tv The Five FOX News December 4, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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congressman john conyers, this scandal talk, will make an announcement tomorrow at 10:15 a.m. we don't know what it's about. we know a number of his colleagues say he should step down. maybe we will see tomorrow. see you then. >> kimberly: i'm kimberly guilfoyle with juan williams, jesse watters, katie pavlich and brian kilmeade. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five" ." president trump is lashing out at the fbi after reports special counsel robert miller fired a top fbi agent in august from his russian investigation team because of anti-trump text he may have sent. the president waiting yesterday: "after years of comey, with the phony and dishonest clinton investigation and more, running the fbi, its reputation is in tatters. worst in history! but fear not, we will bring it back to greatness."
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this morning the president doubled down calling out the hypocrisy between how the agency has treated michael flynn versus hillary clinton. >> i feel badly for general flynn. i feel very badly. he's led a very strong life and i feel very badly. i will say this. hillary clinton lied many times to the fbi, and nothing happened to her. flynn lied and they destroyed his life. i think it's a shame. hillary clinton on the fourth of july weekend went to the fbi not under oath. it was the most incredible thing anyone's ever seen. she lied many times. nothing happened to her. flynn lied and it's like they ruined his life. very unfair. >> kimberly: meanwhile a prominent lawmakers calling for the clinton email investigation to be reopened in light of these new developments. >> i worked at the justice department for many years. fbi agents should not bring in their own political bias into
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these investigations. the fact that this was one of the lead agents on the hillary clinton email investigation, if true, i think it's very disturbing. possibly could call for reopening of that investigation. >> kimberly: big developments every day when you wake up, brian, right? >> brian: it's unbelievable. thank you for their promo. iou one. watch kimberly tonight. what are you doing after this? >> kimberly: going to a party. [laughter] >> brian: he was part of the hillary interview. he's part of looking through the 35,000 emails that cropped up on anthony weiner's laptop. he may be part, may be an advocate, we are about to find out. he wouldn't commit to and interview. to being part of fusion gps. people call him up and asked, many sick days they have left. how can you go to human
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resources within investigative background. it's bizarre what's happened and i'm wondering if he's the only one. >> kimberly: kd, nice to have you here. >> katie: great to be here. >> kimberly: what do you make of these developments? >> katie: i give bob mueller credit for moving the guys in human resources. he wasn't fired. the more we learn about how the clinton email investigation was handled, the dirtier it looks. if you look at the web surrounding the investigation, whether it is this guy who was part of it and was in anti-trum anti-trump, pro-hillary person. you add in andrew mccabe whose wife was friends with the clintons and the mccullochs and then you add in loretta lynch who told comey to call this a matter, not a criminal investigation and you go back to comey and what he said when he exonerated hillary clinton and said yes, we have potential
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evidence of violations of statutes but no one's going to press the case and we find out he wrote the exoneration of hillary clinton months ahead of time. the more we learn, the dirtier it is. >> kimberly: jesse, where does this go? >> jesse: not well for this guy working in the rubber room. the fbi looks about as crooked as hillary. >> kimberly: that bad? >> jesse: he is anti-trump that he's the lead investigator of trump. he interviewed flynn himself didn't even warn flynn. put him under oath. flynn didn't know he was under oath, didn't have a lawyer present. then also led the hillary clinton email investigation and apparently he was one of the ones that changed the language that comey said from grossly negligent to extremely careless. as you know, that's that statute. grossly negligent. it would've triggered the indictment. you also have the fbi director,
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mccabe, whose wife donated to clinton ally terry mcauliffe. and they are stonewalling on the documents from the tarmac meeting with bill clinton in loretta lynch. we all know from the documents we have seen the roof frantically trying to cover it up. and then mueller team is stacked with democratic donors. mueller is comey's professional mentor and it looks like now probably comey is guilty of removing fbi documents. the whole thing looks really bad and i don't trust the integrity of the investigation. >> kimberly: juan, do you think this is problematic for the president? >> juan: yeah. >> kimberly: that was a softball question. >> juan: i think people here are so desperate to try to
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distract and derail what's obvious and what's in front of a song which is that the president is in trouble in terms of that investigation with flynn having pleaded guilty, made a deal with mueller and potentially now going to tell secrets that could lead up the trail. i think people here and i think the president are desperate to try to distract people. >> kimberly: what is so desperate about trying to get the truth out? i don't know. that sounds like a good idea. >> juan: talk about fake news. the stories fake news. the fbi allows agents to express their opinion. you can have a local opinion. >> katie: not on the job. that's a conflict of interest. >> juan: the reason he was sent to h.r.'s that robert mueller wants to be cleaner than caesar's wife, or whatever. when he learned that this guy had a twitter or email that could be uncovered, expressed an
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opinion. >> jesse: he led the clinton anti-trump investigation. removing him now doesn't do anything. >> juan: policeman on the street to fbi agent, they all have personal opinions. it doesn't mean they can't do their job, jesse. >> jesse: do you trust this guy to lead a nonpartisan investigation? >> juan: yeah. he was regarded by fbi agents in washington is the best. a very good investigator. >> jesse: comey was investigated as the best too. >> juan: that's your opinion, your politics but there's no evidence that would suggest hillary clinton be indicted. >> brian: hillary clinton is the one who thinks he botched everything. either he's great -- >> juan: i didn't say he was great or bad but nobody is suggesting there's any basis on which to charge hillary clinton with a crime. >> katie: if the she was on the other foot and during the clinton investigation there was
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an fbi agent texting his mistress anti-hillary, pro-trump text messages, i guarantee you would have a different opinion. >> juan: you would have to put a whole bunch of americans on the dock if you said tweeting something that was anti-trump -- >> katie: that's not the point. the point is based on the exact investigation that he was heavily involved in, he was involved in the trump investigation. bob mueller removed him for a reason. exactly. for you to say there's nothing that happened and for you to say comey didn't think anything was wrong, why didn't he say about hillary clinton there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information. >> juan: he also said no prosecutor would bring a case -- >> katie: based on an investigation done. >> juan: the situation, the real story is things like, will trump card in his people? his lawyer saying trump can be
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found guilty of obstruction because he's the commander-in-chief. he can do anything he wants to do, say trump people. and people buying into this story are buying anti-trump's hands. >> brian: over the weekend, you saw a lot of these hosts play this -- say this was playing into the what the republicans were saying. there's one aspect that hasn't been brought up and that's why, for the longest time, mccabe ducking the request to have them come in front of the house intelligence clinic. now they finally act u.s. to devin nunes and they will come in and speak although mccabe says i have a conflict with my schedule. i wish michael flynn had a conflict with his schedule when he was told he needed to go under oath. >> juan: many people would say general flynn had to go under oath because the acting attorney general of the time,
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everybody said this guy has told lies about his meetings. a whole different kettle of fish. you are saying throw everything in. you want to whip up on hillary clinton. hillary clinton is not the issue here. the issue is trump and potential collusion. >> kimberly: the juxtaposition between the two. >> jesse: i will tell you the difference. hillary clinton put national security at risk. hillary clinton repeatedly didn't tell the truth. she destroyed her emails after they were subpoenaed. she smashed blackberries with hammers. when she went in for the fbi interview, she never was put under oath. general flynn never put national security at risk, never did it and never destroyed the evidence. yet he was put under oath without a lawyer and he has now lost everything. >> juan: there's no evidence -- you say that. nothing revealed.
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>> brian: because she bleached her emails. >> juan: nobody says she was hacked or any foreign government gained information. >> katie: just because there is a double standard does not mean michael flynn is lying to the fbi, which even president trump admits he did. however there is a double standard, and in america, people have serious questions about our federal institutions, the fbi being one of them. when you have this long list of conflicts of interest, people do question why hillary clinton got up past when a number of other people who did far less than her did not. >> juan: what conflict of interest exists in your mind? because he has a personal opinion? >> katie: the depth ed fbi director's wife was friends with the clintons. >> juan: she got a campaign contribution. it wasn't covered up.
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again, why can't my wife will run for office. because she is running, you can't do your job. >> katie: that is not the issue. >> jesse: you don't want an appearance of impropriety. >> juan: i am amazed that you guys, normally so pro-law enforcement, would agree when the president attacks the fbi. >> brian: i wish he would've been more specific. >> katie: i would agree. >> brian: i'm not comfortable with that at all. some of the most hardest working -- >> kimberly: the inference was there. it wasn't to disparage the fbi and the rank and file hardworking men and women that are there. we all know what he's talking about. >> juan: you don't think he said the fbi is the worst in history, in tatters. >> kimberly: because of management and what happened. >> juan: i think you are falling for the tactics in trying to distract people from the flynn investigation and the worst tax bill. >> kimberly: juan is jumping
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blocks. >> juan: he distracts people, plays these games, and you guys go for it. >> brian: a distraction would be bringing up something at gitmo. >> jesse: or sending missiles. >> brian: here's the thing. there's nobody else paying attention. this has played out almost as if it was a movie. just when people wonder about where what james comey and company were doing and what they were up to. outcomes this revelation from mueller about these anti-trump tweets and they move him to human resources and he has at the nexus of everything controversial. >> juan: i would think he would praise him. >> jesse: juan, this happened in august. >> brian: the house intelligence committee.
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>> juan: they said there is a potential here. you have an opinion and we are not going to risk it. he's gone. you should be applauding. >> kimberly: juan, you're gone. coming up, president trump blasts the falls flynn report. his reaction to a fake news when we return. i'm over it though. (laughter) that's fine. i miss her more than you anyway. ♪ ♪ hey, my window is closing. yeah that's okay. alright miles. i love you. (phone hangs up) ♪ ♪ yeah i love you too. ♪ ♪
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>> abc news brian ross is reporting michael flynn promised full cooperation to the mueller team and is prepared to testify that as a candidate donald trump directed him to make contact with the russians! he goes to jail! he goes to jail! he goes to jail! >> jesse: they celebrated the news but we now know it was false. abc news has suspended brian ross after incorrectly reporting that during the campaign then candidate trump directed michael flynn to make contact with russian officials. ross later clarified, saying trump and asked him to make contact with russia after the election when he was president-elect. abc apologized, saying ross' report has not been fully vetted
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to our editorial standards. president trump slammed the fake news, tweeting: "people who lost money when the stock market went down 350 points based on the false and dishonest reporting of brian ross of @abc news he has been suspended should consider hiring a lawyer and suing abc for the damages this bad reporting has caused many millions of dollars!" so, brian. the look on joy behar's face. pure joy. >> brian: she had to clarify today she just got the report. if you want earlier in the tape, they pretend as if it's breaking news and they stick this blue card in front of her. they were mocking breaking news. she reads it. oh, it's russian. today she basically got close to apologizing for not taking full responsibility for it. i think it's america's fault for looking at "view" as legitimate news. >> kimberly: it isn't a news
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show, let's be honest. i mean, this is. >> jesse: abc is saying not only is he being suspended and he's under investigation with out pay. he's not unable to report about anything regarding donald trump. that leaves brian ross with very little. >> kimberly: out of luck come out of basically a job, topic, content, out of order. what's he going to do? >> jesse: i don't know. send him to h.r.. >> kimberly: this is a problem. remember when he blamed this whole thing five years ago about the tea party, a mass shooting. >> jesse: in colorado. >> kimberly: this is a problem. abc news has to come to terms with it. it's not like this was a first offense. it's problematic. as for joy, i give her a pass.
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she was just living up to her name. >> katie: she was very excited. >> jesse: juan, listen, you said in the last segment that trump did a lot of this diversion, distracting. when someone like ross tweets out something so wrong, gives the president ammunition to go after him and not talk about flynn but talk about fake news. >> juan: i agree. >> jesse: the media is just as culpable of distracting is the president. >> juan: i think he made a mistake. >> jesse: was it an honest mistake? >> juan: that's the question. brian ross is a well-known journalist. it's not as if it's just some guy who came flying and would never done any reporting that was problematic for liberals or democrats. that's not brian ross. he is won seven duponts, five edward r murrells. he's a legitimate reporter. the problem, given my background as a reporter, it seems like he's not even saying the source got it wrong. it seems to me he jumped to a
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conclusion that the contact between flynn and trump, trumka saying contact the russians was during the campaign, not during the transition. there's nothing wrong with contact, the president-elect in these foreign governments. ross made a mistake. was it, as you suggest, something political? or don't know. i wonder, why wasn't there a second source? he doesn't say the source is wrong. abc seems to be hammering him for making the wrong conclusion. >> katie: it wasn't just about the russia connection. the thing that bothers me is the only mention russia in the was actually about russia and a dozen other countries. they are focusing on what they want to be the conclusion and that's that somehow the trump campaign or transition team nick firstly contacted russia to do something with the election which isn't true based on the reporting they have. mainstream media has been trying
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to get out of their fake news hole since president trump classified them that way and they just keep digging deeper. end of time and audience version are shrinking, they really have a lot of credibility needing to do and they are not helping themselves. brian ross has a habit of jumping to conclusions. ari fleischer said during the iraq war he claimed saddam hussein was the one who sent anthrax to washington, d.c., or previously. he has a habit of doing this and he should know better because he has journalism credentials. >> jesse: speaking of the emmy ross won, maybe he should get the fake news award. up next, more fallout from the outrageous kate steinle verdict.
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♪ >> brian: fallout from the outrageous kate steinle verdict. jose ines garcia zarate. an illegal immigrant who already have been deported back to mexico five separate times, acquitted in the 2015 murder of kate steinle in san francisco. today in indiana congressman produced a bill that would turn huge fines and prison times for elected officials accused of sheltering criminal illegals from deportation. earlier on "fox & friends," my second favorite morning show, the acting director of i.c.e. slammed sanctuary city policies in the wake of the killing. >> sanctuary city policies do a lot of things and none of them are very good. they entice further illegal entry. you don't think these alien smuggling organizations are using sanctuary cities as a selling point? we will get you to
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san francisco, chicago. even if you get arrested by the police, we are not going to work with i.c.e. to turn you over. the policies put more illegal aliens on my radar and it's going to result in more arrests. it's all a big lie about sanctuary cities. >> brian: he went on to say build the wall. it works. it's called the slap act. do you think we could do that? enforcing the sanctuary city policy, so you're going to jail. >> kimberly: wouldn't that be amazing? we have the ability to do it but there hasn't been a case to put it out there and tested successfully. rahm emanuel. the thing is now llama president with the wherewithal to do it. this is what we are going to do. we are going to enforce the policies and make sure they enforce the law and put these cases forward. talking to the share of the other night, saying they need to make an example of sheriffs,
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mayors, people in these cities allowing people coming into reoffend. >> brian: the judges aren't stepping up. what are they supposed to do? they keep overturning what the president is trying to do. >> katie: i don't understand why we need another law for these lawmakers in these cities. it's already illegal to harbor illegal aliens, transfer them, help them in any way. this idea that we need another layer of brie argosy to hold him accountable is difficult to deal with. i'm happy the doj is pursuing charges. it's not just murder, it's all kinds of other crimes which aren't documented. they are by illegal aliens in our cities. >> brian: zarate is not going to kill again. i'm worried about the message sent. you can get away with murder and stay in certain cities. i'm worried about the message
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sent to central and south america. >> jesse: zarate admitted on tape the reason he kept coming back to san francisco was because of the sanctuary city policy. it acts as a magnet. when we do the campaign about child sex offenders, vermont was a stage. they were flooded with sex offenders. they were so lenient when you commit a crime against a child and that's what attracts these perverts. that's the result of this policy. you're going to get more criminal illegal aliens. >> brian: juan, i want you to weigh in. >> juan: when i saw that verdict, i was thinking how interesting that the jury never heard anything about his immigration status. while you listen to the news and the news is all about he's an illegal immigrant. you realize wait a second. this was so politicized that we have a different view than the people who sat in judgment of the murder charge. because of course we know the
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bullet hit the ground and all that and he didn't know her. that's -- the jury came to an american, honest, neutral decision of peers. people on the right or upset. i find it crazy. people saying let's call it kate's law, using as a justification for the wall. this being fork tom said the wall would help san diego and el paso and he wants to get it filled. the supreme court has allowed the travel ban to go into full effect. ginsburg and justice sotomayor nor were the dissenters. kimberly, what does this mean? what about the impact of the decision? >> kimberly: by the time the courts hear these positions in these cases, the time frame for the ban has expired. it was supposed to be temporary but that it establishes future
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president if they were trying to employ it and implemented again. i want to touch on the sanctuary cities, having been a prosecutor in san francisco. you see the flagrant disregard for the law. it is not just the juries that accept crazy defenses like the twinkie defense but it's the judges not allowing, keeping out evidence that would be prohibitive for a jury to hear to make the right decision. this is a slam dunk case. a felon in possession. it's a felony murder. if you are in possession of a weapon and a crime is committed, done. it doesn't even matter. they could have witnessed it right there in front of it and it seems they were disregarded. >> brian: left the record show, i asked you one question. >> kimberly: i answered four. >> brian: chad, iran, libya,
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yemen. up next, honored for kneeling. the word colin kaepernick received will have you fuming perhaps when "the five" returns, which will happen. what's with the minivan? it's not mine. i don't -- dale, honey, is your tummy still hurting, or are you feeling better to ride in the front seat? oh! is this one of your motorcycling friends? hey, chin up there, dale. lots of bikers also drive cars. in fact, you can save big if you bundle them both with progressive. i'd like that. great. whoo. you've got soft hands. he uses my moisturizer. see you, dale. bye, rob. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,... ...isn't it time to let the real you shine through? maybe it's time for otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,...
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♪ >> juan: colin kaepernick, who launched a protest when he refused to stand for the national anthem before nfl games, is now being honored by the aclu, the former 49ers quarterback received the 2017 courageous advocate award at a ceremony in california last night. >> he must confront systemic oppression as a doctor would a disease. you identify it. you call it out. you treat it and you defeated. we all have an obligation the matter the risk regardless of the war to stand up for our fellow men and women being
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oppressed with the understanding that human rights cannot be compromised. in the words of frederick douglass, if there is no struggle, there is no progress. >> juan: kaepernick has not only been honored by the aclu but by "gq" and he's in the running, i think among the final three, for "time" magazine's man of the year. jesse, what do you think? >> jesse: i can't name one good thing from him kneeling. he hurt their ratings, hurt their attendance, offended the military, law enforcement, funded a lot of patriotic americans and he's made himself so toxic he can't do what he loves to do for a living, and that is play football. no one is talking about his chief beef which is police brutality. when it comes to failed protests, this may be one of the biggest failed protests of this country. besides maybe occupy wall stree
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wall street. >> juan: i disagree with jesse. i think it started last year and it has i think, by jesse's account, turned the nfl upside down. everyone is talking about it. we pay attention to it. more players still kneeling. >> katie: are there any results about stopping oppression? i haven't seen colin kaepernick in the inner-city working with police officers to try to mend the relationship between police and local communities. i have seen the justice department give more money and resources to do that, fund local policing and community work. so yes, he can do what he wants. these liberal groups with people like jane fonda attending this aclu dinner. "gq" celebrating him. they are not in step with the rest of how america feels and if he wants to make a difference, it is past time to kneel and it's time for him to go into the communities he claims to care about, talk to the people he says are oppressed, talk to the country about what they are going through and do something about it.
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until then, i haven't seen him do a whole lot but talk and see the problems jesse laid out. >> juan: the nfl says they are going to give $90 million to work on social justice issues. >> kimberly: okay, well, money towards good causes are always a good thing but in terms of colin kaepernick, i agree with katie. what is he really doing to effectuate positive change? i guess he is the poster boy for protest. the supermodel for protest? that's fine. he's doing covers for magazines. they have prepared speeches for him, make sure they have a couple quotable sound bites. he seems to be doing a better job of being this poster boy versus a quarterback, letting down my team, the 49ers. football dynasty in empire forever under amazing quarterbacks like montana. >> jesse: are you suggesting he didn't write his own
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speeches? speeches? 's >> kimberly: i suggested a whole lot. >> brian: i'm listening to you. i'm not casting aside. they have two player representatives, the nfl. even though football is a juggernaut. they see the damage. they see seats empty and they see revenue potentially going down. they see espn may not bid for the league because they may not benefit to do it. they say we are going to handle it inside. have the players go, you don't represent me. really? i don't like the deal you can't. what you want? 20 players theater put a fist in the air or take a knee. if that success, fine. if success is coming up with a solution, he's a big failure. >> katie: has an opportunity to do a lot of good. he should take advice from people he quotes, like frederick
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douglass, a republican, self-made man it was a real model for what you should do with your life after you've really been oppressed. he could use some humility, take a step back, learn from people who have done it before him and go into these communities and make a difference. right now he's just accepting awards at fancy hollywood parties. >> juan: if you look into though mind-set of why he's being considered man of the year, honored by the aclu, people seem as a martyr. >> katie: oh, come on. >> juan: given up some of the prime of his athletic career to stand for a cause. >> brian: when the nfl in these teams, there is no collusion. he is suing for occlusion. we love that word. it's jesse's favorite. if they hired him as a backup, he left the 49ers. if he got hired in texas, that team seems to emulate his style, it would be over.
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he wouldn't be getting this award. he also said if i get hired, i'm standing. so what is your point? you get hired, you are standing. nothing's changed. we give you $90 million. my mind can't get around it. >> kimberly: now he wants the money back. that's hypocrisy. >> juan: you may disagree but i think he stood for his principles. directly ahead, it's the fourth highlight everybody is talking about. our reaction next. go slow.
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♪ >> katie: now to the sports highlight everyone is talking about, a cheerleader stunt going viral. watch. ariel oliver in texas is doing the so-called invisible box move. people put an invisible box on the floor and pretend to put their left foot on it while there right foot leaps over it. i think juan was doing this in the green room earlier.
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>> juan: how much strength does she have? unbelievable. >> brian: what do you mean? >> juan: she pushes off with the right leg alone. on one leg. >> brian: it doesn't seem possible. >> jesse: i think it is a doctored video. fake news. i think brian ross put the video out. >> brian: as much as i appreciate this sports story, the number one sports story you refused to cover. the giants fired their general manager and head coach because they benched eli manning after a terrible 2-10 season. >> jesse: maybe they will sign kaepernick. >> brian: eli manning will start this week. i don't know who the new coaches. that's the number-one story. >> juan: i don't like the way they treated eli manning. i think he is the brand of the
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new york giants. he has won two super bowls over tom brady. >> katie: brian, are you really saying that's more important than this girl? this is the most important story of the internet. >> brian: i believe my story is bigger. the last time manning was not starting on a sunday, the twin towers stood and google didn't exist. >> kimberly: do you know what you are? besides a guest. you are a little bit of a frustrated sports anchor. you love sports. you are so good at it. you should be doing it. >> katie: can we get back to the situation here? >> jesse: i tried the jump with the staff watching me and i hurt myself. and everybody laughed at me. everybody mocked me. if i can't do it, i don't think
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it's possible. >> katie: i think you are too tall. >> jesse: i have a lot of power in my legs. >> kimberly: long torso. >> juan: she is a gymnast. >> jesse: is she a gymnast or cheerleader? >> juan: don't you think it was awesome? >> katie: it was awesome. don't try it at home. it was good. "one more thing" is up next.
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the ibm cloud is the cloud for business. yours. ♪ >> kimberly: it's time now for "one more thing" and it's time for kimberly's food court. oh, yeah, it never gets old. either do these cookies. today is national cookie day and it's observed annually on december 4. go for it, jesse. >> jesse: i will take this. >> kimberly: the english word cookie is derived from the dutch word cookie, meaning little cake. >> juan: it almost looks like kooky. >> kimberly: the origins appeared to be from persia in the seventh century. sugar became common in the region. everybody loves the cookies. we have a whole bunch of cookies here. what?
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insomnia cookies. thank you so much. >> brian: emphasis on alexander the great and not enough on the cookie in terms of civilization. >> kimberly: the chocolate just melts on your lips. >> juan: my favorite fox guy, homer simpson, loves doughnuts and cookies. >> brian: i'm not sure he is real. >> kimberly: juan, it's time for you. >> juan: remember when we showed you the demolition of the georgia dome. well, guess what. they tried to do the same thing at the silverdome in detroit and look what happened. >> katie: not surprised at all. >> juan: that's right. nothing happened. they tried to blow it up, couldn't do it. they tried again this afternoon and finally they were able to get the job done. the stadium, once the home of the detroit lions, came
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crumbling down faster than one of kimberly's lovely cookies. >> jesse: very good, juan. i like how you are on the implosion beat. we can say merry christmas again now that trump's president. merry christmas, everybody. and a lot of kids are going to sit on santa's lap. one cute 2-year-old was at a store in houston, texas, and this happened. >> tell him what you want to. >> what do you want for christmas? 's >> brian: i want to take a nap. >> jesse: very tired. she ended up asking for reindee reindeer. >> kimberly: super cute. >> brian: sunday at 8:00 and i will hopefully talk to jesse about this tomorrow or wednesday, andrew jackson hero under fire will air on the channel i wish time are going to
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look at the similarities to donald trump in the controversy over statue. that painting which is now in our hallway, here's a little bit about the actual battle of new orleans where he became the most famous man in america and how they had to dig a canal, build a wall, and how the british tried to get over the canal by using ladders. take a listen. >> the attacking british had made ladders and bundles of sugarcane to throw in and put the ladder up to scale. that's a suicide mission. that's exactly what happened. it took too much time to go down and up. they were destined to get slaughtered. >> brian: a lot of them didn't do it. they sat back and the british ended up being knocked down in 45 minutes. the army they beat napoleon could not beat andrew jackson in america. they threw sugarcane in there to fill up the water. then they were going to float the ladders but the irish were in charge and they say i'm not
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going to survive, i will stay in the back. >> katie: take it easy on the irish. as a daughter of the american revolution, i appreciate the british being held back. the astronauts at the international space station had an individual pizza party recently after the italian astronaut had a pizza grating and the nasa space station manager, he felt bad for him. wanted to get his craving in. a symptom of a bunch of ingredients. this is the first official pizza party ever held in space. looks like they are having a really good time. >> jesse: a slice of heaven. >> katie: very punny, jesse. the russians, americans, italians. >> brian: we have to go above the earth to get along. >> juan: if we are all in
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kimberly's food court, we will get along. >> kimberly: so true. food and puppies. set your dvrs. never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" next. see you on bring some of those cookies down here. the trump administration versus the fbi. the president weeds and raises s democrats talk obstruction of justice. hockey fbi officials anti-trump texts are raising new questions. the clock ticks down toward a possible government shutdown at the end of the week. it is monday. this is "special report" ." welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. president trump's rhetorical war with the agents law enforcement agency is escalating. contrasting the unfair treatment of a man who used to be one of his top aides with the bureau's handling of hillary clinton email scandal. it comes on the day when
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