tv Hannity FOX News December 27, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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frankly, though, we're surprised "newsweek" was so concerned in the first place.h, the tree is old. it was planted by andrew jackson so doubtless it's ass very racist plant and should be removed. david webb is in for hannity. >> david: how do i followw that? thank you, mark. welcome to "hannity." i'm david webb in for sean tonight. major, majorby breaking news abt the fake news anti-trump dossie dossier. byron york from the "washington examiner" is reportingep that house intelligence chairman devin nunes is issuing a subpoena to a former state department employee with ties to senator john mccain. cramer then gave the dossier to senator mccain when he returned to the u.s. and byron also reporting that during a december interview with he said he knew the russian sources still used in the
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dossier, key point, but refused to name them. also, tonight congressional republicans continue to call out the bias in the russia investigation. congressman andy biggs penned an op-ed for "u.s.a. today" with the title "mr. mueller, end the witch-hunt."." and joining us now, that aforementioned congressman andy biggs joining me. congressman, great to see you. >> thanks, david. good to be with you. >> david: let's dive right into this. the timeline matters here in the travel to collect the information to bring it back to the united states. hand it off. so, with the new subpoena and the subpoena powers of devin nunes, do we see connecting the dots as a part of the strategy? >> well, i think so. chairman devin nunez is doing a great job by issuing that subpoena and demanding answers and we in congress have to keep ratcheting this up because we know there is bias. we know there is conflict.
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the 10,000 emails that got taken away from the trump transition team. we know that those weren't really gone through the normal due process. this is just one moreie piece of evidence to indicate that this mueller investigation is just kind of spun out of control. and it's widespread and it's broad. and this may be the scandal of our time, quite frankly, and we've got to get to the bottom of it. >> david: how do you connect the dots here? obviously, you have this compendium of information, the emails, the text messages, and you pull this all together, but now you've got to make the connection. is that the next step? with a lot of smoke, you've got to be able to see how the fire started. >> absolutely. that is part of why chairman nunes' subpoenas are so important. we have to see what is going on over there. we have to get some of these people back before congress to actually answer the questions because, as you may have seen,
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they just keep deferring and saying, the inspector general is looking at it and we will come along after the inspector general. we need to get the inspector general to hurry up with his report, give us the information, because what we have seen is the democrats have changed their tune completely. you were called were asking for recusing trump of russia you don't hear that anymore. you are hearing obstruction of justice. this is got to be back to a focused investigation so we can see whether there was collusion. what we're seeing now is that collusion came from the dnc and hillary clinton. what we are seeing is that there were actually people at the highest level of our government trying to manipulate the election. that is what it appears to be. so we have to connect the dots. we have to keep bringing these people an end we have to put it together. and right now, they are refusinu to answer these questions with a cover of, oh, this is under the
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inspector general's investigation. that is a real problem for us. >> david: going back to the genesis of this, it began, of course, the russians, they tried to interview with elections all around the world. that said, that is an established fact for many years. but this began as a counterintelligence operation looking into russianli interference. that means that any and all in the campaigns, who ever were touched by this, should be investigated. are we going to see chairman nunes now look into this, not just the trump campaign, the clinton campaign, the sanders campaign, any campaign that was out there that may have been touched toward tempted to be influenced by the russians? in other words, is this going to back to what it really is about? >> well, right now, it's kind of spun out of control, and frankly, the judiciary committee has jurisdiction over the department of justice and we should be bringing these people in. we are finding out that may be joel stein's campaign was
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involved somehow. i mean, this has really spun far beyond what mr. mueller's authority should have been limited to. bring it back in, we have to be focused. and the real question is, how did the russians impact the election, if they did come on let's find out and take care of it. but the reality is, it's become so partisan, with my friends across the aisle, that isn't what they are looking at anymore. they're looking at anyway to get president trump out of office. that is what they want to do. they want to delegitimize and they want to stain president trump instead of saying, let's see what's going on here -- how did mr. mueller get so out of control? nobody is overseeing it. how did he get all of these people? because there is no vetting procedure in place. so we have to bring that back into control and then we can get back on focusing on the real question, which is, what did russia do with our election?ou we have a pretty good idea, but
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this dossier is really the smoking gun and we have to uncover everything we can about that. >> david: a pointed question on this, congressman, something that hasas not been brought up,i think, and needs to be looked into some more. james comey, whether he violated presidential privilege, leaking the documents to the columbia professor and his friend, and the fact that if he did violate the law, can he be charged? do you think you should be looked into? and if possible, charged, for violating the law? >> absolutely. i think you should be looked into. i mean, he took information that he had access to, unique access to, may have been privileged information, and to manipulate the appointment of robert mueller as a special counsel, he leaked it to his buddy, with the instructions, let's get it to the media. that is a real problem. it gets to the whole underlying
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reason why six months ago i started saying mr. mueller should not be the special counsel because of what comey did. we keep asking the questions about that and vicki being told, the inspector general is looking into that. we did get commitments from director christopher wray and the attorney general that they would reopen that if the inspector general felt that that was a problem. >> david: we'll wait for the inspector general's report, congressman, see what action is taken by you and the republicans in congress and chairman nunes. congressman biggs, thank you. while the republicans continue to turn up the heat on the bias in the investigation, of course, the media and the liberals, they are doing their best to change the subject by attacking president trump. watch this. >> the keyboard and all of this that he keeps using is tainted. there is only one institution that really has been tainted through these months, and that is the trump presidency. >> you've got him attacking the
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judiciary, you have him attacking the caa, you have them attacking the department of justice, the fbi, i mean, this s the conduct of someone who could become a tyrant if we don't step in and speak out against him. >> the fbi is a key part of the fair and transparent legal process that defines our democracy, so every time the president tweetsts against the i or tweets against the department of justice, he's making the russians job a lot easier. >> david: joining us for the reaction to all of us, salem national syndicated radio host larry salter. former press secretary for vice president mike pence, and gregg jarrett here in the studi studio. gregg, i want to go to you you have been very clear in your writings about the law on this. how this investigation started. but it started, as a
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counterintelligence operation to find out what the russians dead. do you think we will get back to that point and how can we get back to that point? >> well, the entire set of investigations are all based on one fictitious document, this dossier was usedd to launch the trump-russia investigation -- >> david: admitted by director comey. >> which, then morphed into the mueller investigation. it was also used apparently for a fisa warrant to spy on the trump campaign. so if it turns out, that after a year and a half, the fbi and department of justice can't verify the authenticity or contents of the dossier, then what do you have is inherently a fraudulent investigation. what struck me about what the congressman said is james comey's role in all of this. he may have committed several crimes. not onlyro converting government property for his own use in
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triggering the investigation, but you will find out -- i guarantee this -- the james comey also had a direct role in selecting his longtime friend and ally and former partner, robert mueller, which is unconscionable, since comey is a key witness in the case and any potential obstruction of justice. >> david: so there is an ethical issue as well. >> yes. >> david: one quick question,ef gregg, before we bring the rest of the panel it in. yes or no, whether james comey used a personal or government laptop, is it still the same violation? >>n it is. he was acting in the scope of his job as the fbi director when he wrote it, it is government property, it is not his. he's done a lot to take it with him. there are pretty significant reports that on those seven presidential memos are classified materials, which means that comey taking them home is a crime, just like
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hillary clinton committed crimes, and my judgment, by having 110 classified emails on her home personal on authorized unauthorized server. >> david: let's bring the panel back in. larry, good to see you. mark, good to see you. larry came by the politics of this is there. the media, that aspect as they are, but the republicans have to launch a true investigative process. you p have done a lot of politil analysis. do you see them doing this or do you see the typical washington commission at postures as they go through their time? >> i think, david, at this point, there has been so much, as donald trump put it, taint, on this investigation, that most republicans are content to let the thing play out. all of these problems regarding the bias, people involved in the investigation, the phony dossier that gregg was talking about, let the thing play out. republicans are not going to believe it.
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democrats want him impeached.o impeached. independents are in the middle. you are not going to find to third senators willing to throw donald trump out of the office in the unlikely event that democrats take over the house and impeach him. let him go. let him get the economy humming along at 4% judy psn in 2020 he will be overwhelmingly reelected. ict think it's a perfectly valid and sensible way of playing at. let it play out. >> david: let's take it right inside the white house, or form or in this case. mark, we have talked about this on my radio show, looking at her from the administration's point of view, you have been there, how do you take this, if you are the administration? howou do you approach it? to you let it play out, as larry said? >> absolutely. the white house continues to cooperate fully with a special counsel for all of that process and they are looking forward to this being done in an expeditious fashion. one of the key things that we have also found out here just
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recently, and some very good reporting by "the washington post," was that the obama administration knew years ago about the warning signs that weree developing of what russia was planning to do, how they were planning to attack election integrity with cyber warfare, and they did nothing about it. so here is once again another case where the feckless leadership of the former administration led to the problems that donald trump is having to clean up, whether it is funding hezbollah through cocaine and turning a blind eye to that, now we have them looking the other way on this. it shows you that democrats don't have a message. it's all a witch hunt to cover president obama's failures. >> david: guys, let's go around the table. back to gregg jarrett. i always look to you for the legal aspects of this. mark just mentioned, the extension of that is, if they find out that there was undue influence exerted by the administration or come up with some 30 agencies as being reported by political, of all
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things, involved in this operation, project cassandra, are these adjuncts of this investigation? >> don't expect robert mueller to prosecute his longtime friend, james comey, or anybody within the fbi, of which mueller used to be a director. this requires a second special counsel. if it turns out that people, for political reasons, senior management in the fbi, to some extent, the department of justice, fixed it so that hillary clinton was absolved, and then went after donald trump targeting him as the so-called insurance policy launching a fraudulent investigation against him, all of that would constitute, arguably, obstruction of justice by several people. that demands -- don't count on jeff sessions to do this. it requires and demands a second special counsel. >> david: back to larry elder. larry, on the politics of us, on the extension, on the expansion
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of this investigation, going back to how do we narrow this back to the issue, and bring out the bad actors and charge them? my friend, i am skeptical of the ability of washington to focus, given the deep state existence of many in the top echelon, this is not about the line agents, this is the suits versus boots. emma suits, the political that have been made permanent, i think that is where this proble. >> this is all about the allegations that trump is in bed with putin. the person that ought to be -- we are to be looking at in terms of being in bed with putin is barack obama. one of his first acts was to get the deal that george w. bush had negotiated for defense of poland in the czech republic because he wanted h to curry favor with the russians through the iran deal. it was obama on the hot mike who said that after the election, he'll have more flexibility, it was obama who slammed mitt romney for suggesting that russia was a big deal political
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problem. if anybody wants to talk about who was cozyingp up with russia and putin, we ought to be talking about obama, not trump. >> david: mark, we can't go back in time, unfortunately. we can talk about it. we can look into actions taken by the previous administration. we can look at project cassandra. but you have to move the ball forward on this. does examining the obama administration's actions bring us any closer to exposing was going on inside the deep state within the liberal quarters or the washington quarters or the y bureaucratic quarters? >>ou obviously if you are goingo influence elections or come up with insurance policies, that needs to be looked at because there could be -- i'll trust gregg -- if there is potential criminality there. meanwhile, the president, vice president, the white house, they are focused on doing the job of the american people. they have tax cuts done.
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that money will be in the people's pockets very soon. max's infrastructure, and possibly entitlement reform. there is a lot of the table. the president is barely getting started right now. they will keep focused on that and we'll leave the history and looking for criminality to those who do it best. >> david: all right, gentlemen, gregg, mark, larry, thank you so much. there's a lot more. this is only the beginning of a new line, not just a new year, coming up. thank you very much. "vanity fair" just released a tongue-in-cheek video and guesss what, it is targeting hillary clinton. i know t you're surprised. many on the left -- i can save save -- i can't say this with a straight face -- they are triggered. more on that next. stay with us.
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>> david: welcome back to hannity. vanity fai >> david: welcome back to "hannity." "vanity fair" sailing into uncharted waters, and that for a mainstream media outlet, two days before christmas, the magazine posted an online video poking fun at democrats, well, a democrat specifically, hillary clinton. watch this. ♪ >> it's time to start working on your sequel to your book "what
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happened." "what the hell happened." >> get some of your tech savvy's to disable the auto fell on your iphone so that typing the f doesn't have a explored her a committee for 2020. >> take more photos. also going to meet unsuspecting hikers? >> take up a new hobby in the new year. volunteerk. work, knitting, improv, tea, literally anything that will keep you from running again. >> put away the james comey little doll. we all know that he cost to the election, he may have, but it's a year later, move on. >> tears do, hillary clinton. cheers to c you, hillary clinto. >> david: easily offended liberals are on twitter without rage. actors producer require --
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patricia arquette tweeting "stop telling women what they can or can't do, get over your mommy issues." unfortunately, they haveve been much less willing to come to the defense of first lady melania trump after "newsweek" posted this extremely, extremely misleading headline. "trump orders removal of the nearly 200-year-old tree from the white house. melania did in fact order the removal of the jackson magnolia but only under the advice of experts who fear that the tree could fall at any moment. it's relying on the support of a metal pole and intricate system of wires to keep it standing. joining us now, dan bongino, he's probably been under this magnolia tree at some time, probably lounging on his afternoon off. and fox news contributor tommy tommy -- tomi lahren.
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have t you been under the magnoa tree? >> i'm glad they took it down. the of north end of the press bi don't want that magnolia tree to fall on them. thank you, melania, for making me safer. >> david: so, tomi, the tree hugger core, they didn't consider that an arborist or someone who is an expert, might have been consulted on this. on top of this, another point of view, i have gone up and down the garden district of new orleans and other parts of the country, they often trim these trees, they go out, they become very heavy, you can tell i pay attention to trees. but this attack on the first lady, vastly different by the triggered left and so-called permanent offenders. >> let's compare them. in the first, "vanity fair" is making a joke about hillary clinton. in a second story, you have
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actual fake news that people are going to believe. so the two, you cannot compare. les going back to the first thing, i am just so happy that e mainstream media, the leftist mainstream media, might i add, "vanity fair," decided to make fun of hillary clinton. i give them credit for that because they are not really quick to do that and they are going to take some heat for it but i applaud them. finally they are coming to their senses and i got a sense of humor. >> david: i got to have a sense of humor about this, guys, and i'm about to bring something back that will make my uncle chuck very happy. knitting. it is supposedly sexist because according to "vanity fair" and the woman who suggested it in the video, it is sexist to suggest that to hillary clinton. men doing it. -- men do knit. >> i am talking about training
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in over 100 different skills and trades. don't worry about people laughing at you. get your training at the job corps. >> you're so smart. >> i know. >> david: whether it's knitting or needlepoint or -- i don't know the difference, but guys do it, too. the whole point is, mocking them a little bit here, because the idea that it sexist and you are triggered, dan, just because you use the word, the left puts us in boxes. >> david, a couple things. number one, if you're going to put a video out like this and subject yourself to the far left's outrage campaign. make it funny. i'm sorry, it really wasn't that funny. [laughs] it was kind of stupid. secondly, i applaud them, though, for finally opening themselves up to humor. but remember, it was a joke, liberals. a joke. jay oke. you get it?
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you see how we do it? is a joke. laugh a little bit. you have to be victims all the time? i get it,'t you can't leave your safe spaces and put your colored forms down and your magic markers, but smile, turn that frown upside down, laugh a little bit. not everything is the end of the world. gosh, these people are the wors worst. >> david: tomi, you've taken a lot of heat in the media as a conservative woman. are they going to change their behavior or is it really that farr gone on the left, that the so-called feminine defenders will not defend women first, but separated them by their political categories? by the way, the first lady, by all accounts, successful. she speaks five languages, she's accomplished. this is someone who should be a story. >> this is a very selective brand of feminism, that the left likes to use time and time again. do i expect them to change?
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actually not. going back to the humor, this is the left, a group of people, kathy griffin included, who thought it would be funny, a joke, to decapitate president trump and pose for art. if we make fun of hillary clinton going in the woods are going to whole foods, suddenly that is below the belt? i'm sorry. i don't see the way they do. i don't expect them to change but i love triggering them becauseov i get a kick out of i =speeone we have created several micro aggressions right here for money on the left. i'm okay with that. guys, let's look ahead to 2018. the strategy seems to be, as obama did, as liberals do, put everybody in boxes, tell them this is your interest, dan, first, to you. is this a successful strategy for them? >> it was in the past, david, when the walter cronkite, tom brokaw era, when they had a monopoly over media. but the problem with a strategy that in essence is this, don't vote for us, voted against the
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republicans because they hate you. that is the democrats model, it has always been their model. the problem with this, as the monopoly breaks down and information is disseminated through this channel that focuses on fair and balanced stuff, breitbart, conservative review, "the daily caller," people are getting their information from different sources. the short answer, no, it's not a going to work. the information monopoly is breaking down. >> david: tomi, to take that a go further, do the democrats have another strategy in place going into 2018 and looking at the midterms? >> they don't. they absolutely do not. let's think about what they have done in 2017. they have protested, they have resisted, they have voted against a tax break for 80% of americans. let's see, they voted to pardon legal immigrants in california, or their leaders have decided to make those decisions. they have no platform, no agenda, all they want to do is resist. it's going to beo really hard o american election in 2018 or 2020 when the only thing you
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have, the only thing that you are promoting is identity politics and resisting. meanwhile donald trump is winning for all americans. i'm really excited to see how these next elections are going to come out. >> david: dan, tomi, great to see you. we'll dodo this again soon. thanks. coming up, the democrats continue to go away, i mean way, way off the deep end and their attacks against president trump. you won't believe the latest example coming from failed presidential candidate howard dean. he with the famous scream that won't go away either. stay with us. ♪
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>> go back >> now we can go back to work and do our jobs. in the case of builders, farmers, some of the others, we have the all-time record for stopping ridiculous regulations and we are very proud of that. that is one of the reasons to stop it at a record level. >> david: welcome back to "hannity." president trump earlier today t touting action he's taken on the economy, it does help the stock market reached all-time highs. you won't hear most democrats acknowledge accomplishments like this. they've spent the year relentlessly attacking the president, some pushing for his impeachment, others have gone as far as calling him a criminal. take a look at what former dnc
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chairman howard dean set about president trump last night. >> it's pretty clear that he is shaking down foreign government governments, who have moved their event to his hotel in washington. somebody's bequest in order to get favors. you know, this guy, i think for a long time, i think he is running a criminal enterprise out of the white house. i think that is what bob mueller is on the track of. >> david: i think he missed a court decision last week on that issue about the hotel and whor stays there. after comments like that, former democratic congressman dennis kucinich urging the party to change its message. watch what he said earlier on "america's newsroom." >> we want to bringg democrats back whoho may have voted for donald trump and the way to do that is, instead of focusing on replacing president trump and bringing in a president mike pence, we ought to be focusing on the things that attract people to the democratic party. jobs, wages, health care,
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education, retirement security. that will get people excited aboutin voting democrat. >> david: all right, i'm writing notes as fast as i can from genesis list. joining us for a reaction, fox news contributor, washington times columnist charlie hurt. fox news contributor rachel campos duffy. i got to tell you, watching dennis kucinich rattle off the list, charlie, charlie, charlie, the party of lowering taxes, they just voted against them, they wouldn't help, the party of the middle class, the middle class left them, the blue wall voted for president trump. really? all they got his impeachment, he is a criminal without proof? >> [laughs] exactly. it's a real reminder just how much donald trump stool democrats lunches in the last election. all the things of the claim to be for, it turned out that donald trump was for, and was a
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lott more effective at selling it. the democrats going to next year's election, they are in a terrible situation, and they basically have to bank on the economy being terrible and things taking in this country and not just the tax cuts, we are also talking about all the regulations, president trump was talking about the fire house, about all the regulations, all of that -- if the economy picks up the way a lot of people are anticipating it will pick up, democrats are not going to have anything to run on except, oh, it's not as good as you think it is. >> david:: rachel, by the way, if democrats have their way, your husband is going to be out of office next year because they are looking to take back the congress no matter what. let's put the numbers aside and talk about what really needs to happen here. the democrats are going to sell their narrative and i go back to what -- we play our game better on the right. doig you see the congressional
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actions backing of the president? 's done something amazing as i see it, by asking congress to do theirgr constitutional job, as prescribed, and the roles that they play in legislation. he is done the executive orders, pushing things back to congress. ise this the next step for the republicans? to they have to do this in the house? >> first off, i want to talk about what dennis kucinich said. he's absolutely right on the task for democrats right now is to win back the blue-collar, working-class, union democrats, white voters that they lost to the last election to donald trump. by talking about impeachment, by being in a constant comfortable state of outrage, they are not having the conversation we need to have. in fact, what they are doing is they are insulting them. they are saying, the president you voted for a stupid and you are stupid and that's not the
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way to start a conversation. a respectful conversation you are trying to win. do you want to say, hey, i understand what you voted foror him, you were frustrated, we lost you, we want to win you back, but impeachment says, you are stupid, and we are going to undo what happened in the last election. back to the republican congress, look, they pulled together on this tax reform, probably having failedn on health care, really forced them to actually go, this is do-or-die. let's give credit where credit is due. they passed tax reform and they actually very sneakily snapped in the repeal of obamacare mandate, which essentially does kill obamacare. they have got the wind on their backs. ii think donald trump wants to start with infrastructure, which is a bipartisan move. i know the republicans want to go into entitlement reform but they are starting the new year with a lot of good stuff on their side of the ledger and
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charlie is right, the democrats have to count on all of these tax cuts and all of the other good stuff that the republicans are doing for the economy, that it won't work. >> david: charlie, we hear this a lot, midterm elections, typically the party with the white house loses seats come up with thehe thing that has changd here is the electorate. the electorate is in a new generation economically, and to some degree, a new boarding generation, the millennials are getting a little bit older, the blue wall, those blue-collar, independents, women voters, it kind of change is how they analyze votes, and the anti-failure group out there in america, from every ethnicity that says government hasn't delivered. how do democrats make a case, given what rachel just said, when the success comes from republican legislation and that can continue to compound? can you make the case for the democrats? is it possible? >> i think, to a large degree, that is by donald donald trump
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won.oc he sidestepped the entire democratic argument and as rachel was pointing out, not only did they start with insulting campaign, they immediately go to this sort of old,t worn-out things where you divide voters by race and gender and religion, which, that is the only way that democrats ever manage to win anything. and donald trump really did -- he sort of -- a kind of figured out a way around that like no other republican has h before hm partly because he's not afraid of it. he doesn't care, he doesn't mind getting into these fights with them about this stuff. he calls them on their nonsense, and so, if democrats have to resort to that yet again, like i said, if theco economy goes as t ought to go with these tax cuts, and there cuts to regulation and thingsus like that, they just ed up looking like silly racial lists and gender rests and
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whatever else. trying to -- >> david: rachel, let me go to the middle of a country where you are, and what charlie just said. the folks out there, they are not on thete wings, listening to the elite media. a lot of the people, the 65% track of this country, they are looking at their kitchen table issues, you do it, and the risk-averse republican congressmen and senators up there, do they need a little bit more trump? what trump we trump, to borrow the title of the book, but do republicans do a little more trump? >> this economy is doing well. if the tax reform goes through, they need to own it. as soon as things go really great, the democrats will try and say, oh, obama set the stage for this. no. donald trump deregulateded the economy. the republican cut tax reform and that is why we are enjoying
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the economy wee are enjoying. remember, it's the economy, stupid. when people feel good -- remember,sa nancy pelosi said tt thisuo tax reform "was armageddon." when these tax reforms produce the results, they will look like false prophets and again, there is so much outrage fatigue. ili don't think anyone is believing they are talking about impeachment, they are talking about russia, they are not trying to win back the people they lost and they are leaving a huge opening for the republicans who are focused on the economy, on making people's lives better. >> david: if we win those kitchen table issues, that is what people care about, that is how i like to put it. charlie, rachel, good to see you both. >> thank you. >> david: coming up, president trump keeping another major campaign promise by decimating isis, but the mainstream media, they barely cover it. lieutenant colonel david shafer and david clarke will have a reaction. he stayed with us right here on "hannity" ." ♪
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against christians in the middle east. we cannot let this evil continu continue. isis must be destroyed. we are getting rid of isis. we are getting rid of isis. isis is -- we have no choice. >> david: welcome back to "hannity." president trump on the campaign trail throughout 2016, promising the american people that his administration would crush isis if he was elected and it looksmi like he has kept his promise. according to u.s. military officials, the islamic terror group has lost almost all of its territory, 98%, to be exact, half of that territory since president trump took office less than one year ago. also, the latest american intelligence assessment states that fewer than 1,000 isis fighters remained in iraq and syria. that is down from a peak of
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nearly 45,002 years ago. president trump praised the u.s. military campaign against isis just a few days ago. let's take a look at this. >> our military has been doing a fantastic job in so many ways with isis. we have made tremendous strides, obviously,av in syria with isis, we've taken back virtually all of the caliphate, all of the land. same thing in a rack and are making tremendous strides, sort of the unwritten story right now. >> david: here with reaction, former senior intelligence officer lieutenant colonel tony schaefer and senior advisor, former milwaukee sheriff david clarke. guys, great to see you tonight. let's dive right in. tony, i'll go to you first on this. where we are with isis. they have evolved, as is expected, if you take away land, they expanded to those ungoverned spaces. what are they and what do we expect next? they are giving out threats
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about new year's eve. >> that's the thing. we have defeated them where they live, that doesn't mean it's over. we have made great progress. as you said in the run-up, dave, the pentagon has done what it is supposed to do, it's done its job, done an extraordinarily well. we have to allow it continue to do its job. prior to president trump coming in, i was part of the transition team, the president made it very clear, i want to go out and do your job. b the big thing now, david, is for the president to continue to allow joe dunford and jim mattis to do their job. joe has been very good about this strategy, working through allies and folks who are there on the ground. we need to expand that end we have to go after isis everywhere they are now, which includes afghanistan, pakistan, yemen, libya, other places. the bottom line is, we are making solid progress. >> david: david, bringing the sum to the american home front, what tony talked about involves
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other aspects of human intelligence, we got to have counterintelligence operations, but here on the ground, sheriffs like yourself, the law enforcement community in this country are responsible for the people in their communities. let's bring that aspect. what we can do when isis goes into those ungoverned spaces, we may inspire others on the internet or someone takes up that flag, such as it is. >> first of all, there has to be an effective counter strategy to their rhetoric, to the recruitment, things like that. before i get too far into that, it's been incredible, the progress that has been made with isis. we went from a president that called them -- obama called them the gb of terror organizations commit to being a worldwide threat. then we have a commander in chief in donald trump whose rhetoric packs a punch. these enemies are afraid of the sky, afraid of this country again. donald trump has taken theha gloves off of the united states military. he's changed the rules of engagement and he has used of the military for what they are
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designed to do and what they are designed to do well, to fight and win wars. couple that with the efforts at home, and is always going to be a challenge, always going to be threats. wewe are no .6 .6 society, a tt rich environment. but i will tell you what, these folks, these terrorists, will be thinking twice about attacking the interior of the united states because there will be severe consequences when they do. >> david: tony, this is a larger ideological problem, not just related to isis. the decimation, the loss of that caliphate in the desert that they wanted to build as a symbol, call it their version of their worldview. but also, they are expanding. they are in me and more. radicals operate around the world. we have an attack in russia that is being looked into as a possible terrorist attack earlier today. so what about taking on that issue? >> we have got to get ahead of this regarding human intelligence. to defeat a network, you have to
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penetrate a network. do your point, david, i work with sheriff david decatur and virginia, and we have to figurea out a way to bridge the understanding of that threat, from foreign sources to the united states, how radicalization happens both through migration and through online assault, essentially, the conversion. so this is something now we have to go to the next level. okay, we've deprived them of the space, we are on their tail, we are going to beat them but we have to defeat the ideology and that is where we have to go next with this and that has to be both foreign and domestic effort to do that. >> david: david, sheriff clarke, i got to tell you, part of the problem that i see is how we deal with the terrorists in this country, be they american citizens or not. i'm not for violating the constitution in any way, but there needs to be a serious discussion about designating them as enemy combatants, from a law enforcement perspective, someone who has upheld that shield. what you stated that?
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>> it's long been my position, look, 1 of 2 ways we can approach this.ct either, if these things are criminal acts, which i don't think they are, or acts of war, i believe they are acts of war, so there are different rules that apply to enemy combatants. i think gitmo needs to be used when theyn are here in the united states. i thinkla you need to isolate tm from the american justice system. it's a higher standard to try to overcome when you try to convict these individuals. you don't want them mixed in with the american prison population where they can use it as a recruiting ground and they can convert american prisoners over to their side. that is something that come between the president, commander in chief, donald trump, the pentagon, state department, those are decisions the congress, too, plays a role in and how we will handle this. i think it needs to be reviewed. >> david: gentlemen, i got about a minute left and i have to throw this topic in there. it was a smile on my face and it will drive the left absolutely nuts. their name and a train station
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and israel, built right there near the western wall after president donald j. trump. tony, first to you? >> >> hay, we should see a bipartisan vote in congress saying they support this. this has been -- the democrats have been talking out of both sides of their mouth. this is a good thing. >> david: david, to you? >> how cool is that? the trump train. this goes to show the respect they have for commander in chief donald trump, who has made it clear during the campaign, he said, we'll always be on the side of israel. he doesn'tll just talk the talk, he walks the walk. >> david: gentlemen, it is great. i tell you, they felt this was the appropriate thing to do. david clarke, tony shaver, guys, great to talk to you. >> thinks. >> david: coming up, morris "hannity" after the break. stay with us.
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♪ >> david: welcome back to "hannity." unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. thanks for being with us. don't forget to set your dvr. you do that so you never, ever miss an episode of "hannity." you can listen to my radio show monday through friday, 9:00 a.m. eastern on sirius xm patriot, channel 125. follow me onll twitter.
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by the way, filling in for laura ingraham tonight. on another note, i'll be here all day tomorrow. moving in as a matter of fact. i'll be here for "the five," then the business channel with my friend charles payne, then right back here tomorrow night. it's all good. all week on the sean hannity program. i name is pete hegseth and i'm in for laura ingraham on this wednesday night and this is "the ingraham angle" live from new york city. it's almost the new year and tonight we look at what a difference just one year makes with president trump in the white house. isis has been almost wiped off the map completely, losing 98% of its territory, including half of it since president trump took office. an american president will be honored in israel. not just in israel, but in the old city of jerusalem. we will talk to john bolton about both of these amazing developments. and murder and many crime rates including the kli
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