia showed tremendous respect to the president of the united states of america. and i think that's something that is a positive.
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so i find it very difficult to find a negative. i think as a country we feel that way about leadership and about that offers. the highest office in the land. and it's nice to see that reflected in the respect shown to this president by foreign leaders. and so i thought it was an unbelievably monumental trip and really, it accomplished the goals of increasing american prosperity. building upon really sound foundational relationships that are going to serve to benefit the people of this country. we need to work with leadership across the wall. ainsley: taking the high road. we saw this picture. we ran the video. your dad is smiling, talking to everyone, crossing his arms, they snap that one picture and making an awkward face. and that's the picture they ran with. >> yeah, we have all been victims of that one. i know that trick. brian: not me. i don't know what you are talking about. ainsley: you look good all
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the time. is it a grim miss right prior to the smile. brian: your daughter singing mandarin. steve: donald trump's secret weapon arabella. >> it was so sweet. my favorite moment was watching her. i showed her the footage of her grand father showing president xi the video of her singing, she was so proud that he was proud of her and that president xi had thought she had done a good job. she was blushing. she had me show it to her over and over again. she worked very hard to put that little performance together. ainsley: i'm really impressed. what roux doing at home? steve: what are you feeding these kids? >> i'm very fortunate to be able to have a lot of help to be able to support me. because i definitely could not have taught her how to do that. that's what we are trying to do with tax reform, enable more working parents to be able to get the support that they need to be able to thrive as a family. and in their communities. steve: all right. well, thank you very much for joining us live.
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ryan brian always great to see new studio. >> always fun to be here. i love it. ainsley: more "fox & friends." brian: in just a moment. here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters.
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what if we could keep more amof what we earn?d. trillions of dollars going back to taxpayers. who could possibly be against that? well, the national debt is $20 trillion. as we keep adding to it, guess who pays the bill? him. and her. and her. congress, we should grow the economy.
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not the debt. ♪ brian: anthem outrage boiling over. just three players still there are three players taking a flee as more than 200,000 facebook users vowed to boycott the nfl this veterans day weekend. the league won't change its policy as of yet. they are working on something, which does not require players to show respect or punish them for kneeling. attorney general emily compagno nfl cheerleaders for years while practicing law. she weighs in. as 13 minutes to the top of the hour has anything changed this weekend. >> it hasn't changed. it's interesting. seeing empty seats throughout the nation, the average franchise value has actually increased. so now the average franchise is worth $2.5 billion. when five years ago the cowboys was the only 2 billion-dollar industry. so it kind of remains to be
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seen well, is this even really hurting the value of these franchises or is marketing and advertising and apparel still continuing to drive these forces that are now literally billion-dollar industries? brian: with the head injury situation, this come pounded a lot of this stuff that has the value so high already figured. in the rates are set. the commercials are bought. super bowl sold out. won't feel it for a while. that's the reasons why the commissioner wants another contract. >> why jerry jones, for example, is resisting that saying we actually haven't seen great strides under your leadership. and those issues i have. and interesting you bring up the concussion because right now, goodell has basically come out and said, look, we're not going to touch the anthem at this point u it's more important to drive power behind the issues that the players find valuable. they are formally supporting a justice reform bill written with chuck grassley with bipartisan support that reduces minimum mandatory
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sentencing for nonviolent drug offenders and also increases domestic violence mandatory minimum sentencing. this is a league stepping a step in terms of politics. brian: i hear you, emily. you know as an attorney, the commissioner is not the czar. he has to get input from the unions and by the commissioner not saying anything, is he actually taking a bullet for the players. because if he says, hey, if it was up to me and the owners we would have mandate it but we don't have the power. the truth is he does not have the power. >> it's a great point. that's why i think up until now these platitudes and refusal to take a side has been so frustrating. but i think this action of them coming out and politically formally supporting a bill when there is three pending concussion bills in the house that he hasn't addressed, i think that's actually speaking volumes. so we will see whether his contract is extended but as of now, he is starting to make good on his actions. brian: thing scary about football and i'm the biggest fanned and i think it teaches character. the kids playing football is down compare that bring that
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ct and now taking a knee, this has been a combination of terrible things popping up with this league. >> i agree. i think we will see the values start to reflect that. brian: emily, thanks so much for coming. >> in thank you. brian: one bar took a stand against those anthem protests. the patriotic response was awesome. over in new jersey. the owner is joining us live next. big scare for carrie underwood after falling in her home in nashville. carley shimkus promises to be here. never know until she shows up. ♪ watching you and for me ♪
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november is epilepsy awareness month. i am the proud father of a very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms
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steve: his online terror propaganda influenced some of the terrorist attacks on soil. now one of the internet's biggest players is now doing something about his videos. ainsley: after years of pressure youtube blocking anwar al-awlaki's propaganda videos. finally. brian: here with more is carley shimkus. what took so long. >> we heard it time and time again. one of the ways to fight terrorism online is to block all of these terrorist videos. well, youtube just did that. they blocked thousands of hours of anwar al-awlaki's terrorist propaganda videos. but that is a big question, brian. he's been dead for six years. so a lot of people are wondering why it took them so long to do. this. steve: so many people have pointed to his videos, i was watching those and i became radicalized. san bernardino shooter. orlando, boston marathon bomber. this guy was known as the bin laden of the internet. a the loft videos that remained online were more of his mainstream lectures before he was radicalized himself so i'm sure that if
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you spoke to somebody from youtube, they would point to that. as to why they remains online. still, i mean, his message overall was just hate and terrorism. it's shocking that thousands of hours of this footage still remained on until just this weekend. brian: you know what? you can still look it up. >> on the internet. ainsley: i don't advise that. steve: joe biden says is he not running outs a 2020 run. >> he left the door open. take a listen to this. >> look, i am -- i honest to god haven't made up my mind about that. right now i'm focused on the book. and i want to focus on winning the off year election. >> you are not closing the door on it? >> no, am not closing the door. i'm a great respecter of fate. who knows what the situation is going to be a year and a half from now. ainsley: he is doing the book tour thing. he is making the rounds. and last week he said that he actually regrets not running in 2016. maybe we will see him start
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a campaign in a couple years down the road. who knows. age is always a factor when we talk about him running in 2020 though. steve: he is 70. ainsley: 74 november 20th his birthday. he does seem like a healthy guy. ainsley: who else do they have? brian: corey booker. ainsley: biden did s. more popular than anyone. >> until he starts to run again. steve: what happened to carrie underwood. >> she brought the house down on cmas big misstep at home. she fell down. rushed to the hospital. broke her wrist. all carrie underwood fans out there she is okay. she took to twitter saying thanks so much for all the well-wishes, everybody. i will be all right. might take some time. glad i have the best hubby in the world to take care of me. quite a hunky hubby. ainsley: is he hockey player. fisher great looking guy. right, brian? don't you agree? brian: i don't really label hunk like i used to. >> i will label it for you.
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can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, fda approved for 18 years. >> for whatever reason, intimidated by mr. putin, afraid of what he could do. >> he's a tool. >> i think it's absurd, and it's one more way in which the media has discredited itself. donald trump is not afraid of anybody. >> will the house pass your tax plan by thanksgiving? >> i believe it will. our republicans in the house know that it is time to deliver. >> the purpose of tax reform is to provide middle income tax relief and to enable our businesses to grow and our economy to grow, and we think that's going to happen. ainsley: a church welcoming prishers to bring their guns to sunday worship services. >> to have somebody think they're going to come in and shoot the place up, that's not going to happen. it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun.
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>> but two players from the san francisco 49ers and one with the giants did, in fact, kneel. >> if you really want to help your movement, why would you do it on that day? of all days, you should have stood. >> the new york times haven't been friendly to the president. you watch that video. they're trying to portray him as being awkward. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ brian: yes, that is the catch phrase. i'm here for the morning. steve: that's all. live from studio f as of in and friends, good morning, folks, from a rainy new york city. ainsley: i have news for you all. steve: oh, good. ainsley: next week is
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thanksgiving. brian: right. that's just it. we have to get to the fox news alert. ainsley: get your turkey. brian: yeah. right. steve: we get a free one. ainsley: we do? brian: get the one where the jam the thermometer in, and it pops out when it's ready. steve: brian, they've been doing that for ten years. if you spend enough money there, by thanksgiving time, you just bring in your reseat and they say do you want the ham or the. ainsley: they do that in my hometown too. brian: the best thing about the turkey when the take the turkey's organs and wrap them up and stick them inside. ainsley: just don't make the mistake of leaving them in there. i didn't know to take it out. it's so gross to take it out. steve: i've actually called the butter ball hotline regarding that. it won't kill you. ainsley: you've done that too? brian: i feel bad for the butterball work on thanksgiving. but that's what happens when you work for the butterball. president trump at the overnight night summit in the
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philippines. ainsley: the president tweeting this before calling it a night. great day at the bilateral meetings at the summit of trade, which we are turning around to be great deals for our country. steve: it continues. will be leaving the philippines tomorrow after many days of constant meetings and work in order to #megamake america great again. brian: and kevin cork here with the president who, by the way, saluted the press core for keeping up with them; right? you guys look so pressed despite the time difference and the workload. >> it's a little after 9:00 in the evening but what happens since we're orchids american schedule, you just kind of go through it. it's overnight 2:00, 3:00 in the morning. i don't know what time it is. i just work when they tell me to work. and it's been a great trip. and, listen, i should also point out, guys, as the president wraps up this 13-day, five-nation tour through asia, he is making it clear abundantly so that his is an era of respect and
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renewal here in the region. >> this has been a very fruitful trip for us and also for a lot of other nations. there's red carpet like nobody i think has anybody received, and that really is a sign of respect. >> mr. trump's comments reflecting, obviously, the warm welcome that he has received here. the association of southeast nations where trade and economic cooperation generally headline the gathering. but this year, it may be the breakouts that are most notable. especially the one with president trump earning a lot of attention. now, in case you missed it, the men did seem very comfortable in their conversation. they discussed a number of issues, including security and the fight against isis. the president said that was just part of what will come from this pivotal visit to the region. trump: i'll be making a statement from when we get back to the white house.
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we've made some trade deals far bigger in addition to 300 billion sales with companies including china. >> big money, indeed. and tonight the hard work continues on behalf of the american people, including a bilateral meeting with the prime minister of india, and another sideline event with the prime minister of australia. now, while we're still here, guys, we're going to keep an eye on what announcements come out. as you heard the president, when he gets back to the white house, he's going to be talking about literally hundreds of billions of dollars in new business for america, and that is why summits like that are so important. steve: that's right. kevin cork live in the philippines with the very latest. we asked ivanka trump just an hour ago if she would like to spill the beans, she said "no." brian: she doesn't want to create tension on thanksgiving. one of us spilled beans on fox and friends pass the.
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steve: do you think they pay for it? brian: no, they have to pay for it. ainsley: they have to to pay for it? brian: and they thought they were going to go to burger king could nobody could duplicate the big mac. steve: meanwhile, talk about the president. when he was flying toward vietnam on saturday, he went to the back of the plane and talked to the press for about 20 minutes. and john roberts reported that the president did not say he believes putin when the president said, yeah, you know, russian medaling came up, but putin denied it. so the president did not say he believes putin. and yet, you listen to john brennan, former top spy in the country, he essentially said that it sounded like the president was siding with putin over the u.s. intel agencies, which is not quite accurate. but nonetheless, here he is.
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>> i think mr. trump is for whatever reason either intimidated by mr. putin, afraid of what he could do, or what might come out as a result of these investigations. so it's very worrisome. it's either ignorance or fear in terms of what mr. trump is doing vis-à-vis the russians. steve: yeah, and he went on to say that he should have confronted the president, should have confronted putin and said i know you're denying it, but you did it. but you did it. brian: but you have to understand. when you hear them talk, they are definitely in a -- they are in a personal battle with the president. and the president is in a personal battle with them. called james clapper, john brennan, and james comey basically partisan hacks. steve: uh-huh. brian: and they're coming out and firing away. so i don't think their comments as intel officers looking at this objectively. ainsley: it's hard to hear those comments, yeah, that's expected, especially on a network that allows that. as to whether or not i believe i'm with my agencies, i believe in our agencies, i
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work with them very strongly. basically, we'll let them do the investigating, and i'll continue on tax reform and health care and other things that are important. steve: so we had the former governor of arkansas, mike huckabee who's the daughter -- the father of sarah huckabee sanders, who is the press secretary. we asked about president trump and the comments and what mr. brennan said regarding mr. trump is afraid of mr. putin and this is what he had to say. >> donald trump is not afraid of anybody. look at him. this is a guy who talks straight to the faces of anybody he wants to, and he's pretty clear about it. i think it's absurd, and it's one more way in which the media has discredited themselves. guys like that basically validate donald trump's moniker for them as fake news. i don't know what they're missing here. but, boy, they're missing a lot. brian: but i mean, for example, president trump is going to make things easier on himself. he did say, listen, vladimir
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putin comes up to me all the time and said he didn't hack. but the intel agency said he did, i'm going to go with my intel agency. then it would have been game over, but he continues to feel in some way. and he might not be wrong on this. but if he comes out and says vladimir putin medalled with our elections somehow would be giving into collusion, but it's not. steve: what the president said is russian medaling came up and putin denied it. i mean, that's a flat denial. brian: but then he went on to say that he believes that he -- ainsley: meaning i believe. steve: which is another denial. ainsley: it's like if you said i didn't do it. well, brian believes he didn't do it. brian: but you know i did do it. ainsley: he didn't say that. brian: later, he said he did do it. steve: are you confused? ainsley: no matter what the president says, in people will say the mainstream media is just trying to mock him, make him look awkward, and that's exactly what happened in this picture. so this new york times photographer name is dug mills
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posted that picture right there on his twitter page and said the president and other world leaders had that awkward face, and this was at the association of southeast asian summit in the philippines. but if you look at the video, you don't see that picture right there. watch this. you see a guy who's smiling, happy to be a world leader. shake my hand. all right. there you go. there you go. and then they're smiling. they take the picture. steve: what's interesting is the day before, he had apparently tweeted out a photo of a black box as a protest because the white house shut out the pool coverage of the apec forum. and then today, i believe it is, the washington post says that the photographer got his revenge by being able to post that picture, which made the president look awkward. ainsley: that's the photographer right there. doug mills with president obama and his wife. here's the thing. we've all day traveled with the president before. we've all traveled and done
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stories. if you're not allowed to go into a summit, you say okay. i understand you don't even print the black box picture. really, you don't have to do that. press is not allowed in everything, and that's been true in every administration. brian: so the last time president obama was in china, they disrespected our country and him by making him leave from the emergency exit. remember, they wouldn't roll the stairs up to him. they took the media and put him into a corner, and that was disrespectful. this president was greeted with great respect. different circumstances in south korea and especially china. and inside, they said they know the president likes to have his ego supported. we asked ivanka trump about the coverage international as opposed to domestic. >> the enthusiasm, the energy, the excitement about this presidency and this president in asia was unbelievable.
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the reception that he received just in anticipation of his rival was truly remarkable. everywhere we went, and it was very supportive and very encouraging, and i think we've continued to see that wherever the president's traveled. tremendous respect for the office of the presidency. and real palpable excitement. brian: she won't go into it. she will not show mad, anger, frustration. ainsley: higher road. brian: yeah. steve: all right. so anyway, it is a dozen minutes now after the top of the hour. coming up, conservative writer parker brutally interrupted by a democrat of emotional testimony about abortion. >> i feel it disingenuous that the issues of medicaid would come up. abortion is the leading cause of death in the black community today. >> the suggest of disingenious shows your ignorance. i expect an apology. steve: well, governor stepped in to defend the woman who was
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teg of. brian: and protesters in the nfl boycotting sunday's game and raising money for veterans instead and the turnout was incredible. the owners join us live coming p [ keyboard clacking ] [ click ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ clacking continues ] good questions lead to good answers. our advisors can help you find both. talk to one today and see why we're bullish on the future. yours. ♪ tallook how beautiful it is... we're bullish on the future. honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know - and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now?
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ainsley: conservative commentator star parker making a passion, pro-life argument before congress when a democratic congressman stepped in and lashed out. listen. >> when it comes to mixing the abortion issues with the challenges that we face in many of our hard-hit communities, i feel it disingenuous that the issues of medicaid would come up. abortion is the leading cause of death in the black community today. >> the suggest i'm disingenuous shows your ignorance or your absolute inability to deal with congresspeople, and i expect an apology. >> i would ask for an apology from the gentleman from tennessee calling our witness ignorant when it seems to me she has a whole lot more knowledge and wisdom. >> she's ignorant about me. steve: texas congressman louie joining us right now from our nation's capitol. congressman, all right. so it was quite fiery there in the hearing room. but what was her larger
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point? >> she had a perfect point. i mean, she's someone who has been there. she has lived the welfare life. she's had the tough knocks and yet she grabbed herself by the bootstrap, she became a christian, she worked her way out. but she understands african-americans are now not the largest minority in america, that you have 20 million of the 60 million abortions were -- i mean, they're against or done on black women. and that's the point that star was making. it has really been an attack on african-american community and nobody knows better than star. y'all know star. i mean, she is a brilliant person, and it was just outrageous to have somebody attack her like that. she's coming from where she's lived, where she's been, and she's making a difference. so it is incredible. it is -- and margaret sanger,
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you know hillary clinton won the margaret sanger award. this is the woman who thought we should sterilize people who are pour or racist or have a large portion poor. she believed in eugenics like hitler did. so it's amazing to see somebody like margaret be a hero and star parker be disparaged. i tell you, the toughest thing in america these days to be is black, a christian conservative. ask clarence thomas. it is the toughest thing in america to be. ainsley: so why did you step in? because congressman, was she offended? what did she say, specifically, that he offended him. he wanted an apology and you to apologize to him. why did you feel the need to step in? >> because the witness that we invited was being attacked, and my friend from tennessee, as we like to say, he was
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demanding an apology of her after what had been done to her in her community? my word. the apology should have gone the other way, especially after she was called ignorant. she knows a lot more than everybody on that panel put together in talking about the members of congress. brian: all right. congressman, louie, thank you very much. >> she's a friend -- thank you. thank you for notifying, by the way. i wasn't sure anybody was going to notice. steve: we're going to have her on the program i think on wednesday of this week. >> oh, that will be awesome. i'll be watching. thank you. steve: thank you, sir. ainsley: thank you. steve: all right. one bar taking a stand against anthem protesters boycotting sunday's games to raise money for our vets. and instead, the patriotic turnout was incredible. the bar's owners join us live coming up next. there they are (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything
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steve: time now for some quick headlines. first up, the push for legalization of medical marijuana push steam. jeff sessions, a 12-year-old colorado girl is suing -- joining the lawsuit claiming she cannot move back to texas because medical marijuana is not legal there, which she uses to treat her seizures. currently, 29 states and the district of columbia have legalized medical marijuana. and illegal immigrants are now getting free legal help in nearly a dozen u.s. cities. the institute of justice launching their safe and fairness for everybody campaign by paying illegal -- bills for illegals detained facing deportation by ice. the group choosing 11 cities,
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which they've deemed to be quote politically, economically, and ethnically diverse. ainsley, that's some of the news, and you've got more. ainsley: thank you so much, steve. you're going to want to hear this story. the new jersey bar boycotting the nfl this weekend in support of our veterans and the show of patriotism is incredible. look at this. ♪ for the land and of the free. ♪ and the home of the brave. ♪ [applause] ainsley: isn't that great? the bar instead held that fundraiser for local veterans for different charities and the donations came pouring in from all around the nation. people drove hours to be there. joining us now to discuss the co-owners of woody's roadside tavern. chris, you have jennifer, and then obviously rob johnson on the end. thank you, all, so much for being here. >> thank you for having us. ainsley: why did you all decide to do this? how did it happen?
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>> one of the patients came in and said if we could turn off the tvs in honor of veterans. ainsley: this was a risk. how did you decide we needed to do this. >> you know, we tried to make it into a positive thing and give back to the people who put their life on the line for us. our heroes. ainsley: rob, how did it go? what was one of the stories that stood out? >> it was a phenomenal day. super busy. we had veterans driving from hours away just to be part of it. and the veterans find great sense of comfort being around one another. ainsley: and then how did you -- and the video. the tvs are off. but they were pledging their allegiance to our country. how did that happen in union sin when everyone is chanting and singing at once? >> yeah. we were looking for a veteran to come up and sing the national anthem, and it was so busy, we lost track of them, so we just started and everyone joined along. ainsley: you're donating 20% of everything you made last night to charities. which charities?
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>> three charities. the green beret foundation, special forces charity i believe trust, and the golden dagger. ainsley: wonderful. and how much did you raise last night? did you know? >> we didn't close last night until 11:00, and we got up this morning -- we're going to figure that all out today and tomorrow and come back wednesday to present the check. >> and we're still getting donations from all over the country. so we're getting those checks pouring in. ainsley: rob, what does it mean to you to be an american? >> it means everything. proud to be an american and yesterday pinnacle of my life do something for the veterans firsthand in a local community. ainsley: jennifer, how about you. >> to rob's sentiment, i'm proud to be an american. and yesterday listening to all of these stories, talking to people i would have never talked to before, it was just beautiful. ainsley: yeah. i didn't say krist, i read one tweet from a lady that says you guys to need stand up for the national anthem. my husband is not here with the family for his holidays.
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he's on his third deployment. >> thank you for your sacrifice. ainsley: if you want to go and support the restaurant -- if they want to send a donation, just go on your website? do you have a website? >> we do have a website and at the bottom of our home page, we did put a link directly to the organization. ainsley: what's your website? >> woodies ainsley: if you're in that area, you have to go support them. they have 30 beers on tap. fridays and sundays live music and a great outdoor area and, of course, they support the veterans. god bless you all. go get some sleep. country music star chris stapleton taking time out of his tour to meet a heroic police officer. that story is going next. plus, lone survivor marcus and his wife melody honor a world war ii veteran by rebuilding his house after hurricane harvey in texas. janice dean was there to witness it all. look at that shot. isn't that buell? >> after everything you've been through, we're not going to let you go out like that.
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>> after everything you've done for me, i really, really appreciate it. thank you so much.
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♪ ♪ brian: high school chiefs, their soccer team after finishing third in the division, and just my daughter kiersten lost in the finals late last night. 2-0 to a baldwin's team who's fantastic from up state new york. but they weren't expected to do anything and won five playoff games, won the semi finals and then last night from 4:00 to 6:00. steve: freezing cold weather. ainsley: and it was worth the drive; right? he drove through the night so that he could be here with you this morning. so glad you did. and your son was able to be
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there. the whole family was there. brian: yeah, the whole family was able to be there. even my brother when they won the semi finals on saturday. she's in newsday today. but bruce and his team won an incredible amount of years but this year they were supposed to be rebuilding but to win third is incredible. ainsley: is she watching? brian: i think she's sleeping. i don't think she went to school. steve: well, congratulations. ainsley: isn't that the best? i can't wait until my daughter gets to that stage where she's on the field, and you're pulling -- that's so great. it's awesome as parents. steve: no, it's nerve-racking. ainsley: how are your fingernails? steve: believe me. holy cow. but congratulations. brian: congratulations whole team. steve: a very proud soccer coach dad there. let's go over to jillian for their for one minute headlines. >> job well done. let's begin with this story. as president trump wraps up his trip to asia, republicans back home are pushing to get his historic tax reform
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through congress. ivanka trump joining us earlier on the curvy couch explaining how his plan will put more money in your pocket. >> we're doing that through tax cuts. we're also doing that through keeping really important policies around the child tax credit where dramatically expanding that, and that's very beneficial to families. ainsley: she and treasury secretary steve mnuchin are headed to new jersey today for that plan. more vowing the washington post over its report accusing him of sexual misconduct with multiple weapon. continues to deny those claims. >> also adding he will not drop out or be forced out of the december 12th election for the vacated seat of attorney general jeff sessions. incredible video of a heroic mother carrying her own children out of a burning
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building. [sirens] >> while a child accidentally setting fire to the texas apartment complex while playing with a lighter. 50 families losing their home. four people, including a police officer were hurt. a special meet and greet between country music star chris stapleton and a police officer. >> i see the sunrise. ♪ everything changes. ♪. >> officer jeremy mason was shot in the face during a high-speed chase in jacksonville, florida. mason fired back killing the suspect. stapleton heard about the heroic actions, asking to meet the jacksonville sheriff canine officer and other men in blue after his concert. a look at your headlines, guys. steve: all right. thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: meanwhile, after veterans serve our nation, they never stop fighting, especially marcus luttrell,
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lone survivor from operation made it their mission to help others. ainsley: and our very own janice dean went to houston to witness the help for that 100-ideal veteran. >> celebrates a birthday today. 100 years old. 100 years young. and covering hurricanes, i hear a lot of comparisons between the destruction of a war zone and the destruction of a hurricane being like a war zone. and during my trip to houston, of course, i met veterans who experienced both hurricanes and war zones, including the one that celebrates his 100th birthday today. take a look. >> on monday, i'll be 100 years old. >> lieutenant bill fly has lived his whole life in texas. he's experienced a lot of hardship in his 99 years. but has never experienced a storm like hurricane harvey this past august. after it destroyed his home, mr. fly thought he lost everything. that's when melanie and marcus luttrell found out his story
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and decided they would rally their texas community to help mr. fly out. >> came back here and set up shop with his wife and lost her and then harvey came in and took everything else away from him. after everything he's been through, we're not going to let you go out like that. >> he was such a humble man and so sweet and kind. >> when melanie looked at me and said that mr. fly, he wants to spend his 100th birthday in his home, that's what did it. >> we launched a campaign the next day online and raised almost $90,000 in just a couple days. and they were kind enough to take this project over. >> tell us about your service. veterans day. >> i served, and then i was discharged, and i went back to my regular bidding, and i didn't really pay a whole lot of attention to the fact that
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i was a veteran of world war ii. a lot of years passed, and then suddenly, i guess world war ii veterans got kind of scarce, and i was outliving some of them, so they paid more attention to me. >> the greatest tragedy of war is to forget your veterans. and today 99 years old world war ii veteran to bring this back that served and did what mr. fly did is amazing. >> i almost been killed i don't know how many times, and y'all kept coming to get me. even in harvey, you still have to rescue me. just because i retired from the combat life doesn't mean that i can't stand up and fight. and especially when we get hit like this, and that's -- i'm just pulling my weight. that's what you do around hear. you just earn your place among our people. [applause] >> done a lot of things over
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the years, and it's our own special ops stuff, and it's not about the notoriety, it's about the people who served this country, and we appreciate it. >> your pool table has been restored. it's the same pool table. >> i tell you what. walking through here and hearing and everything when you see the goodness and kind of our people and what we're capable of, i bet you he lives 20 more years because you have something to live for. he gets to walk around this house and check everything out and see and hear every piece that went into it and the person stopping by thanks for your service. this is the least we could do. >> did you ever think you would live to be 100 years old? >> no. i didn't think i ever wanted to be 100 years old. and now, i'm living. i just hope in rainy days of their life that they're going to be as happy and content as i am and going to be in my house because of what they've done for me.
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i really, really appreciate it. thank you so much. ainsley: wow. >> happy birthday, mr. fly. >> today's his birthday. ainsley: what a gift you can give to him, and he's tearing up too. bless his heart. steve: how could you not after that? >> his daughter said she's never seen him cry until now when marcus and melanie restored his home. brian: the word restored. you're not building a house. you're building everything back the way it was. ainsley: and came out and pretty much, you know, they made time to make sure that this world war ii veteran had his home back because he wanted his big wish was to celebrate his 100th birthday in his home in houston, texas, and he's there. ainsley: incredible couple, and she's with them. she organizes his life, and it's wonderful to see them together. >> the love that they have for each other. ainsley: yes. >> i mean, that's all marcus wants to do is just raise awareness for veterans and
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melanie just wants to help them. ainsley: they open their home to veterans. if you are having a rough time, come live on our ranch for a while. they'll house them for months. >> american heroes and that's spoon collection was obviously something he had ahead of time. time. >> uh-huh. steve: but when we saw that opening image where 100 years of his life was on his front yard because it had been destroyed, was he able to keep pictures and things like that? >> he wanted them to get pictures and momentos from his wife. he lost his wife two months before the hurricane, and they were able to get love letters that he had sent from his -- to and from his from his wife and his family was just so happy to have those, and you saw the american flag. and he's also a gold star grandfather. he lost his grandson in combat. so wonderful family. support our troops. our veterans are the jewels of this country. ainsley: that line i didn't think i would want to live to 100 and now i'm glad i did.
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after all of his losses losing his grandchild, and you made his day. marx did. steve: and i have a feeling he's watching right now. >> we love you, mr. fly. happy birthday. steve: how great was that? thank you, janice. that was wonderful. straight ahead, president trump wrapping up his trip to asia. the left hates it. but could it actually work? general jack keane to weigh in on that coming up. brian: and colin kaepernick just got named citizen of the year by gq magazine dear daughter, i used to worry about keeping up with our mother-daughter matches. but i've been taking osteo bi-flex ease.
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available online any time, and he was killed in a drove drone strike six years ago. and smart city one of the investment firms spending 80 million bucks on 25,000 acres in arizona right near phoenix. the microsoft billionaire hoping to create a community focused on technology. no word on when construction will start or if you're allowed to walk and text. steve: all right. meanwhile, within the last half hour, gq has put up online their men of the year issue. and colin kaepernick seen right there on the cover is gq's citizen of the year. the opening paragraph from the editor's of gq say he's been vilified by millions and locked out of the nfl all because he took a knee to protest police brutality. but colin kaepernick's rare stand rare in history muhammad ali, athletes who risked everything to make a difference. ainsley: look at the upper right-hand corner of the cover. it says men of the year, the new american heroes.
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brian: well, we know he was -- went from 2013 because he was on the cover because he was so good, and then he had trouble. he got beat out in training camp last year and this year he left the 49ers and hasn't been able to get signed. he is better than a lot of back up quarterbacks throughout the league, but he's not worth the headache and distraction. he has turned down many opportunities to get his word out, and instead, he's suing the nfl to get back in. ainsley: so instead, he's the citizen of the year not the citizens who lost their lives or their limbs for their country. steve: to boycott the nfl day, rather yesterday that was, that facebook group that got started, this was the protest that he started initially to get people focused on police brutality. but then, people started questioning why they would do that during the national anthem. and you look at some of the images from some of the landmark games yesterday at
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soldier field, it was the packers versus the bears, and i saw a number of headlines that said that the stands looked empty for the most part. ainsley: well, i do want to say hats off to those folks who had been kneeling that got it together yesterday and stood for our veterans for the national anthem for the people who fought for our country. there are a lot of them that did decide to stand up. i think there were three in all the teams combined that decided to kneel. but many of them who had been kneeling all of this time decided to stand up. steve: the players union said -- requested that all the players stand for two minutes for the national anthem; right? brian: for a moment of silence before and some, i think, some that came out, we had three take a knee and some stay in the locker room. i will say this. i think it's an insult to jackie robinson and muhammad ali to put colin kaepernick in the same category. i mean, jackie robinson broke
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a color barrier. i think colin kaepernick started to wing this and then all of a sudden started something. steve: he's the new american hero. colin kaepernick on gq magazine. and, meanwhile, president trump to diplomacy. the left hates it, but could it work? general jack keane is ahead with that. ainsley: but first, let's check in with bill hemmer. >> what did we get from that trip? full analysis on that in a moment coming up. it is tax week. do republicans have the votes? senator rob portman on the finance committee, he's with us in a moment here. jim jordan wants a special council on the whole comey, clinton matter. if not, guess what he wants? he'll tell us live today and a devastating earthquake from overnight. we'll see about the recovery today. sandra and i will see you ten minutes away monday morning here on america's newsroom
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brian: president trump on the world stage for the last 12 days. his historic trip from asia standards winding down and also taking a look at trump's unique approach of diplomacy. here to weigh in is retired four star general and fox news military analyst general jack keane, also served as vice chief of staff of the u.s. army and currently chairman of the institute for the study of war. do you like the president's approach now that we've got nine months into his presidency, general? >> well, what i really like is president trump is returning american leadership to the world stage today as the indispensible country in the world in terms of making progress about stability, security, and prosperity. that's what i like. i mean, the personality aspect of it, the president's got significant social interpersonal skills, and he's using them. some people are more
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comfortable meeting heads of countries and different cultures than other presidents. this president is very comfortable doing it. it's an asset, and he should take advantage of it. brian: so kim jong-un's lashed out at the president and talks about the president being old, and this is what the president said back. why would kim jong-un insult me by saying old when i would never call him short and fat. oh, wol, well. i try so hard to be his friend and some day that will happen. what is your impression. >> well, i don't know what's going on in the state department social circles, brian. nor do i care. but the fact of the matter is that those statements there -- i wish the president would just leave that alone. i mean, when you respond to something like that, you're really coming down to kim jong-un's level and throwing barbs out like that, i think it's better to stay stay away from any insults frustrating other countries or world leaders. but the president is going to be what he is. we all know that.
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ten months into this thing, he's going to react that way. he has the choice to do it, and he does it. brian: general kelly says don't even worry about twitter. that's between the president and twitter. >> well, i don't worry about it, and i don't think anybody else does. the media is fascinated with it. that's for sure. what i'm interested in is the president using china to denuclearize north korea. what i'm interested in is the president using his allies to push back on china's aggression and also to correct the trade imbalances that are going on in that part of the world. that is the policy formulation, and that's where our focus should be. that's what matters out there. not style and personality. brian: but his message of strength, not acquiescence in being kind and better doesn't really work. strength seems to be more effective. meanwhile, the army is changes its policies. recruiting people with self mutilation, mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse has been essentially lifted. are you okay with that. >> yeah. well, this -- the
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army does this for a couple of reasons. one, last year recruited 69,000. good thing. congress is increasing the size of the army. so they to need recruit 80,000. well, the economy's better. that's a good thing. but it also makes it tougher to recruit. so what they're doing is widening the applicant pool, but they want to do it on a controlled system. so, yes, some people have had some mental issues in their life. they have to bring forth documentation to convince our medical doctors that those mental issues have been resolved. and if the doctors believe that, it will be fine. brian: general jack keane, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> good talking to you brian. brian: more fox and friends moments away. don't go anywhere. we're taking attendance and if i'd been caring for tom's dad, i would have noticed some dizziness that could lead to balance issues.
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good morning, everybody. the asia trip in the homestretch. now on the final stop in the philippines meeting with the controversial president duterte amid a flurry of questions surrounding human rights abuses in that country. hope you had a great weekend. here we go. i'm bill hemmer inside "america's newsroom." >> sandra: thank you, sir. sandra smith. the president on the last leg of his trip for the southeast asean conference. he met with australia and japan. the big focus was north korea. >> we've had many meetings. having another


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