tv Media Buzz FOX News November 26, 2017 8:00am-9:00am PST
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to work with this client. he's now on track to retire when he's 65. having someone coach you through it is really the value of a financial advisor. television icon charlie rose fired. >> cbs news and pbs take charlie rose off the air after least a woman accused him of sexual harassment. >> they called and said are you okay? i'm not okay. after reading the article in the post it was deeply disturbing, troubling and painful for me to read. >> charlie was apologizes for inappropriate behavior and how did this conduct stay secret for so long? and as the white house fires one of their own for judges.
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-- >> he basically laid on the floor in his living room and proceeded to -- seduce me. i guess you would say. and during the course of that he removed my clothing. >> let me just tell you, roy moore denies it. and by the way, it totally denies it. >> the president of the united states effectively endorsed an accused child molester for the u.s. senate. >> and thought you'd repeat that to let it sink in. >> lesson if you listen to the president that is if you deny the allegations, you get the benefit of the doubt and politics. that is a strange -- >> donald trump does not see a problem with the neo-nazis and apparently not of the accused child predators either. >> the president taking a pragmatic approach to the alabama senate race while republican victory would ensure the senate gop would preserve
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its majority by the current margin. >> what is behind this tsunami of criticism for the president? this eskimo woman accused al franken of probing them. he keeps on apologizing and congressman john conyers admits a harassment with a former staffer. and the father of ucla basketball player the president got sprung from chinese custody. the scorecard says his picking fights but is it true? all of that as #mediabuzz. the president initial statement that roy moore should get out of the alabama senate race if the sexual misconduct allegations against him are true, then he suddenly seems to ship to stanford i was after lee kaufman who first told the
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washington post that he accosted her when she was 14 appeared on the today show and explain why she did not speak out when he first got into politics. >> my children were small. i was a single parent. when you're in that situation, you do everything that you can to protect your own. so when the washington post sought me out i didn't look for this this fell in my lap. because the presence of questions from reporters and made clear to the former judge in the senate over a democrat doug jones. >> we do not need a liberal person in there, a democrat, jones. >> is an accused child molester better than a democrat? it is an accused child molester better than a democrat? because he denies it. if you look at what is really going on and all the things that have happened in the last 48 hours, he totally denies it. he says it did not happen. >> and the new york tabloids reacting with these headlines.
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with the same theme. join is not to unless coverage we have ellison barber, dale trotter and -- we just saw this caused a huge media uproar. he was seen as essentially endorsing roy moore in the race. has white house pushed back? >> is a non-endorsement endorsement. initially the white house said that if these allegations are true, he should step down. and then repeatedly said that the president was devoted alabama to decide. is noticeably not said anything about it until those comments on the south lawn. they had the comments on the south lawn had been treated like identity that it is better than nancy pelosi or chuck schumer puppet. there is like so much they can push back. at some point. they can say is what you want that he was the alabama voters to decide. but if he thinks that those are
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tricky things that they should step down. it does not matter what the president comes out and says but i think you have to take his words more than anything from the press secretary. >> much of the media portraying this as a dramatic shift for the president. and they say well if he is essentially siding with roy moore or attacking the democrat, it shows he does not care about the sexual harassment allegations. is that a -- >> his previous stance was that if these are tricky step down. then when he spoke to the prez early this week is that he totally denied it. he says it was a long time ago and there've been multiple races where this is not. i think you would say he did not change his position. and will he go to campaign for roy moore? he says he will decide next week. saying that he is endorsing roy moore is inconsistent.
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>> the press does not seem to be buying that argument. and this is not everyone but many say that in effect, he sang the democratic judges if you listen to the denials he is sending a signal. so is there a leak there? >> no, i think you have to put this in political context. and it is this. remember, the president does not back judge roy moore in the republican primary in the state of alabama. he picked the incumbent, the employee. so once you get in the situation where then, once roy moore won the state that was on him i think he felt somewhat maybe i made the wrong call earlier. my bases with judge roy moore. >> is the present reading him right? >> i think they are. i do not think there is question is steve bannon who has been involved in is and is part of the push in the press by the way of breitbart, to get
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people to look at roy moore differently has also influenced the president. while it may be fear, as gayle trotter points out, i think the statement he made going after the helicopter for the things giving helicopter was far more aggressive and public in terms of support for roy moore than anything he had done before. >> i think part of the contest is that the president did not speak about it until the south lawn. so in terms of did he change is a matter he said this, depressed team this. >> many of these politicians try to avoid the media allegations. so for example, roy moore, the initial conversation with sean hannity, after that he is not talked to a journalist. he may be can do that, but the president is constantly in photo ops and opportunities, he ultimately does not have that option. does he? >> not necessarily. you see reporters that shot questions and he keeps walking
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by so he can certainly strategically avoid them if he wants or not answer. i do think whether people love or hate the president, i think the most thing everyone agrees on is that he usually does not, i don't think, usually ignore a lot of questions. i think when questions are there and sometimes, i think his press office would wish that he doesn't. i think usually responds with her is twitter or whatever. he usually is better at responding.that is right was particularly notable. >> he talks him a lot more than he used to. and more than most presidents i must say pc segments trying to resurrect the harassment allegations against donald trump himself. about a dozen women have made these allegations at the end of the campaign last year. is it fair or unfair for the media now to revive that issue? >> certainly relevant for the media to bring it up. because it is historically interesting and gives color to the story. it certainly gives an insight into what the president is
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thinking and if he truly believes that these women were liars than doctor show why he would be more likely to support roy moore and that there should be a deception in a sense. like juan williams was saying, i was surprised he did not come out and say i was right. i supported the challenger to roy moore and like ellison barber said, there is no filter on him. so he has the ability to go out there and say that. it is surprising that he didn't say i was right. >> i think then he opened the door to the media criticism of his past and going back. the argument would be that voters are different than a private employer. you mentioned some cases at the top of the show charlie rose, and others. these are people who are in the public eye but really work a private enterprise, a media organization. >> there is no verdict by the voters. >> correct.but here with the president there was a verdict by the voters. some people say well does that
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mean that they were judge and jury with regard to the sexual harassment claims? what do they prefer him as president? i do not know if they are truly judge and jury but i think positive people in the presidents camp say the issue is dead. >> i think people misinterpreted what i said last week. that noting there was an election. ivanka trump said she believes the women involved. and certainly taking a different stance. i guess it does lead to the question of wealth, these women accuse you, you said they're not telling the truth or maybe you are skeptical of the accusers. let me go a little more because the spotlight is shifting to the democrats. if i can just go through, three more accusers is less presented al franken grabbed there but in a follow-up. he has apologized again said that he crossed the line and the senate will talk to the reporter ticket 88-year-old john conyers, a democrat, first reported by buzzfeed that he was using tax money to settle a former suit.
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and he denies it. it is all becoming a blur? is it muddying the waters about who did what? >> i do not know if i would say a blur but i would think it depends on how you think of that? i think in terms of the amount of information being thrown at a reader, maybe there is a lot to process and digest. i think every day i'm trying to keep it up with it. >> and we do this for a living! but there are distinctions to be made at the level of conduct or harassment compared to people who have been accused of sexual assault or rape. >> i think the difference can be seen usually in reporting. i think the reporters job is to accurately portray where this falls and whether it is child molesting work a rape accusation or something else. it does not mean it should be covered simply because there are others -- >> and other distinctions to be made in the conyers case. i think it is more of an allegation now correct me if i'm wrong, he used taxpayer dollars. to buy off or --
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>> this was just a couple of years ago done in secret. >> that is the case, that is different what we are talking about. other cases i do not know about settlements but the idea that you're using public funds, if that is not common practice on capitol hill, i think that is a problem. and that is why the detroit free press call for him to resign. >> yet because there's a clear public interest here because of taxpayer money. i have another case with tongass -- congressman barton. they have a recording of him but some people are saying that joe barton is a victim of revenge porn. >> is he that he is hard to be a victim of anything beyond his own stupidity. we look at a person in the public eye and he will give privacy laws that govern this kind of rape or porn revenge
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statute, then it is hard to say how that will play out with someone like this. >> yeah, i want to say he is not accused of harassing anyone. but certainly may be guilty of the conduct. let me get a break. when we come back, frank will join us on whether people trust all that is reported on these allegations. and later, the journalism that prompted three networks to fire charlie rose and how cbs handled it. hello mom. amanda's mom's appointment just got rescheduled - for today. amanda needs right at home. our customized care plans provide as much - or as little help - as her mom requires. whether it's a ride to the doctor or help around the house. oh, of course! tom, i am really sorry. i've gotta go. look, call right at home.
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the united states that seen in the still major source of fake news and they represent our nation to the world very poorly the outside world does not see the truth. our job is to report the news. does this kind of thing potentially hurt cnn and correspondence around the world? that the present is so publicly blasted network? >> it undercuts the credibility but i think at least a bigger the year that we never dreamed looking to have. had more contention, anger and division. the media has a responsibility to report the truth but the responsibility is essential. and when you undercut them, when it becomes impossible to look at cnn will be "the new york times" and simply not trust at, there have a problem. >> so you're making the leap that many people will not turn into cnn because of the constant barrage of big news. and we also say fox news.
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>> there is simply the people do not trust the media anymore. without effective efficient media, how do we know what is truth? how do we get our news? i'm concerned that axis of our democracy under threat. which means the news organizations have to be more accurate. you have to be more careful in most important need to have to be more accountable. be more accountable. but just trashing b not helpful to democracy. >> in the example of roy moore. nine women that did not know which of making accusations. he has chosen to attack the washington post. one of his aides said it was a worthless piece. do you think that this is having an impact on alabama republicans who are more inclined to distrust the meeting them believe these women? >> that is the whole problem. if this had been bill clinton, imagine what the republicans would have said. they would have handed him his resignation.
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but it is perfectly acceptable that is a republican released to turn a blind eye. that is not right. >> and the same thing because the democrats like al franken and others. they will hold back a bit before likely to criticize. >> if you're going to drain the swamp that is republicans and democrats alike. peace of the country, we do not serve one third of the country. you serve every american. and in these focus groups i am doing, the level of distrust and anger is even higher today than it was on election day. and frankly, we have a president in the congress and a news media where all of us are responsible for this level of cynicism and it is only getting worse. >> charlie rose in 24 hours, lost his positions at cbs, pbs, bloomberg. all over sexual misconduct allegations. and he was a consultant for training them for half-dozen years? what do you think? >> he was the most respected
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journalist in america one week ago. and today he is the least respected. what does that do for our faith and confidence in the democratic processes? at some point, you start to see it unraveling. people say well, it is not the revolutionary war. we have had worse times. the fact is, we never have worse times on the air. -- it is funny, i do not see this for my own personal perspective. i see this from a national perspective and it is a tragedy. and i love how gayle king handled it because she spoke strictly camera without a teleprompter and spoke from her heart. >> you will get to that in a few moments. i will seem a little later in the program, thank you frank luntz. ahead, the white house reporter suspended for behavior. but next, the fate of cnn after the justice department tried to block a big mega merger. and the president talks time of the upcoming --
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>> the president said he is taking a pass on times person of the year on or after winning last year. he tweeted the magazine called to say he would probably be named but would have to do an interview with a major photo shoot adhesive probably is not good enough. time called it inaccurate and they say that peck remains secret until early december. go exactly what are they denying? they do arrange interviews and photo sessions with defined whiskers is the president trying to save face or just working the refs here? the future cnn got bracket is here the justice department filed a suit to block at&t from taking of the norse parent company time warner. in the president well ãlester say he approved. >> i am not going to get involved in litigation but personally, i've always felt that that was the deal is not good for the country.
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i think the pricing will go up. >> donald trump made no secret of his disdain for cnn and some outlets say that is what is behind the lawsuit. with the doj, whether prodded by donald trump were not raises key issues. it is trying to block this $85 billion merger. at&t will control content including hbo and at&t which has sports. because already on directv justice argues it would mean higher monthly fees for consumers. at&t says that is nonsense with is a perfectly reasonable antitrust concerns. the trump administration does take over cnn will keep operating as it has been and probably keep making the president back. we met some folks have had fun with rand paul over and attacked by his neighbor left him with six broken ribs. his wife kelly says that her husband has not taken a single breath without pain and has pneumonia. she dismisses concocted theories about ongoing landscaping dispute with the neighbor. it is incredibly hurtful that some news outlets have
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victimized rand paul the second time as he struggles to recover. this was not a scuffle or a fight as many in the media and say. it was a deliberate blindsided attack. she is right and it hurts. and then the president generates more headlines by punching beckett sports figures. is that a distraction? the first, charlie rose and his media empire. definitely you. (santa) ho ho ho! shop like a pro at the bass pro shops cyber monday sale! check out for incredible daily deals plus free shipping! >> today a new yorker article
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woman saying that he groped them, walked around naked and had other forms of sexual misconduct. >> within the office this is relatively pretty well known. i think many of them have a tremendous fear about speaking out against someone this powerful. >> he said in a statement, i deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavior i'm greatly embarrassed.i'm beginning and sensitively at time and accept responsibility for that. though i do not believe all these allegations are accurate. his former colleagues and cbs this morning tackled the issue head on. >> i have held him to such high regard. i am really struggling because how do you, what do you say when somebody that you deeply care about has done something that is so horrible? how do you wrap your brain around that? >> let me be very clear, there is no excuse for this alleged behavior. a systematic and pervasive. >> cbs news spoke with 3m and identified women at the network may allegations be one thing that he whispered a sexual innuendo and improperly touching her and the former
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intern told nbc he wants to show her a sexually charged movie. >> and he proceeded to turn on the film, secretary. which is a sexually involved film. and unfortunately -- he asked me how does this make you feel? you know, does it turn you on? that kind of stuff. >> joining our panel for with liz clayman on the foxbusiness network. despite charlie rose's stature in the business, 24 hours i know his media empire is gone really. what does that tell you? >> it says in the atmosphere right now enables a situation that has not been allowed to get out there in a long time. but it is also quite interesting to see and terrifying for anybody who is either acute events or nose in their mind that has not been
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outed yet that they too may be up for scrutiny on this issue that is careers will be erased if this type of behavior is outed where it continues. that is pretty fascinating. the title of the show is #mediabuzz here the power of the press appears at this point when it comes to this thread of discussion, never to have been greater. the power of the press right now enables an article to come out and say the washington post, new york times or -- one day, sometimes even eight people careers have been vaporized. not only with their shows, but they will lose any affiliation. the big news over the weekend was that charlie rose just had to journalistic accolades taken away from him from the cronkite school and another journalism school in kansas. and it really speaks volumes. people do not want to touch us anymore and that culture of silence is now very loudly out there. >> i have been on charlie's
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show a few times. he is very talented broadcaster. and yet, when you read the graphic details in this story, i was surprise that this all happened so quickly. but this new, we talk about do you think this can go too far or a healthy development? >> well, you cannot certainly conflate every single situation that is coming up. there seems to be a knee-jerk reaction to do that. put them on the same level playing field. charlie rose is not harvey weinstein. in harvey weinstein is a criminal type of situation where there can be allegations of rape. we have to be careful about putting every single one of these, paul halperin for example is not the same as louis ck who is not the same as kevin spacey. they are dealing with actual actionable situations where there could be a criminal case for harvey weinstein and kevin spacey. see no arrests and no indictments. i think you will need to be
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careful about this could nonetheless, the culture of silence has gone away. people are concerned now, be careful of what you say in what you do in the workplace. >> most of the allegations were about charlie's pbs show. but with cbs news report and the more recent allegations, three women not identify that work with cbs, how significant was that? >> very significant! i think we're seeing americans are disgusted the entire entertainment and media and political world are infested with these men are taking advantage of their privileged positions of power. to abuse women who are relying on them and trusting them and so, what was it is happening in the media industry, you see a fundamental shift in recording of this because they see it as infesting them. easy to set cbs, npr, pbs, all of these other media organizations and harvey weinstein was a tipping point. >> ironically, a longtime producer of charlie rose's pbs show, she told the washington post that she failed because
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some of these women went to her complaints and she did not help them. she says she should have. it is not easy covering the allegations at your own noise organization. but others led off their shows and working with someone that did this it is hard. >> gayle king spoke knowledge of, but from the heart sing at the social deeply admired and that he had engaged in horrific behavior. i think there is an important point to be made here about the power differential. that while these events did not occur at cvs --@ cbs were pbs. so he has power over these women. >> and some of them were applying for jobs. let me turn to this other story from the new york times this week is been a star white house
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correspondent who is also an msnbc contributor and has been portrayed on snl. >> what you are talking about, our obsession with russia and responsibility. >> glenn thrush, new york times, boom! go ahead. >> again on the website they wrote that when they both worked for political he was trying to kiss her and put his hand on her thigh. and two other women said that his behavior was not appropriate. and they said this is not in accordance with their paper. he says he apologized for making any woman uncomfortable. he says is unacceptable. liz, a senior to make these distinctions but essentially he was accused of being overly aggressive in many of these cases. maybe one that is consensual, is that in a different category or is impressed by "the new york times" suspended him at this time?
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>> it is in a different category. but the most egregious thing for this i think for him is the pattern where he would be at events off-site from "the new york times". he would get people inebriated and then he would talk to someone that was there and said ticket homes are to be alone with this person. remember that relies he tossed a $100 bill at a kitchen person or a dishwasher instead get out of the kitchen while i give this woman a tour. and then, he would make his move. that is very different from the harvey weinstein situation but in the end, perhaps the most egregious situation about glen thrush is this was a woman he may have deterred from entering the journalism broker and will never know the great stories it would have broken or how they would have contributed to the world of journalism. that said, "the new york times" came armed and prepared as did cbs. let me quickly at thisb that
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cbs president handled this very well. the point he made was in i even wrote this down. he says despite charlie's important journalistic contribution, there is nothing more important than enduring the safe and professional workplace but a supportive environment where people feel they can do their best work. there is a criminal part but if you run a business, it is criminal people are being prevented from doing their best work. and the company loses money. >> briefly, they said a drinking problem you're seeking help for a drinking problem. >> we have seen a lot of excuses by powerful men about you know kevin spacey says i am gay and we've had many people tried to come up with excuses for why they have engaged in this behavior. but the truth is, it is great that the media have changed in a friendly reporting on this. because their credible allegations, patterns of behavior and it is not going to be tolerated anymore. >> all right. gayle trotter, juan williams, liz claman in new york. thank you for joining us. the parent company of fox news
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reached an agreement this week. money will come from insurance companies covering fox executives and directors and from the estate of the late fox news chairman roger else. they also will improve the work environment to commit the president and a twitter war with a seemingly ungrateful sports dad whose son was free from chinese testing. and why this is taking off and just about everyone. (vo) take home something in a helzberg diamonds box for $999 or more, and you also take home an xbox one s, with a terrific bundle! now, that's thinking outside the box! at helzberg diamonds. while supplies last.
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sports battlefield for persuading the chinese president to let go festival players for shoplifting. and one father reviewed to thank you. now that the three basketball players out of china and saved from years in jail, the father of liangelo ball is not grateful. i should have left them in jail. a soundbite here? >> he thinks that he did something for the boys and he should be thanked and instead he took a shot at him. >> that's fine. if he thinks that. i didn't take a shot him! someone asked me a question man. i give them my opinion.
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but i'm not taking a shot of the president, come on! >> is all that you are taking a shot at the present. >> the president called him an ungrateful fool. the president is ticked off. the media hates it when the president gets into these twitter spots. but they cannot get enough of it. and so that became -- >> no sports band wants politics on the field or the court. no politician wants sports to intervene with - i'm curious to see people turn up the segment. what bothers me -- >> if you do not keep the interest level up. >> what bothers me is with everything going on in the world, in washington, across the globe that this makes his way onto the news pages of the newspaper. >> with the president wants us to be a big issue. this press portrays us as a character flaw. why is he punching down on lavar ball? reporters have a different view of these bites. >> right but in this case, i think donald trump is correct.
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why do not show humility? why do not express thanks to a president whether or not you might dislike them? they still intervene, he went out of his way and these kids may have been in a lot of trouble could i remind lavar ball that his son was a criminal in a foreign country and broke the law. >> i still cannot wrap my head around a simple thank you was not, when he is not capable of that. in other sports related thing, it's a football fan. this another tweet from the president. -- next time the article should suspend him for the remainder of the season. i personally think that a lot of the media does not like donald trump pushing the zeneca protests. i think it has worked well for him and is controversial. but to suggest a particular player be suspended or potentially suspended, does not cross over? >> me take you back to richard nixon. supposedly had a play, he gave
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it to call john and everyone went nuts? what is the hell is the president giving place with posting not you know, the american people agree with donald trump.on this eared and it has caused a lot of damage to the nfl. that said, is this what a president should be doing? and particularly when you're protesting if there is a military person singing the national anthem. which is what happened this last thursday. the player says i'm going to draw attention to is happening in the black community. there is a right way and a wrong way to do that. just as these twitter wars are wrong, not standing for the national anthem is wrong. i believe. we have to respect the players and the messages they're sending. just do it the right way at the right time for the right reasons. >> football fan, frank luntz, thank you for joining us. after the break, what is it nothing that everybody hates facebook and twitter and google? and should we blame the tech giants or ourselves?
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>> how do we reach a point with the big tech companies everyone used to admire her -- are now so -- >> welcome to requested to be with you. >> twitter, google and facebook. these were the hot new companies with cool ceos. now everyone seems to be mad at them.what happened? >> is interesting because as you say this everyone, the left and the right. everyone. whatever you look at. they think these big companies are too powerful and in the way that they use their power is harmful to what they foresee to be the public interest. if you look at particularly companies like facebook i think, particularly from the left over what they perceive
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their role in helping the russians to swing the election. to hilary or against the and democrats and for donald trump. these companies are run by diehard liberals are using their power over the information we consume and the way people connect with each other to push an agenda of liberal values. and so i think all of these problems really are consequence of the massive success of these companies in producing tools and products that billions of people around the world want to use. >> evolving drug into the special counsel investigation for allowing phony russian size access and taking ads from these criminal length groups. even kremlin and facebook saying they're willing to take some regulation.
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is it because they cling to this fiction that they are not really media companies when in fact, they are among the most powerful media companies on earth. >> there are two parts but i think the first answer is that is just so much of it that the sheer scale of the contest, the number of content uploaded every second to youtube, the amount coming think about the 2 billion people using facebook. it is just so much actually it is very difficult to police that you know using automated means because even though we hear a lot these days about artificial intelligence and machine learning and natural language processing where computers try to understand the meaning of different words and trying that you understand what is going on. actually, all that is still in its infancy. so to police the content for
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example, to spark terrorist plotting or child abuse.those sorts of things. actually it is pretty difficult. again -- if you do this manually, it costs you needed to employ not just tens of thousands but hundreds of thousands of people. that would be their argument. >> is about money! they do not want to spend the money. i guess facebook will not hire another 10,000 fact checkers. you talk about these companies from the left in the right ear twitter will now remove the blue verification for prominent people if in twitters judgment does people post hateful or racist messages. you get into that you start attacking politicians, is that hateful? can they come under fire for exercising that judgment? but you say these companies are perceived as being run by liberals. >> i think is a big issue be one of the arguments that you hear a lot from the right particularly is that the double
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standard. is it their judgment the companies judgment of what is hateful it is driven by politics to for example, as that promote pro-life position, they considered to be provocative and hate speech? you see that come easy youtube getting into wars over classifying conservative philosophical instruction videos as contravening their guidelines. >> the final points. are we all partially to blame? to be give these companies and these sites too much of our time, too much of our information and then we grumble about it? >> yes, i think that is right! in the next revolution we regularly come back to this point about the impact of technology on our humanity. it is something i feel very strongly about. i wrote a book about this. i do not use a smart phone for
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example. i did not will have one for five years. and i live perfectly without it. >> how did you survive? this is a revelation! >> i had one for five years and life goes on and it is perfectly fine. i really concerned about the way that those phones in particular made people addicted to technology. but it does not absolve the companies from their own responsibility. whether it is in terms of their market power, the dominance over a particular market for example online advertising or their power over information. and i think that they definitely need to take all of these issues much more seriously than they have in the past. i think to be fair, they are realizing that now. and they are starting to get more deeply into the social impact. >> i'm sorry i lost track of what you're saying i was checking my feet here. [laughter] steve, thank you for joining us. great to see you. >> quick to see you. >> life goes on. still to come, newsweek and a new low compared intelligence
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culture feels free to compared donald trump to the worst villains in human history, this is a new low. newsweek use this, charles manson compared to the president. this illogical connection relied on a psychologist so they both use emotional anguish to appeal to yelling native people or something. but even the prisons that he wasn't comparing donald trump and charles manson all that i did not stop ms. review they later deleted all references to the president saying the original piece did not meet editorial standards which were sadly missing in action.just pathetic! that is it for this addition of #mediabuzz. i'm howard kurtz . we hope you all enjoyed a thanksgiving weekend. you can check out facebook to
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keep up with my videos. you can also message me. >> the president returns to washington today with a lot on his plate. and he and congress tried to pass tax reform here but a showdown with democrats trying to shut down the government over immigration reform.hello everyone welcome to "americas news headquarters", i am arthel neville. >> i am eric. >> welcome back! >> happy thanksgiving weekend everyone i am eric shawn. the president basing a slew of issues in the final weeks of the up your meeting with congressional leaders from both parties on tuesday hoping to reach a deal on a spending bill av
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