tv Fox News Night FOX News January 6, 2018 12:00am-1:00am PST
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buttercup. everyone have a great weekend, roll tide, shannon is up next. >> shannon: one of president trump's nominees who served in mike huckabee's administration picks up the idididentiary trail. what it means now that a prosecutor is officially investigating allegations of corruption by america's first couple. with the outcome be different than it was? fact-checking michael wolff's fire and fury, what's true, what's false, will investigate. an arkansas woman takes off after winning big for my lottery tickets. we'll pick up the case in night court. ♪
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hello and welcome to "fox news @ night," i am shannon bream in washington. there are no reportedly for official inquiries and involvig secretary hillary clinton. her state department was 1 of 9 agencies that signed off on the deal. there's is also a potential probe on a report that you've seen right here on "fox news @ night," allegations of the obama administration slow rolled or even stopped a dea investigation into millions of dollars of drug and weapons trafficking. she was the secretary of state during the obama administration. last night we spoke exclusively to the dea agent in charge of the time. >> it's very strange to me sitting there listening to the attorney general of the united states to direct his people to have a meeting to get
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more information from the dea and our interagency partners about this global money-laundering scheme and they weren't interested, it never you can't explain it. >> shannon: cody highland has interviewed a key witness in dealing donations to the clinton foundation and he used to work for republican governor mike huckabee. highland examining whether the clinton foundation trading money for clinical favors. telling us tonight he expects telling us tonight he expects highland to pursue the case aggressively. he said if he found evidence if i violated the law he would come after me regardless of his loyalty to me because he is loyal to the law and what's right. that is certainly different from the former fbi director james comey was to make political decisions and not legal ones. finally the doj is exploring whether to reopen the probe into hillary clinton's private email server and classified email she stored there.
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the clinton's claim this is all efforts to divert attention from robert mueller's special counse counsel. good to have you with us tonigh tonight. there's a lot to do here. if let's start first of all, senators grassley and graham senators grassley and graham have sent a letter to doj officials and they say they want to know a lot more about christopher steele, the man who was at the center of the dirty dossier. >> this is what dianne feinstein on the senate judiciary committee have to say, clearly it's another effort to deflect attention to determine whether there is collusion between the trump campaign in russia to influence the election and subsequent obstruction of justice. let's start with that piece of the puzzle first. do you think we go anywhere without? >> there is a lot of attention to how it may have been weaponized during the campaign, this was a dossier that was funded by the dnc, funded
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through a firm that has not been forthcoming with congressional investigators. christopher steele now according to senators grassley and grandma potential he was not forthcoming when he talked about the dissemination of the contents of the dossier, how he provided that to reporters. this is the first criminal investigation we've seen out of the rush of probes it be interesting to see if it goes anywhere. >> shannon: he didn't think that was likely, he's asking questions on that front. there is now this probe into the clinton foundation that we talked about, the investigation of pay to play allegations and we talk about the u.s. attorney there, cody highland at what he is digging into. arkansas is a very interesting
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place and some of these blood feuds go back a long way. some are saying he's a trump appointee and this is partisan in nature, what do you think? >> this claim is bolstered by the fact that president trump has personally called for the investigation of hillary clinto hillary clinton, as the mueller probe has heated up, he returns to this call for the justice department to open these investigations into hillary clinton. remember this was a case that was opened up during the obama presidency. it had arms that were being investigated in arkansas and new york and that investigation was consolidated in washington because the justice department because the justice department didn't want to take aggressive investigative steps in the middle of an election year. this isn't something that's being driven by the trump administration, that came up during the campaign that were not fully explored. certainly president trump undercuts the credibility of that probe when he is inserting himself into the debate about
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the clinton foundation. >> shannon: here's what the communications director has to say about this, let's call this what it is, a sham. the goal is to distract from the indictment. it sounds a lot like what we heard from senator feinstein about republicans demanding information. this is just a distraction, trump, collusion, russia, these investigations are not legitimate. they are just a distraction. >> that's a typical defense from any party, you may start seeing people citing the lyrical allegiances, the clinton foundation probe that's the same thing the republicans are trying to find what to do with the mueller probe. who potentially have allegiances to the democratic party, this is
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something both sides are trying to do is look at who was involved in the investigation and where to their political biases lie? >> shannon: former governor huckabee said they worked together, they go way back and he says if i were innocent -- if i were guilty i'd be scared to death. he went on to say even though i hope to start out and we have this long history together, i have no doubt if i had done something wrong, cody highland would come after me. he said that's going to be very different from what we saw with james comey. >> that's the same argument that defenders of mueller are saying too. maybe there are people who are texting about how much they hate to trump that they are straight shooters. there's a certain amount of merit to it, people are allowed to have political opinions. but it does raise fundamental and questions about the integrity of any investigation, when the people leaving it has
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an extra bright about their subject. that's why there is a lot of effort and should be to keep the justice department apolitical. >> shannon: you have covered the clinton scandals for a long time. they seem to have gotten free of most any experience accusations over decades of complaints against them. folks would say that's because they were innocent, how do you think they are feeling tonight with renewals on numerous fronts? do you think they're thinking they are cleared before or do you think there is any real fear for the clinton's that some of this could be to their detriment? >> i think they are hoping this is all have been litigated before in the court of public opinion, there is a lot of people who thought there was no there there with emails, there are a lot of people who thought she skated free, they used kid gloves in that investigation. they have been in the public eye for so long, there are people who think that the clinton's --
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there has been so much smoke surrounding them for so long, there are others who think their whole lives have been victims of the vast right-wing conspiracy. that view is so set with people it's hard to see these investigations changing folks mind barring some bombshell. >> shannon: will see what investigators come up with. great to see you. have a great weekend. conservative watchdog group judicial watch is praising the justice department's decision to look at the clinton foundation saying the previous investigation was in their words a farce. >> the justice department asking questions is the least that can be done given the outrageous sham investigation that took place last year. is it going to be another pretend investigation designed to mollify critics like the president and judicial watch? >> shannon: chris, great to see you again. what do you make of this restarting of the foundation
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investigation, some of these things have gone on for years. "the washington post" says this -- the fbi has investigating the clinton foundation for months. reviving a probe that has dialed back during the 2016 campaign amid tensions and fbi agents about the politically charged case. in your estimation aren't many of those same people still going to be there? >> we've uncovered records and documents that demonstrate there is absolutely no daylight between the clinton foundation and secretary of state clinton while she was serving in office. for example, there is one particular email from doug band who was a clinton foundation official communicating with whom anna saying the crown prince of bahrain is exercising all the normal channels and he can't get the meeting with the secretary
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and doug band says he's a high dollar donors so we need to put him in contact with the secretary. here is a foundation official acknowledging that the routine normal channels have failed, the sky is a high dollar donor and they have to get them special access to the secretary. in black-and-white, in their emails communicating internally with each other, it demonstrates that extra privilege, the extra access this pay to play mentality, it's an example of nearly up hundreds of others. >> shannon: a lot of folks would say the clinton's are sophisticated, some of this information was out there.
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>> their spokesmen go out and say oh not this again. we have actual documents, people who have taken depositions up like huma abedin, cheryl mills, and others. if it was up to judicial watch literally for years to uncover this stuff into press the case and based on the foundation that we have already laid now, the justice department with a fresh set of eyes is really obligated to go forward and conduct a legitimate investigation. when you have a subject interview of mrs. clinton on the second of july last year and she isn't mirandized and is not under oath and there is no transcript, no other federal government employee in her position would ever be treated that way. i say that as a formal special
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agent, i've done national security investigations and had people jailed for a tiny fraction of what mrs. clinton fraction of what mrs. clinton has done. investigation 101 is when you say i don't recall, 39 times and wondered interview, you pause and you pull out her nondisclosure agreement that she signed and you show it to her and say now, does this refresh your recollection? let's move forward to the questions. how can you say you don't recall? recall? none of this was done. it wasn't several instances a sham investigation and its critical, now a fresh set of eyes can look at it and all this documentary evidence that we produced is in the public record for there to be a legitimate fresh look. >> shannon: i just want to quickly note the chairman of the senate judiciary committee sent out another letter this week saying he wants an investigation
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into james comey's disclosure of the memos that led to the reporting in "the new york times" ." he said this asking the doj and the fbi, have you initiated an investigation into whether mr. comey properly disclose classified information by providing the miranda to professor richardson. if so, what's the status of the investigation and if not, why not. do you think that goes anywhere? >> it will because former director comey is a leader, he took classified information and willingly passed it on to a cutout to get it published in "the new york times" ." he absconded with the federal government records and government records and unlawfully leaked them. in my opinion, he is a prime suspect for prosecution under 793f which is mishandling of classified information. i don't know how he walks away from that. his testimony on the eighth of
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june in front of the senate intelligence committee, when he finished the testimony, he should have been mirandized as he walked out the door. he admitted to doing just that, passing unclassified information it's outrageous. >> shannon: the attorney general said he would crackdown. chris farrell, thank you very much. we just got this picture in from the white house showing the white house showing president trump chatting with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, you could see house speaker paul ryan engaged in conversation. this is being billed as a legislative dinner and they're looking ahead at what's next, red meat for conservatives, anathema to the left. tightening up a marijuana laws and suspending aid to pakistan. we'll talk about that and much more, let us know what you thin think. tweet me about what you think are talking about this weekend. american business is booming and
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access, somebody who does have access is peter doocy. >> michael wolff need to check his math, he insisted 100% of people around president trump are questioning the commander in chief's mental capabilities, that percentage appears to be shrinking, the people who are around the president say that michael wolff is wrong. secretary of state rex tillerson told cnn this morning he's never had a reason to question the president's mental fitness. we got a new denial tonight from the famous democrat who wolff writes was lobbying the president to win ambassadorship to the u.k. somebody already living across the pond tony blair is accusing wolff of making up a story about him that describes the former british prime minister of warning at jared kushner that trump is being spied on by the brits.
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we are also now hearing from one of the print reporters whose name is being featured in "fire and fury," he posted this, spotted in the new michael wolff book about a trump a four seasons breakfast featuring "washington post" reporter national mark berman. i've never actually been there. i wonder if i can use this to go eat there and expense it. he says wolf meant a lobbyist with the same name and he couldn't have been there at that breakfast because he was attending the birth of his child that day. wolff has been selling a lot of books, they all have an authors note that outline he knows some of the info he got was boldly untrue but he published what he believes to be true. he invited a lot of new scrutiny when he admitted on "the today show" he said whatever he thought he needed to say to gain access to the white house. the next question is what exactly did he say and did it create a false pretense?
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>> shannon: i can't recall a big inflammatory book with a note like that that says some of this information i got may not be true. i got conflicting stories about some of these things so i just chose my version of it. >> we have a copy, there is no mention -- he does not flag which passages are from people he says he knows were lying. >> shannon: he's going to sell a lot of books. if you and i tried to put that in our upcoming features, it's not going to work. >> mine is a picture book. >> shannon: keep working on it and will feature it right here on "fox news @ night." michael wolff making some stunning claims about those closest to the president questioning his mental fitness. >> according to your reporting, everyone around the president, senior advisors, family members, every one of them question his
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intelligence and fitness for office. >> let me put a marker in the sand, 100% -- the one description that everyone gave, everyone has in common, they all say he is like a child. they say he is a moron, an idiot. >> shannon: but my next guest having spent a lot of time with the campaign with the president and the first lady, pastor robert jeffress, great to have you with us tonight. i want to give you a couple specific things to respond to. we have this recollection about the first lady on the night of the election. shortly after 8:00 p.m. on election night, he writes, when the unexpected trend seemed confirmed, donald jr. said his
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father looked like he had seen a ghost in the millennia was in tears, not of joy. >> i happened to be in trump tower on election day and i got to spend some time with president and mrs. trump and they were relaxed, they were optimistic about the future. nobody was crying, i can assure you. i didn't spend all day with the trumps, i didn't spend most of the day with the trumps but i spent more time with them than michael wolff did. i can tell you that is an inaccurate portrayal. >> shannon: is it your sense that either one of them didn't expect them to win or didn't want him to win? did you ever hear the first lady -- there are these intimations that she didn't want to give up her life, she didn't want him to win, to run from any of that? >> i never heard any of that and certainly not from president trump. he said over and over again, if he didn't win, this whole exercise was absolutely futile. it's a completely fictitious notion the idea that he didn't want to win.
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here's the overall problem with this book. michael wolff claims to have spent a grand total of three hours with president trump over 18 months writing this book. i have spent more time than that just a few weeks ago over 82 day period of time. i stood next to him at several public events. i was with him in the first lady twice in the upstairs residence. i saw him more energized, more focused on his agenda than on the two years that i have known him. in the oval office, he recalled with great detail the nuance of the brief conversation of two years ago. i said to one of the staff members he doesn't forget the thing and they said no he doesn't. this picture of an incoherent president who doesn't recognize people and is constantly repeating himself, that may be appealing to his enemies but it has no basis in reality. >> shannon: i want to play a little sound bite from
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congressman jamie raskin talking about a meeting with a number of lawmakers had with a psychiatrist, he is falling apart were watching it happen. >> i think she spoke for a lot of people in the mental health community telling us there are growing signs of paranoia, dilution, and isolation in the president's behavior. any hope that we had that much turnaround or get better was dashed by the discussion. >> shannon: paranoia, dilution, isolation, she said he was falling apart. 100% of the people around him think he has mental fitness issues, does not line up with amanda your spending time with? >> it doesn't at all, if there is a kernel of truth in this book it is the charge that president trump is not normal. he isn't normal which is why the american people put them in
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office to begin with. they were tired of a normal that said we ought to accept subpar economic growth, we ought to accept isis as a continuing reality that our best days were behind us. this president said no to that kind of normal and they're grateful that he isn't normal and established a new normal for america, that's what's going on here. here. >> shannon: it is a different day here in washington. thanks for coming on. and the loser is -- how the hollywood awards show will deal with the controversies sweeping the industry and implicating yet another major player in the industry. a bellicose birthday boy ready to sit down and talk? tensions on the north korea peninsula, fear on the streets after a woman is stabbed 14 times and walks away from little mogadishu in minneapolis. her attacker remains a fugitive,
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that story right after the brea break. they came out of nowhere, sir! how many of 'em? we don't know. dozens. all right! let's teach these freaks some manners! good luck out there, captain! thanks! but i don't need luck, i have skills... i don't have my keys. (on intercom) all hands. we are looking for the captain's keys again. they are on a silver carabiner. oh, this is bad. as long as people misplace their keys, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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a short time ago. like advanced genomic testing. a diagnostic tool that lets us see cancer at the molecular level. then helps us find different ways to target it. and immunotherapy, a treatment that actually makes your immune system smarter. trains it to attack the cancer in your body. this is what we live for. giving our patients compassionate care by offering them more precise and less invasive treatment options than before. that's what makes us cancer treatment centers of america. we're not just fighting cancer anymore. we're outsmarting it. the evolution of cancer care is here. >> shannon: another claim tonight of sexual misconduct and assault, it comes ahead of a major awards show this weekend, a storm of allegations that has toppled actors, producers and screenwriters across the industry.
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the late-breaking details, height, trace. >> for women have now accused oscar winning director paul haggis of sexual misconduct, best known for directing crash oscar winning director paul and million dollar baby is being accused by publicist holly best known for directing crash breese of rate. he denies the allegations and has now sued her for distortion, she wanted $9 million to settle the claim were she threatened to go public. the three other accusers have chosen to remain anonymous. at this weekend on a bed carpet you will see a plethora of black, called on women to wear black at the golden globes to support the fight against sexual harassment. nominees have all found to wear black and hundreds of others have expected to follow suit but some women believe the blackout is dumbing down the debates and
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women should instead celebrate their new found power by wearing a variety of bright colors. whatever the passion, there is likely to be some sniping. actress rose mcgowan has actress rose mcgowan has already criticized nominee meryl streep for remaining silent about harvey weinstein. she maintains she did not know. i made the back and forth, literary critic daphne murphy wrote an op-ed in "the new york times" titled publicly we say #meto, privately we have misgivings, many long-standing feminists will be rolling our eyes having had it with the reflexive and unnuanced reflection about rich. it will be interesting to see how host seth meyers traverses the golden globes landscape, as a rule you would expect funny.
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this year the rules may not apply. >> shannon: a lot of eyes will be watching to see how they handle this first big awards show of the season. undulate first 2015, kate steinle was shot and killed on a pier in san francisco. more than a month ago a illegal immigrant was acquitted, claiming he found the gun seconds before he accidentally fired the bullet that killed he her. he was convicted of felony gun possession and had his sentencing hearing today. >> as expected jose garcia zarate was sentenced to time served. now his case moves to federal court where we could see some fireworks with his new lawyer promising to take on the president and other members of the trump administration. a federal grand jury indicted
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him on new immigration charges after he was acquitted in state court of murder and assault in the fatal shooting of kate steinle in 2015. if the president taking to twitter calling the verdict disgraceful and within days a federal grand jury handed down the indictment saying it civil rights attorney blasted the indictment, it's highly unusual for the feds filing such charges against someone who has no record of gun violence are gang affiliations. there are also double jeopardy concerns that he will move to have the case thrown out. >> this is retaliatory. there is going to be a motion made right at the beginning for dismissal predicated on the vindictive prosecution which is disallowed under federal and state law. this is a case that ultimately
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will be summed up, a vote for guilty in the federal case is a vote for trump. >> he will now be turned over to u.s. marshals and will be housed across the bay in alameda county while the legal proceedings continue in san francisco. if he will be arraigned in federal court early next week and could face up to ten years in federal prison before he is eventually deported to for sixth time. >> shannon: morgan evenson was walking home from work in uptown minneapolis when she was tackled from behind. she said her body went numb as she was stabbed 14 times. a cry for help alerted a passerby who scared of the attacker away. if this was three weeks ago, police say they are looking for his this person, a somali suspect, slender build with a slight afro
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style on top. minnesota is one of the top states prices inspired terror attacks. morgan evenson is now wondering about her attacker's motive. >> he did this to me for no reason i don't know if he is looking to do it to somebody else. if it was a one time thing because i'm a woman, was it because the color of my skin, was it because i was wearing, was it the person i have on my shoulder even though he didn't take anything from me. >> any one with information about that case is urged to contact police. >> shannon: the las vegas review journal had a ten interactions with him in the days leading up to the october 1st massacre. a spokesperson for mandalay bay said nothing lead them to
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believe anything was out of the ordinary. there were numerous interactions with stephen paddock every day at the resort including a room service delivery and a call with housekeeping on october 1st all of which were normal in nature. he killed a 58 people that night, as you recall, the hotel itself has been criticized for its emergency response plans, it is being sued for allegedly not calling police right away. kim jong un on turn to 34 on monday but it's kind of hard to know. if the not be celebrated. new year's calendars printed by the countries on language public showing house have omitted his birthday. his father's second birthday is celebrated in the country, the only known of his birthday being publicly honored is one dennis rodman seen him happy birthday. the economy is actually booming, will bring you the encouraging
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numbers and talk about why you may not be hearing about them. when night court convenes, a waitress in arkansas cleans her coworkers took off with her half of the lottery winnings. she is taking legal action. our legal liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. >> shannon: admits the fire and the fury of washington, d.c., you may have missed some good economic news, jumped to 1,000 points in the last five weeks, record fastest 1,000-point move in history. another significant number, the black unemployment rate falls to a record low, 6.8%. that is the lowest rate since the bureau of labor statistics started tracking it. she is the former ohio state
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senate minority leader and the current executive in residence at american university. vince, those sound like good numbers but we have a tweet from the president, he's not talking about that tonight. let's talk about what he is talking about. he is talking about the book again, he said -- i happen to like my dog by the way. as long as we're talking about that were not talk about the economy. >> cried when he got fired, that's a rough one. >> shannon: i also cried when i got fired. >> sloppy steve, sloppy shannon i guess work. it's important to realize we get distracted by the fights in d.c., the media does at large, the mainstream press definitely.
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that distraction very much does a disservice to all of the good things that are going on in the country tax reform, more people are going to have more money in their pocket. isis diane, all sorts of things that you want to be happening, we are better off than we were one year ago, i think that this with the president should be talking about. that's with the press should be talking about. >> shannon: surprisingly enough, this was the headline in "the washington post" ." trump's first year java numbers were very, very good. they don't love a whole lot of what he does but that's a very positive headline. >> you can't be fake news all the time. they have to have a little bit of levity. >> shannon: in the case of here, we are never doing fake news. >> there is an undeniable
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positive trend in the economy whether it comes with the issue of jobs, the stock market, et cetera. we have to look deeper, not only are we not talking about the positive aspects in the press, democrats that do have some arguments to make that some of the success of of wall street, are not coming down to main street, african-american implement is the lowest in 45 years, adjusted for inflation, according to the u.s. census bureau, african-american wages are actually $1800 lower than they were in 2,000. 50% of america's rural communities that are old enough to work do not have jobs. one in three are in poverty. these are real. there is a positive trend, there's still a lot of america that got left behind. we need to focus on those policy solutions rather than running
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around with our hair on fire with every salacious thing that comes out. >> shannon: "the washington post" gave credit to the president, a slate columnist said that they are good but is not about trump. as of now there is no sign that trump has delivered any kind of dramatic change, he inherited a pretty good economy unlike the rest of his presidency he managed not to muck it up. >> the dow hitting this week 25,000 that happened thanks in large part to donald trump. the anticipation, that corporate america felt like they were going to get a better tax rate and as a result they did. that came through and it has helped the markets, i think you could claim a lot of credits for this. we overestimate how much any politician is involved in the economy i think that's a sin of media. i think in this case he does deserve credit when it comes to how -- they're going to be more liabilities that are created by the government, that's because
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donald trump is president of the united states. >> i think the executive action that he has taken, and reducing those burdens in addition to introducing a late breaking success with reform, i think he does deserve credit and the republican congress deserves credit for those things. i think it's about that shared success that we haven't seen entirely yet. there is always more work to be done. >> shannon: make it happen. enough already, winter chill brings misery too many, and here's something to warm the heart and possibly the pocketbook.
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>> shannon: time for night court it is fairly common in a lot of offices for coworkers to form an office pool -- what happens when one coworker hit the jackpot and takes off that is the subject of tonight's without sharing the winnings? that is the subject of tonight's night court case. leslie underwood has filed suit against her coworker after she ran up with $300,000. she claims her boss gave the two of them several scratch-off tickets before christmas with the understanding that whatever they would when she would split. she is now asking the judge to put the winnings in a court supervised account intel is determined whether or not she's entitled to have of it. >> for someone to tell you they don't think you and serve dese.
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>> shannon: mercedes: as a criminal defense attorney in a fox news legal analyst great to see you both. my understanding they got these tickets, the boss said i got a bunch of scratch-off tickets, they were waitresses and good friends they set them down, the one who got the ticket was $300,000, they talked about what they were going to do. here is what the woman who was filed the lawsuit says they discussed. >> we talked about how life-changing it would be and what we would do with this mone money. she even talked about giving back it was such a blessing. >> leslie said that mandate shows up with a fake check that you've won the lottery and that's how she found out that her friend was taking the whole $300,000, who was in the right ear? >> under state law most states will recognize a property right in the lottery ticket, there are some states have prosecuted
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people for stealing winning lottery tickets. i think in this circumstance it's showing the evidence that she received this tickets from her boss and they were supposed to split it. when she does i think she has a very good case, i think the judge should set aside half of the money to make sure it isn't spent and till he makes the final decision. >> shannon: they're asking for an injunction or restraining order, if they freeze that money so they can work this out. the boss even as this is playing out in the two were sitting there, he said you guys aren't going to be friends after this. it's tricky in these lottery cases. >> in the spirit of our discussion, she said it she will share the lottery winnings, $450 million between the four of us. it happens, all the time with
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these lottery winnings. he doesn't have any consideration because the big issue is it's written or a verbal agreement, where's the consideration. there was no money exchanged, she didn't do anything of value to derive a benefit from that contact and when you look at the case, they look very specifically at the consideration. they are sitting there laboriously going through these tickets, that's enough consideration if miss underwood done that to say of course she should have part of the winning winnings. there is no money, there's no part of the labor that she expended, a lot of these cases fall on whether there's a conflict. >> shannon: i looked under arkansas law, they do recognize
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verbal contracts. one of the issues the plaintiff is going to have to work through here, she's the only one who signed the back of that ticket and collected the money. >> i think the issue is ownership. it was a gift given to them by their boss, i don't think the analysis of what kind of consideration did she contribute to earn half the money or half the value of the winning ticket? she already owned half of it before it was scratched off. they should share the winnings, if you own half of something, someone can take the value of that away from you. >> shannon: do you think the judge will freeze these assets for now? >> we've seen it she's left, because it can be spent pretty
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trent massachusetts residents, a snowball, we loved oxford thank you for spending the evening ♪ >> sean: welcome to this special edition of "hannity," the fake news epidemic and tonight for the hour we're going to show you the worst of the worst examples in the mainstream media and their unprecedented assault against president trump. top fake news anchors, reporters, the biggest anti-trump print media outlets and the most inexcusable example of the media is spreading fake news to you the american people. we'll show you president trump's most epic takedowns of the liberal mainstream media, he's faced an onslaught of historic negative media coverage. the president will continue to figh
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