tv Hannity FOX News November 13, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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that's it for us, tune in every night at 8:00 to the show that is the sworn enemy lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. sean hannity up next. >> sean: congrats on the one year. that's awesome, and great job as always. welcome to "hannity." this just breaking, donald trump jr. responding to a report that he communicated with wikileaks during the election. he has released all the messages, and we have them. also the attorney general jeff sessions tonight, just now calling on a senior federal prosecutor to evaluate "certain issues regarding the corrupt uranium one deal and potential wrongdoing by the clinton foundation." it finally. and in a letter to congressional republicans, sessions is also saying he's leaving the door open for an appointment of a special counsel, what we have been calling for. but first tonight, a fifth woman is now coming forward with allegations against u.s. senate candidate judge roy moore. during a news conference today, the woman accused judge moore of
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sexually assaulting her back in the 1970s when she was 16 years old. and he of course was 32, in his 30s. judge moore remains defiant and denying these new allegations amid growing calls for him to withdraw from the special election race. as we've been saying, these allegations are beyond disturbing and we understand why these women may be waited so long before speaking out. at the bottom line is what is the truth? how do we find the truth? we are going into all of that, but first tonight, conservatives voices in this country at this hour face a clear and present danger by millionaires and billionaires funding the group called media matters for america. they are the number one anti-free speech, the number one pro-censorship group in this country. they are at it again, and they are trying to silence the voice of this program, shut down all conservative voices. tonight, a special vanity investigation, we will expose this liberal fascism.
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that's tonight, big breaking news opening monologue. ♪ >> sean: i begin tonight with a special thank you to all of you. i am beyond humbled by all of you, our viewers, my radio listeners, for the support you showed me this weekend. it's unbelievable, very humbling. you are the ones that made the show number one in cable news last month. we so greatly appreciated, the bottom line is we can't do this without your support. we work hard every day to give you news and information you will get elsewhere. so, a very important message tonight, i will explain. please stop smashing your coffee machines. i will explain how this company was totally exploited, they are actually a victim in all of thi this. successfully targeted and preyed upon by the most anti-free speech pro-censorship group in the united states today. it is a group that is bought and paid for by friends and supporters of the clintons, and as you may have seen, the radical leftist groups, media
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matters for america, they launched yet another smear campaign against me to try and get me thrown off the air and get rid of all my advertisers. but just like the numerous other attempts, it's not working, thanks in large part to all of you, and for reacting the way you did this weekend before i asked lane how this all went down, i want to let you know exactly who we are dealing with. a conservative voices in this country for years, we have been facing a clear and present danger. this is an unprecedented act that is happening in this country. it has to do with people, right now, if you support this president, if you are a conservative, if you simply refuse to parrot, like i do, the democratic talking points like everybody else in the left wing, destroy trump mainstream media, you are a target. anyone who dares to tell the truth about president trump and what he had his accomplishing, what he wants to accomplish is a target. leftists in this group want to shut down our voices. this radical group media matters
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for america, they have been, and continue to lead this effort. they've been doing this for years. this organization is funded by the likes of george and leftist millionaires and billionaires, most of whom we don't even know. they want censorship in america. they literally are paying an army of people to listen to every conservative show in the country, every single day, every thought, every word, every sentence on the airways. it then they purposefully twist, lie, distort, propagandize, and weaponize whatever is said, whatever other people say, because they want to silence every conservative voice in the country. this is a dangerous time. they have been doing this somewhat successfully for years, and now it's only getting worse. straight out of the playbook, isolate, target, destroy one person at a time. it is the very definition of what i call liberal fascism, and just for a second, i want you to
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imagine this. imagine if they are successful, people like me, rush limbaugh, mark, laura ingraham, tucker carlson, glenn beck, judge jeanine pirro, and everybody on fox, the entire fox news network is gone. and their perfect world, the voices of the people i just listed would be stifled and stopped and you wouldn't be allowed to hear their voices. in their world, there would be no fox news channel. in their world there would be no dissent, no difference of opinion, no free exchange of ideas. there would be just one singular voice to reflect their radical left-wing worldview. that's how dangerous it is. media matters and their paid pack of hit men, their hired guns, they want to shred america's constitution as it is currently configured and they want their leftist ideology to be the law of the land. they do not believe in freedom of speech. as for the incident with keurig coffee this weekend, i want to
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thank you all for your support, but for now please, please stop destroying your coffee machines. as i've been saying, keurig is a victim in this, they were attacked, they were bombarded by the phony, fake moral outrage machine that is media matters and their highly effective, well-financed targeting machine. they use all sorts of evil tactics. they use bot programming, they scare companies into overreacting, and that is exactly sadly what happened with keurig this weekend. media matters, they did what they always do, and an employee for keurig who works in social media was not used to dealing with these extreme tactics sadly took the bait and capitulated to the pressure. the ceo, to his credit of keurig has since apologized to all of his employees today for taking sides in an email that was obtained by "the washington post." it reads in part this, "our consumer demographics match well
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with programming, which is why we advertise are nearly all cable news channels ranging from msnbc to fox news, to cnn. all of which will continue. however, given the dynamic nature of news, we always need to evaluate that programming environment on a real-time basis, and it continues. the decision to publicly communicate our programming decision via our twitter account was highly unusual. this gave the appearance of taking sides in an emotionally charged debate that escalated on twitter and beyond over the weekend, which was not our intent. i want you to know the decision to communicate our short-term media actions on twitter was done outside of company protocols, this is an unacceptable situation that requires an overhaul of our issues, response, and external communications policy and the introduction of safeguards to ensure this never happens again. our company and brand and reputations are too valuable to put at risk in this matter.
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i'm going to say to my, i believe the ceo. i believe his sincerity here. and conservatives drink coffee, liberals drink coffee, libertarians drink coffee, socialists drink coffee, everyone drinks coffee, and he advertises on all news networks. if this should be nonpolitical. as of now, today before this ever happened this weekend, i have five keurig machines. five of them! i have never supported a boycott of my life because i know what they are about, they are about censorship, and by the way, i'm not going to start tonight. i am the strongest supporter of freedom of speech on this program over the years. we've always heard me say i don't like bill maher. not even a little bit. i don't like stephen colbert. i don't like what they say. but guess what? you ultimately have the power. turn the channel. you could not watch them. you don't have to listen to any showed you don't want to watch. don't attack their advertisers as a way to silence what they are trying to say and what
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keurig did was a mistake in the ceo admitted it. this week and i admit it was disheartening to learn that keurig, that literally was sucked in by this machine known as media matters, but you, our viewers, unbeknownst to me, you fought back. tonight, now, please, i'm calling for a cease-fire here. i humbly appreciate your support, but i'm asking you to not smash keurig. and i must admit, these videos this weekend i watched and i laughed, they are hysterical. watch this. >> this is what i think of you, keurig. [indistinct]
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[indistinct] >> sean: all of that was done to support my ability to continue to do the show every night. i am beyond humbled. as i said, i own five keurigs. please stop destroying yours. by the way, for the people who did, later this week i have a big announcement, i will be giving away 500 coffee makers. i will decide on the brand i will be giving away in the coming days based on how things unfold. the reason media matters exploited keurig it was in my response to my coverage of the accusations against george roy moore, and a radio interview that we did with him on friday, we also played friday night right here on this program. on that radio show on thursday -- i had mentioned thursday, media matters latched onto one thing. i said about the judge roy moore
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allegations in almost three hours of talking about the allegations, and at one point, for one split-second there was slight ambiguity that i immediately cleared up. predictably, media matters ignored the other two plus hours of programming, sprung into action, proceeded to purposefully twist and distort my comments, then spread lies all over social media about what i said. before a play for you what i said, it's important to understand who we are dealing with here. who is media matters? a guy by the name angelo, the president of media matters for america. his anti-free speech, his pro-censorship group is trying to silence every conservative voice in this country. as a website dedicated -- look at it right there, to exposing who is this guy that wants to silence every conservative voice? who is angelo? there's a website, you can look it up for yourself, you can see it up on your screen. it is all a vile, vicious
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comments that he even admits that he may. if you look at his twitter account, and we have not independently verified the website, but i encourage you to check it out for yourself. let's put it this way, if any conservative made the remarks that are found on that website, angelo would be calling for a boycott of himself. check it out. i want to be crystal clear: like i have been this entire time when it comes to judge roy moore, if the allegations, the serious allegations against him are true, as i have been saying again and again and again and again, it is beyond disgusting, beyond reprehensible. i said that to judge moore when i interviewed him on friday. and like i'm saying, i completely understand. i'm completely sympathetic to white women wait to tell their stories of sexual harassment. people that have genuinely been traumatized, experienced evil, experienced the most painful thing anyone could ever think of. and with all of that in mind, here's just some of what i was
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saying about judge moore on radio thursday that media matters never wants you to listen to. listen to this. >> we all find any allegation of abuse of women repugnant. all of us. and unacceptable. this is a very hard topic because for a lot of reasons i can understand women that don't speak. i find it repugnant, anybody that abuses a woman this way. absolutely repugnant, because we all hate anybody that would abuse any woman. because it is so offensive. this is such a horrific act of evil violence and so traumatizes people that they live in fear. they live in fear of, how they don't want people to know this horrible thing happened to them so they bottle it up, they keep it up inside, and then fear that they are not going to be believed, fear that they will be
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planes. i think of legitimate reasons why and personal reasons why women wait. >> sean: and this is the first night of coverage on tv. that very night, they are using to distort, smear, slander, boycott and get me fired. watch this. >> if the woman is alleging to "the washington post" that back in 1979 when she was 14 years old she had a sexual encounter, actually two of them with then-32-year-old roy moore. if three other women are also accusing him of sexual misconduct back to the 1970s while they were teenagers. in the case of judge moore, if it's true, he should step aside and leave the senate race. everyone would agree, everybody, a 32-year-old man pursuing a 14-year-old girl is disgusting. that is something we should all agree on, this should transcend politics. these are very serious allegations. of course they have to be investigated to the fullest extent. do you understand what i'm saying? is it any wonder groups like
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media matters, they never shared any of what i said. they took it out of context, twisted it, diced and displaced, all for political party reasons. it would rather be taking out of context to smear, slander and shut me out. they try this for many years against many conservatives. and on friday i was the only one who interviewed judge roy moore about the allegations, and just like i said, it is important to listen to all sides before we rush to judgment. i believe in every single american, time and again we have seen the media and others, like president obama, rush to judgment and get big issues to get a completely wrong. if you look cambridge police, hands up, don't shoot. jordan zimmermann, and i learned this with richard jewell in atlanta, medial rushes to judgment, destroys people's lives, and i learned my lesson a long time ago.
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wait until all the facts come out, talk to the people involved before i make a decision. that to me is fundamentally fair. i do this with all of bill clinton's accusers, i sat down with them, i asked them what happened, they told their stories and on friday i did exactly the same thing with george roy moore. i went point by point, i went through every allegation against him. i challenged him on every single one and i let him respond because this is too serious to play games with. watch this, listen to this. >> would it be unusual for you as a 32-year-old guy to have dated a woman as young as 17, that would be a 15 year difference, or a girl 18, do remember dating girls that young at that time? >> not generally, no. >> if any senate candidate who was 32 at the time had done this to a 14-year-old girl, to me it's disgusting. to me, it would be despicable. to me, that is a predator, would
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you agree with me, no such person whoever tells that should ever be in the united states senate? >> of course. >> let's go back to it, one more question, because i didn't understand this. if you are 32, and you do date -- there's a difference, 17 or 18-year-old, that's a pretty big gap for a pretty young girl. is that something you did when you were dating? i'm not talking about the 14-year-old in that specific allegation. would it be normal behavior back in those days for you to date a girl that is 17 or 18? >> no, not normal. >> it my daughter is 16 years old. if she is 17 or 18, i don't want her dating a 32-year-old. pico i wouldn't either. >> and you can say unequivocally you never dated anybody that was in their late teens like that when you are 32? >> out of my behavior, that's right.
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>> in other words, you don't recall ever dating anybody that young when you are that old? >> i've said no. >> and you think that's inappropriate, that's what you are saying? >> inappropriate, yes. >> sean: i have to request her, i got widespread praise. too serious a topic. and on tv, not covered by this leftist group that is the number one censorship group in the country. then on friday night i said thi this. >> as i said last night, these are very serious accusations, and if they are true, moore should leave that senate race. if. everyone agrees a 32-year-old man pursuing a 14-year-old girl is despicable and beyond disgusting. >> sean: what i said there is exactly right. these are very serious allegations against george roy moore. we need to be handled and treated that way, which is exactly what i did, and unlike many in the liberal mainstream media, we actually care about truth. i said that every day, we care about facts. we care about getting it right. and that's what i was trying to
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find out before reaching a conclusion. many rushed to judgment in the media and elsewhere. in fact, media matters will never tell you this, liberal members of the media actually praised my interview with judge moore. look at some of the tweets. fair is fair, not letting moore off the hook year. conducting a meticulous tough interview with roy moore, who is coming across as unconvincing and dismissive of very serious allegations. actually doing a pretty effective job of making moore address specific allegations of "the washington post" piece. had doubts, but sean hannity not doing a bad job, pressing moore on all allegations. when the media, the left-wing media, they don't like these, set i did a good job, it's probably a grand slam. it's probably winning the stanley cup. but media matters never reported those facts, what i said. this is so important, if if you want conservative forces to remain, it shows you how low they go to silence a
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conservative voice. this is the atmosphere that we work in, every conservative on radio and television. this is someone important. this is my big take away from tonight's monologue. unlike a lot of the sheep and the destroyed trump mainstream media, we hear on this program, i am open about my support of the president. much of his agenda. we are willing to give him a fair shake unlike many in the media, on the show we don't rush to judgment without all the facts. i will never rush to judgment, and because i believe, and i will never apologize for believing in the presumption of innocence, the allegations against george roy moore are very serious. we need truth, they need to be investigated. the voters in alabama deserved the truth before they decide who to cast their ballots for. and as i said friday, if that means moving back the election, then so be it. whatever it takes. and if these allegations are true, judge moore needs to step aside. also, one more thing.
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a day of reckoning is now headed in the clinton's direction, because all of their shenanigans, their abuse of women in the case of bill clinton over the years, her taking money from countries that abuse women, kill gays and lesbians, and persecute. they will have to answer some serious questions in the days to come. when we come back, geraldo rivera, rebecca rosewood lane, judge jeanine pirro will join us. plus, donald trump jr. tonight responds to a report that he communicated with wikileaks the election. we have the exchange. later, you won't believe what award colin kaepernick was given on this busy breaking monday newsnight. ♪
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♪ >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." major breaking news about the corrupt uranium one deal. fox news is out tonight with an exclusive report. here's the headline. sessions directs prosecutors to evaluate certain issues involving uranium one, and clinton, and leaves the door open on a special counsel. finally! does that mean equal justice
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under the law, will they finally start holding the clinton's accountable for the years of corruption? tomorrow, sessions is set to testify in front of the house judiciary committee. we will have a lot more on that sarah carter, gregg jarrett and just a minute. joining is now with reaction to always been talking about, fox news correspondent at large, geraldo rivera, rebecca rose woodland, and you know her well, just as with judge jeanine pirro. let me start with you. we saw this unfold, i see the quarter report, i know they got sucked in, they had no idea who this group was. this is the biggest pro-censorship group in the country, and i don't want the workers for keurig fired. unbeknownst to me, people that love the show, love this channel see it and say find. if you're going to pick sides -- if they advertise ms, on cnn,
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everywhere. everybody loves conch free, no matter your political views. i drink a ton of it. >> here's what we saw, america gets it. america gets that what is happening now is that the left is not only trying to shut down the right on college campuses with their safe spaces and all that other nonsense, but they are trying to shut us down. they are trying to prevent people from watching us, trying to get us fired, and they are using people like keurig and all those other coffee companies, or coffeemaker companies, from making us for allowing us to be on television. we are on television because people advertise on our show. >> sean: conservative string coffee, liberals drink it. i have to get the ceo of keurig -- and i was inclined to just keep going with this. but i stopped when i saw his statement. i said, you know what, he's a victim here. they don't understand the
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programming. they don't understand the agenda. but the fact that the left is so anti-free speech today. when all these attacks against conservatives come up, do you know who never speaks up? liberals. i thought they were free speech. they are not. because they would be supporting the right of people to watch this show and advertisers to freely watch the show. they are silent. what you make of that? >> what we make of it is that there's a first amendment in this country and the first amendment is therefore a reason. the founding fathers and the constitution clearly states that there can be two sides. let's let everyone have freedom of speech, that's what democracy is. we don't have freedom of speech, what does it become? fascism, socialism. the point of freedom of speech is so people can hear views, people can understand and make their own evaluations. >> sean: by the way, never tune out. we need truth, you are saving
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the show. >> liberals and conservatives should watch the show. why not? why don't we listen to different opposing opinions and make our own decisions and don't come to rash conclusions? the point of law is that we are innocent until proven guilty. you never said -- i was here friday. you never said you supported roy moore, you never said that once. >> sean: i said that i support not rushing to judgment. >> that's very different than supporting him. >> sean: i support the presumption of innocence. you actually -- if i'm not here, they go away forever and i would hate to have that happen. we disagree, but we get along great. one of the things that i love about -- you speak your mind. when the left literally praised of that interview, i thought i did the right thing. this is a serious allegation, it should be nonpolitical. we should get to the truth, everybody deserves the
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presumption of innocence. i'm not backing down from one thing i said in here. i think that's the right position and i don't like rushing to judgment. >> boycotts stink, but hypocrisy stinks even worse than boycotts. when you have a group like media matters, which professes to support and protect the first amendment, undermining the first amendment rights of everyone else to have access to the shows that they want to watch, that is such gross hypocrisy, it's grotesque. the other thing is, everyone admits that no one put the nail in roy moore's political coffin more effectively than you. i know that was not your intention, but when you ask the tough questions, you asked every single question that had to be asked, and his answers didn't match the ferocity of the accusations. everyone, even those on the fence suddenly were saying to roy moore, hey, judge, it may be a better find something else. >> sean: ted cruz pulled his support from judge moore, that
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is huge. fugitives tonight. >> that fifth accuser, and that whole inscription in the yearbook, my goodness. how creepy is it that a district attorney signed a 17-year-old kids yearbook and signs it with flourishes and love. i'm surprised he didn't put a heart, a broken heart, why didn't you call me and ask ask ask , it's contemporaneous proof, as i have asked for in these cases, because you have no statute of limitations in this case, it's 38 years old. 40 years old in the case of the fifth accuser today. but you have some contemporaneous corroboration that roy moore, the district attorney was hitting on this high school senior. >> look. i'm spent my career doing this, and trying to assess between a complaint whether or not there is sufficient evidence to go forward with the criminal case, prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime has been committed,
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and make no mistake, everybody talks about the presumption of innocence, but every time a prosecutor goes into that grand jury, we don't go into the grand jury thinking we are going in on the presumption of innocence, with a wincing we are going to get a conviction here. this fifth person and the statement she gave is compelling evidence, and there was no question based upon what i read in that statement that this 32-year-old strict attorney was grooming this young girl, going to her place of business where as a young waitress she would stay there until 10:00 at night. he was there in the same seat every night waiting until she left. he complemented her, he touched her hair, he waited until she left and would leave when she left. he then talked about whether or not she would need a ride home. he took her home. he was targeting her, sizing her up, contemporaneous confirming corroborating evidence in the
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yearbook. love roy moore. it's all there. >> sean: this only came out today. we have seen those kids with duke lacrosse wrongly, falsely accused. 88 professors jumped on the bandwagon, those kids' lives will forever be impacted. is it wrong -- you were convinced today, were you? >> it was today that i was convinced. it was not just the yearbook. women, young girls do not feel that in a situation where someone has power -- who has more -- today was the tipping point. who has more power than a sitting d.a.? >> sean: is it wrong that i wait and don't rush to judgment in light of clarence thomas and duke lacrosse, ferguson, all these people are wrong so often. >> we cannot rush to justice. today tempted. >> must be clear, you didn't rush to judgment, but you put an
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interview on national television with all the information. it's not as if you didn't cover the story. you covered it clearly, you were so effective, you were better than any attorney i know in a cross-examination in the courtroom. >> unbeknownst to you, you tip the scale. >> sean: it's too serious. this isn't a game, these are people's lives. i am a father of a daughter. i am a brother to sisters. we will let you weigh in. >> when you mentioned that you have a teenage girl and you found the whole concept of someone in his early 30s, particularly a person with authority and power like a district attorney, dating someone your daughter's age, he would find that disgusting, outrageous, you would not tolerate it for a second. and i think that in that moment, you became the surrogate for dads everywhere, all across the country. and i think with that question
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and his halting and contradictory answer, you really took this from a remote charge, and the if it's true kind of context, to one that really allowed people to put themselves in that position and suggest, this is really creepy, this guy is really beyond the pale and it gives you the kind of heebie-jeebies, and i understand alabama, lawyers from birmingham, i was honored on there, i love alabama, but it has a quirky defiant streak to it, and i think that we have to appeal to the alabama voters now, the common sense. i believe they will rise to the occasion that even though they want to defy the man, this is a case where they have to go with the other. >> sean: we have seconds. >> it's not about that right now. what it's about now is about the fact that people will see this for what it is. at this isn't about politics anymore. this is about people seeing someone who was grooming a young
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woman and a sexual predator. >> exactly. friday, i had already determined that i didn't believe -- i did not believe him. i told sean that. but that doesn't mean we don't cover it further, that doesn't mean we don't rush to judgment, but today with his fifth accuser, i am even more certain. >> sean: i have been more right than wrong in most of my career because i don't rush to judgment. these are people's lives. there's a reason one of the big ten commandments thou shalt not bear pulse witness. if someone is a predator, we have to get the truth, you spent a lifetime putting those people away. thank you all for being with us. when we come back, donald trump jr. responding specifically. we have all the details, and investigation that he communicated with wikileaks during the election, you don't want to miss that, sarah carter next. ♪ does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment?
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." donald trump jr. has now tonight released private messages that he had with wikileaks during the 2016 election. all of them. after a report came out earlier that he "had communicated with the group in a series of tweets. from jr. produced the entire chain of messages with wikileak wikileaks. in his first correspondence with wikileaks he thanked the group for giving him a heads up on an anti-trump super pac that was about to launch. in a separate exchange, wikileaks emerged from junior to comment on the story that hillary clinton wanted to kill wikileaks founder julian sanchez with a drone strike , which from junior said he already commented on. he added that it is now amazing how clinton gets away with saying the type of stuff. he then asked wikileaks about an upcoming leak he was reading about. he released it all. that's eight? joining us now with reaction to that and other breaking news, we have investigative journalist sara carter, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett.
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sarah, i will get to your breaking news and a second. i read that and i said he did nothing wrong. nothing. >> it's not a crime to communicate with a foreign national, including a russian. it's not a crime to talk to them, as he did in the infamous trump tower meeting. he said i will ask around to one comment period to another he said i have already talked about that. all of these are completely innocuous. if he had asked for something of value, or had received something of value. >> sean: i've been reading you are going to drop something, he said when? that's it. that's it? compared to the dossier? >> if there is an exchange of money or value, that is a crime. >> sean: that obviously didn't happen. >> but what did happen is they hillary clinton campaign and the dnc paid millions of dollars to foreign nationals for the salacious trump dossier. that is a crime, and it's also a crime to have failed to report it properly. that's two crimes they
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committed, donald trump jr.'s tweets, no crime at all. >> sean: was going to your article today on the breaking news that in fact -- we reported this two fridays ago, he reported it as well, that in fact jeff sessions did not recuse himself from uranium one and these other deals, and he may now appoint a special prosecutor, something we have said has been needed a long tim time. finally, hopefully. >> it's incredible news because now what we know for certain is that for a while now the department of justice has been looking into all of these allegations. not just uranium one, but the clinton foundation, leaks out of the fbi and the unmasking of americans. these are huge subjects that we have been discussing her on the show. all year long. now what we know is that they have been looking into it all year long as well. these are congressional criminal referrals, which makes the department of justice now takes that one step further and goes to the fbi and says can you look
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into this? what information can we find out to build cases? is there something here? and now as we know tonight -- >> sean: your headline, okay. there were request a long time ago. jim jordan and what's his name, congressman from florida, gates this week wrote a letter. do your job. >> it appears he has been doing his job, they are just not discussing it publicly. a lot of this has to do with if you go back to former fbi director james comey and this is what some of the sources have been telling me. he was chided for coming out and speaking publicly about ongoing investigations when he hadn't taken that one step further and gone to the attorney general, which is what he should have done. what they are trying to say is look, although we are not talking about this publicly, we are doing our job. we've been working on these.
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the fbi is now involved in this. we are looking at the evidence, we are building of these cases, and it is necessary, a special counsel can be appointed. that was the information that came through tonight, and fox reported that from the assistant attorney general, stephen boyd, who sent a letter to the chairman and site here you go, we are looking into this, we will take into consideration everything that you have requested, including a special counsel. >> sean: on the issue of the email server scandal, on the issue of the dossier, no eloquent and splendid bought and paid for russian paid propaganda and lied to the american people. disinformation, then you add the uranium one. you have laid out all the potential crimes. if a fair special counsel is appointed, i would argue the clintons are finished. >> there is compelling evidence to present to a grand jury to a special counsel, or even the department of justice, that there was a pay to play schemes
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by hillary clinton. that she used her public office to confer a benefit to a foreign government in exchange for money. mail fraud, bank fraud, wire fraud, and it's also racketeering by using her foundation as a conduit to funnel money through. this is all the subject of the letter, july 27th, this is a copy of it right here. sent to sessions. and sessions ignore that letter. they sent another one in september, please respond. finally, the night before sessions is to testify before that same committee, they had knowledge that there is an investigation. >> sean: all right, you know that the represented by victoria. without divulging information you know, how devastating will this information be, in your opinion, you are investigative journalist? >> i believe that this informant
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has information that can actually change the direction of what we've seen in the past. i believe that he needs a platform to get that information out, and that is part of this investigation. i have not been privy, sean, to all of the information that the informant has. >> sean: but what you do know is devastating, is that a fair characterization? >> i think that's a fair characterization, especially if there is a counsel appointment r an investigator that can follow the money. >> the informant will connect the dots to hillary clinton. >> sean: agreed. they have his own experience, documents and emails and tapes. >> and russians bragging about manipulating hillary clinton. >> sean: we will keep on this, i have to spend this time talking about left-wing attempts to silence my voice. too important. when we come back on it you will not believe this, "gq" honoring colin kaepernick, and it has outraged people. i debate you don't want to miss. david clark, darrell straight
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we are the driven... the dedicated... the overachievers. we know our best investment is in ourselves. we don't take no for an answer. we fight for what we want. even for the things that were once a given. going to college... buying a home... and not being in debt for it for the rest of our lives. but we're only as strong as our community. who inspires and pushes us to go further than we could ever go alone. sofi. get there sooner. ♪ >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." "gq" magazine released the cover of its annual men of the year issue, naming former san francisco 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick as their citizen of the year. now they said they are honoring
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his activism on police brutality. remember, this is the same kaepernick. see those socks? it depicts policemen as pigs. america first action spokesman, former milwaukee county sheriff david clark, and civil rights attorney general parks. it's the stuffed, the petition that he has taken on police, it is a broad, sweeping generalization. we see in vegas, we see on 9/11, the most recent attack in new york, we see the cops. those are the days will remember, wow, these are amazing people that put their lives on the line for us. and don't they deserve the presumption of innocence, and the action of one bad cop does not reflect on the 99.999% of others? he rushes to judgment. he supported a murdering dictator castro. how does he get the man of the year with socks like that?
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>> let me say, you have to also remember that there are still black males who have lost their lives at the hand of the police as well. yes, there are situations -- >> sean: there are instances of a few, but there are also instances of many cops that risk their lives. look at the cops in the case of steve scalise going up against a rifle, open field with a pistol. that's almost a suicide mission, but they did it to save lives. that's how amazing these caps are to me. >> i know officer bailey personally. is a proud member of the alpha phi fraternity. people like that do good things, but we still have to deal with the big problem we had with black people losing their lives at the hands of the police. we have not dealt with at issue as a country. he brought great attention to a great number of people who are losing their lives with encounters with law enforcement. that issue has not been dealt with as a country. we must deal with it.
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>> sean: sheriff. >> first of all, the facts are very clear, the data is clear. it more black men lose their lives at the hand of other black men, not police. but as for "gq," look, i think probably the first runner-up would have been okay system. this is a political stunt by "gq" magazine, a failing magazine. their viewership or their readership is probably off. they had to bring attention to themselves, that's why i call as a political stunt. much like when rolling stone puts one of the brothers on their cover. the left and "gq" in this instance has really cheap and what it means in united states of america to hold that kind of status. when i think people who loft dome at boston lights fighting for civil rights, dr. martin luther king jr., muhammad ali was stripped r his boxing title standing up for what he believed in. i think of jack c robertson
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these people really stood for something, they had a core about them. kaepernick doesn't know what he's talking about. when you recall, he's not the original taken a. that was tim tebow who did it in prayer. kaepernick sat during the national anthem and the disrespect that he showed not only for the flag and for the anthem and for america, but for military people as well. >> sean: those people that fought, bled and died. 20 seconds. >> without question, the protest was not about the flag. >> sean: people died fighting for it. >> protest was not about the flag. he has always said that. >> sean: think you both. or "hannity" straight ahead, stay with us. ♪
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those silence conservative voices. it has touched my heart, and it has given me resolve to fight harder. you give me this camera every night, microphone every day. i think you so much. laura ingraham is there. how are you? by the way, i love the new law on a cable where they try to silence your voice. >> laura: a sean, i have been trying to silence you for years. it hasn't worked. >> sean: you have to slap him around. go ahead. >> laura: no one has a chance against you. sean, thanks so much. >> sean: have a good show. >> laura: and good evening from washington. thanks for joining us. this is "the ingraham angle" ." let's get right into our top stories. breaking news out of the department of justice about a possible special counsel investigation targeting
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