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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 6, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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>> neil: the guy who founded home depot, became a billionaire. he's tired of the ridge every 1% whining about not getting a tax cutter having to pay more taxes because they can't write off the taxes i have heard he endeared himself to some many that we thought we would have her back. you can't believe what he is saying right now. get ready. can is tomorrow. "the five" is now. ♪ >> i'm dana perino with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five" ." today president trump made history with a dramatic shift in u.s. foreign policy in the middle east. he forged ahead with his decision to declare jerusalem as risk capital despite objections from arab, european, and other world leaders and even the pope.
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it is because we cannot solve our problems by making the same failed assumptions and repeating the same failed strategies of the past. old challenges demand new approaches. i've determined that it is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. while previous presidents have made this a major campaign promise, they failed to deliver. today i am delivering. >> dana: president trump stressed israel as a sovereign nation with the right to determine its own capital. the president or the state department of beginning to move the embassy to jerusalem from tel aviv. in an attempt to ease concerns, mr. trump wanted palestinians to know he remains fully committed to helping broker a peace deal. >> i also want to make one point very clear.
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this decision is not intended in any way to reflect a departure from our strong commitment to facilitate a lasting peace agreement. we want an agreement that is a great deal for the israelis and a great deal for the palestinians. i intend to do everything in my power to help forge such an agreement. >> dana: and historic day. juan, you have covered this issue over many presidents. the position of the united states now firmly ensconced in the promise that had been made for many years that the united states would make this recognition and today happened. >> juan: wright, part of that policy for the longest time has been a two state to solution. we would, with regard to jerusalem, have that as part of the negotiation, the ongoing negotiation. the united states, even with
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people like bill clinton who were all about moving the capital said, i'm sorry, the embassy said clearly that the reason they didn't do it was to preserve the united states as a fair and well-regarded arbiter on both sides. what we saw today was sort of a preemptive move. the jared kushner supposedly out there trying to make a deal of some kind. we haven't seen much evidence that of any progress but we have seen now, the president, like a businessman saying let's shake it up. let's put the palestinians on notice. if you don't like the way things are going, well, then you better get back to the bargaining table. >> dana: he wasn't the only one. the king of saudi arabia said to the palestinians they need to get on board. i think the president recognizes in the capitals in these countries they have to say what they're going to have to say for their domestic audiences. this seems to be okay with the
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saudi arabians and others for an anti-iran alliance. >> kimberly: i think so. i think that's what's behind this as well in large measure. this is something the president has been considering and contemplating for some time. there has been tremendous support from the israeli community to do this for the president to make this move. you have seen a solid friendship and alliance between netanyahu and president trump that they work cooperatively. there's a lot of mutual respect there. i think it's a healthy and good thing for the united states going forward. i take him at his word when he says he's going to continue to try to broker a deal and work this out but sometimes you need to broker a deal with show of strength and a show of commitment and like i said, he has been saying he's going to do it and now in fact he has. >> dana: jerusalem was always the piece that was going to be the final bargaining chip but after several decades with nothing happening, maybe this is a way to get there. i didn't hear the president say
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he was against a two-state solution. maybe this will push people to the table. >> greg: i don't know. you want to see a picture of a middle east expert? >> kimberly: a blank state? >> greg: is unsolvable. we keep talking about it as if it's going to upset a peace process in the middle east. this peace process has been upset in the middle east since i was a child. if you want a peace process, palestinians, stop killing jews. that's a start. >> dana: there state of objective is the destruction of israel. >> greg: all the democrats were for it. now when the evil orange republican dysphoric, the media's going to say this is going to cause world war iii, world war iv, world war v. it's no different than anybody is saying. the most important thing is the change of address cards.
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i didn't do that when i moved, and i don't get any of my "cat fancy" issues. >> dana: no have your christmas cards. jesse, what is your take? >> jesse: he got schumer and schumer and romney and deborah debbie wasserman schultz and ted cruz to all agree so i guess it's a good deal. we have a great relationship with israel. our only real partner in democracy in the middle east and he fulfilled a campaign promise. i think his supporters are going to be happy better. i think our nato allies and pacific partners have to look at this and say this is the president of the united states doing what he said he was going to do, and that has to make them feel more comfortable. it is vintage trump. he actually does what he says he's going to do, and then there's a bunch of hysteria. but the hysteria is not always as bad as it seems like it's going to be. i think he kind of relishes doing things other presidents have said they are going to do or did or didn't do. whether it is the keystone
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pipeline or cornering north korea or withdrawing from bad trade deals or treaties. i think he enjoys this. but you know what, hamas says they are going to unleash hell and there will be a day of rage. if you are a terrorist, you are always raging. i don't see much happening. >> dana: speaking of an ally, i want to get your take, juan, on turkey. turkey is a part of nato but the president came out strongly against it there and said they will be fire inferior, basically what president trump had said about north korea. and i will read "abbas said these are a deliberate undermining of efforts to exert peace and represent a declaration of the united states withdraw from undertaking the roads played in the past decades and sponsoring the peace process." could end up with the palestinians would have taken the deals that were on the table in the last couple decades. >> juan: i think that's what president trump must be thinking. shake it up.
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to go back to what you were saying, turkey is our ally. you have the turkish spokesman saying this is a redline for the muslims around the world. specifically in the middle east. so when you think about what's different here, it's not that the thought isn't -- is anything radically shifting from what democrats and republicans of set in the past. the differences that you do it as separate, a unilateral action apart from any negotiation. what does it signal, what does it mean? i was at the reagan library this weekend they had a defensive forum. you have people like leon paddock, mike pompeo from cia, even former secretary of state schultz. what they are saying is iran and russia are moving into a power vacuum in the middle east. you know how you have russia now a major ally of syria and others. we hear lots of talk from president trump about, we are going to be more emphatic, involved. there is nothing on the ground. there is no actual policy so he
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makes this move that i think does please some part of his evangelical base, maybe some of the orthodox jewish community in this country which votes republican. in terms of israel, i don't know that all israelis are in support of it because they want more security for their country. >> dana: they were going to be attacked regardless. i want to bring up one thing that might get greg going. this is the pope. pope francis. he said "i cannot remain silent about my deep concern about the situation that has developed recent days and at the same time i wish to make a heartfelt appeal to ensure everyone is committed to respecting the status quo of the city in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the united nations." everybody spoke up before the president actually gave his speech. he said he's okay with talking about the boundaries has they were discussed for east jerusalem. >> greg: i am trying to maintain a level of politeness about the pope. you knew this was going to set me off. you did this on purpose. this is an ongoing conflict over a religious claim over city.
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so it's three teams arguing over home-field advantage. i will play the sport so i don't have to listen to what the pope says. i don't care about what the pope says. i don't think he helps in this situation. i think he should stay out of i it. i can barely control myself when he talks about climate change, so i don't want to talk about the pope. >> jesse: could you say the pope should but out of -- >> greg: i did. you did that on purpose. >> kimberly: i disavow everything happening here. >> greg: the pope has an opinion and we have a right to respond to it. >> juan: there's a lot of opinion out there. hamas, the pope. the united nations, turks, palestinians, germans. gosh. his >> dana: don't you think it's possible, kimberly, after the shock of this announcement and people have time, if things don't become fire and fury in
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the middle east. other nations will follow the lead and move their emphases to jerusalem as well. >> kimberly: i think there has to be a trailblazer and president trump has always been comfortable doing that. i think this was a bold and decisive, historic moment. israel is a sovereign state and they have every right to be able to decide and choose where their capitalism and where they want embassies to be. i think the united states is respecting their sovereignty and decision and their choice and honoring god. >> jesse: juan said there's a power vacuum in the middle east and iran is now in power. i think that's probably because president obama gave them trillions of dollars and withdrew precipitously from iraq. i also think this spurs the mideast peace process, whatever that means, greg, because everything they did before by putting this on the table, the
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jerusalem issue with everything else in the negotiation hadn't worked. i think what the president's doing is saying let's try something different. this makes everybody reengage, makes people come back to the table with a little bit more urgency. >> dana: i think they are sequencing. they make this announcement and then somebody on background from the white house said they expect within the next 12 to 14 months to have marva fleshed out plan. then you have some time for her to take hold. >> juan: i think then you have to think of it in terms of, jesse said symbolic. it kimberly said it's a historic day. i think of it as symbolic and a political gesture. we are not moving the embassy anytime soon. he's going to sign another waiver that says the embassy will remain in tel aviv and then say -- every six months you keep doing it. he said, i think this is what the president's said today. it will take years before they can even think about it because they have to build it, find a
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contractor, land. >> kimberly: it is happening like the wall. >> dana: time's person of the year. up next, big announcement from al franken. i think they changed the tease on me. perfect fit. santa needs an f-150. that's ford, america's best selling brand. hurry in today for 0% financing for 72 months across the full line up of ford cars, trucks and suvs. for a limited time, get an additional $1,000 cash back on top of 0% financing for 72 months. get these exclusive offers during the ford year end sales event.
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♪ >> juan: "time" magazine named these highlands breakers its person of the year as we are seeing more fallout from the massive movement today. six women filed a class action lawsuit against harvey weinstein and his former companies. they say they are representing hundreds who have been harassed or assaulted by the disgraced movie mogul. meanwhile al franken do to make a big announcement tomorrow following growing calls within his own party for him to resign. that comes, that call includes party leader chuck schumer who just released a statement calling for franken to "step down immediately." what do you make of this, greg? >> greg: well, franken has another accusation from a woman
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who was at his radio show. this happened today. he lunged at her and tried to kiss her. he is denying that but i know two people that he has personally done this too. two people i have known for a while. so the idea that this person that is accusing him is creating this incident with easily discernible details. she was at his radio show. she was working for a congressperson that she was gathering her stuff and he lunged at her. he looks at this is some kind of offensive comedic gesture that's his kind of tradition, that's his shtick, i guess. i think he has no idea how many times he's done this. i think tomorrow is his last day, and i think one of the strategies here is that if he is gone and moore is elected, then the democrats can say that only the republicans have sex pests. the democrats purge and the republicans protect. i think that's going to be their strategy. it's not a dumb one. >> juan: you have more than
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seven democrats, started with seven democratic women including patty murray who was kind of the senior leader among women in the democrats on capitol hill. calling for franken to resign. this is a big shift from what we have seen in the last week. what do you make of it? >> jesse: it was about time. i think they ladies hard enough. i think they had enough when they saw the picture of him doing that but the latest allegation where he goes in for the kiss but the worst part, she denied him. he said "i'm an entertainer. i'm entitled to do this." i think this sums it up perfectly. power is so intoxicating and when you continue to get away with it without any consequences, you are emboldened. when people surrounding you allow you to do it, it emboldens you even more. so that, with the me too movement, we were kind of joking around in the green room the other day. when are we going to see a backlash? people are talking about this
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and we were talking about, when women sometimes make a joke about a man, are they going to be held to the same standard men are held to? are we going to see next possibly a woman being accused of harassing a guy? >> greg: there is one. a woman from "the voice." i read too much gossip. >> jesse: i think this is going to swirl around. who knows where it's going to go but i think everyone is awake to it right now that's a good thing. as long as you're conscientious of what you're doing and what you're doing is wrong, i think there's going to be a lot of progress. >> juan: kimberly, here's what strikes me. now these allegations, and i've got to check out what greg was talking about the terms of the most recent one, took place when franken was a -- wasn't an elected official. it was before he was elected to office. i heard from democrats this is different than things that have happened with people who are in
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office or like conyers was using office funds to pay off a woman. what do you think is a larger? why did these democratic women rush on franken? >> kimberly: i think there really is no tolerance for this kind of behavior and if he is a public figure and representing the people and this is somebody my dana and i were talking about, considering probably a run for president. >> dana: there goes my prediction. >> greg: not really. >> kimberly: anyway. i think they want to make a strong stand. kamala harris coming out saying this conduct and behavior cannot be condoned and or abided by. to me it's not a surprise, especially given the cover of "time," the mood, the focus on these issues right now. it's very, i guess it's resonating in terms of the public and you've seen it across all different professions. i think this is something that wasn't surprising, especially with a new accuser. i think when you see schumer as
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well calling for it, let's see what happens. tomorrow he's making an announcement. >> juan: what do you think of the "time" selection? me too, the hashtag is the person of the year. >> dana: they had a lot of good options for the possibilities. it was such a year of consequence. 2017, easily president trump could have been the one. i think the king salman of saudi arabia, he won the poll. this movement is a big societal changing event, i think it made sense. i think for franken, the only way to make this end is if he resigns, for himself, him and his family. there might be more accusers who, but he's putting his family through a lot. the minnesota voters deserve better. if he's going to resign, he might not wait until tomorrow. the other thing i would mention. we lead with talking about harvey weinstein. that "new york times" piece
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today. five different reporters. if you haven't read it, you should. or listen to the daily podcast. what he was making people who worked for him to in order to have, get this done. they called it the complicity machine. it is so chilling. that someone would think of that. people who brought it up to h.r., they got fired. so i think that problem is going to continue in the entertainment industry. >> juan: apparently a woman is trying to sue president trump and bring out all of these issues into court. will it go anywhere? >> dana: i don't know. it depends on whether she is granted standing anywhere. >> greg: there could have been another winner or not of her much and for the person or thing of the year. what had a continuous effect over the year? what object had continuous -- >> dana: twitter? >> greg: trump's tweets. every single day they had an
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impact on people. that would've been an honorable mention. >> kimberly: is that a person? >> juan: that is genius. not a person. >> greg: this was a hashtag movement on twitter, right? >> juan: it gained momentum after weinstein. >> kimberly: you would have to put president trump on the cover with his twitter handle. >> juan: did the fbi give special treatment to hillary clinton in her email investigation? lawmakers want answers. you'll hear hear it on "the five" next.
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california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at ♪ >> jesse: people who hate president trump and the fbi were assigned to investigate him while hillary clinton was protected time and time again by sympathizers. g.o.p. lawmakers demanding
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answers, an investigation into that today. >> i am proud to be joined by my fellow conservatives in the house to call for an investigation into the fbi's procedures that allowed hillary clinton to receive special treatment. we will also investigate the unprecedented bias against president trump that exists when we allow people who hate the president to participate in the investigations against him. >> it's clear hillary clinton has received break after break after break from the fbi. >> if mueller was doing such a great job on investigating the russian collusion, why could he have not found the conflict of interest within their own agency? >> jesse: this is justin, we learned not only was fbi agent peter strzok involved in the interview with hillary clinton. he was also on the team that looked into the thousands of emails which ended up on huma abedin and anthony weiner's laptop. greg, has this mueller
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investigation been completely compromised beyond repair? >> greg: i don't know. it seems there has got more breaks than a pool hall. we'll be right back. >> kimberly: don't retire on that one. you've had better. >> greg: hillary treated the fbi the waybill treated interns. it was a hot tub of special treatment. this is the collusion. the media has been all about collusion with the russians and that is dwindling. for christmas they expected a pony and all they are going to get is a lump of coal which is fitting because we have revitalized the coal industry. >> jesse: dana, as the most fair and balanced person at this table excluding myself, do you think mueller and his team's integrity has clouded the issue so much where whatever he does next, fair-minded people are going to say and have doubts --
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>> dana: fair-minded people? we are talking about fair-minded people? i don't think so at this point. part of it is that legal issues, legal investigations are usually super locked down and quiet and nobody talks. mueller hasn't given an interview. he hasn't talked to anybody. so there's all these allegations swirling around and they can't really defend themselves. i think one of the defenses that some people have found out is that when he found out about strzok and his text messages, he was fired. he's probably irritated his investigation has been tainted by somebody who did something before he even got there. but i think there's a question of, can you have personal opinions and still do a professional job in your career? you said i'm the most fair and balanced person. if we were talking about a pro-life issue, could i be fair and balanced even though i have a personal point of view? i would like to try to be but we all have these certain things we might have texted to somebody. i said to my has been heartfelt
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about an issue, does it become part of an investigation? i'm not sure. chris wray of the fbi, he testifies tomorrow. we might get more clarity on what happened if he happens to know but also remember, before he left comey said the fbi is investigating isis in all 50 states. so it's so irritating to me that people did this, they had a private email service, hillary clinton did that. huma abedin and anthony weiner have to be investigated. we have serious problems, and we have the -- the fbi needs to be focused on those and not necessarily in people's shenanigans in texas. >> jesse: if i am a huge trump supporter, trump donor -- >> greg: if? [laughter] >> jesse: is it fair for me as an fbi agent to investigate hillary clinton. could i put it aside? >> juan: i hope you could. >> jesse: you think that would be fair?
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>> juan: these fbi agents, and especially strzok is greatly respected in the fbi community. they have to prove themselves. it's not as if they got there on the basis of their political affiliation and they like or don't like this candidate. this is a situation where i think if you want to impugn people on the basis they were texting or tweeting. we discussed this yesterday, during the presidential debate in telling, he telling the woman when he thinks. i don't see how it rules out this guy is a good investigator. hopefully chris wray, the fbi director, will make that claim but the larger point to me as we have real news here about the deutsche bank subpoena. at which you said didn't happen. it's on the front page of "the wall street journal." >> jesse: bloomberg news just retracted the report that said trump's financial records were subpoenaed. it was only records associated with -- >> jesse: >> juan: now you are admitting -- i see.
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this is a legitimate part of the investigation they are looking into the financial transactions involving trump and his associates. >> jesse: not trump. >> juan: i don't understand why people are so quick to fall for this. you see these congressmen standing there, freedom caucus guys, far right ring of the republican party essentially acting like devin nunes' stooges for donald trump so people don't pay attention to the real news which is the russia investigation. >> kimberly: juan williams making friends left and not right, not right. that was a doozy. >> jesse: final thoughts, kimberly. >> kimberly: can i say on behalf of the phenomenal men and women in the fbi many of which i know and have worked with over the years personally. they are fantastic. they work really hard. they take the office and the job they do very seriously to protect this country.
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it's always a good thing when you have transparency and illumination on issues like this to be able to see. i think it would only make the affair stronger and better and sometimes you need some shake up at the top to be able to rework the whole dynamic of an organization. that's what i think we are going to see here. i do call into question as a former prosecutor the credibility of some aspects of this investigation. i certainly want to hear more. we would hope that they uphold the oath to be fair arbiters of the facts and let the investigation take them where it is supposed to go absent and bereft of any ideological preference. >> jesse: president obama taking new swipes at president trump. greg takes him on next. for you. for all of us. that's for me.
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>> greg: last saturday barack obama was in paris, what i like to call the poor man's cleveland, where he knocked donald trump for pulling out of the climate deal. i wonder if he said he grants that at the moment we have a temporary absence of american leadership in the issue. >> i grant you that at the moment we have a temporary absence of american leadership on the issue. >> greg: he is so predictable. so is the french audience who laughed. they also find mimes funny. the fact is making a decision that bugs the french is not bad leadership actually. it's the opposite. knowing you will come off as the bad guy among our more sophisticated european peers and you still do it anyway, that's cool. let's face it. how many times have we been right versus the french? trump expressed real leadership here. remember, even environmentalists admit the accord sucks. it takes $100 trillion, funds they could wipe out global
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poverty, hunger and disease three times over to maybe affect a fraction of a degree over a century. it's murderous, callous, virtue signaling. worse, as obama jokes, terrorist plot to kill england's prime minister. tara, remember where there was an absence of leadership on that? that is the real lesson of 2016. priority adjustment regarding global threats. something france could use to. that country has suffered from so many deadly terror attacks and yet they chuckle with a guy who come after one attack, sent them james taylor. i guess in obama's mind, isis was always jv and coal was always varsity. president obama is like a traveling comedian. he shows up, finds out where he's from and start saying nice things about cleveland or whatever. he shows up but he knows he can get a joke. makes a joke about trump because
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he knows he's going to get a laugh. >> dana: he tries to skirted so he doesn't say president trump's name so he wouldn't be that -- there wouldn't be the outrage. there are the race he could've done it. i do agree that this is pretty bold to do. pull out of the paris accords. it was similar, one president bush pulled out of the kyoto protocol, he paid the price for that in diplomacy every step of the way because the european capitals thought we were terrible. >> greg: stupid and ignorant. >> dana: third world nations wanted more from the president on that bird, so i think president trump has got us back to the place where even in pop culture television when they are talking about climate change, they have to admit we have reduced our carbon footprint and with the refrain is we still have to do more. >> greg: you know it kills me, there's this perception that if you are against the paris accords, somehow you are less knowledgeable of the accords when in fact the people who are for the paris accords are most ignorant because they don't know
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how much it's going to cost and what it can affect. >> jesse: are you calling juan ignorant? that's not nice. >> greg: it was a sub tweet. i was talking about juan without saying juan. >> kimberly: not a good idea. >> jesse: it is easy to fight climate change because climate change doesn't fight back. the absence of american leadership was what obama was leaving behind. he didn't lead on isis. he didn't lead on north korea. didn't lead on syria. remember, putin had to come in and have him save face. and he definitely didn't lead on russian interference in our election. he sat by and said nothing and only said something after the election. obama has no credibility here. >> greg: after this performance, do you agree that obama should be preimpeached? we should go back and impeach him. post impeached. >> juan: you are not as bad as some people on fox. >> kimberly: as some people. >> juan: somebody said he
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should be arrested. they should bring him back and arrest him. >> greg: that was me in my brian kilmeade mask. >> juan: that was lou dobbs. >> kimberly: he has that mask too. >> juan: seems to me when he was over there he was not only talking with the french but saying to all the business and activists in paris that, guess what, this deal has held together despite the united states pulling out. what does that say? the rest of the world is saying we understand. >> greg: they are wrong. when has the world been right and we have been wrong? not a single example. i'm pointing to a watch. >> juan: i think al qaeda and its resurgence is a real current threat. you guys go on and on. >> greg: what do you mean? on and on about terror. >> juan: you need to be
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specific. when you're speaking in general terms, you don't really make sense. >> kimberly: oh, that's the problem. >> greg: i have only been right on this for how long. >> kimberly: let's talk about the reality with the situation. the president's approval numbers up, isis getting crushed. don't worry, juan, he is getting to al qaeda too. >> juan: where'd you get his approval numbers up? >> kimberly: they are. >> jesse: they are out of the 20s and into the 30s. >> juan: you are winning. the winning is too much. >> greg: don't forget the travel ban. so many things are happening. you can't keep up, juan. >> juan: i know. too much winning. >> greg: i guess i should move on. kimberly has been waiting all showed to break out food. i hope it's good. i'm not reading this next part.
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>> kimberly: it is time for kimberly's food court, but wait. there's more. my food court today. meet kimberly's dating tips. jesse loves it.
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you know the fastest way to my heart is through my stomach indeed. apparently i'm not alone because a new study conducted by the dating website has found love seekers who mention food in their dating profile have boosted their odds of making a match by as much as 144%. not just any food. slow it down. guacamole. chocolate. and sushi. among some of the most alluring edibles to mention for those looking for the one. boy, did i sell that segment. jesse, do you think this makes sense? >> jesse: it does because women like guacamole. here's why. it gives them an excuse to eat chips. >> dana: [laughs] >> jesse: they feel it's a healthy snack. same thing with sushi. they consider low-calorie through food when you loaded with spicy was having mayonnais mayonnaise, maybe it doesn't, should. who doesn't like chocolate?
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>> kimberly: that's awesome. do you think it makes men attracted to women more? >> jesse: yes. when women say something about sushi, it says they can't afford sushi and they might take you out to a sushi dinner instead of taking your to mcdonald's or applebee's. >> kimberly: i like mcdonald's, though. >> jesse: you are different. you have good taste and fast food. >> kimberly: you too. >> dana: i noticed quinoa and kale are not on the list of things. i've never written a dating profile. i wouldn't know what to say but i guess i would throw a hershey kiss on there. >> kimberly: the kisses, i like that. >> greg: we should call these dating apps. [laughter] >> kimberly: that was terrifying. >> greg: they needed dating app for people who don't like to date. like hi, i'm greg. can i come over to watch tv?
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then you move in, get married, get fat. skip the dating. dating is overrated. it's terrible. dating is terrible. >> kimberly: you just blew out my earpiece. juan, you love food. i take this end of the table is definitely the foodies. >> juan: i don't see how you lose with this. what do you do if you go on a date? usually go out to dinner. the whole thing is, it's very interesting when you're on a date. who's going to pay? >> greg: that's a question. >> jesse: the woman obviously. >> juan: you go out with a certain type of woman. >> jesse: what type is that? >> juan: this is a winner. >> kimberly: cheesecake and burgers. >> juan: kimberly's food court. >> kimberly: i think men love it when a woman eats and has a good appetite and appreciates
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the food doesn't pick and act weird. be comfortable with yourself and own it. love it, and level find you. "one more thing" is next. (avo) when you have type 2 diabetes, you manage your a1c, but you also have a higher risk of heart attack or stroke. non-insulin victoza® lowers a1c, and now reduces cardiovascular risk. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill. (avo) and for people with type 2 diabetes treating cardiovascular disease, victoza® is now approved to lower the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. and while it isn't for weight loss,
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whcold you? grab lunch? cold sore. when a cold sore takes over, campho phenique's topical anesthetic plus anti-microbial action soothes pain fast. what's for dinner? meat loaf. campho-phenique on, cold sore pain gone. ♪ >> dana: it is time first be 27. i had a match jesse in the puppy video.
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ever writing in the car with your dog and worried about eating seat belts because they think if there's an accident, will happen? this company, the rocketeer pac pack. it's only for dogs that are 25 pounds or less. jasper would not fit. can you imagine? that would not work. i don't think it's going to work. those dogs look kind of happy but i don't know. call us and let us know. >> kimberly: is that normal? >> dana: kimberly, you might need this in your car. juan, you are an expert >> juan: i showed you a picture of my family with santa at the mall but it doesn't compare to the visit santa made to cover children who have lost everything in california's wildfires. children are being treated to a visit with a local saint offered many children having lost so much had a long list of gift requests. to me the most touching was one
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boy. he wanted nothing more from santa than a hog. our thoughts and prayers are with all the people affected dealing with fire and smoke this holiday season. >> dana: greg, you are next. >> greg: i had a week off of my podcast there's a new one up tonight. an amazing author and speaker is going to be on tonight. we're going to talk about perv apocalypse, as i like to call it. were going to talk about campus speech and the unusual case of sam cedar who lost a contract msnbc over an ironic tweet. msnbc acted like -- and let the guy go over that was ironic. they should give him his job back. >> jesse: i will see you a santa video and raise you one.
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skydiving santa delivering toys to boys and girls in tampa. okay, didn't go so well. crash landing. that was a curveball. he broke his leg. i mean santa broke his leg. listen, santa, you need your reindeer. >> kimberly: that was troubling. no happy ending there. i disapprove. this is a very sweet story. 81-year-old playing online game called words with friends. she was randomly paired up with another player. 22 years old, and aspiring rapper. she used the word phat, slang for excellent, greg. he was floored she knew the word. they started messaging each other. an amazing friendship formed, he
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decided to surprise her and fly to florida to meet her and give her a big hug in person and they continue to play this game together, words with friends. they are also now facebook friends. >> dana: that is so nice. >> kimberly: isn't it the cutest? >> greg: what if they got engaged and got married. >> kimberly: i don't have weirdo one more things. >> dana: set your dvrs. never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" up next with bret baier. hi, bret. >> bret: thank you. tension simmering in the middle east and around the world as president trump begins the process of moving the u.s. embassy in israel to jerusalem. new calls from democrats. for minnesota senator al franken to resign as more sexual-harassment accusers tell their stories. fierce santa ana winds fuel destructive wildfires in southern california. this is "special report" ." ♪


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