tv Hannity FOX News January 19, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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we enjoyed every minute. tune in monday and forever after. to the show that the sworn enemy of lying. have a terrific weekend. sean hannity is next. >> sean: fox news alert. welcome to "hannity" on a busy friday night. the clock is ticking to avoid a government shutdown. congress has a procedural schedule vote within the hour. the outcome is uncertain. also tonight we will debunk all of the lies, the hysteria in the media over the potential shutdown and expose the democrats for their hypocrisy on this issue. and major developments in the biggest abuse of pour in our generation. it's a scandal so big it is making watergate look small and insignificant. sarah carter is reporting that congressional republicans are lining up to see the classified memo that showed fisa abuses
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created by the obama administration against the trump campaign and the in coming president. this is only a 10th of what we know is coming. we are issuing you a call to action. the american people, how do we get this explosive information released? release the memo. we will cover that in tonight's breaking news. friday night's opening monologue. the democrats are trying to whip you into a frenzy about a government shutdown. they want to create a climate of fear. and panic that is based on lies. let not your heart be troubled. the left is not telling the truth about what will actually happen if at midnight the government shuts down. it never really shuts down. it's an attempt to try to use the shutdown to bludgeon president trump and the republicans politically. when you look at the facts and the truth, they have nothing to
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do with this. senator democrats led chuck schumer, they are the one blame and are putting illegal immigrants before you the american people. daca is in place until march. it's not urgent. it's being called the schumer shutdown. he and liberals own this. fake news, cnn, they are taking the lead in launching a false shutdown narrative to smear the republicans and the president. this is classic. mick mulvaney, watch this. >> how could it be the schumer shutdown when republicans control the white house, the house and the senate? >> you know the answer as well as anybody. i have to laugh. you know as well as anybody that it takes 60 votes in the senate to pass a bill. >> i know that.
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>> you only have 51 votes in the senate. you have to have democrat support to keep the government to fund the government. that's the answer to your question. >> it seems like the whole process was blown up by the president's comments. >> when republicans tried to ada discussion about obamacare to the funding process in 2013 we were accused by nancy pelosi and chuck schumer of inserting a non-financial issue into the spending process to shut the government down. how is that not exactly what is happening today? there is no reason you have to deal with daca this week over before the end of february. daca didn't expire until march 5th. this is an attempt by the senate democrats led by senator schumer . >> sean: in you are in the
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senate you need 50 votes to break a bill buster. -- filibuster. that's why it's called the schumer shutdown. it includes funding for the chip program which they said they wanted badly. don't believe that the democrats care about daca or the dreamers. they don't want a daca solution. they want to run on this in 2018 and use it as a political weapon for mid-term elections. democrats are praying this shutdown drags on for as long as possible because they want to stop the trump economy which is not going to happen. president trump reversed the economic decline we saw all 8 years under barack obama and the left. they can't stand watching this. good news for you is bad news for them. the stock market is at an all time high. the dow jones is having its best
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year since fdr was president. jobs were created and unemployment a 17-year low. good news. americans and african-americans and hispanic unemployment at an all-time low under the president's policy. consumer confidence is at an all time high. forgotten men and women are remembereded. it's a one year turnaround and the exact opposite what have we saw during the last 8 years of obama's failed economy. they don't want to focus on. this be exposed as frauds over the government shutdown, democrats are massive hypocrites. here's what they said back in 2013 when they were trying to blame republicans for a government shutdown. you might remember this.
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>> i call them legislative arson hafts. -- arsonists. they are burning down all of the things that make this country gre great. >> someone goes into your house and takes your wife and children hostage and say let's negotiate over the price of your house. we could say we are shutting down the government until you pass immigration reform. >> i join the american people in their disgust of what happened with the shutdown of government. it's an unthinkable tactic to use in the political debate. >> sean: the hypocrisy, that's what they are doing. these people have no shame. they have not figured out that most of what they say just 5 years ago is on videotape. and democrats have zero
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credibility on the issue. this is all about scare tactibs and trying to convince the american people that the a shutdown will lead to mass suffering. those are all lies they have been telling all week. mick mulvaney explained that in 2013 and this did happen. the obama administration, made the shutdown as bad as possible to score cheap political points. they held everything hostage. mulvaney laid out how most of the government will stay open if this shutdown happens in less than 3 hours. watch this. >> the obama administration weaponized the shutdown in 2013. what they didn't tell you is they did not encourage agencies to use carry-forward funds. funds they were sitting on. nor did they encourage agencies to use transfer authority. i could have made the shutdown in 2013 much less impactful.
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the miltary will still go to work. they won't get paid. the border will still be patrolled. they won't get paid. fire folks will be fighting fires out west. they won't get paid. the post office will be open and the tsa will be open but they will work for nothing which is not fair. we will manage the shutdown differently. we won't weaponize and try to hurt people who work for the federal government. >> sean: that's the truth. the government doesn't really shutdown. e don't believe the scare tactics because they are not true. our big top story: alarming and shocking. people will go to jail. comparisons to kgb tactics. how lawmakers describe the
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biggest scandal in american history. that the media is trying to ignore. sarah carter is reporting that 130 members went to see the explosive classified memo that showed fisa abuses against the trump campaign and an in coming president. according to sarah, the vast majority of those members of congress have to be republicans. the only democrat to look at the 4-page memo are on the house intelligence committee and only one other democrat went over to look at it today. democrats on the house committee are the once that voted to keep it secret from congress. they don't want you to see it. what are the democrats trying to cover-up in this case? what are they hiding here? who are they protecting? why keep it a secret? tonight we are demanding this information be releaseed to you the public because the american people, you need to know about this huge and massive abuse of
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power and how the obama administration has weaponized the powerful tools of intelligence and how the clinton bought and paid for phoney russian dossier was used to spy on the trump camp pain and get a fisa warrant. based on lies. we ask tonight you call your members of congress. there is the number on your screen. tell your members of congress, release the memo. that's it. if you are on twitter # release the memo. i know a lot of you have asked why is it taking so long? we have been since march. we reported first then about this abuse that the trump campaign had a fisa warrant should against them. that was back in march. we have been unpeeling the layer of this onion, this massive scandal. we got to the point that you need to see this information for
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yourself. call the number on your screen. just release the memo. tell the truth to the american people. we have a few powerful people in the intelligence community who thought they knew better than you did about who should be the president. they abused their position and tried to rig an selection. all that needs to happen is this. the house intelligence committee needs to vote to release this information to the public. they will send it to the white house who would sign off on it. with enough pressure, this could be done in a matter of days. sources familiar with this memo tell us the contents of this memo are so shocking that it would lead to the firing of people at the highest levels of the fbi and the doj. keep this in mind. everything we are telling you tonig tonight, it's only a small
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portion of what will come out this year. it will take time. we will need your patience. the first explosive evidence is now available. think back to watergate. it was a 3rd-rate break in covering up a break in at the watergate hotel on get information on the opposition candidate. this is about the abuse of power and weaponizing the powers of intelligence during an election year and shredding our consitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure to steal an election. that's how important this is. i don't care if you are a liberal, a conservative, or republican or democrat, you need to care about this. we will lose our constitutional republic if we don't get to this the bottom of this. this will remove any doubt that
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the special counsel robert mueller and his team need to be disbanded. and their witch hunt needs to be shutdown immediately. these are the key players in all of this. they are high ranking obama fbi and doj officials. a lot more information them will come out in the next couple of weeks. the latest is under january 30th. we need to see it sooner. the trump hating fbi agent peter strzok and his mistresses page are at the center of everything. they called then candidate trump an idiot. loathsome, f-trump. there are still 9600text messages we have not seen. one message gets to the heart of what we are trying to find out. this is between peter strzok and page. it makes more sense knowing what we know.
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back in august, strzok wrote to lisa page. i want to believe there is no way he gets elected, but we can't take that risk: we believe that was andrew mccabe the fbi director. we believe that lisa page was the key counsel for mccabe. you have page, peter strzok and mccabe. what is the insurance policy? in case donald trump wins the election and hillary clinton loses. then you have the obama administration. they are trying to obtain a fisa warrant to spy on the trump campaign. sources tell us that the first
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request for the warrant was rejected. they said no which rarely happens. that's when the clinton bought and paid for phoney russian dossier was used. they were granted the fisa warrant and that allow the obama administration to target an opposing candidate in an election. this is part of the importance of fusion gps and the co-founder simpson. this was released yesterday. he didn't verify what was in the dossier. he trusted the person he was paying. a british spy steele. his skilled nature is what? his skill is depension. -- deception. we learned that the clinton campaign and dnc knew he was reaching out to the media to get them to right stories about the
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fabricated russian dossier. just like we have been telling you, clinton bought and paid for a dossier. $12 million. it was going right through one lawyer to her campaign. right through to the dnc. in it what do we? russian lies. all in an attempt -- he rigged the election against bernie sanders and now trying to rig it against trump. there is a lot of rigging here. i know this is a lot to absorb. there is are so many questions. we need to know who knew what, when and where. andrew mccabe, you need to be fired and investigated. so did the trump hating fbi agent peter strzok. fired and investigated. his fbi lawyer mistresses fired
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and kfthed. -- and investigated. lisa page. james comey whom we know rigged the exoneration before the investigation. he will teach an ethical leadership class! you have to be kidding. ny needs to be investigated. he may want to hire a lawyer. maybe an ethical one. rob rosenstein you need to explain your role in this and specifically in you were involved in extending this fisa warrant and rosenstein needs to be fire. robert mueller is corrupt and his investigation needs to be shutdown once and for all. it was predicated on the lies from the beginning. country has suffered enough. it's biased in their tactics and their hiring of people with questionable ethices who in the
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past have withheld evidence. people went to jail and that was returned in the court of appeals. you only hired people that donated to barack obama, hillary clinton and the dnc. what we are uncovering here is far worse than watergate. people need to be held accountable. especially when you have congressmen that saw the memo and they say the memo is likely to send people to jail. this is a massive abuse of power and a shredding of america's consitutional principles. the powerful tools of intelligence were abused by the people at the top. not the rank and file. not the fbi agents working hard. not the people in the intelligence community that protect united states every day. these were -- protect united states every day. -- us every day.
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these were people at the top. they spied on the opposition party. we are asking you to help us and demand that this memo be released to the american people that will begin the process to show the abuse that has taken place for the american people. call the number at the bottom of your screen. i hope you demand to release the memo. # release the memo. here with reaction fox news stratedgest sebastian gorka and sarah carter and craig jaret. sarah, it was last year that you first said, wait a minute. we have discovered that a fisa warrant was obtained to spy on candidate trump. you and john solomon broke the
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story. explain to my friends why it is taking so long. it's been a layer of onion a day. >> because we had to have the evidence. each piece of the puzzle is another piece of evidence to deliver to the american people and congress. when congress took over and the department of justice took over. they are moving forward with the investigations we were not privy to because we could not access the classified information. hillary clinton won, we would have never known this was happening. this is what they expected to happen. this is why they got so lazy. why we see the text messages between peter strzok and lisa page. now sean, this is really interesting. before i got here, i was contacted by law enforcement officials, former fbi and current.
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they said get the text messages from andy mccabe. get his text messages. because there is a lot more where peter strzok and lisa page left off, there is a lot more to be seen there. once again, this is one piece of the puzzle at a time. this is what we have to do to uncover the truth. i think the american people will be just as shocked as congress and they will get answers shortly. >> sean: tell us where we are and do you agree with my calls for the fireings? >> oh, absolutely. top officials should be impeached. i suspect this intel document will reveal multiple felonies by high ranking officials and the fbi and the department of justice. there is a federal felony
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statute. it's called deprivation of rights. a government official cannot use their position of power to deprive somebody of their consitutional rights. here it's the constitution right to privacy upheld by the supreme court. in the fbi and doj go into a federal judge using a fake, false document to obtain a warrant to spy, that's a violation. that's a felony and 10 years behind bars. people outto be prosecuted for that. >> sean: anyone you disagree that should be fired and agree that the special counsel robert mueller needs to be disbanded because it was done on false pretenses and seems illegally? >> one of the congressman who saw this 4-page document said yesterday people ought to are fired and named names. one was rob rosenstein who is the acting attorney general in the mueller investigation. he is mueller's boss.
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if he goes mueller should go and so should his investigation. >> sean: dr. gorka you were in the white house for part of this time. this was all predicated on something that was false. probably frustrating to you? >> well, it was. the president told me one day in the oval office just the two of us they will find nothing because there is no russian collusion. the president must be commended for being hands on with regards to these absurd investigations. i have to repeat and emphasize something you said in your monologue. i spoke to my sources as well. the memo is the tip of the iceberg. that refers to doj and fbi mal feasance and weaponizing
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intelligence against u.s. citizens. it goes much higher. >> sean: sarah do you agree? >> absolutely. it was about fisa. abusing that system. they collect everything. this is not just about foreigners. every call made overseas. every email and everything. i want to know how many people in the trump administration -- >> sean: who were surveiled. all of have you been amazing. thanks for your hard work. edhenry next on the government shutdown.
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one quick recreation. i meant watergate complex and not hotel. congress has a procedural vote schedule within the hour to avoid a government shutdown. joining us live from the white house is our friend ed henry. a long night. hope you have a lot of expresso there. >> we are getting ready, sean. we have breaking news. you are right. the storyline has been all night that at 10 p.m. eastern there is a senate vote likely to fail because let's be clear senate democrats are saying they will block this house gop bill that passed to keep the government open. the breaking news? we are told by lindsey graham the republican from south carolina, she's been shuttling back and forth between chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell's offices on capitol hill. he said there is the outline at least of a framework. not a deal but a framework for a deal that would keep the government open until february 8th, not the 16th as laid out
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and approved by the house. why move that up? he said both sides want to get this past the state of the state of the union january 30th. so this mess is cleared for a while. also instead of waiting to the 16th. move it up to february 8th so there is a week's more urgency to deal with daca, and promising that border security, this president said has to be dealt with it will be there and insurance's health insurance funding. finally the most important thing is that lindsey graham is pointing out that today we heard from the defensive second james maddux who said this is hurting military readiness.
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this ping-pong back and forth between the house and senate and everything else is not helping military readiness. not a deal yet. but for the first time we see the possibility of something to avoid a shutdown where they would keep this government opened until february 8th. they don't have the votes yet. a framework here. we will see if they beat the clock at midnight. >> sean: ed henry at the white house. kellyanne conway is with us. the one thing that -- two things struck me today. mick mulvaney was speaking to the press, how ignorant jim acosta is that you need 60 votes. number 2, this doesn't have to be painful. obama and the democrats made it more painful than it needed to be. that won't be the case this time. >> look at the disappearance approach of this president from the former president. he was entertaining negotiations
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and listening to people patiently. i witnessed some of it. this president supports a longer term deal. we have the democrats on the wrong side of history that has millions of americans benefits from pay raises. he voted against the tax cuts and 20,000 jobs from apple this month. the same thing is happening for the diabetes tonight. they -- democrats tonight. they are against the miltary and children. our secretary of defense says military is imperilled. the democrats are against chips a children's health plan. all we are asking for is a longer term deal that fund our miltary and gets that wall, the border security. the president will show about daca. there is a deadline approaching
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tonight but it's not daca. that's in march. the deadline tonight is a spending bill. you are starting to see some democrats peel off. they are not going down with the sinking ship. the left wing folks for 2020, they are peeling off from the leadership and saying they can support this bill. >> sean: this is so important on so many different levels. we will have border patrol agents. they have to work but may not get paid. that's hurting the forgotten men and women who do these great jobs. firemen and etc. if it's only until february 8th, does chuck schumer not know they don't have control of this? he is trying to threaten the american people with a big
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shutdown? that's the answer he and pelosi used 5 years ago. >> the answer to your question was said on tv today. many democrats took on the air waves and said the republicans will be blamed for this. they control the house, senate and the white house. you need 60 votes. that's the wrong way of looking at. this is only one major movement for the last year plus that claimed the mantle of resistance. america knows who that is. democrats pride themselves on resistance and holding up the stop sign. they are getting in the way of people get their paycheck. this is the paycheck president donald trump versus folks who are so petty about daca before the deadline even is upon us. they would deny people their paychecks. that is regrettable. i hope they change their mind.
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i hope they see the value of keeping the government open. >> sean: kellyanne conway thank you. the president just tweeted this out: not looking great for our military or security. when we come back, pam bondi is with us and herman cain. their take on the biggest scandal in american history. stay with us on this busy breaking friday. a complete multivitamin specially formulated with key nutrients plus vitamin d for bone health support. your one a day is showing.
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herman cain. pam, as we now have discovered all of this, it's so much bigger than watergate. this is the powerful tools of intelligence. the top people that have access to those tools. it's about using them in the fisa courts to prevent something from getting elected and sabotaging him after he was. >> it's a profound corruption of the rule of law in our country. we talk about the constitution being a sacred document including the 4th amendment. i am disgusted. people that you and i are in congress that we know and trust who have seen these documents say it's horrific and horrible and heads should roll. i agree this investigation needs
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to end. these people must be investigated. meaning top officials at justice and the fbi. whether jeff sessions recused himself from the investigation, they all work for him now. he's seen the memos. he is the man who is in charge of bringing these people. if it is found of wrongdoing, they need to be indicted, convicted and incarcerated. >> sean: herman cain, i know you went through a lot when you were a presidential candidate. it was horrible and abusive. this is on a level that is way beyond anything i have ever seen and maybe hopefully anything we will ever see again. it's only the beginning. >> it is only the beginning, sean. as you indicated. as pam said, people we know and trust are horrified as to what
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is in that memo. here's something that is even worse that what appears will be come out as a result of this. somebody should go to jail. i say should because due process takes a long time. even more troubling: you have talked about the deep bureaucratic state. think about how much more corruption there might be imbedded in the federal bureaucracy. it's new revealeded about the real corruption that took place. the only reason we are finding out about it now is because hillary didn't win. they were so sure she was going to win the presidency. >> sean: we never would have found out. >> she was going to rake it under the rug. we have found out about it.
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>> sean: pam bondi, we first reported on the potential of a fisa warrant almost a year ago. it's taken a year to grind away and unpeel that layer of an onion. the people i mentioned. lisa page, peter strzok, mccabe, rob rosenstein. james comey. bruce orr. do you agree they need to be investigated, first fired and then investigated and then immediately we should disband the special counsel based on the false pretense and circumstances under which it was put together? >> yes, and to explain to the viewers. the fisa warrant is one of the most serious things you can get as a prosecutor. you swear to a judge that the evidence you are showing them to obtain a warrant to spy on someone, to wiretap --
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>> sean: predicated on a phoney lie russian dossier paid for by other candidate. >> right. so these agents are swearing to a judge that this is true. we know for a fact which ones knew it was false. i can't believe the judge has hasn't already held them in contempt of court. >> sean: i want to know if rob rosenstein -- we are running out of time. herman cain last word? >> last word is this. this is worse than watergate as we allow due process to unfold. here's the other thing. all of the democrats voted against letting the public know. once again they don't want the public to know the truth. the democrats don't. >> sean: look at the number. we put it up throughout the
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why people everywhere are upgrading their water filter to zerowater. start with water that has a lot of dissolved solids. pour it through brita's two-stage filter. dissolved solids remain? what if we filter it over and over? (sighing) oh dear. thank goodness zerowater's five-stage filter gets to all zeroes the first time.
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>> sean: we expect in just minutes the senate will hold a procedural vote to end the filibuster on the senate bill. we don't expect it to pass. joining us now dan and geraldo rivera. geraldo, 5 years listening to the rhetoric of chuck schumer. he is doing the exact opposite and arguing the exact opposite thing he was arguing 5 years ago. >> are you suggesting there is no hypocrisy in politics?
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how shocking. the democrats are doing to the republicans what the republicans did to the democrats. the victims are these poor dreamer kids. this issue should have been resolved years ago. they put president trump in a place where he has to capitulated to the democrats. >> that's not fair, geraldo. >> trump offered a deal. chain migration ended. and the wall and you got a deal. a lot of conservatives didn't like that deal. >> i am with you. i believe this is a deal that should have been made months ago. this is the deal that i believe was made when senator durbin decided rather than to help t the undocumented immigrants and the dreamers in illinois, he will rather embarrass the
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president and paint him as a racist. he cut up the president and got it so noitorious. the victims are the dreamer kids. i think there will be a continuing resolution. i don't know if you can get it done -- unless this is the vote that gets it done -- unless they can muster this in the next two hours, i think it's a long shot. say they get to february 8th, for the next 3 weeks you will have a bitter and ugly immigration debate that gets us back to the same position we are right now. >> sean: holding us hostage? >> this is a scam. geraldo the dreamers are the american citizens who finance this government who are being screwed over by this clown show in washington, d.c. and the utter lie told by the lying people in the democratic party
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telling the american people there is a daca deadline. there is no daca deadline. listen, the daca deadline is march fifth. this is a scam by the charl attans who could not give a damn about the american citizens. they are embarrassing us in front of the entire world. it's based on another lie that there is a daca deadline that didn't exist. this is crap and we are all screwed because of it. >> this whole thing about hypocrisy and crap and lies, it doesn't matter. every once in a while you have a time where the senate needs 60 votes to get anything accomplished. now the democrats who are out of power know that just for these 10 minutes, they can screw the president. they can embarrass the president. they have the choice the democrats. do they really want to do something for the dreamer kids or embarrass the president? so far they have chosen to embarrass the president.
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what he does now. it's a long shot. the only thing they can do is a short term continuing resolution. shame on both parties for eating up the whole future of these children. i think it's horrible. >> no. geraldo not shame on both parties. i am no big fan of the republican party. they sold us out over the years. that's just not true. the republicans capitulateded on everything. >> like what? >> this is a fact. the republicans gave the democrats everything they wanted and the democrats said no, we don't want that. we will shutdown the government anyway >> this is the schumer shutdown. i think the democrats will bear the blame. the dreamer kids will be less popular even than they were.
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2013 was the republicans ted cruz shutdown. this is dirty politics. >> sean: thank you both. when we come back. is liberal joe colluding with putin and the russians? we will play you the tape. ♪ when you have a cold, stuff happens. ♪ [ sneezing ] shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels.
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>> sean: the seven at only minutes away from holding a procedural vote to end the fill buster on the house interim spending bill. it's time for video of the day. liberal joe, and dr. mika in this case, joe is at it again. >> the biggest truth that donald trump dulsn't want out, and it's the truth we've been asking about since january -- i'm sorry that, make that december of 2015. and that is that v. vladimir putin has something on donald trump. limit me say it again.
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>> um-hum. >> there's been a lot of noise from donald trufer over the past year since he's been president. vladimir putin has something that he is holding over donald trump's head. it is bad. >> sean: how would liberal joe know that? joe, you're losing it, you need psychiatric help. who are your sources? could it be you're colluding with the russians? only thing can i conclude. one more item of business. the hannity hotline, oh, this has been a tough week, listen to this. >> boy, hannity, when are they going to take you off the air? because, i mean, if you told the truth once i think my tv would blow up. >> something is wrong tonight. around your temple area looks all white, not even gray. the hair on the top of your head you have too much black gel on it or too much gel. it looks black. maybe were you trying to match your temple area with your white shirt and the top with the
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jacket? something isn't working, you might want to try hair color. >> sean: all right, let me have it it's fine kicks handle it, 877-225-8787, fair and balanced. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle. coming to you from los angeles. we have unbelievable news, breaking news a number of different fronts. we're going to navigate and analyze it all for you. stay tuned here. there are developments on that house memo that said the detail alleged fisa abuses by the obama-ef ra fbi. check it out, we have 140 members of the house who have gone to that secure room in the house of representatives, to read the memo. and that number reportedly only includes one democrat. only one democrat who is curious enough to see if our intel
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