tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 15, 2017 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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misconduct in congress. i'm demanding tonight they pay $15 million of your money -- tt was paid out to victims, who are they? tell us now and why did they pay it? they need to be exposed. we will have more on this tomorrow night. laura ingraham is next. >> laura: thanks, welcome to washington. this is "the ingraham angle." and we begin tonight with a continuing angle. last night we were the first and only primetime show to bring you the outrageous story about a largely unknown congressional slush fund, one that as sean just referenced has paid out $15.2 million in taxpayer money to victims of sexual harassment perpetrated by members of congress. you'd be shocked to know that some current members are not aware that the fund exists.
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>> do you support this shush fund as it is being called? >> i had no idea it existed unlike you. >> you didn't know the fund existed congressman jordin someone. >> i didn't. i didn't know that is how it worked. did not know. >> laura: last night we played for you the explosive testimony of jackie spooir and barbara come stock. they maintained among other things that they know for a fact there are current members who have engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior. my question tonight is this, why aren't they naming names? why aren't others naming names? and i'm not the only one asking these questions. >> i think it's good to get this stuff out, name them. lay it out so people can come to work without being harassed and
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those who do these things need to be held accountable? >> you want to know who they are? >> yes. >> laura: it is good they are speak out about this. but the refusal to identify these members is enabling. aren't they kind of complicit in the coverup? i know it sounds harsh. but don't they have an obligation to reveal wrong doing on the part of their colleagues especially against young, vulnerable staffers. doesn't the leadership have something to say about this? by the way, we all have the right to know. they work for us. and we, the taxpayers are footing the bill for this absurd shush fund. you're not supposed to talk about it. we want to know the details about these settlements. we want the time, place, and manner of the misconduct and i want the names of the members accused. it is unacceptable for congress
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to operate under a different set of rules than everybody else, with whether it's the type of health care they vote to give themselves or the amount of time off they get or the way they get to use opm, other people's money, to pay off settlements. the american people want accountability in government across the board. i am going to stay on this issue and others like it. ours is supposed to be the government of the people, by the people and for the people, not the government of anonymous gropers. joining us with reaction, m. reis everson, a former staffer for the congressional black congress who accused of sexual misconduct. we appreciate your voice here. >> thank you. >> laura: i know you want to make this about the general issue of sexual misconduct in congress. you were a fellow at the congressional black caucus.
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give us a rundown of what happened to you. you don't have to name names, but tell me what happened. >> well, as i said, i've worked for the cbcs. and i, during that time, experienced harassment. and at that time i didn't know it was harassment. >> laura: were those comments? >> i experienced a conversation where a person basically offered me an opportunity to flirt with him in order to excel in my career. and that was the gateway for the harassment and me realizing i got to get out of here. if i don't i only have one option and that is to comply. i don't want to participant in that. >> laura: when you say offered to flirt, give me more on that. i'm not following that. >> are you going to be a good girl? >> laura: mm. what does that mean? >> well, if you're going to be a good girl, what's the point of
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you being there are? >> laura: ah. >> i'm like, what? and he said are you going to flirt with me? and at that moment i realized you got to get out of here. this is a situation that is only going to turn for the worse. as a young woman your instinct is fight, flight, or freeze. and my instinct was to run and i tried to get away by moving to another office and that was not successful. i was retaliated against, wrongfully terminated and blackballed. my experience was an traumatic one. not only did i lose my job but also the ability to find another job. it's a pervasive silence that keeps women hidden and not speaking up because they don't have the courage to speak out against a powerful person. >> laura: this was in 2013? >> 2013.
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>> laura: how long by the time you arrived for the fellowship. that's exciting when you get a job in congress. you're a young woman and learning about how congress works. how long by the time you arrived in congress to the time this conversation with this congressman? >> i had been on the hill for seven months. >> laura: had you heard from other female staffers that this had been a problem with other congressmen? >> yes, when you are applying for the different offices or when they're interviewing you, you will hear whispers or women will say, not that office because that one has a history. there is a tweeting, a chirping system, if you will, warning other young ladies to not -- to stay away from certain people. >> laura: but you hadn't heard anything about this particular congressman? >> no. >> laura: you weren't able to go to this accountability office
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because you were a fellow? >> they let anyone submit an application for a complaint. i did submit a complaint but the caa does not cover interns or fellows. >> laura: that in and of itself is crazy. i don't like a lot about the accountability office because it forces women or men complaining into counseling. >> mandatory. >> laura: the person who needs counseling is the perpetrator. i don't know if i like a lot of that but if there is going to be protections in place, why the heck aren't they in place for interns and fellows? why should you be treated differently? >> they are the most vulnerable people on the hill. >> laura: this happens, you moved offices and when you were there, is it the same position? another fellowship? >> same position and the office began to communicate. there is a conversation going
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on. why did you leave? >> laura: did you tell people? >> i tried to explain i'm looking for some other experience. but when you say that, the person i said that to she said why did you leave? are you an opportunist? will you leave us too? and i realized i have to tell this woman the truth. she's not going to -- >> laura: did another woman rat you out on this? >> yes. >> laura: and it became known that you were complaining about -- and she must have told -- so the girl power didn't work in your favor? >> not in that instance. sometimes there's gatekeepers. >> women are protecting their congressmen? >> absolutely. they have had these jobs for 15 and 20 years and they like the job security. >> laura: i hope everyone across the country listened to this young woman. this is outrageous. >> unfortunately. >> laura: do you agree that the
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congresswoman should name names? i'm talking about the victims, about the members who did this? >> i think there should be a reporting system where the congress people -- it's like -- if you're an attorney and you see an attorney drunk driving you have an obligation to the bar to report this attorney driving drunk the wrong side down the highway. as a member of congress i think you have an obligation if you know that another member is harassing young women or men in their office that you report it. >> laura: you don't want to identify the congressman? >> no. there is a fear of retaliation present day. >> laura: i appreciate you coming here, reese. this has got to stop. this is insanity. this is government that we pay for that is supposed to represent our interest. there are people who are on a power trip up there. i don't know if they were geeks in school and couldn't get girls and now they have a pin on their
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lapel and got the chicks at my disposal. that's got to end. >> like on "house of cards" everything is about sex, exception sex. sex is power. they field the ability to rule it over everyone they see. they feel that power over everything and everyone. and it's not fair for a young, beautiful woman to come in and for them not to have power over here. >> laura: reese, thank you for telling this shocking, but i guess a lot -- it's probably not all that shocking. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> laura: and roy moore. this is another -- another series of scandals. roy moore, the convenient gop scapegoat? that's the topic of tonight's "angle." when it comes to roy moore's alabama senate bid, everyone is
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running for exits and perhaps they should. look, the accusations have piled up. no one running for office wants to be asked uncomfortable questions. questions like, do you support roy moore with these allegations? do you believe that roy moore should even be seated. he's going to hurt the party. let's cut our losses now and put jeff sessions back in his old seat. it's a mid-term disaster for the gop. but the more i think about it, the gop is just trying to use the moore allegations, yeah, use them, to deflect attention and criticism from their own failures. >> if these accusations are true, there would be no place for him in the senate. >> i hope he steps down immediately. i mean, this is -- i never thought he belonged in the senate. >> i am pleased to see that the nation is trying to hold leaders to a higher account.
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>> laura: well, i guess, yes, let's hope that happens. but roy moore's future is going to depend on the voters in alabama and the gop's future is going to depend on their own legislative record which is not too hot with or without moore. check out this congressional approval rating. it's about 15%. only 29% of all americans have a positive view of the gop. i mean, donald trump is look good compared to those numbers. and it wasn't moore who dropped the ball on the obamacare repeal. and he didn't take long periods of time off out of session while they had work to do. he didn't fail to report enforcement of immigration laws and didn't report the american trade agreements. he didn't cause ron johnson to come out against tax reform. and he didn't set up a slush
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fund for congressional miscreants. now that's immoral. roy moore will certainly hurt the gop image in 2018 if he is elected especially among female voters. that will hurt. but before the gop makes him the scapegoat for all that ails the party, the gop needs to do some self reflection. what have republicans done in the past to infuriate and alienate their own base, so much so that they actually pushed luther strange out of the equation and decided to go with roy moore and now what is the gop going to do to build back its reputation? here's the good news, no matter what people say about republicans and the moore side show at least they don't have someone like this running around. >> impeach him! impeach him!
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impeach 45! impeach 45! >> laura: does she know that doesn't rhyme at all? gop, it can always get worse. and that's "the angle." joining us now with reaction is a fox news contributor and from l.a., michael reagan, a news max contributor. both of you, great to see you. >> what a way to be introduced. thank you. thank you. >> laura: we're getting you on maxine, mike. my point is this, roy moore is going to rise or fall based on what alabama wants to do here. i think the establishment, if they had stayed out, either luther or moe brooks would have won. but the idea that he's the biggest problem facing the gop. they're at 15% six months ago
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before the moore thing. >> i agree 100% with what you said. and the people of alabama wanted an outsider and ended up with a sex predator. >> if it's true. >> there are more and more people coming forward. it's pretty damning evidence. the people of alabama are in an untenable position. they don't want to elect a pro abortion democrat to the senate and they don't want a sex predator. what do they do? donald trump needs to call the governor and do something to stop this election. the governor ask delay the election. but they shouldn't be in the position to choose between those extremes. >> laura: michael? >> i agree. the governor needs to put it off and give the people of alabama a chance to, if you will, digest all that is coming forward with them. but the reality is that the moore issue and the republican
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issue should be two different issues. the republicans are in trouble because they can't get together in a phone booth. moore's got problems because, in my opinion, i think he is a sex predator. there's the issue with roy moore. the people of alabama have got to choose. i will tell you, i would rather have a pro-choice democrat sitting in the senate of the united states that's not a predator than a republican predator sitting there just because we want the 52nd vote. >> laura: let's talk about the lack of trust that the gop voters have toward the gop establishment or leadership. think about this. they so didn't trust what the gop was doing that in this case of this senate race when mitch mcconnell got involved. he's for luther strange we're going with this roy moore guy. i mean, it says a lot about the level of distrust among the
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electorate, toward the gop leadership because corker and mcconnell all rushed in on this alabama race. i think a number of people raised this point. but there is some truth to this, had they not got involved it might not have gone down this way. they may have had big luther in there. >> and cruising to victory if he was but it's this didn't just happen organically. steve bannon fed the flames of the moore race and steve bannon is out there threatening to challenge all these republican senators. >> laura: i'm going the challenge you on that. bannon is about issues. bannon cares about the issues that the trump voters cared about, borders, the culture. he cares about trade and making american workers whole again. you know, better economically. and those voters do vote in alabama. and i do think it's not about
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roy moore. for bannon was the guy who was going to -- >> he was the upside. >> yeah. i agree. >> laura: i think mitch mcconnell has more to blame here. >> but what bannon is doing -- and i understand what the efforts are genuine. but he is organizing a circular firing squad. we're firing our targets at republican senators who vote with donald trump 96% of the time. the reason we are not getting the trump agenda passed is not because of mitch mcconnell. 52 republican senators is not enough. there are five democrats in 2018 running in states that donald trump won by double budgets. we need to keep all the republicans so we have 57 votes so we can say to ron johnson when he says i'm not for the tax bill, see yeah. >> absolutely correct with this. the fact of the matter is, we're going after republicans, instead
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of going after the democrats. bannon needs to go be going after the democrats and making sure the republicans maintain the 52 majority or even bigger going into 2018. >> laura: michael -- >> but is it a circular firing squad. >> laura: remember, donald trump was elected to drain the swamp but there is a lot of swamp creatures on capitol hill and they're trying to drown him. they're trying to empower bob mueller. those are republicans doing that. so i mean -- i hear what you guys are saying -- hold on. i hear what you guys are saying but the people revolted in november of 2016. i mean, they're bound to do anything. if mitch mcconnell can't get obamacare repealed, that's not moore's fault. >> the solution is to get republicans -- fair enough but not to knock off republicans but
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to knock off democrats. there are not enough republicans in the senate, i'm all for competitive primaries. marco rubio, toomey, lee, this is not the time. we are not in the wilderness -- >> if i can jump in -- >> we have the white house and the house and senate and get the trump agenda through. >> laura: we have jeff flake and john mccain who do not want it -- >> i could have got john mccain's vote. the president of the united states didn't get john mccain's vote because of the way he treated him. never said he was sorry or apologized to him and asked him for his vote on obamacare. the president of the united states should take fault for not getting the vote from the senator of arizona. you could have gotten it. i could have gotten it. this president because he doesn't like to apologize, didn't get it and that's on him. >> laura: michael, john mccain's
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ego bruised ego and hurt feelings? >> that's -- >> laura: basically -- >> we -- >> laura: what are you talking about? he is acting as a democrat on almost every issue. every issue right now, almost he is acting like a democrat. because he is mad about donald trump? get over it. he said brutal things about talk radio, about the tea party. this has been vicious. >> the way you marmarginalize - >> laura: i agree. thank you so much. he broke news about the uranium one deal and controversies about the clintons, peter schweitzer is going to tell you what you are not hearing. don't go away. liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night,
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>> laura: welcome back. the justice department con family roomed this week that attorney general jeff sessions is considering appointing a special counsel to investigate several matters relating to hillary clinton. one is the sale of uranium one to a russian-backed company in 2010. hillary clinton's state department signed off on the
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deal despite the fact it gave russia control of 20% of the u.s. uranium capacity. critics allege it is because of donations to the clinton foundation. andy mccarthy wrote today, uranium one has never been a national security controversy it's a corruption controversy. joining us now from tallahassee, peter schweitzer, the president of the government accountability substitute and author of "clinton cash." i noticed this happening over the last 48 hours especially. number of people, some republicans, some democrats, and always the clintons, of course, there's no there-there. this is just a fantasy cooked up in the minds of some guy who wrote a book called "clinton cash" and grabbed on to by the conservative media. pay no attention to the scandal behind the curtain.
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>> that's the standard line, laura. the problem for that narrative is there is plenty of evidence. most people are aware of this 2010 sale of uranium one to the russian government but it begins in 2005 when bill clinton and hillary clinton helped the founder of uranium one acquire these uranium assets in kazakhstan which is a massive producer of uranium. and what we have in clear evidence is the video testimony of the russian -- sorry, the kaz minister, what does he say in this video, he says that they granted the concession to frank because hillary clinton, then a senator, blackmailed and threatened officials saying she
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would not cooperate with them getting u.s. money, she would not meet with any officials until the concession was granted. after that concession was granted by officials, frank guister sent $30 million to the clinton foundation. we have the oral testimony by this official, it has never been disputed and he describes in detail how the deal went down and talks about a clinton foundation employee named tim philips who pressured him. when tim philips was asked about this video, he did not respond. he changed his online resume, removing the reference to his employment to the clinton foundation. that's just one piece of evidence. this is not a fantasy cooked up by foreign officials. >> why is andy mccarthy saying this has no national
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implications. you hear uranium and think nuclear power and that's important. and nuclear other things. but he says it's not a national security question. >> i would respectfully disagree with andy. what happened is a lot of people think urine one was about -- the united states is not a big uranium producer. the problem is that's not true. uranium one was a company when the russians bought it and still is a company that has massive amounts around the world. they have them in africa and the united states. if you were to look at the uranium they have in the united states, the 20%, you can say it doesn't amount to a lot. the problem is that's a small sliver. uranium one when it was bought
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by the russians in 2010, the money for that deal was publicly announced by vladimir putin himself. and that deal was authorized by vladimir putin himself. so certainly vladimir putin saw a national security interest from russia's standpoint in acquiring uranium one. >> laura: so we're looking for the putin connection to elected officials. you ever look at a picture of putin? did you ever have a white russian in a restaurant or go to the russian tea room. i saw you at the russian tea room once in new york. that it's a scandal. are you committed to this idea about the special prosecutor? i think there is a good argument to be made that you really don't need a special prosecutor. if we believe in the justice department if they would pursue possible crimes, intimidation of witnesses, bribery, all the things we are hearing about when
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it comes to the clintons and this stuff. you can get a great prosecutor to do this with a great staff. but we have a lot of people -- jim jordan, they want a special prosecutor to investigate this. >> that's a great question. here's the problem. we know for a fact the fbi has in its possession another tape, an audiotape that was basically recorded by this fbi informant that's going to be coming forward. i have not heard the tape but i've heard about the tape from people at the fbi and that audiotape apparently is russian officials with this uranium company talking about making donations to the clinton foundation to gain favorable action. that tape was given to department of justice prosecutors. the fbi field office requesting the ability to wiretap and to survey the clinton foundation. the obama justice department came back and said not enough
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evidence. my point as an independent counsel, is, look, this is so political, i think the way to deal with this is precisely in this manner. it's important. it's complex. it goes to the reason people think there is so much corruption in washington, d.c. and the fact there is a double standard. >> laura: always. the law should apply to both parties individuals in both parties should be held to account. it's great seeing you, thank you so much. when we return, it's been six weeks since stephen paddock committed the worst mass shooting in modern u.s. history and there are all these unresolved questions. we dig for answers with mark fuhrman and a vegas police insider, up next.
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but their nutritional needs (vremain instinctual.d, that's why there's purina one true instinct. nutrient-dense, protein-rich, real meat number one. this is a different breed of natural nutrition. purina one, true instinct. . >> laura: welcome back to "the ingraham angle." breaking news tonight. 14 new lawsuits dropped today
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stemming from the october 1st mass shooting in las vegas. it's now been six weeks since killer stephen paddock opened fire from the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay hotel unleashing hell on a crowd killing 58. and the lawsuits claim that concert organizes, the hotel and the manufacturers of the bump stock gun accessory all share blame for the incident. but there remain unanswered questions. what was the killer's motive? why does the police time line of the incident keep changing? why were explosives in paddock's car? and what was on the hard drive now missing from a computer found in paddock's hotel room? and we're just getting started with the questions. joining us now for reaction is mark fuhrman and in las vegas randy sutton, a former lieutenant in the vegas police department. let's start with you, randy. first of all, i have a curious
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thought. is there anything to the fact that the investigation task force designation has changed? it started as in the homicide task force. and now it's in a different task force related to an officer discharging his weapon. what's that all about? >> this is a little bit odd. the homicide detail of the las vegas metropolitan police department is the detail that would normally handle all homicides of any stripe. and they were, of course, initially assign to this just as they would normally be. we have a murder/suicide, it was just a mass murder. they would be the normal investigative team that would do this. they have the experience. they have the no-how. they have the technology. but for some reason, allegedly there was an accidental discharge when the advance
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team -- the initial entry team went into the hotel room. and that is the -- any time of use of force by law enforcement officers is handled by what is called the f.i.t. team, the force investigative team. this is a small unit that handl handles officer-involved shootings and major uses of force. for some reason and it's inexplicable to me and the members of the homicide detail who are literally up in arms over it, the main thrust of the investigation was taken away from homicide. >> laura: it seems like it is diminishing -- is it wrong to say and mark can chime in -- it seems like it is taking the investigation down to a less important task force or am i misreading this? as an outsider it seems curious, mark. >> i think you're correct. i think you're correct, laura and i think you're correct because the homicide investigators that were on scene
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and it's unfortunate that we haven't been able to hear from them in six weeks because they actually do this every single day. the sheriff, the fbi, assistant directors, atf, they don't do these homicide investigations and they weren't at the scene. i would be up in arms also. this is their case and they should follow it all the way through. and if need be, investigate an accidental discharge which would be rather simple. >> laura: this is the question i have. where is the video of stephen paddock checking in on that v.i.p. status he got at the hotel. he brought in 15 bags over a period of time -- 14 bags. doesn't anyone want to see the video? i want to see him checking in. how they treated him. i want to know where that missing hard drive went. how does it jump out of a car --
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excuse me, in a room. he shot himself in the room but the hard drive disappeared at some point after he shot himself. who leaked the photos of the crime scene. when he fell backwards the tripod fell on his shin. if you are shot, why does -- it just -- some odd stuff. i'm always putting my sleuth hat on. maybe i'm a frustrated former detective. but i want to see the video. is there an attempt for the hotel -- hotels need this business and i like the mandalay bay. always has. they need this business. >> laura, i think in this case there, was a lot going on rather quickly. and there was a lot of people that had already been at the crime scene. there was a lot of people in the crime scene before the detectives were able to get there. so there was a lot of things that were actually moved,
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accidentally or otherwise. there could have been things gone through, looked at, picked up. this is a kind of a semicontamination of a scene. >> laura: yeah. >> but it's understandable under the conditions. but a hard drive going missing. that's a little odd. but sometimes when you have too many people, evidence is misplaced. lost. >> i don't think -- i don't think evidence was misplaced in this set of circumstances. i believe this individual, paddock, who -- i consider him the boogeyman. he doesn't make any sense as far as fitting any profiles. he literally came out of nowhere and did this ienkncredibly hein crime and it appears to me he created a set of circumstances where this would be in deep question forever. >> laura: but this is why we
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need the security guard to speak beyond the "ellen" show. we need to have -- everything has to come out, here. it's the biggest shooting in u.s. history. and we have all these unanswered questions. i know it takes time but come on. >> i'm in complete agreement with you. >> laura: it's crazy. where is the hard drive? >> there is information that needs to be given to the american public. >> laura: who took the hard drive? it's just disturbing. if that's how they investigate a crime scene like this, that's disturbing. i want to see the video of him checking in. we're almost out of time. really quickly. >> when you look at the scene, i think the suspect, what he was attempting to do and what he was in the i'm scene does not match. there is an exaggeration by the suspect and in his death quite possibly he left his calling card. >> laura: an important story for you straight ahead. teen suicide rates on the rise.
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is social media to blame? we have new information for you on that coming up. patrick woke up with back pain. but he has work to do. so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. it's time for the sleep number semi-annual sale on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the final days of our semi-annual sale, where our c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides is now only $1499. save $300.
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for teens using social media. seen suicide rites had been declining for decades but it's the numbers went up between 2010 and 2015. we don't know the exact reason for the uptick but a study in the journal of clinical psychological study suggests it might be the sharp rise of the use of social media. joining us for reaction is karen rufkin and meg meeker. what have you seen in your clinical practice on this issue? do you see a connection between social media and these types of pathological or suicidal tendencies? >> yeah, first of all, thanks for having me on, laura. i'm so glad you brought this up and i do see a connection between teen depression and social media in my practice. today i talked with a young girl who is struggling with
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depression. and depression in teenagers is very serious. how can it be related to social media? depression in a teen is all about the self hating the self deep down sub consciously. we can see how being on social media, instagram, in particular, teenagers see other kids. girls in particular and say i'm not as thin, i'm not as pretty or attractive as she is and they start to feel worse about who they are. so you know, i really see -- and i have had teenagers tell me that being on instagram makes them feel worse. and so, for some of the teenagers that i treat with depression, i -- with their cooperation -- put them on a diet from social media to guard them, if you will, from feeling worse than they already do. i see a very clear connection between social media and teen
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depression. >> laura: dr. russkin. i have a daughter who is 12. and she says when do i get a phone? and i said how about never? i'm petrified of this. i'm the boring mother -- i'm petrified of it. maybe i'm wrong. but i find -- what i see among kids. it's not good. it's not good. >> you're not wrong, laura, and the fact is, as parents -- as a parent, myself, of a teenager, and as a psychotherapist, when it comes to social media, the consistent and frequency of looking at social media instead of living your life, that can lead to depression, not being able to escape from the world, the bedlam of the everyday
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hustle, bustle of socialization. home used to be a safe haven. it's not any more. the appendage of social media, the phone comes home with you everywhere. as a parent we must talk about with them about their social media relationship and about health and wellness and suicide and not be afraid to. parents are often afraid to have those talks. if you are afraid, your kid is going to be afraid to talk about it. >> laura: i want to play for you something the original funders of facebook, shawn parker said recently about its addicting quality. >> that thought process was how do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible. and that means that we need to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while. it's a social validation feedback loop.
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it's exactly the kind of thing that a hacker like myself would come up with. you're exploiting a vulnerability in human psychological. >> laura: quick reaction from both of you. sean parker knows technology. what is your thought? >> he does. and you know, it's very dangerous and addictive. i want to say something. never parent out of fear. parents are so afraid to pull social media out of their lives, make their kids put the phone in the kitchen at night and afraid to tell their kids, half an hour is all you get. but your kids are worth fighting for. my kids are adults now an i was very strict with screen time and is tv in those days. they are so grateful. if you can be strong enough to parent well and say to your kids, look, these are my rules, my phone, no privacy, we need to restrict social media, you will be doing your kid such normal favors.
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don't be afraid. do what's right for your kids. >> laura: dr. ruskin. sean parker says it's exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology. >> human beings are addictive and impulsive and we are reactive. there is allure in social media. as parents it's all about helping kids to create a healthy balance because social media has its advantages. it's just about having a healthy balance. extremism in any direction is unhealthy. we must control or controllables. >> laura: great to see you. the doctors were in. coming up, joe biden in 2020? we've got a message about that, next. grown into an enterprise. grown into an enterprise. that's why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. now, i'm earning unlimited 2% cash back on every purchase i make. everything. what's in your wallet?
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president trump by 11 points in a way too early look at the 2020 election cycle. already? 2020? democrats may want to hit the brakes on all joe given the most notable trend in coverage lately, the weinstein-clinton period we find ourselves in. biden's past isn't nearly as sordid as clinton, of course. but as he called on police to police sexual harassment, we cannot reminding of her his outreach over the years. >> no man has a right to touch you, period, under any circumstances. >> with got a lot of thanks to get out here. >> do know what my dad used to say? the most important one. you have a hard job. too many beautiful girls.
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>> how old are you? 16. big dogs around the house. i would say you have a very hard job. my dad used to say you got one job. i have a beautiful sister like you guys. >> anybody engaged in that behavior is committing a crime. >> laura: okay. that is naughty of us. be careful what you wish for, democrats. as i write and billionaire at the barricades, the man who has been running for president since i was in college. nothing would cement the democrat parties dinosaur status quite like a biden bid. i think is a latin term for thi this. tyrannosaurus amtrak. that's it for us tonight.
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shannon bream and the fox news at 19 take it from here, and it rhymes. >> shannon: i spent a little time on amtrak myself, but not yet. >> laura: you are always in the quiet car. you were the quiet car person. >> shannon: i am, but we are about to shake it up tonight. thank you very much. here's what's on tonight. >> tonight, not backing down. >> there's no way in the world that's his handwriting. >> the attorney for judge roy moore calls into question a key piece of evidence emitted by one of his accusers, the writing in her 1970s era your book. will it be enough to sway to sway alabama voters? president trump declares his trip to asia a success. senator lindsey graham joins us life to score the president's trip. >> clearly there are jurors who believe in my innocence. >> and yet another day of deliberation and the corruption trial of democrat senator bob menendez. a verdict could come at any time. ♪
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