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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 24, 2018 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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♪ >> jesse: i am jesse watters with kimberly guilfoyle, marie harf, dana perino and brian kilmeade. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five" ." fbi still front and center as new alarms are raised on capitol hill. senate homeland security chair ron johnson has learned of an anti-trump secret society within the bureau attended by top level employees. >> i have heard from somebody was talk to our committee that there is a group of individuals in the fbi that were holding secret off-site meetings.
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>> is that half a dozen? what's the number? >> i can't really put a number on it. more than just strzok and page. they were very high level within the fbi. peter strzok's title was deputy executive director of the counterintelligence division. these are not low-level underlings. they had access to the highest level, including the director of the fbi. >> jesse: the revolutions came through light through text messages between former special counsel investigators peter strzok and lisa page. the texts raise questions about jim comey's testimony to congress about the clinton investigation. john ratcliffe says comey could be called again to testify about inconsistencies. >> he said no decision was made to charge hillary clinton or to not charge her with mishandling classified information until after july 2, 2016, interview with the fbi. the problem is, these texts
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indicate that page and strzok and lynch in virtually every member of the team knew days, weeks, and in some cases months before that she wasn't going to be charged. that is inconsistent with the testimony he gave under oath. if all the folks working for the director knew that she wasn't going to be charged, i think the director had to know. >> jesse: meanwhile, there are five months worth of missing messages between strzok and page. today we are learning how they may have disappeared. the fbi tells fox news "a few thousand cell phones of employees were impacted by a technical glitch. it prevented messages to be stored or uploaded to the bureau's archive system." kimberly, i want to start with you on the missing text messages. the fbi's primary job is i think data collection and evidence collection. they have multiple backup layers.
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triple backup, quadruple backup. those prevent against earthquakes and 9/11 attacks and fires. to blame it on the glitch, they've got to be recoverable. i think they might be buying time. >> kimberly: plenty of cases i prosecuted were people haven't tried to destroy evidence. you have to know who to go to. the fbi should be able to pull it together. can you imagine if every investigation they did was thwarted by people who try to obstruct justice and delete emails and do things of this nature. when you look back at the hillary clinton investigation, look how that was handled. the bleach victim the destruction of evidence. this is very disconcerting. the majority of fbi agents and men and women who work there, they are outstanding and committed and dedicated and fantastic. we really owe them so much because they make hardly any money. they work incredibly long hours to keep us safe domestically. when you see something like this, i'm glad of the people, a
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couple bad apples, being rooted out because you want a fair and impartial investigation. what i'm concerned about now is that, why are these missing? i do believe they will be able to recover deleted files. tremendous technology and forensic recovery to to do just this. obviously don't people -- people don't want to get caught. they try to delete and remove i it. if the fbi can't do this and pull it together, we've got a problem. >> jesse: big problem. kimberly brought up the hillary clinton situation. >> marie: you are looking right at me. >> jesse: yes, we are directing this at you. comey said he never decided to charge hillary clinton before he interviewed her. he was going to wait until after the interview. now we have the exoneration letter in the texts between strzok and page that say that lynch, the department of justice chief knew that the fix was in on hillary beforehand.
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so if comey comes back, do you think comey is in trouble? >> marie: i don't. i think jim comey took a lot of notes. i think he wrote everything down. nothing we've heard proves that he said anything incorrect in testimony. bring him back but look. >> jesse: how do you explain the exoneration? >> marie: there are number of explanations, including the fact that he may have lintner -- written a letter that wasn't exonerating her. >> jesse: maybe they misplaced that letter. >> marie: maybe there's a reason it hasn't been leaked. have you thought about that? >> jesse: i have not but thank you to to for bringing io my attention. >> marie: i agree these were bad apples. bob mueller fired them from the investigation. but i don't like is extrapolating from these texts which we don't know the whole story. i think strzok and lisa page need to answer questions but extrapolating from these text messages to then somehow the entire mueller investigation not
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being credible, i am not saying everyone is making that leap but some people are and i don't think that's fair to the patriotic fbi agent still working on it. >> jesse: okay, i see the point, but where are the text messages? dana, i know you've been hesitant to convict, much more than i have. we always talk about police officers. say if a police officer is a racist. a white cop, racist, doesn't like black people and he is out there patrolling an all-black neighborhood. we say that's troubling. you don't want to have bad apples, bad cops patrolling that kind of beat. right here you have trump-hating fbi agents policing the trump investigation. doesn't that show bias and should in fact kind of -- there's a lot of questions about the investigation. >> dana: basically what marie said is that as soon as mueller takes over and finds out about them, he fires them. >> jesse: was the damage done? >> dana: i don't know. >> jesse: they are still in
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the fbi. they are not fired. >> dana: i don't know. maybe the members on the hill know but they are not being forthcoming either. they are saying we are going to give you a taste of it. we're going to try to destroy the reputation of the fbi piece by piece so we can defend against these allegations of collusion. in the text messages that do exist, peter strzok says you know there is no "there" there. the republican should say i like that. i don't like that text message. go back to when comey was about to, when he announced he was not going to prosecute hillary or not recommended. at the time we had many people in the trump campaign, supporters of the trump campaign saying they had sources within the fbi saying that all throughout the fbi there were so many agents who were furious at comey because they couldn't stand hillary clinton and they couldn't believe the fact -- it's hard to believe that all of a sudden that same fbi is rife
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with people who actually hate trump and they are pro-hillary. just before we came down here, the democrats have written their own memo. now you have one partisan memo versus another partisan memo. both are like "i might reveal it. i might reveal it." president trump could reveal them if you want to do. it's a mistake to go down this road. if they release the memos, they must release the underlying application that goes with them. the fisa warrant, the comes forward, that produces the wiretap, get the information. if they don't have anything to do with that period, then you have a much bigger problem on your hands. i think it's better for everybody to just stop right now. let them all do their jobs. let the committee to their job. let mueller do the job. >> kimberly: she is talking to you, jesse. >> dana: how many people came on fox news and set all these
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people within the fbi. they are furious with james comey. >> brian: there is a difference between management and field officers. field officers do the hard work and management is separate. one thing is clear to me, talking fbi agents. they are not management because they are better. their management because they chose that career path. going to washington, be a manager, as opposed to being a field agent. andrew mccabe happens to be the deputy. on james comey, if the memo is correct, comey has a problem. he said in september 2016 when asked if you make the decision about hillary clinton before or after she was interviewed? he says only after. he said she did not lie in the interview and away we could prove. i didn't know what was going happen in the interview. he's on the record saying he didn't make up his mind. he has to come up with an answer for that.
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on the problem with samsung. samsung called on "fox & friends" because we were talking about samsung, was there a problem with the equipment. they say they believe samsung devices are not the cause of this issue. we will fully cooperate with any investigation. and then fox news learns a few thousand fbi employees' cell phones were affected by a technical glitch. they say we have 3500 agents, 10% were looked at and they are taking steps to possibly recover the text messages. that's an issue. i think the fbi is grown up enough and smart enough to understand where not saying anything bad about them here and we are saying something questionable about about these two in particular. not too thrilled with bruce ohr and his wife either. if you are in an organization running well and four or five bad apples do bad things, it shouldn't reflect on us. >> dana: we know that well. definitely true. >> jesse: dana made the point that strzok, when he was invited
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to join the mueller team, said he didn't see a lot of "there" there with the collusion case and he was reticent to join. >> dana: it's not going to help his career. why would i want to go do that? >> jesse: a subsequent text, he said said something about wanting to take care of unfinished business based off the result of the hillary clinton campaign. a subsequent text mentioned impeachment. you don't have the context for there is another reason for them to join the mueller team. do you think the mueller team at this point is compromised? >> kimberly: i think there is certainly an air of impropriety in terms of what it relates to. we don't know all the evidence yet. i think questions need to be asked and answered. and i think attorney general jeff sessions is also aware of everything that's going on. we are going to have to find out. i mean, there is enough there.
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>> jesse: allowed to get involved or -- >> dana: we had this whole fight between president trump and jeff sessions about his decision to recuse himself. and then you have the attorney general making direction to the fbi about this case regarding these text messages. should be done by the deputy. it doesn't seem very clean. >> kimberly: making public statements about it. >> brian: i think mueller has to continue. i don't think anything here stops them from going forward. >> dana: i think the fact that he fired strzok works in his favor. whether strzok, when he talked to flynn, was that inappropriate? did something inappropriate happen there initially which led to what we have now which is the guilty plea? >> brian: to set them up with the question he knew he would answer. >> jesse: we knew there were
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trump-loving fbi agents saying "make america great again." coming up, no wall, no daca. president trump's messaged chuck schumer up next. ♪ upbeat music you wouldn't feel good not knowing the price here. don't let it happen when you buy your diabetes test strips. with the accu-chek guide simplepay program, you pay the same low price. all without having to go through insurance. plus, they come in a spill-resistant vial along with a free meter.
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♪ >> kimberly: the latest on the immigration saga in washington. president trump standing his ground as chuck schumer takes funding for the border wall off the table. he says: "cryin' chuck schumer fully understands, especially after his humiliating defeat, that if there is no wall, there is no daca. we must have safety and security, together with a strong military, for our great people!" schumer admits there's no guarantee mitch mcconnell will keep his promise of a clean daca but violence told him to it to. >> we are going to hold his feet to the fire and everyone in your audience who cares about dreamers should focus on mcconnell. that's what we agreed to.
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democrats are for dreamers. to get in a circular firing squad and shoot at democrats when we don't have the power and we have to use a limited power have in as tragic strategic wae can. >> kimberly: while they battle over the wall, there is one person who is surprisingly in support of it. >> it's good if you want to build a wall. what we are against is mexico paying for it. it's wrong. stupid idea. making mexico pay for the wall. >> kimberly: muy interesante. >> brian: i am irish. >> kimberly: very interesting. i thought that was a layup. >> brian: i am -- took germany
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in school which is also not helping me. i'm not sure of a question but i will go with the topic. he agrees there should be a border and he did the radio show today and he said that he says we should have a secure border so why don't we split. half-and-half. that's what we do as neighbors. we both want a fence. i think it would be a good idea. there's a couple things going on. most polls show they want to bury her, border security. six out of every ten asked. i think we are going to get border security. if the moderates got together, 25 senators are going to bypass leadership and do something by february 8. joe manchin 45 minutes ago with neil cavuto. i sense he is tired. big regret not going with tax
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reform. how is he going to see that -- keep that seat? jon tester and heidi heitkamp, how are they going to keep their seats have everything they do is against donald trump? are they going to sit back and try to shut down the government again in three weeks? >> dana: the polling is interesting. quinnipiac said 75% of all americans say they support the dreamers being able to stay in america. i think that's one of the reasons schumer thinks they have some leverage to try to get it done but i also think it's by the president, sarah sanders announced he's going to lay out legislative framework on monday to deal with the dreamers and also a couple other issues. chain migration, the visa lottery and probably something on border security. he has a chance right now to be the person that figures out how to actually get this done because the situation is ripe. there is support for all of this. it's the margins that are the tough ones. i think in the middle you could
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get there. it's going to take the president to drive it. the president has the bully pulpit for a reason. whenever he lays out on monday will be super important. >> jesse: i think crying chuck is going to try to act tough because he got taken to the woodshed. trump will defer daca. there's more pressure on the democrats to help the dreamers than on the president to help the dreamers. the democrats might not mind watching trump try to deport dreamer families. they would like that visual and they would exploit it. trump is not going to take the bait. he's not going to do it praise going to leave them alone like obama did. the dreamers have terrible p.r. they shut down disneyland, they are lying at crying chuck's apartment. they they are at rallies with mn flags trying to become americans. i don't understand how that makes sense. 65% want the daca deal but they
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don't want amnesty. 68% want to end the visa lottery. 81% want legal immigration curbed. that's big. 79% want merit based. 60% said they didn't want the daca relatives. for the parents of the kids of dreamers, they don't want the dreamer parents to get amnesty. 80% want secure borders. this is a harvard poll. can't argue with that. >> marie: here is my prediction. you can get a bill out of the senate that protects the dreamers, gives funding for part of the wall, ends chain migration, and the visa diversity lottery system and maybe a few other things. i think you can give it through the senate. the big question will be the house, one of the freedom caucus decides to hold their vote and if they do, i think you can get
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some democrats on that kind of bill. i am not overly optimistic because congress has been -- it's been tough for them to do anything but i see a path to get all of those things. the moderates of each party coming together and saying we have to get something done. that's my prediction that if it happens, that's what i might look like. >> dana: que bueno. >> jesse: do you know what that means, brian? >> kimberly: coming up. >> it's my honor and privilege to sentence you. i've just signed your death warrant. >> kimberly: judgment day for monster dr. larry nassar, his punishment for sexually assaulting some of the nation's top gymnasts for years. it's absolute confidence in 30,000 precision parts.
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>> dana: breaking developments on the scandal that has rocked u.s. gymnastics. the former doctor who sexually assaulted more than 150 young women and girls, including some of the nation's top gymnasts, god's punishment. >> it is my honor and privilege to sentence you. because, sir, you do not deserve to walk out side of a prisoner never again. i am giving you 175 years which is 2100 months. i've just signed your death warrant. >> dana: the maximum 175 years from judge rosemarie aquilina after an emotional seven-day hearing in which she allowed dozens of brave victims to confront nassar face-to-face, one by one. many are saluting the judge for her style in the courtroom and the comfort she has been provided to the victims.
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>> you talk about being broken. well, he is going to break while you are healing, and i believe that he will remain broken. you are part of an unstoppable army of strong sister survivor warriors. they ought to make toys so little girls can look at them and seiyu i want to be her. i wish i could have a magic wand and wave it over and heal you. that's a fairy tale. don't let this define you, any of you. do great things in the world. you've started a great rippling effect of greatness. >> dana: the nation was riveted to this today. how unusual is it for a judge in the sentencing hearing to take that much time to allow victims to confront the accused and the guilty in a situation like this? >> kimberly: victim impact
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statements whether written, delivered orally, are incredibly important. part of this is a healing process for people who have been savaged by this monster doctor. you let people use their voice, stick up for themselves, and confront them, it's powerful for the healing process for these young women. i applaud this judge. i thought she was outstanding, compassionate, and she gave everybody there chance. you don't want to say we will cut it off after this many people. that's not the way it should be. they were victimized, and she gave them their day in court and made him sit through it and listen. i think that was really powerful. >> dana: at one point he said this is too difficult for me to sit through. she said too bad. >> jesse: yeah, poor guy. this was "me too" justice, in its purest form. confronting this monster and helping convict him. i feel there is a weinstein analogy. this guy is worse because these
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women are minors but i think he was protected little bit by usa gymnastics. i would like to know what the usa gymnastics knew and when they knew it in the whole country needs to take a look at where, what industries where men who are powerful have access to women or two young women, whether it's in coaching or summer camps for in fashion, acting, whatever it is. this is too prevalent. knowing that this guy is going to suffer a fate worse than what he put his victims through in prison. when she said this was a death sentence, she was right. i am not talking about old age. this guy is not going to survive in prison at all. >> dana: do you know more about the school? i know the state legislature in michigan has asked for the resignation of the head of the university. >> brian: they are famous. making them all see this doctor.
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caroli knew this doctor was molesting them in sexually assaulting them? no. they ended their association with them. this is three places, this is the twister gymnastics club, michigan state university, and usa gymnastics. in 2015, when they finally listened and said this doctor is assaulting me, they go okay, you are out of usa gymnastics. they never called michigan state. michigan state keeps up with it. then they call the fbi, they never told his other gymnastics club. they knew this was going on. they told the women they didn't know the difference between an exam and sexual assault. one woman gave herself a concussion, and elite gymnast, gave herself a concussion in order to not see this doctor again. she fell on purpose to bang her head. >> marie: shows how strong these women are, despite what they were suffering from or what they were going through, they
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went on to win back olympic medals. these women had to overcome so much and hearing them stand in that courtroom and confront him. that's hard, especially when you are a younger woman. when you've been through what they've been through. i applaud them. i agree, michigan state. look what happened to penn state for example, after the whole situation with jerry sandusky. michigan state needs to go through a similar reckoning, eve may be even more so. >> dana: that judge aguilina has been asked to do numerous interviews and she has turned down every single one of them because she said it's not about me. it's about those girls. ben shapiro is speaking at a university tonight and that's apparently too much for some of the students to handle. wait until you hear how the college is helping them cope.
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commentator ben shapiro speaking tonight at the university of connecticut. you might remember his appearance at berkeley that sparked riots and lead to multiple arrests. some on the left have a hard time with freedom of speech. shapiro appears at the university of connecticut and if anyone is offended by his conservative views, they can get help. if university is offering counseling for students who can't bear to deal with dissenting opinions. sad but not unique, dana. they feel ben shapiro, who is an interesting person to here speak, is so polarizing you need therapy. let's hope it satisfies the deductible. it is still january. >> dana: i wish everyone could get to know ben shapiro. a lot of us here at fox have good friendships with him. i was texting with him and i said we are about to do this segment. he set i find all of it so silly. i'm not that controversial. it's just that everybody is
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crazy. the thing is, if you listen, if they could bear it, if they can listen to his podcast or view a speech on youtube, he's really not that controversial. and he is pretty fair. on the one hand, on the other hand, this is where i come down on it. it's not what milo does in any way. >> brian: let's say you listen to ben shapiro and you don't agree, you might survive. >> jesse: you are going to be okay. therapy makes these people even snow flake year. we did a story the other day with a llama on watters' world. people get stressed and want to pet an animal. watters' world would like to officially endorse the ben shapiro podcast. i listened to it for the first time today on the treadmill. he speaks faster than brian kilmeade so it makes you run faster. but he's not a fire breather. if you think ben shapiro is back back, wait until you hear some of the other guys on talk radio.
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>> dana: watters' world. it >> jesse: thank you, dana. >> brian: i thought we lived in the country were someone talking about socialism and communism, that might be the issue that is so radical. extra security, dare i say counseling. does it bother you that someone speaking in a conservative line of thought seems to have official so concerned they need special psychiatrist. >> brian: >> marie: says a lot t where our country is, especially college students who feel like they can't listen to a different point of view or they don't want to without having. i mean, therapy is an extreme version. >> jesse: are you going to see a therapist after the show sitting next to me? >> marie: every night. therapy and wine. i am at fox for a reason. i think we are all better if we talk to people who don't always agree with. college students could learn a lot if they listened to him. maybe they want to grieve it they will learn a lot in the process. i think they are too protected
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and sheltered. >> brian: my worry is there won't be a next generation to host "the five." if everyone doesn't agree. not enough counselors for everybody. i thought this was limited to berkeley in schools like this or ben shapiro caused an uproar there. >> kimberly: not anymore. it's pretty frightening when you think about it because higher education has become so limited in its scope and thinking. limiting free speech, affecting the first amendment. it is abhorrent. you are going to school like this to be able to broaden your mind, expand your horizons, try to learn something by listening, being able to debate effectively, preparing yourself for the real world on the job market and a work environment where you are going to meet people with opposing viewpoints. who is benefiting from this? >> dana: ben shapiro. they don't realize that every time they do one of these things, they make him more popular. to get an entire segment on "the five," it's not easy. we have all the stories in the
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world to cover. >> jesse: on laura ingraham tonight. >> dana: has podcasts go through the roof. ben shapiro benefits. >> marie: it only helps the people coming to speak. some universities have security concerns with some speakers, people like richard spencer. there are real security concerns and ben shapiro is not one of them. >> brian: ben shapiro is just a normal guy. intelligent, unique thinker. the reason why it helps him is because he actually is a good person. you might like him as opposed to the more you know him, there was a guess. we have met people like that. >> jesse: why are at me? >> dana: the more i get to know just a come more i like him, which is strange. >> jesse: you didn't like me before you met me? >> dana: i didn't really know you. >> jesse: i am growing on dana
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dana. >> brian: who would know that my segment would bring you and jesse closer together. let me tell you what's coming up next, unless you have a different rundown at home. joining president trump in condemning fake canoes. can you believe it? it's
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>> marie: pope francis and president trump don't often ci time but there is one issue they are both giving lip service to: fake news. the president often uses the term as a rallying cry but now the pontiff's warning against the evil dangers of misinformation in his new world communication message. he calls fake news "evil, sign of intelligence intolerance and hypersensitive attitudes and leads only to misinformation and arrogance." francis pointed out the genesis of fake news, the beginning of time when eve was tempted to take an apple from the garden of eden based on deception from the serpent. >> brian: let's start with the
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book of genesis. we have to get over it. bad move by eve. let's turn the page. >> kimberly: blame it on eve. >> brian: i can only tell you what the pope tells me. i bring up this. the pope is weighing in on this, creates a lot of controversy in chile when he talks to a bishop who covered up for a known pedophile within his district. this pope gets himself in trouble. he says gossiping is like terrorism. gossiping nuns. i'm not sure if you should weigh in on that. i think it's important for him to point out we have, we think freedom of press is important. i think he could focus on things
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like china and russia where if you own a bookstore and there's one book in that bookstore that's not good, you arrest the guy who owns the bookstore. i think we could focus more on that than somebody who writes an article that you may disagree with. >> marie: this pope has weighed in on a lot of issues on the news. climate change, poverty. i don't think he is using the term fake news the same way the president does. the president uses it when he doesn't like stories. >> dana: both. their event things factually incorrect report about the president, and that's what he calls fake news but i agree sometimes just don't like the negative coverage and that's fake news too. i think americans have this way of assuming everything is all about us and i think there are problems, especially with russia or dictatorships where there's not a free press where the pope is trying to send a message, make sure you seek out the truth and journalists, do the right thing. not a bad lesson for all of us to learn. we shouldn't just assume it was
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an attack on the president. >> marie: jesse, do you think it's all about us? >> jesse: i do. i am shocked -- cnn having a tough year. now the pope is going after them. the president for they have a lot of explaining to do. i don't want to attack the pope in anyway. i am afraid i will be struck down. he will say something about climate change in the left will say oh, the pope. then he will say something about fake news and the right will say the pope is right. take it or leave it. he does what he does, and he's a great man. >> brian: i was fascinated to find out he was at war with the argentinian press. when he was a cardinal, had a problem with the press. now he says we have to give the press it's room to report. >> dana: good leaders can have a problem with the press but still protect their right to do it.
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>> kimberly: i think the role is as a religious leader. he has deviated from the norm and from past popes who were more circumspect in terms of commenting on political viewpoints and things like that. in terms of the fake news, i don't have a huge problem with what he is saying because i think it's true. people should try to get the facts, do the best of their job. i abhor fake news as well. this is one of the more tame things he's said. it >> marie: one of them less controversial. stay with us. "one more thing" is up next. you wouldn't feel good not knowing the price here.
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don't let it happen when you buy your diabetes test strips. with the accu-chek guide simplepay program, you pay the same low price. all without having to go through insurance. plus, they come in a spill-resistant vial along with a free meter. skip the guessing game and focus on your health. not the cost. make saving simple today at
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♪ >> jesse: it's time for "one more thing." dana. >> dana: on instagram yesterday. take a look at this, of painting at a fund-raiser hosted by bret baier for children's national hospital in naples. this painting was commissioned and painted. john prince .
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this is a painting of jasper, even the ear. they made prince after painting and auctioned it off for the charity. they mailed the painting. i just want to thank them for my beautiful painting. >> brian: i heard it was a great event. kimberly. >> kimberly: time for honoring heroes. yesterday the first female marine to retire from the core was laid to rest at arlington national cemetery. master sergeant catherine murray enlisted in world war ii in 1943 and served honorably for nearly 20 years. she wants to be buried in arlington national cemetery alongside her fellow marines, and the wish was granted yesterday. active duty and retired marines gathered to show their respect. she was 100 years old i was a proud supporter of the marines until the day she died.
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very special woman. >> jesse: very special. i was asked to star in a commercial for skittles for the super bowl. >> you are probably wondering if this is a scene from that new skittles super bowl ad they are only showing to one person. i'm kind of wondering that myself. >> taste the rainbow. >> jesse: okay, that's not me. that is david shimmer. he looks a lot like me. he's back. i take all of the credit. >> dana: he probably watches "the five" ." great actor. no guy has ever asked for a picture.
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go ahead, brian. >> brian: andrew jackson ranked for the 13th week. thanks. i get to visit my radio station stations. w nis in virginia beach. i will be there at 6:30 at barnes & noble. big military population. i will buy a book for everybody with a military i.d. if you buy one, i will buy the next one for you. there is a lot of advantages to having voice technology. for example, google does whatever you want. unless you are brit hume and you are on a show with tucker carlson last night and you are answering questions about daca. it sounds like alexa. >> you break out the daca piece of it. of course these are people -- did you hear that voice behind me? that was alexa. i managed to wake alexa up. >> do you think amazon is
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monitoring our conversation. >> i say, alexa, are you spying on me? she didn't answer. >> brian: that of course means yes. that's one of the things about the next generation of digital technology. okay, google. watch fox news. >> marie: the price is right host drew carey got the surprise of his life when a contestant sent him hurtling to the ground. the contestant was within $40 on a treadmill, waking her a winner. she sprinted to the stage, jumped on him, they went crashing to the floor.
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>> jesse: i think she was up for a car. knock the host out and win a free car. set your dvrs. never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is next, chris wallace chris wallace in for bret. >> thank you, jesse. the price is right was the best show to watch when you are home from school. see you, guys. this is a fox news alert. i'm chris wallace infer bret baier. there are new details breaking at this hour about the extent of the trump administration's cooperation with special counsel robert mueller. one of the president's lawyers tells fox news the level of cooperation is unprecedented. this comes as it appears the special counsel may be shifting from the investigation of russian collusion the focusing more possible obstruction of justice. meanwhile, there are concerns about a so-called secret society of top cops committ


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