tv Hannity FOX News January 22, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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to watch. >> a dangerously honest person working at cnn. is she in trouble? good for her. that's it for us. good night from washington. sean hannity is next. >> thank you, tucker. this is the biggest show we have had this year. tons of breaking news tonight. breaking now. the attorney general, jeff session revealing over 50,000. we thought 10. text messageses between peter strzok and his fbi lawyer mistress lisa page. also tonights the fix is in. we have been right all along. the fbi saying they lost five key months of text messages between the two lovers strzok and page this. is a conspiracy to obstruct justice. i'm not buying it. part of the problem it's a troubling pattern. what do we see over and over again? hillary and debris and the list
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goes on and on. the ira case. remember. that this looks worst then watergate and a cover up worst then watergate. our 18 minutes of missing tape has shown up in this case. this comes as we see that strzok, page and loretta lynch knew hillary clinton would go free in the e-mail investigation before they investigated or interviewed her. and systemic abuse against the trump campaign. this is one of the biggest abuses of power in american history it's time you, the american people get the truth. we're once again calling on to you contact congress. let them know you want the memo released. we want you to send out, we want the text messages. now the government shut down is almost over my advice to republicans going forward on immigration. we have that and so much more on
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tonight opening monologue. remember the vined scathes i told you is coming. tonight it's in full motion. everything we have reported the last year and the media has ignored the past year is now uncovered. we have so much information. i literally need three hours tonight. we will go through it slowly for everyone to get it please stay with us. it will take your breath away. jeff sessions is revealing there are more than 50,000 text messages between trump hating fbi employees, peter strzok and lisa page this. is significant. previous reporting put text messages at ten thousand. sessions is vowing tonight to get to the bottom of the missing text messages which beginning to look more and more like a fbi cover up. this is a massive developing scandal. it ties into everything we have been telling you. we are learning that five, five months of text messages between the trump hating lovers, strzok
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and page. they have conveniently disappeared. i don't make this up. the messages the fbi claims to have lost. they're from a critical, crucial time in the russia investigation. here is what happened. during that five months this. is from december 14th, 2016 to may 17, 2017. president trump claimed he was wiretapped at trump towers. we don't have what they were gossiping about at that point. january 11th buzzfeed. the russian phony dossier to get the filing against the trump campaign. january 24th now lieutenant general michael flynn is interviewed by the fbi. i hope flynn's attorneys are watching tonight. there was one person in the room, peter strzok, who made it clear he despises all things
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donald trump. he oversaw the interview. you have to wonder how fare would strzok be. he had no problem being involved in that investigation or any others he's involved in. the guy shouldn't have a job. as i said last friday he should be fired. he should be investigated. then we go to may et, james comey is fired. may 17th, robert mueller is named special council. the messages are missing from that entire time period. the most critical time. they're available from may 18th, the exact day after robert mueller was appointed special council. you don't think that's suspicious. now strzok and page r-lt key players in all we're uncovering. are we suppose to believe the fbi simply lost text messages from that important time frame. this is like watergate and far worst. remember the 18 and a half
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minute gap in the white house tapes this. wreaks of law breaking. wreaks of conspiracy. wreaks of obstruction of justice. by the way the cover up is always worst then the crime. that's what it looks like to me tonight. the pugh oj are trying to explain it away. they are saying that the fbi five phones didn't capture messages during that period. hold on we're blaming samsung? the they're saying this conflicts with the fbi's collection abilities. blame samsung, samsung? where are the phones tonight. instead of making excuses. the fbi have you brought in your best experts to analyze the phones. by the way if you can't get the messages you need to call samsung. maybe they will help you. if the fbi doesn't want to do
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that we can only draw the conclusion the fbi is clearly hiding something in this very crucial time period and time line we're talking about. remember lois learner, another example. this is part of a larger pattern here. let's look at hillary clinton's e-mail scandal. 33,000 deleted e-mails subpoenaed by congress. to make sure they were erased and never returned again clinton acid washed the hard drives to get rid of them. no trace of them. the e-mails under congressional subpoena. then a clinton aid took the blackberries and mobile devices and smashed them with a hammer. the few remaining cellphones turned over to the fbi had no sim cards. look at the headlines. fbi agreed to destroy lap tops of clinton aids with immunity deal. why would the fbi agree to
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destroy evidence? that doesn't make sense. according to the same reporting of the plea deal the fbi wasn't allowed to search e-mails after the server was public. so the fbi couldn't look at possible obstruction of justice by clinton and aides. it's obvious that happened. then here, the washington post reports immunity deals stop investigation of bleach bit use in the clinton e-mail case. clinton destroyed evidence and they didn't investigate. instead of coming clean and admitting what she was doing, hillary clinton gave excuse after excuse for using a unsecured e-mail server in a mom and pop shop bathroom closet. five foreign intelligent agencies got access to this, look. >> when the laws and regulations
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in effects when i was secretary of state allowed me to use my e-mail for work. that's undisputed. it was clearly not the best choice. i take responsibility for that decision. i thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and personal e-mails instead of two. >> iphone or android. [laughing] >> iphone. [cheers and applause] >> okay. in full disclosure. >> blackberry. >> and a blackberry. i have a, you know ipad mini. ipad, iphone and blackberry >> did you wipe it? >> with a cloth or something? no. >> by the way you may of seen i launched a snapchat account. i love it. those messages disappear all by themselves. >> really you are joking about it. she broke the law. we snow sh snow know she didn'tf
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classified top secret information. and it's simple the fbi let her off the hook. we will have more on that in a sec. we have new information this. is part of a pattern from the obama administration. lois learner, irs targeting e-mails and the official leading the charge and unfairly going after conservatives. the irs said the e-mails were lost because of a system crash. every time the walls are closing in on the obama administration officials key evidence just disappears. they found it two years later in the case. when it keeps happening it's not a coincidence. it's called obstruction of justice. this are several other wrinkles in the story. remember debbie schultz. he had smashed hard drives. they said it didn't.
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new information from peter strzok and page they both of them and add the former attorney general, loretta lynch, knew clinton wouldn't be prosecuted in the e-mail investigation. they said this before they interviewed hillary. let's give you the back story. in may comey, strzok and other officials were drafting the clinton exoneration before interviewing hillary and 17 other key witnesses. exoneration before investigation. that's rigged and the fix was in. you have former attorney general loretta lynch meeting who? bill clinton on the tarmac talking about grand children for 40 minutes at the end of june. they haven't asked questions for those key people of the investigation. lynch called comey and had the
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meeting and said call it a matter not a investigation. comey followed her orders to the letter. then just days later when lynch said she would step away from the e-mail investigation. she said she would accept the fbis conclusion. strzok texted page. look at this. timing looks like hell. yes, page awful timing. it's a profile encourage since she loretta lynch knows no charges will be brought. how did she know? four days after that comey let hillary clinton off the hook. we have the message between strzok and page talking about the insurance policy in case donald trump became president. the fix was in. this was rigged. exoneration with no investigation. you have strzok, page and lynch
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knew that charges wouldn't be recommended against clinton. they wrote the exoneration early on. if lisa page new that means her boss knew. we think strzok and page were talking too in the "insurance" text message. knowing that clinton would go g. free. we need to know what now, deputy attorney general. what did rosen stein know and know it? he has a lot of questions to start answering. if comey and lynch the top two law enforcement officials in the country knew. i gather someone in the obama white house also knew the fix was in for hillary. the timing is key. you put the fix in and she's in the presidential race. if she gets indicted the democratic party is throne into shambles before a important presidential election. they thought they knew better and saved hillary. they thought she would win and wanted to a point her the president of the united states.
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you think water gate was a big scandal? this is water gate on steroids and human growth hormones at levels that would kill the average person. to top it off there is more information, new text message with strzok and page talking about a change to the exoneration letter. they talked of clinton on the territory of a hostile country. then obama was altered to a senior official before being removed entirely. obama had to know clinton was using a private e-mail server. we have new information about the classified four page memo detailing the massive abuses against the trump campaign. this is becoming the biggest scandal in american history, modern american history. you have members of congress who
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have seen it saying the contents are shocking. jaw dropping, alarming, people will go to jail, fox news is reporting tonight that releasing the memo to you, the american people could take up to 19 congressional business day it's the procedures are followed. that means we don't get to see the memo. you don't get to see the memo until at least the middle of march. tonight we're asking that you keep applying pressure. demand that the public see the memo. release the memo. you need to see the truth. you need to know about this massive abuse of power. they're trampling on the constitution and shredding it. how the clinton bought and paid for phony russian dossier. she fixed the primary. had comey struck and apparently loretta lynch apparently fixing her case. and then the phony dossier to
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fix the election. why not. then they use it in a effort to spy on an opposition candidate in a a election year, president elect and his team. call the number at the bottom of the screen. we need to see this memo. (202)224-3121. tell your member we are of congress to release the memo. a ton of information tonight. let me sum up what this all means. clinton fixed the primary against bernie. struck comey. apparently loretta linn skp-fp exonerated hillary without interviewing her or the key people in the e-mail server scanned afplt the fix was in. it was rigged. they influenced the general. bought and paid for russian lies before the election. the fix was in there. the obama administration weaponnized to target the trump campaign. strzok and his mistress talking about a key insurance policy and
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key text messages are in. the fix is. in worst than watergate. an abuse of power. this is one of the biggest scandals of american history. these people need to be fired and investigated. more investigated. not talking rank and file members in the fbi that do great work. i'm talking about abuses committed by the top officials in the deep state of the fbi and department of justice. if robert mueller if you're watching, i'm sure you are. i'm sure your corrupt team of obama, hillary clinton deep state witch hunters are watching. this witch hunt needs to be shut down. you clearly have stacked the deck against and started with a bias investigation against president trump. finally to the the government shut down is over. president just signed a temporary bill. it's no big deal.
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the panic of the media was a waste of your time. we have a lot to get to tonight. joining us now is invest gayive reporter and fox news contributor. sara carter, gregg jarrett, matt gates. let's talk about your -- you got a quote today in your article. tell everyone. amazing. >> yes, members of the fbi, like we have said before, sean. these are good people who want the truth out. former senior fbi officials and current fbi officials don't believe this was just a technical glitch. i can't use the language they shared with me when the news came out. something they did bring up that's important to get out to the audience. they said a lot of the text messages were done on unsecure samsung 5. >> the glitch. >> yes the glitch. it wasn't just us servers but
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foreign actors such as israel, germany, russia and china tried to capture fbi cellphones all the time it maybe a foreign actor has the text messages between - . >> vladimir may have it after all. >> someone may have it after all. they talked about flynn being the subject of blackmail. what about them the subject of blackmail. >> i have people. i don't want to mention their names. they say samsung phones don't have point to point encryption or imessages and they're retrievable messages through the carrier. they would have a time and date stamp, wouldn't they? >> they would if the evidence was destroyed it may of been obtained first before it was destroyed by the inspector general michael horowitz. there is a indication that is the case. if so we will get to the bottom of the destruction of evidence and destruction of justice.
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>> gates, we have our 18:30 minutes of missing tape here, if you will. this is far worst then watergate. explain why you think . so you saw the memo we deserve to see. >> absolutely, sean. thank you for the leadership you provided and encouraging the american people to demand the release of the member oh, it's no longer disputable a pro hillary clinton an eye donald trump bias as infected the fbi. the united states of america is in jeopardy as a consequence. you laid out a timeline but there are more damaging facts to come. trust me, around the corner we will learn more about how infected the investigation is. particularly the mueller probe. look at this in august you had strzok and page saying they were the insurance policy and save america from a trump presidency -- >> you have to bring us into your world here.
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>> sean, i can say this, wait until you overlay this five months of dark period with the memo we want to release. these are not isolated incidents that are separated from each other you have to evaluate these together. >> do you believe they're missing? >> i don't buy it afterly us, hillary, bleachbit, hammering devices. this is bull. this is now -- >> the american people are never going to believe that two days after barack obama put the intelligence community on donald trump the text messages went dark and then they come alive the day after robert mueller is the special council. it would be the coincidences of all coincidences. >> sara, you see a connection? >> absolutely congressman gates brings up several important points. according to the people i have
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spoken with this goes back to 2015. these text messages were suppose to be stored and should be stored. the most important five months of the investigation are missing? it's highly concerning. fbi agents, law enforcement, u.s. intelligent officials believe these will be retrieved. gregg, you made a good point. if horowitz got the text messages without them knowing and they withdrew, tried to clean up, they would have to go to the records management system at the fbi, have someone help them clean this up. >> let's talk about the legal aspects and what we're talking about here. what does the loretta lynch component say to you? >> the fix was n as you described it in the monologue, it's obstruction of justice. >> if a false document was used to not only launch of trump/russia investigation but
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spy on strum ap associates. that's abuse of law. people should go to jail. the penalty is ten years behind bars. increasingly it looks like this was a widespread nefarious and illegal plot to frame donald trump and clear hillary clinton. >> thank you for your hard work. you deserve pulitzers. and john, congressman, we need you to fight and release this. >> absolutely. >> release the memo and find the text. that's hour hashtag tonight. when we come back exclusive interview the president's attorney weighs in on this important information straight ahead.
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>> joining us with reaction to all of the news, the president's attorney. we have the insurance policy memo with text messages with strzok and page. now we have loretta lynch. we have them and comey and mccabe all known before they interviewed hillary clinton in the e-mail server investigation. of course we have the exoneration before the investigation. all knowing the fix was in and it was rigged for hillary. wow. >> let me give you this though, james comey's testimony under oath. congressman radcliffe asked the question. did you make the decision not to make criminal charges before or after hillary clinton was interviewed. after. that's a false statement. that's obstruction of justice. a felony.
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i'm listening to the explanations coming out regarding the missing e-mails. sean, i was a lawyer at the american center of law and justice brought the case against the irs for targeting. you may remember -- >> lois learner. >> -- what was gone? missing e-mails. we kept pressing and pressing. finally they recovered them. then the case was resolved and settled in our clients favor. damagees were paid. here is what you have. the five most important months of this russia probe what is missing ? start with this. buzzfeed the fake sealed dossier on january 11th, 2017. are there text messages between the two parties here. page and strzok. answer those are missing. strzok interviews michael flynn. are their text messages between lisa page and strzok then?
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no they're missing. james comey is fired for his in competence by the president of the united states. on may et, 2017, are there text messages between the parties during that transaction. no. robert muller is appointed may 17th, 2017. any text messages there. no. the next day they start up again. the five months while the case is in the interesting serious probe, this is the russia collusion nonsense i will call it, the missing text messages are just gone. so what you have a s. a pattern of practice in the agencies. look i was a government lawyer, i worked for the chief council office as a government lawyer can you imagine going to the irs and say i lost my receipts. that doesn't work out too well in the it. >audit.>> yes.
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miss it would go years, deleted bleachbit, acid watch, destroying blackberries, then stkeby and her t aid with bustd up hard drives in the garage we read. now the five key months and it just started up again the day after robert mueller was appointed. >> sean -- >> all of these people knew she would never get in trouble. they're very clear. there is no ambiguity. >> you know this are two things to point out. i said from the beginning it was a phony investigation. remember also when the department of justice startpugh that investigation, internal investigation of the irs targeting i said that was a full investigation also. i stopped my clients from
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participating. it was nonsense and the questions are ridiculous. you have the five months, critical five months in the russia probe. now the two agents who by the way were on the special council staff after he was appointed, not before. they were all working on this russian investigation s-frpblgts trzok was the counter intelligence to chief fbi agent. his text messages are just gone, vanish and don't exist. here is the question you have to ask yourself. >> if this is this significant what does this mean about the undeunderlying matter. this is what i think they need to bring in a lawyer that's dedicated to one thing only. this is not the first time this has happened by the way. they brought in lawyers, within the agency or brought in lawyers outside of the agency into the agency to find out what is going on here. this is inexplicable. no excuse for this. the fbi can't just write this off saying, must of been a technical glitch with samsung when there is a technical glitch
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we recover the document. remember the technical glitch on the iran negotiation with president obama and the video awes edited. we found out in the litigation against the state department it was intentional edit by the state department to change the dating of when this is going this. is illegal. obstruction of evidence. you know, maybe the inspector. i hope what the previous panel said the inspector general has the information. if not the fbi, department of justice better get it. if they can't get it they need to go to samsung and get it from them. this is not just individuals they're individuals charged with investigating the russia probe this. isn't just random political talk. explain the five months missing. that's more than 18 minutes. gone and starts up the next day. the day after the special council is a a. pointed it
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starts back up. >> i know they can refer anything. where are the phones tonight. where are the two physical phones tonight? >> why the agents still -- >> and samsung why not get them to help us. >> why are the agents still employed by the fbi and department of justice? >> i'm asking that question. >> right. >> and mccabe -- >> listen crimes were committed. let me go back to the watergate comparison. 18.5 months of missing tape. compare this to breaking into for research and a political cover up. what's the difference here in how this big is? >> in watergate you had inside and outside actors involved. here you have the investigation is by in vied actors. all department of justice fbi employees engaged in this. >> isn't this worst? the abuse of powerful tools to
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impact a presidential election and keeping a woman in the race that otherwise would of been indicted. >> sean, don't forget this. the fbi, the department of justice number four, bruce orr wife worked for fusion pugh ps on the fake dossier. the hole scenario, the hole situation. i want to see. i challenge my friends on the other networks to give this air time. cover this. >> they will have to. >> cover this. >> they have been so wrong and corrupt. they can't admit it. it's coming. >> i have run out of time. jay, you will be back tomorrow night. see you then. when we come back president trump is out with a blistering new ad we play that and tomi hits the streets, straight ahead.
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campaign released a blistering campaign this weekend. watch this. >> [beep] [beep] >> that's illegal i am grant louise charged with murdering two police officers. >> [beep] [beep] >> it's pure evil. president trump is right. build the wall, deport criminals. stop illegal immigration now. democrats who stapd in our way will be complicit of all -- >> i'm donald trump and approve this message. >> socialist center bernie sanders called it unbelievable and outragage. >> author of "the new revolution" is with us. pam, let's look at this from the legal side. i sat through a border security meeting with rick perry.
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64640,000 some odd crimes of murder and rape against texans do. we not care about american citizens. why does the truth hurt. >> sean, it's the truth. i know first hand as a prosecutor, first hand, i have been to mexico twice. i have met with a good attorney general in mexico. they are trafficking human beings across that border. young women being raped 40 to 50 times a day across the border. that is security needed and why we need a wall. i have seen first hand the drugs flowing across the mexican border killing our citizens. that's why we need border security. our security is in adequate. you have been to where the wall should be many times. you have been to the border many times. we need a wall to protect our country. >> it works. i have been there 12 times.
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to drug warehouses, floor to ceiling drugs being brought into our kids. >> i know they're talking about a deal. i'm not for washington deals. any deal not funding the wall nobody should touch. any deal that doesn't end chain migration shouldn't be touched. any deal not allowing merit based immigration shouldn't be touch in my view. >> absolutely. president trump has been unmiss tablable those pillars must be in this. the wall must be fully funded. chuck schumer has the audacity to say he offered full funding of the wall. not true. he didn't offer him. that he offered him a small portion this. we need the wall, sean. i have seen first hand. i have sat with a mother who cried her eyes out at the loss of her son dominick. that illegal immigrant crossed the border twice. her son would be here today. >> i interviewed these moms. they lost their kids.
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>> yes. >> kate is one case and point. that's the point, pam. >> sean, this isn't, this isn't a partisan issue this. is a safety and security of our country and our children. the drug crisis in the country. the human trafficking crisis we face. the president and i have talked about this many times this. is a security issue protecting americans. >> caylee, i guess this gets to the hart of this, i think a lot of week republicans and rhinos like lindsey graham. take on stephen miller. he's advocating the president's hallmarks from the campaign trail. he keeps his word. he was clear about a wall, chain migration, recent events ought to make everyone aware of the dangers here. lindsey graham attacking the president through stephen miller is another cheap shot. he made a backdoor deal and private conversations with
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schumer. >> right. when you level those attacks against people like stephen miller and tom cotton you attack the people's agenda. this is what the american people voted on. they voted on a wall. not a law less democratic policy that aid and a bet illegal immigrants across our border. -- enabling guys like these killers to get acquitted. liberal democratic policies is what our party needs to target and nothing outside of. that. >> we have the five missing months of text messages with strzok and lisa page. we have now implicated in this. comey, strzok, page, now loretta lynch is in. let's use water gate as a comparison. how big is this? >> this is much much bigger than
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water gate. this is our country. we say this, these people are currently still employed with the justice system. three of the worst players. what did they do with one? moved him to hr, really. the other they're letting retire early so our tax dollars can pay his retirement. >> investigate him. >> yes. these people don deserve retirement. they must be investigated. they can't not, the security clearance should of been revoked months ago, sean, when this came out. >> thank you for being with us tonight. i have said many times in 2007 and 2008 journalism is dead this. is the biggest story in all of -- every single journalist and every publication and channel's career. they missed it. they went with a lying narrative they couldn't prove. tomi hits the streets of west hollywood next.
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>> alright. this weekend. boy how time flies. to commemorate the president's year in office we go to one of the most liberal places in america, west hollywood, california. to pass out "make america great" hats to see what people think about our commander in chief. i told you we would do this. >> that's what i'm talking about. >> yes. >> we're coming upon the one year of anniversary of president trump's inauguration. i'm looking to see what people think. >> i think people are convinced it's a failure. >> he has done an amazing job. he did more in onier then obama
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did in eight years. >> i don't like his vibe. >> what does the hat say. >> make american great again. >> how about this [beep] [beep] [beep] his wall. i will take it down if i can. >> we're asking tpoepblgz in west hollywood how they feel about president trump's first year. >> i think it's great. i kind of back him up. some of what he says. not on twitter. i don't necessarily agree with that. >> you read his tweets. >> yes. >> you feel it's funny. >> i think it's funny. he doing trao much. as a president he needs to relax a little bit. >> trump i is unpredictable. you don't know what he will say the next day. he could say something tomorrow that blows everything up. >> what do you think of his first year in office. >> i will pass on speaking on that. >> what do you think about his first year. >> stellar. stellar. >> gifts. >> i don't want that. >> why not. >> i don't want it. >> no hat. okay.
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are you sure? it's official. a collector's item. >> [beep] trump and his policies. >> if you described president trump's in a year or sentence what would t-b? >> defective. >> we're asking people in west hollywood how they feel about president trump's first year. >> uggg. >> rough for everyone. i think that we should come together as a country and support who we have in office no matter what. >> what do you think of the first year. >> phenomenal. i think three year will be over the top. >> what about the tax cut for 80% of americans. >> what. >> tax cuts. >> i don't pay taxes [beep] [beep] [beep] [beep], y'all. >> [beep], [beep], [beep] >> thank you for your opinion. >> great speech. >> did you want a hat, sir. [laughing] >> the voice of the generation. what is that guy?
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was he -- >> i don't know. he wasn't stable. >> what? >> he wasn't stable. >> he wasn't stable. i don't know if he was a member. he's not stable. he had strong opinions he shared with me. he didn't want a hat sadly. maybe next time we go back we can find him again. i think he regrets the decision. great hats. >> i give you a lot of credit. go out, right in the middle -- >> here is the interesting part to me this. is west hollywood. pretty liberal california we're talking about. a lost people like the president. they were like, ya. i like this guy. i like the honesty. he did more in one year than obama did in eight years. i didn't expect. that. >> i was shocked, shocked. i have been there a few times as you know. asking folks how they felt about it. they weren't just typical people that the left would say are trump supporters. the diversity was astounding. that's the best kept secret in
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los angeles, california. the conservatives there are and diverse trump supporters are, republicans are. that's what the left don't want you to know how diverse we are. i love it. >> i keep saying, i don't know if you agree with me. trump poles. there are a certain group of people who won't admit. they like trump. they like his outspokenness and his iconic class. they like the economy and results. all of the noise isn't going to matter at the end of the day if people get jobs and they're back at work and off of food stamps and back in the labor force and not in poverty. >> even the ones that said he did a horrible job wheufplt stood a little longer and discussed it with them they couldn't give me an example of his horrible job. they again point to his tweets and his tweets hurting their feelings. when i brought out some of the examples like last week about the incredible improve phebts the president is making to this country for all americans.
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they seem to agree with me. they had to bring back the feelings they didn't like him. he tweets. >> this guy with the -- are we sending enough security out with you. you okay? >> the security is excellent. they're doing a very good job. the nice thing about it, we were able to calm him down enough to have him explain himself. you can see his language was colorful. at the end of the day i think maybe we reformed him a little bit. i think he walked away pretty excited about fox news. >> alright. excited. great work. tomi, see you later in the work. thank you as always. we appreciate it. when we come back, this is a painful video of the day. painful in the "hannity it hotline" straight ahead.
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with new england down. ten with 9 minutes to go. i know you got to admit, tom brady's got it. here are some of the celebrations after philly won against minnesota. one eagles fan took it really hard, aching his own 100-yard dash on a train platform ouch. [screams] >> sean: painful. ouch. time for our hannity hotline. thank so much for calling in. callermac hannity, quit playing those beliefs adds. to start saying things that good people say about you and the good things that we are talking about. they need to get someone in the 9:00 slot. >> sean: i got one good one and for once. i feel pretty good about myself. if you have anything to say, mean or nice, doesn't matter.
7:00 pm
unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. we are staying on this. we are not the destroyed trout media. set your dvr. let not your heart be troubled, the news continues. >> laura: i'm doing chair yoga. when you get older, you have to do a lot. >> sean: got to do the horses tail. >> sean: when i was watching that video, it was a guy running for the train. >> sean: are we going to have a super bowl bat? >> laura: i wanted the minnesota vikings. i'm not for either team. i don't care about the super bowl, but what i do care about, that guy hitting the pole, that was like durban today. that was boom! >> sean: you like and we slowed it down. we are so mean. >> laura: is like the $6 million man
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