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tv   Fox News Night  FOX News  December 9, 2017 12:00am-1:00am PST

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time of the year, with the family and all those that we love. i loved her coat. that's all the time we have tonight. shannon green i next. have a good weekend. >> trump supporters have plenty to cheer about in pensacola. jobs up 228,000 last month. tax cuts moving forward in congress. jerusalem recognized as the capital. and fewer immigrants across the border. the president has make america grade. but was it get elected more rally. >> get out and vote for roy more. >> what does this admission mean for the alabama senate race. >> you made some notes underneath. >> one of the embattled accusers admits there's a hole in her story. >> we always said in the end truth will be known. >> is it the whole truth and is it the christmas light legal fight.
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at what point does the holiday spirit cross the line? >> hello welcome to "fox news at nights ." i'm shannon green. the president lit up the packed house of almost 12000 in pensacola florida minutes from the alabama border. speaking for an hour and 16 minutes on the wide variety of topics he reinforced his support for roy more in tuesday special election. we have team coverage covering that alabama senate race and the president clear message for voters there. and peter just over the line in pensacola the economic message to be the intended focus of the campaign hype style rally. >> reporter: good evening. president trump podium was in the covered ease rink with barnes for the pensacola ice flyers hanging on the ceiling a
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lot of christmas decorations and red and green signs that said, "merry christmas make america great again." the president did lead off with talk about now the economy is doing a lot better since he took over, but he shifted to start poking fun at the people who protest his administration. >> president trump: they call themselves the resistance. ever see these signs resist, resist. [laughter ] >> reporter: the president used sharp language to describe powerful people in washington he says are trying to destroy his administrationing referring them as bad and evil force who's benefit off of a corrupt system it. seems to be a reference to the so-called deep state of life long bureaucrats some in the trump administration accuse of trying to undermine his change-be driven agenda. the president made it clear he is taking steps to stop them. >> president trump: they will lie and leak and smear, because they don't want to accept the
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results of an election, where we won by a landslide. [cheering and applause] >> reporter: the crowd got a lot of policy proposals the president pushed for the budget to have a big boost to the pentagon and says a crackdown on change migration chain migration is necessary to stop attacks like the one on the west side highway on halloween day. with the suggestion these things are connected and can be solved, when congress crafts its budget in the next few days ask said at one point he think it is wrong and dangerous for congressional democrats to hold troop funding hostage for am nesty. letting pem pure into our country. saying we don't know who they are. some talk about roy more from the stage, but it was build by the white house as a thank you to pensacola for helping send him to the white house with such a strong showing last november.
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that turned out to be mostly what happened here tonight. >> you can see how energized he gets out on the road and the campaign good. to get out of the white house. a lot of the advisors to get his boost to the confidence as his commander-in-chief. thank you very much. there's a new development in the roy more race. one of the accusers beverly johnson admits she wrote part of the yearbook inscription a key mentioned in the pensacola speech. good evening,. >> great to see you. it is interesting. remember, the allegations that roy more inscribed that high school yearbook has been the linchpin of the beverly nelson claim that he grabbed her breast and tried to force her head into his crotch that years ago moore pursued relationship was teen-ager girls. this indescription allegedly in moore curvative to a sweeter more beautiful girl i could not say merry christmas. christmas 1977 love roy more.
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today nelson made this admission about adding a few words of her own to that indescription. >> he signed your year boom. >> he did sign it. >> and you made some notes underneath? >> yes. >> after more reported signature she pointed da a reference to his job and 12-22-77 old hickory house. reminded to where and when he signed the book. she did not mention the distinction at the november news conference. >> it sounds like the moore camp is really pushing hard. >> they're pouncing on what they see as a huge inconsistency the change of the story. and moore camp believes it will fear up his conservative base, that had dismissed the multiple allegations as what they call fake news. brett doster declaring i would say a forgery in whole or part has been a creator. judge moore has been vindicated
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with a more get out the vote of the and confident and victory. >> her lawyer insisted her client did not falsify moore signature. watch. >> we retained a handwriting and document expert to examine what appears to be mr. moore's signature and the indescription above it. the experts concluded that the signature and the handwritten knotttation above the signature on exhibits one and two-on-one were prepared by roy moore. we have very happy to be able to announce this important expert opinion regarding beverly's yearbook. >> president trump: did you see what happened today? you know the yearbook? did you see that? there was a little mistake made. she started writing things in the year books. ah, what are we going to do? gloria alred any time you see her, you know something is gone
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wrong. >> most telling to the moore camp is the attorney has refused to turn over the yearbook to an independent third party to assess its vorasty. they say look we had an expert, but no one knows for sure, if an independent expert goes in there. we have been talking about this for weeks. the voters of alabama will decide on tuesday. >> they have a new piece of the puzzle today. good to see you. have a good weekend. >> curt is a trial tern and columnist at town and a partner of forward solution strategy and a former director of hillary clinton superpack. i want to play a little bit of what an attorney for judge roy more had to say activity revelation. then we'll get your reaction. >> what they said then was either a lie. or what they said today was a lie and the voters will have to decide were they lying then or now? or the voters think they have been telling the truth all along?
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>> isaac, you know an unnecessary, unforced error by this woman coming forward. admitting she added to this. now it will cast doubt and say how much are true orant? for pem who want to feel good about voting for them. it may be more to say now i don't know if they're telling the truth. >> anyone who votes for him and tries to tab cautious they are voting for spent a decade pray preying on young girls is fooling themselves in the immoral way. first of all. i'm no lawyer. i'm a simple country boy i know most courts look that you have contempanous documentation as advantageous proof of fact. this woman noted the day and the location below the signature. >> that's the question. i think we need to know. 30 or 40 years ago or 30 or 40 days ago? do you think it is fair to say, let's have someone look at the textbook and yearbook and tell us when this ink dried? >> yes, not only should we have a second expert look at that to
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oughtcate it. there's a second yearbook, by mrs. gibson, who was another high school girl roy more prayed on that he hasn't disputed signing those romantic things in the high cool yearbook. let's get that examined. >> in fact we should have all women. >> let me, curt let me bring in isaac. let me bring in curt. this is the development that is from today. i think it is fair to now, be able to put this question out there. you know, if these claims are legitimate did she unnecessarily hurt her story and the rest of the women in. casting enough doubt to help roy more on tuesday? >> hurt her case. she dropped an atomic bomb on it. you and i are both lawyers. isaac is not. you and i have been in trials and see witnesses meltdown on the stand when they're caught in a lie like this witness was. i. you know poor. poor gloria alred watching everything go to hell right in front of her, but there's good
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news. if roy more wins on tuesday, i think he will. i think roy more will send her a dozen roses. because gloria alred name is all over his impending victory. >> the man that hopes to beat him on tuesday is doug jones. let's hear a little what he has to say about these women, who have come forward. >> i applaud the women that have come forward against roy more and i think it is time that those women be believed. just like the women that are coming out against senator franken. >> all right, curt, to be fair, if republicans are going to be consistent, if they're believing those women, and you know giving credit to that and saying he needed to go and say he's resigning i have my doubts whether he will really leave or not. of is it then consistent for republicans to also say, those women were credible? these roy more women are credible? where do you draw the line and up to alabama voters what they find credible. >> with you're right it is up to
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the alabama voters. what happened today undercuts the credibility of the witnesses against roy more. >> i'm in los angeles. i'm not going to be voting in alabama and i'm not sure what i would do, if i were. but anyone who tells you have some morale obligation to believe all of the evidence put forward by trump, and roy more opponents, especially after we find -- >> this is what this is. tampering with evidence. you have every right to disbelieve what's going on. as you know, shannon. every state jury instructions tell the jury, if the witness lies about one thing, you are perfectly region to disbelieve them in other things. that's what happened. >> let's bring curt back in. >> let's be clear here. >> okay. >> isaac, isaac. >> yes. so the thing is this is never going to a court trial, before they get to the polls next week. >> that's true. i think this will be tried in the court of public opinion. what do you make of the pieces
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that voters have before them in. >> there are nine women who came forward with virtually the same story of what roy more did then. three are 12 people in alabama who have come forward to say they remember him being banned from the shopping mall, because he spent so much time trolling for young girls. >> because we want to be factual a man in charge of the mall has now said on tape that never happened. so that's one man's voices who work at the mall and said it never happened. i want to make sure it is out there. >> you have the one individual saying that you have a dozen who say they remember ask can name the police officers who said to call, if roy more was spotted at the mall. you have dozens more than that, who have come forward in the alabama news in gastroon and said well everyone knew about this at the time. there is a preponderance overwhelming evidence if you read the actually articles in alabama. >> i'm not sure if you know what those words mean? >> isaac.
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>> i may not be a fancy l.a. lawyer. but country boys did not don't like old men who prey on young girls and there will will be some. >> why did you vote for bill clinton no one. >> common. that's a whole other story. gentlemen we don't have time to start in that time machine now. as isaac says, it is about what good old people and normal people and lawyers and afternoon like. what they will have to decide when they go in the ballot box on tuesday. there's plenty of evidence, contracontradictory and denials because the judge and jury will not get to it before tuesday. if he ends up in washington what the leadership decides to do with him. that's a different story. >> washington watch your daughters. >> okay. gentlemen. curt, isaac good to see you both have a fantastic weekend. >> president trump's travel band is in effect. enforcement of the 3.0 began at the opening of business at all u.s. embassies and consulate. the supreme court ruled
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enforcement can proceed, while the legal challenges wind their way through the lower courts. travel bans 3.0 issued in september creates tougher guidelines and limits on travelers from eight countries, you see on your screen. some democratic officials are refusing to attend the opening of a civil right museum in mississippi tomorrow, because president trump will be there. congressman don lewis the civil rights icon called the president invite by the governor an insult to the african-americans commemorated there. the naacp says it will hold a separate event without the president. president trump says wells fargo will not get off scot-free regardless of reports indicating new consumer protection head nick mulvaneny plans to let the big bank off easy. wells fargo faces millions of dollars in finds for mortgage lending a abuses press trump says the guys may not be dropped, they may be substantially higher. >> remember the sad faces at hillary clinton election party in new york.
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the questions was one of special robert muller investigators in crowd with the hillary campaign that night? we'll have a live report straight ahead. then what is in the concealed legislative package it just passed the house. critics claim millions of law abiding americans could end up on a list that would block them from buying a gun. why is the nra supporting the bill in the fox news investigation you will not want to miss. it is the san diego area lit up by wildfires. we head to the front lines for a live report.
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before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain these feet... liked to style my dog as a kid... and were pumped to open my own salon. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem
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may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica.
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>> this is a fox news alert. president trump stepping in to help southern california as that region endures the fifth day of battles against devastating wildfires. the president approved an emergency declaration adding federal assistance. so far close to 160000 acres have burned. at least 212000 people have been evacuated. massive wildfires in california are bringing death and destruction. dozens of horses burned to death as the blaze tore through a training facility in san diego. more on the devastating developments from bonsall,
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california. good evening, to you. >> and right now we're just a few miles down the street from where that horse facility is located. firefighters are going through these areas, where the hot spots are still located. trying to tap them down, before any winds come. they don't want the embers to blow in homes or hillsides not yet affected. the good news so far there haven't been a lot of winds this afternoon into this evening allow theming them to make incredible headway. earlier when the sun was up there were a number of helicopters, including from the u.s. military. here's what we found when we saw them landing and picking up water to douse some of the hot spots. >> here in north san diego county helicopters are coming every two-on-one minutes using the pond for in the middle of the os horse racetrack facility. it is an air crane loaded up with water. it is coming over, as you can tell. it is headed north. that's where the fire is burning in that direction by home. the ideas is to get as much water on these homes and areas burning as quickly as possible. once again the crews continue to
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work throughout the night. many have been on the job more than 24 hours. making sure to get as much out, before the winds come back, if they come back. we know the red flag alert remains in effect here through sunday night. so a lot of people really making sure that they can get whatever they can out, because they don't want anything to start up again. it has been a rough week actioner countries know here in southern california. back to you. >> we thank adam for covering. on the growing list of questions facing special council robert muller. remember the election night party november 2016 when hillary clinton supporters learned of their defeat. many looked dejected. some cried in that crowd, according to the wall street journal was muller pitbull prosecutor andrew wiseman. this is just the latest development that has some observers wondering about the impartialality of muller russian team, including the president trump a this is a rigged system. >> president trump: this is a sick system from the inside.
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and, you know there's no country, like our country, but-- we have a lot of sickness in some of our institutions. >> krista fisher tracking the latest developments joins us live it. has been an interesting week. >> it has been a very big week. we learn the judge presiding over the case of michael anyone has recused himself without plaination. digit court judge concontrarys was randomly reassigned but this raises all kinds of questions about why concenteras didn't recuse himself before anyone pled guilty in his courtroom to lying to the fbi and new question busy the political leanings of special council robert muller top deputies who is now loading the case again paul manfor ask rick gates. andrew wiseman was at hillary clinton election night party in new york city. this is the same andrew wiseman who sent an e-mail to former acting attorney general sally
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yates the night she was fired. applying her decision to defy president trump travel band. federal law prohibits the justice department, which includes the special councils office from using political affiliations to assess any plic ants. it is also perfectly legal for employees to express their personal beliefs on political subjects, provided they aren't working in conjunction with the political party or candidate. but, you know over the last seven days from wiseman to fired fbi agent peter strauss. there has been a series of developments that call into question the fairness and impartiality of muller investigation finally "the new york times" is reporting investigators spent yesterday and today interviewing white house communications director hope picks. the paper is reporting during the transition she was warned by the fbi that russian operatives were trying to contact her. the fbi officials cited in the report say there's no evidence that hicks herself did anything improper. they were just very alarmed by
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how bold these russian operatives were being, especially since this was after the u.s. intelligence community had come out and publicly accused of the moscow of trying to influence the 2016 election. i know the president and the white house has been very hopeful this could perhaps be wrapped up by christmas, but it certainly doesn't look like that will happen. >> many twists and turns. every day we learn something new about someone involved on either side of the equation. thank you very much. >> well, arizona republican congressman trent frank moved up the timetable on his resignation making it effective today. he said his wife was admitted to the hospital last night with an ongoing ailment. last time he disclosed he would resign in january. the congressman repeatedly pressured her to carry his child as surrogate and offered her $5 million. an update on yesterday's shooting. a new mexico high school. 21-year-old william afterson disguised him as student to gain
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access to as tech high and then killed two-on-one students and himself, as law enforcement killed in the san juan county sheriff says this was a plan ad tack and afterson was reportedly investigated by the fbi a year ago, for posting a message on an on-line gaming forum, where he talked about what kind of weapons might be used in a mass shooting. >> variously remembered as oppressor of native americans or poppulous hero of the american working class and a notorious dualer. is the president trump a modern day andrew jackson. who better to ask than ryan killny who wrote a become about the man. they put up the world class christmas display. and neighbors say it is driving them nuts. there's a lawsuit. >> a florida man reunited with his father's purple heart medal from world war ii. >> wonderful wife and family. you know it was something that
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was missing.
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>> president trump hung a portrait of andrew jackson in the oval office after moving into the white house and embraced comparison to the seventh president of the united states. the moldern day old hickory people fed one washington elites. critics say they aren't alike better at at all. who better to separate fact from facing. ryan killny the with the new book "andrew jackson and the mircle of new orleans" that shaped america destiny. prian i know you said you just left the club for us. you have a tie. this is relaxed brian. thanks for joining us. >> you know what, shannon when i interview on radio, you don't know what i'm wearing. i'm instruct by the fact that you're commenting on my lack of tie. >> you could be in sanity a
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pajamas. that's where you let your hair down. >> apparently your neck line also. >> okay. so let me ask you about this. there was a writerrer in polite co. hd brands as a his store can who studied jackson. the president an. >> jackson i say fat chance in truth the two-on-one have little in common, besides the distrust they have inspired in certain element of the political elites. you have written a book on andrew jackson and know the current president well. what say you? >> this will be part of the special that airs 8:00 on sunday on our very channel. i'm sue he has studied jackson one thing that comes clear. it is full of facts and full of hatred for president trump. let the audience decide. the decide if he's line donald trump and jackson are alike. 100% true they are both obsessed with the media as you see in the special there. are binders four feet high, jackson used to keep newspaper columns he thought were
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inaccurate news reports he thought weren't write and write documents. true, track him down. he used to have his own news service. number two-on-one they were outsider candidates who used the power of people positive put him into office. despised by washington and then west virginia, philadelphia, and new york. now it is washington. is that true? >> 100%. both were very well this. that's 100% true. and both sacrificed tremendously to be become president 100% true. number five, they both d i've lost count. >> and their predecessors and john quincy adams. george washington and everyson. so jackson actually criticized the founding fathers for losing touch with the people. donald trump was vilified republicans and democrats prior for losing touch with the people. there's a lot of similarities there's no doubt. truch was right. there might not have been a civil war if andrew jackson was president. his focus was always union
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first. he was quoted everywhere as saying that. so trump did the studying there are differences one was born into weather. one was abject poverty, i get that, as they moved newspaper life very similar. they say that trump treated women differently. that's fine. when it came to light. donald trump didn't shoot anyone. andrew jackson did and got shot back at. there's a lives difference, because there's 100 years between them and mostly and foremostly had very interesting hair. >> well, as do you. >> now, i want to take this little pause to play a little of the special to give a sneak preview of what they will see on sunday here on fox. here it is. >> the historic french quarter. why would i bring you to this intersection? it is right here in this building. 200 years ago, where andrew jackson met with his generals and they sketched out a battle
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plan to take on the british. it was nothing short of brilliant and yielded unparalleled success. >> not only are you skipping the tie i'm sure there are more important thing we will learn on sunday night. >> the dig debate on the statue and saved new orleans and pulled off one of the great military feats. they still study in war colleges today. but, as you look back at the battlefield, we'll tell you what was at stake leading up to that. how he did it and why today the mayor today and others want to take his statue down. and we do get into the statue debate right in jackson square in new orleans. it is unthinkable, but there's actually a push to push jackson off of his pedestal in new orleans, the city he saved and the country he preserved. i'm outraged but i do the debate in front of the statue. almost something shannon brien would do, but i would wear a tie
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unleak you. >> you would not i might. congratulations. now back to the club for you. >> art brodderige the florida man is headed home with the purple heart given to his father killed in france in world war ii i he was born seven months after his father died in combat. the medal was found in the thrift store in tampa. the purpose hearts reunited presented it framed with the description of his father's service and the photo. we love a happy ending. >> the middle east still realing from president trump official recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital. it is a rioters veto hurting the palestinian cause? the live report next. >> why is the measure designed to give owners more flexibility to give gun advocates pause. we'll explain coming up.
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. >> taking friendly fire from the nra here, but i like the side i'm on. they're on the side of chuck schumer and dianne feinstein. and i'm on the side of the the and i'm on the side of the the veyour insurance company won't
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replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says, "you picked the wrong insurance plan." no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. >> congress pass aid measure in the house this week that would make it easier for gun owners to conceal and carry firearms across state lines some gun rights advocates are concerned
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about what is attached to that bill. we attempted to separate fact from fiction. >> we're talking about law abiding people, who are trying to do the right thing. >> here on fox news at night. congressman rich hunted made the case for a bill to give gun owners more flexible to carry nationwide. it is the measure joined up that should give gun rights advocates pause. the second part of the legislative package is designed to beef up the database behind the background check system. sparking concerns from gun owners of america which questions the john cornan and" gun control crazy like dianne feinstein. it claims the bill could add names of millions of additional law abodying americans to the background check database. they argue it includes allowing federal agencies to submit the names of those who have ptsd, adhd alzheimer's and unpaid parking tickets veterans ads cats are raising concerns as well.
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>> i'm hearing from folks who work at the va and veterans that merely being determined by the va that you can't manage your own finances, kicks you over into an existing category, that's right. there aren't any new categories created but right now it kicks you into the existing category you're mentally defective. >> the nra says it is miscagerrized did it does not expand those prohibited from carrying a firearm or any entity to enter records into the system not already prohibited offenses. the senator says the two-on-one parts may be separated. it would be much tougher to pass them together. we'll keep an eye on that and keep you updated. >> the u.s. ambassador called out the u.n. for being the foremost center of hostility towards israel. the criticism came at a emergency meeting of the security council where haley staunchly defended president
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trump decision earlier this week to recognize jerusalem as israel capital and eventually to move the u.s. embassy. in new york 300 protesters amassed for a propalestinian day of rage. demonstration in times square. the rally was peaceful. unfortunately the same could not be said for protests in the middle east. david miller joins us live from jerusalem. what is the latest? >> just the last few hours the israeli air force targeted several hamas facilities in gaza. the air strikes hit a weapons manufacturing site, as well as a weapons warehouse, and a military compound. now the israeli air force says the strikes were in retaliation for rockets that were launched from gaza into israel. those rockets were intercepted or landed in unpopulated areas, causing no injuries or damage. also on friday in gaza and across the west bank, including
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a number of cities such as bethlehem, hebron and ramallah thousands matched in month test. in clashes with israeli soldiers who palestinians were killed and over 600 were wounded. other antiu.s.-antiisraelsly demonstrations took place throughout the muslim world including jordan, indonesiaias and pakistan. al qaeda has called for a holy war targeting the u.s. and what it called the zionist crusaders allies. the u.s. ambassador nicky haley says the u.s., which invested a vast amount of money and diplomatic energy will not give up reaching out to both parties to bring peace to the region. >> to my palestinians brother and sisters, i can tell you with complete confidence that the united states is deeply committed to achieving a peace agreement between the israelis and the palestinians.
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>> the palestinian permanent u.n. observer who attended that security council meeting urged diplomats to denounce the u.s. regulationnition of the israeli capt and says the u.s. can no longer be an honest broker in gauche negotiation an agreement. >> it must be recognized that the u.s. decision to reward israeli impunity undermines an essentially disqualifies its leadership to seek peace in the region. >> in little more than a week now, vice president mike pence is scheduled to visit the region. a senior palestinian official has said he is not welcome to meet with the approximately pallan president macude abbas. so far there has not been any official announcement made what could be taken into consideration in deciding that, is the events that take place on the ground. most specifically whether or not the violence continues.
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>> david miller live in jerusalem. thank you. >> melannia trump making headlines after scoring another victory in her ongoing battles against secrecy media publications and we will hold night court where putting up christmas lights can land you in court. who has lawsuit on their side? stick around to find out.
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♪ we are the driven... the dedicated... the overachievers. we know our best investment is in ourselves. we don't take no for an answer. we fight for what we want. even for the things that were once a given. going to college... buying a home... and not being in debt for it for the rest of our lives. but we're only as strong as our community. who inspires and pushes us to go further than we could ever go alone. sofi. get there sooner.
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>> a slovenian manage scene apologized to first lady trump for suggesting she work as high-end escort while pursuing her modeling career. thesiesy women magazine published the article in august 2016 claiming melannia trump worked for fashion agency that offered elite escort service. the first lady filed a libel lawsuit. she is the first, first lady to file a lawsuit, while her husband is actually in office. >> it is time for night court. typically it is a good sign roll through a street brimming with christmas lights across the country there are reports of folks fed up with neighbors who may have taken the holiday spirit too far and covered their homes, and just about anything in bright, blinking beautiful christmas lights and music playing in some towns they gone to courts. like in madison, mississippi
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where they say one display is causing traffic nightmares and damage to local roads. they're sick of it. do they have a case? civil rights attorney, radio talk show host robert patilo joins us to defend the richardson family and their display. and wash time legal affairs attorney is arguing on behalf of those fed up neighbors good. to see you. tonight. >> thank you for having us. >> i want to talk a little bit. carol richson has the display. i guess it is 17 years. she says the madison police department has worked tirelessly to get this under control and make it a smooth, slow knowing traffic situation. so alex does that ease some of the concern your clients would have? >> my clients would say absolutely not. it has been going on since 2014 is when they started advertising on social media that's when it got bad. and mr. edwards says, of course that his neighbors have, had traffic issues. it is steadily increased and try to have the police step in and come up with alternative routes
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for the neighbors. that has not helped. i think that he has somehow of a case. at first i thought who would sue over christmas lights? you know? but. >> a grinch? >> yes, exactly but i look at some of the complaints it. did seem a bit extreme. for example he tried to commice, could this be the last contrary and move it somewhere public? or if you need two-on-one years, because they're filming some sort of real cry show or tv competition. >> what about 2019 and never got a response. i think he tried to do it the friendly neighbor way and didn't work. >> he did go to the local board ask try to make arguments they said no, basically that he didn't have anything, any complaint that they could act on. robert. eddie edwards the one when child this lawsuit says. about these claim that the police are helping. he says the police chief himself says he does not have adequate personnel to station the officer to stop traffic in the so-called emergency lanes and the neighborhood lanes. he says listen, they claim that's being worked on, but it is not actually happening and
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folks have a tough time getting in and out of their own houses. >> it is understandable, but that's why you have home openers associations and cooperation between neighbors. and everything doesn't have to run into court. as has been stated this has been going on for 17 years. this turns into the war on christmas. and the war on christianity taking place in this country. any religious symbolism among christians will be attacked by individuals. that's the rope we have protections for religious libertyerties in the country. because people enjoy the play, doesn't mean it has to stop. >> okay, it is on there. there's all kinds of. people that aren't baby jesus. >> yeah,. >> that's. >> is that strictly a religious display. >> towards the promotion of the religious holiday. you usecular symbols it does not take away the religious under pinning. that's why we can't have covenants restricting people against free speech. and infringing on the rights of
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others. i don't think there's a legal standing for the case in court, but i think that the neighbors have to come together and find some compromise among themselves. you don't want pem fighting on christmas day in front of their house. >> that's spectacular. >> that's pretty awesome. >> there are also concerns that these folks ren gauging some commercial activity that they're selling deck decoration on-line and taking part on the tv show and arguing they don't have a permits. >> most have you can't operate business out of their house are they charging the cars as they come by? i think one note that had there were a 1000 cars for each night and goes on for a month. the day after thanksgiving to a couple days after christmas. it is not just a couple of nights. it is a good 30 days. >> as i think most important thing. act like adults. get together with your neighbors. maybe turn into a neighborhood thing maybe not one house, something you alternate. i know they had so attempts to negotiate.
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but since the negotiations hey when you stop this yaks or next year or the year after versus let's find a compromise to keep promoting the christmas spirit. we don't needless of is less christmas, less christian traditions and the attacks on our cultural values that we've had. >> carol richardson the homeowner saying all we're trying to do is celebrate the birth of jesus. >> also this was her gift back to the community. >> ask and i don't who doesn't like to see christmas lights? when it comes a safety hazard. are there ambulance and firetrucks not able to get by. that becomes a problem. >> this isn't just happening there. we're covering this case. there are other neighbors across the country where people have gotten in heated arguments. they're saying listen, you're not being very thoughtful or christ like for your neighbors, robert if you allow this to go on. know we go can't get in and out of our houses that's not the christmas spirit either.
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>> it is one my wife is on the hoa in our community. >> they can be a bear. >> they can. >> people will fight over anything in a community. it is almost the anger that comes from confined spaces but you can't stop people from exercising their religious rights and liberty, because because you have a nod neighbor that doesn't like christmas. it is a grinch situation. let's find a compromise. >> even the grinch had a heart and grew and grew and got better in the end. we thank you you both our legal eagles for weighing. >> as alabama voters get ready to head to the polls. it is a heated and close race as republican roypo more battles for a critical senate seat. the preview next. [vo] quickbooks introduces rodney.
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sunday. alabama secretary will join us. and then live we will cover the pivotal >> good evening from washington welcome to the ingram angle. >> wow, it was a make america great again extravaganza tonight. president trump ral ed the faithful in pensacola, florida. it wrapped up a short time ago. that's not all. conservatives are now calling for the president to go on offense against the mueller probe now that a lot of it is anti trump bias made clear. plus, a so called, bomb shell report from cnn on donald trump junior and


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