tv Hannity FOX News November 28, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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immigration. now they can't threaten to shut down to get their demands. end quote. stay with fox news for developments on that and every developing story. in the meantime, good night from washington. time for sean hannity. see you tomorrow. >> sean: all right. thanks, tucker. welcome to hannity. big news tonight. president trump blasting obnoxious, arrogant, obstructionist do-nothing democrats, chuck schumer and nancy pelosi for skipping the white house and meeting on funding your government. now, schumer and pelosi are refusing to do their jobs by not coming to the negotiating table. they have done nothing which means they now own the possibility of a government shut down tonight. also north korea mad man dictator kim jong un continues to endanger the entire world. now with brand new icbm capability. are we now on the brink of a serious conflict? president trump is responding. he is saying the united states will now take care of the situation. north korea is now precipitating what is a worldwide crisis. at some point the u.s. and the world will have to stop them. we'll have the details. plus, all right, why did the
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"new york times" magazine, they took hundreds and hundreds of pictures and that's the one they chose of me. do you think it might have -- all right. stop laughing. do you think it might have something to do with liberal bias? wow. even that's atrocious. first tonight's breaking news opening monologue. lazy, ineffective, do-nothing democrats chuck schumer and nancy pelosi are refusing to each sit down with president trump and congressional republicans to negotiate a budget so we can avoid a government shut down. now, before heading to capitol hill earlier today to meet with republicans about the tax bill, president trump tweeted, quote: meeting with chuck and nancy today about keeping the government open and working. the problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into our country unchecked. they are weak on crime and want to substantially raise taxes. i don't see a deal. then a typical, liberal, predictable cry baby
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fashion. chuck schumer and nancy pelosi they threw a temper tantrum it rivals a 3-year-old. crocodile tears chiewmy schumer attacked trump during a conference he held today. >> mr. president, it's time to stop tweeting and start leading. so long as he remains a destructive force, it would be a waste of everyone's time to continue working with someone who clearly has no interest in coming to an agreement. the president doesn't indicate he is serious. we're not going to sit down just for a photo op. this is serious stuff. >> sean: waste of time to negotiating a government shut down. the president responded by talking to a press corps in front of two empty chairs pelosi and schumer were supposed to be sitting. listen to. this schumer and nancy pelosi did not show up for our meeting today. i'm not really that surprised. we have a lot of
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differences. they are weak on crime. they are weak on illegal immigration. before this meeting and before this missile launch, they have been weak on military in terms of spending. they are very hard to get the military. they want it for a lot of other things but the military is always secondary to them. the other thing is they want tax increases and we want major tax decreases, so they decided not to show up. they have been all talk and they have been no action. now it's even worse. now it's not even talk. >> sean: can you think of one thing nancy pelosi, chuck schumer have done to help since donald trump was elected? now, nancy pelosi tries to fire back at the president tweeting out, quote: @ real donald trump well he now knows that his verbal abuse, you are going to call that verbal abuse? will no longer be tolerated his empty chair photo op. shows he is more interested in stunts than in addressing the needs of american people. poor ryan and mcconnell
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relegated to props. sad. nancy pelosi is actually saying tonight that president trump what he did is a political stunt. what about the fact that she and schumer, what they pulled today, they wouldn't show up to have a meeting to fund your government. that is the ultimate political stunt. the president is responding by tweeting back after north korea and their missile launch it's more important than ever to fund our government and military. democrats shouldn't hold troop funding hostage for amnesty and illegal immigration. i ran on stopping illegal immigration and won big. they can't threaten a government shut down to get their demands. what's even more hypocritical pelosi and schumer want everyone to feel story for them because president trump hurt their little feelings. all the horrible things will remind them tonight that their fellow democrats and the media have been saying about donald trump for 10 months and longer. you may remember this. >> his motives and his actions are contemptible,
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and i will fight every day until he is impeached impeach 45. >> i rise today, mr. speaker, to call for the impeachment of the president of the united states of america. >> the president's decision to end daca was heartless, and it was brainless. >> we all agree that president trump's decision to end daca is a despicable act of political cowardice. >> are we getting closer and closer to the possibility of yet another impeachment process? >> after watching the clinton impeachment, i thought i would never see another one. but i think we are in impeachment territory for the first time. >> president trump did a tweet last night and a tweet this morning. not presidential. >> the president's fitness for office that is something that is being called into question. i'm very worried about his fitness. >> sean: really? all those are just examples. they are just the tip of the
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iceberg when it comes to democrats trashing the president. they do it evidence day. they called him every name in the book and then some. democrats in their irrational hatred for the president is up like anything we have ever seen in modern political history. and that's including the liberal mainstream media that has been trying to destroy president trump since he launched his campaign. so chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, they can try to play the victim all they want and act like petulant little children all they want in this case but, in reality, they are just faining moral outrage they do. when it comes to budget democrats want to play games if you are refusing to even come to the bargaining table, guess what? you will own the government shutdown. and from what the president said today it sounds like he is not going to be backing down to accommodate your ridiculous demands and he shouldn't back down. chuck schumer and nancy pelosi are going to try to pressure republicans to go along with every liberal agenda item from daca on down. the american people don't want it. they want to blackmail
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president trump. and the republicans in to literally breaking their campaign promises. that would be stupid. democrats are also going to try to deploy their government shut down scare tactics like they always do. the g.o.p. for once you shouldn't budge an inch. let them own it the government by the way never really ends up shutting down despite the threat, the lies democrats have been telling over the years. guess what, if they do have a quote government shut down, social security checks they still go out. the post office still delivers mail. food stamps are not impacted. the executive branch they still operate. the judiciary branch they function. congress, they pretty much going to on like nothing happened. the only people directly impacted are nonessential government employees. guess what they get. they get a furlough which means they end up getting a paid vacation because historically congress has always retroactively paid their salaries and they got all paid time off. republicans need to show spine and back bottom for once, please. and actually start fighting
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for the president's agenda and for the forgotten men and women in this country, you know, the people that actually voted you in to power. and if chuck schumer and nancy pelosi, they want to go out and cry. they want to go and suck their thumb in a corner, so be it. the g.o.p. needs to stop folding under pressure. start actually keeping your promises. start leading. now, the budget is a great place to start so get to work. now, also tonight, the u.s. and the world are facing an escalating threat from rocket man himself, kim jong un after his rogue regime now carried out what the pentagon believes to be a new icbm test. this missile flu over 600 miles, was in the air for almost 50 manipulates. it through 2800 miles into space which is higher than any previous launch from north korea before landing in the ocean near japan. now, japan's prime minister has ordered an emergency cabinet meeting and says the
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missile could landed in the country's exclusive economic zone. south korea responding by holding a national security counsel meeting and also conducting a precision strike drill by firing their own missile into the ocean as their show of force. and hawaii tonight, well, they began testing nuclear attack warning sirens. now, it's the first time that state has done that in nearly 30 years. president trump also weighed in on what is a clear around present danger is that true growing north korean threat that took place earlier today. take a look. >> a missile was launched a little while ago from north korea. i will only tell you that we will take care of it. we have general mattis in the room with us. and we have had a long discussion on it. it is a situation that we will handle. shane shane andend defense james mad dog mattis addressed this as well. let's watch. >> a little over two and a
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half hours ago north korea launched intercontinental ballistic missile. it went higher than any previous shot they have taken. it's a research and development on their part to continue building ballistic missiles that can continue to threaten everywhere in the world basically. bottom line it's a continued effort to ballistic missile threat that endangers world peace and united states. >> sean: getting to the point i thought we would never reach pyongyang dangerous nuclear ambitions are now progressing at a very rapid pace. as you just heard secretary mattis say the missile fired today, went higher than any other previous test and can now reach any place in the world. that's means north korean icbm can be able of hitting the continental united states destroying if is like
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pork, boston. chicago. tens of millions of lives are in danger. not to mention the hundreds of millions that are being threatened in south korea and japan. and kim jong un has created a situation that the united statessened at world can no longer egg flier. and right now why are getting where force plight be necessary. because clearly this crackpot leader jim congress u.n. is not interested in stopping his test. the way i see it newark and the world have a you few options going forward we either next have to destroy the next north korean missile test on the launch pass, after it's been fired. if that doesn't destroy north korea we can attack and try to destroy the nuclear sites that comes with massive risks and huge uncertainties. what if we're not successful? what we now know is not working. the approach that is taken by appeasers like bill
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clinton and barack obama. they tried to apiece north korea. it has failed miserably as appeasement always done. 1994 the clinton administration, remember, they tried to prescribe kim george u.n.'s father kim jong un. gave energy aid in exchange for a promise that the freeze and end nuclear weapons program. a lot of good that did. clinton went on national tv talking about how bribery worked and good deal for the american people. remember this. >> this is the good deal for the united states. north korea will freeze and dismantle nuclear program. south korea and our other allies will be better protected. the entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. south korea with support from japan and other nations will bear most of the cost of providing north korea with fuel to make up for the nuclear energy it is losing. they will pay for
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alternative power system for north korea that will allow them to produce electricity while making it much harder for them to produce nuclear weapons. the united states and international enemiers will carefully monitor north korea to ensure it keeps its commitments. >> only as it does so will it join the community of nations. >> sean: what you heard was true. terrible deal with north korea. your tax dollars at work. bill clinton completely wrong and it has now led you had to where we are tonight in this situation we will never find yourself in. upset with despits and more willing to bend over backward for copy jong un and his father kim jong un. history has moofn over and over again it doesn't work. we saw what happened to w. adolf hitler, declared the
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way. bill clinton millions north korea led us where why are today. if the happened the feet will fall at the heat of bill clinton and says -- listen to him. by the way, this led to the situation in the foundation where we are today. and the same goes with president obama's disastrous nuclear deal with iran. this will come back to bite us. obama giving tehran and mullahs up wards of $150 billion. obama allowing that rogue regime to keep spinning their nuclear centrifuges and put them on the path towards getting a nuclear weapon? as a result obama now owns that terrible decision to appease the country that routinely calls for death to america. wants to wipe israel off the man. before we bring in kellyanne conway for reaction, two other breaking news stories to tell you about. one, catherine herridge is out with explosive report.
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clinton campaign cluferlgd campaign fire me over email probe. obama intel watchdog says. inspector general who played a key role in the clinton email investigation is now saying that clinton allies literally threatened him, his family, and his staffers. and the clinton campaign also made it be known that this inspector general would be fired if hillary, in fact, won in 2016. also tonight a major development in the uranium one scandal. the hill's john solomon out with a brand new report. here's that headline. clinton's understated support from firm hired by russian nuclear company. according to solomon, he will join us later. the clinton foundation may have significantly underreported the donation they got from a company with deep ties to russia. more later. but, first, joining us now with reaction counselor to the president kellyanne conway. if the president of the united states of america invites the opposition party to the white house and wants
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to avoid a government shut down. shouldn't they have the decency to show up for that meeting instead of the stunt that nancy pelosi and chuck schumer showed today? >> in a word, yes. they should. they are not there representing the opposition party. they are there as minority leaders of the two chambers in congress. and it is a major disappointment especially when you see the president's reaction in north korea firing highest missile to date, sean. military and keeping us strong. let's not leave that on the altar of a liberal agenda. i find it really regrettable that nancy pelosi took time out of her sunday schedule to go and call john conyers and icon and, yet, name-calling our president. >> sean: right to due process. >> that's right. i want to say today was a great example as to why donald trump and his party prevailed and the other party failed.
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the president and his party today through the senate finance committee they forged ahead and they got this tax bill passed out of committee. it's a great step forward to making sure that our job creators get a lower rate. the president just had a five nation asia trip. and the five nations that president trump visited, guess which one has the highest corporate tax rate among them all? us, the united states of america. that is completely unacceptable. and if this president, who is trying to work with both parties and both chambers in congress, sean, to make sure that this job creator's tax rate is lowered. make sure of the middle class gets a tax break they deserve. reoperate the millionrepatriatef dollars. we are spending billions every year trying to comply with the code. i think he was veri'ful to the process today. saying to the senate listening to their concerns. you had a few of them coming forward and talking about small businesses and what
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relief they will get. the president listened very patiently to those concerns. others are talking about the deficit. so he went the senate today to say thank you for working through the process. encouraging them to come forward. bring their concerns to reconciliation and get this tax cut on his desk. the democrats have spent all of 2017 talking about the presidential election in 2016 and the presidential election in 2000 20. >> sean: can you name one policy. >> i can't. i wish i have could tell you it were differently. no, zero. >> sean: $10 trillion more in new spending and $11 trillion in new taxes. >> that's why they are the minority party, sean. that's why they lost 1,000 seats in state legislatures in the house, in the senate, in the governorships and, of course, the biggest prize of all the white house. it's based on the policy. donald trump and mike pence prevailed on policy and they are trying to make good on those. the democratic party has been reduced to carrying around a stop sign. their code word is resistance. that's all they are doing,
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including today. afternoon the people see that i travel this country weekly for the white house. and i don't go to republican audiences. i'm out in manufacturing plants and talking to small businesses. i have no idea what these people's politics are and i don't much care. >> sean: i can tell you hate trump and russia, russia, russia. >> that's it. >> and faining outrage after they call the president every name in the book. >> yes. but people are really supporting this president. they want to see -- they appreciate the fact that on north korea he and the u.n. and the ambassador haley have gotten 15 to 0. two consecutive unanimous votes to sanction north korea. she is hosting another meeting tomorrow about this urgency. and the economic and diplomatic isolation of north korea will continue. if they continue to do this. this is a president showing leadership. but the democratic party is talking about presidential elections instead of passing policy and telling the american people to a person even folk that didn't vote for this president come um
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and tell us all the time they can't stand the constant negativity, resistance, lies and the rest of all the blather. they want a government that functions. and he is leading the way. >> sean: i don't see with north korea and, again, i would not be privy to whatever new weaponry that our defense department and our military have probably designed in recent years. i assume there are a lot of secrets and i'm hopeful there are. because on people, responding to north korea as they fire missiles over japan. and in to japanese waters. as they threaten guam and hawaii. it's gonna get to the point where the options are not good. take it off the pad. take it out of the sky. and we don't know what this mad man will do. then we take out nuclear sites. you have to worry about nuclear fallout. do they have a missile shiite we don't know about firing into south korea or japan or guam or hawaii or
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the continental united states? so i would say as he now is preaccept tailgating us and pushing us to the brink, there is not a lot of good options. a lot of people will die. will china play the role they should play? >> this president has forged improved relationship put leader of china particularly on the matter of north korea trying to work together to contain this. north korea is everybody's problem. and anybody who doubted that saw that today. this president in bringing on board and talking to japan and china and south korea and, again, our u.n. the u.n. security council voting twice unanimously in unprecedented fashion to sanction north korea. shows that the world is responding to donald trump's leadership as president and commander-in-chief. sean, he inherited a big mess with north korea and many other places. but, if you can -- you can show one big distinction
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between donald trump and hillary clinton, there were many. you will get all national security foreign policy. they were different and his idea has prevailed. >> sean: he assured us he had a deal. are you confident after the meeting today or more confident that the senate that has been fairly ineffective that they will actually get this tax bill across the finish line? >> we're confident. we're optimistic. we certainly hope democrats will come on board too. they may not be votes 49, 50, 51. but hopefully those who are in states that are where people are suffering and middle class needs a break they will come on board as well. we are hopeful because we have within listening to those concerns and we know those senators know they have open line to the president and to his economic team to express themselves and talk to the vice president. >> sean: they haven't exactly shown -- >> -- well, they have all promised what donald trump has promised, which is tax cuts for their constituents. sean, let me make clear. this is not important to the republicans or the senate, it's important to the
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american public. >> sean: they are supposed to search the forgotten men and women. on poverty out of food stamps and out of work. thank you. >> thank you, sean. >> sean: when we come back the hill's john solomon releasing another story on the uranium wurenel scandal. you will here it first with sara carter. another woman has come forward accusing congressman conyers of sexual misconduct. we will talk about that double standard and sebastian gorka and more straight ahead ♪ ♪ plishments. by victories. by those with the resourcefulness, the ingenuity, and the grit to help ensure the next energy to power our dreams,
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and its nuclear energy holdings. now, this according to a brand new article from the hill's john solomon and allison c-span. this was released earliyer tonight. the report details the clinton foundation donor disclosure site vastly understated support that the global initiative received from apco worldwide, a global communications firm that lobbied on behalf of russia's nuclear company. we reached out to apco's statement. the chair woman of apco worldwide said client work on behalf of tenex and clinton global initiative were totally separate in any way on any activities on these unconnected activities were appropriate and publicly documented from the outset and consisted with regulations and the law. any assertion otherwise is false, unfounded and a lie. with more the hill's john solomon and investigative journalist sara carter is
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with us. joran, let's start with, okay, under reported donations received from a firm with deep connections to russia and the nuclear energy holding. did that happen or not? >> it definitely happened. appeaapco gave a million dollars in kind pro bono services to the clinton global anywhere initiative. the foundation only disclosed $5,000 of cash payments may by apko. the other has not been disclosed until we learned about it from our weapons. we also know that the fbi under cover informant according to his lawyer victoria toensing is prepared to tell congress that the russians told him they picked apco specifically because of the clinton connections they expected apco's support. >> sean: they picked apco specifically. >> they picked apco specifically and they expected support to go up after russia hired them. that's what his lawyer is saying. i think it's a fairly significant development. >> this is before cfius and
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the board denying government agencies including the at a time and attorney general signed off of it. >> are a they weren't work working on uranium bun one and helping. uranium one was a separate deal part of the same strategy. they were working very differently on something that is much more valuable billions of dollars of new utility contracts in the united states that were authorized by barack obama. >> sean: sara, let's go to the money side of this and you know the fbi informant and have you discussed some of these things with him. two things that are important here. one is follow the money. number two is the timing of the donations. let's put those two and couple the report. where did the money peter schweizer talked about and what was the times as it relates to uranium one, cfius and clinton
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foundation? >> well, we certainly know, sean, there has been a number of concerns here. i mean, from the 145 million which came from members of the board that were connected to uranium one, and if i want to go back just really quick because the apko store is very important. they signed that contract in april of 2010. so that was before the cps process went through later that october so this was very important and the informant made this clear to his attorney. john is 100 percent right on that. this is something he is expected to testify to. let's go back to the money. look at the money trail, how did they move this money? where wars the money moved to? how did they get into the clinton foundation. special counsel or prosecutor meads to look into this. right now we know there are four different committees on the hill looking into this. the judicial committee, oversthit committee the house foreign affairs.
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it's going to require somebody with the know how and capability to find it. >> sean: follow up then, the fbi informant knew about putin's plans to get a foot hold in the uranium market. by the way, we need uranium allowing someone to control it is beyond stupid. but bribery, kick backs, extortion, money laundering. is there evidence of any money laundering in other words, the people in canada, the frank of the world and others. is there any evidence? where did they get the clinton foundation was there any chance that money was laundered to the clinton foundation? >> i absolutely think once an investigation gets started they may find some of that evidence. now, i don't want to sit here and say definitively but they will. honor is sean it's an open question now. >> it is an open question now. now we are looking at a couple of issues now. we know that money was laundered through banks in cypress.
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particularly lated via. seychelles. one thing that's very important here, sean, is that the informant is going to be able to show that he was actually providing evidence to the fbi and the justice department long before cfius voted on this showing how much russia wanted to penetrate the u.s. energy market. and john's absolutely right on one point in fact. it was way beyond uranium one. it was $6.5 billion or more of u.s. energy. >> sean: john, i see you shaking your head. >> yes. i think we focus so much on uranium one. that's where the story started in 20156789 it's only one piece of a larger puzzle. you take a look at what the barack obama's administration. hillary's own state department helped to prove and get through. it's a much longer give away to the uranium industry. here's the most important to think about today. a large mart of the story have now been moving wrong.
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there walls no -- the fbi had evidence of accurately by the very bifer uranium one. they weren't taller disclose disclosed. there was lots of search in the fbi where the mop money came from. my hey his win no uranium left the united states. the uranium one did export american uranium out of the united states after russia bought it. >> sean: to canada, europe, and maybe even able shah. >> that's right. that's according to uranium one. that's not us. that's uranium one. the three key defense points that have been put out there by the clinton defenders have now been provable false not by anone news stuff by documents and true reporting. that's one of the things that is most important about today's story. one of the key tellers is not true. steve: we all know more about our audience than tell. stay tuned particular to
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come. i think i will agree with you. great work both of u. democrats. latest accusationst against defense against liberal colleagues. north korea, ivpm launched earlier today is now a game gamer. ed henry is in washington and sebastian gorka has that and more straight ahead ♪ ♪ there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember.
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>> sean: as we continue, another woman is accusing congressman conyers of sexual misconduct according to reports this accuser served as conyers deputy chief of staff between 1997, 2005. she claims conyers tuchingsd her inappropriately on at least three occasions, including one time when she says conyers placed his hands under her dress. we have reached out to conyers' office for comment on this woman's claims, but they have yet to respond to our requests. and also over the weekend political commentator cokie roberts made this startling comment about conyers reputation on the hill. this is pretty shocking. watch this. >> i mean, the culture of capitol hill for so many decades was men being pad. we all talked about for years. >> a little bit at a time. >> don't get in the elevator with him. you know, and the whole -- every female in the press corps knew that don't get in the elevator with him. now people are saying it out
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loud. i any that does make a difference. >> that is a change. >> sean: here with reaction is austan goolsbee co-host of the hit show the five kimberly guilfoyle. all right, austin, what are people to do -- what is the right thing to do? because we see a lot of hypocrisy, for 30 years a lot of your democratic friends, they were part of a smear, slander besmirching attack against all the clinton women. >> and by the way tends up he was a predator. but they did it for 30 years. and in the case of politics, some people say nancy pelosi well, john conyers now deserves due process but nobody gave roy moore do you process when he didn'tth allegation serious as they were. what is the right thing to do here? >> he has already been forced to resign his position on the judiciary. >> sean: not forced he said
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voluntarily. >> he is resigning from his position. and i think the right thing to do is to investigate and take these people's story and if we've got situations where members of congress are reaching settlements where they are paying people not to tell their story. i think that's crazy. i think that's crazy. >> yeah. i think it's a miscarriage of justice and gross misappropriation than halder paying funds. men and women of this country have to pay for the sexual misconduct and sexual harassment of members of congress that then get to continue to sweep it under the rug. pif tepid the people which when he asking someone else to pay for their sins. i think it's totally appropriate. i don't think why indianapoliss we would go to this and say eye drop nic
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and the truth. >> i was agreeing with you all the way until the very end. >> okay. >> it is outrageous and they should make public whoever received this kind of money and made these settlements no matter what party they are in. they should reveal that information and those people should be punished. now, to try to turn this. if this there is a double standard. the double standard thus far has been -- though small there have been some consequences to the democrats. in moore's case there have been no consequences. if the president's case thrud should be no consequences. we should apply one. that's what we should do. i don't think sweeping it under thing with you rttle right thing. >> as flormer prosecutor i'm for due pro-discuss. silted cases and admitted
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wrongdoing and in fact agreed they have done misdeeds that he's very different ways from someone who hasn't contested it or determined what happened especially when it's over a long period of time in the past. >> i agree with that. >> that's a difference that should be observed and pay tension to. in roy moore dance case he is accused of really felony pedophilia well as well as other serious crimes. he im. therefore we shouldn't pursue it. >> nobody is saying not look. we should have that sympathy and. >> sean: that questions for john conyers. >> if you were to bring a case in want frost attorney general's office case of sexual misconduct or sexual
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acrass of a similar. you would get a full investigation. wide tension spectrum of tungt and spims if convict someone. >> sean: the bottom line austin the democratic party defended the predatory behavior of bill and they did everything they could do to slander every woman in that case. drag $100 through a trailer park. you don't know what you're going to find. so many examples. >> i don't think they should be proud. if that's what they did, she shouldn't be proud of it and when republicans defended of clarence thomed they shouldn't agree with that either. steve: whoa, whoa. promise to khalil clinton? >> i'm not going to defend if that's what they did, they should be elm base tsd
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by her the question is today what should we do? you and i aguy we should go with after finding the information. >> you agree in the case of bill clinton they should have handled that better. they shouldn't have smeared the women. >> i think they should have handled it better and they should be embarrassed by the way neigh handled it. all the liberals delves tum and i wasn't there. i.way. you don't read the newspaper and watch my show. you know nothing about it? >> i do watch your show. i have have a football that you signed that set i'm a great america. you like my picture in the "new york times" magazine i'm sure he had a fun time looking at that which we will get to in a minute. when we get back the serious issue ever north korea's nuclear program now threatening every single american? how do we deal with that. ed henry in washington and sebastian gorka plus my reaction to, this the "new york times."
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profile picture of me on their cover. i'm not going to put it up. it is so bad. the question -- it is so often, did we not have the picture? did we not photo op. the thing? anything. anyway, we will show it coming up later in the show ♪ ♪ flosh ♪ like select ladies and youth flannel shirts for only $10. save $50 on merrell men's trailwik waterproof hikers. and save $50 on this redhead 30 inch smoker. plus visit for daily cyber week specials and free shipping.
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who inspires and pushes us to go further than we could ever go alone. sofi. get there sooner. >> as you probably have heard and some of you have reported a missile was launched a little while ago from north korea. i will only tell you that we will take care of it. we have general mattis in the room with us. and we have had a long discussion on it.
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it is a situation that we will handle. but the bottom line is it's a continued effort to build threat, ballistic missile threat that endangers world base, regional peace and certainly the united states. >> thank you, general. and we will take care of that situation? >> shane schwabb that was the president, second of definition james mattis of yet another ballistic missile earlier today. here in washington ed henry. >> now spoken to the prime minister of japan and the president of south korea to stay on top of this because, as you noted, missile experts say this is how biggs it is. this shows north korea can now launch a missile that puts every single american city in its range. that's because while north korea had previously fired two intercontinental ballistic missiles, this one went higher than the others. shot up the "access" coast of north korea. flew 2800 miles into spas for a total of 50 minutes.
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that's 10 times higher than the orbit of nsa's space station before falling just 280 miles off the shores of japan. that led vice president mike pence a few moments ago in a speech to warn pyongyang not to test this american president and this american military. >> the kim regime in north korea would do well not to testth resolve of this president. or the capabilities of the armed forces of the united states of america. as president trump said today, we will take care of the situation. all options are on the table. and we will continue to marshall the full resources of the united states to bring economic and diplomatic pressure to bear until north korea abandons its nuclear and ballistic missile programs once and for all. >> and just a few moments ago, the president irkdz a
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warning to democratic leaders in cock that he does not want a government shutt down tweeting it is poor more important than the sean? >> sean: joining us for reaction. strategist and former deputy tent it the president is he bargs cock pa. it's going to be taken out of the sky next time as it's launched and then potentially all hell breaks loose and we would have to take out all of their sites, great danger, great peril it? >> is great peril it is north korea escalated ar. peril. at some point the president will have to take action. secretary mattis has been very clear today. this is a direct threat to the united states, and we cannot wait until the next missile lands on u.s. soil whether it's guam or the continental u.s. at some point the credibility of the united
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states is putting in question. the presidents has shown leadership weather it's in sirius or 21,000-pound bomb in afghanistan we have to maintain that credibility by our allies in japan. secondly, there is the issue of other regimest cannot be encouraged the way north korea is. this is a very, very bad example to set for omplets lastly, sean, there has to be a threat for threatening the united states of america. i'm not an interventionist. i know you are not interventionist and i know because i worked for him the pftd is not interventionist. if you a tin pot bully like the regime in north korea and little kim, then sooner or later you will pay for your threat. that's where we have reached today, sean. >> sean: but i would expect this is not going to be a protracted conflict. this will be massive and overwhelming a use of force. but there are risks.
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nuclear fallout. if we hit their nuclear facility. does he fire at snapp? or guam or hawaii or obviously or seoul. >> the united states of america is the most powerful nation on god's earth. it's the most powerful nation we have ever seen in american history. by comparison, north korea may be a nuclear state but it is lily penal institution. the president has said it secretary mattis has said it we will destroy you. we are not do you go about the north korean people we're talking aboutth regime: we can do apadzing things if we are i do not want to go to war in north korea. sooner or later you make threats that rex police sit and you must be dealt with it will not be nice. it will be the last resort.
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>> sean: agreed. it will happen and they will invite it at this point. well said, dr. gorka. thank you. when we come back, i will address the o so predictable photos. "new york times" sunday magazine using of me in a profile straight ahead. ♪ ♪ mike and i are both veterans, both served in the navy. i do outrank my husband, not just being in the military, but at home. she thinks she's the boss. she only had me by one grade. we bought our first home together in 2010. his family had used another insurance product
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york times." fake news and liberals media outlets. portraying conservatives in a bad light. some say a picture is worth a thousand words. here's what the "new york times" magazine chose as a profile cover of me. how far does sean hannity go? could you pick a worst picture? they took hundreds ever pictures. this is the best they could take. not exactly flattering employee am not the only one that thinks these photos look unfair. "new york times" confirms host belief of liberal bias. there is one good picture. pan in on that. they put in a baby picture of me. you can see right there. that's me.
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i was kind of a cute kid, right? little baby sean. this is not my first rodeo. it did not surprise me. let me take you back 26 years ago when i was 1991, i was a radio host in alabama. i let the photographer, they photographed me for 3 solid hours. they picked the worst picture. my mouth wide open and face contorted. from that point on, when i have a photographer come in studio to take photos, i will give you 5 minutes and here's the photo you want. the media wants this phoney caricature of conservatives. they push their narrative through photography.
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a picture is worth a thousand words. i liked the baby picture. i have not seen that in years. sean spicer with us tomorrow. we will be fair and balanced. we are not the destroy trump media. laura ingraham, did you like the baby picture? >> laura: i loved the baby picture. week they should have put that on the cover. what did you think they were going to do? this happened to me in 1995 when i was on the cover of "new york times." they always make the conservative look scary. >> sean: dig that up and show that us to. >> laura: i will get right to. that the leopard skin mini-skirt, i borrowed. sean, thank you very much. good evening from washington. we will get right to it tonight. a first lady double standard. the focus of tonight's "angle."
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