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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 8, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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roy moore. it added drama to the president's trip to pensacola, florida tonight, but miles from the alabama border. >> hello. >> hi! >> [laughing] >> it's new york city and this is "the five." >> ♪ >> in a few hours from now president trump will be firing up the crowd in pensacola, florida, at a make america great again rally. in a tweet this morning he said we have done so much in so short of a period of time. yes, we are planing to do so much more. critics hate to give mr. trump any credit. he is delivering on promises to the american people.
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he pledge to make the begreat again. and our economy added 228,000 jobs last month. the president promised tax cuts. an overhaul was passed by the gop and the senate. he kept his word to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital. fewer illegal immigrants are trying to sneak in our country and we are crushing isis. anyone else tired of all this winning? >> [laughing] >> absolutely! >> hey, that's my job. >> oh. >> [laughing] >> fact check? >> i heard a story that said donald trump keeper of promises. he is not a politician. he is a man of action. he is a businessman and he
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followed through. the economy is humming and we are bombing the hell out of isis and mexico will still pay for the wall. a record low on joblessness. 4.7% hispanic unemployment. in the obama administration economy 1,000 manufacturing jobs were lost each month. the trump economy created 159,000 manufacturing jobs. and internationally tearing up the treaties. getting out of the bad trade deals. we heard about isis. he is fulfill promises to the conservatives. still maintaining a connection to the forgotten men and women of this country. defending our flag, our history and second amendment. he does rallies to maintain the
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relationship. >> this is an auspicious day for jesse waters from the make america great again movement. the speech comes on a high note for the president. can you add or improve on anything? >> let's go over those accomplishments one more time. >> yes! >> what a strange phenomenon this presidency has been. we have a large part of the country who believes that we are in a mad max sequel. the rest of us, it's like every day is nascar. it's an exercise in illusion based on confirmation biassed. we are looking at the exact same thing, but two camps see two different things. people who are so entrenched in negativity, they are led by emotion and can't lead go. a lot of confirmation bias is
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fueled by the emotional reaction to donald trump. the key is to separate the psychological effects of trump from his actions. his in your face personality will always salt the wounds of people who don't like him. like tonight. if you saw what we did in the opening, we lifted the practical results of his actions. divorced from the psychological effects of his personality. when you do that, you have to admit this is a phenomenon. this is a consequential leader. >> all right. dana perino, what should the president focus on today. some accomplishments to highlight and focus on? >> sure. the first year of any presidency is usually the most consequential. you have all of the juice from the election behind you.
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the two viewpoints that was true during the obama years as well. >> i agree. >> if there were a different network, at the end of obama's first year they could have had the exact same list. it's how you spin it. another network may say here are all of the things that trump has failed to do. i do think if he wants to look at things to tick off the box, it's really good. the obama team might say, today 86 consecutive months of job growth. only been in office 11 months. there is no doubt that consumer confidence shot up. deregulation effort is a consequence. the other thing is something having an impact and that's the pulling back of all of those executive orders that president obama put in place because they were not solid.
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he was able to walk them back. that helped fuel good economic things. there is a campaign promise that he made that he hasn't kept they think -- i understand why politically he did not. that's on the top tock rate. -- top tax rate. he campaigned on a 38% top tox rate. it might look like he was giving the rich too much of a pass. political is doesn't matter. they will say he is doing everything just for the rich. for good economic growth policy, he should work with the congress next week and fulfill that campaign promise. it will fuel the economy more. goose it a little bit. >> oh. >> watch your mouth, lady!
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>> i don't know. >> [laughing] >> if he said it, it would be on the blog. >> jesse waters you agree? >> yes, we need top tax relief badly. he said it would be reagan-esque. it's mondale-esque. it has to be a 1.5 trillion dollars deficit. it could have been a lot more aggressive. >> juan, you have the floor now. just crush it. >> it's not hard to crush it. >> [laughing] >> it's like what greg said. who pasted from the white house communication office. approval rating is down 32%. >> the rating is up. >> let me finish.
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>> you don't have to like him. >> if this was obama, you guys would be jumping on the table. >> oliver [overlapping talking]. >> the tax plan you are bragging about. most people think is a terrible deal. he will get criticized anyway. >> [overlapping talking]. >> the rich are getting their money back. the working man and woman -- this goes to dana's point. well, they will say you give it away to the rich. the promise was that the middle-class or working class americans would benefit from this tax plan. that's not happening. >> think the numbers are pretty good on that. >> i don't think so. i think even today when we look at the job growth: oh, this is great. the job growth this years slower than it was last year! oh my goodness.
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>> [laughing] >> if you count from trump's election it's better. i will give you a calendar. >> it's not the grinch stealing your coal, here. the echo chamber is beth thick. -- a little thick here. even in terms of wages. work force participation. we said obama had low unemployment. a lot of people are not participating in the work force because they are discouraged. lack of participation is up under trump. >> that's something the president wants to tackle next year. work force participation is the amount of people who are on
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benefits that are able-boddied but would lose money going to work. the wage pressure issue could get better and they could get people back to work that way. >> a lot of these people are older. retirees. the bottom line: forget the democrats. just look at the republicans. guess what? republicans have a lower opinion of trump today. >> all you are doing is citing polls. >> how well did work for the election? >> it didn't work at all. >> your first years almost always the most consequential. it gets harder in an election year to get bigger things done. you try to get them done as much as you can. the tax reform and get
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infrastructure next year. >> what is helping him is the media creating a monster by creating stereotypes and fear. they turned trump into something else. like an orange phantom. he is almost like a super-villian. that added to his appeal, i think. if the media had not exaggerated his mannerisms, i think he would have a harder time. >> until this week was anyone making fun of his mannerisms? >> well, yeah. >> whatever. >> the bottom line -- >> you mean with the hands. >> jesse waters, i love the fact we have 24% decrease in illegals crossing the border. and 40% surge in deportation. this has a pivotal impact on crime across the country and in
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areas that are challenged. developments when "the five" returns. stay with us. (♪)
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>> it's been a rough week on capital one. 3 law enforcements stepping down over sexual harassment allegation. john conyers, al franken and the latest republican congressman trent frank of arizona. the house ethices committee is investigating frank's discussion with 2 female staffers. he asked them if they would serve as surrogate mothers for his child. he was supposed to step down at the end of january, but that exit moved to today. the storm over washington doesn't appear likely to clear soon. a former deputy bureau chief is hearing the total number of congressmen with sexual harassment skeletons in their closet is over 40. this story with trent frank
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mason is interesting. -- franks is interesting. he was offering $5 million to women on his staff to have a child. politico said it wasn't just a matter of having the child, but possibly involving having sex so they would become pregnant. >> with all of the sexual harassment resignations, the swamp is draining itself. i admired franks. i met him as a young person. i looked up to him. i hear this and it's hard to say what happened. i am compassionate for someone who is struggling with infertility. i don't know if he was joking. if he was serious, that's crazy and creates a hostile work environment. i don't know what happened. no one knows except for him. $5 million seems like a lot of money. i don't know where he got the money. i don't think that's the price
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of surrogates. >> i echo part of his comments about people struggling with infertility. you have to get into the context of what transpired. it's not proper for the workplace. i am not sure what transpired. it's a sad case. in terms of the overall numbers, just the volume is just quite shocking. these are people you want to look up. >> the volume of people leaving? >> yes. it's disheartening. these are people that take an oath to serve the country and do something for the common good. they make sacrifices in public service and take a far lower
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salary than the private sector. then you find out these situations. it sheds light on it and encourages people to speak up, but discourages others before they engage in this conduct. i hope for something positive to come out of all of this. >> the wife has been in the hospital. >> let's shift to another story which is blake the congressman from texas. he paid $84,000 taxpayer money to settle a charge from his former communications director he was sexually harassing her. >> today on the daily briefing, cathy wants to see what the investigation shows, but they think he should resign and he should payback the money out of his own pocket.
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taxpayer dollars is not the appropriate way to deal with that. paul ryan's office was contacted 2 weeks ago by franks. they called the woman -- maybe there was more than one. he told franks you need to resign. he brought it up. we won't wait weeks for this. get it done now. >> conyers left, the charge was he used taxpayer dollars to pay off and the same thing happens to this man and he is still there. >> right. that's where why the republican congressmen are saying this is not. >> gerald ford, a congressman himself and went to work for morgan stanley. he is out at msnbc. >> i am disappointed on "the
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five" not using the phrase surgate. >> you talk about ford and this real looker, each case is like a dirty snow flake. it's unique and unsavory. every one of these things can't fit into a file. they are all different and weird. one involves saying weird, crass goofy stuff. other stuff is creepy. other stuff is touching. other stuff is assault. we are in danger of levelling all of these accusations as one thing. you will punish people that don't deserve to be punished. i feel sorry for some of these people. is that as bad as that? we can't forget where this started. >> you want separate the trash? >> exactly. >> [laughing]
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>> good metaphor! >> we have to remind ourselves, this started in one place. we will talk about hollywood in the next block. it started in hollywood. it was prop icated and enabled by a group of people lecturing us for years about our behavior. i won't listen to any actors or producers that provided sanctuary for serial rapists. >> what about trump? >> the public decided on that. the court of public opinion on a lot of this stuff. >> minnesota voters didn't get a choice. neither did the michigan voters. >> i have to go . >> i am not ready yet. i wrote a poem. >> [laughing]. from liberal hollywood right here on the fox. you might take something for your heart...
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losing their minds over the trump presidency. jennifer lawrence, oprah asked the actress if she would like to meet the president. her answer. i think so. i have a pretty good speech. it ends with a martini to the face. the president is now responsible for the natural disasters. chelsea is blaming him for the wildfires in california. she tweeted: weren't wildfires burning things
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down during the trump administration? >> yes, but that was also trump's fault. the "apprentice" was on and that upset people. they are broken people. they were broken by the election. because they have not let their bubble, they have not left their sealed compartments. they are still suffering. they need to go out and talk to people. sarah silverman went out and talked to people. half of her mind is still lost. we don't have the luxury that they do. every day we are outside of a bubble. bickering and yelling at each other because we have different points of view. look at hollywood is a full lock step and going back to the earlier segment. they are in crisis over their own guilt. they are transferring their shame over weinstein on to trump. they are pointing at him with all of this because they knew what was going on for decades.
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>> and did nothing. >> i don't like when jennifer lawrence wants to throw a drink in the president of the united states's face and everyone thinks it's funny and cute. if somebody said that about barack obama, they would have sent the secret service after the actress. >> a total double standard. i don't like the disrespect at all. it's conduct uncoming. it's not polite. i don't understand why. they have emotional issues. they are trying to put everything on the president. it doesn't matter what is happening in their life. they want to tie it in and flip the script and put it on the president. >> you saw this derangement s d syndrome in the buzzer. -- bush administration. do you think it's worse? >> i think it's worse.
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we didn't have social media. it ruins so many people. a big controversy was taylor swift who doesn't want to talk about politics. everybody in hollywood are trying to push her into it. how could you not talk about politics. >> she is smart and dignified and classy. why against involved in politics? >> your side claims they have a monopoly on polite society. dig mid and classy. -- dignified and classy. they act so rude. >> i don't know that i am responsible for these actors and actresses. when i look at jennifer lawrence who is a terrific actress, you think she is just being rude. but who is the bullying rude person who talks about grabbing someone like an actress by the crotch. who said such a thing? >> if someone tries to grab someone by the crotch, they have all the right to throw a drink
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in their face. i don't think he will do that with jennifer lawrence. >> no. you can imagine a woman who says i don't like that behavior. >> i agree with juan. we have changed. we lowered the bar on discourse. everything is game. she should be able to say whatever she wants. it doesn't bother me the least. >> and taylor swift should be allowed to say nothing. >> exactly. it's more about the trouble that is going on in their heads than what is coming out of their mouths. >> we can still judge them for it. >> yes, we can, because we are fox! >> [laughing] >> we'll be right back.
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do you need the most trusted battery this holiday? maybe not. maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. (screaming) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪
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>>the only way i can make greg happier is having country christmas music. >> [laughing]. >> as my lead in. a new holiday party policy for what a company get together could be like if the millennials get ahold of the playbook after the boon of sexual harassment. only two drink tickets. nonalcoholic drinks to follow. this is over the top? do we need chaperons and drink restrictions? the code of conduct for fox says be polite and friendly in all forms of communication, especially remote communications. use sarcasm less.
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use emojis. >> office parties are over-rated. if you look forward to an office party, you need to improve your social met networks. >> and skip them? >> skip them like i do. office parties are to get drunk at because it's free booze. now because of the conquences of what is going on. people are worried. there is no more booze. why am i going? >> right. >> [laughing] >> think about it! i see you at work sober. i don't need another two hours of talking to you people. i have had it. after this show i go home. >> a two drink limit would suit me just fine. i am gone. >> [overlapping talking] >> the only reason i am going is because there is unlimited
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alcohol so i won't be sober around someone like myself. >> you can't control yourself? >> i can't keep my hands off of him. no. liberals change it from christmas party to holiday party. now you can't drink. if you can't trust your own employees not to sexually harass each other, you are hiring a bunch of animals. you are hiring the wrong people. i think it's ridiculous. i look forward to the fox christmas party. >> won't be there. >> see what i mean. >> how interesting it's schedule when i have to work. >> we did that on purpose. >> no. we sent out an email is this date okay? >> i don't care. i am doing my show which is on a saturday. >> there are ways around this. black market for drink tickets. >> [laughing] >> see me after the show.
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>> find out what color the tickets are and print some ahead of time. there are people that don't drink. the vegetarians probably don't drink. >> the younger women, only have one drink anyway. that's a good policy. >> be careful. >> exactly. >> stay on the dance floor more. >> it's not just about vulnerability. >> don't make a fool of yourself. >> if you are on the distance floor and people say, why are you dancing so close to that woman? >> i didn't tell you to go on the distance -- dance floor. >> that's our holiday party. >> if there are drinks, we are dancing. >> some suggestions, they tell the bartenders to water down the
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drinks. no mistletoe. >> why? >> [laughing]know. >> now only in congress. >> [laughing] >> it's the most bizarre concept. you are going to kiss a stranger because there is something hanging over your head? >> something strange happened to me one time under the mistletoe. we will talk about it during the commercial break. matt is a good friend of several of us and he wrote the piece. facebook friday up next. 75 million of us suffer from the gritty and frustrating symptoms
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of dry eye. we need theratears®. theratears® is more than just eye drops. it's eye therapy. dry eye symptoms are caused by a salt imbalance. theratears® unique electrolyte formula, quickly restores the natural balance. so your eyes will thank you. more than eye drops, dry eye therapy. theratears®. this ♪s electricity. this is a power plant. this is tim barckholtz. that's me! this is something he is researching at exxonmobil: using fuel cells to capture carbon emissions at power plants.
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this is the potential. reducing co2 emissions by up to 90%... while also producing more power. this could be big. energy lives here.
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mattered. >> [laughing]. >> facebook friday friday. we answer your questions now. from melissa: what clique did each of you belong to in high school? were any of you geeks, jocks, cheerleaders. >> it's clique. >> you hung out in the cafeteria? >> i had a range of friends. >> you lived on a farm. that's funny. >> i hung out the cheerleaders mostly. >> [laughing] >> the male cheerleaders? >> [laughing] >> what is the second one?
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>> trent lott. >> juan, what clique? >> i was the class president. >> a nerd. >> i was -- who wasn't at this table? >> except for him. >> honorable mention. >> [laughing] >> everything. >> who do you sit with? >> i hopped tables! >> [laughing]. >> that's what i wanted to know. you were a table hopper. >> i would sit with the jocks. i went to an all-girl schools. captain of the varsity, i would sit there. then the fun people and then the speech and debate people. then the latin spice club. >> we get it, you were popular.
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>> i carried a club around and caused a lot of drama. >> juan, what is the last thing y'all read before going to bed? you save 2 vowels by writing y'all? >> the last thing i read. >> before you go to bed. >> i look online. >> terrible thing to do. >> check out what is new. >> that wakes me up. >> that does. you are not supposed to look at computer lights before going to bed. >> that's true. what i try to do is read more nonfiction. >> that's good. >> you? >> the last thing i read is a novel. i am reading "run." >> novels. how novel. jesse, we assume you read but we have no proof. >> [laughing] >> i read my twitter.
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>> do you really? >> no. >> that's an honest answer for anybody in media. >> i read about trump. >> i always check the news wires and go through the emails. i turn on tv to see if i missed anything on fox. i check my text messages. it takes like 3 hours. >> this is not bed time reading. >> i am reading "why buddhism is true." it's fantastic. i recommend it to everybody! >> that was the guy that did the pod cast? >> yes and wrote "the moral
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animal" i read in the '90s. >> all women today. this is sexist. you go girl. what was your favorite saturday morning cartoon that you watched when you were a child? >> smurfs. >> heeman. >> the smurfs. >> juan, did they have? >> yeah, because i am older something like yogi bear or huckleberry hound. i mentioned that and somebody said what. >> dana? >> land of the lost. >> oh! one of the greatest shows of all time. >> have you seen it as an adult? it's shockey. >> was rod eli the dad? >> you are a big fan of this.
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>> saturday morning, oh, i know. why are you making that weird face? you are a weirdo. the wonder twins. i like tom and jerry and the road runner. >> my favorite saturday morning cartoon, fox and friends. >> oh, that's not funny. >> you are so mean! >> i am joking, america! >> they are animated and colorful. i laugh. puff and stuff. do you remember that? >> no. >> fantastic. who did that? i can't remember. siegfried and i forget. >> all right, this is fun. from david, if "the five" was going to change to the six which
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non-fox personality would you add to the show? >> president trump. >> [laughing] >> geeze louise. that's so funny. >> just say trump. >> lonzo ball. >> he's funny. >> who would you like, juan? >> i don't know. what are we looking for? we filled a lot of the ballot here. >> you need a curveball. >> a curveball? >> somebody bald. >> i don't know. >> i don't know either. >> blake shelton. >> of course. >> he is funny. >> and the world's sexiest male. >> and judge bentley. >> did you answer this? >> yes, lonzo ball. thanks for not paying attention.
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>> juan didn't give you an answer. >> i didn't give you an answer. i could not think of anybody that would spice it up. >> i don't know why you kept saying that. >> it's lavar ball and you go to him for sports? i don't know why you go to him. >> we have to go. we will do one more thing. isn't that fun. no matter how the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> time for one more thing. greg? >> i am always ready. thank you very much for coming to me first. okay, tomorrow night 10 o'clock, the greg gutfeld show. dr. drew pinski and emily is awesome. it's a great show. quickly to? >> commuter news. >> if you love fox news you love to travel. check out this. this is the world's fastest mobility scooter. >> wow! >> oh my gosh. >> that's not real. >> it has a top speed of 62 miles per hour and can accelerate faster than anyone would want to be accelerated.
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three wheels and unstable. >> remember the time? >> let's not talk about that. that's in our past. no one wants to hear about that. >> dying to hear about it. >> it was 3 years ago. >> yes, indeed. jesse? >> i would rather have dr. drew. i have sarah sanders 8 o'clock saturday night. i learned how to pug two things on friday. my other one more thing, gustafsson. city council cracking down on house parties. >> what up? i am an activist and a house party enthuseiast. i am in deep despair hearing that l.a. is trying to outlaw house parties in the hollywood hills. i am determined to stop this future atrocity. >> thank you, next. >> [laughing]
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>> he will be on my show. >> of course. you almost had me. >> right through my finger tips. >> dana? >> the elf on the shelf. this is a little christmas angle based on a book. making sure that people remember the story of christmas. the actual story from the biebi. you take the little angel and put her in different rooms. >> i was looking at it. >> twins. >> there you go. >> yes. >> okay. merry christmas. >> thanks, everyone. right here camera-4. i want to promote brian. our special friend who does an amazing job when he is in for greg. he has a special on andrew
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jackson airing this sunday. it's: hosted by brian. looks at the battle of new orioles. -- or leans. >> raps the whole thing. >> i am looking forward to a weekend of snow. i hear there is a lot of snow in the south. rudolph the red nosed reindeer may be on his way and will book a flight on alaska airlines on december 15th. on that day the air line will allows passenger with ugly holiday sweaters to get on board fir first. it's alaska airlines including virgin america and horizon air flights. >> greg, you could do that.
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>> every day. >> greg, please! >> what? >> "special report" is next. >> president trump celebrates a strong economy with a rally in florida that the white house says has nothing to do with the senate race next door. out of control wildfires bring tragedy to the horse racing industry and force thousands to run for their lives. the federal government begins an investigation into planned parenthood. this is "special report." >> ♪ >> ♪ >> bret: i am bret baier. president trump is tweeting his support for alabama senate candidate roy moore. but there is a limit to what the president will do. the president is not expected to mention moore's tonight


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