tv Americas News HQ FOX News January 14, 2018 1:00pm-2:00pm PST
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voted. paul: remember, if you have your own hit or miss be sure to take it to us at je are on fnc. that's it for the sexual. thank you to my panel and thank you for watching. i'm paul, i will see you right here next week. >> first came the panic, then release and now the search for answers in hawaii. a day after a false emergency alert warned of impending missile attack sparking fear as that devastation was evident. the sheer agony lasted for 38 minutes until people got the all clear from a second alert but the question on how this could happen waiting for answers hello, i'm arthur l neville and welcome to america's music orders.
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>> i'm erica sean and it's almost unimaginable to go to that. the message going out on cell phones all across the island happened at 8:00 o'clock in the morning yesterday when they were getting up. it triggered seems like these reminiscent of were overseas. people were running for what they thought were their life and they were scrambling for shelter and with the state investigation and federal investigation from the fcc just getting underway. white governor is saying that safeguards are now in place to try to prevent the kind of rent is blunder from happening again. >> we didn't have a process in place to send a message and we didn't have a message scripted that said this is a false alarm. we were not prepared for that. the fact that an alert was issued that was incorrect. we have built that. eric: that is insane there were redundancies to people in place. will car is in honolulu with the very latest. hello, will.
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reporter: eric, it was just over 24 hours ago when there were those moments those terrifying moments for the residents of hawaii and there was so much confusion and so many people didn't know what to do when they got that text alert and we want to read for you exactly what they saw around 8:00 a.m. yesterday morning. that text said ballistic missile threat inbound hawaii. seek immediate shelter. this is not a drill. this was a local mistake that congresswoman colleen said was to be handled by the military moving forward. >> there are different types of disasters and unfortunately but one like this to be clearly tied to the military and the military should have the actual trigger, button, or the ability to notify the residents of the state. reporter: that resident sparked
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panic and people here thought that north korea had fired a missile from and to end it would only take 30 minutes to actually hawaii. as mentioned, people do not simply know what they could do at that point. so many that we've spoken to said they wanted to race home and be with their loved ones. take a listen. >> [inaudible] >> we realized we had no idea of what we're supposed to do. we were already in her house but we didn't know what the procedures were. >> they said to take shelter in where to go? reporter: but it was all a false alarm and in an and employee excellently hit the wrong button and that sent the text alert out. it evidently in the way the system is set up they could not send out a retraction text ale
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alert, eric, 438 minutes and that was a long 38 minutes for the residents of hawaii. eric: certainly they are trying to put on it and address the issue. meanwhile, they been dealing with a potential response or potential attacks. what is the history about that recently? reporter: well, when you talk to the residents of hawaii, eric, there is a view to sense that they realize that they are a target. we are not far from pearl harbor and they had threats to hawaii during the cold war and then the recent rhetoric between the united states and north korea has made people who live in hawaii realize that there is a potential threat to the island here so that makes a text alert that comes out yesterday even more terrifying when you think about it. eric. eric: and you can hear those sirens as you look up in the air potentially for what we all hope will never come. will, thank you. arbel. arthel: that both missile warning has raised concern about
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the trump administration's readiness to deal with the attacks. will is live in west palm beach with more. reporter: hello, arbel. president trump administration is on the offense and defense today. they began with accusing "the wall street journal", our sister company of missed putting him on purpose three days ago in the story where they quoted president, saying i have a good relationship with duncan to the north korean dictator. president, saying he did not say that exactly. what he said was i would have a good relationship, hypothetical, big difference. in an audio recording released it appears the president is right, no comment today from "the wall street journal". meanwhile resident from his back in mar-a-lago after about five
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hours nearby at the trump international golf club and that is exactly what was yesterday when suddenly hawaii's false alarm went out about that incoming ballistic missile that did not exist. it's part 38 minutes of terror. as the press left mar-a-lago in a properly turned around i'm sorry, but to the sound. >> when we look at response we all act under something called the national response framework. because that very frequently. we use different scenarios and we did have what is called the deputy committee and at the deputy secretary of the department exercising december and specific to the start and we plan to have a principal cabinet level exercise if you will look next month. reporter: that is the terminal homeland security secretary and basically defending those accusations that the white house was scrambling to figure out who does what now and what to do from here. basically that is that. no public event scheduled for the president today, tonight or even tomorrow on martin luther king holiday.
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seven and what to do about the dreamers. again on the present time. phil, what about that? reporter: it has been a daily topic of conversation not only from the white house but for members of commerce in congress, rather. the 700,000 dreamers, immigrants that were snuck into the country illegally by their parents were basically living in limbo right now and left multiple integrations last week and the answer remains elusive for both parties. it was during thursday's oval office meeting with president trump made that alleged disparaging and is not racist, referring to haiti and some in africa as [bleep] countries. that meeting was about temporary protected status as well as discussing what to do about the 700,000 dreamers in limbo. the president tweeted this this morning.
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senator dick durbin who is in that meeting went on camera at the capital and said trump definitely use that disparaging word and some on the right have been accusing senator durbin of making that up and basically line which minority leader chuck schumer tweeted this morning saying questioning senator durbin's impunity is disgraceful. arthel. arthel: thank you. eric: the the question is our is daca that the president said on twitter this morning it is. we have reported the deadline is friday and if they don't pass it a government could shut down. can they get a deal with both daca and the wall customer molly is live in washington now with the very latest on these
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negotiations as the timeline takes down. hello, molly's. reporter: that will be the big question all week. democrats say they want to preserve daca. the program to prevent young, illegal immigrants will be deported but as you heard phil keating reporting president of the fire back today on twitter saying that daca is probably dead because he says democrats don't really want it but they just want to talk about it. the top and ministration plans to end the daca program in march unless congress sends him legislation making it a lot. now a federal judge has ordered that the government continued taking daca renewal applications from young, illegal immigrants which while the court challenge against daca makes its way through the system. the secretary of homeland security says daca needs to be replaced. >> the program was unconstitutional but we need to be focused on instead these court interventions and distractions is that we need a permanent solution. reporter: the democrats say they want legislation to keep daca alive and they are pushing for the dream act which would give illegal miners a way to get citizenship in the us.
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>> we ought to look at the compromise that dick durbin, lindsey graham and the rest of us have reached because it is a combination of border security, $1.6 billion that the president asked for for his wall and in addition to $1.1 billion for border security and at the same time we are saying that we should put the dreamers on a pathway to citizenship. reporter: some republican such as arizona congressman are skeptical. they say they have been promised funding for a border wall for and then funds dry up. eric. eric: in about five minutes will ask jeff mason at the white house press corps and what he expects by the end the week. thank you, arthel. arthel: the palestinian president calling president trump middle east peace plan a slap in the face. he says they will slap back. this comes after the president announced plans to move the us embassy in israel from tel aviv to jerusalem. connor powell joined the from jerusalem for the latest. hello, connor.
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reporter: yeah, arthel, president trump recently threatened to cut us assistance to the palestinians after frustration at the slow start of restarting peace talks between israelis and palestinians. that looks closer to becoming a reality now. president trump making some comments here in the last few days that that could really happen and the measures looks like it could cut hundreds, if not tens of millions of dollars, but palestinian authority speaking out tonight in a fiery, fiery speech calling president trump middle east peace plan a slap in the face but also adding the palestinians will slap back as well. this is just the latest in the attention but israelis and white house and palestinians and following that mood by president trump to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. it has moved up decades of international effort to decide this conflict or negotiation settlement in the big question
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right now is if the united states does cut funding, what type of impact of that half on not only the palestinian authority and palestinians but israel. there are many in is really security services that do not want to see the us cut funding to the palestinians because they were work hand-in-hand with israelis on security cooperation and there is a lot of political support here in israel from prime minister benjamin a ton you to cut that funding but among the security services there is a real fear that could force the class of the palestinian authority and could escalate security problems not only in the west bank but in gaza and also in neighboring jordan and that something the israeli security services do not want to see. yet the fight between the palestinians and president trump but also between israeli government, politician and also the security services here seven and entangled situation over there. connor, thank you.
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eric: back here at home hundreds of children and teenagers celebrating martin luther king junior day. but the commemoration in washington state. it was the youth march took place yesterday and it focused on antipoverty and trying to build a quality this year. you organizers say the goal of the martins to teach children about the importance of working together to fight for a better future in keeping doctor king's dream alive. arthel: very nice. president trump criticizing democrats over doc as congress tries to come up with a more permanent solution to protect the dreamers. can both partners inside the politics to reach a deal with the threat of government shutdown living at the end of this week.
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arthel: the death toll continues to rise in the mud fight in southern california. officials now confirming that people are dead while for others are still missing. rescue crews are searching through mounds of mud, boulders and toppled trees looking for survivors. the debris also causing major traffic delays with the closure of several major roadways including the one oh one. officials say the highway will remain closed indefinitely.
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>> this should be a bipartisan bill, a bill of love truly should be a bill of love and we can do this type that is present calling on lawmakers to use the words the bill of love on a discussion of daca at the white house discussion this week. he gave an initial down comes down but now he's blasting lawmakers and the other side of the aisle accusing democrats of trying to scuttle any daca solution to the present this morning that. joining us more to talk about what could happen on this legislation, jeff mason, white house correspondent for reuters. jeff, good to see you. >> good to see you, eric. eric: is that a fair assessment of the democratic goals or negotiating position? >> it is certainly not a fair
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assessment of the democrats goals. they want very much to get a solution to daca. this something they been working on for a long time as well as many republicans who have i think it is a sign white house specifically for the president that last week's developments mean that the likelihood of a deal which the president was very optimistic about early last week has now dimmed quite a bit. eric: is that because of what he said or because of what the democrats digging in their heels. >> it's probably a bit of both. what he has alleged to say has heard the negotiation but it also a fact that the deal that was beginning to form at the end of last week did not go as far as on both sides wanted. there was a progress between senator graham and senator durbin but it didn't have everything that everyone else in the republican and intimate democrat party wanted. eric: what are the sticking points? one year as a tenure path to citizenship and one and a half billion dollars potentially that will go to build a wall or fence as well as a billion dollars in security. where are the holdup that makes this so insurmountable?
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>> it comes down to essential debate. partially this coming week it's whether or not the should be included or connected to a bill to keep the government open. a lot of these issues that both democrats and republicans have fought over for a long time whether or not there should be funding for a wall or a fence in the security issues the president trump made such a huge part of his campaign promise and can weather that should be connected to daca and helping these people who are brought to the united states as children illegally. all of that trying to get it done in time for the friday deadline is a hard sell. eric: can you explain why the democrats would be seemingly so against building the wall? >> why they are against building the wall? democrats can speak that better than i can but from listening to them talk about it an object with the president has said in many ways they are not opposed
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or many of them say they are not opposed to having increased security they don't want that to be a trade-off for helping out people who have been in this country for years and in their view deserve to be at least legal and perhaps citizens and that it should not be a one or the other trade-off five meanwhile, the rules for daca are continuing and are not taking anyone new at this point but it has been challenged in court. meanwhile, arizona senator jeff flake who should be on his way out expresses optimism and says they potentially do have a compromise deal. let's hear what he said this morning. >> i can tell you i've been negotiating and working with the democrats on immigration for 17 years and on this issue, on daca or on the dream act, for number of years and the democrats are negotiating in good faith. we are trying to come forward with a compromise and i thank you have and you'll see that this week five he says you see this week but do you think it's
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difficult to smart how that play out this week. >> i think it is difficult and senator flake would agree that he is in a much better position to know that i as to how close they are. if he seems optimistic then we will find out in the coming days but the deadline is friday. eric: a good day this coming week still talk about daca and then pass the short-term spending bill to the end of the week and keep the government open in going. push that daca deadline a little ways. >> for sure they could. in fact, the president when he ended or said that he would end the executive action that president obama put in place to help the daca kids to give a deadline of march for that to continue. there is some time to help the daca kids or adults, as many are now. it's if the deadline for the government shutdown that is passing. if they agree to do a short-term spending bill again they can give themselves a little more time five finally, jeff, if you are digging in your house this morning and you see that print
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in one, daca is probably dead and wake up and go no, this is our dream what we want to get. do you think that strikes any fear in the hearts of those supporters and that will get the president intended to get them to the table to agree what he wants? >> it will no doubt the best training for people. the president early last week was optimistic about it and he also made clear that this particular issue is tough for him. he wants to find a solution. he also got in big political trouble when he suggested that he would make a deal without also getting what he promised on the wall and on border security. i think that democrats and republicans are probably frustrated by the situation and will see if we can come up with a deal. >> he also says so see what they come up with a secret jeff mason of reuters always good to see you. our cell. arthel: lawmakers on capitol
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hill jolted on a quiet saturday by the turn setting turn of events in hawaii after a false alarm warned that a missile attack was imminent. it would take nearly 40 minutes for a second alert to be sent. allison is live in washington with the very latest on this story. allison. reporter: the sec is investigating all of this and the chairman says based on what they have seen so far, arthel, it appears to be the government of hawaii did not have reasonable safeguards or process controls in place to prevent the transmissions of a false alert. chairman a jeep i went on to say that moving forward the investigation was focused on what step needs to be taken so this does not happen again. this is a new statement put out this afternoon and he also said
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that state, local and federal officials all work together to spot vulnerabilities in these systems. the sec and log makers on both sides of the i'll see what happened in hawaii, the false alarm, the time it took to corrected is unacceptable. not only because the panic that caused the potential harm because the public trust in the emergency alert system. >> is really the case of a single employee could hit the wrong button and send out this kind of alert that system needs to be redesigned. >> those responsible for is helping need to be held accountable and making sure that this cannot, it cannot happen again. reporter: wine officials as a corrections are being made but one of the state us senators says focusing on sirens and the warning system is not good enough. >> what makes me angry is yes, this false alarm went out and we have to fix that in hawaii but we've got to get to the underlying issue here of why are the people in hawaii facing a nuclear threat coming from north korea today and what is this present doing urgently to eliminate that threat.
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reporter: sources tell fox news that the house was planning to hold a hearing early next month to address emergency alert systems and now sources say that what happened in hawaii will be part of the discussion at the february hearing. arthel: thank you, allison. eric. eric: it sparks a lot of questions as he reported and calls for change. how the stunning scare could impact our national security and if it could spark peter talks with north korea. and i don't share it with mom! right, mom? righttt. safe driving bonus checks. only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it.
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>> this is not just about what happened to hawaii and this is where i really hope people across the country that leaders here in washington are paying attention to what people want through and what the consequences of that can be. we are facing a very direct nuclear threat from north korea. arthel: let's bring in a former ambassador to iraq in turkey, james jeffrey. he's also commuter national security advisor to president george w. bush and good to have you here with us ambassador. i like to start here. how does this false alarm incident factor into possible future talks with north korea? >> it's hard to say. it does two things. first to show their is a huge inadequacies in how we would respond. we see not weather emergencies and in this example in hawaii. the second thing how do we deal with the real threat that north korea will soon have the ability
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to strike the united states nuclear weapons. all of the good emergency preparedness training and exercise in the world will not reduce the threat can't deal with that militarily and diplomatically. arthel: but still kim jung-un remains determined to develop nukes that can strike the us so what more can be done so we as a nation can feel that the north korea crisis has been resolved? >> i agree with that but he is still determined but he has had a window taken out of his sales by a very tough set of sanctions that the trump administration has imposed and a lot of the rhetoric and decisions taken in the military field by the united states career and saw japan that have not only is not alarmed pyongyang certainly have alarmed china and that is why china is now cooperating more than in the past. not enough but it's a huge step in the right direction. arthel: your saint military actions have taken place in recent times that have gotten
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the attention of the china? >> exactly. japan has purchased long-range strike systems and suffering stayed with a very effective system that china raised two objections to so china is seeing that not just the united states with a statement by president trump but also japan and south korea are upping the ante in ways that is making china uncomfortable thus china is willing to put pressure on north korea. that is the path forward but we are not at a success point, yet. arthel: well, we are not at the next success point yet but how much time do we have to get there? kim jung-un keeps going with his nuclear program and developing. >> exactly. essentially he wants this program to at least give him the option to pressure a potentially someday to invade south korea. that may be a ways away the point is if he gets close to that point the pressure will be
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on the american administration and the trump administration to take some type of action. the chinese do not want us to do that and that is where the dynamic is to put more pressure on the chinese to cut the oil supplies to north korea and the other things that keep the economy functioning. arthel: let's talk about that false alarm ambassador international security. what is the impact of yesterday's event which turned out to be a very unfortunate and scary drill -- how prepared are we on the national security front if that were real? >> staying in what is the public from i can tell you we are not cared for any emergency. when i was in the military in desk onto alert in 1973 we weren't prepared in the military for this. we don't practice something continuously you will not be prepared. even if you have good plans and good communications and we don't have great plans and great medications. we are split federal, local and
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state authorities military and civilian and it's a mishmash of authorities. arthel: what would you like to see happen next? first of all the department of homeland security secretary is and was on your show earlier today that bureaucracy has to focus much more on every aspect of how we communicate to the american people about emergencies. we have a lot of work to do their but the department of homeland security is a place to start. arthel: may be yesterday's unfortunate false alarm will galvanize and take action and investor jeffrey, thank you so much. >> thank you. eric: talk about a close call. what if you're on an airplane and use get off the runway? what happened after the boeing 707 was left hanging over the edge as it skidded right off the runway. how did it happen? he will tell you coming up. stuck at walmart raising its starting wage but well, they are also slashing jobs in some
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♪ arthel: panic on board a turkish airplane it skidded off the runway and plunged down the side of the cliff just a few feet away from the black sea. the terrifying ordeal got on cell phone video. passengers say there was panic in screaming the plane careened off the runway, all 160 passengers and crew members on board were safely evacuated. the airline is investigating that incident. eric: meanwhile back at home chelsea manning, the former private army, convicted of giving documents to wikileaks is running for the senate in maryland. she was sentenced to 35 years in
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prison but granted community by resident obama. caroline tightly has more on the announcement. reporter: chelsea manning announced her setting on sunday morning on social media. posting the upbeat treat you, running for senate followed by a happy face, table, heart and # we got this. message on youtube is a bit more ominous. talking about current political leaders. >> we don't need them anymore. we can do better. you are damn right we got this. reporter: she is a transgender woman, writer and now democratic candidate but in 2010 and she was army intelligence analyst, private bradley manning was caught giving wikileaks documents about the us wars in iraq and afghanistan and prisoner in canton obey.
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it was a shocker. the largest leak of classified documents in us history. in 2013 manning was convicted and sentenced to 35 years in prison and late last year president obama commuted her sentenced to seven years already served and she was released from the military prison. she is challenging democrat ben cardin, two-term senator who is up for reelection in november. the two meet in the maryland democratic primaries the stupid card and is thought of as an easy favorite for reelection but someone with manning's name recognition could bring the media coverage in outside money to the far left to the right. she is viewed as a patriotic whistleblower by some and a traitor by others for leaks. she is not shy away from controversy since release from prison. last week she posted on or: manning is a convicted felon that does not appear to bar her from running for congress. eric five thank you so much. meanwhile, president trump has touted the effect of the tax overhaul plan and some say it is already paying off. a pay hike for walmart workers
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has been announced. the company is saying full-time employees are set to make a minimum wage of $11 an hour. they will see those bonuses that some folks have done in other companies. $1000 each but even walmart is paying its employees more the company also happens to be closing 63 of its sam's club stores. the president has touted the effect of this plan and what does that mean to you. fox news for gary brings us now and breaks it all down. gary, it is good news for those folks who are at walmart but it could be a business decision for sam's club what is this mean? >> what, as far as sam's club this you have to realize the retail industry has been shut in stores a master it was over 8000 retail stores and there will be a lot more to go. out of the stores that are being shot a bunch will turn in to filament centers so people will keep jobs and move to other walmarts. the big thing for me is i think this will taxing has been not just a homerun but a grand slam. you have 164 copies now raising of benefits, wages, bonuses, philanthropy, investments and
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that is all good stuff and i expect a thousand or 2000 or maybe 3000 copies to do it over the next few months. we are only one month into it and so far the outcome is pretty darn good. eric: what is the main engine driving is specifically in terms of the newfound? >> very simple. $1 trillion over the next ten years will be kept by these corporations and so they are feeling very flesh here and when one does it in an industry that another does it so in other words the southwest does it delta and american have to follow suit so you start to see the domino effect of this. again, this is about not only that but people are getting tax cuts so you add them both together and unlike nancy pelosi was saying its proms on a percentage basis but it's pretty good for the average worker. eric: so this is where you go to your boss and say where is my trump dough? is that what it is? >> again, i think companies are
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smart and when they read day in and day out about other companies are doing it they follow suit. don't get the other part of the equation here. we now have $8 trillion of the wealth effect because of the election and whether you attribute it to trump or not it doesn't matter to me i just feel with $8 trillion in a matter of 15 million untrained months is gargantuan possibilities for spending by the consumer going forward and that turns into a virtuous cycle that you really can't stop easily. eric: one of the keys for this is maybe the carrier company in indianapolis they wanted to move that factory down to mexico and the president but it visited it and promised to keep jobs in turns out that they announced their letting go of 200 people in indianapolis. basically 340 were told and a thousand will stick to jobs but here's the present had to say about that. >> companies are not going to leave the united states anymore
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without consequences. it will not happen. he has to have a fair shake we are not getting anything. it's a one lane highway into mexico and nothing coming our way. thing going their way. that was in the president and the reaction at the time, chuck jones, here's what he said. >> i'm sorry that he's bought in to his [inaudible] and sold us a bad [bleep] in our second. eric: that was on thursday reacting to the latest layoffs. which view is right. >> look, number one with carrier the seven planned layoffs and that's number one. number two, the president needs to be careful about what he says because i have news for you when all is said and done companies will act in their best self-interest for their future. if they deem it necessary to move the business over to mexico or jobs because of the lower cost for them they will do it
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regardless of what happens out of the white house. thus this case. keep in mind, as best as i have read it carrier was going to send a lot more people down to mexico when they keep over a thousand here. this is a sort of good news, then you scenario it is always bad someone loses a job and you never want to see that but hopefully because of how strong the economy is anyone who loses a job in any industry right now can look somewhere else. eric: that's a good point using more jobs are being open and in terms of the list of companies recently that have announced bringing jobs back about ford, ibm, gm, for example, amazon then you got the big toyota, mazda deal in alabama and they're putting their car factory they are so do you see this trend continuing because of the tax bill? >> as long as the us remains a business friendly environment the answer is yes. remember, people money, businesses and capital, will flow where it is treated best and in the past, not such the
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best here with high tax rates, a lot of rules and regulations and as you pull that away and make businesses feel better about what they are doing you will see a lot more businesses stay here and a lot of businesses come back here that used to be here and we are starting to see that right now. eric: finally, the petrie asian overseas has lowered the threshold in the have not made a lot of announcements as far as i know about that. you expect they'll bring the money back? >> i suspect there will be a lot of that's. i was hoping that the repatriation for they would take it down to zero and then you really know what will come over but i expect to see a bunch of that and the question is what will they do when they repatriate? will they invested or pay out dividends or will they buy back stock or just sit on it and we don't know. i'm a big believer and hopefully the right thing will be done because i do believe what happened here we've made it a
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much more from the business environment not only for big business but small business also five gary, thank you for this afternoon. arthel. arthel: the man who led police in a high-speed chase through two states in a greyhound bus friday night makes his first court appearance today. he is now facing multiple charges to the details in a live report coming up next. r coming . holy smokes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. start your year off strong a new chevy truck. get a total value of over $9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. smile dad. i take medication for high blood pressure and cholesterol. but they might not be enough to protect my heart. adding bayer aspirin can further reduce the risk of another heart attack. because my second chance matters.
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arthel: police say the suspect went on a high-speed chase on a wisconsin to illinois in a greyhound bus is in the united states illegally. he told passages he had a weapon and he wanted to shoot them. he is now facing felony charges. brian is following the story life money or euro. hello, brian. >> the suspect appeared in an illinois court this morning where a county judge denied him bonds. vargas roses was arrested friday night and charged with making terroristic threats a felony and disorderly conduct on a greyhound bus traveling from milwaukee to chicago with nearly 40 people on board. the sheriff says vargas is in the united states illegally from mexico. us customs and border patrol
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tell fox news that the 33 -year-old suspect has been deported five times for. five. previously he has been arrested for a dui and around 9:40 passengers began calling police saying the suspect was pacing back and forth in the aisle threatening to kill people and appeared to draw passengers thought was a gun. >> he was acting crazy. >> it felt like a terrorist situation because you are on a bus and a guy is saying he has done. >> please chase the bus for forcibly stopping it on interstate 94 in illinois using spike trips to flatten the tires because the bus driver would not pull over. passengers say they cannot understand why the driver refused to stop. >> he thought our deputies were trying to stop someone else. i know it sounds hard to wrap your mind around how you don't know you're being pull over but you ultimately recommend this was a serious event. with respect his tires his tires
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became flat in two of them did and he rolled into the state of illinois where he came to arrest. he had no idea what was happening. >> 's bike tires is something usually a sign of something bad happening. he implied that he had a gun but no gun was found. none of the 40 passengers were injured. arthel: good news. we need to know more about that bus driver. seriously. brian, thank you. eric: meanwhile, i felt, while people in southern europe are doing to get this -- scare off evil spirits impacting their farmlands. that is next. we actually filed a claim with usaa to replace that spoiled food. and we really appreciated that we're the webber family and we are usaa members for life.
1:57 pm
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>> the residents in spain and portugal going all-out to scare off bad spirits yesterday. some 40 groups took to the streets showing off unique masks and costumes in a festival called the iberrian mask parade. in ancient times people are believed to do something very similar to chase off evil spirits ruining fertility and farmland. >> very meaningful. >> very meaningful, yes, we are so glad you joined us for this hour of "america's news headquarters". we're back in one hour at 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3 out there on the west coast. 5:00 central. >> you know you have a lot of choices for the news to watch and thankful you spend some of your time on sundays with us. really do. >> appreciate it.
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stick around right now, gutfeld is up and we're back in an here. >> see you in a bit. . >> donald trump has turned the oval office into a [ bleep ] hole. >> [ bleep ] hole. >> [ bleep ] hole. >> [ bleep ] hole. >> hole countries. >> i'm a proud [ bleep ] holer. greg: this story is full of holes! [laughter] [cheers] . greg: so here i thought this would be the big story of the week. check out this sexy kangaroo. look at him. [ laughter ] >> the big problem. he's apparently blocking people from a rest room in an australian national park. [ laughter ] >>
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