tv Hannity FOX News February 5, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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reporting on big tech and the increasingly invasive effort test by not only on you in your bedroom, but also on your children. it's shocking, actually. tune in every night at 8:00, sean hannity in new york city with "hannity." >> sean: tucker, thank you. i can only tell this audience tonight, we have so much news. buckle up. you are not going to believe the new information breaking right now. the former british spy christopher steele was working on a second anti-trump dossier containing allegations that were being fed to him by clinton associates and the obama state department. the stunning revelations are coming from a brand-new memo from senators chuck grassley and lindsey graham. also tonight, sources are telling us that the fi as a court was like to in an obtain that warrant against carter page. the judge was never told that it was bought and paid for by hillary clinton and clinton running the dnc. plus, the house intel committee
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votes to release the democratic memo on the fisa surveillance that sources are telling us tonight, all that's in the democrats counter memo, a footnote about the fisa court being told he dossier was literally tainted, as in the original house report the report was never told the truth, it was bought and paid for. we have exclusive details of what's in that democratic memo also. congressman devin nunes of the house intel community, he's joining us are -- mark levine will weigh in. so much breaking news, it's going to take five hours. but we only have one. stay with us. we start tonight with breaking news. there is a second memo exposing deep state corruption. how senators chuck grassley and lindsey graham have released a heavily redacted but very revealing copy of their criminal referral against christopher steel. these revelations are beyond stunning and continue to prove the clinton campaign and the obama administration were
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working together to target the trump campaign. here are the findings from this new memo. this was just released today he would not the old memo on friday. we've got to keep up-to-date. senators grassley and graham write this. while working on a second dossier, christopher steel was working on the obama state department and clinton allies. one memorandum by mr. steele not published by buzzfeed, the report alleges redacted as well as redacted, mr. steele's memorandum states that his company received this report from redacted, u.s. state department, and the report was the second in the series, the report was information that came from a foreign sub source who is in touch with a contact of redacted, a friend of the clintons who passed it to redacted, and it's troubling enough that the clinton campaign funded mr. steele's work, but the clinton associates work from
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temporarily feeding mr. 's allegations. it raises huge additional concerns about his credibility. let me slow down here. in addition to hillary clinton buying and paying a bought and paid for a 12 plus million dollar phony, fake news russian propaganda dossier to influence the election, is that not bad enough, you have clinton associates and the obama state department funneling allegations for a second dossier to christopher steel. watch the second part in terms of the new memo that came out today. on the face, the dossier appears that mr. steele gathered much of his information -- let's do this really slow. from russian government sources inside of russia, according to the law firm, mr. steele's dossiers were further proof of fusion gps on the half of the democratic national committee and the clinton campaign.
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the senators are saying that steele was using russian sources to help them smear then candidate and later on incoming president donald trump. the second memo is also accusing christopher steel of lying either to the fbi or british courts. they write, "there is substantial evidence suggesting that mr. steele materially misled the fbi about a key aspect of his dossier efforts, one which bears in his credibility." as if we didn't know. this new memo out tonight also details how christopher steel was briefing several mainstream media outlets. fake news outlets. in the summer in 2016 about his first fake news dossier. according to the british court record, steele briefed, "the new york times," "the washington post," yahoo news, the new yorker, and the old fake news network see and then at the end of september 2016 about the dossiers we know was full of
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lies. so steele was feeding the destroyed trump media lies directly to russia. we also know from fusion gps cofounder glenn simpson and his congressional testimony, the clinton campaign and the dnc were aware that his company whether it's contacting media outlets about the dossier. they are all working together. let me repeat. tonight, we now have two memos, one from friday and one from tonight renowned use of a second -- we'll call it a dossier. as we told you on friday, this new information, it's only 15%. only the tip of the iceberg. according to reports, the house intelligence committee chairman devon unions, he could release more reports, as many as four. we will ask him tonight. he will join us exclusively on this program response to the new memo that's out. senator chuck grassley, senator graham, they are trying to get more what's on their memo declassified. they are asking the fbi for an emergency review of the criminal referral. also brand-new tonight on the "hannity," the house intelligence community did vote
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to release the democrats' counter memo to the public. sources have been telling us tonight that congressman adam schiff, the democratic ranking member of the -- she's outright lying to the american people in the what's in the counter to the nunes memo. schiff appears to be leaking classified information. >> was there a political motivation, was there a political actor involved? a political actor was involved. that's part of the misleading nature of these be 24 application. in terms of the political actor, the most important information for the court is what did christopher steel know? glenn simpson has testified that christopher seale was not told the identity of the lawyer, the party behind the lawyer. that's the most important information at establishing customer steals bias. >> sean: adam, was the court told this was bought and paid
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for by clintons and the dnc? that's why schiff is so wrong in so many different levels. sources telling us contrary to what ever fiction schiff is peddling, the fisa court was lied to. never told what the fbi was getting and renewing this war and to spy on trump campaign member carter page. schiff's claim that the dossier was politically tainted, it is a minor footnote. it never mention that hillary and her campaign and the dnc paid for it. a pretty important omission, don't you think? we can also report tonight according to our sources who have seen this democratic memo that nothing in the memo actually refutes any of the facts that were presented in the house g.o.p. intel memo, which, by the way, we told you on friday. the fbi said there's nothing factually inaccurate about it. here's what the left and your corrupt media want to tell you tonight. the fisa judge was never told, never, that hillary clinton was paying for the phony russian
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dossier. russian intelligence lies about donald trump. first, trying to influence a election, then using it to get a warrant to spy on an opposition candidate. the democratic memo has now been declassified, and schiff's going around telling anyone who will listen what's in it. otherwise, he's leaking classified information. president trump is blasting, rightly so, schiff, on twitter. saying, "little adam schiff desperate for offense is one of the biggest liars and leakers right up there with comey, warner, brennan, and klapper." "adam leads illegally -- i disagree with president trump. schiff is auditioning. he wants a job on conspiracy tv msnbc. i don't like that comey's assistant got hired by fixed -- leading a media campaign along with former obama administration officials and democrats to attack congressman devon newness and the four-page memo.
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this fierce opposition is not surprising, but everyone involved in this deep state effort to spy on the trump campaign and to damage and destroy a newly elected president. as of tonight, i can promise you they are all scared out of their minds. because they are being exposed. here's what democrats and these high-ranking officials -- well, they don't want you to know about that details in the nunes memo, these are the major revelations. this friday, former fbi director andrew mccabe testified before congress that without the dossier, the fisa warrant to spy on carter page would have never been approved. by the way, i have sources confirming its true tonight. the fisa judge was never told that the dossier was bought and paid for by the clinton campaign and the dnc. a huge commission, mr. schiff. james comey, andrew mccade, sally yates, rod rosenstein, they are all complicit in this because they had different points at
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-- this yahoo! news article written by michael isikoff to corroborate the former domain phony dossier. the source for the story for isikoff was christopher steel. the fbi never corroborated the information from two different sources and they presented it to the judge like it was two sources corroborating the same thing for that was never the case. as it relates to steele, he was also suspended and terminated as an fbi source for leaking to the media. the memo also exposes the demoted doj official bruise or, maintained a close relationship with steele. we know that bruce orr had an office for code doors down from generate a journey a general -- specifically hired to build that trump dossier. she was kind of paid by the clintons when you look at it logically. as "the daily caller" points out, sure does look like using gps was trying to buy influence
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in the obama state deferments. bruce ohr revealed that during september 2016, steele said he was, quote, desperate, desperate that donald trump not get elected, passionate not him being president. the memo also exposes during the initial application for the fisa warrant, the counter intel divisions at the corroboration of the steele dossier was in "its infancy stage." in other words, they knew they had not verified this. you have an unverified clinton bought and paid for dossier brought before a judge, they do not tell the judge it's bought and paid for, they don't tell the judge it wasn't verified. this is outrageous. we've also found out from fusion gps founder glenn simpson, he never bothered to verify the document. so the fbi lied in that sense to the fisa court judge. they never told him the truth, never mentioned the dossier was bought and paid for by clinton and the dnc. they used a dossier filled with russian lies, as we now know in
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today's second memo, as a justification to spy on the trump campaign and on an incoming president. what does that mean? that means america's powerful tools of intelligence were unlawfully weaponize in one of the biggest abuse of powers in the history of this country. the media is ignoring it. and fisa laws were manipulated by top ranking officials. by the way, i want to be clear. we love all you fbi special agents. we love the guys in the intelligence community. the rank and file. the people that save our lives every day and put your lives on the line. we aren't talking about rank and file. which talking about is the upper echelon that were trying to undermine, first a candidate, then a duly elected president of the united states. think about this. james comey testified under oath. the dossier was salacious and unverified. he told that to the incoming president. yet, comey signed three fisa applications that relied heavily on the dossier even before he
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told trump that it was salacious and not verified! why would comey do that? comey needs to be hauled right back before congress and answer very important questions we put on the side of your screen. comey has been more than happy to tweet out his feelings every day. he's writing a book. there will probably be a tv pundit at cnn or msnbc any day, willing to talk. mr. comey, jim, why don't you go to congress and answer these important questions. here's another important point. the entire russian investigation, they say it was started because of a drunken conversation, former trump advisor -- i knew the trump campaign for never heard of george papadopoulos. the president said he never heard of him as he had at a london bar with an australian diplomat there that was in may. according to the narrative two months later when democratic emails started leaking, australian officials then took that information, passed it onto american intelligence agents. apparently the threshold, to launch an investigation to an
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american citizen through the fisa court, is that low. all you need is fbi, all they need is a drunken four way hearsay. are you kidding me? here with reaction to breaking news tonight, fox news contributor sarah carter, fox news' fox news legal aimless gregg jarrett. sarah, let's start with your breaking news tonight and will go through the list here. >> sean, i think first of all, the memorandum and the criminal referral that was released today by senator grassley according to a number of sources that i have spoken with suggest even before i got on the the show with you tonight, they say senator grassley is literally right above the target. imagine if 95% of this criminal reform was not redacted, what we would see. what we know now, what we know now is that christopher steel was in contact with friends of hillary clinton and persons at the state department, that he
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was being fed allegations on president trump through these associates of clinton, put together a second dossier. this is stunning. not only did he include some of that information from the second dossier in the dossier that was used to obtain the fisa application, but we know now that some of these allegations actually came from people close to hillary clinton. this was very political. it shows according to the sources -- -- >> sean: wait a minute. so friends of hillary clinton are giving christopher steel information. walk it from there. then that information is used to create a phony dossier turned by clinton friends and that is used for a fisa warrant, the fisa judge isn't all that clinton paid for it? >> i think this is what so compelling here. the argument on the democratic side and former obama administration officials say that russia somehow colluded with the trump administration. but all of the evidence shows
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that christopher steel, if over and british asian, by the way, he's a foreign agent -- >> sean: i thought it was bad for agents to -- i heard that on fake news see an end. >> not only do we have a british agent, but the british agent is now gathering evidence and information of a legend evidence and information from russians to put into this dossier. not only that, he's also in contact with clinton allies who are also feeding him allegations and somehow he's using those allegations to buttress off of the russians in order to compile a dossier that is unverified. >> sean: let me go through all this new news. this is a lot to download here. i have it in front of me. i have the grassley, the new memo out to tonight. it actually says here, greg, mr. steele gathered much of his information from russian government sources inside of russia. then he goes on to say that the fbi director testified before
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the senate committee june 2017. he told the incoming president, president-elect, that it was salacious and unverified. but months before, didn't he use that dossier in part, wasn't it used by comey? >> how can comey admit it's unverified and then signed under penalty of perjury and affidavit using that of the dossier to get a search warrant to spy on trump associates? you are right. comey needs to answer that question for this is really the definition of government corruption. they knew it was a false document. they used it anyway. >> sean: back to your point, they knew it was false. they knew it and they purposely misled the judge, didn't they? >> they used it to open the trump-russia collusion case of july 2016. they didn't have a legal basis to do it. if you look at the law, it's very strict. the fbi has to do two things.
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they had to identify a prime. collusion is not a crime. second of all, they have to have what is substantial articulable facts. a fabricated document is not that. >> sean: if hillary's people -- we know who they are. sara, you know who they are. should we mention them tonight? >> i think we should. it's cody scheer. he was a former journalist. a very close ally of the clintons. he worked with then-president bill clinton in his administration. there's also sidney blumenthal. >> sean: sidney is back. shocking. >> i remember i wrote about that several weeks ago in a report that i filed. there are a lot of connections here and a lot of questions that need to be answered. there is also another name. jonathan winter. the special envoy for libya, the state department. that's very interesting because christopher steel was a foreign asset.
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>> sean: real quickly, we have two dossiers if you will. first dr. -- steele leaking all of this crap with coordination to media outlets. >> lying to the fbi about it. >> sean: you have clintons feeding the dossier, the phony dossier, also fake russian information. that is used as a means to spy on an incoming -- to stop a president from getting elected and a incoming campaign. >> it would be abuse of power and perjury on the doj and fbi. i have two highly placed sources who say that on january 10th, about 3 weeks ago, rod rosenstein threatened to subpoena the calls and texts of members of congress because he was "tired of" -- that, if true, is obstruction of justice by rod rosenstein. >> sean: gregg, chuck schumer
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said it. they will get you six ways to sunday. the guy on cnn making another threat. we will get to that later. thank you both. we are way behind. devin nunes is going to join us. and the great one mark levin. but devin nunes first. nothing relieves more symptoms than alka seltzer plus maximum strength liquid gels.
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>> one reason that stuns me is obviously the information that i got from christopher steel, and we'll talk about that, was information the fbi already had. my story is about the fbi's own investigation. so it seems a little odd that they would be citing the yahoo! news story about the matter that they are investigating themselves based on the same
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material that had been separately presented to the fbi before i was ever briefed by christopher steele. >> sean: that was michael is a cough late last week revealing his shock that than yahoo news report was used as evidence to justify a fisa warrant against carter page print tonight, the house intelligence committee as we mentioned earlier voted to release the memo goes to the president. yet with a reaction to all of this, he's the chairman of the house intelligence committee, congressman devin nunes. you got a great vote of support from the president. frankly, from me. and anybody that believes in government transparency. in the lead up to your memo, sources and methods, this is dangerous and unprecedented. there is nothing giving here that would hurt our intelligence in any way. correct, sir? >> that's right, sean. i think that was is a cough, the tape you just ran. that is illuminating. that is confirmation that we know that steele was put in
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front of reporters. you have the reporter himself admitting it. this is big news. i actually caught some of this last week and tweeted it out. this is what the fbi use to cooperate dossier, which is very, very dangerous, to take political dirt that was paid for by the hillary campaign and use it against your political opponent. use it to open up an investigation. >> sean: at the beginning of the memo, you actually go through with that, it raises concerns to the legitimacy and the legality of certain doj/fbi interactions with the fisa court, and represent a troubling breakdown of the legal process that was established to protect the american people. this is what is serious about it. in your memo, you went through great detail to say that in the fisa application and subsequent renewals, four times, they never informed the fisa court that this money went to the clinton campaign and the dnc.
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>> that's right. more so, they never informed the court that christopher steele was meeting with journalists. i think the court could have known that. one of the things we're going to do this week as we are going to send a letter to the court. we don't know if we'll be successful or not, but we are going to ask the court whether or not they will provide the transcripts of the court proceedings. it will be very interesting to know exactly what was presented verbally to the court and to see if that was transcribed. >> sean: this is really important here. if they knew -- we know it was not verified. as a matter of fact, you even put in your memo that the fbi themselves, they said they were only in the initial stages of verification. so they would present something that was unverified that we know it is paid for by one political party to create a warrant against another party during an election and a president-elect. >> i think the bigger problem, challenge here is that the mainstream media is totally
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missed or in this. can you imagine if that she was on the other true, if donald trump, george bush, karl rove paid for information, and george w. bush's fbi open an investigation into the obama campaign. they were talking to russia -- by the way, which really happen. they were talking to russian back in 2008, open up a counterintelligence investigation using dirt and dug up and paid for by the rnc and george w bush supporters? this town would be on fire. every reporter would be following around karl rove and george w. bush all over town. yet its crickets from the media. it's embarrassing. it's absolutely embarrassing. i'm almost flabbergasted. i thought, at least, there would be some ounce of credibility left. but there really isn't any. >> sean: ultimately, steele, unverified. if you look at the memo that came out of chuck grassley's committee earlier today, goes on to say that steele gathered much of his information from russian government sources inside of
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russia. if i put the two moments don't like memos together, yours from friday, hillary p paid for russian propaganda, unverified, uses a fisa warrant, not only is it paid for manipulating to the american people, but the spy on an opposition party candidate. sir, are there crimes committed here? >> you can't really make this up. i hope the listeners understood what you just said. we have a clear link to russia. you have a campaign who hired a law firm, who hired fusion gps, who hired a foreign agent, who got information from the russians on another campaign. it seems like a counter investigation should have been opened up against the hillary campaign when they got a hold of the dossier. but that didn't happen either. and you mentioned senator grassley. i have to tell you, senator grassley has done a phenomenal job here, sean. a lot of people have given, myself and my committee, a lot of credit we've dug up.
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but i can tell you that senator grassley has been phenomenal throughout this whole process. i think he deserves a lot of credit. >> sean: this guy, christopher steele, is a guy who has a desperate -- was desperate that donald trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being the president. so he has his own political motivation in all of this. >> and, sean, that also was not presented to the court. >> sean: well, i mean... i know the democrats are putting it out. my sources are telling me tonight that they don't even question this in the democratic side, that all they are saying is, well, on the fisa application, there might have been a footnote to say that there is some political painting, and that's it? they told nothing about christopher steele, nothing about being paid for by clinton, none of this came out to the court? is in that deliberately deceiving the court, congressman? >> not only that, they continue obfuscation that the democrats
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have continued to do throughout this investigation is leak something else to do a press that is basically part of their own team, they run a story that is based on something partially true, then they say they come back and accuse us of doctoring the evidence. i go by the rule for whatever they accuse you of doing, they are actually doing. >> sean: i'm sorry. so i >> part of the reason we know i'm right, the relentless attacks on me, trey gowdy. they go as far my the attack trey gowdy and myself in their memo. they come to the conclusion. what did they say for ten days quick smack they said that our memo came to all sorts of conclusion. our memo didn't come to any conclusions. our memo listed on the facts. our memo, people will see, they actually come to conclusions. they have personal attacks on myself and chairman gowdy. >> sean: is like universe of
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the underlying documents, but only one republican was allowed to see it. use and the lawyer trey gowdy, that's where the information came from. i'm very interested. at the heart of this, you have nellie ohr, bruce ohr's wife, she's being paid by the clinton campaign because she is working for fusion gps that is building the dossier against donald trump. i want to ask you this. deputy director a mccade, testifying before the committee in 2017, there would be no warrant without the dossier. my sources have told me that he was asked the question numerous times in varying ways and democrats have questioned the authenticity of that, our correctness of that. i was told his answer is even worse. >> i would say it's more spin. this is what they do. they tell a half-truth. we put in a summation of eight hours of testimony, trey gowdy interviewed him for 16 hours. we did a short summation in one
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sentence. what is the major revelation we discovered with mr. mccain? that is without the dossier, they would have never been able to go to the pfizer court and get a warrant. that's the point. we are not going to release executive session transcripts in this. there was no need for it. we surmised eight hours, try to keep this very, very small so we don't get in any sources or nothing. anyway -- >> sean: let me ask you this -- >> we just have to continue to play the game with them, unfortunately, they will continue to drop out little pieces of phony information. we have to try to correct the record. >> sean: when you say there's about four more memos coming, a lot is coming, sir? >> more on that. i think there's a little confusion. we have a broad investigation going into the doj and fbi for fisa and other matters. this is a very broad investigation looking at a number of different areas. people should not get confused we are going to do more memos in
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the sense of the 11g process we followed in the house, but we do have an ongoing investigation will remain private, public on friday. there is several other state department investigations. but the state department one is coming closer to a conclusion. >> sean: when we come back, we will have more with congressman devin nunes right after the break. later, the great one mark levin ways and all of this. that's coming up next you might take something for your heart... or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember.
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lied to the fbi or to the british courts or the classified documents reviewed by the committee containing materially false statements. then it says that as per the timeline is important about james comey. it says former fbi director in june of 2017 james comey publicly before the senate select committee on intelligence had said he briefed president-elect trump, this is at trump tower. told him, describe the dossier salacious and unverified. that is long after comey signed off on that information being used as a foundation to get the fisa warrant. he either handed to the court something he believed was unverified and salacious. or he gave the credibility when it caught the initial fisa warrant. which is it? do you see a conflict like i do? >> i think the conflict you are describing, which no one on the left cares about or the mainstream media, is that political dirt was used by the
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fbi, and they knew it was political dirt to open a counterintelligence investigation into the other campaign. i just can't believe that people on the other side are not serious about this. but look. i have faith in the american people. i think a majority of americans will ultimately make the determination that using political dirt by the fbi on the opposing campaign is a place where we want to go. i will tell you. i think my colleagues here in the house, they are furious about that they'll make this as they should be. >> sean: let me ask. you said that you believe your colleagues at the other and make of the aisle have leaked intelligence at least 100 times? is that true? >> laura: we have hundreds of leagues from our 20 we feel could only come from the other side. >> sean: let's talk about sarah carter's article tonight. she has two of them. as you look at this new memo that came out tonight, the allies of the clinton and obama
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administration were providing steele with what they deem damaging information on then candidate trump for that's what we get into sidney blumenthal and other clinton associates. let me see if i'm understanding this correctly. is it possible, sir, that clinton associates where feeding information to christopher steele. i refer black i refer back to one redacted part in the memo that there is substantial evidence that mr. steele intentionally misled the fbi about key aspects of his dossier's efforts. is it possible that clinton associates gave information to christopher steele that was then used for salacious dossier on hilary's opponent that was then used to lie to the american people, or mislead the american people, because steele leaked all over to the mainstream media, and was used as the basis for a fisa? is that possible? some of the information came from clinton's own people?
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to steele? >> you're not going to like this answer, sean, partly why that is redacted. whatever is there is classified and we can get into -- >> sean: can i redo the unredacted part? >> what i can tell you is this. we have an active investigation into the state department. that has been ongoing for a while now. as soon as we can get that information out, we will as the investigation unfolds. >> sean: i haven't been wrong yet, congressman, in all of thi this. how is it possible -- and this is my final question. look, i can keep you on the air for the full hour. how is it possible that this is happening in the united states of america? that all of this combined, you have russian information from apparently a known liar who has russian. sources, then it's paid for by one campaign, that's bad enough. that takes it up to another
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notch. so you have russian lies, propaganda paid for by one candidate. then that paid propaganda is used for a fisa court. the top people at the fbi and doj don't inform the court about the underlying dossier being bought and paid for by that other candidate for the very person they are trying to get a speech 24 memo on. >> it's what happens in banana republic's. it's very scary. we found about this last week in march. not all of it. we knew the dossier was used in sums i tell mike some -- having to move close to going to contempt. it took speaker ryan having them that they were basically going to be held in contempt. finally, we are to break loose all the documentation. we are able to get it out to the american people in the form of the memo that is now out and available for people to read. i think people should go out and read the memo. i really do. if your viewers have not read
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the memo, it is worth your time. i think it will be very illuminating. >> sean: chairman nunes, i believe you've done a great service. the american people need to know about all of this because fundamentally we had an effort to undermanned undermine our ed undermine our democracy. is that a fair statement? last question? >> there is clear evidence of collusion. you don't get to hire lawyers and pretend like that didn't happen. it goes to what they accuse you of is what they actually were doing. >> sean: unbelievable. we get full reaction, analysis to break when mark levin as "hannity" continues. (announcer) dance to your own beat this valentine's day.
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>> sean: joining us now, he is the host of the upcoming fox news show "life, liberty, and levin" ," a host on -- i called him the great one. god bless us. i don't want to waste a lot of time. we have two dossiers, two memos from grassley's committee tonight. this one talks about said blumenthal and other clintonites, literally feeding nunes mora phone information, and funding this phony, russian dossier that number one, used first to manipulate, lie to the american people. then used as a basis in part for a fisa warrant against a candidate and an incoming president to undermine his presidency. great one. i couldn't write a novel this bad. >> and this is bad. let me tell you a couple of things here. now we know why schiff and the
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rest of them are fighting so hard. now we know why the left-wing praetorian guard democrat media are fighting so hard, trashing nunes, me, you, and others. let's walk through this quickly. who are they trying to protect? hillary clinton. sean, who else are they trying to protect? barack obama. his name never comes up. let me help everybody with experienced loretta lynch knew about these fisa warrants. yates, the deputy attorney general, the extensions representing, now the deputy attorney general . he knew. fbi director comey, mccade, strok, page, his girlfriend. who else would know these fisa warrants? these are counterintelligence warrants. you have to assume the national security council and the white house new. why would the fbi, justice department, keep that from the national security director in
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the white house? why would they keep it from the deputy director in the white house? so why would be left out of the president's daily intelligence briefing -- [clearing throat] congress also needs to get a hold of. i am telling you, looking at the fbi, looking at the department of justice, we are not looking at all at the white house. hillary clinton paid for a warrant. that's the easiest way we can put it. hillary clinton colluded with the russians. but it appears the fbi at the seniormost levels colluded with the russians too. whether it was witting or unwitting, it doesn't matter. that's a fact. the senior level of the fbi tried to interfere with this selection as well. this is why it's such a big deal. i know republicans are bending over backwards saying this has nothing to do with mueller. this has everything to do with mueller! x make a transition from the counterintelligence investigation into a criminal investigation after comey, of
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all things, conventions confesl things. mueller is the former fbi director! that is his environment. he's not out there as some independent ports. but i want to get back to barack obama. it's his fbi. his department of justice. his state department. he is candidate. i cannot believe for a minute that the national security council didn't know about this. and to show you how elaborate this is, now that more information is coming out, we haven't even gotten to the incidental collection of intelligence on people, including, by the way, sessions when he met with and spoke with the russian ambassador, michael flynn when he spoke to the russian ambassador, the unmasking and leaking of his name, the record number of unmasking of american citizens in the trump world and so forth and so on the, the american people have been subjected to a massive propaganda, this information campaign by the clinton campaign, by the obama
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administration. let me ask you a logical question, sean. why would the russians want donald trump to be president of the united states when they could get everything they want from hillary clinton, whether it's uranium, whether it's undermining defense by cutting military spending, by refusing to secure our border on the light in the world with the russians want trump as opposed to hillary clinton -- b1 let me jump in just a second. if we were really to get the fisa application, getting rid of sources and methods, if we were able to make public barack obam barack obama's presidential briefing, you are betting, and i agree with you, tonight, it would clearly show that he knew all of this was happening. >> looked, they have these friend guys, brennan out there, clapper out there, they are propagandist out there, they don't have been roads out there, valerie jarrett out there. barack obama's going in the witness protection program during the band knows where he is anymore. his name never comes up.
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i'm telling you that the frenzied defense of what's taking place here. it's to protect hillary and protect obama. one has the democrat party support law enforcement? they undermined the baltimore police department, they undermined the ferguson police department, the nypd, the l.a.p.d., all of a sudden they are defending the fbi. and they turn around and say, why are you attacking the fbi? you and i and others -- [clear throat,"] defending the fbi against the senior level. the leaking? the leaking! we already know, comey is a leaker, suite 24 is a leaker, strok is a leaker, paige is a leaker, it's how we knew on march 2nd, 5th, 6 of last year, something was wrong. we got a little bit of speed whenever information being leaked, we got stuff about wiretaps, we were able to piece this together on your show,
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among others. and then it all now makes sense. this is a massive spectacle. >> sean: the biggest scandal in the history of this country. you are a historian. >> whether it is or not, the facts... listen. not only do we need a special counsel, we need a commission. i was talking to my wife about this friday night, dershowitz mentioned that over the weekend. he's right. we needed criminal investigation, we need a policy investigation to come up what we need to do. we cannot walk away from this. >> sean: by the way, the great one will be on the show every other week, he promised her the great one 'show starts -- back to "hannity" after this. i never felt i was going to die. we know so much about transplantation. and we're living longer. you cannot help but be inspired by the opportunities that
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literally by the minute. we have two memos and two dossiers per that's all the time we have left there we will always be fair and balanced. let your heart not be troubled. laura ingraham, hello. how are you? >> laura: sean, did you like the super bowl commercial where eli manning is dancing? >> sean: [laughs] yeah. >> laura: wasn't that funny? >> sean: that was the single best commercial all day yesterday. >> laura: i hear they have plans for next year's super bowl. you and tucker will make a beautiful couple. >> sean: did you work all day on that joe? did you work all day on that joke? >> laura: asked my crew here. >> sean: you just worked on it it? you just had it in the moment? >> laura: i wanted to pull it off and superimpose their heads on your bodies. >> sean: i didn't dance at my own wedding. it ain't happening. ever. >> laura: poor joe. she still putting up with you after all these years?
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