tv FOX Friends FOX News November 16, 2017 3:00am-6:00am PST
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that's amazing. an ohio father put in charge of the kids. so what happens? baby caught riding a roomba around the house. rob: i love it. cute kid. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> my fellow citizens, america is back. and the future has never looked brighter. >> that message is really reverbiating loud and clear. >> get on board the tax train that's the president's message as he will speak with the house republican calculation later this morning. >> we are articles of impeachment to remove president trump from office. >> those crownts ridiculously overbroad. they could have been used to impeach half the presidents of the united states. >> this uranium one story is nothing but a false charge. >> it goes to the reason people think there is so much corruption in washington, d.c. and the fact that there is a double standard. >> more campaign attempted to poke holes in the
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testimony of his latest accuser. >> only piece of evidence they had in addition to the allegations was a yearbook. judge moore says there is no way in the world that that's his hand writing. >> president trump, thank for taking the time to intervene. >> i would like to thank president trump. >> thank you to the united states government and president trump for your efforts to bring us home. ♪ ♪ ♪ where i come from. >> he has been on our first floor singing for us. steve: we come from a week from today is thanksgiving. it's thursday today. a week from next week we will be tripping on trip
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thatranscript fan. ainsley: makes all the women pass oumenpass out while the woe cooking in the kitchen. brian: is that the case anymore? ainsley: a lot of women are helping. steve: people eat so much that's the inclination to take a nap. ainsley: when your wife is saying you're not helping me you say it's the tri. brian: we show up late. we have a story in 30 minutes going to affect your thanksgiving and the stats don't lie. so stay tune. ainsley: i love these holiday studies. steve: if you believe your cell phone. your cell phone is squealing on you. ainsley: that's right. president trump heading to capitol hill to huddle with the g.o.p. house leaders ahead of the crucial vote today. steve: goal of the republicans to pass their sweeping tax bill before
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thanksgiving. brian: this is not news to griff jenkins. we asked him to pursue this story. griff, did you come up with anything? >> what's news, brian. there is no triptafan in the house. big vote in the house. tax cuts are getting close. and despite some objections from republicans in high tax states. majority whip steve scalise says he is confident they have got the votes, i feel good where we are and i think we will see a strong vote tomorrow. our members are focused on passing this bill because it cuts taxes. it gets our economy going again it will create jobs ferttle. >> house democrats who uniformly oppose the bill but lack the numbers to affect the outcome were rallying to kill the bill. >> kill the bill, kill the bill. kill the bill. they better kill this bill or we're going to kill them in the next election. >> this is the senate finance committee continues to mark up their version of the bill.
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that's expected to pass out of that committee this week and reach a floor vote after thanksgiving but already at least one republican senator ron johnson says he can't vote for it. >> i wouldn't vote for this senate version. bottom line. there's a real problem here in terms of the equitable treatment of pass through entities. >> that's not good for the g.o.p. considering they can only afford to lose two votes with vice president pence tie breaker. three other senators collins, flake or corker have yet to signal their support. bottom line, guys, it's going to pass the house and hit problems in the senate. it feels like we have seen this before. steve: it does indeed. the president of the united states called senator johnson last night. we don't know exactly what they talked about. we have to figure it's about taxes. what he is unhappy with is he says that it unfairly benefits corporations some small. you heard these a lot
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lately. sole proprietorship, limited liability companies and s corporations. what happens to those people is generally they have to put their income as the business on their personal. some cases they pay close to 40%. a lot think they are going to get the 20-something% rate. they are not. senator johnson says they should and that's why he is saying no right now. brian: this is why they had a great conversation last night both of them came from business. senator johnson self-made multimillionaire. very successful. he doesn't talk from politics. he is not sitting there trying to win re-election. in fact, he is not running again. i love what he said at the end of this was i want to get to a yes. that means let's work it out. i worry about people who just want to say i don't like the president or my sense is i would love to get a show on msnbc some day so i'm going to stand up against it also, senator flake usually signs off on stuff like this. i think the biggest mystery is going to be rand paul.
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ainsley: senator flake has some concerns he is not a definitive no like johnson is the fear is if another one comes out and says they are against it, it's going to be hard to pass. the fear is, another does it, another is going to do it. republicans have got to get on board with this. they weren't able to repeal and replace. tax reform was their only hope. if the senate doesn't get this done this week or pass it today. there is little hope it can be done and passed by the end of the year. steve: let's see how it stands we will have khan with us and speaker paul ryan at 8:30 this morning. mostly cloudy sat down with mother jones. she was warning the department of justice if you appoint a special counsel that's going to be a problem because that is an abuse of power. ainsley: listen. >> i regret deeply that this appears to be the politicization of the justice department and our justice system.
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this uranium one story has been debunked countless times by members of the press, by independent experts. it is nothing but a false charges that the trump administration is trying to drum up in order to avoid attention being directed at them. this is such an abuse of power and it goes right at the rule of law. if they send a signal that we're going to be like some dictatorship, some authoritarian regime where political opponents are going to be unfairly, fraudulently investigated, that's rips at the fabric of the contract that we have that we can trust our justice system. steve: yeah, but what if laws were broken? hello. ainsley: what is the doj supposed to do if the most powerful man in the country sees there is a problem he shouldn't be able to say you
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need to investigate because that would be an abuse of power? that's what he is there for. that's what the doj is there for. so is says the lady we are a country of laws. so says the lady who says we are a country of laws. we don't want to become like a dictatorship. if he investigates me this is going to be a dictatorship. says the lady who used her power by lying to the country saying she only had one cell phone which was debunked, thin she said she didn't know about the secret server. she has a secret server and then sharing classified information. also in that statement has uranium one been debunked? uranium one has been debunked countless time by the press and independent experts? who is the press? cnn? "the washington post"? "new york times"? brian: her defenders say nine other agencies had to sign off on it peter schweizer wrote about this at least two years ago in his book clinton cash which was picked up and excerpted by the "new york times." listen how he answers hillary clinton.
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>> we know for a fact the fbi has in its possession another tape, an audiotape that was basically recorded by this fbi informant that's going to be coming forward. i have not heard the tape, but i have heard about the tape from people at the fbi. and that audiotape apparently is russian officials with this uranium company talking about making donations to the clinton foundation to gain favorable action. that tape was given to department of justice prosecutors. the fbi field office requesting the ability to wiretap and to survey the clinton foundation. the obama justice department came back and said nope, not enough evidence. brian: wow. when we find out who that fbi informant is, it's going to be key. that would change everything. i just cannot believe that hillary clinton is still on her book tour. steve: what else does she have to do? brian: i have no idea. people say why do you keep
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bringing up hillary clinton. we can't avoid it. ainsley: when did her book come out? brian: i think in september. steve: talk to mark meadows from the freedom caucus in about 30 minutes. i'm sure you are going to ask him questions about uranium one. brian: thanks for the tease. steve: it's a deep tease. right now it's news time. jill yil let's get right to this fox news alert. isis threatening the vatican promising to shed christmas blood. poster online a masked man driving towards have a towards t basilica. also breaking right now. a manhunt underway for the gunman who left a baltimore police officer fighting for his life. the homicide detective tried to start a conversation with a suspicious person when that man pulled out a gun and shot him in the head. >> our thoughts and prayers
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are with our detective, with his wife, with his two children. as he continues to fight for his life that officer is currently on life support. his name has not been released. he is an 18 year member with the force with wife and children. three basketball players arrested in china for shoplifting speaking out are to the first time. they all apologized and thanked the president for working with out with his chinese court part. >> president trump, and the united states government, thank you for taking the time to intervene on our behalf. we really appreciate you helping us out. jillian: the apology coming after the president tweeted do you think the three ucla basketball players will say thank you, president trump? they were headed for 10 years in jail. all three players are suspended from the team indefinitely. talking about all the winning in asia makes president trump thirsty. did you see this yesterday? the commander-in-chief
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pausing mid speech to take a sip of water, right? not too bad it reminded people of one marco rubio grabbed a bottle of water during a speech in 2013. president trump then mocked rubio on the campaign trail for it rubio obviously quick to hit back says he needs to work on his form. has to be done in one single motion and eyes should never leave the camera. not bad for his first time. what do you guys think about that? jillian: it was hilarious. ainsley: use two hands to drink it. rewind and show it. it's so funny. brian: i don't know if you have noticed my unofficial survey you know a lot of news anchors and people are hesitant to go after president trump because anyone who has been on camera in front of people, you are going to understand, there are times when you get off planes your mouth is so dry. >> what is he doing with the two hands. one hand he has actually got the cap. going to keep the cap in his left hand and dropping it off so he can immediately put the cap right on the
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top. jillian: steve, you shouldable play-by-play analysts. steve: spring water bottled in maine. whereas fiji water is from asia. ainsley: it's more. steve: they bring in the water. can't we get some american water in the white house? brian: it is a square bottle easier to grip. open it up right here. ainsley: my parents refuse to buy bottled water. it's free in the tap. brian: why don't we get a hose, honey. ainsley: $4 a bottle. brian: is the real russia scandal about hillary clinton? mark meadows is live next. steve: plus, survey says politics is ruining thanksgiving. brand new data that will make you think twice about what time you leave your turkey table. ainsley: best meal of the year ♪ don't do me like that
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♪ i love you, baby. ♪ don't do me like that. storm f, that's when i knew i had to quit. for real this time. that's why i'm using nicorette. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste plus intense craving relief. every great why needs a great how. i got this...n there? that's the new man, huh? yup. getting kinda' close to my ride. wow... now, that's how you make a first impression. they're going to love you... that's ford, america's best-selling brand. hurry in today for 0% financing for 72 months across the full line of ford cars, trucks and suvs! and just announced...get 0% apr for 72 months plus $1000 cash back! take advantage of these exclusive holiday offers during the ford year end sales event.
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warranted and negligence. g.o.p. congressman mark meadows is the chairman of the house freedom caucus and joins us now. congressman, even after jeff sessions came forward you are convinced we need a special counsel, why? >> i think some of his testimony and i watched, you know, several hours of that testimony was really at one point he acted like he was qualified to investigate this. at another he said he wasn't. really we ought to take hillary clinton's own words. she said it's all about the rule of law and, indeed it is. so a special prosecutor would make sure they don't have a con of interest. have independent counsel and make sure we get some answers. some of the evidence would suggest that the fbi was actually involved in this dossier. and so i think the american people deserve answers, brian. brian: tell me if this adds up. people say why special counsel, that's why we have a department of justice. the problem is robert mueller was involved. you can't have the special counsel investigate this because robert mueller was fbi director then.
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when it comes to jeff sessions looking at hillary clinton, they will come back and say this was somebody work for the trump campaign. he has an agenda. so to move -- to remove the politics out of it, you bring someone else in to it. >> well, you are spot on, brian. i mean, you know, that the democrats will cry foul the minute that jeff sessions gets involved if he is directing anything. that's why we need a special counsel. you mentioned robert mueller, actually, he was at the director of the fbi when the whole uranium one issue came up. and so there is some suggestion that he would be biased in that. and so having a special, independent counsel would do two things. one is we could start to get some answers. you know, this dossier that fusion gps did actually we know that hillary clinton and the dnc hired a firm, perkins coie actually hired them to do the dossier. there is other disturbing information that would suggest that the obama campaign, the same month
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that she did that, paid another 900,000 to the same law firm. and then going further, the fbi looked at possibly paying the gentleman who wrote the dossier. didn't end up paying him but reimbursed him. i mean, when you see all of these things coming together, the american people need an answer, and it is about the rule of law and making sure we get to the bottom of it, brian. brian: 15 seconds. is it an abuse of power to investigate this like hillary clinton said? >> absolutely not. lady justice has a blindfold. hillary clinton shouldn't be above the law. we need to get to the bottom of it and we intend to do that. brian: congressman, you punched in early and get paid extra today. thank you so much. >> thank you, appreciate it, brian. brian: ahead. is it possible to rehab a terrorist, trying this out on isis fighters and see how that goes. let's ask dr. james mitchell who interrogated some of the worst including the master minds behind nenge. he says good luck with that sarcasm.
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brian: glad you are up, please get dressed. here are the headlines. a pilot in trouble for having this bag. he is 51. he did not have a permit or any authorization to carry the gun. he was set to fly to las vegas. and, you got a death row inmate, right? this is supposed to be his big day. he gets his execution scrapped when executioners cannot find a vein in that guy. campbell was set to die last
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night by lethal injection in ohio. he has a long list of health problems. he was given a special pillow to help him breathe during the procedure. you want to stop him from breathing but give him a pillow to help him to breathe. is he rescheduled to die in 2019. i will give you update. go up the rail and table to two people. steve: country of syria are trying out kind of a terrorist rehab program to deradicalize isis terrorists. 100 students are enrolled in the program, composed of former isis fighters, sympathizers of isis and foreigners who fought for isis. ainsley: buy can you really deprogram a terrorist? what do you think? let's ask dr. james mitchell. he is the author of the book right there enhanced interrogation and helped develop the cias enhanced interrogation program. good morning, dr. mitchell. >> hi. thanks for having me. ainsley: hi. will this work? >> i wish him luck.
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something has to be done. there is tens of thousands of isis fighters returning home. but i don't think hugs and belly rubs and cookies and badgering and reminding them of their civil, you know, obligations, i just don't think those things are going to work on the worse of the worse. i spent years looking eyeball to eyeball with the worst we had at the time. it's going to work for some but not going to work for all and not going to work for the most dangerous. steve: we have seen the return of rate to the battlefield symptom of these guys who left gitmo where you were for a while trying to talk to some of these people. if you were giving the country of syria, the government, some advice on how to deal with these people, who, as you said, they are going home, and they want to have productive, quiet, normal lives, how would you do it? >> well, it would depend on how they managed to get involved with isis. if they rolled through some mountain village, some tribal village and said fight with us or die, and they fought with them, i don't think those folks are
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as big a threat. they will return home and their tribal leaders are going to return home. steve: just glad it's over. >> right. if you are one of those folks who actively sought out isis to fight. then i think you have to pursue an approach similar to what quillium is doing in the u.k. that is he has islamic scholars arguing that the current interpretations of the you quran and hadith. you have to attack the core idea. you can't leave that core idea that god is demanding that you take violent action now to impose sharia in place and expect those people to not just take advantage of the fact that you let them back into the community. you have to attack that idea. i was going to say at the core of the problem are two -- what i think of as
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two myths and the first one is that the quran and the -- quran, especially is the unairing word of allah passed down 1400 years memorization and word much mouth to what we currently have. not con stransd by the historical context that the men who wrote it and interpreted it lived in at the time. those two ideas get attacked by clerics who are more progressive and more moderate in their interpretation. ainsley: i agree with you. it's better than nothing. maybe it will work on a few of them. that guy could have had planned to come over to america. do we know who is actually in that classroom? do we have a list of their names to make sure they are on the no fly list? >> i have no idea. i don't. you would hope so, because our problem is we have to stop those people from getting into our country. and the only way to do that is to figure out who they are. the problem is not the individual fighter, right? the problem is the idea that has infected the mind of that fighter.
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steve: right. >> just like a rabid raccoon. can you kill the raccoon without killing the rainies. we have to attack those ideas. steve: sounds like you wish them the best because we have got to do something. >> we do. steve: thank you very much. ainsley: thank you, dr. mitchell. >> thank you very much for having me. steve: come up on our thursday telecast as the scandal surrounding roy moore continues could attorney jeff sessions be headed back to his old senate seat. that's a question a lot of people in d.c. are wondering. ainsley: the nfl vs. cowboy owner jerry jones. the feud is heating up big time. ♪ it's the final countdown ♪ [ click ] [ keyboard clacking ]
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[ clacking continues ] good questions lead to good answers. our advisors can help you find both. talk to one today and see why we're bullish on the future. yours. talk to one today and see why we're bullish on the future. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. number one trusted.
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♪ me and my gang. brian: thank you to everybody at montgomery college who came out last night. steve: blue bell, pennsylvania. >> the host of wphd and he was able to host a night. we talked but the book. we got a chance to meet people. steve: this is great. brian: this is what every kid is talking about. there is new pictures of brian kilmeade's fan club. this 9-year-old, he is cooper. he wants to talk to ainsley because he wants to be a children's author. ainsley: awrks. brian: he thinks ainsley's books are great. steve: is he a child author. brian: he wants to get started on it. you would be the perfect person. ainsley: give me a call. brian: you don't want a threat. might not call you cooper. [laughter] ainsley: cooper, i would be happy to talk to you. did you give him your phone number. brian: i gave him mine. this is where ainsley is going to be. ainsley: book on the left
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"through your eyes" if you live in kansas city please come by. don't let me sit at that table alone. banners and noble northwest prairie view road in zone thazonarosa town center. however away is that from where you grew up? steve: 200 miles. brian: tulsa, oklahoma i will be there tomorrow and lindenwood university at great station on 11:00 on saturday. brian: we will raise his kid. brian: kirsten needs a ride to practice. steve: a week from today is thanksgiving. a couple of researchers at ucla. every time you go somewhere with your smart phone, it's actually recording your location. ainsley: great. steve: there is a company called safe graph and they took 17 trillion location mappers and they physicianed out where people were between the hours of 1:00
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and 5:00 last thanksgiving. and what they did was they matched it with all right if this particular area went for hillary clinton, and then they went to donald trump bastion how long did they stay there? it turns out they did not stay -- if you were a republican and visiting with your family you left dinner 20 to 30 minutes earlier they presume because you were having an argument. ainsley: if you were a democrat you were less likely to go to a republican's house for thanksgiving. nope, not going to do it. i'm banning thanksgiving this year. i'm staying in my own house. if you look at republicans they were more likely to go to the democrats' house they didn't stay that long. i guess the conversation got heated and i'm out of here. brian: no question about it study was confusing how they did it to me. i'm convinced by talking to people that thanksgiving is being cut short in households across the country because of politics. or that,. steve: you should never talk about politics or religion at a family gathering. ainsley: in my family we all think a lot a like.
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we are all very similar. steve: here's the thing they took data from where you live to where you went. if you looked at last thanksgiving, donald trump, who was president-elect lives in manhattan, which went for hillary clinton. he was in palm beach which i think that particular area voted for hillary clinton as well. but i got a feeling he did not qualify as a democrat back in new york. do you know what i mean? you know, it's all based on your data not your political affiliation. brian: will you talk politics this year? one year after the election, will you be talking politics more or less? write us. steve: we never talk about politics. brian: i was asking them. steve: i think the reason people are leaving early the microwave oven. it has made things so much faster. dinner goes faster. you know what? we're done. got to go to the mall. brian: some turkeys are in the microwave. see the thermometer pop out. ainsley: stay as long as you can one day, best meal.
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jillian, how many times do you go back for seconds and thirds? steve: the by. jillian: i'm a vegetarian i eat like a plate full of mashed potatoes and vegetables. brian: why are turnips so seasonal? ainsley: we're not a turnip family. italians have lasagna for thanksgiving and they call jillian: they are telling us we have to go. they don't like the turn nip conversation. fox news alert. new video of the suspected video killner florida moments before a fourth victim was shot and killed. tampa police now offering a $91,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. the murders happening within blocks of each other in the same neighborhood. >> i want the people to look at the video and look at how that person walks. it's clear to me that this
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person is able to flip a switch and go out there and murder someone. jillian: neighbors and businesses now installing extra cameras hoping to catch the killer. a controversial memo appearing to allow mentally ill people who enlist in the armed forces has been rescind you had. the rule would have let potential recruits with a his i have of self-harm mental disorders and substance abuse get waivers to show up. the army chief of staff says the doctor who made the change wasn't authorized to do. so the nfl throwing a flag at cowboys owner jerry jones. in the letter the league accuses him of conduct that's detrimental to their best interest. this after jones threatened to sue the nfl over commissioner roger goodell's contract extension. of the league writing quote we urge mr. jones to support the committee's deliberations not attempt to sabotage them. jones has said he has issues with compensation in the deal and concerns about how the league handles national anthem protests. this is maybe the best video off the day.
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this is what happens when dad is left in charge with the baby for the first time. look you got to vacuum and watch the kids. the 3 month old taking a spin on the family's robotic vacuum. dad says he was hoping to clean the house to impress his wife when she got home. they got sidetracked by the roomba ride. what do you think of that? steve: whatever dust is not picked up by the roomba it is actually picked up by the kid's legs, is he a giant dust mop. brian: that might be the best individual overthe year. i didn't think it could be done. the roomba is selling a lot right now. ainsley: that is cute. brian: a lot of infants are begging for the same ride. brian: don't you love a baby. brian: i'm pro-baby. i have always been pro-baby. steve: i'm pro-roomba. brian: with the power invested in me can i go ahead? ainsley: yes.
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brian: no rain could halt thanksgiving travel plans. steve: a week from today come friday parts of the middle east are about to be hit by a storm could cause flight delays and clog highways. janice: yikes. do people turn up for your turnip? brian: yes. janice: i have been waiting minutes to do that joke. i will be here all week. 5 in york. 29 in minneapolis. messy commute in the northeast. this should be out of here by this afternoon, this evening. a weak storm. next week we will be watching for thanksgiving travel. there is your forecast. the worst of it will be out this afternoon. the temperatures are going to drop as the cold front moves through the area. we are not talking about bitter cold but it's still going to feel a little bit chillier than it was today. there is your future radar across the west. this storm system is actually going to impact the central u.s. and eventually friday into saturday the northeast. and then we are going to watch for a wednesday,
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thursday thanksgiving storm. right now though, it looks like it's offshore. we're hoping it remains offshore. but, stay tuned. of course, we will keep you up to date. so turn up for that. steve: that's a good one. lettuce now move on to -- with the food thing. we told you earlier those three ucla basketball players arrested in china for stealing the louie vitton sunglasses apologized to president trump yesterday, among others. essentially apologized to everybody alive. now the president has been tweeting this morning. ainsley: he says to the three ucla basketball players i say you're welcome. go out and give a big thank you to president xi jinping president of china who made your release possible. and have a great life. be careful. there are many pit falls on the long and winding road of life. brian: that was most sincere apology i have ever seen in
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my life yesterday. okay, 19-year-olds made a big mistake. i let everyone down. i got to say okay. let's build from here. steve: now they got some punishment because, you know, everybody in the world knows their story and i believe they were suspended. ainsley: they were indefinitely. brian: you know, i say let them play in january. am i right, ted? >> sure. ainsley: the majority of democrats think impeachment talk is ridiculous but maxine waters apparently didn't get that memo. >> impeach 45. >> impeach 45. >> impeach 45. i didn't hear you. impeach 45. ainsley: is that really helping anything? why will debate that coming up. steve: glamour has a channel? could attorney general jeff sessions be headed back to his old senate seat? it's a possibility. judge napolitano says it's not a far off one. he's next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ainsley: g.o.p. senate leaders scrambling for a solution against new allegations against senate candidate roy moore. mitch mcconnell reportedly pushing to oust him from the ballot suggesting a potential replacement. >> the name being most often discussed may not be available but the alabamaian who would fit that standard would be the attorney general who is totally well known and extremely popular in alabama. brian: wow, but can that really happen? would it happen? what would it mean for president trump's cabinet? here to break it all down fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano is that plausible. >> i'm chuckling because the real musical chairs because you and i are trying to be twins this morning again. brian: we got the same slot.
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ainsley: either blue or black. 5050 you will be twins. steve: he is talking about having jeff sessions. >> right the attorney general held that seat for 20 years and reelected to it overwhelmingly is very popular in alabama. could he be a write-in candidate. he would have to agree to it. he says he doesn't want to do it. he likes being attorney general. he doesn't want to run. i don't see any way out of this. if judge moore is elected, the senate must seat him because the supreme court has said you can't add a qualification to a member of congress that you be a good person or that you have never misbehaved. the only qualifications are age 30 or more from the state from which you were elected and lawfully elected. if he is seated, they can't expel him because they can only expel people from congress for what they have done while in congress. and even if he did all this horrible stuff, which is becoming an avalanche this
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morning. brian: two more yesterday. judge: even if he did all that, it all happened long before he was in the senate. if he is elected in my view he this be stuck with him. ainsley: is this mcconnell's way of saying i don't want him to be a.g. anymore i want him to go back to alabama and we place him? >> i'm sorry to tell you there are many who prefer jeff sessions not be a.g. i like him. i know him. i say this with hesitation. brian: he hasn't done done a good job. >> gives too much hesitation of not wanting to prosecute. not doing things an attorney general is supposed to do. placed the management of a justice department in the hands of others who are not exactly close to the president. steve: judge, what did you make of the press conference yesterday that roy moorehead out of the united states where they questioned the handwriting in yearbook and also said the accuser hadn't had any contact with the judge. that was not true because the judge apparently presided over a divorce.
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>> i suppose for a 24 or 48 hour news cycle it might help them a little bit. they were also confronted with a poll yesterday which showed judge moore 12 points behind doug jones. that is almost unheard of in alabama. you can understand it in light of the bad news. legally, i don't think the press conferences. politically i think they did it to push back. brian: governor riley, a guy who was popular there for a while. what about somebody who is just so well known and popular in alabama, could he just hop on a stump and make a poster and hand out a bumper sticker and say elect me? >> yes. if the voters write in -- are you ready for this? the correct first and the correct last name, then those votes will count. somebody who lives in alabama. if they were to do it with jeff sessions. his name is not jeff, it's jefferson. you are going to need 55,000 people to write in jefferson
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sessions and spell it correctly. steve: stay tuned. >> i don't think the write-in is going to succeed. i think a democrat will win or we will see this mini constitutional crisis when moore shows up and asks -- steve: judge, real quickly. do you think out president of the united states donald trump tells him whether or not to say or go. >> yes. but i don't think he will listen to him. steve: good enough. brian: they didn't endorse him. >> i'm going to d.c. today but not to get involved in this. brian: you are going out to do fox report. >> i'm going to do "special report." brian: going to wear same outfit. >> if bret baier wears the same suit i'm stuck. brian: you have to change. that's the rule. ainsley: students in one state could be able to decide their own race and gender without their parent's permission. does that sound like a good idea? patented dual-coated technology for great taste plus intense craving relief. every great why
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i am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy. it's been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. that's why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and i'm asking you to join me. take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. this is our shot to take. learn more at:
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ainsley: there is a new proposed in delaware to allow students to identify their gender or their race without a parent's consent or even knowledge. our next guest says this is just another example of the government having too much overreach. joining us now is the founder and president of the nonprofit delaware family policy counsel nicole tice. thank you so much, nicole, for being with us. what's your opinion? when you heard the story, what were your thoughts? >> well, of course, understandably so outrage. the language of the regulation in delaware actually says that students can self-identify their gender or their race at any age at any time and without parents' knowledge or consent if the school perceives the parents to be unsupportive or a non-ally. ainsley: wow. are these elementary school kids? college kids?
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who applies here? >> students of all ages. we are talking kindergarten all the way up. ainsley: that is unbelievable. i mean, if i were in this situation i would want to know if my daughter is going through something at school or if she is trying to decide something, i would want to know that as her parent. for the schools to take that right away, i just think it's absurd. what are folks saying there in delaware? most people on board with this? >> you know, we are seeing more outrage about this issue than any issue we have ever seen before. as a mother, just looking at the language of the regulation, it's clear to me that it creates environment where children are encouraged to keep secrets from their parents. ainsley: right. >> so, of course, we don't think that's beneficial to students at all. but when we are looking at students being able to self-identify at any age and for conversations to be able to happen without me as a parent knowing about it because someone in the school system deems me to be unsupportive, whatever that means. yeah, it's a real problem.
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and we're seeing thousands of people responding to the issue and sending their comments in to the department of education, which we're encouraging everyone to do. and we have made super easy at our website delaware but, absolutely, ainsley. we are encouraging parents to push back on this. more than ever. ainsley: right. the school system is trying to play the parents' role. they don't have the right to do that. i understand the kids, they can self-identify their race as well? so if -- >> absolutely. ainsley: and they can identify their own gender, flight even at 5, 6 years old? >> correct. correct. so, we can't help but ask where are they getting the idea to begin with? and so parents absolutely should be the primary educators, the primary person in a child's life that's leading them through this kind of understanding of gender and race and culture. definitely not the
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government's role. ainsley: nicole thanks for joining us. >> thank you. ainsley: we have dr. i dr. sebastian gorka coming up next along with kellyanne conway. stick around. (matthew) my wish was a clubhouse, but we call it "the wish house". (mom) and it just immediately brought something positive in our life. "oh, i gotta get up get matthew on his treatment." (matthew) it's not that bad, though. (mom) yeah. (matthew) the good thing about the surgeries is i get to have a popsicle at the end. (mom) he makes the best of everything and he teaches us to be strong and brave, too. (vo) through the subaru share the love event, we've helped grant the wishes of fifteen hundred kids so far. get a new subaru and we'll donate two hundred fifty dollars more to help those in need. ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪
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♪ >> my fellow citizens, america is back and the future has never looked brighter. >> that message is really reverbiating loud and clear. ainsley: president trump heading to capitol hill to huddle with the g.o.p. house leaders ahead of a crucial vote today. >> i think we're going to see a real strong vote because our members are focused on passing this bill. >> we are introducing articles of impeachment to remove president trump from office. >> those counts are ridiculously overbroad. they could have been used to impeach half the presidents of the united states. >> this uranium one story is such an abuse of power. >> lady justice has a blind fold. hillary clinton shouldn't be above the law. we need to get to the bottom of it we intend to do that. >> country of syria is trying terrorist rehab
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program to deraddize isis terrorists. >> i don't think hugs and belly rubs and badgers are going to work on the worse of the worse. brian: thanksgiving being cut short in households because of politics. one year after the election will he be talking politics more or less? ♪ ♪ ♪ let's go ♪ steve: it's kind of a foggy start to the day here in the big town of new york city on this, the 16th day of november, a week from thanksgiving, folks. ainsley: a week from thanksgiving! so exciting. momma, i'm coming home. brian: right. by the way, you could always call her.
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you don't need to talk to her only on television. ainsley: she records our shows and watches it every day. only a mom does that. steve: she just said my name. brian: that's fantastic. steve: thanks for joining us. it looks as if today could be tax day in the house. brian: we will be talking to the speaker shortly. first things first, what's on tap? steve: president trump heading to the hill to huddle with republican house leaders today ahead of the critical vote that is presumed to happen later on. brian: interesting. of the goal passing the sweeping tax bill despite peter king being quite angry about it and many in the bigger states that are republican. ainsley: griff jenkins is live in washington with all the details. griff, can they actually pull this off? >> the house can. what was going to be a rally to get that house across the line with house leaders has turned into what our esteemed capitol hill producer chad pergram says is going to be a festival of appreciation and gratitude when the president goes up to meet with the house republican conference because majority whip steve scalise says they are confident they have got the votes. that didn't stop the democrats who uniformly opposed it from holding a
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kill the bill rally. >> kill the bill. kill the bill. kill the bill. kill the bill. >> they better kill this bill or we're going to kill them in the next election. >> now, over in the senate, the senate finance committee continues to mark up their version of the bill that's expected to pass out and reach the floor for a vote after thanksgiving. but, already, one republican, senator ron johnson says he is not on board. >> i wouldn't vote for this senate version. bottom line, there is a real problem here in terms of the equitable treatment of, you know, pass through entities. >> that's trouble for g.o.p. leadership considering, of course guys they can only lose two votes and failure according to senator lindsey graham he says would destroy the republican party. >> whatever is wrong with this bill, we have got to make it better. if we fail, we are dead. if you want to destroy the republican party, fail on
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tax cuts. >> making things more difficult, three other senators susan collins, jeff flake and bob corker still on the fence. so, to answer your question, come full circle here, ainsley. it looks like the house is going to pass it today. there are going to be problems in the senate after thanksgiving. steve: time to negotiate. all right, griff, thank you very much. and what senator johnson who got a call by the way from the president last night, what he wants is corporations are going to get their tax rates lowered considerably but some small businesses will be paying at the higher rate because currently people who run small businesses, like doctors, et cetera, they pay essentially at the individual income tax rate which in some cases can be close to 40%. ainsley: not fair for the small guy. steve: make it fair for everybody. ainsley: exactly. brian: only thing i would say i'm sure have the votes and whip with better than steve scalise than anybody else. darrell issa and peter king bigger states when it comes to tax deductions, which are
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not -- can no longer deduct taxes in bigger states. these higher taxes. so i don't know if they are going to budge. okay. we are going to do this without you? steve: probably. why should the people of montana subsidize the fact here in new york we have really high taxes? ainsley: the president ran on lowers taxes for everybody. steve: exactly. we are going to talk taxes on kellyanne conway and speaker of the house paul ryan. he is going to be live at 8:30. meanwhile, hillary clinton has been talking. ainsley: she is saying that this alleged special counsel that many republicans are calling for, she spoke yesterday to mother jones. she said she just thinks this is an abuse of power. that if the president wants to investigate, this he is abusing his power. listen to this. >> this is such an abuse of power. and it goes right at the rule of law. if they send a signal that we're going to be like some dictatorship, some authoritarian regime where political opponents are
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going to be unfairly, fraudulently investigated, that are rips at the fabric of the contract we have that we can trust our justice system. steve: so to look into uranium one deal and everything else would be an abuse of power? what about the irs targeting last time around? is that an abuse of power? ainsley: what if she is innocent? steve: unmasking of innocent americans involved in the trump campaign by the last administration? things like that? ainsley: investigation is to find out if there is innocence or guilt. if she is innocent, why is she worried about it? they won't find anything. so says the lady who says this is about the rule of law. she had the secret server. she lied about having only one cell phone. she had multiple. then she also shared classified information. brian: right. question is, when this informant comes forward, if he does come forward, if there is an audiotape as was indicated last night by peter schweizer to laura ingraham. if there is an audiotape or videotape of some handoff,
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that would blow the lid off all of this. steve: i heard there is a videotape and shows a monetary trngz. transaction. brian: we have another source who says that informant is going to capitol hill this week. ainsley: will we see the tape? steve: i don't know. congressman mark meadows says hillary clinton can say it's an abuse of power but she is not above the law. >> really? we ought to take hillary clinton's own word. she said it's all about the rule of law and, indeed, it is. so a special prosecutor would make sure they don't have a conflict of interest, have independent counsel. and make sure we get some answers because some of the evidence would suggest thought fbi was actually involved in this dossier. and so i think the american people deserve answers. lady justice has a blindfold. hillary clinton shouldn't be above the law. we need to get to the above of it. steve: well, while congress talks about it and while the department of justice weighs whether or not to have a special counselor, the
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president of the united states apparently was so unhappy, frustrated with the press coverage of his five nation asian trip, he decided yesterday afternoon he was going to go in to one of the receiving rooms and talk about what a good deal he did. brian: he went to japan and vietnam and china and philippines. accomplished something along the way. also working with those who have problems with china like vietnam and japan and south korea and trying to heal some of the rift between them. china wants to dominate the world. we have a little bit of an issue with that. here is the president on the relationship he is building and plowing the ground for future new trade deals. >> my fellow citizens america is back and the future has never looked brighter our trip was defined by three core goals. first, to unite the world against the nuclear menace posed by the north korean regime. a threat that has increased
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steadily through many administrations and now requires urgent action. second to strengthen america's alineses and economic partnerships in a free and open endo pacific made up of thriving independent nations respectful of other countries and citizens and safe from foreign documentation and economic servitude. and third, to finally, after many years, insist on fair and reciprocal trade. brian: up to his trade agents to go out there and start cutting these deals. i think this is even more important than building up our defense because the president ran on trade. in terms of tangibles. suddenly north korea has an envoy coming from china first time in two years. the day after trump left. japan multi-million-dollar trade deals. $250 billion with china and with vietnam we established
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relations there in the philippines. we had to have conversations because of that lunatic leader last two years. strategically we need him. steve: all that stuff is great. and, yet, look at the internet. what did they focus on? they focused on when the president after a long trip got a little thirsty, had the pause right there. he opened up a bottle of fiji water. pop it goes. he gustles gulfs a little guzze bit. steve: who does that remind us of? reminds us of the night marco rubio gave the response to president obama after the state of the union. there is he drinking out of the little spring bottle the president 'drank out a fiji water. ainsley: i know. he was mocking him on the campaign trail. marco rubio got a chance to mock him. he said similar but needs to work on his form. has to be done in one single
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motion and i should never leave the camera. but not bad for his first time. brian: rubio had an advantage the cap was off and it was round. fiji water takes getting used to. it tastes different. just like evian tastes different, too. steve: listen, all the bottled waters, brian are different than what you are getting out of the massapequa municipal support system. brian: so true. i used to be pro-tap water. we used to drink out of the water fountain and hose, we had metal shanks in our teeth. we didn't mind. steve: that explains a lot. [laughter] steve: what do you think about the president and internet focusing on that water bottle exchange? let us know. in the meantime news time. jillian: the internet can have fun with something innocent i love it manhunt underway for a gunman who left a baltimore police officer fighting for his
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life. of the homicide detective tried to start a conversation with a suspicious person when that man pulled out a gun and shot him in the head. >> my best guest is there is more than one other person who is aware that this is callus, coward with a gun in his hand. shot a cop in the head tonight. ainsley: that officer is currently on life support. his name has not been released. we do know he is an 18 year veteran of the force with the wife and children. three basketball players arrested in china thanking president trump for helping to bring them home. >> so president trump, and the united states government, thank you for taking the time to intervene on our behalf. we really appreciate you helping us out. ainsley: and just moments ago the president tweeting quote to the three ucla basketball players i say you're welcome. go out and give a big welcome to president xi jinping of china who made your release possible.
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have a great life. and be careful. there are many pit falls on the long and winding road of life. a long lost portrait by leonardo da vinci matched the record for most expensive ever. $450 million at auction in new york is a portrait of jesus and is one of some 16 da vinci paintings that have survived sips the 1500s. it was lost for hundreds of years before being rediscovered in 2005. no word though who shelled out all those big bucks for it. so cool though. brian: one of the students looked at it and go no, it was him. ainsley: only painting that is out there in public hands. steve: non-museum hands there are people who think it's a fake. brian: i have a real one in my office. that's why i lock the door. steve: you did until just now. ainsley: it did sell for 100 million. it sold for 450. steve: meanwhile, straight
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ahead. ainsley: special counsel investigating hillary's ties to russia. informant who knows everything about it says absolutely. you will not want to hear that live next. brian: yes, you will. hing or make hunting great again caps for under $10 each. (mike golic) get this 4-piece meat processing bundle for under $200. my dbut now, i take used tometamucil every it traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. the ford year-end sales evente. is here. i can guide you in? no, thanks , santa, i got this. looks a little tight. perfect fit. santa needs an f-150. that's ford, america's best selling brand. hurry in today for 0% financing for 72 months across the full line of ford cars, trucks and suvs! and just announced... get 0 % apr for 72 months
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steve: the attorney general grilled on capitol hill with calls from congressman to appoint a special counsel for the uranium one deal the key to unraveling its mystery might be with an unnamed fbi informant. >> ? everything i have been proffered, he has evidence of illegal conduct 2009 and 2010 before this deal was agreed to involving uranium one. it was all connected. steve: all connected. will this informant get us to the bottom of the uranium one deal? joining us now is the attorney for the fbi informant, victoria tensing. good morning to you, victor yanchts good morning, steve. steve: this guy has evidence that the russians were paying bribes? >> let me lay out the basic facts of the uranium one for you. in october 2010, the u.s. government authorized russia to purchase uranium one, which controls 20% of the u.s. uranium. a bizarre decision in the first place. but then there is my client who was working undercover
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with the fbi, in the uranium -- russian uranium industry for over a year before the 2010 decision. and he was reporting to the fbi about all the corruption in the russian uranium industry. bribes, kick backs, money being laundered all over the world. here is my question. he is telling this to the fbi. and at the time the fbi is telling him oh, yeah, we are briefing bob mueller and we are briefing the president on this. why did this deal get allowed to go through? steve: victoria, you're saying your client, the informant, was told by the fbi, his handlers that the information that russia was bribing to try to get this uranium one deal through, the director of the fbi knew and the president of the united states knew and they still let the deal go through? >> they still let the deal go through. the question is. steve: wow. >> bob mueller knew about
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this did he brief holder. holder was on the board, what did the cfius board know and when did they know it? here is the clinton connection with it. she was also on that board. steve: right. >> and only four months before this decision was made, bill clinton got a half a million dollars for a speech in russia and guess who paid for that speech? renaissance capital, an entity made of foreign russian officers who were touting to stock uranium one. steve: victoria, does your client have evidence? i have heard there is video of a guy getting a briefcase full of money from the russians. >> yes. he has all kinds of evidence. steve: does that video exist? >> i will let you know next week. steve: that's a cliff hanger. >> that is. but, you know, we have to have a special counsel to look into this. jeff sessions is conflicted. he has already said that at his confirmation hearing because he was talking about
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he never said lock her up. he did talk about the email scandal. he did talk about things. steve: all right, victoria. >> my objectivity would be put in question. steve: i understand. all right. victoria toensing, thank you very much for laying it out. right back. what is this? when we love someone, we want to do right by them. but some things we can't control like snoring. (snoring) introducing theravent anti-snore strips. clinically shown to reduce snoring. theravent. the answer is right under your nose.
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ainsley: time for news by the numbers. 100 how many lawmakers have signed a letter urging the army not to award bowe bergdahl $300,000 in back pay. he could be entitled to that money for the time spent in taliban captivity a after he dessertd his post in 2009. next, zero dollars, that's how much it's going to cost to you eat at chick-fil-a for an entire year if you solve a crime. a chick-fil-a in georgia is
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offering the reward to whatever crook stole their catering van that you see there finally $199. that's how much these high heel tech runway shoes are going to cost you. the heels retract into the shoes turning them into flats. you can wear heels or flats. especially for new yorkers who walk a lot. look at that. that's amazing. how much are they? $199? kind of expensive. brian, over to you. brian: i have nothing to say on that. i have a lot to say on this. majority of democrats think impeachment talk is ridiculous. that's not stopping some members of the party from pushing it. yesterday. >> articles of impeachment to remove president trump from office. >> there are many reasons why i think the president is an awful president. an awful person. >> this president has committed misdeeds that merit impeachment. >> the president, donald trump, is a threat to our national security. brian: what kind of damage
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is he doing? is this pure politics? here to debate it founder and ceo of new blue interactive and congressional committee terry rosen controlled substance is with us and democratic strategist is here you think it's a good move. >> i do. it's our patriotic duty really to uphold the constitution which asks us that our leaders be held accountable for high crimes. brian: what did he do? what did he do wrong. >> there is quite a few things. the most important would be obviously the obstruction of justice. this is obviously continuing to be investigated and i think we need to kind of fully take this to the next level. brian: it will be a great idea typically peach somebody because is he being ininvestigated because someone perceives there is an obstruction of justice? isn't that something that is almost insulting to our congressional and way of doing things, david? >> well, i'm going to respectfully disagree with tarren. it's a mistake for three reasons. one, legally we have not cleared that hurdle yet. special counsel mueller has
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not put forward evidence of direct collusion between the president and russia. it's like someone jumping up at the beginning of a movie and blurting out the ending. secondly politically the republicans learned in 1998 it's a mistake to focus only on opposition. in that case impeaching bill clinton. the american people want to know what you are for not just what you are against. and finally, brian, strategically, it's a reaction to president trump. he is good at getting his opponents to overreact it divides them and dilutes the credibility of what the special counsel will put forward in terms of evidence. brian: the worst strategist is put into play there. you are no not saying you are a president trump plan but what's going to be best for the party. nancy pelosi and tom perez agree with you. listen. >> i am not talking about impeachment because i'm talking about good jobs for folks. i'm talking about healthcare for all. >> somebody has some facts that come forth about president trump, let the chips fall where they may. it's not some place i think we should go. >> not a priority for you.
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>> election is about meeting the needs of the american people. brian: so, those are two democrats. i'm talking to two democrats. taryn, do you want to rethink your position? >> no. i think what we need to be doing is exactly what both of our leaders are saying which is talking about the issues and helping the middle class. rides healthcare, tax reform, all of the issues that president trump has stumbled on. his agenda is dizzying to most of us. we can't forget and can't stop talking about the collusion russia, obstruction of justice, the clause he seems to have violated by taking money from foreign governments and all the things that are happening. i support a full investigation. brian: what are you talking about? what money has he taken from foreign governments? what collusion has been shown? we have the most extensive investigation, tarren, but i'm saying. >> we can continue to argue the evidence but the truth is that we need to continue to hold hearings as a patriotic tore uphold our constitution. brian: here is the danger. [talking at the same time] brian: no one is going to listen when there is a
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legitimate reason for impeachment. because they are saying they have been bringing it up from the day he was elected -- >> -- well, i think that would be -- based on the g.o.p. in the 1990s. you hold and i think we all hold the g.o.p. in high regard and that was something they did repeatedly over and over again for years. brian: david, am i wrong in saying that there is a lot of republicans high fiving because of what that press conference was yesterday? >> it's an overreaction strategically. it's a challenge. it's the wrong thing in the wrong time in the wrong context. can you do the right thing at the wrong time and it's wrong. it's wrong for a bunch of reasons, politically, strategically even legally right now. brian: you will get people rallying behind who wouldn't normally except for of course bob corker. thanks so much. 20 minutes after the hour. tarren, as well as david, great job. meanwhile, straight ahead. 8 people mowed down on new york city bike path is that terror? of course it is. could it have been prevented? of course it could have been. chilling new report is just out. it's going to drive you crazy. here's a surprise. the firm behind that fake
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trump dossier didn't even verify the information before they passed it on to reporters. dr. sebastian gorka is here. he is not a medical doctor but he will be with us. he reacts next ♪ private eyes ♪ they're watching you ♪ they see your every move ♪ private eyes ♪ his time. that's why i'm using nicorette. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste plus intense craving relief. every great why needs a great how. eras. they're defined by accomplishments. by victories. by those with the resourcefulness,
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right now, congress is talking about tax cuts that will add trillions to our national debt and hurt our economy. it's time to tell congress... don't borrow more money from china. and leave more debt to our kids. keep your word. tax cuts shouldn't add to the national debt. >> this uranium one story has been debunked countless times. this is such an abuse of power. and it goes right at the rule of law. >> all right. that is hillary clinton yesterday speaking to mother jones. let's bring in dr. sebastian gorka, fox news contributor, former deputy assistant to the president of the united states. also author of the book jihad seen right there. dr. gorka, hillary clinton said yesterday that if the department of justice comes after me, that is an abuse of power if they were going
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to appoint a special counsel. what say you about that? >> it's only an abuse of power if she thinks that having the last name clinton means that she is above the law. she isn't. we have a clear case here of pay-for-pay. not only do we know the fbi was investigating the russian corruption in america, bribing people involved with the deal for uranium, we know that she was the chairman of the committee that had to approve that sale. and at the same time, that she had to approve the sale of 20% of our uranium to russia, steve, to russia, her foundation received $145 million and her husband received half a million dollars for one speech that he gave from the same people that were buying the uranium. steve: dr. gorka, we just had on the confidential informant for the fbi's attorney. and she said that he was telling his fbi handlers who
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he was bribing and stuff like that, the fbi told him that the director of the fbi knew about it and so did the president of the united states before this deal went through. not only that steve, the then attorney general, obama's attorney general loretta lynch threatened -- we have the email. threatened the fbi informant that if you don't shut up, if you don't keep quiet about everything you know, we will put you in prison. she threatened him. that's how out-of-control the last administration and the clinton crime cartel was. and now we need to have it investigated to the salute ends of this trail. ainsley: dr. gorka, one of the co-founders of fusion gps, his name is glen simpson, he had a seven hour closed door session before the house intel committee. and he told them he never verified what was in that dirty dossier before he pedalepeddled it to reporters.
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your thoughts? >> yeah. this is the story that just keeps on giving massive security scandal biggest one since the end of the cold war. 20% of our uranium sold to the russians with clinton's ache why essence and now we have this dodgy dossier. we know this dossier was built upon russian prop ban propaganda, fake sources. used to smear the trump campaign. here is the thing, ainsley, that dossier was also paid for by the fbi. the clinton campaign, the dnc paid $12 million for it and then robert mueller briefs it to president trump leaks that briefing to his buddies. brian: you mean james comey? >> sorry, james comey briefed that to the president, leaks the briefing so what happens? we get a special counsel, his buddy, robert mueller to investigate the president for collusion. this is like something out
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of a tom cleans novel but it isn't. it's real life and it's corruption. brian: we got to see this dossier and where it's going. there is a book coming out. chris steel says it will show that 70% to 90% of what's in the dossier is true. he said he was shocked by what is in it. mike conway said yesterday in the glenn simpson closed door testimony that there were things that simpson refused to answer because it was based on confidentiality agreement with his client. and because it was a voluntary basis. we could not push the issue. that's where it stands right now to get to the bottom of the dossier, we're still waiting, i guess, for robert mueller. because he's got the power to get the answers. >> and, look, there is a really big question, additionally, brian. how many other propaganda materials were salted across the left wing media by fusion gps. this isn't the only case we know they have relationships with lots of journalists. how much fake news out there attacking the president came from fusion gps is another
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question. steve: and apparently mr. simpson also revealed to the congressional investigators that he was unhappy with the fact that the fbi was -- did what they did with hillary's email server and that's why he was pushing back. meanwhile, yesterday, the president of the united states took to the airwaves to talk about the big five nation asian swing. what's your headline from his trip? >> the headline is absolute success. the trip, the asia team at the national security counsel is one of the best teams we have at the white house. they had one very simple mission. to reassure our friends to reasushi people like japan and reassure our allies and partners: fact. more apology tours. no more saying we're the problem. america's the problem. donald j. trump is the new sheriff and we will reinvigorate our relationships and we're not going to take the kind of behavior we have seen with china now under this
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administration. brian: dr. gorka, put you in an awkward spot but i know you will give me an honest opinion. do you think the administration would be better if attorney general sessions became senator sessions again? they are able to plug somebody else into the attorney general position? >> that's a great question, brian. look, jeff sessions is an honorable man. he seems to be struggling with getting a grip on this incredibly politicized department, the obamas turned into this weapon, the political weapon, doj became a partisan weapon. but, with regard to alabama, you know what? i want to get to the bottom of this story. i want to find out if judge moore did what he did because in this country we have a presumption of innocence. if these accusations are true, these women deserve justice. but in this country we have to see the evidence and this individual must actually be given the presumption of innocence. so right now, i don't want to -- i don't want to make decisions or encourage people to make decisions
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that remove that presumption of innocence. especially. brian: there are some credible stories pulling high school kids out of trigonometry class. i'm starting to see an avalanche. >> look, brian, after the last 10 months. after the smears i have gone through, they attacked my teenage son in the left wing media. they attacked my dead mother's reputation. after what they have done to the president to his 10-year-old son, we are living in this crazy world of smear factories. let's get to the bottom of it. brian: we only got until december 12th. >> right. we do. ainsley: thanks, dr. gorka. steve: thank you. always a pleasure. ainsley: jillian, headlines for us. good thursday morning to you guys and to you as the home as well. let's begin with this headline. the new york blood path that left 8 new york city people dead could have been prevented according to the "new york post" which states state and local authorities had plenty of warnings that the bike path was prone to a terror attack. park officers issued 50
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tickets this year before last month's rampage for people driving on that path. after the attack, barriers were installed at 57 intersections along the path. another reason to build president trump's border wall, drugs are pouring in to the u.s. >> and we have to start by building a wall, a big, beautiful, powerful wall. jillian: according to a new report by the drug enforcement administration mexican cartels are smuggling more drugs into the u.s. more than any other criminal group. among the drugs smuggled into the united states meth, cocaine, marijuana and heroin. outrage after an elementary school shuts down a voluntary bible study. several teachers and students at elementary in michigan told they could no longer meet during lunchtime. the civil rights lawyer contacted the school after some parents complaint. the school district says the teacher in charge quote thought the bible discussion was appropriate because it was during lunch and voluntary. that's a look at your headlines. i will send it back to you
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guys. steve: thank you very much. i'm looking out the window behind me and janice dean is out in the rain in front of a coca cola truck. january january not thatruck. >> janice: where are you from? >> i'm jan sulsbury from texas. >> i'm jim bob from texas. janice: what do you think of new york city. >> i love it. it rains. janice: who is your favorite host on "fox & friends"? >> that's a loaded question. i love all of them. janice: that's a good answer. yourself, too? >> absolutely. i love all of them. janice: let's do the weather real quick. the weather maps, i mean it's 51 here in new york. we have warm air pushing up from the south ahead of this cold front. the cold air is coming from the midwest, and you can see that storm system so the rain is pretty much done here in new york city. but across new england, we could see a little bit of snow flurry activity, then the big storm across the west. that's the one that's going to cause some travel delays
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unfortunately tomorrow and in to saturday. so, we will be watching that when are you guys leaving? >> this afternoon. janice: good. i will be sure to keep you up to date. do you want to say hi, to steve, ainsley, and brian. >> hi steve, ainsley, and brian. steve: nicely done. >> hi, steve, ainsley, and brian. we love you. steve: thank you. janice: they are awesome, aren't they? yeah, they are. >> ainsley is my favorite. janice: ainsley is my favorite. steve: janice dean, how did janice turn the weather into game of thrones? just saying. ainsley: i'm taking off my high heels and this break i am coming outside to say hello. so, steve, it's all you. steve: all right. there you go. 17 minutes before the top of the hour on this very busy thursday. new video of the suspected serial killer just released. what police know now and how they are closing in on him, they hope, live from tampa next. plus, kellyanne conway and speaker of the house paul
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ryan here to talk taxes. could it happen later today in the house and then what happens in the senate we will ask them both ♪ oh when it comes to heartburn trust the brand doctors trust for themselves. nexium 24hr is the number one choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. and all day all night protection. when it comes to frequent heartburn, trust nexium 24hr.
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steve: we've got a fox news alert and video of a possible serial killer terrorizing one community down in florida. brian: around the tampa area. four people killed for no apparent reason and now the hunt for their murderer intensifying. ainsley: wttv reporter is here with us. he joins us live with the latest. what do you have? >> this is the memorial the latest victim ronald if he woulden outside the church where he used to volunteer. you guys said it best. these are innocent people. the latest person that was shot and killed was actually volunteering at this church.
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he was leaving the church when he was shot and killed by a man investigators are still trying to figure out who this person is. we do have some new surveillance video. the shooting, the latest one happened on tuesday. and that is when this surveillance video was taken and the police chief here at tampa basically saying take a look at the way he walks. i have unique in the way he walks. the way he flips his phone as well. not a lot of information to go on at this point. they know that they possibly have a serial killer here in the city of tampa. they know he is a black man. light skin. possibly 6'2", thin build. wearing a hoodie. again, tampa police asking folks in the seminole heights area where this is all happening surveillance video at home or business. take a look at it. see if there is anything suspicious, anything out of place and give them a call. the police chief gave out a news conference yesterday. to talk about the details of the case. listen. in. >> i want the people to look at the video and look at how
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that person walks it's clear to me that this person is able to flip a switch and go out there and murder someone. >> and no doubt that's scary for folks here in the seminole heights area which, again, is just outside of the city. within the city of tampa but not too far away. four people killed an killed ins than two months. the latest victim happenings right here in nebraska and caracas. the other victims october 9th. october 11th, and october 19th. and what's scary here, folks, is that a lot of these victims that were waiting at a bus stop. for example, one of the victims anthony, a man with autism, had just gotten off on the wrong bus stop. basically the wrong place, wrong time, and was shot and killed, an easy target. the first victim, benjamin mitchell was waiting at the bus stop and he, too, was shot and killed. again, the latest victim right here volunteering at this church on the way back
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home. and shot and killed left for dead right here on the streets. and that's city of tampa, atf, fbi, working around the clock to get these this guy off the streets. steve: all right, down in tampa. no wonder people are terrified. it's so completely random. ainsley: i know. steve: the city of chicago has hate grim milestone. 600 murders so far this year. our next guest says democratic leadership is to blame. steve cortez lives in chicago. he should know. he's live next as you can see. brian: plus, one atheist group who thought they shut down god on the gridiron. their move just back fired big time. you're going to love this story. here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing.
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that's why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and i'm asking you to join me. take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. this is our shot to take. learn more at: i am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy.
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it's been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. that's why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and i'm asking you to join me. take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. this is our shot to take. learn more at: steve: chicago hitting a grim mile stop reportedly reaching more than 600
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homicides, 602 it says right there. that's this year alone. our next guest lives in chicago and blames democratic leadership for ruining his great city. here to explain fox news contributor and former trump hispanic advisor council member steve cortez. steve, at this point, we keep looking at this problem and seeing these numbers. we are horrified. where's the action. >> there is a cognitive dissidence isn't there. third largest city in america in crisis. this is the most dangerous place and i'm not saying this with exaggeration. brian: are these gangs killing each other? is that what this is. >> a lot of it is gangs. here's the thing. it's the amazing to me we don't see more of a call for a change in leadership because what we are doing isn't working. our schools are failing, number one. university of illinois did a study, young black men between the ages of 120 and 25, 47% of them are neither in school nor employed. now, that is a recipe for
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disaster. men with nothing to do, who aren't in school. who aren't employed are up to no good generally. that's, i think, the first place. we need school choice badly biggest thing is the police have largely pulled back. i don't blame them. they pulled back because the political leadership particularly rahm emanuel in chicago do not have their backs and because of that. they are not being redemptive, instead, they are only responding once the crime has already been committed. ainsley: what does the future look like for rahm emanuel is he up for re-election? will he get reelected? >> i hope not. on top of this crime crisis we have in chicago we have a fiscal nightmare in the city city of chicago. i'm a chicagoan. i raised my family there i live there right now. chicago represents, unfortunately, i think the incapsule legs of the inca incan of policies. 600 murders sanctuary city
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does it to get to your point about the election. i certainly hope he doesn't get reelected. there is talk gary mccarty the former police superintendent might run. i don't know his full policy. ainsley: rahm emanuel fired him. >> he fired him. i don't know where he stands on policy in general. but, boy, would i love to see law enforcement. you are right on the sanctuary city thing, the idea in chicago instead of worrying about young men and women dying in our streets, we are worried about protecting known, dangerous, illegal immigrant, that that's our priority? it's outrageous. >> with it so dangerous and with insolvency, you know, they are on the verge of that why would anybody vote for a republican though because it is cook county. >> 1931 is the last republican mayor in chicago. the city council 50 seats entirely democratic. it's one party rule. i sort of joke sometimes about chicago comfort corruption and stay for the cold in the winter. look, i don't want to ask like i'm just ripping on chicago. i love this city. this is a great american
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city. city of big shoulders. what's going on there is a tragedy. brian: the cubs are good. steve: steve cortez thank you very much. kellyanne conway is going to join us from the white house top of the hour and then paul ryan. it's got to be tide. ththe next energyngs toto power our dreams,re will be american energy.
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...respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take... ...and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. ainsley: president trump heading to capitol hill to huddle up with the gop house leaders. >> i think we're going to see a strong vote because our members are focused on passing this bill. >> the future never looked brighter. >> no. more apology tours, no more saying america is the problem. american leadership is back. >> impeachment to remove president trump from office. >> politically, strategically, even legally right now. >> it's the uranium one story is nothing but a false charge. >> my client who was working undercover with the fbi, he has all kinds of evidence, and we're working through it.
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>> ivanka trump tells voters about roy moore saying quote there's a special place in noel people who prey on children. >> if elected, senate moore must see him. >> the vatican promising to shed christmas blood. the terror group circulating this poster online. ♪ ♪ ♪ steve: chris brown turn up the music live from new york city, it's fox and friends. that's why we have all of those logos all over the place. brian: you wouldn't expect chris brown to sing that
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high. you don't expect him with that voice. great versatility. steve: there you go. quite a performer. ainsley: let's turn up the volume and get ready because we're a week away from thanksgiving and we have stories for you this morning. president trump heading to capitol hill this morning. going to be huddling with all the house leaders ahead of that crucial vote today. steve: and the goal passing the sweeping tax bill before thanksgiving. brian: griff jenkins is live in washington with the details. can they pull it off first in the house, griff? >> in the house, they're going to do it. good morning, guys, there's a lot of excitement on the hill, and i just spoke with one of the members of the republican house leadership, and she tells me, look, the president is doing a pep rally to get the votes, steve scalise very confident they're going to pass that 218 threshold into the 220s, maybe more. but, hey, that did not stop democrats who lack the numbers to stop anything from the kill the bill rally. >> kill the bill.
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kill the bill. >> they better kill this bill, or we're going to kill them in the next election. >> but in the senate, the finance committee continues to mark up their version of the bill expected to pass out of committee and reach the floor for the vote after thanksgiving. and already, one republican, senator ron johnson says he's not on board. >> i wouldn't vote for this senate version. bottom line. this is -- there's a real problem here in terms of the equitable treatment of pass entities. >> that's trouble for gop leadership, considering they can only afford to lose two votes in failure according to senator lindsey graham would destroy the republican party. >> whatever's wrong with this bill, we've got to make it better. but if we fail, we're dead. if you want to destroy the republican party, fail on tax cuts. >> making matters even worse, three others. senator susan collins, jeff flake, and bob corker appear to be still on the fence.
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so it's going to pass in the house looks like today. but problems in the senate, which will be after thanksgiving, guys. steve: that's an understatement. griff, thank you very much. brian: senator susan collins weighed in and said you know that mandate thing? giving the mandate giving people the option for insurance or not? she says that, i don't like that. ainsley: why doesn't she like that? brian: to give people freedom to choose. i'm being sarcastic, but she doesn't like it because she feels it will hurt obamacare, which she voted against. steve: it's her way of negotiating. ron johnson says he doesn't like the way they treat corporations under this, and corporations are treated much differently than small businesses. because when you're passed through filer, you oftentimes file at the personal income tax rate. under the plan that they're going to vote on, corporations would file at 20% and pass through filers, small business at 30%. he says that's not fair. brian: if bob corker doesn't do it, it's pure personal. no doubt about it, and he has
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got to get over it. steve: what do you mean? brian: his animus towards the president saying should the president have the power to have the nuclear codes is a flat out insult to the president, which didn't resonate. and if he's voting for this, evades conscious, he's voting because he has a personal problem with the president, in my humble opinion. number two, if senator lindsey graham wants this passed, he should talk to john mccain. he has the most sway with john mccain period, so he's got the power to sway john mccain. steve: well, ultimately, they're going to start to take it up later today. paul ryan is going to be joining us. of course, he runs the house, and he will be with us very shortly. kellyanne conway is going to be with us to talk as well very shortly. ainsley: we'll ask her which plan the president supports? the house or the senate one? meanwhile, hillary clinton was speaking, she had an interview with mother jones, and she was responding to that potential special counsel.
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you have a lot of republicans saying this really needs to be investigated. why are they investigating this president, and they're letting hillary get away with it? well, she commented on that. listen to this. >> this is such an abuse of power, and it goes right at the rule of law. if they send a signal that we're going to be like some dictatorship, some authoritarian regime where political opponents are going to be unfairly fraudulently investigated, that rips at the fabric of the contract we have that we can trust our justice system. steve: so it would be an abuse of power, she says, if there was a special counsel. now, here's the thing. we just had on an hour ago, the attorney for the confidential fbi informant who told us that he was working for the fbi, and he was paying these bribes from the russians to the americans to get this deal done. and, in fact, she said
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victoria said that the fbi director knew about it and according to the handlers for this guy, the president of the united states was being briefed on it as well. so if you've got the fbi director and the president who knew about it before the deal went through, it's, like, wait, they're trying to corrupt our system with cash, and they didn't stop it? that's why there should be a special counselor. ainsley: well, she is saying she didn't want the special counsel because it's an abuse of power. if she thinks she's innocent, then she has nothing to worry about. but she goes on to talk about how this is a rule of law, and we need to be a country of laws and not to have this dictator come in and have special counsels. meanwhile, she's the one that broke the law. if she's a country of laws, she's the one in trouble for having that private server, for sharing classified information, for lying how many phones she had. steve: never got in trouble for that stuff. ainsley: true. people have a problem with the double standard here. brian: right. although, freedom counsel makes most people's eyes roll
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into the back of their head because special counsels seem to go on and on and on and get off course just by the nature of setup. ainsley: but that shouldn't be a reason to get away with it. brian: tray gowdy says, look, let the special counsel do an investigation. he agrees with meadows earlier. >> we should take hillary clinton's own word. she said it's all about the rule of law, and indeed it is. a special contractor to make sure not to have an independent interest, and make sure we get some answers because some of the evidence would suggest that the fbi was actually involved in this dossier. so i think the american people deserve answers. lady justice has a blindfold. hillary clinton shouldn't be above the law. we need to get to the bottom of it. steve: and here's another why there should be a special counselor because you have the attorney general and his top aids whether or not they can handle this type of stuff. but jeff sessions was working on the campaign, the donald
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trump campaign for the president and uranium one wasn't issued during campaign, and that would disqualify him. there would be a conflict with that, so that's why you would need a special counselor. ainsley: we just need to know. we just need answers. we're taxpayers. brian: i would love to see the coughers right now in the clinton foundation. motivating so many people. how's he doing now? they're both without power and political sway. or very little political sway. steve: once again kellyanne conway is going to be with us shortly we hope. in the meantime, we've got some news with jillian. >> that's right. good morning to you. good morning to you at home as well. get to a fox news alert. a gunman who left a baltimore police officer fighting for his life. the homicide detective tried to start a conversation with a specific person when that man pulled out a gun and shot him in the head. >> my best guess is there's more than one person who's aware of this coward with a gun in his head shot a cop in
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the head tonight. >> that cop is on life support and his name has not been released. he's an 18-veteran of the force with a wife and children. ucla basketball players arrested in china thanking president trump for bringing them home. >> president trump and the united states government, thank you for taking the time to intervene on our behalf. we really appreciate you helping us out. >> and this morning, president trump tweeting quote to the three ucla basketball players, i say you're welcome. go out and give a big thank you to president xi of china who made your release possible and have a great life. be careful. there are many pitfalls on the long and winding road of life. accused of shoplifting in china. they're all suspended from their team indefinitely. notorious mass murder charles manson clinging to life at a california hospital. the 83-year-old has been there for several days, and it's only a matter of time before
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he dies. manson who is serving seven life sentences is suffering from severe health issues. he was previously sent back to prison hospital. one texas business owner wants to let the bible into his mall. the texas man installing ten commandments monuments inside the facility. they're eight-feet tall and made out of stone, similar to what you're looking at on your screen. the owner says he isn't trying to make a statement, he just believes in the lord's love. send it back to you guys. steve: and since it's private property, he can do anything he wants. >> yep. ainsley: coming up, one atiest group thought they shut down god on the gridiron, but their move just shut down big time. you're going to love this story. steve: and the victoria secret fashion show in jeopardy. apparently there is a model crisis in the world of victoria secret. we have the details coming up. brian: no one told them. they seem so happy i'm never gonna be able to sleep with this cold.
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end to a georgia high school coach's practice of praying with his players. but players and students took a stand for what they believe in supporting their coach and prayer did prevail. and even though the football season is now over, there will be a community prayer rally tonight at the school's stadium hosted by the school's christian athletes. joining us now high school football coach john small, which is around atlanta in that area. thank you so much, coach, for joining us. >> thank you for having me. ainsley: you're welcome. so tell us what happened at your school. >> well, a few weeks ago, we were approached by an outside organization that has filed a complaint to our county about prayers there with our football team. student-led prayers, so they had asked us to follow the law on that, and the county had sent out a memo, and the county support us 100%, but
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our response to them was that we understand the law, we're going to follow the law. so it kind of started a firestorm within our kids there. ainsley: yeah, the district said you weren't allowed to do this, school reps can't participate, student-led prayer while acting in their official capacity. so the students acted as a response, what did they do? >> well, they're allowed to pray -- we're allowed to prayer. we're not supposed to be in the inner circle with the players, but we don't have to flee from the scene as coaches. and we're not doing anything different than a million other people in the country are doing. it's a practice by a lot of teams. why we got selected, i don't know. but god has a bigger plan, and we've been able to see this plan go into action because our kids, they took a stance, and they requested that they wanted to go out before the last ball game and join the student section, and they had orchestrated it with them. so instead of having 100
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players praying, we had about 400 students praying and also the fans. ainsley: so it ended up being a positive. you know, this is what gets me, and you're right. this happens all over the country, and you live in the south. i grew up in the south. this is a big part of our lives. most people are in church on sundays. it teaches us to be good people, and that's where we learn there's values and our morals many times. so you have this group in madison, wisconsin that has a problem with what you're doing in georgia and what the kids are doing. turns out to be a positive because they related more kids to pray. what exactly were you praying for? because i would imagine it would be a positive message. what's so sensitive about that and what do they have to problem with? >> well, yo nobody's perfect. i'm the least of these. i don't deserve this platform that i'm in. but because of god's saving grace and his mercy, i believe we're put in different positions. so our -- my personal prayer was just that our kids would see that we're in a spiritual battle. and it's not against flesh and blood, but there's a spiritual
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battle going on in our world today, and our kids know that the power of prayer is needed. and that they serve a higher power in our lord jesus christ, that can do all things. and i'm very proud of them that they took a stance that maybe not be the most popular decision, but they stood up for what they believed and what the enemy means for harm, god turns to our good. and that's evidence in all of our lives, and i'm humbled to be a part of it, and i'm just trying to be a vessel. but our kids have really stood up, and they taught me a lot of things too, so i'm very proud of our students, proud of our community. ainsley: coach john small, thank you for being with us and god bless you. >> thank you. ainsley: we have a fox news alert. isis taking aim at the pope. we are live with a sick new threat promising christmas blood. and kellyanne conway is live from the white house talking taxes. that's next
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brian: why would web showing shots of the white house to start this segment? steve: because on the north lawn of the white house right now, she was a little delayed getting into work today, we've got kellyanne conway counselor to president trump. kellyanne conway, do you have a bottle of water nearby just in case you get a little thirst? >> i do, and i hope it doesn't become a major news story since there's so much important substance to talk about. the president came back from a very successful 12-day trip in the house of representatives today to meet with the members about tax cuts because he has leaned all the way into
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getting this country historic tax cuts. but, yes, some of the entrances were closed today, so we ran around the building. i'm sure people can comment on my hair, but we're really excited about tax cuts because even small businesses, i was an escort for 22 years. small businesses really benefit in these plans. they have 17.4% deduction they can take on their business process. 100% expensing for five years. that is really huge. and in addition to that, the benefits that we all will enjoy doubling that personal exemption so that the first $24,000 in everybody's income as a married couple is subject to zero tax. small businesses in this country, the mom and pop will have the lowest small business -- steve: yeah, but kellyanne, you know senator ron johnson feels like. okay. the corporations are going to get their taxes cut down to 20%. the s-corps, like you're talking about in the past filers, they're going to be at 30%. and he doesn't think that's
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fair. why would a big business get a bigger tax cut than a small business? >> so that's why i led with the conversation about small businesses. i think it's incredibly important to see how much they will benefit. and the leaders of the small business groups, sdec and chamber of commerce. they can go back to their leaders, the moms and the pops who start before dawn and leave after dusk at their businesses that we're very excited that they will have the lowest tax rate in 80 years. you can't argue with that. and in addition when you reduce the corporate tax rate, you're stimulating growth in the gdp for everyone. it's estimated that with every percentage up particular in gdp, you're creating trillions of dollars in new wealth, many more jobs, and you see this president two consecutive quarters at 3% growth already, even though we had hurricane spending rightfully so in the last quarter. brian: you're talking to the american people now. you also have another audience. the senate, the house is
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expected to pass it, but who knows. if it passes today, you're talking to the senators. like you, john johnson had to run his own business. so when he called up and talked to the president, he doesn't play the political game well, and he's happy about that. he spends his life in business and decides to become a second term senator. did they accomplish anything on their one and one calls that might change the senate plan? >> yeah. these conversations are very important. i myself addressed the senate committee yesterday. senator johnson was a couple seats away from me. very happy to talk about their plan, the house plan, the president's vision, the four major principles he put forward for the last -- this entire calendar year, really. and that we talked through how the tax cuts would benefit most american households and certainly small businesses. and we respect mightily having a successful business owner like ron johnson in the united states senate because he knows firsthand what happens when you can cut down your regulatory tax burden, and you
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reinvest that money right back in your company. so for senator johnson, i would like to say to him we want others in this country to realize their version of the american dream is inspiring entrepreneurs like he did, like i did, and, again, people should read the features here. i want every aspiring small business owner. brian: so would you say too -- >> no, of course not. of course ends. he's a very smart man, but we're glad he's bringing to bear directly to the president concerns he has making sure there's something in it for small business owners. two days ago i was at new jersey talking tax cuts to three stops. and two of the stops, one was at a very successful small business and those folks said they're so excited, they will offer better benefits, higher more people, expand their inventory. and then i did a roundtable with 15 to 20 small business owners, and they had similar questions to senator johnson, and i was able to show them the facts and figures of the plan. actually, i was sitting with them, the president called me on a different matter, and put
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him on speaker, and he answered their questions. we want to make sure that tax cuts are benefit small businesses. because they're all job creators and job creators are the backbone of our country. ainsley: all right. hopefully, everyone's taxes will go down because that's what he ran on and some of these plans are different than that. but let's move on and talk about roy moore. there's new allegations more women came out. ivanka trump was being interviewed by the associated press and she said there's a special place in noel people who prey on children. i've yet to see a valid explanation, and i have no reason to doubt the victim's accounts. will the president be commenting on this? >> well, the president made a statement when he was in asia, and he's been very busy here working on explaining to the country exactly what happened in his asia trip. you saw that yesterday. he certainly is in touch with the different parties involved here. but at the same time, i would like to say that i was the first person in the administration last thursday when this news broke, i
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happened to be interviewed on a different network at the time to come out against conduct as it was described, and i want to step further. i said -- and i tried to make this an issue over a year ago on october 9th, 2016, when i talked about maybe when i was younger and prettier, folks on capitol hill behaving in such a way that we should take a look at. and i'm so glad that women on the left, particularly in capitol hill are now coming forward and now want to have hearings and are swearing under oath and getting people to come forward. that's great. i tried to do it 13 months ago, nobody wanted to listen to me because of the campaign i was managing. this is an important topic but in terms of this particular issue and this particular race, i will not get ahead of the president and anything he wishes to add. steve: we do know the balance of power in the united states does hang on a couple of seats there in the senate. the president apparently talked to mitch mcconnell on the phone. what can you tell us about that conversation? because it sounds very clear, mitch would like perhaps jeff sessions to get out of his
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brian: why would we show a shot of the capitol building for this segment? ainsley: we're bringing in paul ryan, speaker of the house. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me, steve, ainsley, and brian. ainsley: we just had kellyanne conway on, and we were talking about tax reform and what the senate is doing. sell this to us. what is your benefit? why do we need to change
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this? because the president ran on lowering taxes for everyone and now we're hearing that that might not happen. steve: he's going to his note. >> going to my postcard. ainsley: tell us why this is a better plan than what we have now. >> first of all, we're excited that we're at a cutting people's taxes and get fast economic growth. that's what this is all about. building a tax code to get economic growth. we have about a ten-year slide of really slow growth. that means people don't get wage increases. that means living standards get stagnant. this will help us get to a 3% economy. what tax foundation says about this bill -- first of all, all the various analysis that are out there say that the average taxpayer in every income tax group get the tax cuts. now, this is the tax code riddled filled of loopholes, and i'm sure there are wealth people who have tax lawyers and accountants who can take advantage of every loophole out there and when those loopholes go away, they're not going to like that. but the point of this is fewer loopholes and just a level
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system and lower tax rates. give middle income families a big tax cut. the median family -- median household in america is going to get $1,182 tax cut. 78% of people are telling us in surveys they're living paycheck to paycheck in this country. another 57% of americans are saying that they're $500 away from desperation. so, look, this is a serious issue. we want to cut everyone's taxes. the announcer shows that the average taxpayer in every group does get a tax cut. and, by the way, this is a work in progress. we still want to make it even better than it is now when we get into the conference committee. steve: mr. speaker, nancy pelosi put out a statement yesterday. >> let me guess. she said unkind things about this tax bill; correct? steve: you're correct there. will ask house republicans for a vote on a tax hike on 36 million middle class americans, families in the senate, and she goes on. are 36 million americans in the middle class going to see
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a tax hike. >> no. no. i don't even know where she's making that stuff up. >> is she lying about it? am mr. speaker, are they lying about your plan? >> 36 million middle class taxpayers are not getting a tax cut. are not getting a tax increase. middle income taxpayers are getting -- look, just go to and let me say if you're a family, your first $20,000 are tax-free, your first $24,000 are tax-free. what that means is nine out of ten americans will be able to fill out their taxes on the side of a postcard; right? that's radical simplification. and then everybody else in the country, we're lowering tax rates. we're saying the income you're paying right now is at a lower rate. it's more about jobs and foundation. it's going to create about a million new jobs. this is going to give the economic growth alone will increase after tax wages for average workers by about $2,500, and that's before you get to the tax cut.
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so just go to fair and, and i'm sure nancy pelosi is trying to do everything she can to derail tax reform and tax cuts. it's a promise we made in the campaign. it's a promise president trump made in the campaign, and it's a promise we're delivering today. brian: speaker ryan, no one doubts how you are with this when we saw you on simpson and all those experienced senators and experts who said who's this young guy from wisconsin? he knows his stuff backwards and forwards. everybody knows how well you know the budget. so how about this? someone you really respect, peter king from one of the big states like new york saying things are not equal. we give $48 billion more to the federal government than we get in return, and that's the largest deficit than any state in the country. new jersey is actually worse. they give 61 cents back. they feel they're being hammered because they're in a big, high tax state. what have you done -- not for peter or not for new jersey. but what have you done for those people who happen to live there? >> yeah. we actually added back a $10,000 property tax
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deduction in addition to the tax cuts that are already in the bill that everybody gets. so we've actually run numbers on these districts and shown that taxpayers in those districts, in those states still get tax cuts itemizers and nonitemizers. most people absorption itemize. so what we've done is added a $10,000 property tax deduction. everybody gets it, but it's really the high tax state people that would feel it the most that that deduction. and, look, when it comes to these donor state issues, the wealthier states donate more because the poorer states get more federal spending. a lot of our spending is based on poverty, things like medicaid. and so when the federal government is spending more money in spending programs for the poor, the wealthier states with lower poverty rates don't get as much of that spending, and that's what they're talking about. so i would say to people who are donor states, wisconsin being one of them, you don't want to do what it needs to be done to be a recipient state. that means you want more poor people in your state. we don't want that. brian: and mr. speaker, why are you convinced you're going
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to get the votes today when you haven't won over the peter kings of the world, what do you think the numbers look like for you? >> we feel very good about it. we have the best weapon in the world, steve scalise and patrick. they've been working with the workers. this is a promise that needs to be kept. and, by the way, this is stuff we need to continue working on, improving the tax cuts for everybody. to make sure that this works for everybody, no matter where they are. and now shows us that taxpayers in all states get a tax cut. so, look, i'm sure that there's somebody out there that is utilizing tons of loopholes because they're wealthy, and they have accountants and tax lawyers, and they don't like losing those loopholes. but when you take away those loopholes, everybody has a fair tax code, and we lower tax rates for people. if you want to -- the person watching tv right now wants to do the math in your head, you have kids, most taxpayers, your child tax rate goes from $1,000 to $1,600 per kid. that means another $600 per kid. your first $24,000 are not going to be taxed. you're getting lower tax rates
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across the board. and then the businesses, the ones who pretty much own the businesses, we're dropping tax rates dramatically. going from 35% to 25% on corporations. we're going from over 40% down as near as 25% for small businesses. and small, small businesses are going to get a 9% tax rate and all of these businesses, every single one of them gets a deductible, expenses of their equipment. if they want to invest in their people by buying more equipment and factories, they can write that off in year one. that's never been done before like this. that's going to be a huge job creator. steve: well, you're going to vote today. would you like to predict the final tote? >> i don't -- i never do such things like that. i've been around doing long enough, but i feel very good where we are. we're going to pass this bill. brian: very good on the town hall too. thanks for doing that. >> yeah. it was great. it was fun to do. ainsley: yeah, it was great. brian: speaker paul ryan, thank you. steve: indeed. 18 minutes now before the top of the hour on this thursday. fox news alert, isis taking aim at the holy father. we are live with the new threat against the pope
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promising christmas blood. ainsley: plus, in the market for a new car? well, kelley blue book is here with some of their picks for 2018. next patrick woke up with back pain. but he has work to do. so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong.
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>> five seconds, our overall winner the beautiful honda accord we had earlier. >> we'll be talking about this beautiful car and how good i look in it. >> bill: good morning. breaking news from overnight. the trail is getting hotter, the hunt for the potential serial killer. new video showing the man they believe to be the prime suspect in the murders of four people within the last month in that town. a lot of clues on that video, too. good morning. great to have you with us
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