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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 7, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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to re-visit this on the 22nd before christmas. it's not as if anything else is happening there that would produce some sort of panic agreement. that's the way washington is. "the five" is now. >> jesse: i'm jesse watters with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, dana perino and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five" ." another prominent democrat announces resignation from congress. sexual misconduct allegations. senator al franken taking the floor of the chamber earlier exactly through a theft of the accusation surfaced. he began with this. >> a couple months ago, i felt we had entered an important moment in the history of this
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country. we were finally beginning to listen to women about the ways in which men's actions affect them. then the conversation turned to me. some of the allegations against me are simply not true. others i remember very differently. i know there's been a different picture of me painted over the last few weeks, but i know who i really am. >> jesse: although franken refused to knowledge the allegations, he ultimately caved to pressure to step down. >> in the coming weeks, i will be resigning. this decision is not about me. it's about the people of minnesota. this has been a tough few weeks for me, but i'm a very, very lucky man. i have a beautiful, healthy family. but i love him that loves me very much. i'm going to be just fine.
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>> jesse: you know what i didn't hear him say, dana? i'm sorry. >> dana: i think he truly believes he didn't do anything wrong. he has watched other people deny allegations and be just fine. i think he thought he could weather the storm but there were additional anonymous accusers that were coming forward and i think basically democrats are saying you are no longer welcome here. and you're going to be sitting alone in the senate dining room. no one is going to talk to you. you are dead to us. i'm curious about the decision to resign in the coming weeks. >> jesse: what do you think that's about? >> dana: i heard a theory. i told greg and the green room. this is not my theory. >> greg: that he is a space alien? shape shifting lizard? >> dana: close. here is somebody's theory. he said i'm going to resign in the coming weeks because he's waiting to see what will happen
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in the alabama special. if roy moore wins and is going to be seated, then he could reverse his decision and not resign. that's a theory. >> jesse: kind of agree with the theory. leaving a crack in the door this big because he wants to see how this plays out. you know from the beginning of this, this guy did not want to lose. >> greg: my mom always said grab a seat, lose a seat. i don't even think franken believes franken. he said that he won that election by train or 12 votes when he beat norm coleman. he was talking about that. imagine if all the stories have been before he ran had come out then. he would not be in the senate. the fact is instead of being sad, he should be thanking his lucky stars that he got eight years in the senate. he got eight years.
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he was not supposed to win. if those stories that come out, he wouldn't be standing there. he should be thanking this women for not saying anything. mrs. -- the part where he goes after trump and moore. but not bill clinton or his enabler, hillary. 20 years ago, this party ignored bill clinton and nominated a woman who shamed the victims. is this a new leaf? are they changing their colors? i don't know. that's the game they are playing. they're trying to create a contrast between the democrats and republicans. that's why they're doing it. >> dana: now that they have drawn this redline, will anybody be able to cross it? there are reports that are up to 40 members of congress looking at possible stories. i don't know what they are going to say.
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possibly 40 people, could be some republicans and democrats. >> jesse: it will probably happen on friday. greg mentioned something the senator said about moore and trump. let's listen. >> >> i of all people realize te are some iranian the fact that i am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the oval office and a man who is repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigning for the senate with the full support of his party. >> the president addressed the comments back during the campaign. we feel strongly that the people of this country also addressed that when they elected donald trump to be president. i have addressed it several times from here and don't have anything to add. >> jesse: looks like the white house is saying let the
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voters talk. >> kimberly: message from sarah sanders saying this was something vetted, brought out during the campaign, the people of the united states had the opportunity to think about it, evaluated, determine how it should impact on their choice for commander in chief. they made the decision. it's not like it came out after he became president of the united states. quite frankly, al franken is lucky because, as greg said, this could happen on earlier. he got to be in government and work for the people and have this position for quite a long period of time before this information came out. i don't know why he is taking cheap shots of the president. i would've been more impressed if he said sorry for his conduct an action instead of trying to flip the script and point the finger at someone else instead of looking into his own conscience and behavior in making this a more teachable moment of ownership not only for
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himself but his family, other members of congress as well. >> jesse: respond to that, juan. >> juan: i thought he was extremely classy. >> jesse: he didn't say he believes the women. ski >> juan: he said it's the worst day of his life. i don't think you are a human being unless you understand he was at the pinnacle of success in his political life. he worked very hard and he worked in the tradition of paul wellstone who was a terrific senator from minnesota, very much a progressive farm labor democrat type. and al franken had to get beyond the image he was just a comment can be dismissed as a political neophyte and he did so and he's a very popular senator both in minnesota, so much so people were talking about al franken
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running for president. now you come to a day when all of this goes to tatters and his allies, people like kirsten gillibrand, patty murray, are leading the fight to toss them overboard. i don't see how you can say this wasn't a bitter and sad day. he calls it the worst day of his life. >> greg: worst things that happen on this day. >> juan: for him, i think it's pretty sad, and i feel for him. i'm so sorry this happened but i will say that i find myself in an odd situation where i agree with people like laura ingraham and sean hannity. they too think this is democrats turning on one of their own and throwing him overboard for political purposes that they will then be better positioned in terms of confronting charges against roy moore, especially if he is elected and there is an attempt to have them thrown out as well as to continue the challenge against president trump and the charges he has standing to this day
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against him in terms of women who say he acted in a vulgar manner with them. >> greg: can i respond? i agree. i think this is a strategic move on their part. i keep hearing the phrase partisan divide over sexual harassment. by doing this, there basically saying we are not the republicans. i think both sides could be right. i feel bad for al franken but i also feel -- i know for a fact he is lying. >> juan: that's not the point. what's he lying about, greg? is he lying about -- >> greg: he stuck his tongue down that woman's throat. more than one. >> juan: generally we are talking about groping. i think it's a whole lot different than what we are talking about with roy moore. think of this moment, something is going on in the country. >> greg: i agree. his other strong defense was
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what he did is what you are saying. nothing as serious as allegations directed at other people. i actually agree. we have an indiscriminate leveling of accusations. now all accusations are equal. we are going to have to deal with that at some point rather than letting the court of public opinion and the media indiscriminate laid aside all of these things are equal. i think what he did before he became a senator with his flaw. he thought it was funny. when it all came out, it should have come before. >> juan: didn't happen while he was a senator, which is what we are talking about with many other people. even the allegations prior to his tenure as a senator. but what strikes me is right now, i appreciate the fact -- i
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think there's so much policy at play. at one level, we need to deal with the issue of sexual harassment and intimidation of women and women being silenced and afraid to speak. on another level, we are talking politics. we are just talking about al franken, roy moore, john conyers. it's going to go on and on. >> jesse: did the fbi give special treatment to hillary clinton? the director is grilled today. more when "the five" returns. the ford year-end sales event is in full swing. ( ♪ ) you are going to be a big surprise. (whining) aww, i see a big puppy. i see a b-i-i-g pu-u-ppy. hey greg! that's ford, america's best-selling brand. now get exclusive holiday offers, with 0% financing for 72 months across a full line up. for a limited time, get an additional $1,000 cash back on top of 0% financing for 72 months. get these exclusive offers during the ford year end sales event.
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>> there is no finer institution than the fbi and no finer people than the men and women who work there. >> dana: the director of the fbi issuing a firm defense today following a comment from president trump that his agency is in tatters. christopher wray had a very different take. >> the fbi that i see is tens of thousands of agents and analysts and staff working their tails off to keep americans safe from the next terrorist attack, gang violence, child predators, spies from russia, china, north korea and iran. the fbi that i see is tens of thousands of brave men and women who are working as hard as they
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can to keep people they will never know safe from harm. do we make mistakes? you bet we make mistakes, just like everyone who is human. we'll hold our folks accountable when it's appropriate. >> dana: wray addressed concerns about political bias against president trump. also whether the agent strzok softened language in the third trumpet email case. >> peter strzok is a special agent of the fbi who changed the word "grossly negligent" to extremely careless and former director comey's statement closing the clinton investigation. are you aware of that? >> i have heard some of the same information you have. the investigation into secretary clinton is currently the subject of an outside independent investigation by the inspector general i think it would not be appropriate for me to speculate about what the inspector general will or will not find. >> dana: kimberly, yesterday
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you talked about the fbi. i know you know a lot of people who work there. what did you think about how he handled the political pressure? the answer is a political appointee. >> kimberly: he did an outstanding job. people have to feel better about the fbi under his stewardship. reasonable, excellent tone and tenor to his presentation. i found this to be candid and forthright. problems that had and how they can improve upon it and i believe and take him at his word when he says that we will hold people accountable. he seems reasonable and measured, that he would do a full and thorough investigation. it seems to me this was a good example of another excellent choice. >> dana: he didn't close the
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door on the possibility of revisiting the hillary clinton email scandal. i thought of you. >> jesse: kimberly really enjoyed his presentation. i think they are about to hit pay dirt when it comes the real russian scandal. congressman jordan shielded bac back. we know this anti-trump guy ran the clinton email investigation and the russia-trump investigation. he was soft on hillary and toss on the drum people. that's been established. but the belief is now with this guy strzok took the big russian dossier and used it to apply for a fisa warrant that was used to spy on the trump campaign. think about that. he is stonewalling. won't answer questions about if he used it or not. russian dirt paid for by hillary. it's a huge story. we also know there was another department -- agent demoted
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because he had contacts. contacts with the founder of the firm hillary paid to deliver the fake russian dossier. the fbi won't answer questions. the doj is stonewalling congressional investigators. they are trying to find out who applied for the fisa warrant. what information? was the dossier used as justification to get the warrant? they are not getting answers. what is the department of justice and fbi hiding? it is trump's justice department. why are they not answering questions from house republicans? very conspiratorial and i think we are beginning to crack the case. >> dana: greg, justice department officials reading through over 10,000 text between strzok and the woman. >> greg: that's amazing.
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i have to say i'm getting tired of these hearings. they are on all the time. 10,000 texts. that's an amazing fact. what's amazing is these two people aren't 14-year-olds. they are adults. the fact that there are 10,000 texts, people don't know when to stop texting. when you are in a situation where you are texting and you are polite to me think i want to end this but if you stop, then you feel bad because you don't really say goodbye. you just stop. so you do one more than he think maybe that one more, than the other person does it. may be a question. maybe it's hypothetical. then you go, if i ignore this. i thought the emojis were the reason for ending texting relationships. clearly i am wrong. >> dana: can you imagine if you are a justice department
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staffer and you have to read these. strategy to muddy the waters and question the professionalism of the fbi seems to be working. cbs poll today shows republicans think this is a political witch hunt and think it's absolutely, though there is proof of collusion somewhere and they are going to get there. basically the parties -- >> juan: that's where we sit. that's not a change. republicans don't see anything. i might add generally, the democrat side of the equation. what interests me on this is you see the president's strategy is to attack and go after robert mueller. to the point of going after the fbi now the justice department and all of this idea that he might fire robert mueller. you have people like karl rove
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writing this morning and others saying, don't fire the special counsel. if you do, there's going to be consequences. they are trying to put in place laws in congress that would require the president to go through a court and justify a request to fire the special counsel. that's where this story is heading. i find it, there is an attempt here not only to distract and sort of derailed the mueller investigation. >> dana: isn't that what the clinton administration did during impeachment in the lewinsky scandal, turn it into the right wing conspiracy and turn it into -- basically question the political motives rather than thinking the investigation was on the outbound up. >> juan: and you got an impeachment of a president. i don't think it worked. >> dana: he was reelected. >> juan: i think we are more political times than we were even then.
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that was highly politicized, if you recall, with democrats favor and clinton and republicans -- >> dana: i do recall. all right, we are going to move own. u.s. olympic skier lindsey vonn making headlines about some comments about president trump. you can't predict the market. but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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♪ >> kimberly: a winter olympics are coming will the u.s. participate? security concerns for americans with against in such close proximity to north korea. the white house has no official decision has been made yet but america looks followed to participating. meanwhile, u.s. skier lindsey vonn making headlines today for taking some shots at
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president trump. >> i take the olympics very seriously what they mean and what they represent. what walking under our flag means. and i want to represent our country well. they don't think there are a lot of people currently in our government to do that. >> kimberly: she didn't stop there. >> invitation to the white house if you were to win? >> i don't. i have to win to be invited. >> kimberly: what do you make of this? >> dana: i got to go to the olympics in 2008 in beijing.
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i thought this would be nonpolitical. you have, its exports. united nations. they are going to compete. it was weird being in the opening ceremony and feeling, when the north koreans unannounced you could hear people booing the united states and israel. it was more political than i thought it would be. i get that. the american-russian hockey game of 1980. people still talkative. i think reporters are going to try to get these athletes on the record to talk about president trump. if i were there representative's, i would tell these athletes you don't need to do these interviews. if you want to focus on winning, do that. i think the push from the media is going to try to make this political and it would be better for all of them if they could focus, she says there she wouldn't go to the white house but i have to win to be invited.
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if i were there representative's, i would say focus on that. >> kimberly: why go out of the way to try to make these disparaging comments. >> dana: they are not necessarily political people. they are out there because they probably want to impress their sponsors, answering questions about the president and it's a little bit irresistible for the press and the athletes to say. maybe she thinks it helps her among her peers or maybe on social media if she is surrounded by people who don't like the president, then that makes her feel better. i don't know. i wouldn't answer the questions. i wouldn't even do the interview. >> kimberly: who is advising them? it seems a little bit of luck a popularity thing, a cool thing to do. being disrespectful.
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>> jesse: there's a mountain of evidence she doesn't know what she is talking about. it's really downhill from here for lindsay. participating for the race to the bottom. >> kimberly: you memorized that almost. look at greg. he is silently screaming inside. poor thing. go ahead. >> greg: i did my own research research. the original olympics, a lot of the athletes were. when they began, it was failed pornography for the upper class. she said she is representing
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people but she's actually representing red bull. that was a great advertisement with the hat. it's too much olympics. when i was young, it was every four years and then they alternated so it's every two years. it's always coming at you like christmas music or the oscars. it always feels like it's speeding up and it reminds you that one year it's gone and you're going to die. let's go back to every four years or eight years. >> kimberly: juan, it can you explain to us why this would happen and what you can tell these young athletes. >> juan: i love america and i love american athletes. she is being sincere, she can speak out. i think it's terrific. i don't have any problems. the issue you raise, could damage her, with her audience or fans or the advertisers? if you were advising her, would you say stay away because we don't want to get in trouble with any segment of the
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audience. and she does rely on sponsors. i think, knowing as little as i do about lindsey vonn, it must be what she believes and i will take turns being sincere and not a political act. the thing that concerned me was nikki haley, the u.n. ambassador said today there's a is a possibility the u.s. team will not go. >> dana: sarah sanders put out a statement saying the united states looks forward to it. >> juan: what struck me from what nikki haley said, it was an unsettled question. >> dana: i think she was trying to be cautious. >> juan: correct. i think there's a real threat, given what we know about the north. to me, that's the big issue here. do we send a team and i think back to when president carter didn't send the team because he was upset with the russians. back in '78 or i don't remember. to me, i don't like the idea. this year, the russians have been thrown out.
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we could win them all. what's going on with the olympics now that they have become so political. i guess the russian thing about cheating and drugs and the like. you are going to bet vladimir putin is going to say this is political punishment. >> juan: i would hate to see them not participating. >> dana: i think we are going. >> greg: two weeks. probably the safest place on earth. if you are there, you are in the safest place. >> jesse: because lauer is not going to be there. >> kimberly: that was better than the ponds. add, comment by president obama about president trump. the best simple salad ever?
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>> greg: we are getting reports that trent frank from arizona, will bring you developments. president obama still has trouble on his mind. tuesday he spoke to the economic club of chicago. a startling comparison of trump to hitler. we have to tend to the garden of democracy or things could fall apart quickly. that's what happened in germany the 1930s. the democracy of the wine bar republic and centuries
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nazi germany, here we come. trump recognizing jerusalem as israel's capital. after america had decimated isi isis. we aren't becoming nazis. we are stopping nazis. obama is right. if you stop paying attention, anything could happen. we could neglect a inexperienced senator from illinois. a radical progressive a stone's throw from stalinism. see how easy this stupid game i is? as obama indulges, he ignores the crushing of isis. a free press that is now louder than ever at a federal government whose size may be shrinking for once.
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that's what dictators do. they shrink government. if that is nazi germany, someone slept through history class. we call a moratorium on hitler comparisons? >> juan: yeah. >> greg: there we go. a12 minute "one more thing." >> juan: i thought when he set about paying attention to voting is important for democrats. the thing about it is he didn't mention trump but he gave every indication that's who he was talking about. when you look at what trump is doing, smaller government. we look at what trump is doing in terms of regulations and things like this week taking away federal parklands, 11 people get upset. >> dana: that's why it would've been better, it's better for any president to try to pass something through congress because that's how the
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system works. you can have it enshrined in law rather than the next president has a pen and a phone and those things can roll back. >> jesse: it was a land grab giving effect to the people. >> greg: those places aren't safe. i stay out of the parks. i've been told i'm not allowed in the parks. >> jesse: restraining order. >> greg: the thing that killed me about this conversation is that it ignores the central truth that the press has never been more alive because of trump. they were comatose under obama because that was their guide. that was their benign emperor. now they are shouting and shouting. isn't that a good thing? >> jesse: they are all getting rich, and that's fine. that's democracy and capitalism. this is a case study and media imagine if bush, and the first year, called obama hitler. it was be she would be a huge
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story. i thought obama was better than this, to compare his predecessor to adolf hitler? it's horrible. horrible. i thought he was better than this. i guess i was wrong. i am not often wrong, but i guess i was. there is a reason he is bitter. his legacy is being dismembered limb from limb. they are about to revoke the mandate, the iran deal, the year he leaves office, the economy starts surging. isis is being decimated. i understand what he's angry but that was a horrific comparison. >> juan: you should look at his numbers versus trump's numbers. >> jesse: popularity means nothing. >> juan: that's a good thing for a trump backer to say. >> jesse: talk to me in eight
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years. >> kimberly: jesse rarely if ever, never wrong. >> greg: i don't want to think about what i will look like in eight years on "the five." i will be so fat. bald and angry. >> kimberly: one? now? >> dana: you are not losing your hair at all. >> greg: i think it's coming back. >> kimberly: it was thinning a little. the production of your scalp. >> greg: what were we talking about? back to hitler. >> kimberly: president obama, wondering how long it will take up or take credit for the trump economy.
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a healthy sense of himself. president trump's accomplishments. that's fine. the results speak for themselves. >> greg: roger goodell from the nfl. that's next.
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♪ >> juan: the nfl has lots of turmoil over the last few years. a lot of people are wondering how in the world does commissioner roger goodell get a $200 million contract extension. let's go to our football expert. >> kimberly: oh, i -- >> jesse: listen, i don't like to criticize people i might need favors from later. here's the deal. i don't mind someone making a lot of money in this country. i just don't think he deserves it. concussions, kneeling,
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deflategate, domestic abuse. the league has been riddled with controversies that i think it's all been mishandled by the commissioner. it's a huge extension. by the end of it, he supposed to be making half a billion dollars a year. i don't know anybody with his track record that's worth that much. but he managed to put himself in the situation so he must be a good operator behind the scenes. >> kimberly: >> juan: so much io whether the league reaches financial targets. right now, some of the articles i read, the league is still a financial juggernaut. >> dana: let the market decide decide. the ones giving him the contract decided he's good enough, smart enough. >> jesse: apt comparison. >> juan: kimberly, the
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thing -- >> kimberly: inflate gate. a million dollars. i've quick. >> juan: what i was gonna say to you was they point out ceo pay is a point of great controversy in the country. the average worker, $37,000. >> kimberly: maybe he can say i'm appreciative to have this money. going to contribute to these social justice reform organizations. >> dana: they are going to take it out of the breast cancer awareness money. >> kimberly: compensation should be commensurate with performance. i believe in meritocracy and to me, this does seem high, the number is large.
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i'm not sure. so many people -- i think he has a very nice life. i don't think the nfl right now, the problems they have. serious issues as it relates to criminality like josie mention, domestic violence, homicide. not good. >> juan: the league is going to have to negotiate with the players. entering into negotiations with the players contracts. jerry jones, he was a very
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public opponents. >> greg: imaginative roger goodell had done a good job. you couldn't pay me to do that job so he's probably getting paid the right amount. people don't feel good about it. too long, too political, too divisive, too dangerous. they are no longer the only game in town. there are so many other things you can do. anytime there is a forensic file, i watch the end. bowling is a true american spor sport. football is some kind of communist racket. >> kimberly: what is wrong with you? hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer.
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you've probably seen me running all over the country in search of our big idaho potato truck.
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♪ >> jesse: it's time for "one more thing." >> kimberly: honoring heroes. today as many of you know, it is pearl harbor remembrance day, anniversary of the date that will live and live in infamy when the japanese attacked the u.s. navy base in 1941. president trump signed a
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proclamation for a national pearl harbor remembrance day and honored world war ii veterans. it's a sweet moment when you see the president there. >> just remember pearl harbor. we shall always remember how they die for liberty. just remember pearl harbor. [applause] >> kimberly: we remember the men and women who served faithfully that day. god bless them for their service and their families. >> dana: i was at the 12th annual l'oreal women awards. first female cambodian refugee to work as a surgeon in the u.s. she donated her prize. >> makes me feel really good. >> it means the world to me.
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>> the commitment to veterans is unparalleled. >> wounded veterans. it means having courage to continue to fight anything. >> kimberly: >> dana: a remarka. >> juan: raffaella paul merrill, one of my favorite baseball players, now 53. says he's trying to make out come back. he tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs. what we have is a last ditch effort for a guy who's reputation was badly tarnished. >> jesse: greg. it >> greg: i am taking a pass pass. >> jesse: i am going, i guess. a new haircut sweeping the world, the trump haircut. orange comb-over.
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i don't know how they do it. >> greg: that is why i passed. >> jesse: chris wallace and for bret baier. chris, you would look great in that haircut. >> top justice department official. american flags burn after the decision to recognize tourism is the capital of israel. a u.s. senator resigns over sexual harassment allegations. this is "special report" ." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm chris wallace and for bret baier. we begin with a fox news exclusive. senior official with the justice department has lost one of his job tonight and the latest revelation and connections between the nation's top law enforcement agency and the


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