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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  December 11, 2017 12:00am-1:00am PST

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some of us can keep up with him. that is it for today. have a great week! see you next "fox news sunday" howie: on on the "buzzfeed" two democrats toppled. >> i am more than a little stunned. >> if you are a woman who felt violated by al franken, if that is reassuren and makes it better, there was nothing about this that was focused on the victims. >> when we say no tolerance does that mean every accusation is a
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death sentence? >> this was a craft political ploy. the democrats dumping franken overboard so they can claim the high ground and pursue allegations again president trump and roy moore. >> the president of the united states would rather have an accused child molester in the senate than a democrat. >> if you give money to the * or give money to the republican national committee, you are giving money to roy moore and you are endorsing everything roy moore stands for. >> let alabama decide would be the best way. howie: are the media taking sides in tuesday's election and tarring the republican party in the process.
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and trent frank resigned after an outrageous request to female staffers. an explosive email to donald trump, jr. which turns out to be wrong. new reports on harvey weinstein using the press to protect him. an actress charging dustin hoffman with disturbing sexual misconduct. i'm howard kurtz and this is "mediabuzz." we didn't have to wait for the pundits to throw out a partisan comernlt when al franken resigned. he did it himself. >> i'm well aware there is some irony in the fact that i'm
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leaving while a man who bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the oval office and a man who repeated reply preyed on young girls campaigns for the senate with the full support of his party. howie: joining us is kl rrl and dave -- is corey lewandowski and dave bossie *. many republicans adopting the republican line. if he has to resign how can the republicans battle the 9 if allegations roy moore denies. >> al franken was groping women
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while they were asleep. you do something like that to somebody who is asleep, it's disgusting, he's a pig. he should resign. but the people of alabama have to decide who they want to elect. howie: you just pivoted what the democrats did, then when it comes to roy moore you say it's up to the voters. corey: what day is al franken leaving? he never gave us a day. coming days, weeks, months. he may be there for another two years. if he does stay, the people of minnesota will decide. howie: is it fair for the press
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to revive the story from last year, you were there. more than a dozen womb pane knead a -- a dozen even woman made accusations against donald trump which he denied. dave: on judge moore's side there are accusations that he says didn't happen. and the one piece of evidence, the yearbook, we know was tainted. howie: there were nine women. dave: you let the voters of alabama make the call for themselves. howie: the president has said repeatedly the russia investigation is a witch hunt. no evidence of russian collusion to be sure. but doesn't the flynn guilty plea show this is a legitimate
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news story. >> story. the reason we talk about the investigation, "let trump be trump." there was no collusion. i never spoke to a russian. if southern lied to the fbi about their contacts with a form government, it had nothing to do with the outcome of the campaign. howie: some say the president is out of touch with reality. he questioned the access hollywood tape. some say he watches up to 8 hours of tv a day. slurring his words in the jerusalem speech. dave * wspeech. dave: , whether it's fans news
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and brian ross who the president said should be fired. it drove the markets down 350 points and set a media narrative based on a lie. then you have the deutsche bank records supposed subpoena by the fbi. how report organizations got that. howie: the news organizations got that wrong. dave: and the stories about the empty arena which was packed to the gills. all the fake news, they can't help themselves. they hate this president. they will never let him succeed. that's why he uses twitter and these speeches to speak to the
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american people. howie: i don't think it's fair to say everything is fake. dave: let the media get it right and then the president won't be on them so much. but they continue to feed him. howie: corey, early in the campaign president trump attacks john mccain. you told him to hold a press conference to clean it up. and he didn't back off and you thought the campaign was over. corey: you are exactly right, what i learned and what the american people learned, he's going to fight for everything he believes in, he's going to double down. he raised the awareness veterans needed more help in the state of arizona because the phoenix va was a disaster. and that became the story.
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the veterans support donald trump. the first responders and the military support donald trump. he's willing to talk about issues on the campaign trail that no other candidate was willing to. howie: the supreme court just cleared enforcement of the travel ban. the trump campaign called for a temporary ban on muslims entering the united states. the ban on muslim was so offensive it didn't make it into the travel ban. and you deal with this as a cold, political calculation. dave: president trump is for america first national security and border security. whether it's kate steinle or the supreme court voting 7-2 to allow the ban to be upheld.
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this guy has the best political instincts in america. president trump is a master at understanding having his finger on the pulse of the american people. corey and i talk about it in the book. when we are wrong, he lets us know we are wrong. but we think as the political professionals we know what to do. but he does. corey and i talk about it in the book. when we are wrong we have to admit it. howie: you talk about the reaction when paul manafort tried to keep him off the sunday shows. he said i will go on tv any blank time i want and you you won't say a blanking word about it. manafort who was replaced. corey: this is a truthful book. way talk about in the bikes what
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he just mentioned. donald trump has the best instincts. paul manafort was down in florida telling the republican national committee members i am going to remake donald trump. you will see a donald trump 2.0. we say let trump be trump. he has been a phenomenal success. he knows what the american people want. he brought that message to them and that's why he was elected. he's the blue collar millionaire. he see as what the people wanted and he delivers it. howie: you had a number of women coming out against candidate donald trump. he said those false accusers are killing us with the women's vote. kellyanne conway said it's note that, it's that you fat shamed
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miss universe when she is trying to lose weight. he may have good instincts, but doesn't he pick unnecessary fights? dave: i told him many times not to tweet, and he felt it was the right thing to do, and he ended up being right. the name our book is about him speaking directly to them would i want him to not tweet here or there, sure? but he understands what's going on and he's right and i like him doing it. the latest botched story on the cnn russian investigation as
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howie: corey lewandowski and dave bossie, authors of "let trump be trump." you got a call from jeff zucker and he said what to you? corey: he said you can't be on the airplane, that would be a problem for us. i said we are already wheels up. howie: then you did something for cnn to solidify your position there. corey: i have great respect for jeff zucker, i think he's a good man. this was immediately following what was called billy bush weekend. what we did there, anderson had a sit-down one-on-one interview where she was very candid and
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talked about what she thought about that story regarding her husband on the billy bush weekend. donald trump won the election at the st. louis debate. howie: you say hope hicks had to perform what service for donald trump. were you not covering up your own complicity in that service? corey: yes, i was. there was nothing on the campaign i didn't do. howie: you said you had to press his pants. corey: if i am going to steam the clothes forget the macdonalds or pull the car around. we didn't have the juggernaut of the clintons. there was five of us.
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howie: you both write you went to see the president last may. you thought you would be offered senior white house jobs. you were relieved when that offer didn't come. dave: for me, my family, my own health. i want to serve the president how best i can whether from the inside or outside. corey and i are soldiers in that movement. but for me it was a relief i didn't have to go in and he was protecting us from potentially a staff shakeup that was coming. corey: dave and i both have young families. we put a lot of time into the campaign. working inside the white house is like being at the super bowl. it's 18 hours a day, 7 days a week. no breaks. dave and i had great surrogates
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on the outside. we can say and do things you can't when you are in that building. howie: dave bossie and corey lewandowski. thanks for joining us. a damaging account from an actress who says dustin hoffman assaulted her 7 years ago. run, jump, or swim in to experience the power of tempur-pedic sleep with our 90-day trial and being the highest ranked mattress in customer satisfaction by jd power, it's easy to love. find your exclusive retailer at
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howie: after the leaks began when donald trump, jr. testified. >> we have an exclusive in the russia investigation. >> donald trump, jr. received an email with an encryption key for
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leaked wikileaks documents. howie: that actually came 10 days later. so rather than offering secret access, it allowed the campaign to hack messages that had already been made public. president trump: cnn apologized. thank you, cnn. thank you so much. you should have been apologizing for the last two years. jessica tarlov and mara liasson all are fox news contributors. molly, how sear was was this blunder about the president's son? mollie: this was the first evidence of smoking gun of the russians trying to steal the
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election. it turns out it was like so many other stories on this narrative, a complete nothing burger. this is the pattern for so many of these stories. it's not the first time it happened to cnn or the first time it happened this week. but maybe the real scandal is how the media fell for this russian collusion trump narrative. howie: msnbc picked up the story and said they confirmed it. and cnn had to retract. it's not look good for the news business in terms of these stories. jessica: it isn't. and that's why people on both sides of the aisle are saying
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maybe there wasn't a trump collusion story. obviously the mueller investigation is finding things. and carter page and mike flynn and manafort won't win citizen of the year. but i do think it just feed donald trump and he can make that case. howie: multiple sources who told them about this email got it wrong. does that get hip off the hook? mara: the clip you played said in september. but there is a big difference because at one point it wasn't public. but i think if the pressure is to come up with scoops that will
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show that donald trump collude, you will be held to a high bar. the president of the united states has an explicit strategy to delegitimize the media and say it's fake. so every time the media screws up it's bad. howie: criticizing and attacking the fbi, one bit of commentary has gotten a lot of attention. it came from fox news gregg jarett talking about the fbi on "hannity." >> mueller has been using the fbi as a political weapon and the fbi has become america's secret police. wiretapping, intimidation and threats it's like the kgb that comes for you in the dark of the night banging on your door. howie: did he go too far? mollie: that's quite an extreme
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thing to say. journalists like to think of ourselves as people who hold people of authority accountable. this something we have seen in our history, a highly politicized fbi where people have to come in and rein it in. and there are problems with the mueller probe. for journalists uncritically accepting everything that comes out of the mueller probe, maybe pose some questions. just the hyper politicization of the people involved. by hasn't come through much media digging. howie: mueller has made mistakes. jessica: donald trump was talking about intelligence agencies and 1930s germany. there is valuable criticism of
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the fbi. we just heard that the morale is not where it is and it's not hyper criticized. mollie: we are not getting good information from the fbi. was this russian dossier used to secure a wiretap on an american citizen. if that's true, it's horrifying. howie: two top democrats forced from congress. did the press play a role?
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howie: john conyers, the 88-year-old dean of the house resigned after the detroit free press called on him to quit. and the minneapolis star
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demanded al franken's resignation. >> if the president admits like he has done on tape that he assaulted women as a matter of habit because he's celebrity. why shouldn't he retine today like franken did. howie: by taking those partisan shots at the president and roy moore, franken didn't apologize in his peach. mollie: accusing women of not telling the truth about what he said about them. i think the whole media approach has been one of mob hysteria rather than thoughtful reasoned debate about an important moment. it's important that we don't go overboard and remove due
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process. so many of these stories are not holding up journalistically. howie: after al franken announced he's going to resign. you have some pundits saying unwanted kissing and butt grabbing is not in the same category as others. jessica: there is a huge problem with blanket statements about sexual harassers. the fact that we even talk about al frank in the same conversation as harvey weinstein. there are a number of people out there that don't know the specifics of these stories. when you are talking about people's careers, you need to know the details. did he put his arm on her waist
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or did he rape her. howie: the franken photo was cringe worthy. was the press following the lead of senators like kristen gillibrand. mara: the democrats haven't thought this through. do they want to say in every case even when the facts are different, is the punishment the the same, off with your head. or do they want to be able to tell the difference between a false accusation. and career ending accusation. right now they are saying anyone with any accusation against them is risky. howie: an unknown aide said
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franken kissed her. and another accuser wrote a moving piece in the atlantic. she said during a photo-op he grabbed her waist. mollie: it's not that some of these allegations don't stand up to a fireable offense or any punishment at all. the larger scene is one of mob hysteria. sometimes these are attempts at courtship that fail. sometimes it's just dirty philandering. howie: john conyers looked like nobody was going to tell him what to do. i think the turning point was marion brown going on the "today show," you can see the
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accusations. mara: there had been an actual process in congress, the ethics committee which people think is inadequate. we have the mob or pack mentality where colleagues of a member say you are out of here. then the republicans are proposing, let the voters decide. al franken if he wanted to could step down and run for his old seat. howie: trent frank said i talked to two aides about spur today i. and these women feared he wanted to personally impregnate them. tar requirthem. jessica: it was totally weird.
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you think this is sad, they had fertility problems. the next day, there has to be something more. no one resigns right away. paul ryan wrote a scathing letter. politicians have so much money. what's different about corporate america is you have a boss in the private sector who has the discretion to fire you. in the public sector the voters are your boss. howie: unless the press gets them riled up. mollie: this is the democratic party thinking it has the moral high ground. howie: the press castigating the president for endorsing roy moore. another sexual assault allegation against dustin hoffman. but are the media going easy on
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howie: two top democrats on the hill reef signing over sexual misconduct allegations. the president creating a media furor over endorsing the alabama
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senate candidate. president trump: get out and voted for roy moore. howie: most of of the women say he purchase sued them question they were teenagers. once he made an official endorsement the media tried to hang those accusers around his neck. mollie: earlier the media said he endorsed moore and it wasn't true. this race seems to be a rewrite of 2016. everybody agrees republican voters in alabama should voluntarily turn over a seat because of serious 40-year-old allegations of misconduct. and i'm not sure we are seeing good media coverage of what's
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motivating the alabama voters. howie: the wall street editorial page calls on the president to disavow roy moore. it's politics and he wants the republicans to win. jessica: he doesn't believe the 16 women who said he sexually harassed them. and 63% of trump voters in alabama didn't believe the charges against him. when you find holes in the story, people are look for their hook so they can say the whole thing was made up because there was an added date and location. howie: beverly nelson is the one represented by gloria allred. she acknowledged in this signing
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of her high school yearbook, she added the date and place, and that does mud why it waters. is that a big deal? mara: the whole thing about when did the president endorse roy moore. the minute the primary was over he said moore would make a great senator. before the allegations he talked about moore being great. he made it clear he would endorse whoever won the primary. howie: fox news made this error, saying rye moore accuser admits she forged the yearbook entry. a friend who told her at the time seemed like a credible interview. what is fair and not fair for
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journalists to sort through this. mollie: part of the definition of forgery is altering a document and presenting it as original. she included the parts she added. it's a tricky situation. when you list the number of accusers that happened with franken. some are putting a hand on fat waist and some are leaning in and not getting a kiss. it would be good to have more discipline in the way we talk about this. there are serious allegations with moore, namely, involving a 14-year-old. we should be careful as media to be careful and not hype it up. mara: there is no such thing as the media. there is conservative media, liberal media, media with a partisan agenda. and everybody is approaching this in a different way.
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howie: alabama news organizations have done it as well. there was an attempt to have it exposed. as far as the press on the story about donald trump. sarah huckabee sanders said the voters decide. jessica: they need to be fair and you are right. we go to a specific outlet. the issue you bring up is so important. i get maligned for calling him a child molester. mollie: we wouldn't be having this conversation if the voters
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put hillary clinton back in the white house. i think there is an aspect where people see through it. and it wouldn't can happening and didn't happen all last year in part because hillary clinton's husband is bill clinton house a credibly alleged rapist. howie: there has been some revisiting including among some . . tada!
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howie: the "new york times" revealed how former daily news gossip columnist helped by digging up dirt. he said i could supply your p.r. girls with a lot of gossip and if they come at harvey with having an affair story they can barter. what do you make after gossip columnist digging up dirt so weinstein can trade it. >> he was able to effectively weaponize the press to do his bidding. he understood the currency that media needs to operate. that's exclusionives. we are hungry and thirsty for a big story. and was able to use people to
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provide him with exclusives to barter with so he wouldn't have negative stories written about him. howie: weinstein understood the currency in a different way. benza got a book deal, book and movie deals, so a lot of these companies that might otherwise be reporting on weinstein were in some form in business "them. >> absolutely. he was compromising them enriching people. >> when you wrote a negative story about harvey weinstein he would call up and lambast you and he would have other people call you up. and other points he would engage
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in flattery. he was a very clever and scary man. howie: dustin hoffman, there had been an early accusation from a woman, an actress who was 17 at the time, that he had groped her. and now an actress named katherine gossiter. shoot he continually grabbed her breasts and she screamed and cried. >> you have a case here so many different people being accused of hah amounts. these latest allegations are so extreme you will see a toughening up on hoffman.
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he just received a standing ovation at at gotham awards. howie: there are different levels of seriousness. you read this latest piece in the hollywood reporter with that photo and it's pretty chilling. >> if you go back, you have people like meryl streep years ago saying the first time she met him on the set of "kramer versus kramer" he groped her. so it's not a surprise. howie: still to come, a "washington post" reporter apologizes for a terrible tweet. and joy behar celebrating donald trump's downfall a tad too soon.
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howie: "the washington post"
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tweeted that the a tirric line with packed to the rafters. it was taken before the speech. but president obama called for a dismissal. it showed an almost empty arena when he knew the arena was packed. fake news. he should be fired. weigel saying sure thing, it was a bad tweet and fair to call me out. all these twitter taunts give ammunition to the president against the press for a snarky moment. ask the view" joy behar broke into cheers. >> cbs news is reporting michael
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flynn promised full cooperation to the mueller team and is prepared to testify donald trump directed him to make contact with the rughtses. he goes to jail. he goes to jail. lock him up. >> on friday's show apparently i was guilty of premature evaluation. howie: i get it that behar is a liberal comedian. i'm sure she didn't like the lock her up chant against hillary. but with donald trump it's okay? don't forget to dvr the shows and replay it whenever it's convenient for to you watch. if you can check out the sirius
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fm headlines, i do a daily >> alabama senate candidate roy moore speaks out against allegations of sexual misconduct. >> it's inconceivable somebody wait 40 years and less than 30 days before general election come out and make allegations. >> we are going to speak to the american people and cut right through the fake news media. >> mistakes are precisely the people that should trust the media. >> flag is down. touchdown but a flag thrown. into the end zone. buffalo wins it. [cheers and applause] >> incredible