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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 27, 2017 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> leah: thanks for joining us here on happening now. >> jon: outnumbered starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> welcome to outnumbered. growing questions over what's next for healthcare. president trump tweeting about his plans to end obamacare suggesting a bipartisan law will take its place. this comes as a new analysis shows that the vast majority of people already signed up for obamacare li in states where president trump won. this is outnumbered. i'm kennedy. welcome to it. here today, republican strategist and fox news contributor lisa booth. the editor of town, katie pavlich is here along with former deputy spokesperson for the state department marie harf and host of the david webb show. david webb in the house and outnumbered. >> david: always. and colorful. look at this.
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>> lisa: feeling outnumbered? >> david: i'm having christmas day every day. cend contend 21. is that celsius? let's talk a little bit about the future of healthcare coverage in america. the president looking to replace obamacare in 2018 tweeting based on the fact that the very own fair and unpopular individual mandate has been terminated as part of our tax cut bill which essentially repeals over time obamacare. the democrats and republican also eventually come together and develop a great new healthcare plan. well, this is raising new questions for many voters who put trump in office as president new a.p. analysis shows more than 7 million of the nearly 9 million people who signed up for obamacare coverage next year live in state where trump won. on the democrat side, there are signs that they will try to negotiate with republicans in 2018. when it comes to president trump, there aren't many
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indicators that democrats are turning over a new leaf in the new year. watch. >> i don't think that we have ever seen a president who has so damaged the foundations of democracy as this president has done. and, you know, it happens on a daily basis. and the risk in not speaking out and speaking out in the harshest terms is that we normalize his behavior. and i don't think many democrats are willing to do that. >> kennedy: is it normalizing behavior or is an entire party crying wolf, david webb? >webb. >> david: it's an entire wolf crying wolf. the executive branch decided to say to the congress, the legislative branch the constitution says you need to take action on that. oh my god it's the end of the republic. look, here's the reality and look at cms snubs numbers. of the enrollees the democrats are touting, only 2.3 million consume la tia as of this thursday's report reenrolls in these states.
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therefore, those voters are baked in. >> kennedy: hard to get the actual numbers there are people who sign up who don't actually pay for the coverage and end up not getting it through the exchanges. >> david: they have to complete the process even if cms get the number. >> katie: some of these are real voters, real people for whom repealing the individual mandate like republicans have tried to do. doing it haphazardly can have unintended consequences for people and a lot of these folks who are left on the exchanges, left on obamacare will actually rely more on the government whether it's medicaid, whether it's subsidies. >> kennedy: self-preservation because these people don't know where to go. >> lisa: they don't have options. >> kennedy: panic? >> lisa: they don't have options. american and sooren states we are talking about in places where president trump won, it's a lack of options.
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they have one insurer maybe to choose from in 2018 if that. a lot of it they don't have any other choice besides going on thesics changes. that's the flaw with obamacare. it's left a lot of people without options in this country. but in terms of some sort of bipartisan thing, on obamacare, i think that's going to be tough. clearly we have already had an agreement regarding the subsidies aspect of obamacare with alexander murray. mayomurray. >> martha: do yomurraymarch shes promised on tax reform vote. i don't think they would make that promise unless they intended on bringing up for a vote. censd cend you bring up something very important. i want to bring katie into this. people want more choices. >> lisa: right. >> kennedy: republicans have failed on merck. is there a way to get together with democrats and
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stabilize the markets and give people what they deserve. >> katie: mitch mcconnell talking about the new agenda starting in 2018. he doesn't have an interest of making this a priority. he wants to move on to other things like dodd frank reform. he has said that on the record. i'm not confident they are going to bring it up. it's important to democrats touting enrollment numbers when the government forces to you buy something or be fined, of course more people are going to sign up for something because they are required by law to do so or they are punished by the irs. when it comes to options, rural areas have been completely disseminated by obamacare. rural hospitals have closed. seven out of 10 doctors have retired early and so the only option now is for the free market to come back, in with their taking away the individual mandate. not forcing somebody to buy something they couldn't afford in the first place and didn't want. not healthcare -- censd contend hold on, that's a really good point.
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in a lot of these areas there has been forced consolidation. that's what happens whether you have a government monopoly and you don't have a lot of choices in these rural areas and there is no upside for these doctors who had community centers. >> majority leader mitch mcconnell said he didn't want to readdress and go back to repeal in 2018. that wasn't necessarily a reflection of the subsidies aspect of this with -- >> lisa: he said he didn't want to lift the repeal in 2018. >> kennedy: he said he didn't want to bring it up on the table agenda. feels it's a distraction moving forward -- with infrastructure and dodd frank. >> david: before you get to that part of it, let's look of the reality what he would have to do. work with democrats. democrats, it doesn't serve them to work with the republicans on this. you would need 60 votes in some cases outside of reconciliation to do. this you can't get democrats on tax reform, which is actually for the poor. you can't get them to be honest about obamacare, which over 80% of the people
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who pay the obamacare penalty, the tax penalty make under $50,000 a year and they are not all in the wings of the country. they are in small towns. they are in areas like access to like 20 counties in ohio where healthcare has been taken away from them. >> kennedy: something the democrats need to address. >> yes. >> kennedy: hurts not only low income people but people in rural areas who geographically don't have access to care, what is so wrong with frequent solutions providing more choices? >> well, as a concept that's fine. when we get down to brass tatachs of what will happen in the senate. if they bring that forward, keep the promise, i think you will see democrats who will support that because they believe we cannot purposefully do things to tank obamacare if you are not actually willing to repeal and replace it that is one place i actually think democrats people like joe manchin, you know, clair
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mccaskill get on board with and i hope he keeps his promise to susan collins, she took a chance voting for tax reform based on that promise. he said boy the end of the year. that's not going to happen. let's see how well. >> he said let's move on. as far as susan collins, she is not even a republican. i know you have said in the past. >> they need her. with losing alabama. censd contend if you play red rover. it would take joe manchin. >> david: joe manchin is not in the leadership. >> you have lost alabama. republicans need every vote. they need susan collins. they can't lose her. >> kennedy: they can't. she is so powerful now. white house says it will have plan for infrastructure plan in a few weeks. president trump focus on selling the proposal on the first state of the union address. that's coming up january 30th. unlike tax reform, infrastructure bill will need at least some democratic support for it to
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pass. democratic congresswoman debbie dingell says she is keeping an open mind. >> i will work with donald trump on anything that helps the working men and women of my district so yes i will work with him on infrastructure if he will work with us. we need to do something about infrastructure for decades. we have got an aging infrastructure with potholes and highways that aren't working and bridges that are in trouble. we need to do something together to fix our infrastructure if we are going to stay competitive as a nation. >> >> kennedy: all right. lisa, it's willing democrats aren't going to be as willing to compromise on healthcare. there is such a huge divide philosophically. infrastructure is a different story though. how do democrats go about working together? i mean is it like two vipers mating? >> lisa: exactly like that. there is interest for bipartisanship perhaps on infrastructure. there is differences. obviously the funding aspect
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of this and how it is going to be funded. i don't know how they get to an agreement on that aspect and also the environmental regulatory aspect of this as well. clearly republicans would like to get rid of some of those regulatory hurdles to move forward with some of these projects. whereas democrats want those barriers up. they are more concerned about the environment. i think those are going to be the two key differences that they are going to have to reach. >> david: here is the real push for infrastructure. the people who have to do the work, most of the contracts in states are already set in place. they are already there. the teams picked, the bidding is done. it's a two to five year process. the unions are going to push for this and they are the ones going to push democrats to do something about it because they want the work. it's great to talk about the d.c. view of this. but, in reality, those contracts are in place. those bidders are done. the unions are going to say we want the work. >> there is no money for it yet. >> david: this goes to the money part of it.
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>> well, the d.c. part of this is tax revenues have increased to the government this year. >> why do you have to spend that money? >> shear is where they can use it it. the federal government is use that to spur the infrastructure and continued growth offsets the economy. >> we have to take a step back here as you know for seven years, conservative tea party republicans at that time were very concerned about overspending. the obama administration was heavily criticized for spending a trillion dollars on a stimulus package that was supposed to be a trillion dollars in infrastructure spending, admitted shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready. >> concrete toilets. >> katie: this white house has already paved the way through the permitting process and taking away the regulatory burden on the economy and on new projects so they can get ready for this come springtime. that doesn't mean that republicans are against the environment you can build big projects and infrastructure reform while making sure the environment is preervesd.
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however, there is going to be a fight not just between republicans and democrats on this. when it comes to how to pay for this. especially when we haven't even addressed spending cuts at all. >> we haven't talked about entitlement reform you are absolutely right, indicatey. again, i turn to the lonely democrat on the couch: the outnumbered democrat. >> david: i'm a lonely guy. >> finally people. >> it's the holiday season. alcohol consumption is up. what's wrong with privatization? what's wrong with building this out and allowing private contractors to come in instead of expecting government is going to do the most bangup job building our bridges and roads? >> i think democrats some of them would get behind a public, private partnership bill, infrastructure bill that does a little of each. that puts government funding by some of it lisa hit the nail on the head on regulation, on spending. and so if the white house independent indicates that
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it's willing to do some compromising here because they will need to to get democrats, i think there are some democrats who would also do some compromising. a lot of people think the trump administration should have started with infrastructure to begin with. >> the president said it was just too easy though. >> see how easy it is an n. an election year. >> lisa: i will start moving that moving forward. it's just too easy. >> kennedy: working with the republicans on infrastructure than taxes or healthcare or any other bipartisan failures. >> harder in election year. >> lisa: we should all do that moving forward why didn't do you that? it was too easy. i don't want to get a job after college, too easy. democrats eyeing a potential house majority ahead of the 2018 mid terms. any reports say they believe this might be their best shot in years to make this happen. whether they should be optimistic are be careful of getting too come play sent. plus, a g.o.p. congressman says it's time to purge fbi and doj officials with a liberal bias.
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at the top of his list, the fbi agent removed from the special counsel's russia investigation after sending anti-trump texts to his colleague and paramour. does the congressman have a point or is he overreacting? >> i'm very concerned that the doj and the fbi, whether you want to call it deep state or what, are kind of off the rails.
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>> lisa: welcome back. new reaction to calls for freshman congressman an
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official in the fbi and dom. here is francis rouhani. >> i'm very concerned that the doj and the fbi, whether you want to call it deep state or what are kind of off the rails. i would like to seat directors of those agencies purge it and say look we have a lot of great agents and great lawyers here. those are the people that i want the american people to see and know the good works being done. not these people who are the deep state. >> lisa: congressman rooney going after peter strzok and lisa page. strzok was removed from the special counsel's russia investigation after it it was revealed that he sent anti-trump text messages to page. republican congressman ron desantis echoing those calls earlier today. >> i think there has been problems with the leadership. obviously comey. i think the president was right to fire comey. then you look at a guy like peter strzok. if he's going to say that it's his job as an fbi agent to prevent a certain candidate from getting elected and creating an insurance policy, that is somebody that you do not want to have power and so
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anybody who turns up in that situation, you know, i think that they should get another line of work. >> lisa: many democrats see growing pressure on the justice department as an attempt to derail the russia investigation. some believe the president is behind it. >> i'm worried about, you know, anyone in the position that the president is in trying to take down the very institutions that we hold dear and that our precisely what keeps us from from falling like many other countries do to dictatorship. >> david is, it time for the fbi to clean house. >> yes, it is. i know a lot of these agents. i have known a lot of agents, senior agents. i have family in law enforcement. the one thing they hate is to see this happen. over the years and in the obama years they added a number of deputy directors at the fbi that have simple responsibilities like overseeing the congressional committee. the problem is they politicize part of it, which effects ongoing investigations in the culture within the fbi.
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and the agents how talk to are really doing the job, they are sick of this. whether they are republicans or democrats, they made a commitment to law enforcement. and the president is not -- you know, jackie is fair, i don't know where she gets this ridiculous talking point from. you can't it's not a path to dictatorship. you look at the code of ethics and what you would do to go in front of a judge or court, when you have someone who is spending those kind of text messages that would not pass a basic voir dire to get into a grand jury. so let's deal with this realistically for what it is. >> marie, do you think americans deserve to know what the insurance policy was that peter strzok and lisa page talked about? >> maria: peter strzok was removed from the investigation and there cannot be. >> lisa: he is still at the fbi though. >> maria: fbi officers are allowed to have personal political opinions. >> kennedy: it's relevant. >> lisa: he was a lead part
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of this investigation though. >> maria: taken off of it. and until we have hard evidence that people's personal political views impacted the outcome of investigations, i think we owe it to the mental and women of the fbi, many, many, please let me finish what i'm saying. there are dozens and dozens of people who work on these investigations, letting one bad apple who was removed from it taint the whole investigation, i think, is problematic and is not fair. >> lisa: katie, is it one bad apple or what do you make of that? >> katie: there is a suits vs. boots problem at all the law enforcement agencies. i have been saying this for years whether it's the atf or fbi. the brass at the top typically has political problems. they go after certain investigations and expect certain outcomes based on their own political leaning leanings. >> maria: on both sides of the aisle would you say? >> katie: i'm not talking about both sides of the aisle. washington, d.c. liberal government. people at the top brass tend to lean left. the broader point of this is
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it's not about fbi agents holding personal political points of view. it's about the fact that these text messages show that they were using an official office to have a meeting inside of andrew mccabe's office to discuss an insurance policy. they weren't at coffee. they weren't out at dinner having a conversation with friends. they were inside an official government office having this conversation. and in terms of what jackie sphere is saying, the president of the united states is in charge of the executive branch which is the fbi is under the jurisdiction of that and the department of justice. he has every authority and right to say we need to clean house, christopher wray is already doing that and we're going to see the results of that hopefully. because not about republicans it's about democrats being targeted as well. you target one party you can target the other. >> lisa: there has been a lot of down playing and lack of coverage about the insurance policy. some these text messages that we have seen. democrats in the media are saying any criticism or any concern over that anti-trump bias that, you know, you are
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impeding the investigation. what kind of coverage would we see if the insurance policy was about hillary clinton as opposed to president trump? august 2016, months before the november election, what would we be seeing in washington? >> kennedy: there certain solid a disparity in coverage. there is no doubt about that. i think, you know, there are plenty of people in the media who would be having kittens. there would be farrell cats running around the halls media institutions. jackie sphere says president trying to take down one institution and leads us down the road of a dictatorship. there are people worried senior members at the fbi compromised trying to take down the institution of the presidency. that's why we always need government oversight. doesn't matter what the party is and what the branch is, one thing i will say is be careful when you use words like purge because when the opposition in power, what are they going to do to purge people that they are not ideologically aligned with i think that's is always incredibly
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dangerous. you have to be careful about that but be mindful and watchful. >> lisa: good point. we have the inspector general probe as well. we will be looking to see what happens with that also looking ahead to 2018, democrats confident they can retake the house. what's-mile-an-hour message to win over the voters that hillary clinton lost in 2016? plus, impeachment fever, why some democrat party leaders are putting the breaks on such talks. will their voters accept it? we're going to debate. you will want to stay tuned. ♪ ♪ it's resourceful.
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♪ >> katie: democrats are bull official on chances in 018. according to the hill they are banking on the president's approval numbers. historically loses seats in the mid terms and what they see is the g.o.p.'s thin legislative record. minority leader nancy pelosi says republicans know they're going to lose and their push to pass tax reform before the end of the year show they are getting desperate. >> they are acting like people who know that their power is short lived. this is really a big opening, the door is open. the president's numbers are in the 30's. i think probably his numbers and the support for the tax bill are probably similar.
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>> katie: rnc chair ronna mcdaniel says it's the republicans, not the democrats that have a record to run on. >> let's look at the records record of republicans unemployment 17 year low. consumer confidence at record high. you look at the dow. you look at these tax cuts, what it is going to mean for the middle class get more money in their paychecks. we are delivering on promises that we made. we have accomplishment column that is very large and the democrats have nothing to run on. they have done nothing this year. and i just don't think that's going to resonate in 2018. >> katie: marie, are democrats really going to argue that republicans pushed through tax reform for 81 to 83% of the middle class because they were worried about losing elections? is that going to be their averagement? >> maria: i don't think that will be an argument in this election. most people agree they needed to get this done because they couldn't finish the year out without having nothing done. you mentioned the historically low approval rating for president trump. midterm election, the party in power usually loses seats
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and generic ballot right now across the polls. a general nature democrat is beating a generic republican by over 10 points. i that i republicans would be wrong to be overconfident going into the mid terms. we were, democrats were overconfident. democrats were overconfident in 2010 and we lost because it. >> katie: 2016, too. >> maria: we lost because of it. >> katie: have you run a few campaigns and been on campaign staff. what is the republican strategy here? democrats have it out for the president. they have resisted his agenda all year. questions whether they dual that going into 2018. they don't have a lot of things to run on. how can they capitalize on some of their successes this year? >> a lot of it depends on the candidate and congressional district. we are going to see some republicans that are distancing themselves from president trump. democrats did that with president obama as well. particularly in those congressional districts 24 that hillary clinton won in 2016.
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we are going to see that maria, to your point about tax reform, republicans have been talking about this for 30 years, decades now. >> maria: they knew they had to do it. >> lisa: that's why they got it done. it wasn't about elections. it was simply about fulfilling a promise. one last point on that. in the house i think things are going to be much tougher for republicans. in the senate there is only one state that a republican incumbent is running in that hillary clinton won. that's the state of nevada. five he won by double digits. >> katie: address the point nancy pelosi because republicans feel like they are going to lose power and holding onto the last grips of it wasn't it the president who set a christmas deadline not republicans? >> david: yeah. by the way, the fact is, it was there it was signed. it wept through. passed it he kept his promise. nancy pelosi talking about russia and everyone should laugh and walk away. here are some of the realities in the voting and the changes in the last several years between 2010, 1 and now. the change in electorate. this is what matters. we have seen the change in
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state legislatures. we have seen the change in congressional districts. we do have to be concerned about the jerry man terring and rigging that both sides conduct when it comes to redistricting. however, republicans are not in any danger in the house for a simple reason. they have success coming. and the lagging indicator of this will come in the summer, if the economy continues to go, and on the other side you get a dnc that in 10 years has had their lowest fund raising quarter and declining numbers. the money is not there. >> we hear a lot about the president's base and how it is still very solid. we don't hear a lot about how independents are feeling. typically they tend to vote less in midterm elections. what do you think they are looking at in this coming year? do you think they will turn out to vote? >> kennedy: that's great news for the president. democrats have to be careful to not only rely on the president's low approval numbers. that's not enough and that doesn't dictate about how people feel about their local politicians, even though these are u.s.
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congressman member and women. these are still often races run on local issues. david is right. if the n.i.e. economy continues to do well and you see other indicators whether it's housing or the job market, consumer confidence, the g.d.p. if those numbers continue to improve, then you are not going to see this agitated passion to switch parties and positions of power. on the other hand, republicans shouldn't be too confident because the only thing republicans have done right this year is tax reform. everything else they had essentially failed on regulatory issues are -- have mostly to do historically not necessaril nec. >> david: if historics were true. trump wouldn't be president. >> katie: as they attempt to take back the house next year republicans ar republicanyt whether to push for
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president trump's impeachment. >> those will look back at this time will conclude that there was some people who refused toggle allow a president to continue to bring shame to continue to dishonor the office. >> important that we not let the failure of the republicans stop us from doing what is right. >> if we fail to file these articles of impeachment. >> katie: wrought shame to my ears. nadler top spot on house judiciary committee. campaign pitched to colleagues quoted nadler is the strongest leader to lead potential impeoplement. the new york democrat appears toen tamping down the impeachment push. telling politico, quote, if we were in the majority, even if the evidence is
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there, and we shouldn't do it for whatever reason, if we decide that then it's our duty to educate the country why we decided it kennedy, impeachment a good campaign strategy? >> kennedy: no it just looks like this is a politicized effort. i think it wounds the country. it tears the country apart. if democrats do, in fact, ascend to power in the house, i think they should should be very, very careful. if the president did something wrong and requires accountability. you have to make sure that something is so incredibly concrete and not we don't like the guy we think he is coarse. we don't like the things he said on twitter. he bull idea andrew mccabe. that's not enough to impeach the president of the united states. can i say the same thing i said in regards to flushing out bias in the fbi and keep state intelligence agencies. be very careful because when the tide turns, i would hate for in this country to have a ping-pong match back and
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forth where all we do is every administration is try to impeach and remove the president. >> katie: maria what about that? they want to impeach president trump based on the fact that they oppose him politically. >> i think kennedy is right. unless impeachable offenses are uncovered with concrete evidence, i mean, unless there is something so extraordinary, i actually don't think most mainstream democrats and certainly not the leadership will push for impeachment. what you will see is increased oversight. if the democrats take the house particularly, you seal increased oversight committee hearings, investigations. somewhat similar to what we saw during the last years of the obama administration. i agree, impeachment, we all lived through it with bill clinton. it's a serious thing and needs to be taken seriously. we will see what happens. >> also, there is a sense of hypocrisy here because you have the democrats talking about this constitutional crisis but they have no problem trying to weaponize impeachment as a political tool which has a
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destabilizing effect particularly when there is no ground for impeachment. this also runs into head. democrats do look good for the house. they need the senate for that it takes to two thirds vote in the senate to conviction. >> maria: politics is a show. >> david: all gerald nadler did and i have known this guy a long time, is he said to the committee that he needed to say to become the ranking member. he is an old war dog, new york democrat. >> maria: jerry nadler is a good guy. >> david: looked at the committee nadler is the guy to lead impeachment because you are shouting impeachment. make me ranking member. story. nonstory. >> kennedy: wanted to make sure someone who was a master of immigration was in position. and that was much more in the democrats' best interest to tackle immigration.
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>> katie: doesn't that fact they don't have enough to run on. not get their agenda through. >> kennedy: i think the politics should take a more positive turn around it's not about hugging people and feeling great. >> lisa: we don't do that. contend kennedy no, no, no. it's about having a you take the country and your ideas and move everyone forward and allow people to succeed. indicate alabama is not exactly virginia. >> katie: appearing to take a veiled jab at president trump first interview since leaving the oval office. what he had to say and whether it was fair. ♪
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you will indicate. >> lisa: former president obama seeming to take a veiled shot bbc interview. the interview was conducted back in september and the first since obama's leaving office. listen. >> all of us in leadership have to find ways in which we can recreate a common space on the internet. -- the dangers of the internet is that people can have entirely different
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realities. they can be just cacooned in information that reinforces their current business biases. it can be harder to be obnoxious and cruel in person as person can be anonymously on the internet. >> lisa: is this criticism fair from president obama, former president obama? >> david: to be fair, is he really talking about trump? is he talking about -- he is critical of president trump, there is no question there. he has withdrawn from the paris accord. obamacare is teetering. things are failing that obama put in place. i can understand that i think we are assigning too much value to obama's opinion in an interview on this. that's what i really think. i think let it play out. some people will take it one way or another. let it just move on to something that matters. sounds like -- got hurt.
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>> david: how do you get hurt by someone typing something. >> one of the dereks and successes. >> maria, i have a question for you though. this isn't the first time. even though he didn't name president trump, why have seen president obama be critical of the current president president trump. so why is obama not paying that same respect that we saw from george w. bush. >> george w. bush is criticizing president trump. >> obama's term and let him be president. why isn't president obama letting president trump be president? >> david: ego. >> all else being equal. avoided criticizing president trump. he purposefully avoids talking about him by name. in terms of this interview. we all probably have been bullied or harassed or threatened on social media. there are good sides and bad sides to social media. as leaders, people have a responsibility to help make the internet better. i know that sounds corny. >> have a responsibility to make. >> what do you mean by
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leaders. >> i'm not on twitter anymore. i don't want every day to get harassed and threatened. >> david: keyboard. i get hate and i get threats. [talking at the same time] >> lisa: one at a time. hold on, david. >> kennedy: i can't hear anything anybody is saying. >> lisa: i want to get katie in here. hold on maria. president trump has gotten a lot of criticism for some of the tweets he has sent out. probably some justified, some not. look at the way that he has covered though and the way the text message exchanges with peter strzok and lisa page. a lot of these things aren't even getting covered. how does he get that message out without twitter when the media is not doing their job and the media is not interested in -- >> -- he uses twitner a way no other president has to get around the mainstream media which is completely valid. he does himself no favors when he is talking about
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irrelevant topics and go after people personally it's a distraction. that might actually be a strategy by the administration distract the journalists getting stuff done, meaning pack being the courts. getting rid of legislation through. but, in terms of the president obama, i have zero patience for him in lecturing the rest of us for how to behave civilly. he was one of the most diive presidents of the century and he said more things to divide this country than anyone else. he should stop lecturing the rest of us. >> lisa: i know maria wants to respond and david as well. we will talk about it on the couch. reporters of hillary clinton are going after a left leaning magazine that usually offers them a safe space. we will show you what has these folks so angry and some are even making claims of sexism. listen. >> being get somebody to
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>> we have more outnumbered in just a moment. first up touch bases julie
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banderas coming up what's on outnumbered overtime. >> julie: we will take a deep dive into this idea that some democrats have that 2018 is the best shot in years to win back control of the house. and if they do it, will that mean a push to impeach the president? rnc's kailey mchaney and the dnc's michael blake will join us. south korea says north korea will come to the negotiating table in the new year. the rogue regime has gained talks in the past. i will be speaking with former green beret commanders lieutenant colonel mike wall cattle about why things would be different now. that and more on more ot top of the hour. >> kennedy: left leaning magazine taking from hillary supporters. what happened? distraught election supporters on 2016. now it seems many of these folks might be upset again. this time they are angry at vanity fair over a video
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suggesting new year's resolutions from mrs. clinton. finally put away james comey voodoo doll. so do a handful of other things. >> time to start work okay sequel to your book what happened. what the hell happened. >> take up a new hobby in the new year, volunteer work, knitting improv comedy, literally anything that will keep from you running again. >> kennedy: maria. millennials want miller off the stage can you blame them? >> maria: that's my new year's resolution never in 2018 to talk about hillary on this couch. >> kennedy: you are not with her? >> maria: it keeps us trapped in talking about 2016. we would be short sighted to do that. 2018 is going to be different. excited democratic candidates running. republicans fired up after tax reform. if we just relitigate 2016
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we will go crazy. i cannot drink again next year. i can't. >> david: sequels -- >> lisa: i believe new, maria, i think you could. >> kennedy: in order for us not to talk about hillary clinton doesn't she have to do her party and rest of the known world a favor by going away. >> katie: she left all those poor people alone to cry election night. she couldn't get herself together to thank them for helping her. >> maria: it's hard to lose an election, come on. >> katie: so sad for them. there is talk about hillary clinton getting involved in 2018 elections in certain districts. people say that red districts that she won, she should get involved in. >> lisa: she is road kill. the reason why we know she is road kill, you saw democrats stab the clintons in the back with all the sexual harassment stuff. even kirsten gillibrand who has embraced president clinton has embraced the
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clintons, taken their money, been on the campaign trail with them. best things ever. threw hillary clinton under the bus for political advancement to help her political career. she is looking at 2020. we know they are road kill solely based on the fact that all these democrats have no problem throwing them under the bus, simply because we know that they're over, their days are over. >> david: look, the democrats have a fight within the party. the progressive wing versus the 90's clinton wing. >> maria: moderate wing, the blue dog democrats. i'm right here. >> lisa: you are not a blue dog democrat, come on. >> maria: yes, i am. >> kennedy: represent people are frustrated. >> david: they are not in leadership. my point with this is they are not in leadership. tim ryan tried. he had -- he is a nice guy. i have interviewed him. >> maria: he is not that nice. >> david: they have power in the progressive wing regardless of old
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progressives like kiehl keith ellison. >> kennedy: wishful thinking? >> maria: but in a midterm election. >> david: governorships. the numbers are there. >> maria: national state of the party matters less than getting candidates in each individual district and state. >> kennedy: let's say you get those candidates and victories. is nancy pelosi speaker of the house in 2018 if you win? >> maria: if we take the house back. if we don't take it back by a lot. she will be challenged and this time i think she loses. >> kennedy: oh. >> nancy, they are come for you. >> lisa: read the rest in your nancy pelosi voice. >> kennedy: more outnumbered in just a moment.
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>> kennedy: thanks so much to david webb, our #oneluckyguy. you handled it well.
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>> david: kennedy, always a win. >> kennedy: we are back at tomorrow at noon eastern right here, "outnumbered overtime" starts right now. >> julie: thank you kennedy and all, a fox news alert to begin the show. welcome to "outnumbered overtime," i'm julie banderas in for harris faulkner today. when president trump returns to washington from vacation, he will be looking to ride a giant wave of momentum from tax reform into his second year in office. the president tweeting "all signs are that businesses looking really good for next year, only to be helped further by our tax cut bill. it will be a great year for companies and jobs, stock market is poised for another year of success." he ends it with an


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