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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 22, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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get everything done before saturday, jan 20th. the debut of our live 10 a.m. show. the latest in what is happening everywhere. a hit even at the north pole. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> hello. i am dana perino with kimberly guilfoyle and jesse waters and juan. this is "the five." president trump finished first year putting pen to paper to seal his first big legislative victory. tax cuts for americans. >> this is the biggesttacts in the history of our country. this is bigger than president reagan's many years ago. i am honored by it. it's going to be a tremendous thing for the american people.
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this is a little picture of it. it fits nicely in the box. i said take it out of the box because people have to see. all of this. everything in here is really tremendous things for businesses, for people, for the middle-class. for workers. corporations are literally going wild over this. even beyond my expectations. >> he called out democrats for opposing the ball but projected optimism that both sides will work together in the new year. >> the democrats regret it. they say it's for the rich. they know that's not true. they were called out on it by the media. the democrats wanted to be a part of it. it doesn't work out. i said on social media today, i believe we will have a lot of bipartisan work done. >> the president is now in florida where he will spend
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christmas break. kimberly, you first. they ended the year on the high note. >> absolutely. you can tell he feels happy about and almost sweet about the press. >> gave them little gifts. >> it was positive, he wanted to get this done. he feels like we is four tires on the car now. we are pointing in the right direction. we can work together in a variety of different constituents in the republican party. he is headed in the right direction and might get other things done he wanted. besides tax reform, immigration and good economy numbers. >> and he has a better relationship now with the leaders on the hill. >> yes. >> mcconnell and ryan. he could not spend enough time talking about how good they are.
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>> no one saw that coming a couple of months back. they asked mitch mcconnell if he likes the president's tweeting, he goes, this week i just started to like it. tax cuts, the economy and isis and it's been a great year. companies are giving $1,000 bonus checks to their employos. wells fargo raised the minimum wage to $15 an hour and speaker nancy pelosi send chills up the president's spine. the house i think is a real risk. they have to spend money. republicans have a lot of money. 42 million dollars cash on hand. the dnc only has $5 million cash on hand. they for a lot of trouble.
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they think it will be a wave. it will be a trick. >> you don't need to spend the most money to win. do you agree that the democrats regret their vote on tax reform? >> no, that's more trump talk. he has no idea what is going on. even today when he had people coming in and he is talking to people who were aids like lewandowski and they are telling him that 2018 looks like it will be a tidal wave and he has to watch out. he is talking about better preparing himself. who will he bring in? what changes will be made? we have a number of people including powell leaving the white house. people walking out. the question is: who stays? what do they do to gird themselves? i think with regard to the tax plan, look at the polls. >> i think he has an advantage. it's not the rnc that needs to
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spend the money. you have other entities willing to sell takeover. they hope the economics will bear out and the poll numbers change. >> yes. the average american when they see the tax cuts, i think it will resonate with them. i don't think the tax cuts for the rich will work. i think this donald trump behind the desk, winging it with the reporters, this is the approach. if i was his communication director, i would say do everything this way. >> you don't like in front of the helicopter where you can't hear him? >> he tries different thing. the base loves rally trump. the establishment loves teleprompter trump. they want him to be scripted. >> i think you are right on that. >> i think you are wrong! >> i am trying to be somebody on the "the five." >> my father-in-law called me.
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>> how interesting. >> my father-in-law called me and said did you watch president trump? a great american. truck driver and teamster. he watched trump and was very impressed. the average american likes to see this laid-back -- >> kimberly, he did take a few questions from the press. >> he is comfortable in his own skin. he loves it. he thinks it's magnificent. he enjoys being donald trump and president trump the deal maker. he likes to give people compliments and love them. that's why he was happy today. gave mcconnell comlimits. -- compliments. love sandwich on paul ryan. he is the giving tree. >> if he was so comfortable, he would have a press conference. >> oh my goodness. >> he is worried that people would ask him tough questions and get him off of that
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relaxing -- >> [overlapping talking] >> the president when he was running for president did ever interview he could. he is not afraid and relishes going out and man handling the press. the concern was instead of asking legitimate questions about policy, they would ask ridiculous questions that would get him off topic about russia. i don't want they want to send him to marrow largo in a bad mood. >> if you say so much of this goes to the rich -- >> he would have to sell the plan. >> [overlapping talking] >> no, no, no. >> we don't have omarosa. we have to have someone to sell the plan. >> that's part of what they were complaining about today. he doesn't have a successful
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public liaison office. when you do party politics with republicans over here and democrats over here, the republicans independents are saying this tax plan stinks. >> look at your paycheck. you are welcome and more where that came from. >> look at growing income in quality and past bills allowed the rich to structure their income so they don't pay the same tax rate as working people. this is an outrage. >> if you want to pay more taxes, check that box? >> nobody wants to pay more taxes. >> the idea is he promised that working class, middle-class people would get the lion's share of this. now he says the real benefit of this plan was reducing tax rates on corporations. >> and they showered their workers with $1,000 bonuses. >> where is this?
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>> on twitter. >> at&t and comcast. >> 100,000 workers at comcast get a $1,000 bonus check. that's pretty good. >> get out of here. >> i am off work. my son is there. your dad is right. >> buy your dad a present. >> kimberly, they had a meeting about 2018. it's high steaks. -- stakes. you want to defy the odds. they don't have that many seats. one guy today said the 12 republicans who voted against tax reform, those seats are vulnerable. if you win those 12 you are halfway to taking back the majority. >> you're absolutely right. it's risky business. maybe the constituents should have thought about in terms of supporting the tax bill. >> they didn't support it because their constituents
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didn't like it. >> let's see in they get reelected. we will see what happens. there is not enough padding. there is not enough room to give up seats here and there. it's already too close of a margin. let's see how this does at the beginning of the year to help take it into the mid term election to give them positive momentum. don't forget the campaigner. donald trump is very good at getting out there and boosting turnout. i am sure he will do that. >> [overlapping talking] >> the democrats will work with me when it comes to infrastructure. i immediately thought, but, mr. president, where is the money? what you have done here you created this huge deficit. there is no added revenue. democrats will say, but, mr. president, unless you change your tax plan to provide the money -- >> there he goes raising taxes
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again. >> you are floating the gas tax. >> losing a couple of seats is not bad for a presidency. it worked wonders for bill clinton's career. >> i didn't say it. >> then they could run on welfare reform and other things. they benefitted from republican ideas. >> don't you agree sometimes losing seats changes the presidency but not bad for a president's reelection. >> well, if they bring in chuck and nancy, maybe he could make a deal like in august and september. the democrats in the senate, they are depending 26 seats. >> 24. >> 24, 26. the republicans are only defending 4 or 5. it looks like the most vulnerable republicans, jeff flake. they are all democrats.
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if the president goes to montana or north dakota and did rallies and throws a lot of cash out. >> in north dakota the republicans don't have a candidate yet. >> that's the other thing. you don't want roy moore. >> you better move. >> even steve bannon is trying to primary the senator from wyoming. that's not a good idea. >> you guys have to deal with that. you have war raging inside the party and bannon is still a player. >> i disagree. i don't think that the republicans want him to be scripted. they wanted for him to work with them to get his agenda pass which is what happened on tax reform. paul ryan said we learned the lesson on health care reform. this time the president as the head coach and brings everyone
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in the locker room. we will come back and huddle and sign this bill and take it across the goal line. >> goal line. you got that. i am proud of you. >> it was like on a high wire without a net doing a sports metaphor there. i think i nailed it. >> you spiked it. >> we will move on. a comedian takes on new trump supporters. see it when "the five" returns. at the lexus december to remember sales event. lease the 2017 is turbo for $299 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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>> a favorite pass time to mock president trump. it's a daily concerns on cnn and here's one of the latest atacts. >> president trump is not the only president who said merry christmas. president obama said it many, many times. >> no one ever stopped saying merry christmas. >> then the comedy world. what is deplorable. it's not the trump voters but this. >> i never had a problem with white people ever in my life. but full disclosure, the poor white house are my least favorite. >> donald trump will go to washington and he will fight for
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us. i am standing here thinking you dumb [bleep]. >> you are poor! he is fighting for me. >> dana perino, did they laugh at that? not like a lot. but he got some chuckles. >> yes. >> is that funny? >> i thought it was very funny. it's edgy. that's what comedians do. >> like a razor blade. >> from chris rock to dave chappelle it's like cutting open a vein. chappelle is a rich man. he is beyond rich and saying this trump tax deal benefits him. >> oh, he is fighting for me. >> oh, i get it now. >> oh, okay. >> you make a good observation.
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dave chappelle, he is a billiant comedian. a liberal comedian. he said on "saturday night live" i want to give president trump a shot and the lefts came down on him. there was a part of the monologue where he says he hangs around with rich people now because he is rich. he said rich white people look down on poor white people. but the thing is, one observation he issue have made. the only rich people he hangs around with are rich liberals. what he means is that rich liberals look down on poor white people. that he should have added. >> why is it only liberals? >> because the only rich people that dave chappelle hang out are rich, white liberals. >> you think so? >> yes. he is in show business. that's the key. >> do you hang out with him? >> they do look down on white
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people, rich white liberal. >> see the way he starts out. wants to stay it one more time. >> you hang out with? >> i hang out with the people. >> [laughing] >> what about the don lemon comment? >> as someone who has been on the front lines for the last 10 years. there is a war on christmas and it was won. we used to go -- schools used to ban candy canes. we said happy holidays and called them holiday trees. i was there. i saw it! i confronted people. it did happen. >> [laughing] >> i had shrapnel wound. and president obama on all of his cards he sent out never said merry christmas. he said happy holidays. the trump christmas card says
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happy holidays. everything is racist. math is racist. canoes are racist. trucks. nursery rhymes and praising the founding fathers. just a small list the left has called racist. i googled it and it's easy to find. >> wow! >> i am impressed. >> the canoe thing, i don't get it. >> neither do i. >> i don't get much of this list. >> he is the christmas warrior. >> first as a christian, i have to tell you nobody bogarts me. -- bothers me. >> i was fighting for you and you didn't know it. >> i so appreciate it. merry christmas. >> they send people like us off to war to do the dirty work. >> thanks for your service. >> winter solstice and all.
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>> i think that as jesse waters went to war over the war on christmas, i think donald trump thinks he can talk to jesse saying merry christmas. >> people are christians. >> people who think there is a war on christians which is part of his base. >> i think it has to do with religion and not race. >> do dog owners use dog whistles? >> not anymore. >> my previous dog, henry, i had a whistle. i can't do it well myself. it was like a coach's whistle. he would come running if i blew it. >> they have little tiny whistles. >> yes, they work very well. >> for bad behavior. >> to train a dog? your kids are getting a dog? >> oh, no! >> shhh. >> that was cruel of dana. >> don't they want a dog? >> oh my god.
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i live in an apartment. >> you make enough money. >> what about a pony? >> [laughing] >> so mean spirited. >> war on dogs. okay. a nail biting political race in virginia will be excited and you might be surprised to learn how next.
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will happen in virginia next week when election officials pick names out of a bowl. tom, what do you think of this? >> i think it's a good idea. it's adding fun to things am a matter of chance. maybe in the modern era, perhaps the hamilton era, we could have duels. that would be a great way. >> disapproving. >> like a rap battle. >> oh, a rap battle? >> yes, like they do in hamilton. >> [laughing] >> the two white politicians from virginia you want to see rap? >> why not. which is the republican the guy or the gal? >> the guy. >> he would lose. forget what i said. >> that's the dumbest thing i have ever had everheard, but i am excited about it. i want to there be for it. >> exciting? >> the whole state hangs in the
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balance. >> jesse is right. control of the house of delegates in the state of virginia is 50-49 republicans. if the democrat wins you will have a tie and you will have a democratic governor coming in to break the tie. >> yes. it opens it up for cheating. i could manipulate drawing a name out of a hot. >> you could? >> i would do a coin toss. that's more fair. you could cheat. who is drawing the name? >> what if a robot chooses a name? >> i would not trust it! >> they could hack the robot. >> tug-of-war! >> [laughing] >> i love tug-of-war. >> i hate it. >> a question for all of you. in idaho they had coin tosses. in nevada cards, the high card wins. >> in nevada so cool. >> in montana you reach into a jar full of quarters.
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the quarter with the highest date on it wins. >> i love that. >> now, for "the five" how would you settle this election? i begin with my friend, merry christmas. >> merry christmas, juan. let's leave it there. >> no, i want you to settle this. >> i am a big fan of arm wrestling. >> oh! >> one is a guy and one is a girl. >> so what, juan? >> again i am a big fan of arm wrestling. i could beat a lot of men. >> i like that idea. >> what do you think? >> i like the coin toss. straight up coin toss and settle it that way. and every vote counts. >> that's right. what it's if the nfl and the coin lands on the edge? >> oh, you re-flip. >> now the lady who is the epitome of fairness, dana perino. >> i would do a horse race.
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>> a horse race? in virginia that's appropriate. >> yes, each one chooses a horse. >> one suggestion in virginia was an oyster chucking contest. >> no, the oyster eating contest or kiss the pig contest. >> she is good at that. >> a real pig. >> [laughing] >> jellybeans. guess the number. i would love that one. >> are you good at it? >> i am great ats about the belly genes. -- the jelly beans. i would beat you all. >> guess my weight. it's begining to look a lot like christmas. >> ahead how the holiday spirit draws out the competitive spirit among all of us, especially the guys. i am totally blind.
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>> ♪ >> what are you doing? >> don't do it! >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> remember this classic scene from christmas vacation? >> ♪ >> oh! >> ♪ >> honey, i think i know what's wrong. >> ♪ >> i don't believe this. what is all the yelling about? what the -- what is going on here? >> [screaming] >> ♪ hallelujah >> ♪ >> clark practically blinding the neighborhood with the lights on his home. not just happening in the movies. a study reveals how competitive
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americans are about the holidays. 1 in 5 decorate their home to out shine the others on the block. 69% raised their game for holidays this year putting up more lights than last year. getting bigger trees and breaking out new decorations. this is keeping up with the jones. do you get competitive? >> i do. but i live in an parent. -- apartment. that's why we discourage the apartment. we have a tiny tree, i like the competitive spirit. we noticed it's guys. guys are more competitive than women. that makes sense. i like it. i think it's great. it's in the holiday spirit. >> women get competitive too. kimberly, what did your husband get you for christmas? my husband got me this. you do the same thing. >> women are competitive too.
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we like to play sports. >> what? women in sports? >> weird things. women don't arm wrestle. why not? you want to compete in a good way. it's taking healthy pride and interest in yourself and what you are capable of doing and your creativity whether it's athletics or decorating. >> i compete to give the better gift. >> because you are a great gift giver. >> i can really pick them. i had a hard time. i didn't get one for my husband until today, but i nailed it. >> you are good. >> and we have the annual scavenger hunt on christmas eve. >> how big is your tree, juan? >> big enough. i don't know. what do you mean? >> your christmas tree? >> i didn't decorate it.
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is that what you are asking? i didn't measure it. the kids went out and got the tree. i am here. they decorated the tree with the kids. >> you show up and it's gone? >> i helped with the lugging. to me, some people go overboard? >> i helped with the lugging. to me, some people go overboard? >> i helped with the lugging. to me, some people go overboard. i visit a house, the house of a bishop, and man, it's lumminous. >> apartment buildings look down on the suburbs with the christmas lights in their house? >> no, why do you think i am driving home. >> what is the street on the way to laguardia airport and it's a row of townhomes. they have a highly competitive thing every year. >> you have been to queens? >> yes, how else do you get to
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laguardia. >> [laughing] >> what about you? are you a christmas guy? i know you live in an apartment, but growing up? >> yes, love christmas and i love artificial trees. i wrote in defense of artificial trees. people called me a phoney and everything else. i love a fake tree. >> why? >> when i was a kid we put the tree together as a family. it was fun. i don't like the christmas tree villages where you haggle with the guy. it's an embarrassment for the dad. they tie it on the roof of the car. it's a pain. >> you just tip the guy to put it up there. >> i think tom is a conservationist. >> oh, that's an insult. >> around here, it would be. i am the opposite. i gave my wife trouble because she wanted to decorate the outside of the house. why? it calls attention to us.
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>> remain low profile? >> that's how i feel. i grew up in an apartment. i like the why would that some people go to extremes. >> i do judge people by the thickness of the stock on the christmas card. >> absolutely. >> really thick stock am they spent a lot of cash on that. >> [laughing] >> all right. friday on the other side of the break. don't miss it.
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>> it's friday. you know the drill. facebook friday begins now. >> [laughing]. >> question from cheryl. if you starred in a motive what character would you play? >> what character i would play in what motive. >> if you were in a motive. movie? >> bad boys. i like that movie. will smith character. >> versus the bad boys. >> you are doing all of these
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things. . >> you want in on this? >> the first thing i was thought of was arnold schwarzenegger from "commando." that's obvious. maybe something to expand my range. maybe a romantic lead or deep thinking type of role. something people would not expect. >> [laughing] >> jesse? >> i don't know, leave me alone. >> dana, what do you think? >> "wilder" or "little house on the prairie." i don't know. i don't think of myself ever being in a movie. >> like an old screw ball comedy
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like catherine hepburn. >> bringing up baby. you and your dog. >> do i get to answer? >> yes, jump in. >> i didn't think you wanted to. >> don't decorate the house. >> [laughing] >> that's what i will go home to tonight. i think sterling in "silence of the lamb," and she's cool. >> you want to play a female lead? >> is that a problem? >> no. >> i will play john wayne. "dirty harry." that's better. >> what is the one thing you hate about being on tv? nothing! >> i don't like the makeup. it takes a long time for me. i don't like the whole makeup thing. taking it off. >> yes. >> is that why you wear it around all day? >> yeah. >> [laughing].
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>> dana, you told me the fans. >> oh! >> i'm sorry. >> i didn't say that. that's when you were showing me the picture of the puppy you got your daughter for christmas. >> one thing you hate? >> about christmas? >> she was not paying attention. i answered the question about movies. >> what do you hate about being on tv? >> not being able to check email when i ask the questions. >> not really anything per se. >> you love the free clothing. >> it's not free. >> you know what i mean. >> it's the hard work that you earn it. i don't know they hate anything about being on tv. maybe it's hard for families during the holidays when you work on a 24 hour news organization. that's the only hard part during the holidays. >> juan? >> hey, hey.
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>> he wears that often. >> i like that tie. i like it a lot. >> no one likes it? >> somebody said it comes from a museum. some artist designed it. >> definitely an artifact. >> what do you hate? >> i am having an argument with a family member. right in the middle of the argument somebody wants to say hello. i want to say hello. but then my family member will be like what? i am talking to you! >> wow! >> you choose the fan over the family? >> it's that one moment for that person. >> i know how you feel. from bob, what would you put in the time capsule to be opened 100 years from now, dana? >> hmmm. wow! everything will be recorded already. like it's all on the internet. it's not really a time capsule.
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>> let's go to the next one. >> the most devised tv commercial? >> anything that gets stuck in your head. 1-87. i think that's a rip off. >> are they an advertisers? >> probably a great -- >> [laughing] >> we will have to fact check that one. >> how about this. >> who was your best friend growing up and are you still in contact? >> not in regular contact. i had a couple. a bunch of girls i went to kindergarten with. >> anybody? >> my best friend came to thanksgiving dinner. that was terrific. his son is now a division-1
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runner at marilou danley. -- one more thing is up next. excuse me a minute... hi dad. no. don't try to get up. hi, i'm julie, a right at home caregiver. and if i'd been caring for tom's dad, i would have noticed some dizziness that could lead to balance issues. that's because i'm trained to report any changes in behavior, no matter how small, so tom could have peace of mind.
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we'll be right there. we have to go. hey, tom. you should try right at home. they're great for us. the right care. right at home. what maheart-healthyle salad the california walnuts.ver? the best simple veggie dish ever? california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at
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♪ dad promised he would teach me how to surf on our trip. ♪ when you book a flight then add a hotel you can save. ♪ three waves later, i think it was the other way around...
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♪ everything you need to go. ♪ expedia. what's going on? oh hey! ♪ that's it? yeah. ♪ everybody two seconds! ♪ "dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance..." through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald's helps more people go to college. it's part of our commitment to being america's best first job. ♪ >> one more thing. a programming note. set your dvr for our which is special on monday.
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christmas special on monday. somebody got a surprise with our secret santa reveal. >> oh, i love you! >> [laughing] >> don't miss it. it's monday at 5 p.m. >> you are a great gift giver. >> yes, i am very good. jesse, your lucky day again. you are up first. >> tonight 10 p.m. i am hosting the "angle" for laura ingraham. saturday night at 8 o'clock special guest anthony. and a liberal actress in hollywood watches this show. listen. >> i watched "the five" today. [laughing] i think that's an entertainment show. >> [laughing] >> is it entertaining? >> i am glad. >> that's nice.
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>> a nice compliment. that's great. hopefully she is watching because i have corny jokes. dana's corny joke of the day. >> there are 3 jokes of the day. i need to recut. this how is the alphabet different on christmas than any other day? on christmas it has no-l. >> that's clever and not corny. >> all right. i will take that. what do reindeer say before they tell a joke? >> ha, ha, ha. >> this will sleigh you. >> [laughing]. >> okay. last one. what would you call an elf who just won the lottery?
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>> a happy gutfeld. >> that's a good one. >> elf of wealth. >> it's welfy. you were close. >> christmas magic can happen anywhere including the grocery store. that's what happened this week in watertown, massachusetts. they were setting up the sound system for christmas carrollers to sing to the shoppers. one of the workers performed a sound check. here he is. ♪ >> [singing] >> ♪ >> unbelievable. >> i got goose bumps. >> an immigrant from brazil. came to the usa to go to music school. right now it's too expensive. he is working at the store. hoping for another christmas miracle for you.
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that was awesome. >> kimberly? >> very sweet. this is the greatest move ever. this is austin. >> [laughing] >> this is so funny. >> [laughing] >> i will do hers. i will do kimberly's. >> austin reed on thanksgiving. pulled an amazing move. i used to play that all the time. here we go. >> [inaudible]. >> ♪ >> oh! >> [screaming]. >> wow! that's very impressive. that was absolutely worth the
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build-up and everything. >> okay, tom? >> we posted that on the tom page to see that again in super slow motion. >> would you like to have another one? >> this is the heart felt christmas one. yesterday president trump paid a christmas visit to our brave wounded service members at water reed national medical center. met some of the bravest people in the world and awarded the purple to victor pra d o. he suffered multiple soft tissue injuries from an explosive device. >> so moving for that brave soldier and president trump. that was a fun week. never miss an episode of the "the five." we will see you monday for our
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christmas special. one of the best shows. merry christmas, everyone. to you, too, bret. >> bret: i have the dvr set. this is a fox news alert. breaking news from the justice department. the attorney general is ordering a review into a story we have been covering all week about possible obama administration interference in drug investigations involving the hezbollah terror group. a political group was intended to smooth the way for president obama's legacy around a nuclear deal. john roberts has that story and a day with president trump. >> attorney general jeff sessions tells fox news he is looking into allegations the obama administration derailed a dea operations investigating smuggling cocaine into the united states by hezbollah. he


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