tv Watters World FOX News December 2, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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all right. thank you. thank you to starts now. [♪] jesse: welcome to "watters world." dereliction of duty. a five-time demorted criminal illegal alien shot an american with a stolen gun in the city of san francisco. confessed and a jury found him not guilty of murder. jose zarate is a mexican national and had been convicted of five felonies in the united states. he had been deported five times and kept sneaking back through
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the unsealed southern border. he kept coming back to san francisco because it was a sanctuary city. zarate was picked up on a marijuana charge in 2015. i.c.e. requested the san francisco sheriff's office detain zarate after he was arrested. but the sheriff ignored the request and decided not to cooperate with the federal immigration officials and released zarate back on to the treats. a day later a handgun was stolen from the car of a federal agent. and zarate shot kate steinle. after the shooting he threw the gun into the water and ran away.
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he first gave the police a bunch of aliases. then he said he stepped on the gun and it went off. then he said he found the gun and it accidentally fired three shots. then he claimed he was shooting at a sea lion in the san francisco bay. he also told police he took sleeping pills before the shooting. it was clear he was a reckless junky who didn't belong on the streets of san francisco. but the city would not admit their policies led to the death of one of their own residents. i went to sphrants to confront the politicians. i would like to address your dangerous san francisco policies. i would like to show you a picture of say the steinle. she was murdered by an illegal alien who had been deported five times and over six felony
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convictions. but for some reason the city of san francisco let this guy out. look at the picture. are you afraid? you don't have anything to say? >> thank you very much. next speaker please. jesse: zarate was put on trial for murder. and it was a clear-cut case. his defense attorneys did a number on the jury. the team claimed he found the gun. that he had a history of. and the prosecution down played the involuntary manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon and laid their entire case on the murder one charge arguing he deliberately shot kate steinle.
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either way it didn't matter because he still shot kate steinle. so including time served. he's not look at too much prison time. zarate's attorney decided to attack donald trump after the verdict. >> there are a number of people who commented on this case in the last couple years. attorney general of the united states, the president and vice president of the united states. let me remind them they are themselves under investigation by a special prosecutor in washington, d.c. and they may themselves soon avail themselves of the presumption of innocence and beyond a reasonable doubt standard. i would ask them to reflect on that before they comment or disparage the result in this case. jesse: the attorney is a self-righteous hack politicizing
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a tragic death. we haven't been one tweet from barack obama, hillary clinton, nancy pelosi. the party of women is silent. i wonder why? obviously the president wasn't going to remain silent. firing off a series of tweets. no wonder the people of our case are so angry. the killer came back and back over the weekly protected border. but this info is not used in court. the exoneration is a complete travesty of justice. build the wall. the jury was not told that zarate was a 7-time felon. so the federal government needs to step up to the plate and deliver the justice local
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officials failed to deliver. jeff sessions can hit zarate with a 10-year felony. an illegal alien in possession of a firearm. and then he would be immediately deported back to mexico. but if we don't have the wall he will probably sneak back in. having the wall and not having sanctuary cities would probably mean kate steinle would be alive today. kate's law would provide for a mandatory 5-year sentence for illegally crossing the border. but it stalled in the senate. >> tell me what that's about.
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tell me what aspects. jesse: protecting americans from illegal aliens. >> i think we should work to make sure americans are protected. jess require's a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for convicted illegal aliens with convicted felonies. would you support that? >> i will look at it carefully. but i don't want to discriminate against people who come to the united states asking for an opportunity to become legal in the u.s. jesse: we are not talking about innocent illegal aliens, we are talking about criminals. >> i answered your question. jesse: i hope you support it because i suspect you want to
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protect people like kate. >> i want to protect all-american people. jesse: no you don't, senator. there is no reason why the senate shouldn't take up kate's law immediately and get it on the president's desk. failure to secure the border contributed this tragedy. a country without borders is not a country. but the left is okay with that. because that gives them power. kate's father testified in front of the senate in 2015. >> kate was a beautiful, kind, happy, caring, loving, deep in faith. kate had a special soul, the kind and giving heart, the most of contagious laugh and a smile that would light up the room. kate loved to travel, spend time with her friends, and most of of all spend time with her family.
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in fact the day she was killed we were walking arm in arm on pier 14 in san francisco enjoying a wonderful day together. suddenly a shot rang out, kate fell, and looked at me and said help me, dad. those are the last words i'll ever hear from my daughter. jesse: a father should never have to hear those words. it's our local state and federal government duty to help protect american citizens in this country and they have failed. now it's time the citizens make sure we never let our government fail us again. joining me with reaction to the verdict, the host of the ingraham angle, laura ingraham. why don't democrats want a wall and why do they want the
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sanctuary city policies? laura: they want to replace the current electorate in the united states with a new electorate. and that new electorate if the demographic changes bear out that we have seen develop in virginia, that will create a california, a florida, a texas that looks like connecticut, new york and massachusetts. i think the democrats want the replace the old, white conservatives with a new group of people who might be more amenable to big government and don't necessarily have a big affection for the second amendment or the constitution, and a lot of republicans who want to secure the border. they love the cheap labor. so there was an unholy alliance between the left and right for years until trump came along and called them on their you know
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what saying this is what the people wanted. they want a real bored and safety and security. he ran on protecting mayor cans from illegal i am grants from this kind of carnage. it was a fantastic monologue. but it happens every day in different levels and different forms. jesse: do you think democrats are willing to take a loss of a kate steinle by an illegal in a sanctuary city in order to further their political agenda? laura: absolutely. it's kinds of like on the sexual harassment stuff women saying they are innocent and they have to go through hell, it's worth it. they are more afraid of conservative traditional christian americans than they
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are isis, drug traffickers. they can talk about women, but the woman who doesn't have any reproductive rights and that's kate steinle. jesse: a fifth accuser came out against senator al franken. she is an army vet who says he groached her on a u.s.o. tour. >> when he put his arm around me, he groped my right breast. he kept his hand all the way over my left breast. and i remember thinking, is he going to move his hand? was it an accident? >> have you ever placed a hand on some woman's butt? >> i can't say that that hasn't happened. i take thousands and thousands of pictures. we sometimes in crowd and chaotic situations.
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i can't say i haven't done that. and i am very sorry if these women experienced that. >> has your credibility been undermined? >> i would say yes. jesse: franken has no credibility web said it himself. house minority leader nancy pelosi flip flopping on whether congressman john con years should resign. he's dealing with four individual accusations. one of the accusers spoke to nbc. >> he invited me into the hotel. and he has undressed. you know, down to his underwear. and again it was the proposition of sexually satisfying him. jesse: the democrats have a real
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problem their hands in the house and senate. laura: the democrats and republicans have problems to be fair. but let's talk about al franken. in crowd and chaotic situation. your hands cupped a woman's breast. that's just gross. i guess that hurt my credibility. the man has incriminated himself. and he thinks somehow this e expiates him from any further credibility. he's made a lot of alliances in the senate smartly. unstrike in conyers who is 88 years old. -- unlike conyers who has been
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there so long. it was during l.b.y. whe -- it s during lbj when he was elected. it's time to step aside. jesse: nancy pelosi in a little bit of trouble because she'd called for conyers to get out of there. hasn't said much about al franken. the congressional black caucus is saying nancy, a racial double standard. laura: she's being given a taste of i don't i politics. they sales do it to conservatives. you are antiimmigrant, antiwoman. now she is subjected to the same identity politics garbage we are subjected to.
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i'm broken up, i can barely continue tonight. jesse: "today show" anchor matt lauer fired after accusations of sexual harassment. claims of sexual interest course in his office causing a woman to speak medical attention. people have taken a fresh look into matt's fast behavior on air. >> i went into your office once. snooping. and you had a huge bag of sex toys. do you remember this? >> oh, wait a minute. >> what is matt's most of after he knowing habit? >> he pinches me on the ass a lot. jesse: it seems a lot of people at nbc news were a little aware of matt lauer. how much culpability do they
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have? laura: did they tolerate and perpetuate a hostile work environment. sexual harassment is a well defined term in the law. in this case it can be proven that nbc news, jeff zucker at cnn saying this isn't the man i knew. i have only been best friends with him for 25 years. if you can prove that nbc understood the whose file work environment that had between created by lauer and others covering up, that could be actionable civilly and it could be a conspiracy against nbc, a rico conspiracy. there are ways to pursue this that are very scary. these women get together and say
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we want the documents. we want depositions and put you under oath. it's nice for jeff zucker to go to a conference. i worked at nbc during those years. i was at msnbc. i knew jeff zucker a little bit and matt lauer. he was perfectly nice. jesse: this was a $500 million a year franchise. laura: they made a lot of investments in famous names that haven't been panning out so well. jesse: megyn kelly is jockeying for position to take matt's seat. nbc' spiked the juanita rape interview expose'. so you know.
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then also the whole exit over weinstein was spiked. so it looks like a pattern of cover-up. laura: a pattern and practice of tolerating a hostile work environment and perhaps predators in their midst. it's not pretty. at some point the shareholders -- the questions raised about fox news, we paul know that. but in this case with the charges they are making one after the other which are so gross, i don't even repeat them. because i have children that pass by television. don't shareholders want more a say? this is a huge amount of money they are putting out year after year after year. what are the returns? and what is it worth? jesse: they realize they had to cut this guy loose immediately.
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jesse: back now talk about the democratic sex scandals rocking the media and congress. joining me, brit mchenry. and tomi lahren. as a young woman coming up in the business, how do you navigate these situations. if you have an older man as a boss and he wants to take you into his office, and things can turn like that, where do you draw the line? >> i grew up in a different way than maybe some of these women. i have always been very outspoken. if you touch me and i don't want to be touched, it will be the last time you touch me i can promise you that. jesse: you are from down south,
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you are probably packin'. that stuff doesn't happen down there as afters it does in new york. britt you worked for espn. how did you deal with it. >> the associated press did a report in 2014 and said 90% of sports editors are male. i was probably one of three females in a locker room covering the national football league. you toughen up. if i was to get offended by every little joke ear crude thing i would have loss the job in two weeks. there is a different thing between sexual assault and sexual harassment. jesse: what is due process? we are not talking about the law.
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this is happening in corporate america or congress. accusation allegation, good-bye, everybody gets fired. >> it's difficult to navigate it now because you run the risk of women coming out not telling the whole truth or maybe they are trying to seek revenge on a politician or someone in pop culture entertainment. i think the best way to draw attention to it is through the first amendment. draw attention to it when it happens. that's what is such an issue here. 20-30 years later you have women coming out. moving forward if something happens to you you need to say it when it happens, then there is an opportunity to correct the wrong. jesse: i completely agree with that. the lesson is if something
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happens you immediately go to a supervisor or h.r. and tell someone. now it's all chaos. no one knows what to do. if you now 20-30 years from now looking back, how would you see this climate? i think right now men are scared. you can get to the point where women will be denied opportunities to advance in corporate america because men don't want to be alone with a woman or in the same office with a woman and that could have repercussions. you look at the al franken photo and how many years elapsed before that came to light. i think, however, it did come to light. and in that case the reporter was sleeping and was not part of the joke. when he tried to dismiss it as part of a joke, when someone is
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unconscious, it's not funny. i hope women feel their strengths now and keep these considerations and not ruin lives. jesse: the media is trying to cook up a new one for president trump, running wild with a joke he made referring to elizabeth warren as pocahontas at the white house honoring the world war i icon tribiewtions of -- world war i icoworld war ii conf native americans. >> we have a senator who was here a long time ago, we call her pocahontas. >> it's unfortunate that the president of the united states cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a
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racial slur. pocahontas, 30 seconds. go ahead. >> i think it's rich she would bring up someone using native americans to their advantage. that's what elizabeth warren did. she got that nickname because she lied to advance herself. she exploded native american hai -- nativeamerican heritage. she has 1/32 of native american heritage. i don't just blame elizabeth warren, i blame the media for continuing to allow her to. jesse: if there is white privilege in this country i don't know why she is claiming native american heritage.
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michael flynn pled guilty to lying to the fbi. why is this a big deal? reporter: because he was inside the white house as national security advisor. it was easy to dismiss what paul manafort did. and he lied to the fbi. that is a problem. it's against the law and that suggests you are hiding something. but everybody should calm down. people basically screaming on tv, this is a big deal, they are coming for the president. lock him up. the manafort thing turned out to be a whole lot of nothing. jesse: he said i was told by the upper echelon of the trump transition team to reach out to
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the russians. reporter: to talk about sanctions at u.n. i think there are people around the president saying that's what the incoming national security advisor is supposed to do, and if it suggests contact with russia, that's not collusion. jesse: contact is not collusion. reporter: but there is a lot me don't know so we'll take it one step at a time. jesse: fox news fun and games. we thought we would spice up ed henry's life. who has the best hair at fox news. tucker carlson or leland vittert? reporter: i think it's tucker because it's more natural. there are questions. there are rumors. jesse: it's too good to be true. i think leland's hair is
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perfect. tucker looks like he just got out of bed. also his 30s don't match the ties half the time. he's the king of cable and he's barely trying. jesse: i'm going to overrule and go with leland. who would win in a fight, pete hegseth or rob n -- or rob o'ne. for those of how don't know. tropica.rob o'neill killed bin . reporter: i'll go with rob o'neill. jesse: pete is pretty big. i will go with henry. best dressed. ed henry or brit hume.
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i'm going to weigh in here. we threw you in at the ends to make you feel good. brit is a very well-dressed guy. he has the shirt that matches the tie and the pocket hankie. reporter: in this case i have to defer to the veteran who was a newspaper columnist long before i got my start. he paved the way in dress and news. i have got to go with the man, the myth, the legend. jesse: are you wearing cuff links? >> it's sort of like watch plugs. little dials. jesse: smartest, james reasons or charles krauthammer. rosen was going to be on tonight but he chickened out. this is as runaway for charles.
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jesse: a virginia school board chairman is make waves after telling his students they don't have to stand for the pledge of allegiance. he recently tweeted. you are not required to stand for the national anthem or pledge. there will be no action taken against you for choosing to not stand or participate. our president is a bona fide idiot, but you are safe in pwcs.
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ryan sawyers is president of the prince william school board in virginia. he's also running for congress. just so our audience knows. there is a law from a long time back that doesn't require public school students to stands. but then you went so far as to call the president of the united states an idiot. do you think that was the right thing to say to young students? >> i think it's important that students who have been sitting in our schools for years. the supreme court ruling goes back to 1943 and the first amendment in 1971. if the president is going to attack a football player for kneeling, these students and their families have been kneeling for years and they are afraid someone might attack them for doinged the same. jesse: you are telling young
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students that the president of the:united states is an idiot. do you think that's an appropriate thing for you to say as someone from your position the head of a school board. >> it's an honest thing to say. it's my personal opinion and personal twitter account. anyone who doesn't like the language i use has to take the same steps i did. when john mccain was called not a war hero i had to explain to my children that he was. jesse: would it be okay if any school president injected their own personal opinion into the classroom? if your successor came in and said trump is a genera -- is a , you wouldn't have a problem with that. it looks like you can say whatever you want to the students. personally i think you gift students information and let
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them make a decision. don't inject your own partisan politics into it. >> it's a private twitter account i use to communicate to not just students, but to everyone. jesse: it's going to get picked up. do you think your disrespecting the office in front of these children? it's not just about trump or obama, it's the office. you are insulting the office. is that a good example? >> i don't think i'm insulting the office. he's trying to create a culture war to distract from a terrible tax plan. that leaves local officials like me making sure our 90,000 students feel protected. calling the president an idiot isn't as bad as challenging where he was born.
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[♪] jesse: you don't eat magic mushrooms, do you? >> i used to go out into the woods and do more a spiritual:quest. >> you will see sounds potentially. jesse: you can see sounds? can you hear smells? >> i'm freaking, man. jesse: magic mushrooms are not legal in any state in the country, but that may change. a new california initiative calls for the decriminalization of the mushrooms. next year marijuana will be legal in california and you wants to put magic mushrooms into that mix. do you think that's a smart
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idea? >> i do. and i think it's a natural progression from medical marijuana and recreation pal marijuana legalization that's sweeping the country. jesse: you think going from weed to adding mushrooms into the mix and you will have people seeing smells and hearing colors as you heard in that last package and just running around. do you have think that's wise? >> if you are over 21 and you are able to make an adocument decision after educating yourself, i think what you will find are people using it for depression, using it for cluster headaches, using it to beat various addictions. we have studies from johns hopkins, ucla. imperial college of london which has told the story that a lot of
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us have known for a long time. it can devolve see go -- it can dissolve ego and allow a person to see outside the box. jesse: certainly people's he goes in hollywood need to be dissolved. i guess it's a spiritual experience and i'm okay with that. but california has so much on its plate, i just think it's going to cause a lot of problems tbub know what i mean, just general day-to-day life on the road, in the stores, at the mall. you don't see that potentially? >> i don't. i think people have a strong respect for mushrooms. they are considered sacred. i think when we have people like terrance and dennis mckenna,
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joe row began and eddie funxsa. jesse: we are not going to agree on this obviously. i think you are opening up a whole a can of worms. if you keep it illegal, i don't think any more or less people will do it. but if you decriminalize it. it takes the stigma out of it and it makes it more available. i'll give you 15 more seconds. do you think 18, 19, 21-year-old kids doing it recreationally, that will be good for the state of affairs in california? >> it's 21 and over. anyone that does it under 21 will be held under criminal sanction. my girlfriend and partner feel
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