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tv   Fox News Night  FOX News  November 21, 2017 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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intains the original color of your dentures when used daily. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture, use polident every day. >> laura: that is all the time we have. shannon bream is up next. shannon, what was your favorite david cassidy song? >> shannon: does he sing "i think i love you, so what am i so afraid of?" >> laura: all of our crew here has been humming that the entire hour. takes you back to a simpler time. we are all looking forward to your show, and you are coming on with me tomorrow night to talk about thanksgiving traditions. i understand you have interesting ones. can't wait. >> shannon: i am bringing a life turkey. >> laura: everyone is pardoned. >> shannon: here's what we have coming up. president trump breaks his
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silence on the alabama senate race. >> we don't need illiberal person. >> shannon: the president may campaign for roy moore, the alabama republican facing allegations he abused girls in their teens. top democrats face new allegations of sexual harassment and the house ethics committee gets involved. >> i just heard about conyers. >> shannon: chris stirewalt on whether the dam of secrecy is finally breaking. republican study chairman mark walker explains where the g.o.p. goes next with roy moore. a fox news exclusive with amy britain, "the washington post" reporter who broke the charlie rose scandal. alan dershowitz on whether special counsel robert mueller has gone far beyond his authority. it's all here tonight.
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hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i am shannon bream in washington. this is a fox news alert. judge roy moore is speaking out late tonight answering questions and denying once again all the accusations against him. it comes on the heels of remarks by president trump who is now preparing for the thanksgiving holiday at his mar-a-lago residence in west palm beach, florida. having left behind a political maelstrom affecting both parties. republicans and democrats soul-searching tonight as they come to grips with unfolding sexual-harassment scandals. for top democrat john conyers, facing allegations involving a second accuser, democrats reportedly stopping short he stepped down. conyers is defending himself in a statement that sounds remarkably similar. congressman conyers, a michigan democrat says "about the accusations he's facing that's what equally important to keep in mind in this particular moment is the principle of due
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process. "and those accused of wrongdoing are presumed innocent unless or until an investigation establishes otherwise. we have team coverage about judge roy moore. and the allegations facing top democrats here in washington. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel will have the latest developments from capitol hill but we begin with ellison barber. good evening. >> president trump isn't quite often but he was when it came to roy moore. in fact, trump's only comments came through his press team until today when he stopped to speak with reporters on the south lawn. >> [indistinct question] >> i will be talking. i can tell you one thing for sure. we don't need a liberal person in there, a democrat, jones, i've looked at his record. it's terrible on crime.
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terrible on the border. terrible on the military. i can tell you for a fact we do not need somebody that's going to be bad on crime, bad on borders, bad with the military, dad for the second amendment. >> his opponent is doug jones. he is known for prosecuting two klansmen in 1963. when asked about trump's comments, jones says his record speaks for itself. moore is accused of making inappropriate and sometimes unwanted advances on at least eight women, most of the women say they were in their teens at the time and moore was in his 30s. one accuser says she was 14. >> he denies it. roy moore denies it. by the way, he gives a total denial. i do have to say 40 years is a long time. he has run eight races and this has never come up. 40 years is a long time.
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the women are trump voters, most of them are trump voters. all you can do is you have to do what you have to do. he totally denies it. >> during the campaign, over a dozen women accused candidate trump of sexual harassment or sexual assault. trump denied all of those accusations. a reporter mentioned them today >> let me just tell you, roy moore denies it. i think it's a special time because a lot of things are coming out. and i think that's good for our society, and i think it's very, very good for women. and i'm very happy a lot of these things are coming out. and i'm very happy it's being exposed. stick with the question seems to be wealthy presidents go to alabama and campaign for moore. trump left the door open. he said he will let us know next week. >> shannon: i understand moore
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sat down with a radio host in alabama tonight. he again denied the allegations. he has done that from the beginning. he also talked about this question of whether he is going to take legal action. any news on that front? >> he adamantly denied the allegations. he said he doesn't know any of these women, and in his words certainly didn't do anything to them. when it comes to possible legal action, he says they are talking about it but it takes time. listen. >> we are talking about "the washington post." we are talking about the women involved. you know, it takes time to develop a case. there's another side to it. if they are allowed to do things without any substantiation or any proof and put the burden of defense of the person, that's a terrible burden. i will tell you i didn't have any wrongful relationship. i never dated underaged women. i never engaged in sexual misconduct with anybody. >> moore's wife appeared on the
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show. she's been a staunch defender of her husband throughout all of this. >> thank you very much. busy night. the president briefly responded to questions about the sexual harassment allegations facing democrats. commerce been john conyers and senator al franken. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is following the latest. he is on capitol hill with more. >> good evening. before taking up for the thanksgiving latte with diverse family, president trump spoke about the wave of sexual misconduct issues. that includes two prominent democrat lawmakers. minnesota senator al franken and michigan commerce and john conyers. >> i am very happy a lot of these things are coming out. and i'm very happy it's being exposed. i don't know. look, i don't want to speak for al franken. i don't know what happened. i just heard about conyers 2 minutes ago. as far as franken is concerned,
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he's going to have to speak for himself. >> the latest revelation about moore according to -- according revelation about conyers, . the house judiciary committee behind conyers have called for an ethics investigation and the house democratic leader also supports an ethics probe into conyers. >> i do know that this is zero-tolerance. as the mother of four daughters and one son and a grandmother, there's a tipping point and there is no question. >> there is also outrage over the congressional office of compliance revealing 17 million taxpayer dollars have been used to sell settle 264 claims over 20 years.
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>> shannon: >> i was surprised e was a hush money fund, if you welcome and i hope that comes to an end today. if there has been bad behavior, it should be dealt with by the individuals that have exercised poor judgment and bad behavior. that's taxpayer dollars and i think it's absolutely disgusting. >> on that point, there appears to be some bipartisan agreement. some suggestions these sexual harassment allegations involving members of congress are only the tip of the iceberg, and there is an active push to reveal the names of lawmakers who have settled sexual harassment claims against them. >> shannon: mike emanuel, live with us. thank you. top republicans have called on judge moore to step aside for that wasn't exactly the message from the president today. how does the g.o.p. handle the controversy? mark walker joins us. great to have you with us.
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this is something seems to reach across the political spectrum. there are bad actors all across on both sides of the aisle. how do you think we got here? >> i don't think this has anything to do with republican or democrat. specifically in this case, i've watched over the years, i spent 18 years as a pastor before arriving to congress. i have talked with some of the guys. when you surround yourself with people who a lot of times tell you how great you are every day, you begin to believe the hype specifically in the roy moore situation. there were two moments. when sean hannity asked him, did you date high school girls, and he said generally know. that was a flag. then i watched the 8 minutes of the savannah guthrie interview. it's a powerful testimony. >> shannon: where do you go with this? the president said he denies all of this and he talked about his opponent saying we don't need another liberal. obviously if the democrat is seated, it hurts his agenda.
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taxes, repealing obamacare or anything else. sounds like he is maybe open to the idea of campaigning for moore. >> it is something -- the president is allowed to make his own decision there. i think where we agree is people from alabama -- i was born there -- people of alabama should make this decision. based on the facts they've seen. we can't say federal should not intervene in this situation but in this certain election. this is their nominee. they will decide this at the polls. i find the information troubling. >> shannon: we have allegations against congressman john conyers. he's a very well-respected civil rights icon. decades in the house. some people think this is an example of where term limits are maybe not such a bad idea because there are a lot of folks on the hill. you can become comfortable, as you said. he is denying the allegations. the committee says "they are aware of public allegations that representative john conyers have
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engaged in the sexual harassment of members of the staff, discriminated against certain staff on the basis of age, and used official resources for impermissible personal purposes." the congressional black caucus weighing in. no matter the perpetrator, the victim, those responsible for sexual harassment and assault must be held accountable. we encourage and expect this or conyers to cooperate fully. do you feel, are you confident there's a framework in place to hold people accountable when this happens? >> i can't say there is a framework to hold us accountable. those of us in our second term or after 40 years, we are finding out there is a slush money fund. we are already tracking somewhere between a 17% to 20% approval rating. this is a moral injustice for taxpayer dollars to be able to be paid out to some of these
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people who obviously have had rule good behavior. i want these people outed. at the same time, and i'm reflecting on my pastoral history, you want to make sure you don't out some of the victims. it's a sensitive time. you have to draw the fine line to make sure people are being exposed without degrading more damage. >> shannon: i know a lot of what happens in the house ethics committee and other bodies, until they decide to release a report, it's confidential information. this slush fund, those weren't all sexual harassment claims. other workplace issues. for those who have been accused of this kind of behavior, there's been some settlement or wrongdoing, and what cases do think those names, those members should be public? >> i think they should be public and i think they should resign. if you create a situation where taxpayers dollars are going to pay for your indiscretions, predatory or whatever it might've been, you do not have the right any longer to serve in the united states congress,
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house or senate. >> shannon: do you feel like, there's been a conversation over 20 years, that we shouldn't be voting for people based on morality. people can be flawed in some of their moral and private life issues but the excellent leaders and good politicians, is that partially how we got here? >> probably a little bit. i don't want to go through the talking points but you look at the clinton era, some of the evidence clearly showed that there were things going on. we have seen it begin to turn. i hope ultimately it puts us in a place where we have more protection for those being harassed or discriminated against. the united states congress ought to be leading the way when it comes to integrity. draining the swamp. when i decided to run for congress three and a half years ago, i had no idea. i thought it was just a political front. now we see there is moral behavior. i think it surprises and shocks many of us. >> shannon: we are glad you are willing to have this conversation. keep us apprised of changes and things that are happening.
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we know you are trying to have some transparency regardless of party. >> we are all grateful for god's grace but that doesn't go down party lines either. >> shannon: we all needed, that's for sure. great tabby with us. military personnel assigned to the white house find themselves in big trouble after breaking rules with some foreign women. three noncommissioned officers allegedly broke curfew and president trump went to asia. during his vietnam stop over, we are told three military personnel had what the military is calling improper contact with unspecified foreign women. we are told the three ncos have been reassigned while the defense department looks into the matter. the president was not finished when he surprised reporters with his comments on judge moore. senator franken, and congressman conyers. the president volunteers details of a call he had with the russian president and he also said he thinks the names of members of congress to settle harassment claims should be made
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public. >> we had a great call with president putin. we are talking about peace in syria, very important. we are talking about north korea. we had i call that lasted almost an hour and a half. we put out a release on the call. we are talking very strongly about bringing peace to syria. we are talking very strongly about north korea and ukraine. i will be letting you know next week. but i can tell you you don't need somebody who was soft on crime like jones. >> shannon: all right, so are we seeing that of the iceberg when it comes to these scandals on capitol hill? fox news politics editor chris stirewalt is here. let's talk a little bit more about what we are hearing on the john conyers story. i want to make sure we include his defense and what he says is, it's important to keep in mind, the principle of due process and that those accused of wrongdoing
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are presumed innocent unless and until an investigation establishes otherwise. about the claim he settled, he said "i expressly and vehemently deny the allegations made against me and continue to do so." goes on to say there are statutory requirements of confidentiality that applied to the employee and me. the way this is set up, it's not great for either one. if he can't spell out his defense and the victim can't speak publicly, how do we know the truth? >> you are the lawyer here. here's what i know. you cannot regulate decency, and you cannot regulate the human spirit to rise to some higher calling. we have a situation where, whether it's in the conyers case, roy moore, and people looking to bill clinton and lamenting that moore wasn't on of the time. the death of shame really stink
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stinks. the standard ceases to be what is right for me and what am i going to do. but what can i get away with and can you prove it and is there a smoking gun and cannot be removed. you can't stop me from running for senate so i'm going to run. unless you can remove me from this process. this hurts because it's not that congress is unpopular. congress is not trusted. people don't have confidence in the institutions. part of the reason they don't have confidence is whether it is a roy moore or john conyers or al franken, takes a position which says if i can beat the rap, then i can do whatever i want. >> shannon: what conundrum does this pose for the party? some are saying are democrats going to call for conyers to step down? is franken going to be pressured to resign? they are going through ethics committees. if roy moore wins, there are republicans forcing we are going to get rid of him.
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the president saying he denied everything. roy moore in the interview in alabama, interesting comments he had about mcconnell and the others that he thinks are out to get him. >> whatever that is, the fiction, the idea put forward by some republicans. if roy moore comes here, we will discharge him from the body. yeah, right. >> shannon: you don't think they will do it? >> with donald trump backing him? i wonder if trump doesn't have a few feelings he experienced something like what roy moore is experiencing in his own campaign. the accusers with old accusations coming forward before the election. trump, there is reporting that said steve bannon told trump, they did this to you when your accusers came forward with credible claims. we stood up for you i said you e president anyway. and maybe trump has a little bit of that vibe first moore but the
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ridiculous idea that this band of courageous folks, somehow roy moore was going to arrive in the senate and they would band together and discharge him. no, they want the vote. >> shannon: if they don't do something like that. >> shannon: if this tax bill smelled like snickerdoodle cookies and gave everyone a free unicorn, there is no tax bill that would be worth what it woue to have a campaign with a cutout of roy moore next to you. steve and i will take the snickerdoodle cookies but not the unicorn. stick around. the reporter who broke the charlie rose story joins us live next. she's got new developments. also, the trump administration takes new action on sanctuary cities as a federal judge is trying to shutdown the president. we will debate it coming up.
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in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember.
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and then there's the best. we like cage free, and which ones just taste fresher and more flavorful? only eggland's best. we prefer organic, and which ones have 6 times more vitamin d and 25% less saturated fat? only eggland's best. my family deserves the best, and which egg is the best in so many ways? only eggland's best. better taste, better nutrition, better eggs.
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>> shannon: the man behind the endless series of animated hits by disney's pixar studios says he is temporarily stepping away after admitting to "missteps." media reports about
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inappropriate workplace behavior. comes the day cbs and pbs fired charlie rose. an extensive report by "the washington post" detailed eight women who said they were sexually harassed by rose brady 7075-year-old issued an apology. in one his colleagues said "there is no excuse for this alleged behavior." amy britton joins us now. good to have you with us. >> thank you for having me. it came together with my colleague. she heard about some of these allegations in 2010. she tried to report the story then and was unable to complete her reporting. she came to "the washington post" with additional information. we joined together and we have spent the last 20 days working nonstop on this report. >> shannon: how worried or anxious for these women? >> i would say they were extremely worried. a lot of them are fearful about the possible replications --
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repercussions about speaking out. we had extensive conversations with them, in person and over the phone. we spent weeks talking with these women. they were weighing whether to go on the record or not. one woman who made the decision to go on the record told me the reason she made the decision was because she did not want to live in a place, in fear of him anymore. not being willing to put her name on their record she would be in a place of fear and she wanted to be in a place of power. >> shannon: some people say it was a well-known talking point and others will say i'm stunned. i want to play little bit of what gayle king on the cbs morning show had to say. >> i am really struggling because what do you say when someone that you deeply care about has done something that is
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so horrible. how do you wrap your brain around that? i'm really grappling with that. charlie does not get a pass here. he doesn't get a pass from anyone in this room. we are all deeply affected and all rocked by this. >> shannon: want to make of this were some of the women will say i never saw a hint of this and others are young women who say they felt very vulnerable and afraid of him. it's almost like a jekyll and hyde. >> it is, and in talking with these women, there were striking commonalities and their stories. many women -- in many cases they do not know one another. there was similarities and vulnerabilities. they were young. somewhere his assistance. they would be called out to his apartment, his home to be alone with him. he would insist they needed to spend time in cars with him to learn how to travel with him and be around him. i think maybe for some of the people who didn't know about it,
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perhaps they were in positions of greater power. it seemed like most of the individuals who are subject to this behavior were in positions of vulnerability. >> shannon: did you get the impression many of the women thought that the time that it was just them. they didn't know about others, and that is isolating. stick with that was the heartbreaking part of reportinge story. one woman said i have something to tell you. she said i was working with him alone in his apartment, and he came out and he was naked in front of me. i told her, i said you know you are not the only one. and she gasped and said for all these years i thought i was the only one. in some ways, she felt reassured she wasn't the only one but in another way, her heart broke that other women have been subject to the same behavior. that this had been going on for so long. >> shannon: it seems like with the stories and reports, it does
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change the conversation over the last few weeks for people who begin to wonder and say maybe i'm not the only person who faced this situation and now i can come out and share my story. i know you can't give us details but i know you have heard from other people. >> we have. within an hour of publishing the story yesterday, my inbox was starting to get full with new emails. we had women reach out to us from years past who were still going through the emails. we are returning phone calls, reaching out to individuals. we are still continuing the reporting. >> shannon: amy brittain of "the washington post," thank yo thank you. president trump surprised reporters when he stopped to chat on his way to mar-a-lago. will he do it this evening now that he has landed? we will take you live to florid florida. harvard law professor alan dershowitz joins us to discuss the ever-expanding russia investigation. alan dershowitz, no conservative.
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some of his views on special counsel robert mueller. (upbeat music) - [announcer] presenting the shark ion flex 2x. the free-standing, cord free vacuum that can live anywhere because it has two rechargeable batteries. that means you can always be charging, even while you're cleaning. with duo clean, multiflex, and powerful suction so you can go, and go, and go again. welcome to hassle-free runtime with shark.
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from being on his feet. dr. scholl's. born to move. >> shannon: like many this week, president trump and his family headed out of town. before departing to mar-a-lago, he took part in an annual tradition. >> hi, shannon. this will be the first official thanksgiving the president and family spend in his mar-a-lago oceanside resort on palm beach. this time last year, trump was simply president-elect. checkpoints and road closures are in effect, as are restrictions on flights and boating activities. as they will be through sunday. air force one landed coming into the west palm beach international airport roughly 5:45 this afternoon after some mild turbulence over the carolinas. other than that, smooth sailing as the president, first lady and
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son came down to the tarmac, president trump spent several minutes greeting supporters. then into the motorcade for the drive home. hundreds of people lined both sides of the street just to take in the spectacle. immediately upon landing, trump sent out his first tweet. "today, we continued a wonderful american tradition at the white house. drumstick and wishbone will live out their days in the beautiful blue ridge mountains at gobbler's rest." that is in virginia. referring to today's rose garden ceremony where two turkeys, drumstick and wishbone, received their official presidential pardons for their high crimes of being poultry. spared from the carving knife, unlike about 46 other million turkeys this year. >> it was 70 years ago that the national turkey federation first
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presented the national thanksgiving turkey to president harry truman who, i might add to, did not grant the pardon. he refused. he was a tough cookie. today i am going to be a much nicer president. >> we saw our first trump protest rally today in west palm beach which occasionally happens when the president is in town. a small group decried the announcement that the temporary protected status visas for about 60,000 haitians, mostly living in south florida, will expire in 18 months, meaning most will end up going back to the island by force. as the administration says, conditions in haiti are now better than they were actually before 2010's devastating earthquake. the white house press office says there are absolutely no scheduled or expected public events from now through sunday here in palm beach. could be a quiet one at the
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palm beach winter white house for president trump. just like jfk in the 1960s had his winter white house here and nixon did and truman did on key west. when it's aged degrees and blues guides in november, that's why. >> shannon: somebody has to take the assignment, so we are glad you are willing to. thank you so much. president trump's order to cut off funds to sanctuary cities blocked by a judge who once raised $200,000 for president obama. we will debate that. whoooo. looking for a hotel that fits...
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is this a lug wrench? maybe? you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> shannon: president trump's proposed band on certain funding to centricity system blocked by judge william orrick was a long history of donating to democrats. credited for raising money for john kerry, and nearly $200,000 for former president barack obama. the judge blocked the order calling it unconstitutional. here to discuss, larry o'connor. johns hopkins professor wendy osefo. i want to read what the judge said. he said you can't tell these people you are cutting off this money. they thought they were going to get it. he said in part, while the
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federal government may incentivize dates to adopt federal programs voluntarily, it cannot use means that are so coercive as to compel their compliance." professor. >> i understand what the judge is saying here, right, because of the end of the day, there's no way for them to enforce this. there's no way for them to say if this is something they bestow upon us, we are not going to be able to say actually you are wrong. that's the issue here. there are no guidelines, that's what we are talking about. it's not about his political leanings. we can't use that as a rubric to say who can and cannot judge on an issue. >> shannon: a lot of judges do get involved in those kinds of things. the judge said "the executive order doesn't direct the attorney general or secretary to provide sanctuary jurisdictions with any notice of an unfavorable cut to funding." they have no due process. >> i would welcome my friends for democrats who are embracing
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federalism and the tenth amendment of the separation of powers, where have you been the last six decades? that said, the beauty of our founding documents, everyone can understand them. they make logical sense. i think for most americans when you see this century city policy and you see cities and counties and states deciding we are not going to cooperate with the federal government on this, we are going to disobey the law. we are going to pick and choose what laws are valid and which aren't but still give me all the federal tax dollars. it doesn't pass the smell test with most americans and it doesn't make sense. this ruling doesn't really wash either. >> shannon: the white house didn't think so either, saying the district court ruling undercuts the president's efforts to keep the american people safe and secure by enforcing existing law. we are confident the courts will uphold the president's lawful and necessary authority. the next step would be the ninth circuit, which, you know, the ninth circuit does not love
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president trump or any of his policies. maybe this does end up at the supreme court. >> i think it will end up at the supreme court. historically the ninth circuit has been left leaning. if you look at two other judges, they looked at the van and said we're going to push it aside. thing is important to understand that it's not the fault of the charges. we have to make sure we are putting forth policies that are well written, that have checks and balances and that's what's here. if they are able to revise it and put in some measures of checks and balances, this could go through. that's what what's missing. >> rolled policies of cities deciding not to follow the law. we can talk about the constitutional aspects. let's put a human face on it. here in suburban washington, montgomery county maryland, two weeks ago a young woman was murdered by a man, a coworker at
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a kentucky fried chicken. that man was in this country illegally. he was deported in the '90s when democrats obeyed immigration laws. he came back into the country illegally. he was pulled over and stopped two different times by montgomery county police but his immigration status was never investigated because of the sanctuary policy in montgomery county and that man ended up murdering an innocent person. there are very real human repercussions from these policies. >> there are. i am an immigrant. i am from nigeria. i was the first person to get a phd in my department. let's not paint immigrates as someone -- i did come here legally. >> do you make a distinction between legal and illegal? yes, but jeff sessions doesn't. he paints all immigrants with a broad brush. >> not this policy. can you name one policy he set
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forth that paints all immigrants as -- >> he tries to make it seem as though all immigrants. >> that's not a policy. >> no, no, no, no. it's not a policy but we have data that says immigrants do not commit more crimes then united states citizens. >> shannon: we are getting -- >> they stay in this country continuing to break the law. >> shannon: this is not a technical foul, though i'm not afraid to work toward that. to be clear, the sanctuary city policy strictly deals with illegal immigration. glad to see you both. top white house aides reportedly under the eye of the special counsel. has robert mueller gone too far? a leading constitutional scholar explains why he thinks the answer is now yes. statins lower cholesterol,
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>> shannon: following up on the conversation, about sanctuary cities, our fox five affiliate saying and ms-13 gang member has been arrested for murder. the victim was found stabbed more than 100 times in a grave in oak park in montgomery county
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maryland. robert mueller seeking documents from the justice department over president trump's decision to fire fbi director james comey. an increasingly broad probe into russian meddling. it raises legal and political questions. joining us from new york, alan dershowitz. also the author of "trumped up." great to have you with us. what do you make of what we are learning about where the special counsel is going based on the mandate he was given in the beginning. >> i think he is now intruding into the way the president of the united states exercises his constitutional authority. the president is entitled to fire any member of the executive branch with or without cause. the president is entitled to pardon anybody who chooses. the president is entitled to tell the head of the justice department who to investigate
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and who not to investigate. we may not like that. we may regarded as a political sin but it can't be a crime. thomas jefferson did that at the founding of our constitution, and president bush, first president bush pardoned caspar weinberger as he was about to go on trial, leading the special prosecutor to say the president was motivated by a desire to end an investigation that could easily have pointed to president bush himself. we can't be psychoanalyzing presidential motives. we have to look at their actions. the president's actions have so far been constitutionally protected. i think special counsel mueller is going too far. >> shannon: you and i know, as our viewers do, often special prosecutors where they start out and end up are very different places. are there lawmakers, attorney general, does anyone have the power to rein him in?
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he says you are so far off course. or does he have the power to go where an investigation takes him? >> deputy attorney general has the power to rein him in. the attorney general would, but the attorney general has recused himself. the attorney general still has the power if the special counsel goes beyond the russia probe because he has only recused himself from the russia probe, so he is still the chief law enforcement officer when it comes to other issues. for example, the first two indictments that came down, one of them had nothing at all to do with the russia probe. the other had little to do with it, and what the special counsel is doing is he's playing the famous game of dominoes. trying to find the first domino, knock them over and maybe that will knock over the second, third, fourth domino. if some of these dominoes have nothing to do whatsoever with the russian probe, it's just an attempt to squeeze them, to get them to provide information
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against other people. the attorney general could impose constraints on that. will they? probably not. the political situation is such that it would cause an outcry among some members of congress if that were to happen. >> shannon: we know they have spoken to a lot of folks close to the president and there are more who will speak to them. we understand after the holiday week or in the coming days. a lot of these people close to the president, some happen to be related, his children, how much pressure is it on the president if he has any worry or sense it could be one of his children in the cross hairs instead of him. >> the worry is the way this domino operates is you go after people close to the president. you find them on some technicality. it could be jaywalking or failing to include a meeting in a required document. once you have them, you can squeeze. i don't think the president has anything to worry about by his relatives because his relatives will be loyal to him but there
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are other people who might say to themselves, hey, it's me or the president. i'm not only going to sing. i'm going to compose. they know that the better the evidence, the sweeter the deal they're going to get. that's the danger of this domino approach, that you can get people not only to testify truthfully but you can get them to exaggerate their testimony. i don't believe mueller would do that deliberately but the targets themselves often feel that if they can improve on the testimony, they will get a better deal. that's very dangerous to civil liberties. >> shannon: professor, always great to have your input. we are back right after this. i think it's terrific.
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entity. asking to stop the state. telling the appeals court that nobody needs these nuns in order to get contraception. good evening from washington, i am shannon bream. ♪ >> mark: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." he is getting an early start on the pumpkin pie and i am a turkey he pardoned. one man is a deadly seductive cult leader, the other is charles manson. that's "newsweek"'s take to the deceased killer charles manson. we'll discuss that in just a bit, but first, a wave of sexual misconduct allegations have turn into a tsunami, sweeping away of all of los angeles county, manhattan island and the district of columbia. first it was the hollywood


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