tv Happening Now FOX News November 17, 2017 8:00am-9:00am PST
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he is changing shifts but will work later in the day. joe is our voice of america. he will tell us if we're spot on in the story or if we're off the mark. >> julie: i love joe. >> jon: thank you, buddy, for everything. >> "happening now" starts right now. >> julie: tax reform passes in the house. a huge go for republicans signaling the start of the first sweeping changes to our tax system in decades. hello, everyone. welcome to "happening now." i'm julie >> i'm eric sean. the vote was 227 to 205. not all republicans are on board. 13 republicans giving it a no vote. many of them in high tax states. they are objecting to the dumping of the state and local tax deductions. the senate taking the first step on its version of the bill. the finance committee approving it last night. speaker of the house paul ryan
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is confident the house and senate he says will get this through by the end of the year. that's a goal shared by the white house. >> in order to turn this momentum into sustained economic growth you all know there is one policy that's more important than anything else. i'm here to promise you president trump and i will be fighting every day to pass the largest tax cut in american history and we'll do it this year. >> chief washington correspondent john roberts is live at the white house where the president is receiving his daily intelligence briefing right now. good morning, john. >> the president happy with the passage of his signature legislative initiative tax reform, at least in the house. the president tweeted this morning, great numbers on stocks and economy. if we get tax cuts and reform we'll see great results. the president invested a lot of political capital in getting tax reform through the house. the president as you see there in those pictures going up to
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cap hill yesterday for a fine cheerleading session. steve scalise saying this morning that the president's involvement really made a difference. listen here. >> when we rolled the bill out a few weeks ago president trump invited us down to the white house to be with him and said he sports this 100%. his help has been incredibly important in us getting the bill through the house. he is all in on getting the economy moving again. great to see him in the house. >> the president taking aim at the partisan nature of the bill. 227-205. 13 republicans voted against the bill. the president tweeted this morning saying he thinks the democrats missed a big opportunity. if democrats weren't such obstructionists and understood the power of lower taxes we'd be able to get many of their ideas into the bill. one area where the president is still getting resistance is the elimination of state and local tax deductions. some tax analysis have found
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that middle income earners in some states may pay more in taxes. this morning the treasury secretary steve mnuchin acknowledged some people will pay higher taxes. he says it is only the very wealthy and there an overall benefit in high tax states by cutting the corporate rate. >> the people's taxes who will go up are the rich people in high-tax states but a lot of benefit to the new york economy of lowering the corporate rate to 20%. a huge boom for the financial services industry. >> it's attention turns toward the senate. it passed out of finance committee and goes before the full senate. again the president has some problems with republicans much in the same way he did with obamacare. wisconsin senator ron johnson saying that he could not support the bill in its current form but does want to fix it so he can support it. senators bob corker of tennessee, mccain and flake of arizona all have problems with the fact they believe it adds to the deficit. also sitting on the fence
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senator susan collins of maine and rand paul of kentucky. the president in the senate can only afford to lose two votes plus a tiebreaker of vice president mike pence. if the president again gets this piece of legislation through the house as he did with obamacare only to see it fail in the senate, eric, the president will not be very happy about that, i can tell you now. >> certainly the deadline is looming and the clock is ticking. they have their work to do. >> julie: the passage of a tax reform bill in the house setting up a huge showdown in the senate. some gop senators still on the fence. the senate's version includes a repeal of obamacare's individual mandate. some hold outs say they're worried the cuts will blow up the deficit. the senate finance committee advancing the measure yesterday despite the concerns. tempers were running high. listen. >> i come from the poor people
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and i've been here working my whole stinking career for people who don't have a chance. and i really resent anybody saying that i'm just doing this for the rich. give me a break. i think you guys overplay that all the time and it gets old and frankly you ought to quit. i'm not through. i get kind of sick and tired of it. it's a nice political play and not true. >> i get tired of the rich getting richer and richer. we do a middle class -- over and over again. how many times do we do this before we learn this? >> order. >> julie: joining me now is the congressional reporter for politico. first of all your reaction to that vicious hatch/brown exchange, tempers quite flared up over this debate. >> yeah. it's interesting you ask.
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on capitol hill senator orrin hatch has the reputation for being one of the sweetest men in the senate. he writes poetry and rarely gets mad and when he disagrees he does it diplomatically. this highlights how sensitive republicans are to this argument their tax bill is going for the rich. that's because something like that could really hurt momentum for them if the public really believes that. the truth is somewhere in the middle. yes, the rich will have some benefits on there but the nonpartisan joint committee on taxation said the middle class will see a boost here. the problem here is that the tax cuts for the middle class are going to expire in about five years. so that is an issue. a lot of times some of the people maybe the top 1% will see their taxes continue to come down when people see their taxes go up again. >> julie: to be fair regarding brown's attack on hatch.
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orrin hatch doesn't come from a wealthy background or an upper middle class. more of a poor background and he highlighted that. so sort of barking up the wrong tree when you talk to orrin hatch who comes from a very modest background. but i want to throw up a poll regarding the gop tax plan and how voters feel whether or not it favors the rich. 59%, a majority say yes. now, the bill has a lot of issues. obviously it is going to decrease the taxes for many. the argument that both republicans and democrats are saying it could increase the tax for those in this country that cannot afford a tax increase. >> it all depends how you do your taxes. if you do a lot of -- take a lot of deductions and credits it's possible you could be a middle class person say living in new york, new jersey, california, even across the midwest and see your taxes go up. for instance, in the house they get rid of the medical
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deduction expenses. so if you have health issues and you deduct your expenses there that could potentially be gone. you could see a tax hike there. if you have student loans you deduct you could potentially see a tax hike there. it depends on how you do your taxes. but overall the gtc has said the middle class on average will see a tax cut for a while. >> julie: an increase in the child tax credit. you'll see an abolishment of the estate tax by 2025. a lot of perks to this plan as well. another topic. we also got a lot of new revelations related to the russian meddling in the election. the "wall street journal" reporting special counsel robert mueller actually looking into russian meddling has issued a lot of subpoenas for information from the trump campaign and the u.s. senate wants additional data from jared kushner who they say has
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withheld or omitted his conversations with wikileaks and russia. what are you hearing about this? >> it's clear from what we're seeing that investigators at the f.b.i. and capitol hill feel like they are not getting everything they need in terms of their investigation. so first we hear from senate judiciary committee which had requested all russia-related documents from top campaign officials that they think trump's son-in-law jarrod kufpner had an email he didn't give them regarding a back door meeting with russia and a dinner. they put out this release saying we need this email. where is it and why haven't you given it to me? similarly this morning we're learning that mueller had issued sub poenas to a dozen trump campaign officials. the trump campaign had been voluntarily cooperating with the f.b.i. some people might say it's surprising they're getting a subpoena now. it just indicates they feel like perhaps the campaign is not giving everything that they
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should be to the f.b.i. so by doing a subpoena it basically compels them legally to not withhold anything. >> julie: rachel, thank you very much. >> from hollywood to congress claims of sexual harassment are exploding. transgender actress saying actor jeffrey tambour pressed his body against hers during the filming of their show transparent. amazon is investigating the claim and he denies those allegations. sylvester stallone is denying a report saying he had inappropriate sexual contact with a 16-year-old goal. it is alleged it happened in las vegas in a hotel room in 1986. mitch mcconnell saying the ethics committee will investigate. the latest investigation against minnesota senator al franken.
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a california radio host accusing him of kissing and groping her during a trip in 2006. franken issued an apology and said he will cooperate with the investigation. meanwhile, the number now up to nine. nine women who accuse roy moore of sexual misconduct or harassment in alabama. still the alabama republican party is standing by the gop senate candidate today. he continues to deny those growing allegations. the senate leadership promising an ethics investigation if moore does win his seat on december 12. peter doocy is following all this from birmingham this morning. hi, peter. >> hi, eric. today judge moore is continuing a campaign of trying to discredit his accusers particularly the one who says that he signed a year book for her when she was in high school and he was in his 30s. this tweet just went out from judge moore says good morning, alabama. day three of new york attorney gloria all red's refusal to turn over her fake year book
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for third party examination. the latest fox news poll shows moore down by 8 points to the democrat doug jones with 9% saying they support somebody else or they aren't sure. despite all the national republican pressure on moore to step aside in a fox news poll of people who believe the moore allegations and people who don't, 54% say he should stay in the race. that includes 75% of republicans who want the judge, who will be on the ballot no matter what, to stay put. so moore continues to run the anti-establishment campaign that helped him win the gop primary. >> many of you have recognized that this is an effort by mitch mcconnell and his cronies to steal this election from the people of alabama and they will not stand for it. they overcame $30 million and voted me in the primary and now they're trying a different
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tactic. the other day we got a call from one big magazine that you all recognize if i say the name. i don't want to say it. but i got a call and said asked me to step down from the campaign. i want to tell you who needs to step down. that's mitch mcconnell. >> the democrat doug jones has been rising in the polls but he hasn't really been raising his public profile. averaging an event a day keeping the spotlight on the moore controversy as it plays out and just a few minutes from right now judge moore's wife will be the headliner at a women for moore event in montgomery. the whole point of this public show of support is to highlight what kayla moore and a handful of other women across the state of alabama say is judge moore's upstanding character. >> the moores are fighting back panned seems like he is staying put. >> julie: sexual harassment scandal dominating the headlines over the last several weeks.
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we'll look at the media coverage of this explosive issue next. alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. ...and help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks! i'll take that. -yeeeeeah! ensure high protein. with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure. always be you.
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>> julie: sexual harassment scandals constantly in the headlines. republican senate candidate roy moore and democratic senator al franken. president trump has remained silent on moore but a lot to say about franken on twitter. here is one. the al frankenstein picture is really bad and speaks a thousand words. where do his hands go in pictures, two, three, four, five and six while she sleeps. last week he was lecturing anyone who would listen about sexual harassment and respect for women. lesley stahl tape? referring to a sketch writing session at snl in the 1990s. so there is a lot for the president to be calling out these days and it is not just
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republicans, it's democrats, it's both. first, chris, i'll ask you. he called out al franken's alleged misdeeds. will he use his clout to help maybe resolve the mess going on in alabama right now with roy moore? >> that seems awfully doubtful. kellyanne conway said the way he weighed in on franken. it's new and he commented on the moore story on his asia trip that broke eight days ago. leaving the fact that it's not exactly accurate the moore story continues to develop and the fact that the campaign has not put the issue to rest the media will continue to ask questions about it. it provides some inside as to way the white house will play this. >> julie: katie, let's not forget president trump originally did support luther strange in the special election
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while steve bannon backed moore. so far president trump has refused to comment on moore. you have to understand that politics will play a role here. maybe he is waiting for perhaps the local gop in alabama to come up with another candidate. could that be the reason why president trump is trying to stay out of this? a lot is riding on the gop not to screw it up in alabama. >> it seems unlikely at this point that the alabama republican party has really much of an appetite to look for a different candidate. we've seen conversations unfold in alabama at the highest levels of the state party there this week and there have been meetings there and ultimately the result has been that many of the leaders there who are actually in a position to change the election should they choose to do so will plan to keep it on december 12th. so at this point it does get more challenging to see the way washington might be able to pressure anything other than roy moore being on that ballot and that ballot being taken next month.
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>> julie: roy moore not only vehemently denies these accusations and refuses to drop out despite national gop lawmakers urging him to do so. local gop standing behind him right now. he is taking interestingly enough a similar approach as the president with regard to fake news media. his campaign website added a form for people to report inappropriate news organization contact. the media has given moore's accusers a lot of coverage in recent days. chris, is he trying to shift the blame on the media for reporting on the accusers' claims. >> you can talk about the media and what he tweeted earlier today recently about it being day three and gloria allred hasn't produced the notebook in question about bev nelson. there is deflection going on but the media is part of that.
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you look at the press conference of sorts that the faith leaders held in defense of moore yesterday went on for 70 or 80 minutes part was to extol the virtues of moore being a godly man in his adult life. not the point of the story but the other part of that entire thing was to castigate the media. we've seen quite a bit of that. it is a pretty good foil for a lot of voters. it worked for president trump to a large extent and we'll see if it works for moore in alabama. >> julie: thank you both. >> eric: there is still a lot more ahead on "happening now." the senate tax plan giving breaks to private jet owners. the new measure is swirling in controversy this morning. meanwhile puerto rico continues to be suffering from that devastation of hurricane maria. where thousands who have fled to the island are now ending up.
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>> julie: companies who manage private jets could be getting a tax break. that's right. if you're rich and you have a private jet, you will get a break. it's one of the measures in the senate's tax reform plan which passed the finance committee last night. the break is under a measure under the tax cuts and jobs act. it excerpts jet owners from paying taxes related to upkeep and maintenance. so on your pj you get a little discount? i dreamed of having a pj. they are serious. >> eric: you can't deduct the mortgage but you can on your gulf stream and g2. >> julie: i don't know if that's going to make it. this is a pipe dream for a
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couple wealthy lawmakers. >> eric: you know who you are. you have the private jet. >> julie: pretty embarrassing. >> eric: it's been almost two months since hurricane maria devastated the island of puerto rico. many residents still don't have access to clean water and schools and businesses remain closed and electricity continues to be the most overwhelming of the issues. 57% of the island still remains without power. repair crews estimate that 75% will have power but not until the end of january. as a result, more than 160,000 people have left the island since that hurricane. you know where they're going? to florida. especially the central coast. steve harrigan live in one major destination, which happens to be orlando. hi, steve. >> they are coming to florida by the thousands each week more and more. florida officials say more than 160,000 have arrived in the
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state since the storm settling around the orlando area. they set up a one stop shopping point at orlando international airport to get people the help they need. food, shelter, clothing. many of the people arriving with just nothing. we spoke to a farmer who said back on the island he simply can't do his job. >> i'm kind of stuck in the air. i produce hydroponics as well. without light, water issues i can't even really produce. >> that's a farmer who doesn't have light or water. the basics to grow food in puerto rico. he said he had two pairs ever pants and one shirt. that's it. left everything else behind. the influx of tens of thousands is putting a strain on some communities here. the county has more than 2,500 new students. the superintendent says that's simply a massive amount to handle. she said on a typical day they
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might have 70 brand-new students who simply show up at the door often not speaking english and not with any transcripts. here is what she had to say. >> it is adding like two elementary schools to our population that we were unable to plan for and project. >> two brand-new schools to deal with. the schools are expensive as well. $28,000 per student. a $70 million unbudgeted expense. the county is asking for help from state and federal agencies. >> eric: such a struggle who are on the island. >> julie: people being offered help from an unlikely source. how iran and iraq is actually reaching out after the earthquake and how the two countries responded to the offer. you will have to wait to see it. the middle east, potentially major shake-up in saudi arabia. could a new king be taking the throne? supporters of roy moore about to speak out as we await their
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department with more. >> what we do know the crown prince of saudi arabia, the next in line to the saudi throne is strengthening and consolidating his position. there have been arrests of a number of billionaires, princes and government officials in what he has described as an anti-corruption probe. saudi government is leting some of these officials buy their freedom. the government arrested more than 200 in the anti-corruption campaign locking them in the ritz-carlton in riyadh. the state department says the saudis should pursue the effort legally and transparently. the government is also pushing a more aggressive international posture particularly with its proxy fight against iran. in lebanon. the saudi prime minister of lebanon resigned from saudi arabia claiming overwhelming influence from hezbollah in that country. he says he is now returning to
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lebanon to officially resign and says he did so because of iran-backed interference in the region. >> i wanted to cause a positive shock for the lebanese. we say we are distancing lebanon from. we found they're building up relations with the syria regime. >> he is expected to arrive in france before returning to lebanon to resign. this proxy fight -- >> eric: a helping hand for the victims of the massive earthquake in iran from an unexpected source, israel. benjamin netanyahu is offering
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his country's assistance to iraq and iran. despite iran's hatred of the jewish state and warnings they are expanding in the region at the expense of israel, u.s. and arab allies. let's go to jerusalem and talk to david keyes, netanyahu's spokesman who joins us now. thank you for joining us. sadly and tragically the death toll is 500 at least and climbing in iran. considering what they've said about your country, why would your government make this offer? >> well, the prime minister made this offer because he saw the horrendous pictures of mothers and fathers searching for their children amidst the rubble. devastating images. israel has sent humanitarian assistance and medical aid around the world to haiti and mexico city, the philippines. iran is a lot closer than those places and israel's humanitarian desire to aid the people of the region, not the regime but the people is what
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animated the decision. it surprised a lot of people. the regime has said it wants to destroy israel and en graves missiles with the phrase israel will be wiped off the map. a big difference between the regime and the people. the regime is cruel and they support terror and the people are the primary victims of the regime. >> eric: the red cross has said they don't want any help. they recently tested missiles that said israel might be wiped out on wiping israel off the map. the blood sucking zionist resume and chanting death to america. let me play you a bit of what the prime minister said in terms of this offer. >> israel has no quarrel with the people of iran. we never have. our only quarrel is with the cruel iranian regime. a regime that holds its people hostage. a regime that threatens our people with annihilation. >> eric: the president of iran is getting criticism internally because of the reaction of his
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government and the continued death toll and the building codes even there. >> the prime minister has made several overtures to the iranian people and spoken directly to them. he spoke in farsi directly to the iranian people and following our offer for medical assistance we got an overwhelming response from iranians thanking the prime minister and israel for standing in solidarity with them and helping speak the truth about the iranian regime. you mentioned some of the regime's desires. they call america the big satan and israel the little satan. hanging gays in town squares and the vast majority of the arab world and israel see this threat in the exact same way should cause a lot of people to have their ears perk up and understand the threat that is against all of us.
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>> eric: do you think reaching out to the citizens, the people of iran, do you think it could start to help ease any of the tensions or at least cause a resistance against the regime? >> i think what it can do is highlight the tremendous gulf between the regime and the people. as i said before the regime speaks absolutely viciously against israel and speaks to destroy israel and seeks to some mayhem throughout the middle east. the regime is treating its own people brutally. the people are good and i think they want better relations with the west. i think they would like better relations with america and like better relations with israel. this is part of our strategy to speak directly to the people instead of this extremely cruel, extremely dictatorial terrorist sponsoring and supporting regime. >> eric: at the same time they're expanding the shia crescent from tehran and lebanon and yemen and moving
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into syria with hezbollah. what are your concerns and how does israel and the u.s., what should the trump administration do to try to fight back against iranian expansion? >> i think it took a great first step in de-certifying the nuclear deal to expand its aggression throughout the region. it is trying to take over lebanon and syria. supporting terrorist organizations like hamas and hezbollah. its aims are clear. not just directed at israel but actually at the entire world. and specifically the entire middle east. everyone understands the threat of north korea today yet iran's gdp is 30 times that of north korea. you can imagine if iran is acting this way without nuclear weapons why it's so important to stop their quest to attain nuclear weapons. and what this very flawed deal does is increase the chances that within just a few years not by violating the deal but
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by keeping the deal iran can walk into the capacity to enrich enough uranium for hundreds of nuclear weapons. that's bad for iranians and bad for israel and the middle east and bad for the entire world. >> eric: critics say it gives them the green light under this deal in eight years to go for that. david keyes, thank you and thank you for speaking to us about the iranian challenge. it is the challenge that we all face. julie. >> julie: the keystone pipeline springing a massive leak in south dakota spilling an estimated 210,000 gallons of oil. state officials say there is no sign any surface bodies of water or drinking water systems have been compromised but emergency crews working to clean up the spill as quickly as possible. shutting down the pipeline while fixing the leak. officials are trying to determine how it happened. >> eric: as predicted premiums are going up. insurance companies blaming president trump. republicans say rate hikes were going to spike long before mr.
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trump took office and the house passing its version of the tax reform bill. now it's the senate's term. how can this affect your money and taxes as lawmakers vow to get the deal done before the year is up. >> i look forward and all of us in this room look forward to working with president trump in the senate to get the bill to the president's desk by the end of the year. whoooo. finding the best hotel price is now a safe bet. because tripadvisor searches... ...over 200 booking sites - so you save up to 30% on the... ...hotelock it in. tripadvisor.
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and cuts deductions for state and local taxes, college loans and medical expenses. a lot of controversy about that. let's talk more about this. joseph perry joins us, a tax and business services leader. richard fowler. fox news contributor. they are predicting taxes for many in the middle class will be cut but in 10 years the middle class could get slammed. is this plan really a benefit? >> i think if you take a look at the overall bill as what they were trying to achieve simplification, corporate tax reduction and cut for the middle class i think those bills both in the house and senate combined achieve those. i would say that most americans will be getting a tax cut and have simplification especially for the middle class and lower. >> eric: then in 10 years if you're like 75,000 or less, your taxes will go up in 10 years, joseph. >> right. but i guess you could say 10 years ago where we are we
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wouldn't have had the rates we had before. so 10 years is a long time in political life. i think that we have to look at a bill that will help stimulate the economy for the short term and then see what the consequences are. we can always make modifications as time goes on. >> eric: what about that? >> modification as time goes on doesn't sound like tax reform to me. it means you really look at our tax code deeply and work really hard to try to make it work for every american whether you are rich or poor. when ronald reagan did this in the 80s it took democrats and republicans working together almost a year to get it done. we are trying to get this done in what, 2 1/2 weeks we're trying to ramrod this through the united states congress? what you are seeing is the american people aren't liking it. every poll you look at shows how unpopular this tax bill is. there is a couple reasons why. number one it explodes the deficit by 1.5 trillion. number two, like you said,
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eric, for middle class earners a couple years from now your taxes will go up. the middle class tax cuts in the bill aren't permanent while the tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires are permanent. >> eric: joseph just said they could change it. >> they could. while they work on changing in. single mothers who make less than $75,000 a year will figure out how to make ends meet. >> eric: other issues that are concerning. the deduction for medical expenses in out. interest on students loans is out. they have something that hits the blue states no more deductions on state and local taxes. >> if you take a look at it the deduction for state and local taxes have the serious consequences. many of our clients are doing scenarios to see does it make sense to be in california and florida or do we move to florida -- states that don't have high tax states such as
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florida or texas? i think -- you think about the consequences economically if large companies move out of new york state and city. those ancillary jobs that it helps to feed will no longer exist. >> eric: is there anything in there to mitigate that? >> originally the lower rate of 35% equated to not having the state tax deduction. you talk away the amt is simplification and helps the lower class and middle class. but i think overall it really is to help stimulate the economy. if you take a look most people that have jobs, they want to increase their wages. this is to hopefully help increase wages and allow for stimulated growth. i know my clients, when they look to spend money, they are more apt to spend money when they have more money in their pocket. >> eric: richard, what about that. let me play secretary munchin
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today. >> the vast number of americans that don't have high tax states it's not fair that they are subsidizing a few states. so again the people's taxes who are going to go up are the rich people in high tax states. >> eric: there is treasury secretary mnuchin. >> a lot of folks live in high tax states. let's be clear here. what the bill does it keeps a lot of loopholes in place. loopholes for corporate jet owners or people who own yachts. millionaires and billionaires have benefits. if you're a young person watching the show and went to a university and have a student loan you won't benefit from this tax code you can no longer right off your deductions or a personal trying to buy a home
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you will no longer benefit from the tax plan because you can no longer write that off. if you are a teacher who buys supplies for your classroom you won't benefit because you can't get the tax credit once in the law for you. let's be very clear who this tax law supports and who it doesn't. >> eric: that is the debate exactly. thank you for joining us. >> julie: next another piece of president obama's legacy. president trump reversing a ban on importing elephant trophies. the move is getting its fair share of criticism. plus insurance premiums on the obamacare exchanges going up again. some are pointing fingers at the president. president trump?
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>> julie: as obamacare premiums jump across the country 20 democratic insurance commissioners are turning the tables blaming president trump for part of the increases. what is this about? dan springer is live with the details. it is called obamacare, right, dan, still? >> i think it's called the political blame game. a stunning reversal. for years we've gotten used to democrats going on defense every time obamacare premiums go up. now as you mentioned they are going on the offensive blaming president trump even though it's called obamacare. it's open enrollment time and people shopping on the individual market are finding higher premiums. according to the kaiser foundation gold and bronze plans are up 18%. premiums for silver plans have increased 32%. there is no doubt that some of that is due to president trump eliminating the cost sharing subsidies. those were direct payments to insurance companies to defray some of the cost of their coverage. an incentive to offer plans on
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the exchange. after months of a failed effort to get congress to repeal obamacare, trump ended the cost sharing subsidy. when premiums went up democrats pounced. >> all of the negative things that the trump administration has said since he came into office has affected the market overall. it has made it unstable and created a lot of uncertainty. and that's something that health insurers don't like. >> republicans point out correctly that premiums have climbed every year of obamacare. last year the average increase was 25% long before president trump took office. as for the subsidies he cut. they were ruled by a federal judge to be illegal because congress never appropriated the money. >> the only people that should be blamed for obamacare's high premiums over the last four or five years are the democrats who drafted obamacare, passed obamacare and voted for obamacare. >> lost in all the finger
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pointing, julie, is the fact that tax credits have also gone up so 80% of those people who are buying on the individual market are paying no more and if you don't get subsidies you can go into a gold or bronze plan and that will be fine for you economically. >> julie: all right, dan springer, thank you. >> eric: still to come on "happening now" a busy day in the senate. we'll tell you about the pitfalls that could lay ahead as republicans are trying to get votes for tax reform. they're doing that in the senate today. what a nice picture. if you're on medicare, remember,
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the open enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage... begins october 15th and ends december 7th. so consider an aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare. it can combine medicare parts a and b, with prescription drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan... for a low monthly premium or in some areas, no plan premium at all. this plan includes an annual physical, preventive screenings and most immunizations... all for a $0 copay. access to a local network of doctors. and may include routine vision and hearing coverage. and pay as low as zero dollars for a 90-day supply of tier 1 and tier 2 drugs, with home delivery. remember, medicare open enrollment ends december 7th. start getting the benefits of an aarp medicarecomplete plan. call unitedhealthcare or go online now. [sfx: mnemonic]
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conserve the species. >> i mean, you go hunting, you want to share your trophy and brag? now you can. that is it. thanks for watching. "outnumbered" starts now. >> take care. >> let's start with a fox news alert. president trump is one step closer to a critical legislative victory on tax reform. the house passed its tax bill yesterday. now it's up to the senate. their plan got through the finance committee on a party line vote last night. there could be trouble ahead. your watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, dagen mcdowell. from the state department, marie hart. and today's one lucky guy, co host of the barny and sid show, daniel mcgerk.
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