tv Hannity FOX News January 23, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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tune in every night at 8:00 to a show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and especially groupthink. dvr it if you know how it works. more than anything, stay tuned. buckle your seat belt, ladies and gentlemen. sean hannity is live from new york next. >> sean: great show as always. welcome to "hannity." we have massive new breaking developments tonight. the fbi agent peter strzok makes a stunning admission about the russia investigation in these latest newly released text messages.he before even joining robert mueller's team, strzok said there was "no big there there" proving that president trump has been right about the entire russian investigation from the start.t. it is a complete hoax, it is planning to shut down mueller's partisan and very corruptt witch hunt, and also tonight, i suspect what we are seeing v happening is the special counsel and his team that are leaking information to "the new york times" and "washington post." why they want to distract the media and you, the american people, because the heat is now on. i will explain. also congressman trey gowdy isis revealing that the day after
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president trump's election and his win, strzok in his fbi lawyer mistress talked about a "secret society" within the fbi. is this a banana republic? and the doj that could have been working against donald trump from november 9, 2016 on? representative gowdy is also saying there is a text between strzok and page about destroying all their messages. we've seen this movie before. congressional republicans are now moving forward with a plan to publicly release that classified memo that highlights massive fisa abuse. sources are telling fox newsig tonight that it could happen any day. we are asking your help, those of you watching. help make this happen. tell your members of congress to release the memo. #releasethememo. all of that in tonight's opening monologue. tonight, the vindication
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continuous. we have a lot of brand-new information to share with you, the truth about the russian investigation is being exposed as a sham. a democratic political operation, and it has now turned into a witch hunt. the entire basis of robert mueller's so-called investigation is based andob predicated on a lie and a conspiracy theory that wab cooked up by the obama administration, by democrats, and by your liberal news media as an excuse for why hillary clinton lost the election. that was never supposed to happen. for over a year, what has it been? trump. russia. trump. russia. collusion.n. collusion. collusion.d we have no evidence to date. the only evidence we do have tonight is that hillary clinton bought and paid for a salaciousa phony document filled with russian lies to try and influence all of you during that election. that's what mueller should really be looking instead, his investigation isre now morphed into a democratic political hit job to remove a duly elected president from office and use the powerful
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tools of intelligence and the fisa courts to do it. now with more damaging information coming out every day, it looks like special counsel and robert mueller and his partisan hacks, they are trying now to change the narrative with their lame stream media friends with selective leaking today. everyone of them is a nonstory, not worthy of your attention, unless you work for the fake news media. before we get to tonight's new information, remember this. comey is a corrupt as they come. he gave those memos to the columbia professor for the very purpose of leaking to the press so a special counsel would be appointed, hoping that this would all come to pass. comey also reportedly coordinated his congressional testimony with robert mueller.y that sounds like collusion. in spite of these facts, the delusional comey is actually trying to fashion himself as a martyr, as he recently tweeted. good to read reports for peopler
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standing up for what they believed in. then to quote dr. martin luther king jr. wait a minute? he put the fix in so hillary wouldn't be charged in spite of the evidence he knew existed. this is an embarrassment, an national disgrace, and beyondme laughable. he deserved to be fired. we will explain why in a minute. also tonight, we have more evidence of just how fraudulent, unethical, and nefarious mueller's investigation really is. here are the new texts released today which confirms everything we have been telling you. on may 19th, 2 days after robert mueller appointed the special counsel, strzok writes to page, "you and i both know the odds are nothing. if i thought it was likely, i'd be there no question. i hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern is no big there there." meaning trump-russia collusion.
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you have strzok, a high-ranking intelligence official at the fbi the specialized in russia, signed the paperwork to start the entire russian investigation, knowing there is no there there. in other words, it's always been a hoax. this proves it. it's part of an attempt to stop trump from winning and removing him from office. if it means breaking the law and the intelligence community, so be it. we never should have gone down this road.d. the mainstream media and their hacks in the media, cnn, msnbc, every broadcast channel, "washington post," they have been giving you nothing but lies and propaganda now for a year. those involved, those responsible for crimes that were committed are now trying to cover it up.p. they are not going to get away with it. when everything is said and done, this is going to make watergate look like a kid stealing candy from a store. we reported yesterday, five months of text messages are missing between strzok and page. here's what happened during this
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critical time frame. this is from december 14th, 2016 to may 17th, 2017. in march, president trump claimed that there were wiretapping at tower. we broke that nearly a year ago right here on this program. then buzzfeed published the story, during the five missing months, that clinton bought and played for the dossier. that was in january. all of a sudden, the texts stop. that was used in part and later on to get the fisa warrant to spy on the trump campaign. remember that, it was before that. later that month, former national security national security advisor, general michael flynn, is interviewed by the fbi, and wouldn't look have it, it was actually peter strzok who oversaw that interview. on may 9th, the fbi director james comey was fired. then on may 17th, robert mueller was named a special counsel. those are the major events, and how conveniently, it happens is
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that the messages, some 50,000 of them, this is the time period where strzok and page's messages were missing. they's blame on samsung who supplied the phones. you gotta be kidding me. it's the fbi who specializes in intelligence and gathering. they can't find the messages? i don't believe that's possible. given the inherent anti-trump bias that we have seen fromos strzok and page, they hated trump, and their involvement in almost everything involving the russian investigation, well, we must now know what they were talking about during these five critical months, the fbi should find those messages, maybe make a call to samsung. if you can't get it, i bet they can. there's also stunning new revelation tonight about these missing text messages. congressman trey gowdy is saying there is a message between strzok and page about deleting these text you can't make this up for a novel. look at this new information.
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>> inside this glaring fivenf month gap and texts that thent world's premier law enforcement agency somehow missed. lay that aside. what we have seen, what i saw today was a text about not keeping texts. we saw more manifest bias against president trump all the way through the election into the transition. >> sean: hatred against trump, bias against trump, and not>> keeping the text messages. that sounds like obstruction of justice. it's not the first time that we've all seen this happen. every single solitary time the obama administration and other officials are backed into a corner and in serious legal trouble, all of the evidence magically disappears. this is their modus operandi. hillary clinton, 33,000 subpoenaed emails deleted. just to make extra extra sure, acid watch bleach bit, the whole entire hard drive to make sure the evidence is completely
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destroyed. in case it made it to any of the mobile devices, they send an aide out with a hammer. boom! let's smash that sucker. the only phones they gave the fbi, they had no sim cards. i'm sure it was just an accident. do you believe that? i'll sell you a bridge to nowhere. there's also the irs targeting conservatives. the email from corrupt officials. the emails from lois lerner, they disappeared for two years. the irs claimed at the time they were lost because of a system crash. we can't forget about debbie b wasserman schultz and the reports of smashed hard drives in his garage. predictably, they denied it happened. this is a lot to take in. let me slow down here.ha there's even more new information tonight. we will be giving it to you throughout the hour. according to congressman john wereiffe, strzok and page also talking about -- imagine this -- a secret society meeting
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the day after president trump won the election. who is in the secret society? could it be page? strzok? mccabe? comey? bruce ohr? rod rosenstein? who is in the special secret society? aren't they supposed to be transparent? watch this. >> we learned today about information that after an immediate aftermath of the elections, there may have been a secret society of folks within the department of justice and fbi to include page and strzok that would be working againstks him. i'm not saying that actually happened, but when folks speak in those terms, they need to come forward to explain the context in which they spoke those terms. >> sean: they said there's nohi concrete evidence yet that the secret society ever met. here's what we do know. n strzok and page and who we think is the deputy fbi director andrew mccabe were meeting about the insurance policy, just in case hillary lost election.
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all of the other evidence points to one simple fact. top ranking obama administration officials in the department ofp justice, fbi, not rank-and-file. the top people. they protected hillary clinton from prosecution. we know that happened. then they use that phony russian dossier that hillary bought and paid for full of russian salacious lies to go after the trump campaign to try and influence the election. after all, it worked and stealing the primary for poor bernie sanders. as we have now been saying for months, the fix was in in the clinton email why? they wanted hillary to run and didn't want trump to win. here's another text message from peter strzok and lisa page appears to show that they and obama's attorney general loretta lynch, they all knew that clinton wouldn't be prosecuted. by the way, before they ever interviewed clinton or the other
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main participants in all of this, they didn't do the investigation.d remember in may, james comey and peter strzok, and other top fbi officials, they were drafting the exoneration of hillary months before they ever interviewed her and several other key witnesses. how can you actually exonerate someone before ever talking to them? that's called the fix it being in. that's being rigged. that is corruption 101. let's take a look at jamesor comey, denying under oath that he reached his legal conclusionu before interviewing hillary clinton. we have all the different drafts all pointing toward a case of hillary being guilty as hell. watch this. >> director, did you make the decision not to recommend criminal charges related to classified information before or after hillary clinton was interviewed by the fbi on july the second? >> after. colleagues of ours believe i am lying about when i made this decision, please urge them to
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contact me privately so we can have a conversation about this. all i can do is tell you again, the decision was made after that because i didn't know what was going to happen in the interview.w. she may be lied in the interview in a way we could prove. >> sean: i will call your number. i have a lot of questions for you. it sounds to me like comey lied under oath. we know, we had the drafts and how he was exonerating clinton month before her fbi interview. tonight, just breaking, "politico" reporting that congressman ratcliffe is saying that he wants to interview comey again under oath about all these inconsistencies in his previous testimony. let's go back to the timeline. at the end of june 2016, bill clinton decides to meet loretta lynch on the tarmacnt fr 40 minutes and talking about their grandkids. then on july 1st, lynch says she's going to step away from the investigation. she will accept whatever the fbi concludes. she encouraged comey, it's a
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matter, it's not an investigation. this is all before hillary clinton, three days before she was ever even interviewed, that happened on the fourth of july weekend. after lynch's statement that she was taking a backseat, strzok writes his mistress-girlfriend page, timing looks like hell. page says that is awful timing. later adds, "it's a real profile in courage since she knows no charges will be brought." they hadn't interviewed hillary clinton.ll four days later, they finally interviewed hillary clinton on the third day. then comey comes out with what he was already writing in early may in his press conference, giving hillary clinton a pass on everything. page knew. strzok knew. comey knew. lynch know. i assume mccabe knew as well. nothing was going to happen toi hillary because the fix was in. if lisa page knew, then that
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probably means she was advising deputy director andrew mccabe. what else are they lying about? were they aware the fbi is giving clinton cover? if comey, lynch, and all the top law enforcement officials knew that this was their agreement to not go after clinton because they wanted her in the race to defeat donald trump because they know better than you who should be president, then it's a pretty darn good chance that somebody in the obama white house also was doing the wink and nod thing, and they knew the fix was in. in other words, the fix was in. it was rigged. there is another component toas this story. we have even more breaking news tonight about the effort by congressional republicans to release the four-page classified memo. that exposes the fisa abuses against the trump campaign. byron york reporting nearly 200 members of congress have now seen this and fox news is reporting tonight that the memo could be released any day now. we are still calling on you, the
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american people, once again. call up your member of congress and demand that the release. release the memo. call the number at the bottom of your screen. 202-224-3121.t tell your members of congress, we deserve to know the truth h about what is likely the biggest scandal in american history. there is so much information. so many players involved in all of this. let me tie it together. hillary clinton rigged the primary. if you are bernie sanders supporter, you should be angry. why you're not? i don't know. even though it there is a incontrovertible evidence that she broke the law, james comey,e andrew mccabe, peter strzok, lisa page, loretta lynch, all put the fix in and allowed her to stay in this presidential race. they ignored the rule of law, the constitution, and clinton and the dnc that she controls spent over $12 million to influence the election with a bought and paid for dossier full of russian lies and propagandae
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that was shipped off to compliant media. the obama administration weaponized the powerful tools of intelligence that we need to keep our country safe, but in this case, they used it to target members of the trump campaign. this, so you understand, is so all much bigger than watergate. it's about our constitution, about the rule of law. it has been shredded. all because powerful people at the highest level in the doj and the fbi thought they knew better than you as to who should be president. there needs to be serious ramifications if we are going to save our country in all of this. people must be held accountable, they must be investigated, they must be indicted, and probably many of them thrown in jail. ohio congressman jim jordan is with us. sara carter is here with us. former secret service agent dan bongino. congressman, am i missing anything here? >> you are not. the central player in this entire drama is the guy you
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identified, peter strzok. the first batch of text messages, he talked about the insurance policy in case the american people makebo donald trump president. this latest batch, he talks c about unfinished business. i unleashed it during the midyear exam, which is the code name they had for the clinton investigation. he says "i need to finish it and fix it." 4 minutes after that text message, he sent another message to lisa page where he said ann investigation that leads to impeachment. if that doesn't go to their entire motive, their entire plan, what they had in store, and the animus they had for president trump, i don't know what does.s. as you pointed out in your monologue, peter strzok was the key guy in the clinton investigation. he was the guy who changed the exoneration -- >> sean: are we going to get to the one-yard line and it dies? in other words, we don't get -- >> we see it building. you can see a building. we can see a building amongst the members of congress. 200 members of congress have read that memo.. 200-0 in favor of releasing it because this is the kind of
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thing that is so wrong. when the fbi says this, the fbi is investigating you and you lose important documents or you delete emails or loose text messages -- >> sean: i will be in jail. bring me the cake with a file. >> that is what drives americans crazy. >> sean: it's been almost a year since you and john solomon broke the story about the warrants at trump tower, the investigation. look at where we are today. your thoughts? where are we going? i hear this is just the tip of the spear. j >> this is just the tip of the spear. right now, we have peter strzok and lisa page, but they were reporting to someone. we are focused on them, with good reason, but think about the people they were reporting to. i want to know what andrew mccabe, who is the deputy director was texting to others, how he was involved in it. james rybicki, who just left the fbi. now we know mccabe is leaving
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in march. there is so much more to this story. the unmasking director brennan of the cia. >> sean: samantha power, unmasking 300 people. great. what did that power come from? >> where did that come from?co and now she says she told trey gowdy that someone signed those unmaskings in her name.. >> sean: i'd like to know who. let's find out who wase impersonating the u.n. ambassador and were unmasking americans. fundamentally, dan bongino -- this five months gap. this is so much bigger than the watergate tapes. five months, the most critical time. with your experience in law enforcement and secret service and the nypd, are we able to retrieve those forensically? i don't believe they are lost. >> let me tell you something. i'm willing to put my credibility behind this on your show tonight.
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those messages aren't lost. i absolutely believe this is some kind of canary trap to out leakers again. we've seen this pattern before. false information put out there to catch people leaking information. c we saw it in the l donald trump jr. wikileaks story. the deutsche bank story. we also saw it with the mike flynn story. let me say something here. that five month period important because that's where the logan act conspiracy, or what i've been calling a reverse engineering of a crime, happens in the doj and fbi. listen to me, make the mistake on this. donald trump was set up. this was a sting operation the entire time, and this logan act conspiracy to hit mike flynn on while they were listening to his calls was a legal cover -- >> sean: i bet my life on it that was a trap. it was illegal the information they had beforehand. when are we going to get the
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memo? when do we get it? >> i think soon. i'm hoping even next week. i know i talked to chariman nunes. he is committed to making sure the committee calls its hearing. we start that five-day process. i believe that the white house will give us the thumbs up right away. if that passes the committee with a majority vote, i think president trump will say, let the american people see it. >> he definitely brought up what i was hearing as well. there will be a vote next week. that's what i've been told. after that, it goes to the president. i'm sure he will allow that to go public. >> sean: i hear there's a lot more even coming behind that memo. do both of you glean that? >> yes. i think there will be more memos, sean. here's the other thing i think is important. why didn't rod rosenstein, when he testified just last month, why didn't he tell us they were missing text messages? >> sean: exactly.
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bring him back. did he extend that fisa warrant? did he extend that? >> i can't get into who did what. i can't get into that. >> sean: my guess is he did. >> rod rosenstein came and testified and was asked about the text messages. that was the day before he testified was when we got the first batch of the strzok text messages. the fbi turned them all over. >> sean: he went into paul ryan's office begging not to release any of this. that constitutes the memo. dan bongino, last word. >> don't discount the name giancarlo either within the doj. he knew it was going on here in conjunction with sally yates. this is the connection that i take to the white house on this. he left under very suspicious circumstances. >> sean: i forgot to mention that in the timeline. >> it is an important point a crucial point, but i think an even bigger point now is that ratcliffe wants to interview b comey. interview comey. interview carlin. interview sally yates.
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let's find out what is going on with them. i think we will start to see the story unraveled. >> sean: all right, amazing work, all of you. we really appreciate it. release the memo and find the texts. he was on fire last night he reacted to my opening monologue. we will check in with the chiefl counsel for the american center of law and justice, president trump's attorney, jayy sekulow, straight ahead. ahead.
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end with the missing text messages or you could start where senator grassley, the chairman of the judiciary committee said, conclusions first, fact gathering second, that is no way to run an investigation. >> sean: i wantve to show this to everybody. he has asked this question. this is a key moment. we'll go back to this and i'll get your response toi it. >> director, did you make the decision not to recommend criminal charges relating to classified information before or after hillary clinton was interviewed by the fbi on july the second? >> after. but of colleagues of ours believe i am lying about when i made this decision, please urge them to contact me privately so we can have a conversation about this. all i can do is tell you again, the decision was made after that because i didn't know what was going to happen in that interview. she may be lied in an interview in a way we could prove it. then why did he write an exoneration? >> maybe she would have liked during the interview, where they
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track to set up a perjury draft? really, you've got to listen to a james comey chose to side. first he said he made the conclusion after the interview, right, which we know is a false statement because he made the decision months before the interview. by the way, it wasn't just the interview with the former secretary of state. other witnesses that are granted immunity that had not yet been interviewed when he made his exculpatory statement saying that she is not responsible, no violation of law months before the key witnesses were put forward or interviewed. then he said she may have liedie during the interview and that would have changed, and other words, perjury trial. this is washington speak for what, an examination or investigation,at sean, from its outset, let's look at what has transpired, let's put it into a context.t number one, weeks ago, we had the revelation about the department of justice, bruce or, working with christopher steele
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on the dossier, while her husband was serving as the number of four in the united states department of justice.ep that is one. number two, the missing -- i hate to say this, but it just -- i have had this experience because of the litigation that we engaged at the american center for law and justice involving the irs targeting cases. you had the missing lois lerner emails. we get to the point in the case where this is the critical time, the prime time, and what happens?nd gone. the evidence can't bebe recover. we've got the damages -- >> sean: two years later. >> yes. this is a pattern and practice. what is their explanation for this? the fbi gate out faulty devices ended and another was a problem for five months? have that is not the case because that is in and of itself bad as well. >> sean: page and strzok, we know that he thought there was no there there. that is fascinating considering his position and what he did with russia.
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number one. they knew the fix was in. they talked about an insurance policy with mccabe. strzok, page, mccabe. to comey, writing the exoneration before investigation, and now we see pages saying, there is a profile in courage, she knows there's not going to be anything there. so they all knew that there was no shot in hell that there was ever going to be any real investigation into hillary. >> sean, i said it last night. these aren't investigations.ol these are political setups. as a faux investigation. the reality is, there's nothing in the investigation that is investigatory. in other words, when, you look t what happens, the way it transpires, the missing documents, the witnesses, the statement from peter strzok, that is the classic one, saying, there is no big they are there, so why will they waste my time going on to the special council team, which he by the way does, a couple days later. see you have all of this back and forth but realize what was going on. he wouldoi have known there waso
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there there because of what? he was on the russia collusion -- so-called collusion -- investigation. >> sean: the leak tonight. i don't know if you can answer this. robert mueller wants to ask about firing of comey and about general flynn. i'm not a lawyer. i will just give you my take. never in a million years under these conditions, with his team of only democratic donors, and the track record of people like andrew weissmann, what i ever let a president ever talked at this man, ever. >> let me say this. look, as the president's lawyer lawyers, we evaluate the situation, we evaluate the facts, the circumstances -- let me respond. i understand what you are saying. look, as a lawyer, we evaluate the entire matter. i won't disclose what conversations weos have or have not had with a special counsel. i will tellco you this. this has been the most transparent investigation and history.
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we have turned over -- when i say we, the president, the transition team, the campaign, the white house, tens of thousands, over 100,000 documents. we have had all of the witness voluntarily comply. there's been no assertion before the special counsel's office of any type of privilege, executive privilege, attorney-client, anything, nothing. so i always asked the question, ask the president about what? that's what you want to know. again, i won't disclose the conversations wem are having or not having. we are representing the client's interest. is what i will say. >> fair answer. i understand your position. jay sekulow, thank you so much for being with us. when we come back, former mexican president, and hannity classic shoot-out is next. ♪ a they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we've got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle,
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with democrats. chuck schumer went back on his word. turning is live, fox news national correspondent ed henry. >> good to see you. senator chuck schumer, the democratic leader in the senate, is under heavy pressure from his liberal critics. in their words, he caved to president trump by those negotiations over the government shutdown. so what's happening now is the left wanted schumer to stand strong and keep the government closed until he got daca legislation. but moderate democrats facing voters this november felt uncomfortable about her showdown basically i'm standing up for illegal immigration. so schumer gave in. he got a fig leaf from the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell who agreed to take up a daca legislation by february 8th when government funding runs out again. there is no guarantee that anything that passes in the senate will be agreed to by conservatives in the house. while the president and schumer discussed funding for the wall on the southern border, when they met in the oval office last friday of her cheeseburgers before the shutdown, the senator
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is now trying to backtrack. >> were going to have to start on a new basis and the wall offer is off the table. >> if senator schumer take something off the table, i'm sure we'll take something off the table. >> scott dworkin, an obama veteran who is also posting about leading the resistance, is claiming no "democrats won multiple battles over the shutdown. got chip funded, reopen the government, got a commitment from the g.o.p. on a daca vote. if they are lying, the government shuts down before he daca expires. it's time. #trumpresigned. "you can see the approach from some democrats. we won but if we end up not winning, the president should resign. that is not something that will carry the day around here. >> sean: ed henry, thank you. joining us, the author of the brand-new book, "let's move on," former mexican president, vicente fox. sir, good to see you. >> a pleasure to be here.
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>> sean: we have had some fights before. when you are president, in the year 2002, you deported, you kicked out of your country, 140,000 people that entered mexico illegally -- from nicaragua, guatemala, el salvador. you threw max amount. and do you say, if we do that, we are racist and it's unfair and unkind and unjust. you did the very thing you don't want us to do. >> no. this is an issue that i agree with you 100%. >> sean: so we should kick out illegals? >> wait a minute. borders must be six-year and borders must be safe and we must keep order, like we tried to do with president bush, with senator mccain, with senator kennedy. we put it together a bill that was presented in congress and that bill -- >> sean: why did you call the
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wall stupid? why did you give the middle finger, tell trump to go to hell, what are after? you've set all these things? if the wall is good, why don't you say, build a wall, like trump said, with a door. we can let our friends and but not the drug dealers. >> we are not against a wall. it's good if you want to build a wall. what we are against is mexico paying for it. >> sean: [laughs] >> who came up with a stupid idea of making mexico pay for the wall? >> sean: negotiating. >> oh, negotiating. >> sean: [laughs] >> i know better ways of negotiating. it's a win-win situation where we both get it. anyway, all the way is dealt in the book, the next move, it is not a scandal book, it is not a book to confront it is reasoning and ideas, bringing proposals, that is -- >> sean: forget about who pays
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for it for a minute. the wall that america builds on the southern border -- forget about the payment. if we build the wall, but i think mexico -- i think we should be best friends. i think america and canada should be best friends. mexico, canada, and the united states should all be best friends. but we need to protect our homeland and i think you just respect that. >> no, not at all. security and the border, i worked six years with president bush for that purpose. we came here with the partnership for prosperity and security, we came out with a nafta truce that included security. no problem with that. i'm with that. the way to do it, offending, calling mexicans criminals? i mean, you have -- >> he never said all mexicans. he said some. be fair. >> he basically said -- >> sean: some are murderers, and that is true. >> 35 million hispanics work
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here and make this country competitive -- >> sean: but you want them to become citizens. here's the thing. you are agreeing the rule of law, you were a president? so if you don't respect american law and you come here illegally, then you didn't respect the law. all these people want to come in, why don't we give to the people that do with the right way, respect our laws? >> this is not the united states and all. this is not the united states from the founding fathers -- >> sean: sure it is. all four of my grandparents came from ireland and they came through ellis island, they didn't have any money, they were broke, and they came here legally. all we are saying is, we will be good neighbors, you have to respect our border. >> yes, work and that, and that is what we did with president bush, to come up with wise, bright ideas. it is not -- the image of the united states -- >> sean: why do you call the president stupid, he can go to
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hell, you put your middle finger up, you say he's an idiot, why do you say all of that? >> because that is what i feel. >> sean: how will we get along? >> that is what i perceive from him. i invited him to come but -- >> sean: he went to mexico. >> a historical mistake because that is why today -- >> sean: why was it a mistake? >> trump as president and he shouldn't -- >> sean: he should have been because the american people decided. 40 some odd percent and that is how our system works. how many people -- what presented voted for you? >> for me? 46%. >> sean: same thing. you didn't have a majority either. >> i didn't go against -- i tried to unite people, get both parties and agreement. >> sean: you were a lot calmer than the last time. i would say we need borders to protect our country.
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>> agreed. >> sean: and i would say the president's right -- >> you don't need walls, you need borders. to be when you build a wall. >> but for? is a waste of money. >> sean: let us decide. here's the thing. we'll build the wall with a big door and we can all be friends but america has the right not to let people enter here illegally. >> sean: who will pay for the wall on the door? hopefully mexico or not the united states. >> u.s. taxpayers, nobody else. >> sean: so the wall is built with a big door. you'd be happy with a wall? >> with a big door -- >> with a door that people come legally. >> i don't mind a wall being built, i just tried to advise american citizens, my loved country, united states, don't waste your money. >> we should all be friends. >> that is what we are working towards. >> sean: nice to see you. god bless you. >> god bless you. >> sean: when we come back,
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jesse watters, jessica tarlov, that and more, straight ahead. . have you ever had car trouble in a place like this? (roaring of truck) yes and it was like the worst experience of my life. seven lanes of traffic and i was in the second lane. when i get into my car, i want to know that it's going to get me from point a to point b. well, then i have some good news. chevy is the only brand to receive j.d. power dependability awards for cars, trucks and suvs two years in a row. woman: wait! (laughing) i definitely feel like i'm in a dependable vehicle right now. woman 2: i want a chevy now. woman 3: i know! the commute is worth, the more you knowevy now. you and that john deere tractor... you can keep dreaming up projects all the way home. it's a longer drive. but just like a john deere, it's worth it.
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>> sean: joining us now, cohost of "the five," his, gets his world, and we live in it. and fox news contributor at jessica tarlov. our top story. we have this five-month critical gap. lois lerner's emails evaporate. hillary clinton's email deleted, bleach bit, and hammers. debbie wasserman schultz had the i.t. aide, broken hard drive combusted up in his garage. do you see a pattern here, jessica, with your side? does your intellect tell you
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it's a cover of? >> i break so many computers because i am a liberal. i have not use bleach but, still the same answer, no, i've never used bleach bit. thisis doesn't seem like a cover up too me. >> don jr.'s emails from five months all of a sudden disappeared. wouldea that be specific? >> sean: .4 watters. >> it's not a common senseha thing. the number of technological problems that canth occur here, why wouldd the fbi -- don't you think the people who took this oath to uphold justice -- >> sean: can i say something, are they the same people -- this is the same fbi, we got to go through this. lisa page, peter strzok, andrew mccabe, james comey, did you ever think law enforcement rights exonerations before investigations? cassettes are normal? >> we've talked about this.ou >> sean: is outside normalcy of? >>ef now before i -- not beforei
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researched it. >> they were going to do a frame job. admitted there was no collusion, he joins the moeller investigation to finish unfinished business that will lead to impeachment. that alone pushed the insurance policy to prevent the risk of the trump presidency -- >> what is the insurance policy? >> sean: i think you'll agree on one point. so hillary bought and paid for brush and lies about trump. waitbo a minute. forget that part. it was used as the basis to get a warrant on an opposition party in an election year and thenig used to investigate and surveilled a president-elect. is there any civil libertarian in you that says, this is really bad? >> basses of the complete story of what went on. wasn't it that the evidence they corroborated a good deal of what is in a dossier?
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>> sean: nobody corroborated. glenn simpson never tried to corroborated.n >> fbi t officials put aside the idea that they are out for trump, we won't say the entire fbi -- >> what was corroborated? >> i've read reports that said -- >> sean: who? >> the fbi -- >> sean: wrong. wrong.g. >> i did not finish the sentence. >> sean: you corroborated two hookers and the roads carlson and moscow -- >> i don't think that happened -- >> hee went to the czech republic, his passport said he never went to the czech republic. >> i will leave you two guys alone. >> sean: do you give up? >> i don't give up but you're not letting me finish a sentence. i'm saying the reason of the dossier -- were done. [laughter] >> sean: hannity hotline, ringing off the hook, the video
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10:59 pm
>> sean: all right, you are parents with a child who rid >> sean: you're a parent to the child who rides a school bus, by the way, got in so much trouble on schooley buses, from school, this video will terrify you. watch this. this icy morning was in south in massachusetts. look at the school full of kids sliding out of control downhill. now it hits -- knocks over the mailbox, and in a good way, thankfully, hit this car, and nobody was injured, and it stopped right there. wow. scary. thank godwo they are okay. thank god for the hotline. oh, boy.e here we go.
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>> sean: always fair and balanced, never the destroy trumpia media. laura, perfect timing, on the dot. take it away. ingraham angle" from washington. we have an action-packed show tonight. oh, my gosh. hollywood is a lavishing film that glorifies under age sex with academy award nominations for giving everything that happens, are you kidding me? and don dalton on donald trump's trip. why trump once again outfoxed his critics. and coulter on a new california law. i kid you not, that could let illegal immigrants
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