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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 24, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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>> wine is always good, okay? i like to, if it's -- if the person is of age. but then -- [laughter] this year, so i went over to the feed store over in brooklyn that lauren has, and they have all sorts of different products, starting with bags. they now have little animals, stuffed animals and candles, things like that. and if you buy one of their products, it core responds with how many meals that gift would buy for somebody else. so i kind of like that one this year. >> that's very good. >> i don't understand what you just said. [laughter] what is it? >> it's charitable. >> it's like a social -- >> it's charitable. >> oh, so you buy a gift -- >> basically, you make a bag, and i buy it -- >> the store's profits help people buy food with it. >> how much do they give away?ç 1%? >> most. >> oh, really? that's good. >> all right, greg, don't try to slow my role here.
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[laughter] okay, jessie, what would you do? you have to get a gift -- >> i'm a big regifter. >> oh, no. >> so if someone gives me something, i will pass it off as something i bought, but you have to take off the name tag and the note. because i've given gifts to people, and it says merry christmas, frank, and it's not that person. it's happened once or twice. also i like wine, and here's why: no one knows how much the wine cost. so it could be a $13 bottle of wine -- >> no no, there's an app. there's an app -- >> don't tell the audience that. [laughter] >> they may get a jesse gift, a regifted bottle of wine. you have some in your office. >> you know what? you haven't written a book yet, because that's the ultimate gift. >> oh, yeah. >> just having a stack of books. >> that's why i should write a book. >> yes. whenever i don't, i just grab a book. >> in lieu of that, i'm going to do a signed head shot.
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[laughter] >> you imagine, he's the kind of guy that gives a signed head shot when it p hasn't been requested. that's part of it, right? >> who doesn't want to signed head shot? >> geraldo does that on airplanes for people. >> geraldo? oh, my god. >> it's amazing, really. okay, this is hilarious. the next one is from kimberly g., which wasn't me -- >> it wasn't you? >> no, it wasn't me that this question in. >> that's a coincidence. >> money is the obvious answer, i think. you just give people money. >> cash, juan? for a gift for somebody you don't really know? >> juan dollars. >> absolutely. >> bitcoin. [laughter] >> you know what i like? gift cards. but then i read in the newspaper that they don't use them. >> why not? >> so the companies -- >> forget. >> -- get tons of money from people who don't use gift cards, because they end up in your kitchen drawer, oh, yeah, we've got this gift card, and
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sometimes it expires. >> jesse really loves gift cards from del fresco's. >> you know what? keep 'em coming. [laughter] >> if i actually have to go shopping, and that's very rare. i'll go to a mall for fun, but if it's somebody i don't know and i somehow have to get them a gift, which is crazy anyway -- you know what's happened to me this christmas? being in new york all the time, a couple of christmases i've been here, at christmas time i have to give the doormen money. >> of course. >> and you have to give the people who work in the hotel and the people at the restaurants who see you regularly. >> yeah.ç >> and pretty p soon you're like, wow, this is expensive. >> tell me about it. my masseuse, my footman -- [laughter] >> my sous chef. >> your footman is what i'm concerned about. >> it's interesting. my footman, we go way back. i won't get into it here. he knows a lot of dirty secrets.
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>> beginning with your feet. sad to say, so do i. >> but let me finish my thought. >> oh, yes, there's more! [laughter] >> so i think in addition to money gift cards, i always think plants. like poinsettias or -- do you say poinsettia or -- >> yeah. >> that's a commitment. >> yeah, but they have them in the supermarket these days. >> you could grab one and give it to one of your people that you don't know that well. >> i didn't think of that. that's -- >> juanç says he's complaining because he has to tip his doorman. >> no. i'm saying do you know how much money eventually, because not only -- it's not one door match. it's like -- >> all the doormen. >> you have a great idea about gift cards. they should be useful. like a gift card that's like $100 for toilet paper. you're going to use that. you're going to have it in your wallet -- >> why does it always go back to toilet paper? [laughter]
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>> you could get it from amazon. let's move on to the rest of my awesome questions. do you have a childhood family christmas tradition that you've carried into your adult life? if you have, what is it? tell us now, dana. >> well, i guess it's attending christmas eve service. i've always liked that. like the candle light one? except i like to go at 7 p.m. >> oh, getç to bed by 8, right? >> yeah. >> i go to the office, and i've broken all the traditions because i with was forced to goo christmas, and now because i can decide myself because i'm a man, i don't go to church anymore on christmas. >> wow, that wasn't very -- >> get the mom text. [laughter] >> yeah, i've got the tell you -- >> it's a crowded service and why not go on the other sunday? >> i think you should recall that answer. >> no, actually, i agree with you. >> thank you, juan. if juan agrees now -- >> no, it's amateur hour at
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church. >> exactly. >> it really is. >> oh, my god! [laughter] who disparages the lord in this way? >> i'm telling you, i go to church every sunday. i'm just telling you, for that service it's, like, packed -- >> it's, like, the most special day besides easter.ç >> i think easter is the high christian holiday. but anyway, i think -- so there are two things that happen. one is ornaments on the tree that, you know, my parents and my wife's parents both handed down ornaments, and we have now handed down ornaments like my son, he just got a house, and and he has a bay window with a tree, and he has now ornaments that came from us. >> all right. let's do a couple of these quicker, shall we? from susan w., what is your faith christmas carol? >> i hate christmas carols, as you know. >> passing from greg -- >> you didn't let me give my tradition. i go around the neighborhood and see who has the most christmas lights, and i steal their ladder. [laughter]
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>> that's actually pretty funny and devious. >> you can or carry a ladder all by yourself? >> yes, i can. >> good for you. >> favorite christmas carol. >> my favorite christmas carol. >> carol channing? carol brady! >> i think walking in a winter wonderland is a good one. i get that stuck in my head a lot. >> that's a good one, i like it too. >> what about hark the angels sing? >> the herald angels -- >> that's what i said. [laughter] >> you're, like -- >> jesse's like christmas fail. okay, greg, do you have a christmas carol? >> i think we already came to me. >> no, you didn't answer. >> i would say carol brady from the brady bunch. >> okay. juan, one answer. >> well, i don't think there's much -- i'll be home for christmas. >> oh, some class you cans. >> by the way, can i tell you somethingsome. >> yeah. [laughter] >> my daughter got a new car this year -- >> is this a joke? >> no. she got a new car -- >> for christmas? >> no. >> your son gets a house, your daughter gets a car, the
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economy's doing great! [laughter] >> so the license tag reads hark. and i said why is that? because her last name is herald. >> oh, my gosh, that's cute. >> mine's h2os. get it? >> watters. >> why does that surprise you? >> they can track what car you're in, and i want to keep a low profile. [laughter] >> everything about you screams low profile. [laughter] from kendra a., jesse, you'll love in this question. it involves your very special relationship. [laughter] if you could give the president a gift, what would it be? >> a signed head shot. already did it! [laughter] already did it. >> did you really? >> yeah, i did. >> dana? >> a jasper calendar. >> oh, my god, a good one. so they can keep track of the days. >> obviously, i'd give them a map of kenya.
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>> oh, jeez. [laughter] juan? go ahead. [laughter] >> juan? >> did you mean trump? >> yes. it's a joke, remember? >> i thought it was obama. >> no, he would give it to president obama, he would give it to hillary clinton if she was president and also trump, i think so. >> and a case of diet coke. >> apparently, he would love that. >> i love diet coat. >> juan? >> i would give him a lump of coal. >> ooh! [laughter] >> oh, wow. >> you know why? because he's making coal great again. [laughter] >> there you go. you guys all took it as a negative. >> coal is cheaper now, two lumps. >> two lumps. [laughter] >> and i'd put it in his coffee for him. >> okay. >> he likes it black. >> all right. we're just getting started, so stay right here, because the five christmas special returns with more of your questions next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ ♪ ding dong, ding dong $50 gift card for them, $10 bonus card for you. only at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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♪ ♪ >> juan, that was a christmas carol, right? >> i could listen to that all day. drown out the voices in my head, that are telling me to kill. all right, we're back with more questions. this is from andy m., if you could choose to be someone's secret santa -- living or dead,
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well, that's a high point -- and give them a gift, who would you choose? dana. >> oh, my gosh. secret santa. i don't know why, the first person that comes to my mind is my grandfather. he did pass away on my, leo perino, he was a great, wonderful man and ran the ranch until he died day after thanksgiving 2001. >> wow. >> i don't know why this all came back to me, but it's the holidays so, yes, i would love to have been his secret santa. >> there you go. jesse? [laughter] >> i mean, this is a weird question. >> it is a weird question. >> i think anybody that was born or died before the invention of television, i would give them a television so they could watch -- [laughter] >> so they could watch you! >> oh, my god. [laughter] >> fox news or "fox & friends." >> i've got to tell you, he's not even, like, kidding or trying to be funny. >> wow. >> straight up truth serum. >> i think he's so funny. i admire it. >> are you joking?
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>> nó,ç he's not joking. >> it's a tough question. >> what about you, juan williams? >> i had the same reaction dana had. i make it really personal about people important in my life. the fun part about christmas for me is family, so i would think back to parents or even in a professional sense mentors, people who really, you know, gave me a boost along the way, and i'd like to say thank you. because you see it better in retrospect than you do in the moment. >> kimberly. >> you know, i would probably want to be able to go back again and give a present to my mom or my dad, and that would be more time with them. >> yeah. >> i look at it a different way. i chose adolf hitler -- >> here we go. >> and the gift would be a bullet to his head. >> excellent! >> there you go. >> money well spent. >> you were number three on the list, juan. >> we have excellent health insurance that can help someone like you. >> not at christmas. i slip him an eggnog. >> nice segway, juan.
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from gabriela b., do any of you like eggnog, and if so, with some booze? kimberly. >> yes! i like eggnog with some delicious puerto rican rum in rñ that sounds scary. that sounds like something that would make me sick to my stomach. >> not at all. it's actually quite tasty. think of how, like, bailey's and -- it's kind of like that. >> yeah. what about you, juan? are you an eggnog fan? >> it's the kind of thing that ends up in the fridge after christmas, and you think why is this here, you know, like january 3rd. >> you have to add alcohol to it. >> i know, but i think people buy it because they think someone's going to go get it, but nobody really gets it. >> what about you? >> i put a little ice and bourbon, but i'm a little upset, you guys think i'm an ecomaniac. [laughter] the point of -- egomaniac. the point was giving a gift to someone who would be just dazzled by it. >> basically, dsm ii diagnosis.
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>> jesse has become one of my favorite people in all the world. >> what about -- >> eggnog? i don't, i don't like the drink, but iç like the flavor a little bit. so i like eggnog taffy, you know, like the little ones -- >> wow. like the saltwater taffy? >> yeah. and they have a little stamp of mistletoe on it. do you know what i'm talking about? or is that old-fashioned? >> you haven't gotten me any candy in a long time, by the way. >> i'll fix that. >> i love eggnog. there's nothing better than a cold, thick glass of pancake bart batter with -- batter with a little bit of everclear. >> if i make you one, you would drink it. >> i would not. and then i would throw up all over your couch. which aye never seen -- which i've never seen. merry christmas, or we'll be right back. [laughter] this is from randy b. do you all talk shop -- politics -- at christmas gatherings with
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family? >> i'm really curious if juan does.ç wouldn't, i'll go to you first. >> well, it's inevitable. you know, the thing about my family is it's the business kind. you know, everybody's involved in politics for the most part, so it comes up, yeah. but we avoid arguments. although obamacare led my youngest son, raffi who, you know, is a staunch republican conservative to get into a fight with me once. >> oh, really? was it a yeller? yelling fight? >> well, yeah. we don't punch. >> yeah, but it got heated? wow, that's pretty cool. i would have liked to have seen that. >> who won the argument, juan? >> who wins with you? >> raffi? [laughter] >> jesse, you're the reverse. your parents are liberal, and so -- >> yeah, we had eight years of obama christmases which were tough on me mostly, but now trump's president -- >> and it's a white christmas. >> i got a little cocky last
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christmas, but after a year of trump won, you know, there's going to be a little more debate at the table this year. so i'm going to have to defend myself.ç but it'll be fine. i can handle it. just a few glasses of eggnog. >> dana, i don't know your political background and your family -- >> i make a no-politics zone on christmas. everybody knows it. nothing. unless you agree with me, and then we can talk all day. >> kimberly, over here. >> yes, i know. [laughter] i don't really talk politics for anything at christmas anymore. >> yeah. >> i don't. i used to have this problem -- >> yes. oh, that's right. you were married -- >> and then i divorced. >> -- to a liberal mayor of a city. >> yes. don't tell anyone. [laughter] >> yes. >> beautiful city down south. >> we don't talk politics in my house, but then again we don't talk at all, because we hate each other. so christmas we just sit quietly around the table and brood. sometimes with shots of cheap rot gut, and we get sick in the
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yard. merry christmas, everybody. [laughter] all right! more answers to your questions when we return. [laughter] ♪ ♪ when you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the unpredictability of a flare may weigh on your mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go, and how to work around your uc. that's how i thought it had to be. but then i talked to my doctor about humira, and learned humira can help get and keep uc under control... when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain
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♪ ♪ >> live from america's news headquarters, i'm lea gabrielle. pope francis celebrating christmas mass, pontiff telling the faithful that christmas is, quote, a time for turning the power of fear into the power of charity. the pope is set to deliver his christmas day message from st. peter's square. president trump making his first christmas eve in office by placing a video call to soldiers stationed overseas. the president thanking the men and women of the armed forces for spending this holiday away from their families. he then joined first lady
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melania trump to answer children's phone calls to the norad santa tracker. the pentagon program has been following santa's flight path for more than six decades. i'm lea gabrielle, i'll see you at the top of the hour with mike emanuel. now back to the "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ >> merry christmas, america. and all those other countries. [laughter] welcome back to the five's christmas special. thank you to all the viewers who posted questions on our facebook page. ready to answer some more. all right, first one from linda b.. kimberly, what is your favorite winter activity? >> my favorite winter
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activity -- >> what were you just going to say?ç [laughter] >> you read my face. >> i did. >> well, i was -- believe it or not, i was actually thinking about indoor activities during the winter that are quite fun and warm. like -- [laughter] i was thinking, like, it's so nice to come inside and take a really warm, hot shower or sit in front of a warm fire. >> that's a nice activity. by the fire. >> yeah, take a really nice hot, warm bath with candles and a beverage. >> okay. all right. >> yes. or if you go outside, i like the hot tub in the snow too. >> wow, that's great. >> well, juan, can you top that? >> no. to me, christmas and the cold weather, i'm just not a fan. but i guess if there was one thing it would be staying at home, like, when the snow really falls heavy, and you get to cocoon. because everybody says, well, you can't get out except for fox news who says we'll send a car for you.
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[laughter] >> oh, they'll find a way. >> they'll find a way. >> yeah, yeah. >> mine is sledding, obviously. everybody likes sledding. what about you? >> i like a jigsaw puzzle. >> that's not a winter opportunity. >> it is for me. >> yours are very different from mine. >> they are. [laughter] >> greg. >> my favorite winter activity is snowmobiling, which sucks don't have a snowmobile, so i've never snowmobiles -- snowmobiled before. >> all right. from david t., is there are anyone from modern pop culture you would stand in line with to get a selfie? >> garth brooks. >> wow, that was on the tip of -- >> no, never met him. that's not true! i did meet him when i was a reporter in 1995. yes, in 1995. i was a -- he was coming to illinois to this small town where they made his cds and tapes, and the millionth one was
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about to come off the assembly line -- >> what's a tape? >> a cassette tape. long time ago. and i got to interview him. >> that's great. >> but there was no selfie thing. >> no. pre-selfie. >> yes. >> all right. juan? >> well, i think michael jordan's alive. >> that might be mine too. >> yeah, michael jordan. >> i'm going with jordan. kimberly? >> i don't know. the only one i can think of, i wouldn't stand in line for anybody except maybe ronald reagan. >> ronald reagan. >> people want a selfie with you. that's what the real truth is. >> and they can have it. >>ç for a small fee. gutfeld. >> adolf hitler! >> so i can shoot him in the head! >> answer for everything. you've got hitler on the mind, gutfeld. >> having a merry christmas. [laughter] >> number four from david l., have you -- has anybody thought about switching to the other party? and what would it take you to get to switch? >> what about you, juan?
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like every time we debate, it seems like you're teetering. you start agreeing with me. am i misreading that? >> misreading. >> okay, i thought i was right. >> you know, i give jesse a shot every time. i want to hear what he thinks. >> well, it doesn't change your mind. >> well, it hasn't -- >> yet. >> okay. to me, this is an interesting question because i am pretty conservative on a lot of issues. before, we talked about church-going, familyç values -- >> school choice. >> i could go on, but, you know, it's always that i, especially now, the lack of outreach, the the lack of awareness, the arguments that tend to be so racially charged just turn me off. >> that was depressing. kimberly? >> yeah. i don't really feel like i should or have any interest in doing that, you know? i feel like i already jumped coasts, you know? >> you already switched. >> not really, no. because i was always what i am per se. >> did you have to be a little liberal when you were married to that really radical mayor out
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west? >> not really. >> no? >> just ask him. >> okay. what about you? >> never thought about it. switching. >> never? >> no. >> ever? >> no. i just -- i am who i am. >> you're so bipartisan, dana. >> i'm fair, and i feel a little apolitical now. >> yeah? >> but i still think if you were to ask me myç gut instinct on a lot of issues, i just bleed that way. >> okay. you bleed red. gutfeld? the green party maybe? >> i don't belong to any party. i don't think i've been in a party in a long time. but if i would, the party would have been to be -- up-to-date on artificial intelligence, automation, terror, technology and drug legalization. that would be my party. >> i thought you were libertarian. >> i am. i don't belong to a party. i don't, i don't -- >> are you one of those -- >> i don't need labels, man. >> there's a no labels party. that's it.
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you walked right into that one. >> we're going to do this one real quick, real quick around the horn. what is your favorite trump tweet of the year? kimberly. >> oh, jeez. >> there's so many to pick from. >> i like any of them that have so sad at the end. >> what aboutç you, juan? >> i have yet to see one that's a favorite. mostly i'm outraged by them. >> no, you read them -- >> it ends up helping your party. >> that's true. >> i like all the ones where he puts @fox news -- >> little rocket man. >> greg? >> i wish i had a head start on this question because there was one in november or december that caused a complete meltdown -- >> cofefe. >> no, it was m pix ka. >> it might have been rocket man. everybody just thought we were all going to go to war. and any one of his tweets that causes -- >> that doesn't narrow it down. >> that's true. i thought the one that he did after the roy moore was very
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classy, the one to -- >> doug jones? >> yeah. >> a classy trump tweet. very presidential. modern-day presidential. [laughter] a quick break and in a short while, we're going to open some presents from our secret santa. don't miss it. ♪ ♪ when you really want to save big
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on a hotel just go to priceline. they add thousands of new deals every day at up to 60% off. that's how kaley and i got to share this trip together at this amazing hotel. yeah ash and i share everything - dresses, makeup, water bottles... we do? mmhmm. we share secrets, shoes, toothbrushes... what? yeah i forgot mine so i've been using yours. seriously? what's the big deal? i mean, we even dated the same guy. who?! uh, go to priceline and get the hotel deals you won't find anywhere else.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back. we're going to answer a few more of your christmas questions before we tear into the gifts. kimberly, number one question from kathy e., do you like warm weather or cold weather? >> oh, i really love warm weather. >> and tell us why. >> yes. well, because you get to be outside and do fun things. and also hot tubbing out. >> but you were hot tubbing in the cold weather -- >> yes, because that's how much i love it. >> what is your warm weather activity? [laughter] >> you going back there? >> you want me to make something up or tell the truth? >> no, no, tell the truth. >> i love, i love warm weather. i love to go to, like, tropical locations. i like to be on the beach or, you know, by the pool and, you know, in a bathing suit and having fun. >> so unusual that you would like sort of things like that.
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[laughter] >> jesse? >> yeah. i'm going to go with the summer because, you know, you get tan, swim, cocktails. >> pop the collar. >> collar's up. >> spring break, "watters' world" -- >> sun's up. >> not a joke because time difference, i think we get more daylight. >> yeah, we get more daylight. >> all right. >> warm. >> dana? >> warm. obviously. >> but, you know, where you come from, there are beautiful winters. beautiful snow-covered -- >> what is that supposed to mean, juan? >> she comes from the plains, the western plains. [laughter] >> yeah. there are days when it's pretty, but it's not like -- i don't like whole season, and it's too long. i prefer -- i like the warm weather. >> jigsaw puzzles. >> all right. let's keep hitler out of it. >> i was going to say i don't like any weather, and we don't have to like weather. we're, you know, it's not like we're living in caves. i'm going to go with the fall because that's when everything dies. [laughter] >> you really -- >> merry christmas.
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>> now it's time for p ap intervention -- an intervention. >> i love that show. do you ever watch intervention? >> no. >> i know half the people. [laughter] >> let me go back because this is an opportunity for you to have some -- make it up. >> okay. >> if you could throw a snowball at one person, greg, who would it be? [laughter] this question is for greg, it comes from lisa r -- >> duck, juan. >> adolf hitler, and it would be a snowball full of bullets. >> quick, yikes. dana? >> man, that's a tough -- the one that comes to mind is keith olberman. remember? because he called all of us the worst person in the world? [laughter] >> who? he called fox or -- >> well, no, just in general probably all of -- >> i think it was it once. i'm sure jesse was four times. >> i don't think i was it. >> jesse? >> i would throw a snowball at de blasio, the mayor of new york city -- >> good choice. >> and then he probably wouldn't plow it afterwards. >> oh! [laughter] >> probably wouldn't feel it
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either, you know? >> by the way, that's so funny. after you threw your snowball at him and missed -- [laughter] rookie, i would throw mine and hit him square on. >> big target. >> yes. >> all right. [laughter] >> that was his answer. >> no, but he's going to throw it and miss and then de blasio's going to think he was okay, and that's when i nail him because i'm the closer. >> all right. so anyway, don't move. if you leave now, you're going to miss our big secret santa reveal. we've been waiting for this all year. stay with us, right back. ♪ ♪ i accept i don't conquer the mountain like i used to. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem.
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but whatever trail i take, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪
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♪ >> welcome back. the wait is over. our secret santa reveal begins right now. i guess i get to go first. >> of course. >> and i'm going with the first bag because they told me to. going in here for something. will it be obvious to me who gave it to me? okay. let's see. oh, that's so cute. little jasper t-shirt. i will actually wear this. >> no, no -- >> it says down dog. >> yeah. and look what he's laying on. >>ç yeah, my yoga mat. >> is this you, juan? i love that. i'll wear that. >> you'll wear that? >> i will wear that, more sure. >> only you would wear a shirt with a dog on it. >> what kind of person -- >> what gift did you get? >> an ening sigh crow media for
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my corny jokes? >> exactly. because i'm your biggest fan. >> wait, i could cry because these are really thoughtful and not mean. [laughter] >> why'd you look at me? [laughter] >> okay, the third one, sorry, i know we have to hurry is so we don't have to edit anything out. oh, is this for my great point journal? >> it is. >> dana -- >> it's got your name on it. >> dana's great point journal. >> very thoughtful, juan. >> it's not a good point journal, it's a great point journal. >> great point. that's your first great point. >> my first great point. thank you, juan. >> hey, note to producer, speed it up when people are unwrapping just like you're doing a man on the street. >> that'd be fun. jesse, you get to go first. >> we don't edit man on the street, that's all real. [laughter] >> i love that. >> this looks really nice. >> ooh, it's a box. you always wanted a box. >> jesse's mom. >> what is it?
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>> this is like the movie seven. >> oh, my god! you're ruining christmas -- >> ooh, you got my mom a gift? wait, who's got this? >> she needs to relax. after watching show. >> that's not -- you got a gift from crabtree and evelyn. >> i thought i was supposed to -- >> wait, you missed somethincç n here. in here. hold on. >> i have another one -- well, thank you. my mom thanks you. >> dana, did you have him? i don't understand. oh, because it seems unclear. [laughter] >> this is great. this is great. national review. i would have taken the federalist. >> okay. >> as well. or commentary -- >> weekly standard. i got you two magazines, so now he can be right on line with me. >> these will -- i cannot wait to just pore over all this material. >> i can tell you a weekly standard -- [laughter] >> i know. national review. they're on the, seem like they're on the train. okay. >> thank you very much.
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>> this is yours too. >> more? >> this is the last one. >> wow! it's my lucky day. >> very special. >> oh, god. >> holy smokes. this is a big one. [laughter] >> hold on. gotta cut this one open. >> are you kidding me? do we have anything to the show for this? >> is this a joke? [laughter] >> oh! you didn't do it! yes, i love you. i love you! oh, my gosh. this is the michael jackson with the zippers! this is what my mom refused to buy me when i was little because she said it cost too much, and it was only $30! you bought it for me! i love it! >> put it on. [laughter] >> you are the best. can i wear this for the rest of -- >> i think you have to. >> i think you have to. >> wow. [laughter] >> i've never seen you so happy. in my life. >> you're looking lovely.
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>> look at that. >> hold on. >> that seems expensive. >> i know. [laughter] >> whoa! look at that! nice. [laughter] >> smooth criminal. [laughter] >> by the way, how appropriate? >> thanks. >> do you need an alibi? [laughter] >> me too. >> all right. >> i just would say stay out of the village -- [laughter] >> there you go. >> is it just how you thought it would be? >> yes, i do. i can't wait to put everything in my zipper pockets. >> your del frisco -- >> oh, my god. you have to wear that in the building. >> this is great. >> november anything in front of me on the prompter. >> producer -- >> juan is next. juan, you go next. >> is anyone hearing anythingsome. >> i've got to be quick about it. what is it? it's a mask, industrial safety equipment. >> this is from kimberly.
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>> it is? >> how did you know? >> because, the -- >> i told you? >> no! because you always get spray from the hair stuff on his face. >> oh! [laughter] this is very thought. >> show everybody what it is. >> open it up. >> i have to open it up? >> tell the story. >> okay. so every day before the show starts -- >> yeah. >> -- kimberly, the makeup people come to take care of the beautiful kimberly, and they spray hair spray. it is a cloud. >> a cloud. >> a cloud. >> it is a cloud, and i walk away -- well, that's true too. i'm privileged to sit here -- will that's why juan seems so slow during the show. >> you have to put it on. >> you want me to put it on? oh, my gosh, let me see here. [laughter] >> i'm going to die. you know i'm a klaus troh phobe. help, help, help -- >> this is one of highest rated shows on cable. just so you know, america. >> i'd watch it. >> all right, kimberly -- oh,
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wait, you have one more. >> why does everyone have multiple gifts but me? >> my gift -- never mind. >> oh, my gosh, this is too sweet. who gave me this gift? >> same person that gave you the first one. >> me! >> you? >> this is so wonderful. >> this is my family. >> that's really nice. >> [inaudible] >> i love my family, although greg mocks them, but i like them. >> i don't mock your family. i mock all families. >> you could hang that in your office. >> i love it. super cute. >> you know what? that was very thoughtful. >> thank you. >> you get to go next. >> we're going to do volume two for the rest of the family. okay. i'll open my one gift. >> look how big it is. >> usually i get big gifts, but they're, like, cars. >> yes. this is incredible -- this is one of a kind. >> jewelry. >> remember last year you got him the unicorn -- >> yes! >> i blew his pants up. >> really in. >> yes.
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>> i think you can still find it somewhere online. >> i love it so much. >> is this a joke? is this a gag gift? >> no, it's not. it'll make you gag. >> oh, my goodness! [laughter] >> oh, my -- >> oh, my god. >> -- god! look at that red eye! >> red eye, baby. >> is this a regift? [laughter] >> this is a one of a kind portrait of me, and i want you to have it, and i want it -- [laughter] where you can see it every morning when you wake up. >> let me tell you manager, this says painted in 2011, so this is, like -- [laughter] >> regift! that's why you have to take off the tag, i told you! >> it is a beautiful, beautiful portrait. i've had it in my office, but i want you to have it. [laughter] >> you know what? one time i had a christmas gift from a guy that gave me a cactus that said watch out for pricks. [laughter] now i know what he meant! okay. >> oh, wow.
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>> i have all those other framed pictures of you. >> greg, your turn. >> all right. i've got a couple here, kimberly. somebody must really like me. mistletoe. >> yeah, baby. [laughter] >> yeah, baby! >> haven't you been reading the news? [laughter] >> this is the season, we're going to make an exception. >> and it's real mistletoe. >> people go under the mistletoe. >> and this is the next gift i get? >> i don't know. >> all right. number two. >> wow, it's like socks in a box. >> got that for christmas. all right. [laughter] i have a feeling this is a tie. tie for awesome present. >> oh, my g. >> and it is a tie. everything is going to be -- >> yes, because you love christmas so much, i want you to wear it. >> i won't wearç it around my neck. >> just so you know, that's not from kenya. >> it's in a kenyan box.
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i hate that. >> look at this red eye thing. >> you really are disgusting. >> this -- now, you have to wear that. >> this is the christmas party for the five. >> what is that? >> those are jorts. [laughter] those go around your body, and you light up. >> wait. it doesn't blow up like the one i -- >> there you go. >> the funny thing is that i will wear this. [laughter] >> i dare you -- >> there's a few places i go to at night. >> i'll wear this in the village, you wear that, we'll go together. >> i actually overdress -- >> what a double date. oh, my goodness. >> there's no flap in the back. i need it returned. >> ooh! oh, my god. >> last one. >> hasn't this been hanging in your office in. >> there's a lot of things hanging in my office, kimberly. [laughter] >> oh, my god! >> that can replace that was hanging in your office. >> gutfeld, welcome toç my wor. look at the hair, look at that. look at that.
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>> flock of seagulls. >> oh, is there one more? >> most punchable face, 2017. [laughter] >> did the media already say that? >> did they? >> they might have. [laughter] >> oh, you have one more. the last one, the last one. where is it? oh, shoot. that's the last one. >> boy, you went all out. >> greg, i know you've been trying to lose weight eatly, so i wanted to get you something to exercise with. that is a thighmaster. >> you know that really works? suzanne somers, i have one. >> i'm not going to be using it on air, because i still want my job. >> it's a nice color too. [laughter] only, only -- he has me do this when i'm holding a pair of scissors. >> and it landedç by my feet. >> you could have killed her and me! >> you almost killed us! >> one more question from one
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2:56 pm
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2:58 pm
everything you need to go. ♪ expedia. think of all the things ithat think these days. businesses are thinking. factories are thinking. even your toaster is thinking. honey, clive owen's in our kitchen. i'm leaving. oh never mind, he's leaving. but what if a business could turn all that thinking... thinking... endless thinking into doing? to make better decisions. make a difference. make the future. not next week while you think about it a little more. but right now. is there a company that can help you do all that? ♪ i can think of one. ♪ >> will come back. we've opened our presents, memorable. you have time now for one more question from you, are amazing,
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amazing viewers. this is the question. are you ready? all right. from gloria. are your pics for naughty and nice? greg? >> for naughty, lou dobbs and nice, [inaudible] >> i'm going to go naughty, president and i was a nice, the mercy ships volunteers naughty, i'm going to go with one because he constantly interrupted me and kimberly because she constantly saves me when i'm peering into the wrong lane. >> that's true. >> except for short nato. >> i keep you employed. [laughter] >> i would go with the president in syria and for a nice i'm just not sure but there are so many nice people. >> trump. >> noddy i'm going to go with big news. mainstream media has been very
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bad. for nice i'm going to go with sarah sanders. i saw her at the white house meeting this week. thank you for sending your holiday with us. i wish you could spend more. you back here tomorrow. merry christmas to all and to all a good night. ♪ >> there could be a major job opening at the fbi with reported deputy director indra mugabe is planning to retire as growing allegations of political bias have made him a lightning rod for criticism. hello, welcome to america's news headquarters. i mike emanuel. >> nice to be with you again. i'm leah gabriel. president trump slamming the agency's number two official over reports te


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