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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  February 1, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> interesting times in west virginia. the present will be speaking momentarily. speak out and we will have all of that for you. thanks for joining us. >> "outnumbered" starts now. three to a fox news alert. a word that the president will be with senate republicans and house numbers and the retreat and white sulfur springs west virginia. we are now awaiting remarks from president trump. he will be speaking with of the house republican, as we just mentioned. and the president left the white house a little while ago. about an hour or so ago. he said in a tweet that they will be talking infrastructure, immigration. we are watching for it all to begin. we we will bring you their lives as soon as the president takes the stage. >> sandra: of president trump is not expected to objected to the release of the g.o.p. membe
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member. memo. it could be made public soon. as we await the decision, the fbi says that it has great concerns about the release. a growing conflict between of the republicans and democrats on the committee. this is "outnumbered." i am sandra smith, and here today, harris faulkner, trish regan, democratic strategist jessica tarlov, and joining us today on the couch, fox news radio host, buck sexton. he is "outnumbered" ." >> buck: it great to be here. thanks for having me. >> sandra: we have a lot avenues in this hour. we are awaiting a decision by the white house as to whether it will allow the release of the controversial g.o.p. memo on the russian investigation. the president could make his decision at any moment. the fbi is urging him to keep it under wraps.
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the bureau says in a statement it has grave concerns about omissions in the memo that could impact its accuracy. white house principal deputy secretary says it is being carefully reviewed. >> he wants transparency, he wants the public to be able to see things, but we want to make sure that all legal equities are protected. >> buck: he wanted to go out, correct? >> he made it pretty clear, we want more information out there. we do want transparency. we want the public to have a right to see it. >> sandra: at fox news alert, here the president is on the ground now in west virginia. air force one took off just a little while ago. a short trip up to arrive there in west virginia, where he will be addressing the g.o.p. retreat. members of congress have been awaiting his arrival there. he is expected to speak at half past of the hour. at 12:30 p.m. eastern time.
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he has just arrived. he is on the ground in lewisburg west virginia. we will be hearing from the president surely, and of course, the tone will certainly be important after the g.o.p. retreat, after the collision of the train carrying a many members of congress yesterday. paul ryan certainly setting the tone with an announcement and a press conference yesterday, and we've got more breaking news for you. chief intelligence correspondent catherine harris, just a busy hour. she is live in washington right now, and of course, the memo is going to be an extremely important discussion for members of congress at the retreat. the president's about to speak it, but you have covered the fbi for 17 years. can you break down what is going on? >> first of all, this is really uncharted territory. none of us have ever been here before about 60 yards down the
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football field, they passed the ball to the white house. the white house has the ball, and they intend to run that final 40 yards and a declassified fear was the memo gets to the white house, the president has the ultimate classification authority. he can say yes or no, whether the information is public. and the reason that is important is because it takes it outside of the house rules. so again, without football analogy, the white house now has the ball. they are going to take it down, a touchdown, or into the end zone. that is what we are looking at right now purity classification. nothing can stop the president from d classifying a document, if he feels are the parameters have been met, and that is just we just heard there in that short clip a few minutes ago, that they are putting it through the national security review. >> sandra: and obviously, we do not know whether the president is going to address is memo publicly when he arrives and begin speaking there in
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west virginia in a few moments, but democrats say there were significant edits to this memo. what a republican thing? >> well, the democrats called them up materially significant edits, but what republicans are saying is that some of these edits were requested by the democrats, or it had to do with sources and methods, and then there was another added that was made for grammatical reasons, and they claim that democrats were aware of these changes before the memo was sent to the white house, but in a lot of ways now, that the white house has controlled the document, and the ultimate classification, they can argue all they want in the house, but they don't really control the document anymore because it is outside of the house. it is with the white house, and they have the final decision on classification. >> sandra: 's catherine harris, thank you for your continued reporting on that. we will see you again in a bit. buck sexton is with us.
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we will go to president trump when he begins to address the retreat. meanwhile, this memo. this is what everybody is talking about. >> buck: there is no choice, really left. what is the option customer to not release it? people want to talk about undermining our faith and institutions, we have so many different members of congress withing the american people need to know, and then we are not going to know? i also think if you look at the way that this argument has progressed, they keep shifting. they keep moving the goalposts. and i think that shows you that there is not a lot of good faith to national national security concerns about this. there are a lot of bureaucratic concerns. if if you wanted those who have shared with us what they have learned, some have shared concerns, some have not. meanwhile, there is the podium where the president is expected to be shortly, just writhing on
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the ground there. that is in west virginia, a very beautiful resort, trish. the president will be speaking in just a few moments. while all of this is going on, when will we see the memo is the big question. a:in some ways, they don't have a choice. clearly, there must have been some sort of collision because he should have really said and then he didn't. so i don't think he really has a choice. they have been talking about transparency, as they should. he should be all over this. he should actively get out in front of all of this and say we want to get to the bottom of what may have happened because increasingly, it is looking but, like the fbi and obama were played by russia. i mean, i have a feeling -- they
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know this is not going to reflect well on them and they don't want it out. democrats don't want it out. before we can all agree that there is a response, republicans don't want it released. i think there is a chance, if it does get released, that it would be released as well from the fbi to clarify. because they have grave concerns about that. they can also issue a statement, clarifying the omissions that may have occurred that they are accusing devon nunez of making. we are all for transparency. >> buck: they are just the thing they are not going to fast-track it. they wanted to go to the exact same process. before they are done -- >> harris: we are looking for
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clarity and transparency. there is now this back and forth. the white house is involved. we knew that this would happen, did anyone think that nothing would be going on with the white house? they have every right to ask the questions. christopher ralph can get on board. he has seen it's on sunday. and the doj as well. they can say this is the application and maybe some of that will happen, we don't know what happened behind the scenes. the president said on a hot mic right after the state of the union that he had the intention of releasing it. 100%. >> jessica: i wouldn't just add that the president truly wanted to come out, because many have seen it, and he hopes -- speech you more than 70% want to
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see the release. in fact, when you break down the polling, and we would expect 80% or so. but when you break down the polling, it is an agreement. >> buck: is seems fair that they would want it released, and they want to prevent the expeditious -- it has been slow, but the release of the memo. i guess i am making predictions here. >> harris: yeah, get them all out there. >> buck: assuming it comes out, which i think is a safe bet, it is going to be the beginning of a whole other conversation and looking deeper into this. there will be more memos. >> harris: do you think of the american people are looking at this as closely as we are? >> trish: i think they are interested in it, i don't know
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if anyone is within our sphere of every single second of the new cycle, but i think they would like to know. and they deserve to know. before it has been set up to bea bombshell. i spoke to him from the retreat earlier today. he said he has seen it, he absolutely think it should be released, and we should be aware of it, -- >> buck: i think for people who believe that this is going to just nail it, whatever that may be, collision, no collusion, this is going to be a big data point in a narrative, but it is not going to be the end. >> jessica: what about the allegations that it was altered? that it was tainted. democrats and the fbi. but that is not what happens
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here that nancy pelosi has now called for him to step down. what if there are more alterations? he is a saying that they should not release it. >> trish: remember last year, when the president was tweeting out that basically he had been spied upon at trump tower, members of the campaign does she wondered what he may have known. >> jessica: this was not something that happened because carter paid work for donald trump, he has been a dirty guy for a very long time. it is from 2013. >> sandra: as a democrat, do you want to see the memo? >> jessica: i am personally curious. i think it has been talked about so much. >> harris: the allegations of a collusion really originated here, and some have said you
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will get some of that material from this memo, i think that curiosity is a very serious. >> harris: >> sandra: we are awa remark from donald trump after the republican retreat. we will bring you that life, plus a bombshell may report that andrew mccabe knew about thousands of a new hillary clinton emails a month before then a director james at comey notified congress about them. watch this could mean about potential bias in the fbi. next.
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infrastructure. it not easy when we have no support from the democrats. not one of democrats voted for our tax get bill. it need more republicans and a 20 a." and that this it shows that the president and political party may have the wind -- there back when it comes to the new year. the president's job approval now at 42%, a big bump from the december low of 32%. the majority of americans, 55%, say the president has been at least a somewhat successful in getting congress to pass his legislative agenda, a reversal from december before the tax bill was approved, when it was only 42% who felt that way, and some midterm elections were held today. 47% of registered voters say they voted for or would lean toward a voting for the democratic house candidate in their district, compared with 45%, who would support the republican.
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a dramatic shift from december, when democrats held a whopping 15-point advantage over the generic ballot. >> buck: one, you have tax reform with the benefits of all of these different people across the country getting checks, getting raises, and the democrats have positioned themselves as the party of a scowls and frowns. we see it any time a democrat is asked what do you think about of those $4,000 on average that people have now that they did not before? it is tough for them to say it is not a lot of money, and they are completely unwilling to look at it trump seriously, given that it is a betrayal of his base, but it is not what he promised to them. they just become the party of unhappy and obstruction. >> harris: a few things that i want to draw everybody's attention to the left side of your screen. the present will step up on the stage and give his speech.
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as that happens, we will take you there life. you know what is interesting? let's get back to those problems that nancy pelosi was talking about. i am a little bit confused. she is very, very, very wealthy. when you talk about you is in touch with the american people, can you look at her to determine what there is for everybody els else? >> trish: especially when she is talking about things like a crumbs, that is a lot of money to a lot of people in this country, and i thought that they were about empowering the middle class, trying to grow their economic opportunity. well, instead, we have got to basically someone who is a thing with the are doing right now, which is making economic opportunity and a very big way for the middle class. $1,000 is insignificant. well, she is increasingly out of
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line with where the rest of the population is. by the way, this is why hillary clinton lost. let's not forget. she seemed a marie antoinette-the like. she is part of the globalist elitism that was making it harder for every day people. this is how it nancy pelosi is. >> jessica: when i see the entire trump cabinet, it certainly brings up a tinge of hypocrisy. i am for globalism. you are right that hillary clinton seemed out of touch, and nancy pelosi. $1,000 is a lot to everybody, i don't care who you are. it points out a really powerfully messed up messaging issue that democrats have it. even if you think certain things, you don't have to say them, and there is an editorial that i would encourage everyone to look look at about how bad e democrats performance was of the state of the union and how much
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more powerful it would be to talk about what is going on with the g.o.p. tax bill. >> harris: there were five rebuttal speech is, is unnecessary? >> trish: is in it time to come up with a new message? it is february. 2018. >> buck: if they are not going to engage seriously on immigration, that was the focal point of the speech, in terms of what is coming up in the future, near future, these facts that you haven't had a democrats assaying you know what? that is actually pretty decent. we are going to talk about it. they are just standing there, arms crossed, not wanting anything to do with it. message and personal style, if you add on top of its results, which is what you are seeing right now, how can they expect to do well? resisting is not going to do it. >> jessica: it has done very well for us in special election
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elections. in virginia, new jersey. >> harris: they did not put up the best candidates. >> jessica: well we have seen increased turnout, the women's might still going strong. we have to make sure that they do turn out in 2018, but the five rebuttals, i had tremendous problems with that. i don't think that bernie sanders needs to do it. inclusivity, diversity, how much stronger that we are all equal fundamentally. there is a great piece talking about how it goes back to rhetoric from abraham lincoln. we are all equal. >> sandra: they did not come up with a message on the economy in the last presidential election, and it hurt them badly. guess what? they lost a lot of ground because now, you have a
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president with a potentially booming economy, at the time of midterm elections, and the republican party can pointed to job growth, people having more money in their paychecks, and it is going to be harder -- >> jessica: if things are looking so good, these are a lot of committee chairs that are leaving, when they are certainly not too old to be there. in a very powerful position. >> harris: on your side of the political aisle, he had one of those rebuttal speeches, and he said that the economy is what it is. not going words necessarily, but positive words about the economy. democrats have some serious work to do on this issue. all right, we continue to await remarks from president trump. i can tell you now that he has arrived at the venue, so we are literally just a few minutes away. that is the g.o.p. retreat, where they will so the policy going forward. that is expected to start any
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moment. we will bring you his remarks when he begins. plus, new developments in the russian investigation. now, the president's attorney said that they are not sure that robert mueller's team has met the necessary legal requirements to interview a present in perso person. and so should they refuse a sitdown? we will talk about it. stay close. [ click, keyboard clacking ] [ click, keyboard clacking ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ click, keyboard clacking ] ♪ good questions lead to good answers. our advisors can help you find both. talk to one today and see why we're bullish on the future. yours. i cannot imagine managing my diabetes without my dexcom.
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>> sandra: president trump and gearing up to deliver every market in virginia. we will bring you that live when it began. andrew mccabe knew about thousands of hillary clinton emails found on anthony weiner's laptop about a month before then at director james comey and told congress about them. in the meantime, cnn reporting
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controversial first cut of comey's letter, notifying congress of the decision to reopen the investigation. just days before the presidential election, and the lawyer lisa page, also helped review those new emails, and a determined there was "no new classified material." i will let you draw the conclusions from all of that. >> buck: when you see that somebody is a senior in the fbi, that level of the country, then you start to look at the basic details of what you just to discuss with anthony weiner's laptop, you have classified information, please it to be on a laptop, which can be a felony, by the way. violation of all kinds of statues. you now have a convicted sex offender, who may have had that information on his laptop.
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>> harris: you can't even make that up with. >> buck: and then he has the classified, felonious information on day laptop, fully unsecured, is also the husband of the closest advisor to the likely next president of the united states, and i just don't see how you set on that for a month. >> sandra: when you put it that way -- it does kind of get confusing at times. you have to keep track of it al all. you are left kind of wondering, and i am sure that the american people are left wondering, was anybody really doing their jobs? were they doing it the right way? >> harris: hillary clinton, as a secretary of state, had to agree to the terms of, and make sure that she signed and understood what classified information was. she actually was in charge of determining whether or not classified information was born that way or should be classified that way. she was called in our business an expert.
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so what you would want your expert to be able to do is also to delineate that information on their own personal device. that would be really helpful if you could do that, so then the question becomes what is this a of incompetence, or was it something that was determined? we still have a lot of questions. v3 >> trish: she was getting money from clinton associates. that in and of itself is a massive conflict of interest. there is no way that you do not have a personal bias there, and now we find out that he has been sitting on this. >> harris: do you think it is more than incompetence? >> trish: i think it is far worse and that's because to me, getting money from people associated with hillary clinton while your wife is running for office, you can possibly not be
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a bias to going investigation. and it is nothing else. impropriety. therefore, mccabe should have recused himself. it >> jessica: i totally disagree. i think that we all live and work in a very big world here. and the idea that if someone can't do their job because their wife is doing their job, especially when they are someone who has served honorably in the fbi, decade-long, it is just a dozen fly with then we are dual working households. >> buck: recusal from one very important investigation. >> jessica: why should he have to? >> harris: you he is just a so incompetent, he doesn't know how to do his job? take him off. why be involved at all? >> jessica: they were reviewing the emails, and i wonder how, when any new information comes to light about peter strzok, that it doesn't
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fit the secret society narrative or the insurance policy, we don't discuss it. >> sandra: why not tell congress? >> jessica: wrote about how this event, comey coming forward, it was the thing that sealed her fate and lost her the election. so when you're dealing with something that serious, why not take some time? >> buck: if comey had not bailed her out, she would have lost the election because of the felony charges that she would have faced. >> harris: new developments in robert mueller's russian investigation, now cnn is reporting that trump lawyers argue the special counsel has not yet met the requirements required it to interview a president in person. they want proof that only the president can provide the information that that to the team is seeking. if denied an interview, me a could issue a subpoena, leading to prolonged court battles.
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this is the investigation that is reportedly narrowing in on a phone conversation the president had with white house communications advisor, hope fixed, where the two decided to release a meeting between donald trump jr. and the russians was about adoption. plus, the doj turned over documents about jeff sessions at previous offered resign from his post. and that president trump asked rod rosenstein if he was on my team during the white house meeting. there is a lot to this, buck. what is the bottom line? >> buck: you keep hearing about these concerns about whether or not you can trust public officials, if they act in it this way, then i hear about these comments. and then i think about the wingmen comments that i believe eric holder made about barack obama when he was still of the attorney general.
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at what point does this just become a little bit absurd? at what point are we refusing to accept that people do you have political biases, they should recuse themselves, they are actually acting unethically, and i get these updates every day. you see them on the screen, this person is being interviewed in the russian investigation. >> jessica: do you think that the president should talk to mueller? >> president trump: now, i do not, you never want to be in a position where you are going up against a trained prosecutor, as mueller is, and hope that you don't get caught in some sort of a perjury travel. there is no underlying at crime, so he does not have responsibilities beyond feeding the news outlets, why should he put himself in this position? >> harris: you i do want to process a little bit, you did not just work in law enforcement. >> buck: i was a cia analyst,
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but i was also in the nypd. before the president himself said that he was looking forward to speaking with a bob at mueller. i completely agree and for his own sake that he should not do this, this is one of the issues in society, anybody who does not want to have that conversation, they are immediately guilty. you don't want to incriminate someone else, necessarily. it is not smart. it is not smart for him to go in there and talk about it. i don't know why the president was running around to saying i would love to talk to mueller. >> harris: i will tell you why. we have polling that shows that 72% of americans would like to see it happen. >> jessica: i would like it too. >> harris: they want to put something to rest. >> jessica: then why isn't he? >> harris: hold on a moment. his attorneys never said that that would be a good idea.
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this is a very important question, every attorney who represents 70 often ask or at least wants to get to you -- is my clients the only person who can help you get the facts on this. semi? we do this in journalism, triangulate so that you do not burn a source. come up with several ways to prove the facts, and if we know that we had it can go to only that source, then we will. >> buck: 's target, subject, or witness, what would be the underlying crime? they are charging people with the things that are not criminal. >> trish: and he may get to the point where he demands that interview, and the president may not have a choice. v2 he >> harris: he can subpoena him. it >> trish: and maybe, in some way, he is better off
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willingly, initially, in part to put to rest some of these concerns. >> harris: attorneys want to be able to have a bargaining chip, so you are saying that only he can give me this information. they are negotiating right now, what's the terms are going to be. and speaking of which, the president is about to speak. at the lectern there that you see in west virginia. this is where republicans are holding their policy retreat this week, and the president has already arrived on site, and as he steps up and begins of speaking, we will take you there life. we understand that house speaker paul ryan will be with him as well. plus, a growing deadline. here we go again. my goodness. lawmakers will be able to take a deal, or what another government shutdown could mean? let's take a look.
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and get approved in as few as eight minutes. apply simply, understand clearly, mortgage confidently. rocket mortgage by quicken loans. >> trish: we are awaiting the president. president trump will be speaking at the g.o.p. retreat. they have begun the prayer, so he will be coming up momentaril momentarily. we will go there just as soon as it happens. the deadline is one week from today, with the risk of another one. the g.o.p. retreat will reportedly not include a single discussion on immigration, with the house and senate expected to be miles apart on that issue. they are going to have some challenges. reaching a deal. seems pretty that they may actually get there ahead of the deadline. president trump it tweeted today
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"march 5th is a rapidly approaching, and the democrats are doing nothing about daca, and they do nothing." start pushing nancy pelosi and the democrats to work it out. now, the white house continues it pushing the need for tougher border security and chain migration. politically speaking, this is interesting because i think it is going to be pretty tough if he is putting forward the potential for 1.8 million people to get citizenship here in the united states, and the democrats say we are not going to give you a single dollar for that wall. the one already, we are looking live out the screen. paul ryan is about to introduce the president. mitch mcconnell is addressing the g.o.p. crowded there in west virginia. again, we are awaiting the president, paul ryan expecting to introduce the president, and
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we will return back to the couch for discussion because immigration is not expected to be a big discussion here. >> buck: if the democrats want to, they can lose another shutdown because they lost the last one. if they tried to shut it down over the daca program because they are unwilling to even do any negotiation with the president on the as issue, the people will see it for what it is, and a truck shimmer will come back and say okay, maybe we were wrong. so if there is going to be a shutdown, i think that they will lose at five. >> harris: excuse me, once i can. we the speaker change their firm mitch mcconnell to paul ryan. we do know that he is introducing the present, so without knowing what his remarks are, we want to stay at the ready position now to be able to go straight to the president. so forgive me for cutting and, but this is the white sulfur springs resort. we do know that republicans are
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saying that this is one of the most important times to meet, to talk about their policies and agenda going forward. you can imagine that some of what they will be talking about is what they will hear from the present. we know that tax cuts will be on the bill, and many other items that he considers his accomplishments after the state of the union speech that he gave. we are going to pause for a moment to let our fox broadcasting stations join us. so let's pause for that. this is fox news coverage of the president's speech. let's watch. >> president trump: just looked at some numbers. you have even done better than you thought. they said we just saw that about 10 minutes ago. i want to thank you to the governor of this incredible safe. my very good friend, jim justice, and his wonderful wife, kathy, with us.
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jim is now a proud member of the republican party. he was a democrat. he switched over. you don't see that too often, maybe we will see more. everything is beautiful, we appreciate it. it is great to be among so many friends for the second time this week. tuesday was an incredible evening, as we were all inspire inspired. and i really mean much. we were inspired by america's heroes and uplifted by everyone who has been sacrificed in the fight for freedom. they were and are incredible people that we saw that and i fear tremendous courage. one of the people, i have to say, boy, you have a very big hand. steve scalise. we are all truly blessed to be americans. before going any further, i want
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to send our prayers to everyone affected by the train accident yesterday, especially to the family of the person who was so tragically killed. our thoughts are with the victims and their loved one. thank you. with us today, on stage, and he is our team. just look at what happened in the last short period of time. without them, i never could have one mic the presidency. could i have one messy presidency? steve, yes, i don't know. but they have become very good friends, we are now in battle together, friendship together, senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell. thank you, mitch. great guy. and that was a big won we have, mitch. senate majority whip, john cornyn. thank you. great job. house majority west, steve soliz. again, steve.
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thank you. kevin mccarthy. house conference chair, kathy rogers. do they forget your name, john? i don't know, what's going on here? they did not put his name out, but that's okay. that's the first time that has ever happened. hey, john, that will never happen again. working together, we have accomplished extraordinary things for the american people over the last year, and i really believe that this is just the beginning. paul ryan called me the other day, and i don't know if i am supposed to say this, but he said to me, he has never, ever seen the republican party so united, so much and like with each other. literally, the word united was the words that he used.
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the most united he has ever seen the party, and i see it too. i have so many friends in this group, there is a great coming together that i don't think either party has seen for many, many years. right? that is good. i was hoping he would not deny that. he did, he called me, i thought it was very nice. every day, we are removing government burdens and empowering our citizens to live out their dreams. the priority of republicans in congress are the priorities of the american people. we believe in strong families, and we believe in strong border borders. we believe in the rule of law, and we support the men and women of law enforcement. we believe every american has the right it to grow up in a safe home and attend a good
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school and have access to a really great job. and we know that for americans, nothing, absolutely nothing is out of reach because we don't know the meaning of the word quit. we don't quit, and the republican party certainly hasn't quit. we would not be here today. we would be sitting at home saying that was a tough year. instead, we are saying that once one of the greatest years in the history of politics, the history of our country, and what we have accomplished. i don't think it has been done. we had a year that was almost on my. it was a tremendous success. we give everybody in this room the credit. and the people behind me, tremendous credit for what took place, especially in this last month. that was a month of tremendous pressure, and it was people who
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were able to act under pressure. my favorite type of person. they were able to act under tremendous pressure. i want to thank you because that is what it was all about. we had a great year, even though we were not given credit for it. levels that nobody has ever done it at, we knocked out more regulations than anybody. so many different records, so many successes, but when we got the graysville, and we called it the tax cuts and jobs bill, it was like putting it all in a box, and wrapping it up with a beautiful ribbon. we started getting credits not only for that, but for all of the different things that we di did. it was amazing. i was a surprise, actually. we got a lot of credit from all kinds of people, saying "while he had a lot of accomplishments," and then the
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fact is, you understand about. but we really did. we got a lot of credit. it all came together in that final month, everybody in this room. kudos. we are a nation of builders and dreamers and strivers and fighters. and it together, we are building a safe, strong, very proud america. we have created 2.4 million jobs. that is unthinkable. and that doesn't include all of the things that are happening. the stock market is adding more than $8 trillion of new wealth. unemployment claims are at a 45 year low. which is something, after years of wage stagnation. we are seeing rising wages.
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african-american unemployment has reached an all-time low. that is something very, very special. and when i made that statement the other night, there wasn't zero movement from the democrat democrats. they sat there, stone cold, no smile, no applause. you would have thought about on that one they would have at least clapped a little bit. which tells you perhaps, they would rather see us not to wealth and see our country do great, and that is not great. that is not good. we have to change that. and as i said, we've eliminated more regulations in our first year than any administration has ever eliminated, and that means four years, eight years, or 16 years. and when you, we have knocked out more regulations. it is an amazing thing. and i have to think that that is every bit as important to our
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success. i have many business friends, many people in business who came to me and said, including small businesses, the fact that they no longer have to go through years of turmoil in getting approved, and getting approvals, and getting rule changes, and getting all sorts of things, and getting old while they are waiting. the fact that all of that is gone is probably as important or even more important than the massive tax cuts. so that is something. we have signed into law the biggest tax cuts in american history. and i have to say, including, the individual mandate. we repealed it. that is a big one. that is so big. by itself, that would be a big achievement, and we sort of take it as well, that was included. one of the great potential of fields, and i never appreciated it so much.
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a friend of mine called off, is it true that you are thinking about that? yeah, i think we are going to get that. he said are you kidding, that is so big. every president has wanted to get it approved. it is amazing how it had an impact. and then when i heard that everybody wanted it, for 40 years, i have been trying to get it approved. it is great for the people of alaska, and senator sullivan, they are here. where are they? they are very happy campers. where are they? where is don young? he is such a quiet guy, where is don? don young. it don, thank you.
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we were always good together. we never had a problem, that by itself is a big bill. the individual mandate by itself is a big, powerful bill. that was just added on to what we did with the massive tax cuts. i want to think the senator chairman and a very spectacular man, orrin hatch. where is he? i love listening to him speak. he said once, i am the single greatest president in his lifetime. that is a young man, so it is not by much, and he wants us that i am the greatest president in the history of our country, and i said i love this guy. i love him. he is, he is a special guy. and house ways and means kevin brady for their incredible work. kevin, where are you, kevin? what a job.
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i call kevin night after night, what about this, what about tha that? what do you average on sleep? maybe nothing. i think he had no average, but he did a great job. nobody knows it better than you, kevin. are you ready for that, kevin? i think you are ready. we are proud of you. here in west virginia, the typical family of four will save roughly $2,000 a year. to lower tax rates for hardworking americans, we nearly double the standard deduction for everyone. now, the first to $24,000 earned is completely tax-free. and when i came into this beautiful building, just a little while ago, the people said you know, i just got a check.
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and i have $221 more than i had last year at this time in my envelope. really, that is what we were waiting for. and then we got hit with these corporations, giving tremendous bonuses to everybody. that's nancy pelosi called "crumbs it." that is like deplorable. those two words, they seem to have a resemblance. i hope it has the same meaning, but she called it crumbs, when people are getting $2,000, $3,000, $1,000. that is not crumbs. that is a lot of money. we also doubled the child tax credit, and that is it so helpful to so many. we have gone to one of the lower ones, so that's our great workers and companies can compete against anyone. we have now given them the tools to go out


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