tv Hannity FOX News January 17, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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show that is the enemy of lying, verbosity, smugness, and groupthink. good night fromk washington. sean hannity from new york. >> sean: line, the boss verbosity, smugness and groupthink. always great to see you. welcome to "hannity." we have breaking news this hour. president trump has released his highly anticipated fake news awards. it crashed the sites in seconds, the most traffic they ever had. also, the trump-hating liberal media, they are refusing to us accept the fact that your president is in excellent health and more than fit to serve, may be for two terms. the partisan press is going to on the conspiratorial rabbit hole and they are now trump health troopers. i'll explain that entry have all the video proving this insanity. cnn used the words [bleep]hole hundreds of words last week. tonight, we'll unveil our name
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for that news network. plus, brand-new developments about the anti-trump dossier. according to "the washington post" tonight, the fbi shared information with the dossier created. the guy that lie to us, using russians come across diverse deal. thisl. is so corrupt. and sara carter reporting that he was interviewed about the dossier. before we get to the opening monologue, ed henry is on the white house with more on the president's fake news awards. i literally burst out laughing. >> sean, there's a lot of interest in us, especially the president's allies. the website, close web tweeted this j out. he compared them to stalin. he has strong pushback from the white house and number two, the president went right ahead and said, here you go, here are but he is calling the fake news awards. number 11 was russia conclusion.
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the president said there is no collusion. number ten on that list, as you go through the top ten, "the new york times" falsely claiming on its front page that this white house had headed in a climate change reports. that wase. not true. number nine, cnn falsely reporting that james comey would dispute the president's claim that he had not been told -- his claim that he was told he was not undernd investigation when n fact james comey had told him that. cnn reported the opposite and had to correctit it. number eight, "newsweek" falsely reporting that the first lady of poland did not shake the president's hand. there was a video proving that that was simply not true. they had taken a screen grab that showed right before the handshake. number seven, cnn making the list again. falsely reporting about anthony scaramucci's meeting with the russians, retractingab it becaue of what they called it "significant breakdown in the writing process." number six, cnn hit by the president again for falsely
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crediting a video to make it appear that the president had overfed fish in japan. actually, the prime minister love the way with the feeding and it's addressed to the president do it. that what he was also attacked. number five was about a rally, a political rally in florida. he's attacking the fact that the a reporter has suggested that there was not a large crowd. he was using a photograph that was taken out apparently hours before the event. number four is interesting because it was literally from day one of the administration. see the bust of dr. king. time magazine falsely reported that the president had removed that bust from the oval office a had put it in the oval office, simply not true. president trump kept it there, "time" magazine falsely reported otherwise. number three, cnn makes another appearance for the president and his words says cnn falsely reported that candidate donald trump and his son,
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donald trump jr., had gotten special access to hacked documents from wikileaks before they were made public. that was not true. cnn had to walk that back. number two is particularly interesting. it's abc news' brian ross. he got suspended this report. >> has prepared for testify, we are told, against president trump, president of and others inly, the white house. he's prepared to testify that president trump is a candidate, donald trump, ordereded him to make contact with the russians. >> that report suggested that general flynn was going to tell the special counsel, robert mueller, that there was pressure and collusion dating back to the campaign. that was not true.wa abc had to retract it. the problem, of course, is that the stock market had had a bit of a crash after that news, suggesting that there was collusion in the campaign. that was fake. number one, interest income of "the new york times" columnist paul krugman on the day of the n
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victory, you see him there, paul krugman always touting his economic trade in, said that thr from the trump victory. the president cites thatpr as number one in what he is calling the fake news awards, particularly fitting on a day, perhaps, sean, where he saw the stock market reach another record high. perhaps more importantly than that parameter, the fact you had a company like apple saying that because of the trump tax cut, they are going to repatriate billions -- that's billions of the b -- of dollars that they had parked overseas because ofat the previous tax laws so they are not going to bring back to america and invest dear, jobs, built a factory in the united states, put a call center in the united states, jobs, money pouring back into the united states, something the president toutedte early on twitter. >> sean: you can't make this stuff up. it dovetails perfectly into nights breaking news openingne monologue.
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♪ this thick come of the twisted, mentally unstable anti-trump me, again, working itself into a new manufactured frenzy.e we have been explaining how the biased press operate in this country for a while. here's's how it works. they rush from one fabricated mouth on to another and process, these brain-dead, so-called they bounce around the same talking points and their little fake news bubble echo chamber. it becomes a competition to see who can say the most outlandish, the most offensive, the most completely false thing about president trump. it's's like they are hypnotized, lobotomized robots. they are programmed, wake up, hate trump. it is pathetic and sad and predictable, and they are not serving you, the make and people. members of the media, sadly, they are sheep, they have convinced themselves, this is the psychotic part, through their own conspiracy theories, that president trump is suffering from dementia.
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he has early onset alzheimer's, hehe is deranged. the newest fake news fixation is all about the president's healt health. naturally after the president's doctor told them that he was anl excellent -- i repeat excellent -- physical condition, and could easily serve her two full terms, the media could not believe it. that goes against everything they have been telling themselves hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, the press can't stand the fact that the president scored a perfect 30 for 30 on a cognitive exam. most of the people in the media world would probably fail that test if they took it themselves. i would love to test them. before we show you new examples, it's important to highlight just how utterly insane the media was yesterday at the press conference with the president's doctor. watch this. >> do do you keep a tally of hw
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much golf the president plays? >> have you seen any indication of the president is a german folk? -- a germaphobe? >> do you see any evidence of bone spurs? >> twitter doesn't involve me as a doctor. i don't have concern on that. >> does the president wear dentures? >> the president has no partial or dentures of any kind. figure you said he doesn't drink or smoke another though in diet issue, is there any drug addict? >> drug addiction? no. he has no drug addiction. >> sean: this is a real reporting. this questioning went on for 49 straight minutes. the media refuse to face thees truth, the reality, president trump is perfectly healthy. you thinkhy they would be happy, apparently not.
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of course it didn't take long for what we are now calling trump health through the years. think about this. they come out in the media, and now they are questioning everything that the doctor said. this is unbelievable. watch this. >> the alleged excellent medical exam results -- [laughs] of the fellow in the white house has spawned a new conspiracy theory. a it's known as the girthermo movement. >> theyve said he's in excellent health. but he saw group that came out and said -- not so sure about excellent health. >> he seemed like a trump fan boy. >> he said 239 pounds -- >> -- >> whatever. >> i know i am being a girther. >> 6', 239 pounds looks like, that is a shock to me. >> i'm not sure it makes me feel better that this doctor says that he has no cognitive issues. it makes me feel worse and more worried for the country. >> the white house press corps
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seemed stunned that the president, who cannot button the button on his suit coat, isn't much heavier. >> this cognitive assessment is a a fairly low level test, it is unbelievably good at predicting dementiaia or predementia. is notn't say that he morally or mentally unfit to be president, he just says he doesn't have a predementia. >> sean: we will listen to d dr. joe, liberal joe, and dr. make it. by the way, cnn took things even further with this morbid and sad prediction. this is nuts. take a look. >> coronary calcium score is a score that a lot of cardiologists use to try to be productive and proactive. if the number gets up over 100, it's concerning to a lot of doctors, it's concerning because you can start to say, if you do nothing d different, you can stt to predict the likelihood of having some sort of heart event,
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a cardiac event, heart attack, something like that, within a certain number of years. the president has heart disease. those numbers qualify him for having heart disease and it clearly needs a plan to try ands prevent some sort of hard problem down the road. >> sean: really? he's never exam at the president. we know the fake news cnn, a new name and a second, we know they hate the president, but really, they are going to predict, a guy that has never examinedat the president, that he's going to have a heart attack? this type of behavior, it shouldn't be surprising, especially coming from what we are now calling -- you see it right there -- cnn: the [bleep]hole network. it fits. cnn somehow managed to say that word hundreds of times in one week along. here are just a few examples. we will put more on our website tomorrow. >> what was your reaction when
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you heard the president call african nations [bleep]holes? >> it's not clear what he meant by [bleep]hole countries. >> are you shocked or surprised by this? >> not surprised. iou am a proud [bleep]holier. >> no, we are not all created equal, especially if you were born and, as the president put, a [bleep]hole country. >> the word house instead of hole, as in. >> is there a difference between house or hole? >> do you think these countries are [bleep]holes? >> the presidents [bleep]holes comments yesterday. a speaker [bleep]hole. >> [bleep]hole. >> [bleep]hole. >> suite 23. >> suite 23. >> do you have any examples of any countries of the president
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president -- >> i am proud to be a [bleep]holier. >> i never thought i would say] [bleep]hole on television. >> sean: congratulations, cnn, you have done more than enough to earn your new nickname, the [bleep]hole network. keep up your good work. he wouldld think that cnn, after hearing this over and over and over again, maybe they would listen and to say, wow, we are not doing something right here. take a look. [chanting] >> sean: are they not listening? apparently, they are so sth hardheaded that nothing sinks in. also we have major breaking news. this is important about the phony fake news hillary clinton bought and paid for russian propaganda document and dossier.
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sara carter reported that longtime clinton aid advisor sid vicious blumenthal apparently was interviewed by the fbi in 2016, and he trump dossier, and that is not all. according to the "washington examiner" scum of briberon in your, congressional investigators, now working to determine whether or not the obama state department was involved in gathering and circulating fictitious and totally fake information thatou was found and that dossier. it's getting deeper every night. according to another new report, and fbi agents exchanged information about the bureau's russia investigation with the former spy that was getting the phony russian information. christopher steele. he's the guy that put the dossier together. you have steele being told by our fbi about their russia investigation at the same time steele is getting paid by hillary clinton to dig up phony russian propaganda sourced dirt on donald trump. you can't make this up. and we also know from fusion gps
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cofounder length and seven his testimony that steele briefed the fbi about the dossier before the election. we have so much to get to, joining usea with reaction, sebastian gorka, fox news contributor sara carter, and fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. on top of the sid vicious blumenthal thing, we have our fbi, sara carter, literally telling -- this is new to me -- the guy that is paying for russian lies, salacious details on a candidate, to basically fix anh election with the phony russian propaganda? they are giving him information? >> i think that is incredible. you would think the fbi would b be -- obviously with an ex british spy who is working for fusion gps, who is being paid by the dnc and hillary clinton campaign. sean, the fbi usually does not share information with people that they are interviewing.
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if steele is delivering information to the fbi, and should be the fbi questioning steele, not steele questioning the fbi. i think was interesting to me is after steele got this information, where did steele go with it? this is a question that needs to be answered. did he approach papadopoulos? how much information did he get from the fbi on george papadopoulos? those are questions that still need to be answered. >> sean: gregg jarrett, from the legal side of this, do you see legal issues? you've been pointing out, you have four levels deep of hearsay, that would never be accepted in any court. >> this underscores the fbi, which is politically motivated to damage trump, meeting with steele, trying to connect the dots with papadopoulos, offering to pay money to steele to continue to dig dirt on donald trump. they became, in a way, just a
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politicalmp arm of the democratc national committee and the trump campaign, after the fbi cleared for political reasons hillary clinton in the email scandal and then launched a political vendetta to frame trump over russian collusion without a scintilla of evidence. >> sean: sebastian, let me get to you, dr. gorka. so she fixed the primary with bernie sanders. she had the legal issues, so she could stay in the game, she had thee fbi director, and peter strzok, who hates drum, loves hillary, fixed it so she can keep working, otherwise we know felonies were committed, mishandling information, et cetera. we literally have that fake dossier, used to fix the general election, and then it is used for a fisa warrant against an opposing candidate in an election year, and it's used two surveilled then a president-elect and his team. >> sean, i'm a legal immigrant to this country, i am proud to
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be an american, i am ashamed and horrified by everything we are learning every day from sara, from her colleague john, from you, from gregg. jeff flake should be concerned with the stalinist tactics of the obama administration. not insulting this president, who loves his country. what we are seeing is a systematic targeting of political adversaries using trumped up intelligence files full of propaganda and using domestic surveillance. we have to use that phrase, sean. it is the domestic surveillance for political purposes against people who were running against them as their political opponents. that is what communist authority in authoritarian regimes do. >> sean: i have heard now that the doj had to release the documents that the fbi had subpoenaed, they did it last minute. rod rosenstein tried to prevent
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it. he goes into paul ryan's office, begs him not to do it. we are getting some insight as to what we will learn next week, sara carter, what are you hearing? >> extensive fisa abuse. what sebastian just brought up is very important. we have to look at what type of beingllance was conducted, what warrant, what did they have? as far as evidence, to obtain warrants, toin actually spy -- >> sean: the phony dossier was used and the fbi's collaborating with the guy that is getting the phony russian propaganda. you can't make this up! >> no, you can't. i think byron york brought up some really interesting facts in his column today. the fact that steele could have been doing separate reports, other reports, are there than the dossier, and they suspect he was paid, and he had a very close relationship with members of the state department. this is something that's being investigated. >> you know, when you hire a spy who is trained in lies and
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deception, who relies on russian spies, trained in lies and deceptions, you get nothing but lies and deceptions. that is the basis of the dossier. and forr the fbi to believe this document, which on its face is fish crashes, is an abuse of power -- they went toge a judge to get a warrant to spy. that is i a fraud on the courts. >> sean: i want to hear from the judge. no judge i know likes to be lied to. we have the fake news of released tonight, sebastian gorka, it is not only the reports they get wrong, it is also the stories they will not cover, these stories, and i just see nothing but egg all over their face coming. >> i am so magnanimous of the president to put russian collusion at the bottom of the list. russian collusion, not paul krugman, that to laughable
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individual, that should be at the top of the list. i'm glad you got a sense of humor because you have to have a sense of humor. 50 minutes on what the belt size is andha whether he has two scoops? it's a parody of media, sean, it's an absolute joke. >> sean: the list is great. we'll have more on it with michelle malkin would make him back sb 20 continuous. ♪ -- as "hannity" continues. the bathroom. when things go wrong here, you remember. quilted northern is designed to work so well, you can forget your bathroom trips. but daddy gator can never forget. "i've got to motor out of here. this is no place to raise a child."
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it simply brilliant. i've got to hand it to president trump. and to everyone who compiled this list. i think that the execution leading up to the revelation ofi these awards was also brilliant. look at what you had. he had all of these thumb suckers in the media working themselves up into an olympic-sized lather. i counted about a half dozen pieces just over the last 24 hours decrying the fake news awards before they were even given, as some sort of escalation and a threat of violence against press freedom, and of course, we had jeff snowflake or cornflake, flaked flake -- >> sean: frosty flake --st >> right, frosted flakes, embarrassing himself with hispe hyperbolic speech, comparing our president in a very fun way, being able to tell truth about the fake media, comparing
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our president to stalin. these people, as you have so deftly pointed out over the last hours and days and months, have completely lost theirei minds. now president trump is going to force them to cover each and every single item on the list. >> sean: everybody in the bubble, the echo chamber, you know who they are, we can name them, we do name them, but this is why it is so important. they have been saying that this is so bad for freedom of the press. you know what is bad for freedom of the press? lying. not only lying, but the choices, they won't cover the biggest stories that exist in our lifetime because of t their agea and they still can't get over that they were wrong on the election. make the could argument that donald trump is exercising his first amendment right by pushing back at the media as he did during -- >> sean: he has one? >> apparently, presidents have never really done it before. republicans are worried about
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bad press so they w never plungd back. i would argue that trump supporters probably see the media as the opposition party more than the democratic party. >> sean: why shouldn't he push back? this is well deserved awards for losers. >> if you see the list, a quick won four awards, i would imagine they'll make an ad campaign about that. you'll see it as a badge of honor. that is fine. >> sean: that is really twisted. they were wrong on every count. >> exactly. >> sean: did you like our montage of the [bleep]holes? the fake news network? >> i believe theysasa set at 165 times. >> sean: i want to say it here but i can't say it. i don't feel like sitting through that meeting. >> i'll let michelle a jump again. abc won, "newsweek," here's the interesting part. buzzfeed released the dossier, not nominative, very interestin
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interesting. unscathed. nbc, surprising. cbs, and fox news. shocked? >> sean: what's happening, i think, if you look at the statistics we showed last nighto 2017, the year they tried to destroy a president with media research, it is also the year they created the biggest disservice to the american people. they areur hurt when they can't get the truth, michelle. >> yeah, that's right. just to add a footnote to joseph talley, "the new york times," i would add one more, of course, from "the new york times" to cnn to commit the same kind of media malpractice that he did off "the new york times" ," look, to the point that you made, sean, about why shouldn't our president push back against the media, i would turn that back, too, against all of those
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republican senators sellouts over the last couple of days who have been auditioning for jobs with the liberal media. do they not remember the push back under the obama administration? i'm not talking about all of this buying that the obama administration did on journalists, from cheryl adkisson to "the associated press," to fox news. remember, the obama white house has specifically assigned the white house communications director at the time to go out every day and press briefings and specifically attack fox news. what do these people want to do? they want to disarm our president and his supporters and independents who put them in office and gag him for abusing his own first amendment rights to push back when the media is wrong. >> sean: michelle, you will never, ever be they want him to. he is never going to put plane loads of cash, cargo plane loads of cash and give them to a renee
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and mullahs, and bribe them not to be murdering dictators. >> saying that won't put you in. a meeting? >> sean: i'm not going to the meeting. >> people say maybe things will change in 2018. we have seen this year has been worse than last year. we are only 16 days in. what happened with sanjay gupta? he is a neurosurgeon. think of him as the electrician, and admiral jackson wasn't the only person involved in the cardiovascular part of president trump's prognosis. he also was actually consulting with cardiovascular surgeons from the cleveland clinic, one of the leading hospitals in the country, and those are the plumbers. you have an electrician talking about what a plumber should be doing. it's kind of like when i go to get my colonoscopy next month -- >> sean: thanks for sharing. >> i got to go every four years.
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>> sean: you don't want to say this on cnn, this be 23 network? >> that's a very graphic thing. there are people on the west coast eating dinner right now. >> sean: the president has a great sense of humor and they'll never enjoy it. >> i thought this was great tonight. >> sean: when we come back, liberal [bleep]hole network cnn asked a panel of ohio borders with a thought of president trump. they didn't go as they planned. you will love this next. but when your psoriasis is bad, does it ever get in the way? embrace the chance of 100% clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to help people with moderate to severe psoriasis achieve completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin.
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>> sean: huge, great economic news for president trump on the country and you, the american people, apple announcing it will be giving $2,500 worth of stock as bonuses to most employees following the new trump tax law. the company is also saying it will spend $30 billion in the u.s. over the next five years, and also today, this is amazing,
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cnn hosted a battle of ohio voters who said president trump had a fantastic year. they weren't expecting it. take a look at the network. >> we are one year in. how's he doing? >> fantastic. >> phenomenal. >> better than i ever would have drowned. i mean that sincerely. >> really? >> oh, yeah. >> i agree. >> he's doing wonderfully. >> a year later, they all still want the wall.. as for the president's inflammatory tweets and speech, gina says he used to come but not anymore. >> you don't cringe anymore because you have grown onto it? >> not known at all but i know what he has done and i am starting to get an inkling why he uses twitter the way he does. all he has to rely on is what people say about him, oh, my god, i might not like the guy. but i like the guy he does. >> justice metro but a rally and says he's not a racist. >> he was the nicest person and if he was a racist, as everyone painted out to become he got up
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walked right past me and not said a word. >> sean: here with reaction, former secret service agent, dan bongino, former obama economic advisor, austan goolsbee is with us. dan, these are blue-collar workers, ironworkers, none of what the media says or what they say in d.c., new york, san francisco, l.a., matters to the people in the country, the people that make the country great. >> sean, you are getting a $1,000 bonus in your paycheck at the end of the year, that will tend to do that to you. that's a whole lot of crumbs in case nancy pelosi is watching. sean, the most amazing take away from this whole thing is not only is president trump's first year been incredibly consequential and conservative, by the way, it has all been done under an onslaught never seen in modern american history. a fake, bogus special counsel investigation into a crime that never happened.
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a unified obstructionist democratic party that won't do a darn thing to help this guy, a lying media, and a bunch of swamp rat rino republicans like judith jeff flake out there attacking the president at every opportunity when the triage should be hitting the liberals in saving america. and he still had a great first year. that is too big thumbs up for me. >> sean: austan? every economic indicator, every bonus, every dollar of repatriation, every dollar for a new factory, manufacturing center, it's all because of donald trump, because your guy fails. [laughs] donald trump is having a very decent economy, a little bit worse than the last year of obama, created 200,000 fewer jobs but he's doing very well. the only thing i will note here is that apple is clearing more than $200 billion of after-tax
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profit -- -- >> sean: they are bringing back billions. >> theypl are supposed to be giving the majority to their employees. >> sean: the unemployment numbers areb better, the job creation is better, the gdp is better, consumer confidence is better. it's better for every demographic, black americans, hispanic americans, every american, and you can't admit you were wrong. >> and continue to get better in the last seven years. >> sean: you're right, the only president never to reach three gdp growth ever in history, dan bongino. >> austan, i love debating with you, but you know people can see this, right? sean has millions of viewers. you are saying this to people. you have aen reputation. how do you continue to defend the obama economy? fax don't have a side, austan. obama never reach the 3% annualized gdp growth in any year of his presidency. >> and donald trump hasn't
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either! >> two consecutive quarters -- two consecutive quarters of over 3% growth and austan, let's be fair, you were the same guys who blamed bush seven years into the obama presidency and yet you want trump to take credit for the first two months of his. that is the peak of hypocrisy. >> you've convinced yourself because three people on cnn said the president was having a good year that you can ignore the fact that the republican districts,m and wisconsin, whee trump won by 17 points, it just went to b democrat, the state of alabama elected a democrat to the senate. donald trump better be ready because he's not going to be having a very good 2018. >> they said the same thing about ronald reagan in 1984 and he won every single state but minnesota, which he only lost by
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3,000 votes. a lot of people thought ronald reagan was going to be in big trouble -- >> he was way ahead in the polls in 1984. >> people thought 1982, ronald reagan was going to be in a world of trouble, and in 1984, it was one of the greatest electoral landslides in american history. you know i? because let me quote the bill clinton team on this one, which w i'll never do again, its the economy, stupid, don't ever forget it. >> then why is alabama not represented by a democrat and why is -- >> because trump derangement syndrome! >> sean: you are going to blame trump for roy moore? he did not support roy moore in the beginning. >> he did support him. >> sean: excuse me, he wanted luther strange. with all due respect, roy moore had a lot of problems. >> true. >> sean: don't blame trump. you sound like the media. you have trumpai derangement
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syndrome. >> sean, can you give me a nomination for a fake news award? you know this president. >> sean: fake information award. you come on this program i tried to convince yourself that the guy who doubled our debt, gave us the lowest labor to participation rate, the worst recovery since the '40s, 51 year low home ownership rate, and you defend this. you should just say, hannity, you are right, dan, you're righ right. >>ec austan, you're an economis, we measure economic growth by growth rates. where's obama? bottom of the barrel in american history. why do you keep defending this guy? >>no not -- admit his policies were awful. >> sean: we got to roll. good to see you. when we come back, former o speaker of the house newt gingrich weighss in on just
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mo >> sean: more on our top story, the left-wing mainstream media cannot believe that president trump received a clean bill of health, something that will be good from his physician and they are looking for anyes excuse to discredit the results beyond pathetic. take a look. >> would use a 239 pounds -- >> i know i am being a girther -- >> that is what, 6'3", 239 pounds looks like, that's a shock to me. >> i'm not sure if it makes me feel better that this doctor says that he has no cognitive issues. it makes me feel worse.
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>> you've covered the man for decades. you feel like you've seen changes. >> i'm not a doctor but i can see that he's not the sharp mind that he was when i first met him. >> sean: joining us with more reaction is the author of the best selling book "vengeance," fox news contributor newt gingrich. you saw the presser yesterday. i still cannot believe what i saw. does he have bone spurs? too much tweeting, tv, you know, one scoop or two, is he a drug addict? does the president have dentures? doeshe the president -- is he sedated, does he need sedation? no president has ever had to undergo this garbage. it's funny but it's really a sick side to this. >> first of all, as a historian, he didn't do it in the press room, abraham lincoln was attacked, about the same savagery and the same viciousness as donald trump.
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look, i'm a hawk on this. i think they should line up every one of the most idiotic comments, put them on youtube, and have a thumbs up and ae thumbs down, and thumbs up means, they get to stay.. thumbs down means kick them out of the white house. you have no obligation as president to have some idiot -- >> sean: the room would be empty. maybe keep dr. liberal joe and mika brzezinski. >> no. it wouldn'tka be empty. you would go out to local tv stations and he would say, do you have somebody who would like to come and try out being a white houseei reporter? you get a whole new generation of people who aren't jaded, they are not part of the washington gang, they don't sit around every afternoon having a cocktail talking about how stupid trump is. you create a whole new generation of reporters. >> sean: we have been unappealing on this program, you've been a big part of our coverage, the layers of the
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onion, a lot of progress is made. we now found out uranium one, in fact, there's been a doj investigation nobody knew about for months. we had an 11 count indictment at the end of last week. then we now know that the email server scandal, where the fix was in with comey and strzok, let us back before congress. now the dossier is blowing up by next week, i am told, we will have newss that will shock the conscience. here's my question. hillary ridge the primary against bernie, he had no shot. donna brazile confirms that. then we had her pay for the russians lies and propaganda to influence the american people and break that election. then she had comey and strzok because i so wanted her, they break the investigation, and exoneration before investigation. with all of what we just talked about in thehe media, there's vy few of us discussing this. i don't mind being on the limb, i'm i've done my whole career.
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but now it matters because the constitution is your reaction? >> is parallel to what they did yesterday about the health question. how can "the washington post" in "the new york times" get up in the morning and to look at themselves and not cover this? i mean, there is something that's almost pathological because, as you are pointing out, week after week, more and more things are coming out, it's notig just hearsay, not just investigative reporting. as you point out, and 11 count indictment, and frankly, because i talkedal to you earlier todayi talked to business people who said to me, how do you think all of this is going to play out, and they clearly were thinking only of trump and i said, i think the 11 count indictment on uranium one probably doesn't bode well for hillary. they do nothing about it. they were shocked because they had not heard. and i think you are beginning to see the pieces come together.
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i think it is going to be an unbelievably big scandal. it makes me feel that the defeat of hillary, even more important thanan electing trump, defeating hillary so the corruption couldn't go on and not be noticed. all of us went under the rug. >> sean: i agree with you wholeheartedly but i really believe she's in deep trouble. >> clearly she's in trouble. i think the foundation is in trouble. ily think frankly comey is in trouble. 98% of the fbi are honorable, hardworking, serious people, but at the very top, they have a layer who really had been corrupted i didn't realize how corrupt they m had become. >> sean: mr. speaker, good to see you, and we will keep on feeling that layer because we deserve to know the truth. this is about influencing a presidential election, gaining t fisa warrant against an opposition candidate and an incoming president. this is serious stuff. two videos of the day and some very apparently mean calls on
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♪ >> all right, i have a >> sean: tonight, i have a very, very special video of the day. it might be our best clip yet and i am worried i might be losing my job. there is somebody that -- an up-and-comer that's amazing. >> what's your name? introduce yourself! >> sean: that adorable young girl is named abigail. and abigail is the daughter of one of our audio technicians, moses. and i don'ts, know, i don't thik i d have much longer for this business, because that was pretty darn good. hit me with your best shot. hannity hotline. let's hit it.
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it meant a lot in my life. have anything to say off? 877-225-8587. not your heart be troubled. we'll never be the fake news media. we'll never be propaganda news. laura! hello. >> sean: i never did the hog stuff. >> laura: you know, i walk 15 miles toing skoo school, pickled fruit. i did pick fruit, hannity. >> sean: siel on. >> laura: let's do a duelling with the we had a hard life. >> sean: what are the jobs you did when you were young? you went to dartmouth. si i delivered papers in the rain, sleet, snow. i picked blueberries. i worked at mcdonald's and was fired. >> sean: why were you fired? si um, someone locked me in the freezer once. svern what does that have too
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