tv Happening Now FOX News November 28, 2017 8:00am-9:00am PST
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she was previously married, divorced, whether or not this would be a religious officiated wedding and the archbishop of canterbury said he has no qualms with that. he will marry them. >> she seems like a charming gal. and an american at that. >> congratulations to both of them. "happening now" starts right no now. >> jon: and we start with the fox news alert on the president's push for tax reform. as mr. trump gets ready to go to capitol hill for team meetings with lawmakers. good morning to you. i'm jon scott. >> i'm julie banderas. a whole lot of action and now gearing up for a trip to capitol capitol hill and get them behind the parties bill. amid reports the g.o.p. is trying to appease at least half a dozen holdouts. >> i think all of us want to get across the finish line and we are trying to make this bill one that not only serves our immediate interest as a nation but also our long-term interest
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and everybody is working feverishly right now to try to get to that place. >> julie: chief white house correspondent john roberts is live with the story. >> good morning to you. the president will be at the capitol hill in about an hour's time. it's about the second time that he is going up there so tax reform first was to the house, this time it is the senate republicans. you mentioned at least six people. it's like the closer to eight. joining ron johnson of wisconsin in opposition to this bill. both of them saying that they like to fix this is that they can get to yes. one of the big holdups particularly for senator johnson is the fact that the small businesses are not treated the same way as large corporations, small business tax would be 25%, 20% of the rate proposed for corporations. senator daines of montana saying i want to see changes to the tax bill that ensures main street businesses are not put at a competitive disadvantages against large corporations. to the president because of the
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52-48 split can only afford to lose two votes in the senate but he's got another six senators who have qualms about all of this gets put them up on the scoreboard. you can see where they are. senator corker of tennessee, going for it, and collins are all worried that's is going to add to the deficit. a big hole in the deficit, adding to the debt. also opposed to repealing the individual mandate and obamacare as part of this deal. on fox and friends this morning, senator corker of tennessee said that he will vote based on what's in the bill and will not let his bitter feud with the president influence how he will go. >> i don't think people have any idea the tremendous interaction that has continued throughout all of this with most every principal at the white house and in the apartments. i would never vote against something because of some disagreement i have with an individual, more what i vote for
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some things only because like someone. >> jon: what with us to do the deficit according to the congressional budget office? the congressionally mandated cap in the senate is $1.5 trillion so there's not a lot of wiggle room there to put anything else in the bill or cost any money. but the president going up to the hilt today, about and the committee today that could see this thing passed to get through to the full senate. sources here at the white house say they could have a vote sometime by the end of the week may be into saturday so they're not sure about that. at the same time, the committee will be meeting up on the hill to talk about all of this. in the present will be entertaining the congressional leadership here at the white house to talk amongst other things about the budget and the president making some news a short time ago in a tweet saying "meeting with chuck and nancy today." about keeping government open and a working, problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding
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into our country unchecked. weak on crime and what to substantially raise taxes. i don't see a deal. those last few words there are the key here because the president is suggesting that there could be a government shutdown looming because of the fact that chuck schumer and nancy pelosi are insistent about opposing the president on certain immigration items that he wants. more border security, building up a wall, more authorization of law enforcement for people that are in this country illegally. we will see where this goes but that is a very big shock across the aisle in a very alarming tweet this morning. >> julie: certainly something democrats do not want to be responsive response before. on capitol hill to be responsible for government shutdown. >> exactly, the democrats to hold an awful lot of cards and all of this as well. it's going to be quite a battle between the white house and democrats. >> julie: will be watching it. thank you as always. >> jon: that loud noise you
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hear is the clock ticking on capitol hill that senate republicans vote, hope to vote on their tax bill this week. they have a razor-thin majority on so far to senators, ron johnson of wisconsin and steve daines a montana saying they are voting no for several old others still prominently on the fence. joining us now, national political correspondent for "the washington post." he's also the author of the daily 202. so ron johnson and steve daines have the same concern, the so-called pass-through transfer transfers. >> there are negotiations on going to fix that issue to allow the pass-through companies to be treated the same as large corporations. the issue is that these two guys want to do something that would make the bill more expensive and at the same time as we just heard in the last segment, there are four or five republican senators that are concerned that the bill is too expensive as it stands now, that are concerned about the deficit. during what senator johnson and dane want will cost more money
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than you have four guys who are worried they cost too much now so that, every time you make a compromise to add something into the bill to get one or two more votes, you risk driving away something like bob corker jeff flake. >> jon: what's with jeff flake? he and his fellow arizona senator john mccain normally would be a shoe in as yes votes for any kind of republican tax reform. >> absolutely, and both of them are sort of on the fence. mccain hasn't been specific about his concerns prayed he said yesterday that he had a lot of them. jeff flake is one of the guys who have been the most outspoken and worrying about the deficit. right now, the deal that everyone reached a couple of months ago was that the debt will increase by more than one and a half trillion dollars over the next ten years under any plan and flake is worried that after ten years, there's a bunch of stuff in there that would essentially mean they're playing with the numbers and the
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increase would be much more than one and a half trillion. so he wants assurances that that's not going to happen. that's also bob corker's biggest concern. there's pressure from conservatives in arizona, republicans, the business community on both mccain and flake. the challenges that neither mccain or flake will ever face motors again. flake has announced he's not running for reelection. they are not susceptible to the kind of traditional political pressure that most normal politicians, someone like steve daines or ron johnson would be. >> jon: talking about pressure, those three senators that you just mentioned, jeff flake, john mccain, bob corker, they've all had personal run-ins my personal antagonism with this republican president. we heard corker say that he wouldn't let that get in the way of his thinking on a vote, but i don't know, how sure can we be that their positions aren't colored by the sort of poisonous relations they have with the
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white house? >> flake yesterday made a very similar comment and said just trying to vote for what the best conservative policy is. but that's the thing is that in these situations, these huge bills, talking about the biggest overhaul of our tax code and more than 30 years, is going to be things in their people don't like. you have to kind of except some bad things to get some good things if you're republican and that's why it's problematic that the president has such bad blood with so many members of congress because it makes it hard to twist arms and it makes it hard to kind of do a gut check level pitch like i really need your vote here, could you help me ou out? and that frankly happens a lot on capitol hill. no matter who's in charge. the president when he is popular, when he has goodwill can go to people maybe a little bit uneasy with these big omnibus pieces of legislation and say please help me out. and trump doesn't have that goodwill right now with several of the members who are on the fence about this tax bill. that makes it harder to get across the finish line.
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there's this real sense of urgency on capitol hill that they've got to get something through. if they have to put some points on the board before the end of the year. but it's a harder sell than it would've been if the president had tweeted so many nasty things. >> jon: if they do get the thing passed, they say they are worried about blowing a hole in the budget like senator corker of tennessee, what's a stopgap? if they see that it blows a hole in the budget, they can't undo it, can they? speak of the treasury secretary on capitol hill. he went to several of the senate offices and he was negotiating with a couple of them possibly about adding some language in that if for some unforeseen reason this blew up the debt even more than that that certain provisions would get scaled back or they would be provisions in the bill to kind of cut off some of the tax cuts that they ended up blowing up the deficit even
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more than is currently expected. >> jon: it's going to be an interesting week on capitol hill. james hellman, "washington post "washington post." >> julie: and expose a report in "the washington post" again as reporters turn the table in an organization that claims to expose media bias. but special counsel robert mueller be investigating a plea deal with the president's former national security advisor? we are going to discuss the latest of elements in in a rush investigation coming out. harry's meeting clients...
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...from far away. but they only see his wrinkles. if only harry used some... ...bounce, to dry. he would be a less wrinkly, winning guy. >> you have very, very special people. if you were here long before any of us were here. although we have a representative in congress who they say he was a long time ago. they call her pocahontas, but you know what, i like you. because you are special.
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>> julie: right now, a growing backlash against the president after he once again used his nickname pocahontas for senator warren to honor navajo veterans. warren came under fire in 2012 after it was revealed during her academic career she identified as a minority citing native american roots. listen. >> i think what most people find offensive is senator warren's lying about her heritage to advance her career. >> julie: joining me now, former chief of staff to senator mitch mcconnell and policy director at brownstein and jim kessler, former legislative and publicly directed to senator schumer and senior vice president for policy a third way. let me just ask you about both of you about this especially awkward moment since the event was supposed to pay tribute to native americans accrued by the u.s. military but instead it
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kind of turned into a politicized name calling was senator warren who had nothing to do with the event. jim, i'll take your thoughts first. >> of course, it was insulting to native americans. it was insulting to senator warren as well. i think for donald trump, it was stupid. there is a reason that his tax bill right now is in its death throes. a little less talk, little less pocahontas, a little less sparring with levar bell on twitter had a little bit more working with congress. there are costs to being undisciplined and erratic. >> julie: the president's remarks were made while standing in front of a portrait of president andrew jackson, who signed the indian removal act of 1830 that resulted in the mass displacement of native american americans. the president of the navajo nation called the president's mention of pocahontas derogatory and disrespectful to indian nations. was this the right time for thi
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this? >> i'm not going to tell any group what is and is not offensive to them. but i do think that senator warren using the idea of her being a native american which is false as a way of advancing her career is also an exploitation of native americans and that something that the president was pointing out. he's not the most scripted person, so i think that it shouldn't be as scandalous or surprised people that he went off script yesterday. i think you had the opportunity, he might say it in a different way and at a different time. but he was trying to honor these men and he did that in the ceremony that i think was a way of honoring them and he followed through on that. i think it was an appropriate thing to do and i'm glad that he did that. >> julie: the president likes to veer off script and take jabs at his political enemies, i'll call them. and we know that this pocahontas nickname really comes down to former academic post where as a
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former harvard law school professor, she actually did identify herself as a minority, citing native american roots during her academic career. is it fair to -- is it fair game considering she brought it on to herself? >> so it turns out elizabeth warren is not completely 100% politically pure as the driven snow. >> julie: is anybody in washington? >> join the club. but if somebody referred to me as jewish and called me that, that would be an insult to jewish people not just to me. i think the president should be more careful. >> julie: i want to move move o the russia investigation and reports that michael flynn's lawyer basically just met with members of special counsel robert mueller same reasons that collations of the president former national security advisor may be seeking a plea deal. brian, you believe we shouldn't be reading too much into this.
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>> i think that media speculation about what's happening in this investigation should be taken with a grain of salt. i think the media has a very strong confirmation bias here. they seem to want to see the president get into trouble some of the people around him when the truth is, we don't know what's happening. lawyers are talking to lawyers and only they know what's happening here. so i need speculation that should just be viewed skeptically. >> julie: is there anything to this plea deal or do you believe is just speculation and is michael flynn accusing jared kushner as a scapegoat? >> there is no hidden rainbow in this for the trauma team. here's the best-case scenario. the best-case scenario is that michael flynn is pointing the finger at jared kushner and use a separate from the trump team in terms of his legal strategy. that is the best-case scenario. the most likely scenario is that frankly, he's a canary and he is singing and he is singing about
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the president. you have to remember the context of this, the president pressured james comey and opening days in the white house and said leave michael flynn alone. the president feels vulnerable that what michael flynn can say can hurt him. >> julie: that's all the time we have. brian mckay maguire and jim ke, things were joining us. they want a new report in "the washington post" exposes a sting operation by woman who claims she was victimized as a teenager by senate candidate wymore. how post reporters learned of the woman's story was all made up. i no longer live with
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>> julie: "the washington post" busting an organization rep led by a conservative activist after it sent a woman to pose as a victim of the alabama senate candidate in order to entrap the paper into falsely reporting her claims heard the woman trying to bait reporters into giving their opinions as she secretly reported them. but the post never actually reported and ran with her story and in fact-checked her out instead. fact-checking, as they like to claim they always do before running any story. eventually learning the woman's link to project various, a reputation of using tactics to discredit news outlets and claims what it claims to be media bias. i love the story because it's just wow. it was a campaign gone bad. run by conservative activist tried to bait
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"the washington post" into falling for a false sexual misconduct story on roy moore and it backfired. kudos to "the washington post" redoing fact-checking. >> would like a good detective story and it's one battle in the war on the media that has spectacularly backfired. the woman's name is jamie phillips. she approaches "the washington post" which was the first to report on accusations of four women who say they were teenagers and that the growing heads pursue them sexually. he has vehemently denied those accusations. this inflammatory story that she had a sexual relationship with roy moore when she was 15, then drove her to have an abortion, suppose reporters check it out, found discrepancies in her story, suspected she was working for james o'keefe who does these undercover stings and found a gofundme page in which jamie phillips appears to describe her new job. so here are some videotapes made by "the washington post" of post-reporter after informing jamie phillips that she is being videotaped, confronting her with
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the information from that go fund me posting. >> it says that you're moving to new york and that you expected a job to work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceit of the liberal msm. >> i was looking to take a job last summer in new york, but it fell through. >> that was not true. the tape goes on to show this woman saying she applied for the job with "the daily caller." "the daily caller" says no record of ever talking with her. yesterday, post reporters found jamie phillips going to new york offices project veritas, the organization decided to break the story. an interesting journalistic twist here is that the post had to decide to break it's off the record agreement with this woman because they say the editor says this was a scheme to deceive and embarrass us and if you like, then off the record agreement no longer holds. >> julie: that's a really good point. when you have an interview off
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the record, never quite frankly can i remember a news organization going back on that. off the record means off the record. this is definitely playing a whole new role in the off the record scenario with the media. this jamie phillips woman basically not only said that wymore had been guilty of sexual misconduct with her, but that he in fact impregnated her at age 15 and forced her to have an abortion. it wasn't like she tried to tell some weak story. she went all the way with this and to believe that the post would fall for it is a bit surprising. >> to believe the post would fall for it doesn't betray much understanding of how newspapers work. the post to its credit try to get documents, corroboration to see whether the story had any truth. they didn't fall for the repeated efforts to get post reporters to say this would really hurt roy moore's campaign if we publish this and finally, in alabama roy moore has
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repeatedly attacked "the washington post." his people have called it a worthless piece of. there alabama reporters reported on some of these as well and this is an effort to use lies about something as horrifying as sexually assaulting a teenager to entrap the paper in the paper didn't fall for it. >> this was payback for "the washington post" because they originally broke the story about the alleged sexual assault by roy moore and a 14-year-old. some almost 40 years ago. but we do need to put two and two together here. i want to know what you think because as we know, o'keefe was commissioned in 2009 by andrew breitbart. breitbart of course was the founder of breitbart. the web site, the conservative news web site. it is now led by former white house chief strategist steve bannon. steve bannon was a staunch roy moore supporter. any connection here? >> breitbart said had nothing to do with this thing. i have no information to the contrary. i think it's important that we stick to the facts. this is what james o'keefe does. sometimes he gets journalists
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saying embarrassing things and has a criminal record in one instance when he went over the line. i don't think the post was so much trying to enjoy this as to tell the story, it's an incredible story about a woman who made up this elaborate scheme to try to entrap the paper into making false charges against roy moore in this overheated environment. had that happen, the newspaper would have been discredited. it's an interesting journalistic lesson about be careful, check it out, ask for documents, don't just put it up on the web site because somebody tells you. >> julie: everybody's running with these sexual harassment story so i wouldn't put it past a certain media organization not to do the fact-checking that the watch and posted because this is a story that people that a lot of the mainstream media are dying to tell. lesson learned, for sure. howard kurtz, great to see you as always. >> thank you so much. we went i'm about to head to capitol hill to meet with senate republicans on tax reform but then he had back to the white house to sit down with
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congressional leaders from both sides of the aisle. what kind of response in the president expect? plus, the alabama senate race hits the home stretch as roy moore launches a new tv ad, what he has to say about the allegations against him. >> this is not really odd at all. this is simply dirty politics, and it's a sign of the immorality. it's a sign of the immorality of our time.
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>> jon: president trump pushing hard for tax reform right now heading to capitol hill where he will meet with senate republicans trying to get enough support to pass the bill. right now, there were several holdouts but critics say all republicans need to be on board and give american taxpayers a break. >> i think it's a game that they are playing in order to try to provide for themselves an excuse as to why they're not really just to say let's cut taxes, let's reform this thing. people wanted done, they wanted done now. >> jon: for more on this, i am joined by my letter, also linda tran, former communications vector for mccain and founding partner of 270 strategies. thanks both of you for being here. mark, to you first. he was a communications director. if you are up there on
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capitol hill or the white house trying to sell this thing, how would you sell it to the american voters? >> it's very simple, your mind the american voters that the average family of four making around $62,000 a year in america can receive anywhere between $1215 gift tax cut starting next year when this goes into effect and you also remind them that when we reform the business taxes and cut business taxes, you're going to create millions of new jobs, millions of new investment going to propel economic growth in america. >> jon: if that is the case, then why are more republicans not jumping on board? >> we have seen a lot of analysis out there that actually suggest that this is going to hurt working people, working families in particular a great deal and in the near future. in fact this week, the congressional budget office put out a report that reported quite widely that shows that this would increase the deficit overall by 1.4 trillion over the next ten years and hurt working people the most. people making under $30,000 a year by 2019 alone.
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so the deal that we are talking about here has been described by several organizations as a bad deal for working people and that's a real challenge. >> jon: is that bad math or is this a possibility that this thing is not going to have the effects that are envisioned? >> this is absolutely bad mass. another example of the cbo not understanding how obamacare works. they've been wrong before, they're wrong again here. this is a case of cutting taxes. a lot of these analyses are using the fact that because of our arcane senate budget roles at some of the tax will have to be temporary. as we've seen before, congress will extend those tax cuts long term, provides meaningful tax cuts to low income americans, middle income americans let's just call it what it is on the face of this, the obamacare tax that this bill would repeal on the senate, 80% of the tax penalty goes to people who are making under $50,000 a year. the only thing this bill does is
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saying if you want to make the decision not to have health care, you can do it without being taxed. if you want health care, you can still get it through the obamacare exchanges, you can still get your tax credits, you can still get the subsidies but somehow, the cbo doesn't understand how to score that. >> jon: why are no democratic senators getting on board with this thing? >> they are extremely concerned about what the cbo analysis shows. there are lots of organizations that have shown that this is going to be problematic for working people the condiments from across the country believe not only at this point, be bad for working people, it will be back for the economy over the long run. there are a lot of reasons why democratic leaders in congress are not interested in being part of this deal. >> jon: the voting is pretty tight on the republican side. are they going to get across the finish line? >> absolutely. i have no doubt they're going to
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get across the finish line. there will be a bill on the president's desk by christmas, it will be a great christmas present to the american people and again, it means for the average family of four, $1215 tax cut starting next year and it will propel growth, increase revenues. we've seen it done under president ragan and many other presidents. we're going to see it again under president trump. >> jon: you think of its past, if your math holds, you think that voters are going to punish republicans in the polls next year? >> voters have been very clear they're not interested in the tax cuts for corporations. they're not interested in seeing the super wealthy in this country get wealthier at their own expense and they're very concerned about what this tax plan would do their own individual finances. this is a potential serious liability for republicans heading into an election year. >> jon: linda tran, mark lotter, thank you both. >> julie: fox news alert and fox news had kept confirmed, top democrats in congress are pulling out of the white house
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meeting after president trump's twitter attack morning. trumped we did that meeting with chuck and nancy today about keeping government open and working, the problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into our country unchecked, weak on crime and want to substantially raise taxes. i don't see a deal. and so as a result, chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, that meeting that was supposed to happen regarding the budget is saying that basically he is not willing to work with democrats on the budget so they're not willing to work with him. of course, that tweet this morning kind of put them over the top. we will continue to monitor this and see if they get back into that meeting or if they're done for today. but we will keep an eye on that for you and bring it to you as soon as we get it. this also just in with the alabama special election now is two weeks away, roy moore, the embattled republican candidate releasing a new tv ad and holding his very first campaign rally in more than a week. listen. >> these allegations are completely false.
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they are malicious, specifically i do not know any of these women. nor have i ever engaged in sexual misconduct with anyone. as a former judge and prosecuto prosecutor, i know the seriousness of charges like this and they should be serious. >> julie: jonathan serrie is live in alabama with the very latest on the ongoing battle there. >> actually, we moved to gadsden. slight change of venue here but the story goes on throughout the state, roy moore holding that campaign rally up in the northern part of the state, a small town where he accused both democrats and the republican establishment of launching unfair tax on his campaign. listen. >> everybody knows i have not run one negative had, but i'm going to take off some gloves to show this truth in this campaig
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campaign. >> moore did not take questions from reporters or audience members at this rally. his opponent, democrat doug jones accuses moore of hiding and keeping his public appearances to a minimum. jones has been the target of negative tweets from president trump, including this one calling him a schumer-pelosi puppet. reporters asked jones how he responds to the president. >> i don't. i respond to the voters that's where my allegiance lies. we are talking about the issues, something that's important to them. that's what i've been focusing on. >> there is reportedly a third candidate entering the race, his name is lee bugbee, the retired marine colonel who served as an aide to white house chief of staff john kelly. he tells "the washington post" that he is planning on running as an independent right in candidate. this is a long shot but this is
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also a highly unusual senate campaign. back to you. >> julie: that it is. in jonathan serrie, thank you. >> jon: we are all dreaming of a white christmas. but it's almost a month away. snow has artie started to fall on a tropical paradise. plus, 'tis the season for giving and for honoring those who gave their lives for our country. how you can participate in a holiday tribute to america's fallen heroes. ♪ everyone deserves attention, whether you've saved a lot or just a little. at pnc investments, we believe you're more than just a number. so we provide personal financial advice for every retirement investor.
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a next-generation, all-in-one work table and clamping system. pegasus holds tight at any angle. steel reinforcement makes pegasus superstrong. a workspace anyplace. worx pegasus. >> jon: new information on a winter weather warning and a very unlikely place, hawaii, specifically the big island mountains were heavy snow is falling until november. going to new orleans today, the national service has a total snow it can relation a 48 is expected. >> julie: it is a heartwarming
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tradition that owners america's war heroes. at this time each year, we bring the ceremony across america day. the volunteer event to place a remembrance wreath on the headstones of our fallen veterans. joining me now is one of the fund-raisers across america. also a volunteer on team bear which is the name of her team and this is such a great cause and i know so many veterans families thank you every year for doing this are wreaths across america days on december 16th. are you guys ready? >> we are ready. we currently have 25,000 shortfalls. we are primed and ready with our volunteers and we are just really hoping that with our new extended deadline is a friday september the first that will be able to cross the finish line successively and be able to place wreaths at the headstones of every fallen service member at arlington national cemetery.
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>> julie: you're currently about 25,000 behind the school's eve got the deadline of $15 for people to donate. a wreath by december 1st. i want to put the web site up on the screen is also the people watching this can go ahead and start donating. this wreaths across why the shortfall, do you believe? have you had this problem in years past? >> unfortunately we have i think this year, we have a lot of national tragedies, disasters with hurricanes from the south this year and it's kind of divided year unfortunately the political season, they didn't end on election day last year. a lot of new cycles this year. i think frankly a lot of people of course not with fox's fox is wonderful but some folks may not be watching on the news is much to get our message out. so we know that your peers have stepped up and helped us in a very good way for many years.
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we would respectfully like that they consider us again this year. >> julie: everyone out there should respect those who gave their lives for this country. 246,700 wreaths sponsors are needed. for those at home who have never been donated, tell us the reaction you get from these families, the veterans families and how much this means to them. because every action is so overwhelmingly positive. i was speaking with one of my good girlfriends last year, victoria was a gold star wife and she was telling me that some of the other ladies that arlington didn't especially want to come to arlington. because for them, it was a sad place. to take their children, but little by little, we started getting involved, creating our own team with their own volunteers. people started to understand that this was really, this is a way of celebrating their lives. we come out, we bring our friends, family, extended
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friends, we made a lot of friends throughout the years that frankly they feel the same way that we do. we are grateful for our freedom and we know those come at a very high cost, and we want to be able to go out to arlington and all the other 1300 participating locations throughout the country and to be able to say thank you. >> julie: these pictures are just beautiful. >> absolutely. that group picture that you have on the screen from last year, it really is a wonderful cause. it's a great way to come out and to celebrate service members. frankly, when we walk the rows of arlington cemetery, they're not necessarily well-known name names. books haven't been written. these are just hardworking honest americans that decided to step up and be something that was bigger than themselves. so when they make the ultimate sacrifice, we think it's time for the american people to stand up and make sure that their legacy and their service is honored and respected, and
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again, it is truly a celebration of lives and we are so grateful that we live in the greatest country on earth and we have the greatest military on earth read it just a really great way to be able to participate, and we really -- you've been showing a lot of great photos and for people who want to get involved and see more photos, they could go to our facebook page, they could see more photos and more stories from different families. >> julie: it just touches the hearts of us here and i can't imagine how it touches the hearts of those family members who do visit that cemetery during the holidays. most of us are celebrating, but it is a very difficult time for a lot of families and this is certainly very uplifting. thank you so much for your volunteering and appreciate you coming on. thank you. >> jon: i have a nephew buried at arlington those are beautiful pictures. a smoldering volcano showing signs of a major eruption where residents are fleeing and many people are still trapped.
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>> julie: the resort island of bali in indonesia now bracing for major volcano eruption. residents forced to affect me but thousands of visitors remain trapped as officials closed the airport for a second day now. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is following this story from londo london. >> there is trouble brewing in paradise. that is the indonesian island of bali. a massive volcano is >> jon: ash into this guy as high as two and a half miles. lava is building in this crater.
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there are mud flows, it's called mount fulghum, 12,000 feet tall, so far about 100,000 people been told to evacuate 6-mile radius around the volcano and in the second day in a row, one of the airports on the island has been closed. this volcanic ash can really wreak havoc on air travel. hundreds of flights canceled, thousands of tourists around the world now stranded on an island. tremors have increased around the volcano, scientists are worried about a repeat of the last major eruption of this volcano. that was in 1963, the lava flow, the rocks flew up into this guy come in 1600 people were killed, one of the deadliest volcanoes over the last century. it is not just folks on the island were already filling up evacuation centers that could be affected in that 1963 eruption, so much ash was thrown up into
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the atmosphere affecting the sunlight that in fact the global temperature dropped by nearly 1 degree fahrenheit for at least the time. scientists think something bad could happen in the coming weeks. they are watching, so are we. back to you. >> julie: greg palkot, thank you. >> jon: a former staffer in john conyers office coming forward accusing him of making unwanted advances. that story on "outnumbered" next hour.
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>> end of and era happening now. senior producer clint p. henderson. final day he's moving on. >> that was a picture two of us recently. clinton has a lot of people here. very good close friend. he's been at fox for 13 years. he's been with you for seven. that's a really long time to be working together with a producer and anchor. >> started the year as a writer.
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worked his way up. >> this he is with my captain hook. clint and i go way back 20 years. he is one of my closest friends. he walked my mother down the aisle on her wedding day. he walked down the aisle second time and stood beside me as my best man. he is very special. we love you very much clint. i'm not going to cry. >> all right. clint we wish you well. keep us posted. only guy i know spent more time in an airplane seat than myself. >> his social media post you would think he worked for one of your -- he's sitting in one of those vip lounges. >> maybe he will one day. we wish you the best my friend. >> clint anderson. great to work with you all these years. thank you so much for joining us. >> "outnumbered" starts now.
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he's not a structural engineer. >> engineering going on capitol hill. high stakes day. president trump is expected to make a big push for tax reform at the senate republican policy lunch. he's going show up on capitol hill and soon we're told this hour potentially. the timing, the senate working to approve its version of the tax reform bill that has some republicans voting no. can president trump change that? all this as top democrats in congress has moments ago pulled out of a meeting with the president that was planned for this january after -- afternoon after a feisty tweet from president trump. this is "outnumbered" i'm harris faulkner. here today sandra smith and melissa francis, editor katy, one lucky guy.
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