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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  December 30, 2017 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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>> i am a fox news. i don't know if they recognize that. >> we'll see you back here tomorrow. thank you for joining us. stay warm and stay safe this weekend! releasing thousands of emails discovered by the fbi on a laptop belonging to anthony weiner. his gaze has been a former top clinton aide, huma abedin at least four of those emails marked as classified. hello everyone welcome to a brand-new hour incentive "america's news headquarters". >> the fbi writing -- finding these emails. after james comey said that hillary clinton had been extremely careless in her handling of classified emails on a private server.
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former arkansas governor mike huckabee weighing-in earlier today. >> i'm sorry the americans will become increasingly cynical about the justice system. it is something we cannot afford to have. this system, we do not trust and increasingly americans do not trust the department of justice. don't trust the law enforcement agencies because they feel like they are politically selective in who they go after and what they tried to do to them. >> garrett tenney is live from the washington bureau. what did we learn from these emails? >> we are still going through a lot of the emails. so far, most of the 2800 messages dealing with hillary clinton's schedule and travel plans and notes of conversations with world leaders. even the mundane emails are heavily redacted. as for the five emails that the state department later deemed to beclassified , four of them are almost entirely rejected. based on the subject line, they appear to deal with talks between the palestinians and
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hamas. -- the email with the fewest reductions is this one from november which leaves out talking points for a call with the saudi arabian print minister at the time your wanting that wikileaks was about to publish sensitive communications between us government and our allies. it suggested that clint is a quote - i deeply regret the likely upcoming wikileaks disclosure and the kind of information we say may be released or details of private conversations with your government on iraq, iran and afghanistan. and i seek your help in preventing wikileaks from undermining our mutual national interest. that email was forwarded by huma abedin to a campaign email address of her husband, anthony weiner. which led to the fbi discovering in the course of the investigation into anthony weiner for sexting with a minor. >> this is the -- this is not
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the first time we hearing about this. >> this is what prompted james comey to reopen the investigation into the email server less than two weeks before the election. the fbi said most of the emails ended up on the shared laptop because huma abedin' phone automatically backed up copies. others were eventually afforded by her. and for the last year, judicial watch has been actively fighting to get those in any other emails sent from nongovernment email accounts to be released. and with the latest disclosure, classified information private emails, judicial watch is calling on the justice department to take action. >> anyone else would have been prosecuted. this is why the justice department needs to get his act together and reevaluate what james comey did and loretta lynch did in terms of giving hillary clinton a get out of jail free card. >> the sum of the former fbi director james comey testified on capitol hill that investigators believe that huma
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abedin not know she was doing this was against the law. as a result, could not prove those criminal intent. as judicial watch and others have pointed out, intent is not a requirement for charges under the fbi. >> details just keep coming out on this! thank you garrett tenney. >> for more on this let's bring in daniel. thank you for joining us get a lot of people thought that we would be done with this but here it is creeping up once more. we'll be having it over the emails from hillary clinton and find some solution to move on? >> well, that is a deep question. part of it is because people like hillary clinton and her campaign are still blaming people he james comey for the demise of her campaign. i think if you take these emails seriously, i think in some ways it absolves james comey reopening the investigation in the last couple of weeks.
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there is some legitimacy in doing that and sending out letter it was not just about time to specular tent and it is, james comey, former fbi director eventually followed -- fired by the present.many hate him for different reasons. in some way this absolves him a little bit from the democratic hatred. >> he will probably enjoy hearing from you because he was, he was really under a lot of heat as a result of doing that two weeks before the election. and it would seem as you have stated that it is true that he needed to do that. i would like to get back to judicial watch talk and it was that anyone else you would have done this would be in the jail by now. you find that to be true? and is hillary clinton and huma abedin and those associated with her into the emails, are they being absolved from their responsibility? >> that is the question that
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remains outstanding. why wasn't, if there is evidence of wrongdoing, which the emails show that there is. there was classified information stored properly. we know there was information not stored properly by hillary clinton. we know this but no one really pay the consequences. there were other career consequences. but nobody faced the judicial system. i think that is the point that others are making. it seems to me to make sense. why is there a double standard? why are some people prosecuted for mishandling classified information others are not? that is a question of james comey that he could still answer or other people could still answer and we just do not know. it does seem like certain people can get away with things that others cannot. even if there is evidence showing wrongdoing. >> from the circles that you travel and in washington dc, are you hearing special counsel looking into all of this as it relates to hillary clinton and
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her staff and those who helped in her campaign? >> certainly there is some talk. i do think it is being taken that seriously. i think people like the president had mentioned it in there is a push for it. i do not see the justice department acting on this for jeff sessions, attorney general. he has recused himself. he would not be the one to make a decision but i'd not seen at the justice department pursuing this seriously. it was a story a couple of weeks ago that some prosecutors were going to that looking for some information related to hillary clinton and the uranium one scandal. i cannot really see much movement. obviously if there was movement it would be behind the scenes but it seems a little unlikely that they would agree on the investigation. and with donald trump, before he call for special counsel investigation, after the conclusion of the campaign he basically said, let's move on. let's leave the past behind.
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and so there are mixed messages here. i'm not really sure what the outcome will be. >> could also be due to not only with the president has talked about in terms of let's move on, but also what governor huckabee said months ago. that is, we are reaching a point where we just are developing cynicism towards our own government and towards our own justice department. can anyone really trust the fbi? fbi has a lot to overcome with regards to these emails as it relates to not only hillary clinton but also the dossier and the russian investigation. it just goes on and on. to the point of mike huckabee, maybe the american people are just fed up and want to move on and get something done with this. >> there is probably a lot of truth to that. but the flipside is that there is an fbi investigation in relation to the robert mueller probe into the president and his campaign and to the russian interference in election. i think it will continue and of
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course will continue -- >> at the same time, daniel halper, will go back to what huckabee was talking about in terms that you cannot be politically selective. and when you have these emails being released from huma abedin and let's point out, this was an email that went to her husband. he was under investigation. that is how they found out he was texting with minors. i mean this is something that has to be worked out to some degree. and they say why is the fbi going after that situation to find out what huma abedin might have been culpable in terms of releasing classified information. >> i am not denying it. i am just saying that even if we move on from this part, there is still ongoing -- there is a piece out from the new york times in one of the reasons you're looking to the trump campaign is papadopoulos
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line that he allegedly told some foreign diplomats prior to any body having public knowledge about breaking into the dnc, into the emails. >> this took place at a bar. >> so, i think one of the strange things -- it is unconfirmed, we do not know exact details. i think one of the strange things about this whole campaign looking back is that would have thought that the two biggest players besides the candidates themselves work anthony weiner on the democratic side and george papadopoulos on the republican side? it is sort of a remarkable position. >> you cannot make this up. we are watching this play-by-play! as the president says, just move on. we will see if this happens in 2018. daniel halper, thank you and have a happy new year. >> happy new year to you! >> massive demonstrations in the streets of iran and
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thousands marching for the government. this comes after days of antigovernment protests triggered by anger over the country spelling economy. kitty logan is live in london with more. >> there is a large state organized pro-government rallies today by those fresh antigovernment protest. what we saw today was the antigovernment protest and several towns and cities and demonstrators were heard chanting, down with the dictator. and they threw stones are clashes with police. there was also an antigovernment gathering outside of a university. those protesters were also reportedly outnumbered by pro-government counter demonstrators. there were around 4000 government supporters in the streets of tehran alone. they carried flags backing the leader. these were preplanned rallies originally meant to mark the end of the 2009 and of
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government protest and a set of solidarity for the current leadership. but they coincide with the latest wave of antigovernment protests. like this one on friday. all of these began as more demonstrations against the rising prices of some basics but they quickly have turned political and have turned violent at times.there are videos out of social media which showed several of these protests ending in clashes with the police. at least 50 people have been detained. must have been released. but in a treatment the president has called on the iranian government to respect the rights of its people and protest. transfer this into perspective. these protests are fairly rare in iran but people frustrated with the current economic situation. so it is possible that these protests may continue.
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but also quite likely the iranian government will continue to crackdown on them. >> fascinated to see these dueling rallies unfolding at the same time. kitty logan, thank you! >> an online world turns deadly as a 911 call results in a man being killed by police. will carr is live with this bizarre story. how did this all happen? >> this all stems major article that authorities in wichita kansas received. the caller said he was armed and had killed one person. he had hostages and was threatening to burn his house down. the only thing, this was all a hoax! this is where people report fake crimes in an effort to get s.w.a.t. teams to respond. >> i'm just pointing the gun at them making sure they stay in the closet. my mom and my little brother. are you sending someone over here? >> that call, all figure when authorities arrived on the scene a 28-year-old, andrew, who was unarmed according to
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his family, went to the front door to see what was going on and he was shot and killed. authorities now investigating this all started from an online video game dispute. his mother said that her son did not even play video games and questions why authorities would open fire simply based on an emergency call? >> what happened with my son is not what happened as they said on tv. i'm getting madder and madder. i will get a hold of myself. and then i am not letting go until i have justice. >> the wichita police chief says that finch did not comply with commands to keep his arms race. and he adds that the blame falls on the prank caller. >> the incident is a nightmare for everyone involved, including the family. and our police department. due to the prankster, we have an innocent victim. >> one of the los angeles police department arrested 20 federal tyler and connection to
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the case. according to abc 7, was also arrested in 2015 for making bomb threats on their station. here in los angeles. >> is so heartbreaking for this 28-year-old who was the father of two children as we understand. has this thing called swatting, ever happened before to your knowledge? >> yes, we are there been other swatting calls across the country. in 2015 a man was shot with rubber bullets after authorities were called to a false positive situation. very similar. so these are becoming a real challenge for law enforcement agencies across the country. >> and because of that, he led people in law enforcement community will examine this particular case as it relates to the other case as well to find out if they can respond to these kinds of nightmares and scenarios a little bit more prepared for it. will carr, thank you for this report. >> you bet! >> and congressional leaders meeting with top white house
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leaders. next week, on the agenda avoiding a government shutdown. and how to protect the dreamers. we will tell you what republicans are pushing for .
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>> the russian embassy confirming that it has denied a visa for democratic senator,
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shaheen of new hampshire to enter the country pushing back extensions of an overwhelmingly passed congress this year. a spokesman for the center saying that she regrets the kremlin decision but will continue to hold the russian government accountable for actions. senator shaheen was planning on visiting russia with other senators. the trip is now canceled. >> and congressional leaders from both sides of the aisle are scheduled to meet with top white house officials on wednesday to discuss the status of the so-called dreamers. and those who are brought here illegally by parents as children. and a potential government shutdown. joining me now we have a congressman from new york. thank you for joining. this is the final weekend
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before we go into the new year. >> thank you very happy new year to year. >>. >> kicking things off we have a big meeting coming up about midweek. and the president has been very clear that he wants to see very specific things going immigration in exchange for any movement on helping the dreamers. ashley tweeted democrats have been told and fully understand there can be no daca without the desperately needed while the southern border. and an end to the chain migration and ridiculous lottery system of immigration. we must protect our country at all costs. the cost by the way of the wall an estimated $22 billion. meanwhile democrats have said that it will not sign on to this to keep the government funded unless they get their deal to protect the dreamers. i do think that will all play out as we go into the first month of 2018? >> i'm hoping that cooler heads prevail and we are able to measure the government is funded. we have very serious defense need to make sure get funded. you also have to make sure that the military, social security
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checks gone and the like is all important and hopefully we can come to an agreement on daca, i think the fundamentals are there. we can provide a path to legal status and ultimately citizenship even for people that are obeying rules, do not have a criminal record and getting education, serving the military, etc. but the democrats also had to recognize that we need to make sure that we do not to deal with this situation five or 10 years from now. with new daca and trends in the future. and congress will simply waive the rules and let new people in. border security is important. that does not mean a wall from sea to shining sea. it means that in discrete places, border security but usually we are looking at enhanced technology to detect people who are trying to get across the border. listening to do things like have more immigration so that
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we can deal with the backlog of people who come across the border. right now a lot of people if they say the right words can plead political persecution perhaps in the wind up getting released into the general population often times. that is not appropriate. we need to deal with these cases much more swiftly so we can truly ascertain whether people are legitimate refugees or not. >> you have come out there with a long list of places where people could potentially compromise. but on these two issues, the funding for daca for the daca it is very specific things like the wall for instance. do you think that your colleagues will be willing to find the compromise? would you think we will see an impasse as we look closer and closer to january 19? >> i think unfortunately on the left and also on the right, they could have an issue rather than a solution to the issue. i think there's a broad consensus in the house for instance. we could get a bill. a compromise bill that would get 300 votes in that house of
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representatives and solve the problem. we have over 800,000 young people who are brought here as minor children. they know nothing else. just the united states. on the other hand we do not want a specialized system for those folks and say to the people who actually followed all of the rules and laws that they get some type of preference i had and those that follow rules.that would not be right. the wall on the border, i mean the president talked about a wall. they go on people have the impression that it means a wealth from the gulf of mexico to the pacific. it is really not what it means. most people who are experts in the area will tell you that that would not be feasible or even appropriate but there are discrete places where a physical barrier needs to be enhanced or built. but it is not hundreds of miles even. it is a very small discrete thing but through technology, we can actually improve border security. with enhanced security for the united states and also for the border enforcement personnel.
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>> will be interesting to see if a wall or portion of a wall actually comes to pass. congressman, john faso, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you, happy new year. >> the president is calling on china for supplying oil to north korea. violation of un sanctions. how does this affect our strategy in the region? we will discuss that, next. plus, times square getting ready for the count down to 2018! we have a live report from the crossroads of the world.
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>> president trump is continuing his holiday and his mar-a-lago estate in florida. that is a working vacation as he is speaking out about the protests in iran. steve harrigan is live in west palm beach with more. >> molly, the situation
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developing by the minute in just the past few minutes. the president has tweeted twice about iran. referencing the september speech before the un saying oppressive regimes will not last forever. the people of iran need to make a choice. this comes on the heels of three days of demonstrations in iran your demonstrations across the country which began about an economic protest and tended to criticism of the regime as well. last night the president tweeted many reports of peaceful protest by iranian citizens fed up with the regimes correction and stuttering of the nations wealth to fund terrorism abroad for the iranian government to respect their peoples rights. including the right to express themselves. the world was watching. this drew a sharp response from the foreign ministry in iran. they put out saying remaining need give no credit to the opportunist remorse of us officials were mr. trump. the tweet form continuing this afternoon. it is here with overcast no
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official things on the present is scheduled today. we assume he played golf as he was seen earlier in golf attire. >> and across the country we appreciate your report. >> must have met north korea. it remains defiant, insisting it will not abandon the nuclear ambitions. prepare for what it calls preemptive task. this comes amid efforts that russia and china are supplying the rogue regime with oil and in violation of un senses. we have with us -- to talk about this. here we are on the beginning of 2018. we still have not only is in our rearview mirror but it is in our forward view. north korea, kim jong-un. continue to have the contention for developing nuclear arms to
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counter anything the us can do to stop them. what can i do? >> we have to remain very vigilant. this could go into a really crazy situation quickly. nobody saw earlier the craziness with long. you will recall that intentions were really tense. nothing really has changed except for north korea has honed in more of their work on the intercontinental missiles and trying to work out the war had to put into the mrs. >> me tell me that, might thought goes not to kim jong-un because, we know he is crazy. i hate to say that but pretty much and is a terrible thing to say but then there is russia and china you're not doing what they need to do in terms of their due diligence to make sure that north korea is contained. and that it does not get to squarely on us. to the point that we can't pull it back. and keep something from happening in terms of
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provocation and an all out war which would be disastrous of course. what do we do to russia and china? >> one thing you just mentioned, and all out war. russia and china really do not want that to happen. >> they keep pushing -- >> understood but they really do not want that to happen. that is what we have seen some coming around in terms of beijing and moscow because they do not like to have a super heavily armed atomic power and north korea. right next to them. i mean yes, they have a history of supporting north korea militarily, economically. they are neighboring countries. they have traded historically across the borders. hundreds of miles of shared makes sense for them to be engaged with north korea. they don't want a conflict. as if you have a conflict, then you have unforeseen consequences that will affect them. >> they want to give united states and the western allies a headache quite efficiently
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they are certainly enjoying that. it has been helpful them for us to be a demand north korea and to have this irritant for the united states. it is a costly irritant as well.we have troops stationed in the demilitarized zone in korea and we have to remain vigilant because it really is an unpredictable regime and north korea and scary because they are a nuclear power. >> what does russia and china gain by making sure that north korea remains a headache to us and a distraction to us in terms of moving forward with things we want to do globally? >> geopolitically it is helpful to them because they have yet another tool in their box to be able to pressure the united states and put us at ease. this level of responsibility obviously. we would not have this problem. one could easily argue if moscow and beijing really did not do as you reported a short time ago. providing fuel and other
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lifelines to north korean regime. so they want this to be going on. the other thing that they gained is obviously trying to contain geopolitical, strength in the region itself. south korea's economically strong. it is a competitor. japan is economically strong. there are territorial disputes between russia and japan. china has issues historically with japan. so there are various -- >> but historically kim jong-un is looking at the likes of some other people like saddam hussein, omar qaddafi, trying to follow the pattern as far as being belligerent and provocative in their actions. is that wise or unwise? >> well, look at those two people you just mentioned. they are two dictators that managed to keep power through being both human and strong and military might and threatening the world with this and that. and they did not have nuclear deterrence.
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both of those dictators are dead. and kim jong-un knows that if a war breaks out, he is probably one of the casualties. so, having a nuclear deterrent is something he understands in his calculus trying to survive trying to allow all of his guys surrounding him and women, surrounding him, the government there to survive. they have you know their own industry going on in north korea. >> i have got to go, but i need to ask you quickly about iran. the president doing the right thing to challenge iran on these demonstrations that are taking place? >> to a degree. one of the things that the regime will look for is trying to blame the united states. if they have some sort of proof of letting talk something but some sort of proof that the united states is behind these demonstrations. it is not something starting of its own grassroots and
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discontentment in the country. they can blame the west, it helps them. it helps the regime in terms of having an excuse to clamp down here to give some sort of argument. so you know, nice, subtle, reminders about the need for democratic reform in the country is important. but showing some sort of sign the united states is going to immediately intervene will actually -- >> jonathan wachtel, always good to have you.>> thank you. >> freezing temperatures in new york city's times square to moniker the nypd is stepping up security to make sure that they are all safe as a way for the new year's eve ball to drop! brian is live and has been for days now. the city prepares for the crowds. what is the latest? >> look, it is not only security preparations but also preparations for the big
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liberation. one of the main theaters in the middle of times square. as tours are coming on the snow, taking photos.nick jonas, neil diamond, even mariah carey is trying to make a comeback from last years disaster. earlier today, we had the ball drop test actually. it is important that they test the ball just because a billion people will be watching on sunday night. to see that ball drop. it is about 400 feet in the air. it will come down.made of 2600 crystals and 32,000 led lights. it is a six ton ball that will come down on sunday and it could also confetti! day had a good riddance day ceremony in times square early this week where people tear up their worst memories of 2017 to usher in 2018. and you know, we spoke to one of the organizers of the big events. he said this about the weather tomorrow. because remember, the weather
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is going to be 10 degrees. it will be one of the coldest new year's eve and new york history. >> when it is warmer, people come out earlier in the day to get a good spot. my guess this year is that people come out a little later in the day closer to four, five or 6 pm. so you will have to really bundle up. and we will warm your spirits with great entertainment. >> now in terms of security, this will be the most secure times square has ever been. two terror attacks in as many months in new york. if taken precautions. we are talking about a big number of specially trained dogs that work in tandem to slip out bombs in the air and on people. officers in hotels and office towers overlooking times square. a result of the las vegas shooting on october 1. the worst mass shooting in us history. every single person that comes into times square tomorrow will
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be checked twice. there will be random checks, over 1000 security cameras, thousands of uniformed police officers and clean clothing police officers. the mayor and the police say that it will be safe. if you come back all the way atop, that will be the view of the ball. it says cannot see the ball yet. it will be raised tomorrow night at 6 pm. for everybody to see for celebrations. and again, if you get this update tomorrow, you have to be here pretty early. there is no seating. i said that wrong! everyone will stand for hours on end. and no bathrooms, by the way either. >> a good warning to all of the folks planning to go that direction. thank you for standing out there in the cold and thank you to your producer as well! we know you have good seats tomorrow wherever you are! and brian will not be alone. be sure to tune into mono for a live new year's eve program and
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kicking off at 8 pm until 1 am eastern time. they will take up festivities for the first two hour special we are calling it comes down to 2018. that takes up in a club.and then we will be live from times square in new york city at 10 pm eastern time. of course, live music, performances by top senior anti-grammar and country music star lauren elaina paul here on fox news channel. absolutely worth watching! >> with 2018 for supporting special counsel robert miller's investigation is yet to produce any charges. so is it an investigation and search of a crime as one scholar quickly? our panel ways in coming next. along with diet and exercise, once-daily toujeo may help you control your blood sugar. get into a daily groove. ♪let's groove tonight. ♪share the spice of life.
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that can lead to death. find your rhythm and keep on grooving. ♪let's groove tonight. ask your doctor about toujeo. ♪share the spice of life. >> a man allegedly tries to
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electrocute his pregnant wife by bringing the front door of
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his home with electrical devices! they say michael wilson of palm coast, florida attempted to cause bodily harm to his estranged wife by electrifying the doors locked and handle. the father lord contacted police after wilson made suspicious statements regarding not letting a child touch the front door of the house. deputies say this is one of the most bizarre domestic violence cases they have ever seen. >> seven months after it started, special counsel, robert miller's investigation into alleged collusion between russia and the trump campaign lived to the indictment of two former top aide to the president and plea deals with two others. but there are still no charges for the president. let's bring in our panel, isaac wright a former executive director for correct the record super pack and alexandra smith executive director of the america rising and a former national chairman of the college republican national
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committee. thank you for being here. before goes the new year. what's interesting as we move forward is how much longer can this investigation go as we go into 2018? what are your thoughts on this alexandra? you think we are drawing a request to an editor could potentially see more charges and is the president or his inner circle perhaps family members or anyone in his campaign at risk? >> i think it's important that the investigation continues because we should know that americans, about the hustle state that they are looking to influence our election. that being said, i do not think it is the issue that is unique to the trump campaign. for example, the senate intelligence committee is looking into whether or not jill stein, was colluding with the russians. so this is certainly i think a problem for the country. one that the special prosecutor is investigating. i think it is also worth noting that the reason why we know about most of the stuff that we know about with respect to the investigation because not only
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does the executive branch appoint a special prosecutor, but also the republican led committees in the house and senate have permitted a hearing that permitted different statements to be taken that we would not otherwise know about. really difficult to think about senate democrats and house democrats doing the same under president hillary clinton. >> you bring up a great point. this is really broad as far as the number of people that are looking to all of this. and congress and the house, isaac, your thoughts on what we might see in the new year and the president or his circle are at risk? not. >> opposite the circle is at risk. four indictments have already been handed down. two of which were of dental times and was a settlement demand to manage his campaign has been charged with other things. conspiracy against the united states. i think it is the first time in american history presidential campaign manager has been charged with conspiracy against the united states. not to mention his national security advisor at the white
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house. donald trump is not come out on a tweet since then and said, that he knew before firing michael flynn that he had lied to the fbi. before he asked the fbi to stop investigating michael flynn. obviously, that would be pretty concrete. a good case for obstruction of justice junior scene four indictments so far.two guilty pleas. this is going to heat up and the big question that remains is what is a truth out there that so many are lying about that because you look at what these guys are getting charges. they're getting charged with lying to the fbi about communications on behalf of the campaign with russia. what is it that they're hiding? what is it that is so important. they're willing to lie to the fbi, to congress, and under oath at the risk of felony charges to cover this up. >> the investigation is ongoing and met answers to a lot of questions. people on both sides of the political i want this. "the new york times" spoke with
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the present biggest what he said about robert mueller. he said he does not bother me because i hope he is going to be fair. i think he is going to be fair. there has been no collision but i think he is going to be fair. alexandra, your thoughts on that. you think the special counsel is being fair? >> i mean look, i think the investigation is playing out and the president is leading the investigation play out as are republicans in congress.i think the people were really disappointed right now are the democrats. is going into the 2018 midterms, they will be hoping it will be a silver bullet that came out of the investigation. so far, connecting these alleged activities to the president. and so far there really has not been one. i think going into 2018 they were really hoping to rally their base around claims of work around charges of impeachments. they were really hoping that this would be a smokescreen for the fact that they still do not have a unified economic message they still cannot get on the same page when it comes to polarizing topics like
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single-payer healthcare. i think going into 2018, they will find themselves scrambling for a unified message that does not involve this investigation. >> achievement any republican. shame on any republican who tries to make this a partisan issue. this is about national security. it should be about integrity and our nation. >> as it is important for the investigation to play out. what i am saying is that democrats have been hopeful that it will yield something. and you can see that by -- [multiple speakers] >> democrats of course watching this very closely. we do not know the answers yet and at some point hopefully we all will.
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>> absolutely. >> we all should be watching. >> thank you for joining us today. happy new year! >> happy new year. >> a good indication of 2018! >> yeah! >> in the meantime, frigid temperatures gripping many parts of the country. plunging well below freezing and setting new record lows. when will it warm up? the forecast is next.
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>> the northern part of the country is in a deep freeze! and it will stick around well into the new year. white out conditions triggering a 40 car pileup on a michigan highway yesterday. the arctic last trumping everything in sight along the canadian border as well. under a blanket of snow and
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ice. live with adam, how long do we deal with these freezing temperatures? >> they will be running with us at least the next several days as we go into the new year. some of the coldest spots out there currently sitting in the northern plains. is will shift but these are current actual temperatures. getting to north dakota looking at temperatures down close to -20. this is without the windchill. if you add that in this is what it feels like you step outside. it feels like -40 in fargo this is where the coldest air is. unfortunately it is settling further into the country and will be seeing more widespread areas with frigid temperatures. this is what we look like on satellite and radar. in front of this cold air mass there is some snow falling stretching up from the midatlantic into new england. that will continue through today before eventually clearing off. the big story will continue to be the frigid temperatures. this is the forecast and
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windchill as of right now. it shows you how some of the colder air back toward the great lakes and that continues to settle down along the midatlantic coast. eventually up to new england as well. i will put this into motion. this is now sunday night and monday morning. new year's eve into new year's day. temperatures falling into negatives across a huge area of the country for a feels like temperature -12 and feels a temperatures along the coast. sometimes even colder into new year's day. january 1, spots across the entire area again, this is the heart of the day.feels like temperatures down in -20 in chicago, -13 st. louis, it will be absolutely frigid! it will be frigid for the folks standing out at times square tomorrow night. 11 degrees windchill of -2! that will be likely to second coldest we've ever seen it with that windchill. i don't know, low 20, --
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>> why bother? thank you adam! >> the state department releasing thousands of emails from huma abedin what we know about them.
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you might take something for your heart... or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember.
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♪ ♪ >> a rah coon walks into a liquor store and starts getting rowdy. thankfully, we have the footage in bristol, tennessee. capturing the moments when he broke in,ç started rooting around, caused about $250 worth of damage, but the owners say it was all worth it for the laughs and that video, of course. kelly: that's a pretty cool video. [laughter] >> a little mascot and everything. he was ready to go. kelly: that does it for us, we'll be back here at 4 p.m. eastern for more news. molly: and i will see you later
12:00 pm
on tonight for the pocket report at seven. "the journal editorial report" is next. muck -- ♪ ♪ paul: welcome to this special edition of "the journal editorial report" as we look back on the highs and lows of president trump's first year in office and ahead to the challenges that await him in 2018. i'm paul gigot, and we begin this weekç with a look back at the president's first year from the rocky rollout of the travel ban to the triumphant passage of his historic tax overhaul. here with a look at his accomplishments and setbacks is columnist and deputy editor of the "wall street journal" dan henninger, columnist kim strassel and assistant editorial page editor james freeman. all right, dan, let's


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