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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  December 15, 2017 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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may 19th at st. george's castle. most-watched, most trusted, good night from washington could have a great weekend. i am shannon bream. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." women rights lawyer, lisa bloom has finally been exposed for who she really is. she's built a career posturing as a champion of the oppressed, but the only person who seems to be winning in that equation is lisa bloom. last summer, she represented kathy griffin. following her beheading stunt only to have griffin turn around and for excessive fees. she fought to protect harvey weinstein. actress russ mckellen says that bloom offered her a seven-figure payday if she agreed to call weinstein a changed man.
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which she did not agree to. a new report said sheet solicited funds to pay off women, who accused the president of sexual assault. trace gallagher has the full story and he joins us tonight. >> the reports coming forward with sexual harassment is nothing>> more than right-wing efforts to discredit the victim. bloom fully acknowledges that she is trying to get tabloid media outlets and pro-hillary clinton committees to pay these women. "the hill" said the women who was offered $750,000 is declining to come forward. lisa bloom says the money of which she takes one-third is meant to keep her clients safe and in some cases, to help them relocate.
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of lisa bloom's four clients, to decide to come forward and two did not. including one who decided to tell her story to the hill after learning that bloom was representing the alleged serial sexual harasser harvey weinstein. bloom and weinstein's relationship ended when rape allegations were in women who did not come forward and say she supported trump in 2016 and does not resent him. lisa bloom says the women who did come forward are telling the truth and the story by the hill is trying to undermine them nowe that they are gaining momentum. >> shannon: emily come at this point, we know that lisa bloom was a champion of women. particularly of women from sexual assault. it took money for harvey
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weinstein, discredited his victims, tmz reports she recorded one of them in an effort to discredit her and now we learn that she is profiting in a sexual harassmenr claims of this next set of women. why is she still able to do this? how did she get a pass to continue this pretty lucrative career she has, flacking for people like this? >> what i find so disturbingo here, there is an element of hypocrisy fatigue and what's so disappointing about this in particular is that this is an attorney whose claiming to be a champion of women's rights and values. attorneys in this realm are supposed to be advocates and that's more than just showing up in court. she is subjecting these women to another round of abuse and trauma and shaming is incredibly disappointing. it's not illegal to pay for true true stories, we've seen it in
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the past. but again, it's coming from an attorney and it's incredibly disappointing. it takes a lot more for the state of california attorney to come forward. it's a subsequent betrayal and again, it's another unraveling and revealing of someone who's a hypocrite. >> tucker: why wouldn't the bar take action question mike you have a person who is lying and is caught. at one point, she said this of harvey weinstein. i was never aware there were allegations of sexual assault. of course she she briefed the board. her job was to protect harvey weinstein against these allegations. that is not enough to give center from the bar of california? >> there's a strict code of conduct in the state of california. in terms of actual admonishment, she could be recommended for review. in past cases, it is taken more for someone to be disbarred or admonished. for me, embarrassing as a california state attorney. again, it takes a lot more.
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that's so disappointing because these gray areas because how in essence this is practice specific role? but the california state bar? unfortunately, it is great. at this point, the illumination will decrease her client list and that may be enough to render her that she will not do this behavior in the future. >> tucker: you would think she would be publicly discredited. it strikes me as not an attorney that it is unethical that she try to set up media appearances for people making sexual assault or harassment and then by her own admission, trying to get one-third of the feeds. is it normal to do this on commission? like she seems to be doing? >> i personally have not seen that in the past. she was clear and upfront, that we take a third. what i found disturbing is that
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her justification with the insurance fees and the electrical bills of her law firm, and a minimal correlation with her representing those women on air. frankly, as you know, media appearances are often not rewarded because the whole point is there are ethical considerations. here, it's almost like she was running rampant. she was blatant, i don't see her being disbarred or formally it's simply disappointing and reprehensible. as you sit, hopefully now that this revelation and illuminating it will make others refuse to work with her in the future. >> tucker: if you are paying to lie, don't call yourself a feminist. this is my view. the former u.s. attorney for the district of columbia, joins us. i have to ask you before we get to the russia investigation a question about lisa bloom. what does it take for a lawyer
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to be censured by the bar or to be disbarred? if you have multiple examples of lying and unethical behavior, is not known enough? >> it is not normally. big bars like california and new york tend to protect their lawyers and their ethical systems tend to slap people on the my guess would be she would not get any type of ethical w restrictions imposed on her as a result. i can tell you this, when we do a pro bono case, we don't get cut of anything. t we represent people for free, we incur the costs. whatever she said was pro bono was nonsense. i think that misrepresentation to the public is absolutely disgusting. it is consistent with her behavior. >> tucker: it's free except i take a third. talk about doublespeak. to this investigation, you conducted investigations, when you did, did you ever stack them with prosecutors were personally hostile to the person being
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investigated? >> no. let me say this. right now, what you have now unfolding inside the fbi and the department of justice under obama is a brazen plot to do two things, to exonerate hillary clinton because of an animus toward donald trump and then if she lost, to frame the incoming president for either a criminal act or impeachment. this is one of the most disgusting performances by the senior officials of the fbi and the department of justice and demands that every one of these agents involved be fired and that the people who are still in the justice department be fired including mr. orr. they bringin a federal grand jury to investigate the conduct of mccabe and strzok and page and comey and everybody who even touch this because it's very
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clear that they conspired to frame the incoming president of the united states. it's a frightening and disgusting prospect that fbi officials, senior fbi officials would do this and those text messages are frightening. there's just frightening. >> tucker: the trump t administration oversees the department of justice now. what would it take to call some of these people to account forvi their behavior? his wife worked there, he did not tell about either. why is he still there? >> he's been demoted. he losses associated attorney slot. he is now back in his old job. organize crime drug force.d i don't understand how key can stay in the department. he is being investigated by the inspector general as part of that larger investigation into what the justicent department dd
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basically throw the case against clinton, a bunch of dirty cops got together and decided to throw a case against the democratic presidential nominees i don't think mr. ohr will be around for very long because they can't function ethically in those constraints. >> tucker: some perspective for those of us, we know that then director comey wrote the speech he gave in july of 2016, two months before in which he exonerate hillary clinton. it is not unusual to come to a w conclusion like that, she's innocent, before even interviewing her?a that seems odd. >> it's not only extreme the unusual, it's never happened before. james comey through the case against hillary clinton in conjunction with senior fbi officials and justice department officials and the obama
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administration at the time. never done. comey sold his soul to the devil. believe me, you cannot believe the telephone calls were getting from current fbi people about how they cannot abide by what's going on. one thing they can't understand is why is andrew mccabe stillre at christopher wray's right hand inside the senior offices of the fbi? mccabe and strzok and page are out of the same cloth. they conspired to exonerateam improperly and politically. clinton and also, if she lost, to frame the incoming presidentt with a false crime. this is a constitutional crisis and congress better stay on it until they get all the answers and then there needs to be grand jury. >> tucker: washington, where no one is ever fired. that should be the sign as you drive in. joe, thank you. not everyone agrees of the fbi's probe has been compromised. we'll talk to a top former hillary clinton advisor who
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thinks the fbi's doing a pretty good job. stay tuned. ♪ hey! yeah!? i switched to geico and got more! more savings on car insurance!? they helped with homeowners, too! ok! plus motorcycle, boat and rv insurance! geico's got you covered!
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♪ >> tucker: last week revealed a number of reasons to be at least skeptical of the fbi probe into russian collusion during the last peter strzok is a democratic partisan who when he read his text something a middle school adam wiseman praised ciliates. it is printing rational to
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>> mike and maybe ideology, rise, certainly in the view of the public. that is not a small thing. not everyone agrees.s. from an advisor at the state department for hillary clinton and long before that, he joins us now. i am not a lawyer. i'm not in the supreme court, it seems to me -- >> you don't have to be these days.. >> tucker: to ask a simple dumb question like this. if you are investigating somebody,od shouldn't you at let complete your interviews of relevant figures in the investigation and the principal herself before you decide what the answer is. two months before interviewing secretary clinton decided that she was innocent of the charge appeared how can i be? >> i cannot sit here and defend comey. i'mm sitting here because i cannot defend it comey in sense that it is hard to say that people who think he did her any favors, that's crazy.
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secretary clinton had a much better chance of being president has it not been for jim >> tucker: i agree, i think he heard her. my concern is not, even who won the election, is the process on the level or not? take out hillary clinton's name and put in anybody else's name. is it okay to reach a conclusion before actually interviewing? >> i don't that's what he did, but it's inappropriate for him to even be considering making a public statement. the fact that he found nothing there to proceed on meant he should have issued a statement saying this has been resolved. instead, he went out and made a scathing comment on july 5th that had great impact. i agree that he did not proceedi appropriately and by the book. i think he might end up suffering because there is now an investigation of how he handled it. someone having drafts of what they may say, i think there were pretty thorough and they went with the evidence found.
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>> tucker: if you think comey 's discredited and irresponsibl, that cast a shadow. >> i think he's self-righteous. >> tucker: comey also oversaw the osha investigation. let me ask you a macro question that seems to be in the shuffle. this investigation is about russian interference in the 2016 election and collusion between the trump campaign and the russian government. none of that has surfaced at all. there is no evidence of any conclusionon at all between thoe two bodies. it does that bother you at all? >> we know that four people have pled guilty to breaking the law and one way or another including mike flynn in regards to his conversations with the russian government. >> tucker: that's not true. he was charged with and pled two lying. >> why do you lie about something? >> tucker: i >> because your doings of the do not know. you shouldn't do.
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>> tucker: the most intensive investigation of my lifetime, everything has been leaked, like everything. strzok's text messages, i have right here. there is no evidence that there was actual collusion. democrats don't believe there was collusion. that's ludicrous. it does not bother you? >> bothers me that people aret prejudging and trying to undermine bob mueller. he is going to get to the bottom of the spirit we will know soon enough whether that is next week, next month, six months from now, we should let him do his jobs. >> tucker: i am not calling for his -- >> the text message you have in front of you, you should not have. that is people trying to undermine. >> tucker: maybe congress should have them, because they have the oversight role, and the fbi withheld them for months. as a huge problem. speak out that i agree. >> tucker: at the end, you have a bunch of people charged with obstruction or perjury, but none of the charges, and none of the evidence points to the core
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allegation of collusion between the campaign and the russian government. can we all agree that this is been a total travesty and a disaster? >> absolutely not. i cannot agree, because where there's this much smoke, there is more small, there are flames, there are wildfires. what these people were doing. this was all we know. >> tucker: i get it. as emma looks guilty, he has. if someone is standing in front of a liquor store and is shifty --ar >> don't know, but if you pleads guilty to a bargain. >> tucker: if you look at guilty and we charge you for something unrelated to the actual crime, you must've been guilty of the crime? >> it's mike flynn saying i mike flynn, i'm guilty.fl >> tucker: if he jumps in your face and says we're going to send you away, i get it. my point is, if this doesn't overturn evidence of collusion between trump and russia, what is the point of this?
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you can add hamstring our democracy. >> if you look at how this started, this started because of the president's refusal to accept the intelligence community's sentiment that the russian government actively tried to undermine our election. >> tucker: where is the single piece of evidence of that? >> the career people have said -- >> tucker: the one that said 9/11 was a collapse of the soviet union? that is the first one, by the way. i'm agreeing with you. they have not provided a piece of evidence publicly, and we're supposed to bowing agreement, it must be true, because our names appears say it is true. >> that is not a democrat-republican thing. you have republicans in congress. >> tucker: i disagree with all of them. the ones who reflexively agree with the intelligence. >> we are allowed to have
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secrets as a nation. >> tucker: we shut down the whole government over this. don't we have a right to know there is something real there? >> we have a right to know what happened, i think that's what this processss is leading to. that is why bob mueller should be left alone. >> tucker: we are leaving him alone? >> he hit a nerve, and that nerve was named mike flynn. >> tucker: we will see, thank you. chicago's government cannot keep its citizens safe. normal middle-class people are leaving. a lot of benefit to people who should not be here in the first base. rahm emanuel's pledge to give ideas to illegal immigrants next. ♪
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>> tucker: rahm emanuel's regime in chicago has a new plan for undocumented immigrants. give them documents. just like everybody else. for more, were joined by matt finn, who is in chicago for us tonight. >> tucker, chicago mayor, rahm emanuel, new city i.d. program. the individual ids will be called city keys. phil given i.d. to anyone in the city regardless of u.s.. immigration status. the ids are meant to welcome the undocumented community into thee city. >> if you want somebody who ist undocumented to feel comfortable to be able to drive their child to school and all the benefits, they have to be part of the city. this municipal i.d. will bring
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all those different communities and more that are on the periphery, on the sideline, into our city. when we say, welcome, we mean welcome . >> the city of chicago say it is an all-in-one resource, data link the library and public transit accounts and discounts at cultural centers and veterans and senior citizens paired however, critics including chicago's aldermen worry that rahm emanuel's program will give ids to people here illegally, especially since the city of chicago will not be asking applicants about the u.s. immigrant status. applicant's only have to prove they live in chicago and must pass a four-point i.d. system. applicants are able to pick their gender on the i.d. the first 100,000 ids will be free. the city of chicago andth since, the program will be secure enough to weed out fraudulent applicants. >> tucker: i'm sure it will. matt finn from chicago. thank you. francisco hernandez is the
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immigration attorney from the state of a texas. >> thank you for having me on. >> tucker: at the city of chicago is deeply in debt. the middle class is clean. crime has moved from the south side into the center of the city, highest parking fees inn the country, and it is in a tough shape. why would the city in the middle of the various crisis it is facing, take all this time and money to serve the needs of people who are here illegally? >> don't be so hard on chicago. it is pretty stout. a friend told me, the reason donald trump one, he's the only onee' saying nice things about america. we are forgetting that these illegal immigrants are the only ones that are dying to get to this country. that is the highest compliment. they hang on the trains and swing. there willing to die to get to this country and earn the opportunity to be here. once they get here, they want to sign the guestbook. that's all they are saying.
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biometrics, we know who they are. >> tucker: we do not know who they are. we do not know who they are. hold on, slow down. we do not know who they are. they do not have american birth certificates, no way to check. their identification, this is an invitation to fraud. speaking of fraud, what percentage of these people are already working in this country a high percentage? everybody is for an employment. every person here illegally that is working doingeg so with a fae social security number. fake federal document. that is a felony. wait, hold on. after 9/11, we realize that using fake federal documents is not a joke. punishable by years and jail. why would you special privileges to summon committing an open felony. i do not understand. >> we are hiring them and giving them jobs. >> tucker: who are we? >> you and i. >> tucker: does it bother you? is front to do that?
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>> must not be hypocrites. >> tucker: slow down. does it bother you there are actually americans who will get outside and work. not you or i, but there people who will, and the point i'm asking you, unrelated to that, and it is simple one. why would you want to reward people who are committing fraud with federal documents? >> you are not rewarding them. it is a legally issued i.d. thal they are offering and trying to tell you who they are, and trying to tell you that they are willing earn the opportunity to be in this country. they are not even asking for government benefits. come on. >> tucker: every single one of them receives government benefits. every single one. every single one.
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their children go to school? health care in the emergency room? do they use theo roads? do some of them get tax benefits for children? all of them. the point is -- >> you have a big heart. >> tucker: i do, because i care about the americans for example. the people in chicago who do not have jobs -- >> they love america. they are america first. they want to make america great again. >> tucker: why would they not obey our laws if they love america? >> they try to. >> tucker: where they leave and apply normally like everybody else? >> because you cannot. it does not exist, and that is why you and i -- >> tucker: we bring in over a billion people -- i thought you were an immigration lawyer. when you say there is no way for them to do it, how do the million out other people come in?
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>> it is not a million odd. >> tucker: it is over a million. >> they are out there putting up our roofs. they want to come out of the shadow and say, this is who i am. >> tucker: francisco, thank you. i appreciate it. it is not just airbnb. we will discuss the family which found a hidden camera in the cabin ofn their cruise ship. that sounds like a lot of fun. stay tuned.
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>> tucker: perhaps you're spooked by a segment about hidden cameras and airbnb bedrooms. whether you cast mike canceled her trip to canton to go, you have a cruise away from prying cameras, but you cannot get away. family traveling on a carnival cruise in the gulf of mexico, said they found a hidden camera in the cabinet. carnival cruise lines says the camera was not operational and notified police, the police said
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they have not received an apology. the attorney and expert, and they join us both to me. we go first to you, what is this? they say itou was not operation. what does that mean exactly? >> what they are sane, the camera was not transmitting a signal. unfortunately, they contradict themselves be said because they said it was warm to the touch. it must've been on. >> tucker: does the family have a reason to be upset? >> absolutely. the issue you have here is that you can forget prior -- your perverts of the caribbean, give child pornography and voyeurism going on a carnival cruise ship. in the cruiseship has a duty to protect its passengers. they have actual liability. they are a common carrier. thee other issue, this brings us to the next point, the crime scene was completely mishandled
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by the employee. ifha you saw the video taken by the father, the father says, you should not put on gloves. it is the exact opposite of bizarro csi. it is what should have happened. >> tucker: what do these look like,, jimmy? look at the camera, and it is large. you will never see it, never find them. they can be concealed in a everyday object like a outlet, coffee maker, cables and outlets, ac charges. a list you had the right equipment, you'll never know you're being watched. >> tucker: what are the rules? there are cameras all over public places. sidewalks, inside buildings, inside hotel lobbies. either ever legitimate cameras inside living spaces in hotels or cruise lines? >> no, and that is if a crime goes on, it never -- >> tucker: if you find a camera where you are sleeping, it should not be there. >> correct, or the fbi is looking at you.
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something like this with video, video voyeurism. at the very least. >> there is an actual academic with hidden cameras being placed in many different places, because they're so inexpensive to find. you can buy them on ebay or amazon for 30 or $40. and you can place them anywhere you want. the camera that they did find in the room had to have a little transmitter. it could only transmitted within the chip area. someplace local. it should have been a bit next room or a couple of the rooms. >> tucker: it could not be so hard to find it, could it? >> it is kind of hard to find, because some of them are so small. you only need to expose that then whole area of the lens, and i cannh hide that in a hole as small as a button hole. very, s very small. you would not be able to find it normally appeared mostly people that have been finding the cameras has found them accidentally.
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this is a large camera. they make a much smaller. >> tucker: so what is your defense against this? >> you have to look at power. power is the main thing. if it's battery operated, more than likely, the camera it's going to last a few hours. it has to power the camera and the transmitter. check for outlets. look to see where it is connected to and anything pointed towards the bed. that's the most important thing. >> tucker: how paranoid are you knowing what you know about these things? >> i would be worried. carnival as i mentioned is a common carrier, cruise ship, has a duty to protect its passengers. its slogan, fun for all and all for fun. the fun is not been had by the passengers, it is been had by some pervert. >> tucker: in this case, and you would have to imagine it is a employee without any knowledge, who else could. thank you very much. for a year, the media has pushed
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the story line that sinister foreigners hacked our in this country. reporters are publishing on it every day. a lot of information is coming to them from official washington. are they skeptical enough to make one man with the answer to that joined us next. like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. eight hundred dollars when wet switched our auto and home insurance. with liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. hey. oh. that's my robe. is it? you could save seven hundred eighty two dollars when liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance.
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♪ 's be what republican leaders in congress appear to have finished hashing out what they hope is the final version of their massive thousand page tax bill. respondent ed henry has been following it and has a tail tonight. >> this is a big deal for president trump. first major legislative victory. a lot of skeptics had said, it would not get done.
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one of the biggest pieces is the corporate tax will go down from 35% this is a $1.5 trillion tax cut.on the biggest in over 30 years. it was fielded by the fact that two reluctant republicans finally came on board. marco rubio and bob corker. marco rubio has been pushing very hard to increase the child tax credit for lower and income families. and he one mega victory by getting an up to $1400 per child for this tax credit. bob corker had and still has concerns about this impact of the $1.5 trillion on the short-term deficit in the long-term debt for the country. in the end, it will provide enough economic growth that he is willing to take a chance on this. the standard deduction families will double to $24,000 for married couples. individuals it will double to
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12,000. the top individual rates will go from 35.6% down to 27%. interesting, because you do not have a single democratic in the house or senate say that they will support this. it will be a major midterm election issue as they make the case that it will not trickle down to the middle and lower income classes and it will be a tax cut for the rich, that is their case all along. the republicans, paul ryan, the leaders in congress, mitch mcconnell, this is a big deal. in addition to the present, it shows that they delivered on a big promise to voters after failing to repeal and replace obamacare. the president has been tweeting about record highs again today. the dow, nasdaq and s&p 500, once the house moves forward tuesday, the senate expected later next week, you can see a lot more activity in the markets next week. tucker? >> tucker: ed henry in new york. thank you. for more than a year, the
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presidentre told us how russian collusion destroyed american democracy, but they have had a problem. actual evidence of collusion does not exist. instead, reporters have been totally reliant upon leaks within the bureaucracy and the intelligent community. can these leaks be trusted at face value or other estimates? contributing editor at "the nation," he joins us, professor thank you for joining. i am reading "the washington post" today, the jeff bezos publication, and russia.a piece about it says, hacking democracy, as if it is a known and universally accepted fact that our democracy was hacked. do we know that?e >> we do not. it has been alleged. allegedly within the intelligence industry mike community , but it was a few people and a couple of intelligence agencies. if you read on and "the washington post" story in the first paragraph, they go back to this claim that is the
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consistent consensus of the intelligence agency. i've been a professor for a long time, and a paid consultant for major television network. i admire mainstream media. i learned a lot, but i have never seen them practice like that, before my life. with that constitutes is essentially, making allegations for which there is noin verified facts of information or evidence, and then commentary on it. briefly put, it said that somehow, trump had been compromised by putin, the leader of russia, and then when trump does diplomacy with putin, they call it treason. i have never seen anything like this before. >> tucker: a lot of what we think we know about the story comes from the intelligence community or from the permanent parts of the u.s. government. some of them are knowledgeable. they are passing on information to reporters and reporters
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appear to be reprinting it uncritically. do you think that reporters should keep in mind that there is agendas attached to these leaks? >> you just made a valid point. the leak by definition has a political agenda. we agree on that. >> tucker: of course. >> you may not be old enough to remember, but i remember the liberal media was deeply suspicious of intelligence agencies sources. now we have a situation, but they seem to be the only rift. if they whisper to on the telephone, it is true and you printed. they are apt to make mistakes. the same "washington post" story said something amazing. it said,so president trump has n aversion to the russia intelligence. how nice would it have been if john f. kennedy had aversion to the intelligence with the bay of pigs? how nice it would have been if president johnson had not had an aversion that led us deeper into
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vietnam. nobody recalled president bush's reliance onl intelligence, a president critical of intelligence is a good president. >> tucker: a wise president, for certain. my first question, do we have and have you seen any evidence at all that the russian government affected the outcome of the 2016 election? >> i have heard you say that there is no evidence. i look harder than you have. i've also looked in moscow. when i am there, as people i know, and yes, i confess, i do know people who are or have been russian intelligence agents. i have not found anybody in moscow. >> tucker: and you are a russian speaker. that says a lot. i'm sure you'll be denounced as a tool of putin. thank you, professor. a special guest and the friend
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zone tonight, when the most people don't act popular people , ainsley earhardt joins us. (screaming) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ ♪ but it might be hard to handle ♪ ♪ like the flame that burns the candle ♪ ♪ the candle feeds the flame ♪ topped steak & twisted potatoes at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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what's not surprising? how much money lisa saved by switching to geico. wow! performance of the night. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ♪ >> tucker: in time now for the friend zone and we bring on one of our friends here on fox onto the show. it is christmas season, so we're happy to have a gift theme guest tonight. ainsley earhardt is the host of "fox and "fox & friends" in one of the most poplar people in the fox family. she released her second book, "through your eyes: my child's gift to me." she joins us tonight. i had the fortune of reading this book, ainsley, and i loved it. it seems like the perfect christmas book. why do you think itwh is? >> we just need to. i think our country needs something like this. we have been talking about the fbi, russia, the harvey weinstein scandal, and christmas, we are shopping and
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busy and busy and the parties and gifts.ft ornaments and the lights, and for me, i want people to not miss christmas. youi to focus on the true light, i am not shy talking about my faith. my book talks about what i have learned being a mother, a christian, and to walk through life and soak up every single moment and not take any heart of it for granted. this book, you can see a mother holding hands with her daughter, a child. all the things we experience with our children, we need to appreciate all of those moments and make memories. this christmas, you need to hug her children and spent time with your family, and makedi traditis and get backk to other people ad remember the true reason for the season. do not miss christmas, because her so much going on, and i feel like -- i don't know if it's because i'm older and i have more responsibilities, but it is so busy. i have to take a pause every now and then and think i'd for the many blessings that i have, and as what this book is all about. >> tucker: i live in such a cynical world.d. you're one of the mostld sincere
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people i've ever met. i want to assure our audience you mean every word you say. the illustrations are great. they really are. where did they come from?ro >> we worked with the illustrator. the one i use for the first book, same last name, but different person, we were a little bummed that the first person was not available, because she was involved in another book. we found this illustrator, and we started working together. his work is amazing. it looks like watercolor. that's what everybody tells me. my mother, a schoolteacher for 33 years, nationally board-certified, such an amazing person, great teacher and she said, ainsley, i love this book. as a parent, you can teach them not only about what you are reading, but what is going on in the pictures and the scenes. there are butterflies, park scenes, and our kids hidingd behind trees. there's a lot to look t at. i remember reading books, and i remember reading "curious george" books but i can sit on those pageses for 10 minutes, because i was looking at some and end up park or window.
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there is my little girl. she had her hands on that book, and it is dedicated to her come, tucker. >> did she understand it is forh her? >>e she does, she's only two. i show the picture of me holding her on the back, they give scholarship money, tucker, two kids who have lost their parents fighting for our great country. when my dad, we wrote a $50,000 check to dan, and i want to give back. those of the proceeds from the first and second book. he blessed so many people. myuc father's goal was to put hm through school, and he did. and when i presented a check, he said, your dad is putting more people through school. spoon as so great. as you are, ainsley. thank you. >>
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>> tucker: we will be back on monday. smugness , have a great weekend. >> sean: welcome to hannity. tonight a bombshell report from the hill's john solomon and allison c-span, now according to their lisa bloom secured a cash payment interest for a trump accuser and attempt to arrange huge compensation for another potential accuser just days h before the election in 2016. this entire story is shocking. tonight we have very a serious question why would she do this to make is a is a dirty politics, is it undermined to destroy president trump's campaign, and will bloom's actions make it harder for all


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