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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  February 7, 2018 3:00am-6:00am PST

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of their patrol car. they are making the toy unofficial mascot. unclear how it got in the shed. i would be afraid, too. you never know. rob: that is scary. "fox & friends" starts right now. jillian: have a good one. >> president trump has the democratic memo in his hands. >> the democrats are politically smart enough to put things in the memo it need to be redacted. therefore, it creates this belief that there is something being hidden. >> the motion is being adopted without objection. >> the house voted to approve another short-term spending bill. it's a step towards avoiding a government shut down but lawmakers say we're not in the clear yet. >> we don't get rid of these loopholes where killers are allowed to come in our country and continue to kill. we will do a shut down, and it's worth it for our country. >> the dow swung 1200 points if you can believe that it actually changed direction 29 times. >> shepard: it variety now the most powerful rocket on the planet times two.
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>> this demonstration flight is an absolute success. [cheers and applause] ♪ i'm in it for the money ♪ and i ain't leaving until you throw me out. steve: which is it are you here for the money or the party. "fox & friends" 6:01 wake-up call live from studio f. it's "fox & friends." ainsley: when did you get paid to party? brian: there are people who do that gretchen wilson was playing at john rich's house which is like a stadium. and. steve: you there were. brian: yes, i was there. steve: when. brian: rolling out whiskey. remember from a couple weeks ago in nashville. gretchen wilson came out. most stunning voice you ever heard. steve: that's why we started the show. ainsley: i can't believe you are hanging out at his
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house. brian: it was mistake. he said come on over he happens to a coliseum for a home. fantastic. steve: thank you for joining us on this very busy wednesday. let's get started with a fox news alert. and a bombshell explosive. this information has been embargoed until 6:00 this morning and now we can tell you that fox news has obtained thousands of brand new anti-trump text messages between the love birds pictured right there. peter strzok and lisa page. ainsley: those new messages raising even more questions about what the fbi knew about the clinton investigation and when they knew it. brian: guess what there is a reference to in this exchange? president barack obama. griff jenkins live in washington breaking it down. griff, get us started. >> good morning, guys. it's shocking. it raises serious questions and reflects a deep disdain for not only the president but republican voters. let's get right to it. in one exchange strzok ridiculed virginia voters voted against andy mccabe
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wife's jill senate seat she lost. disappointing but look at the district map. lowden is being gentry find: these texts are being released by senator ron johnson along with a report entitled the clinton email scandal and the fbi's investigation of it the messages shed some light on the timing of the discovery of hundreds of thousands of emails found on anthony weiner's la laptop. got called up to andy's earlier. hundreds of thousands of emails turned over to andy's attorney southern district of new york includes a ton of material from spouse human abedin. sending team up tomorrow to review. this will never end. raises serious questions of timing because it wasn't until a full month later on october 28th that fbi director james comey informs congress that he is
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reopening the clinton investigation, begging the question of why it took so long, an entire month for comey's investigative team to inform him of this discovery. and on election day page writes omg this is f'ing terrifying. i'm so depressed. i bought all the president's men figured i need to brush up on watergate. the next day she writes god. being here makes me angry. lots of high flute if a loot continue national security talk. meanwhile we have our task ahead of us. please don't ever text me again. a lot breaking on this. hat tipped to jay gibson, our producer. this is really starting to unfold it continues to paint the picture that strzok and page and the fetal they had for the president. brian: only thing could say, griff, this is just a wow moment. and more could be coming
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after:00 today. steve: thank you very much. this is all prepared senator ron johnson homeland security committee has this paper out. it's called the clinton email scandal and the fbi investigation into it. brian: well titled. steve: no kidding. what's curious though one of the email passages from september the 2nd, 2016, and apparently the fbi was preparing director comey for something because they were preparing talking points. and the text message simply reads: potus wants to know everything we're doing. which brings up the question are they talking about the president of the united states? are they talking about barack obama? does that mean he was involved in whatever they were doing? that's a bombshell. brian: that's very diplomatic of you to say were they talking about it but we only have one president at a time. steve: we don't know it was specifically. brian: you could be talking about washington or john adams. ainsley: president of a company, maybe?
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steve: we just don't know. we need to see more of the email. and there are hundreds of thousands to come. ainsley: the ones griff just read we have our task ahead of us. meaning we have a lot of work to do to make sure our person -- it sounds suspicious. brian: i don't know what they're talking about in september, specifically. how far interesting it was anthony weiner's lawyer who told the new york fbi office i have some more emails on my soon to be convicted client and some of them ended up being from huma abedin. when will this ever end peter strzok comes out in. that's significant. three week gap between when james comey all 6'9" of him comes out investigation is open again. game on. five days we look through that. nothing there. and hillary clinton swears to this day that's the reason why she lost. the question is did andy mccabe in that period call up james comey and say you are my boss i have news to you or did andy mccabe
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figure out wait a second let me figure or then call james comey. one way or the other he was left in the dark by subordinates shows he can't run an organization or he was not telling a truth a myriad of times when he says this just came across my desk now i have got to tell the public. steve: it was curious, couple weeks ago andrew mccabe was relieved from duty. does it have to do with the russia thing. that was actually regarding michael horowitz, who is the inspector general of the department of justice looking into the hillary clinton email scandal. so, clearly, it's all tied. he is also the reason peter strzok and lisa page were removed from the case. ainsley: he is still getting paid through march when he retires. brian: this is the key. what you just brought up, ainsley, this is what we have to focus on until more text messages come out. found the five months of text messages. horowitz might be the most valuable player in two year mess. last january comes out and says i'm going to be looking
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into this. now along the way he is doing this thing called finding the facts and his final report is supposed to be out in april. but, god, being here makes me angry. lots of haif high high talk. we have our task ahead of us. we know what good he could be referring to. they do have a plan like have you an insurance policy if you die before you're 40. ainsley: another big story this morning is that memo, the democratic memo, will it be released this week? the white house is saying it looks like the president will be returning it back to the committee. steve: right. ainsley: after he has gone through it have you some republicans that are saying they are upset because they are saying the democrats, they put all these -- all this sensitive information in this memo just so the president and the fbi have no choice but to make all these redactions so it can look like the president doesn't want you to know information about him that makes him look bad.
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brian: as you deliberate. adam schiff coming out showing reason for concern. i just hope the president doesn't redact anything. almost saying i put stuff in there. you have to redact it. steve: when you set a trap as they apparently have, that's what you would say, keep in mind, it was just a week ago adam schiff says hey, devin nunes is altering that document that we voted on. actually, he voted against releasing it, but now they are for complete transparency, trey gowdy was on with martha last night. and he is very, you know, skeptical of why there is so many secrets in this thing that that he want out. listen. >> the democrats are politically smart enough to put things in the memo that require either the bureau or the department of justice to say it needs to be redacted. therefore, it creates this belief that there is something being hidden from the american people. and keep in mind, this is the same crowd that voted not to release our memo and voted not to gain a lot of this information on the last 12 months. but, unfortunately, we are
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in an environment where you would include material that you know has to be redacted and you know responsible people are going to redact it, just so that question won't be asked. brian: the fbi evidently is going to get a look at it too. the department of justice will get a look at it too. the president not having gone through it yet. john kelly says a lot in it got briefed by rod rosenstein. give the highlights of it it's on the president's desk. in that by the way is a personal attack on you we believe devin nunes is it really necessary to do that? we'll see. steve: goes to show you the political nature of it. meanwhile, speaking of mr. schiff, it turns out and this is very embarrassing for him. a year ago he got on the horn, got on the phone with people he believed that they were -- the people speaking to him were from the ukraine. and they had information about donald trump who was, it was very inappropriate what they described. involved with a reality
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star. turns out these were two comics from russia pranking him but mr. schiff fell for it listen. >> pro-mizeing materials on trump after their short relations. >> okay. and what's the nature of the ko brian: taking notes. a staff followed up, i think, the next day and the next day after that to try to set up a time to get these pictures. let me see, russian operatives, ukrainian operatives claiming to have information on a political opponent and you're going to meet with them and you are going to talk with them to find out what they had?
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you cannot tell me that adam schiff wasn't thinking he has something very important right there. ainsley: it's just bizarre to me to think they go on to talk about how putin's god daughter got these pictures and that's how he. brian: she is a journalist. ainsley: she is a journalist and that's how he got the pictures. do you really think that putin would care about seeing pictures. brian: adam schiff did. ainsley: i know. steve: here is the irony, the democrats have melted down that donald trump jr. set out to meet with a russian lawyer who supposedly had dirt on hillary clinton. here is adam schiff trying to get dirt on donald trump as it turns out it was just a joke. don trump jr. himself tweeted the irony and hypocrisy of this can't be understated #full of schiff. brian: don jr. gets in there and all of a sudden they change the tactic and say we
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want the tha act overturned when it came to trump tower: brian: businessman. never been in politics before there are built-in excuses. adam schiff is as experienced as anyone on capitol hill and ranking member on the intelligence committee and is he getting on the phone personally after his staff has screened him and he set up his chief of staff who according to tucker last night people makes over $100,000 a year set up a rhond rendezvous to get photos. steve: everybody is always looking for dirt on everybody else. it actually happened a year ago. we are just now hearing about it. brian: meanwhile, there is so much going on. if you are saying i never heard that before it's because it's all brand new. straight ahead the drunk driving illegal immigrant accused of killing nfl player now facing federal charges, this after already being deported twice. indiana congressman todd row kit that represents the district where this took place. is he doubling down on
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immigration reform and joins us next. ainsley: woman sitting on the roof of car as it sinks into the ocean. dramatic rescue caught on camera. steve: they're coming (whispering) with the capital one venture card, you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. not just airline purchases. think about all the double miles you could be earning. (yelling) holy moly, that's a lot of miles! shh-h-h-h! ( ♪ ) shh! what's in your wallet? man: shh-h-h!
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shh! this is the story of green mountain coffee roasters dark magic told in the time it takes to brew your cup. first, we head to vermont. and go to our coffee shop. and meet dave. hey. why is dark magic so spell-bindingly good, he asks? let me show you. let's go. so we climb. hike. see a bear. woah. reach the top. dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. like these mountains, each amazing on their own. but together? magical. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters packed with goodness. steve: new developments this morning in the case against the drunk driving illegal accused of killing a former nfl player hours before the
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super bowl on sunday. the department of justice now bringing federal charges against that man manuel savala as officials confirm he had been deported twice returning to the united states under a fake name. our next guest represents that district and last year he also pushed a bill to jail lawmakers who protect illegals in sanctuary cities. republican congressman todd rekit that joins u -- rokita jos us. >> this was completely preventable tragedy. if we had a wall tool for enforcing immigration law something every other country on the face of this earth does, this would not have happened. two people would still be alive. that's the bottom line. that's what makes this, steve, not a drunk driving case but immigration case. tragedy. steve: slap act stopping
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lawless action of politicians act. what would that have done. >> still working on it gaining co-sponsors by the minute. encourage viewers to call the representatives to get on the slap act. it says if you are a local elected official and you are thumbing your nose at what is valid immigration law you yourself are a felon and you ought to be thrown in jail. it ought to be part of the plan to help clean up and end dangerous sanctuary cities. steve: the president of the united states tweete tweeted ths so disgraceful a person illegally in our country killed colts linebacker ed win jackson. this is one of the preventable tragedies. convince the dems to get tough on the border and with illegal immigration fast. clearly the president wants his four pillars. the democrats want daca. and it doesn't sound like they want to go as far as the president. yesterday apparently joked maybe we need a shutdown over this then. >> well, i think it was tongue in cheek for sure. but the issue is serious. and the president is exactly right.
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you know, we have to have -- if we're going to be a sovereign nation, steve. we have got to have a border. we have got to be able to enforce who comes in and out of our country. the guy who murdered those should not be. steve: thank you for joining us live. >> thank you. steve: what do you think about that? please email us at a question if i already had the flu can i get it a second time? dr. marc siegel here with an unusual answer and tips to avoid getting sick in the first place or the second place. plus, he served in our country in the military now this army sergeant is representing america in the olympics. you are going to hear from him straight ahead. you are watching "fox & friends" live from new york city.
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jillian: good morning, hope you are having a good day so far. back with headlines. today the senate will consider a proposal to consider another government shutdown. the house passing a stop gap bill that would extend funding until march 22. trump speaks on the importance of immigration bill. >> we don't change it, let's have a shutdown. we will do a shutdown and it's worth it for our country. i would love to see a shutdown if we don't get this stuff taken care of. jillian: lawmakers have until tomorrow at midnight. heart breaking news to report this morning. an american hero and father serving overseas found dead at train station in germany near u.s. military training camp. first sergeant nicholasance bury, you are seeing him there was on nine month
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deployment when he passed away at just 34 years old. 15 year veteran's death still under investigation. first sergeant and bury leaves behind 9-year-old daughter. that's a look at your headlines, ainsley? ainsley: thank you, jillian. the flu season is almost the worst in a decade. far from over. this morning a question many of you are asking if i already had the flu once, can i get it again this season? here to answer that is fox news medical a team dr. marc siegel also the author of "swine flu the new pandemic." good to see you. >> good to see you. ainsley: if you already had it this season can you get it again. >> first question did you really had it. last week or so everybody coming in thinks they have the flu. i have a cough. i have the flu. i'm congested. i have the flu. you don't have the flu. you proible have bronchitis or cold or respiratory infection. fatigued and muscle aches and have to lie down and
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high fever and sniffles that's probably the flu. i can tell. ask your physician. make sure a physician says to you you have the flu or get tested for the flu. that's how you know you have the flu. and then you can definitely get it a second time ainsley because the strain that's been causing all the problems this year is stuarting to diminish and we're getting a second strain h1n1 starting to come up more and that's another strain. new one strain, you can get another strain. ainsley: if you get the flu shot does it only cover one strain or several strains in that shot. >> that's a great question. that flu shot covers three or four strain. the good news is it does a heck a lot better than the other strains we have been talking about. if you get the flu in this season much likely you will get a milder case because of that flu shot. ainsley: if you feel like you are getting the flu do you stay home? beginnings of the flu okay to go to work? >> absolutely not. that's when you spread the flu. ainsley: okay. >> most of the flu is spread when you are not even sick
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yet or when you are just starting to get sick. when you are sniffling, when you are touching everything. you touch your computer, someone else touches it, they get the flu. that's why we recommend so much hand washing and wearing masks and doing really good hygiene. ainsley: i was flying this weekend and some people had the masks on. i was at dinner the other night with a friend. everyone is bringing out their antibacterial cream. we're all terrified we are going to get the flu. >> right. that's good. that will keep from you actually getting it one thing i want to make a point of saying is that if you have the flu, i say stay home for days afterwards. centers for disease control says as soon as your fever is gone can you go back to school or go back to work. i say take the week if you can. because yo you still can spread the flu even if you are feeling better. ainsley: my friends who have had the flu say they had to take a week. they couldn't get out of bed they were so weak. >> $9 million in job productivity lost because of
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the flu. not talked about enough. research is ongoing now on universal flu vaccine that looks very promising. if we get that i say take the current flu vaccine. it helps you. about 30% effective. helping decrease spread and decreases severity. in a few years from now we get a universal flu vaccine, we are not going to be here talking about this. ainsley: thanks so much, dr. siegel. good to see you. >> great to see you. ainsley: one reporter having melt down. >> every immigrants in this country isn't a killer and thug and thief and he has equated all immigrants, put them in that status. ainsley: wayne dupre is here to react to that coming up next. one crazy video woman sitting on the roof of her car as it sinks in the ocean. thank goodness there were rescue crews there. we want to wish happy birthday to anna kooiman, she is 34 years old today. she had a little boy a few weeks ago. she momma now. happy birthday, anna.
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♪ steve: 6:32 here in new york city. we have a fox news alert. a bombshell exclusive. fox news has obtained thousands of brand new anti-trump text messages between those love birds at the fbi peter strzok and lisa page. text messages more questions what were they talking about. ainsley: omg this is explicative terrifying. strzok replying omg i am so depressed. brian: they are only conducting every major investigation leading up to the election. few days later on november 1st page wrote, this quote: i bought all the president's men. i guess the movie or the book. figure i need to brush up on watergate. steve: page's last message written on june 23rd, 2017
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reads: please don't ever text me again. what they're talking about, we don't know. ainsley: maybe they broke up. steve: or maybe they realized people were watching. brian: let's bring in wayne dupree, talk show host has a wonderful podcast. it was 6:00 a.m. one of the other things throw at you is text message on september 2nd, potus wants to know everything we are doing. this is 016. this is president barack obama there is a story here at the very least. don't you agree. >> oh yeah, oh yeah. and good morning to all of y'all. steve: good morning. >> thank you for allowing me to join you back again. this century's bonnie and clyde really has something going on with these text messages. there is one thing that i have tried to stay away from and that is the phone. i don't answer the phone in my own house and only reason why i don't do that is
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because, you know, you just don't want to get caught on some stupid stuff. this right here, these text messages from page and peter to get caught with this stuff right here and to watch them still have a job within the fbi, i mean, they still have a job, peter is in human resources, of all places. you know, i mean, honestly if i still had my job that i used to have a long time ago, send me to human resources. but he is in charge of human resources right now. ainsley: true. >> still with these text messages coming out this morning oh my god. i mean, is he melting because entrepreneurship got elected. brian: future president. >> yeah. you could tell the bias of these people. they didn't want him elected. they didn't want him in office. they were trying to help hillary clinton. they were trying to help the democrat democratic party. they got caught. i don't care if you put him in the same jail. i don't care if you put him
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in opposite cells. but, somebody needs to go to jail and these two need to be the poster child for that. ainsley: okay. wayne, my heart breaks. all of our hearts break for that colts linebacker who was killed and the uber driver killed on the side of the road by this alleged illegal twice deported illegal immigrant. do you think we need more border security in the president is talking about the wall. what are your thoughts? >> look, ever since president trump talked about building the wall, i have been on board. i have two daughters. they are 14 years old. i love them to death. and they are also dreamers, by the way. legal dreamers. but, when i look at -- or when i saw this guy, this drunken illegal alien, you know, i was angry that to hear that he was twice deported and he was back. under another name. listen, if the people in washington, if you don't want to do your job, then
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leave. roll out. or let me talk to the voter. vote them out. if they don't want to do their job, look, you don't have a perfect politician in office, okay. you don't. so you want term limits vote them out and vote in somebody else who cares about this country. people right now if that have allowed this wall to go. you know, well, we're going to fund a wall and then the wall never gets built. we got to do something about that. we have got to put the wall up and then protect this country. brian: at the very least simultaneously, you put the money in a trust fund and start spending it immediately. no congressman can touch it. at the same time at the very least you do daca. i don't know what that bipartisan deal was with crist coons and john mccain last week they were going to study the border. they got it down. know where it is. let's start protecting it. steve: that was a bad deal. meanwhile the president of the united states, wayne, made it very clear what happens to that indianapolis player was preventable.
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he tweeted that out. >> oh, yeah. steve: and he was also joking about how if they don't get a deal with the democrats regarding daca, maybe they should shut the government down. but there was an exchange. we want you to listen to this and the folks at home as well. listen to the chat between somebody at the white house and brook baldwin over on cnn see if they agree with what they are saying in this passage. >> every immigrant in this country isn't a killer and a thug and a thief. and he is kind of equated all immigrants put them in that status when actually the crime rates in the immigrant communities are. smaller than in the larger communities. >> i don't know what the president is thinking but i do know he keeps tweeting about we were just telling the story about this indianapolis colt player and maybe in that case, you know, but certainly you are right, people are here for all kinds of incredibly valid and patriotic reasons. steve: there have you got the commentator talking about how every immigrant in
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the country thrill isn't a killer. but then you have got her saying people are here for awful kind of incredibly valid and patriotic reasons. i don't get that part. >> oh, i do. i do. it's easy. cnn is trying to raise their ratings. they need illegal immigrants to watch their ratings to get their ratings back up that's why they are calling them patriotic. listen, i don't know what's going on over there i don't know where weather it's wacky to tobacco or lettuce in their break room. the american people want right now our politicians to enforce the laws. now, i know that a whole lot of mainstream media have problems with saying illegal immigrants. they don't want to say it they don't want to say illegal immigrants. it's almost like they have problems with truth and illegal. they don't want to put those two together. but, listen, we don't have any problem patriotic
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immigrants. we don't have any problem with that you come into this country, did you go through the process and then you stand up at the end and you say the pledge of allegiance. then that -- we know that you are -- that you want to make a perfect citizen to help the united states of america. these illegal immigrants aren't doing that they don't have any allegiance to this country. they don't care about this country. that's why they can go out drinking and run over a rising nfl star. americans should be angry at this right now. i mean, totally angry at this. brian: david axelrod tweets out that basically the president's exploiting his death to move his immigration plan forward. >> yeah, yeah. okay. and that's what a whole lot of the mainstream media people do, too. they exploit the illegal immigrants calling them patriots. i mean, they are not patriots. they artake your job.
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>> they call them law abiding. they call them law abiding illegal immigrants. you can't put both of those in the same sentence. brian: gotcha. steve: wayne dupree joins us from baltimore where he has a radio show and podcast. thanks for joining us. >> hey, thanks. brian: jillian, what's going on? jillian: a lot of stuff going on. there is a lot of news we are following. let's get you caught up on some of the headlines starting with this. the death of a border patrol agent killed in the line of duty remains a mystery. newly released autopsy report shows martinez died from blunt injuries to the head. he was also hurt in the torso, shoulder and ribs. cause of those injuries is still unknown. martinez and his partner found clinging to life at the southern border. the fbi is offering a $50,000 reward for information. new disaster for amtrak when a train breaks apart traveling at 125 miles per
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hour. two train cars separating on the way to new york city from washington, d.c. none of the 52 passengers were hurt. this follows three deadly amtrak incidents in the past several weeks including sunday's deadly collision in south carolina. last week's collision with a truck in virginia and in december a train from seattle to portland derailed on an overpass. dramatic video showing the moment a coast guard rescue as woman from the roof of her sinking car. just watch. authorities say the woman became stranded of the beach of the coast of new england. forced to climb the roof of her car toes escape the rising sea water. the crew pulling her up on life boat. she was treated for hypothermia but otherwise okay. seven soldiers representing our country in the olympics kicking off this friday in south carolina. one of those heroes sergeant matt mortensen will compete in luge. earlier he told us what he is looking forward. >> to i'm really focused on my competition.
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i think my feel mate and i can do very well. i am very anxious to get on the ice and start training. jillian: he joined us in the 4:00 a.m. hour. heather childers on "fox & friends" first. part of the world class athlete program allowing him to serve his country as both a soldier and athlete. we will be watching and certainly wish him luck, guys? steve: well done indeed. the vice president when he is over in south korea is going to announce massive sanctions against north korea like you have never seen before. ainsley: all right. brian: i hope. so also talk that they might meet. meanwhile the weather. 22 states from maine to texas now in the path of brutal winter weather. ainsley: look at that. steve: ames, iowa, used to live there 70 car pileup at least one person dead. ainsley: senior meteorologist janice dean live with what to expect in the forecast. janice? janice: especially ohio, tennessee valley and northeast. you see the rain and mixture
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of freezing rain and sleet. and then we have the snow north of that cold front. so there is the past 12 hours. for new york city switchover from snow to freezing rain all rain. a lot of folks are going to have some problems on the roadways and in the air. make sure that you are keeping track of your airline delays. winter storm advisories for millions of folks here across very busy areas across the northeast. there's your forecast precipitation again in the pink that's where we are dealing with ice on the roadways, on the bridges. it's going to make for treacherous driving and a lot of airline delays and cancellations. by this time tomorrow storm out of here but rough commute for millions. steve: j.d., thank you. >> you got it. brian: president trump signing off releasing the rebuttal to the fisa abuse memo. there's is about 10 pages long. are they trying to set a trap for the president question mark exclamation point. steve: tech giants are the robber barrons of our time.
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brian: really? steve: explanation coming up live from new york city ♪ mr. roboto ake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? in acres and a half day ofjust becauswork is twelve hours.ured nor, will unyielding temperatures and a long list of grueling tasks stop you. your relentless spirit drives you forward and makes work feel less like work. some call it your heritage. others say it's an obsession. you regard it as a blessed life. introducing the mahindra retriever.
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brian: the expansion of amazon, google, facebook are having a much bigger effect on the american economy than anyone could have predicted or maybe realized. so are tech giants making us less free and manipulating our thought to a degree? neil ferguson is a senior fellow at the hoover institute and author of this great book, the square, the tower. and power from the free masons to facebook. thanks for joining us, neil. >> good morning, brian. > brian: first off powerful social media and tech giants how are they taking some of our freedom away from us without us knowing it. >> this is a great question. obviously they are making a lot of stuff cheaper but they are increasingly monopoly companies if you think about it google is a
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monopoly in search and facebook is a monopoly in networking. they don't have competitors because of network effects that exist online. now from, a consumer's vantage point. what's not to like? amazon clearly makes stuff cheaper, including books, the things that you and i write for a living apple makes music cheaper. consumers aren't complaining, the big issue is the political consequences of companies like facebook becoming dominant publishers of news and other content. that's the issue. these companies have politics too, you know. brian: for example in music, even ja jay-z said wait a second i have lost full control of this to apple and google. start my own company. totally ineffective when it comes to social media and news. facebook is starting to be a clearing house. in terms of them doing that congratulations you are a successful company. however, if you want to minute thought and manipulativet
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and prioritize news stories. some people feel political parties don't understand they are losing sway. >> absolutely, brian. nothing has changed politics not only in the u.s. but worldwide more than the advent of companies like facebook. 45% of americans now get news from facebook. we saw just how powerful advertising is. kudos to donald trump and his team. they understood better than mostly cloudy skies' lot how to use facebook advertising. it was a crucial part of their campaign success. you know what i live very near silicon valley, when that result came through november 9th of 2016. you could hear heads exploding all over silicon valley. they could not believe their beautiful network platforms that helped deliver the white house to donald trump and i had heard it said many times, this will never happen again. you have to bear in mind that mark zuckerberg who runs facebook has the power
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to tweak the algorithm that determines what gets into your news feed and minus feed. that is an awesome power. i believe he has more power in media than even william randal hurst who we used to think of the last powerful man in history in u.s. news. mark zuckerberg is more powerful now. watch closely how he uses that power. let's face it mark zuckerberg's politics are liberal politics. he has no destyer see 2016 happen again. and i don't think republicans are fully alive to the fact that with really quite small changes to the way the facebook algorithm works. their presence in news feed could shrink dramatically. brian: what you are saying, nehemiah, there is a siren going off and republicans aren't hearing it and midterm election also have them reach their destination if they don't stop it. thank you so much. you would know. you a periscope to that area. and congratulations on your book. >> thank you. brian: oh baby, one couple already has 13 boys.
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now they are expecting their 14th child. will it be another boy? i would do the needle test ♪ when the day is new ♪ california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at when did you see the sign? when i needed to jumpstart sales. build attendance for an event.
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steve: a michigan couple made headlines nationwide a couple years ago when they welcomed another baby boy into their family. they have 13 children. they're all boys. brian: they are expecting again. so will baby number 14 be another boy? for more on that i go to ainsley. ainsley: joining us from grand rapids, michigan. jay and cnch cateri. congratulations. >> thank you. ainsley: have you 13 boys already. this is number 146789 don't know if it's a boy or girl. have you all these hand me
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downs it would be great if it's a boy because you don't have to buy new clothes are you hoping for a girl? >> i don't know. the thought of a girl, you know, just changes everything. so, you know, i'm comfortable with a boy. but whatever we are given. steve: why have you not, jay, yet -- why don't you have the look at the sonogram or try to figure out the sex of the baby before the baby is born? why don't you want to know? >> well, we always say that would be like opening your christmas gifts on thanksgiving. when the moment comes, we're never truly surprised because it's been a boy each time. just the build up and anticipation and going through everything with the younger boys to us, anyway, it's more exciting when the moment comes to have that final surprise. brian: a lot of people watching right now and saying i got two kids, i got three kids, i can't handle. this how did they do it? what's the key to the organization to make that housework? >> well, patience.
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prayer. and time management. ainsley: what is it like? i bet it's a lot of fun. do you have some musicians, some that are extremely smart and help the others with homework? what's it like to be a part of the family that big? brian: who is your favorite? [laughter] >> it's cool. it really is. it's neat. and you know from the outside looking in, you know, a lot of people. we get all kinds of comments and things like that. but we enjoy every second of it especially around the holidays and things like that. some of the older boys are kind of moving on. we have two that have been to college. we have two that are in college right now. so we have really there is 10. we have ten of them living under the roof right now. it's fun. everything we do is centered around family. it doesn't matter if we are going on a trip to watch one of the boys play hockey or just the family dinner we will get together, you know, whenever we can everything we do is fun. steve: just a family dinner more like a banquet. jay and katerri, good luck
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to you. as soon as the baby is born. let us know. ainsley: even if you have boy and don't have a girl you will have grand babies some day and i bet you one will be a girl. to activate my body to release it, like it's supposed to. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. the pen where you don't have to see or handle a needle. and it works 24/7. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, if you have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you're allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away
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♪ steve: a bombshell exclusive. fox news has obtained thousands of brand new anti-trump text messages. ainsley: now raising even more questions about what the fbi knew about the clinton investigation. >> somebody needs to go to jail and these two need to be the poster child for that. >> president trump has the democratic memo in his hands. >> not as clean a memo as the first one. >> the democrats are politically smart enough to put things in the memo. it needs to be redacted. therefore it, creates this belief that there is something being hidden. >> don't get rid of these loopholes where killers are allowed to come into our country and continue to kill. we will do a shut down. and it's worth it for our country. [bell] >> the dow swung 1200 points if you can believe that it
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actually changed direction 29 times. brian: three american friends stopped a terror attack in paris and saved countless lives. we have the real live heroes in person on our set. >> do you ever feel life is pushing us towards something, like some greater purpose? ♪ ♪ rock it inside out ♪ we going to rock it town ♪ make them scream and shout ♪ rock, rock. brian: i think this is brian setzer's group. i have good news for fabs, they are getting back together. steve: massapequa your home down. brian: setzer is from massapequa. in the band. very unique hair and big heels on his shoes. ainsley: were you devastate weathered they broke up? brian: i still remember the day. steve: i bet. meanwhile coming up in 15
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minutes, do you remember are the story where three americans sprang into action on terror train between paris and amsterdam? it is now a clinton eastwood movie. they always go when they make a movie of your life who is going to play you? clinton eastwood is actually having the heroes play themselves. they will be here this hour. ainsley: i think that's great. people love reality shows. this is like a reality show movie. a reality movie. brian: i will tell you when they were on our couch after the event they looked so natural and i think that's the same thing they bring to the scene. if you can't play -- i remember ray mancini was disappointed when he didn't get the role to play himself in his own movie. steve: that's a clip from the movie, the 1517 to paris. ainsley: we have big news to tell you about, brian. brian: you are not going to believe this. bombshell exclusive. fox news has obtained and embargoed until 1:15 minutes ago. brand new anti-trump text messages between the high ranking fbi lovers peter strzok and lisa page.
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steve: those new messages raising more questions about what the fbi and former president obama knew about the clinton investigation and when. ainsley: griff jenkins is live down in washington breaking it all down for you. griff, good morning. >> good morning. we are taking a look at this and it is raising a lot of questions. it's shocking go. right to it. this one on september 2nd 20rbgs 16. page writes strzok about preparing talking points for fbi director james comey saying potus wants to know everything we're doing. now, by potus, they are referring to barack obama. investigators telling fox news this now raises questions about president obama's personal involvement in the clinton email investigation. in another exchange, the text, which are being released by senator ron johnson and the homeland security committee shed some light on the timing of the stoffer of hundreds of thousands of emails found on anthony weiner's laptop on september 28th, 2016 strzok writes got called up to
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andy's earlier hundreds of thousands of emails turned over to weiner's attorney southern district of new york. includes a ton of material from spouse huma abedin sending team up tomorrow to review. this this will never end. >> fbi director informs congress that he is reopening the clinton investigation begging the question of why it took so long. a full month for comey's investigative team to inform him of the discovery. then more disdain on election day. page writes omg, this is f g terrifying. strzok replies omg i'm so depressed. few days later page writes god being here make me so angry lots of highfalutin national security talk. meanwhile we have our task ahead of us. not sure what that means. last text message written on june 23rd, please don't ever text me again. a lot unfolding. strzok ridicules virginia
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voters in another one against andy mccabe's wife jill who failed to run for the state senate. strzok calling them ignorant hilhill billies the virginia voters who voted against her. steve: very first text message is going to have everybody's antenna up that griff just showed us on september 22nd, 2016 in preparing james comey, they prepared some talking points and it simply says potus wants to know everything we're doing which suggest the at the time the president was barack obama. it appears there is involvement. do they have an explanation why it wasn't him? don't know. brian: there was communication, i believe, between hillary clinton and president obama through her private email, which i know andy mccarthy wrote about wait a second, president obama now knows he has a private email they were exchanging emails back and forth in september.
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ainsley: he was using a different name. brian: he was using a dinner name which is a story itself unexplored. listen, there is five more months there sphif month of text messages that we have been ensured that the inspector general who is investigating this is looking at. this is sensational. this is important. but this is not it. steve: no. keep in mind, these emails were released to fox news and other news outlets by senator ron johnson from the senate homeland security committee and he has put out this paper. the clinton email scandal and the fbi investigation into it. keep in mind, while all this russia stuff and everything, the fisa stuff is all going on, there is a separate investigation on how the fbi handled the clinton email scandal. we call it a scandal. that's why have you got this inspector general who is expected to release his report ultimately we believe that that's why andy mccabe is no longer at the fbi because did he something wrong and that's why the love birds were removed from
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the case because the inspector general found that they were doing something wrong. it appears there was animus at the fbi towards president trump. ainsley: going on and on and on? like when is this investigation? all this information is new. i feel like we're learning new information every single day. steve: absolutely. ainsley: why can't they do this investigation quickly though? this is a year after the election. brian: so many buried bodies and some secrets that everyone kept from us which because president trump is president, people are getting to the bottom of it if hillary clinton was president there is no way we would have made this progress in my humble estimation. here a couple things andrew mccabe did wrong terry mcauliff taking money from super pac. he should recuse himself from this investigation that's pretty clear. steve: he was told by the fbi office of ethics it was okay for him to sit. he eventually did recuse himself a week before the election. brian: too late. another thing he did is either he told james comey i got these anthony weiner laptops from the new york office on this laptop i got
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these emails that might have some top secret information on it from huma abedin via hillary clinton. or he told james comey and they did nothing for three weeks. they either sat on it or told him, james comey, and together they sat on it for three weeks until the end of october. ainsley: hopefully we will find out more of that the republicans wanted to find out why the president's campaign was being spied upon. if it was being done legally. they wanted to have these people they fbi. people at doj, people within fusion gps. they wanted and clinton foundation. state department. they wanted them all investigated to find out and we're finding out a lot of information through these text messages. well, now, the democrats are saying all right. we have some problems with that memo. it's now in the hands of the president. he has five days to release it and we are learning now, the white house said that he has -- it's likely going to be returned back to the committee this week to be released. steve: because it does appear that while the republicans presented that memo, to figure out whether or not the fisa warrant was
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obtained, you know,. ainsley: legally. steve: that was on friday. the republicans made it as clean as possible. however, this 10 page rebuttal it sounds like has a lot of secrets in it. as we heard from the chief of staff, john kelly last night at the capitol building, it sounds like it's going to be a little harder to clean that one up. so that could cause some problems. listen. >> we he will brief the president on it and he will have a decision to makes a to what, you know, what he wants to do with it. they needed to get back to me by close of business thursday. this is a different memo than the first one. leaning towards it. done in a responsible way. but, again, the first one was very clean relevant toif sources and methods. my initial cut is this one is a lot less clean. at the end of it all it will be guys like rod rosenstein, chris wray from fbi,
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certainly the national security attorney at the white house giving the president a recommendation. brian: so some people say well they put it through almost dare the president to redact it so they could say the president is trying to hide something. steve: a trap. brian: double standard. other thing to keep in mind, too on the senate side senator lindsey graham and chuck grassley have a huge problem with the way the fisa court green lighted these applications and they want to have -- they have a criminal referral of christopher steele because he feels as though they did not tell the fbi the truth and did not tell them the truth. don't just focus on devin nunes on the right. in the senate side, they have a huge problem. ainsley: republicans are saying that the democrats put a bunch of sensitive information into their rebuttal and their memo so that the president goes through and has to redact everything. the fbi has to redact everything. they can say the president just took out what didn't make him look good. steve: just remember, there were no scandals during the obama administration. how many sometimes have we heard that?
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brian: until they left. steve: 7:11 in new york city. time for the news with jillian. jillian: get you caught up with news with this story. justice department taking aim at the previously deported illegal immigrant accused of killing nfl player. 37-year-old manuel savala. charged. indiana congressman todd rokita says this is why we need immigration reform. >> if we have the wall, which is a tool for enforcing our immigration law, something that every other country on the fails of this earth does, this would not have happened. two people would still be alive of the that's the bottom line. that's what makes this, steve, not a drunk driving case but immigration case. jillian: savala is due in court today. wanna be college student who planned on killing americans behind bars. sentenced to 18 years in prison after pleading guilty to conspiring with isis. authorities say sal la was
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making bombs to attack tourist hot spots in new york city including the statue of liberty. we could soon honor our military with a parade marching through washington. u.s. defense officials say they are in their preliminary stages of planning the celebration for some time this year at the request of the president. president trump previously considered the idea after attending france's bastille day last july. a look at your headlines, guys, back to you. steve: a lot of people at the pentagon would love to show off equipment and personnel. brian: i don't know. seems like a waste of money. 12 minutes after the hour. we were just talking about the fisa abuse memo. turns out investigators may have violated their own rules. congressman louie gohmert wants those court transcripts released. he's here next. ainsley: plus, real life american heros who stopped a terror attack on a train are now hollywood stars. spencer stone, alex and anthony sadler from the new clinton eastwood movie 15:17 to paris are here live.
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brian: and they took the train ♪ your brain changes as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember.
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♪ ♪ ♪
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steve: well, this morning, we've got all sorts of new text messages between the fbi love birds and that one right there is -- could be very troubling. let's deal in louie gohmert, republican from texas, a member of the house judiciary committee. louie, look at this. lisa page said to her boyfriend at the fbi potus wants to know everything we're doing. what does that mean to you? >> well, you know, it means the president wants to know what they're doing to try to stop trump. that's clearly from all the other text messages, that's what they were working on. that's what they cared about. and so, you know, we need to find out -- we can't be like the fisa court. we have got to actually have the facts. we need to get to the bottom of this and find out what the president knew. steve: sure. but to suggest, louie, that you have got these two agents who are, you know, they have got this text banter going back and forth. but to suggest that the president of the united states was involved in an
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active investigation into whether or not hillary clinton's email broke all the rules, that is extraordinary. >> it is extraordinary. and clearly the fbi covered for hillary clinton, the doj covered for hillary clinton. and we have got to get the facts out. and, you know, i guess 43 years ago, steve, frank church, senator frank church, democrat, chaired hearings to find out if the nsa, the doj, were spying on americans. >> were surveying, listening to their conversations. and then what do we do? decades later we have this fisa court that allows warrantless surveillance -- they provide warrants to surveil without having to go public with any information. and as far as i can find, steve, this is the first time the fisa court has ever had any pursuit of their transcripts or what was being said. steve: louie, you want the transcripts released to find out what the fbi told the
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fisa court to get that application so they could spy on carter page and all the trump people. >> yeah. one of two things. either the judge was duped with false information with the lies into signing a warrant or the judge is just so worthless it was part of all this. and didn't care if he didn't have the facts. but, as a former judge, i could tell you and i was talking to john carter, a former district judge. if somebody lied to us in court and especially a lawyer, we would be after their license to practice law. and i find out that if you put one lawyer in jail one time for contempt. then the lawyers work really well with you after that and they are very honest and straightforward. that hasn't happened. steve: louie, you know for a fact though that if you have -- if you are the judge, let's imagine you are the judge and you have a career fbi agent in front of you and they are presenting all these facts, you figure
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that they -- you know, they are the facts. you don't know about the political animus that may have been there where they were trying to pull the wool over that guy's eyes. >> that's right. either the judge said wait, you guys have an asterisk down here. what does that mean? either he did that or just accepted it. but either way, the judge should be lived and the fact that these guys didn't go to jail for contempt and couple kinds of contempt. can you have a contempt where a judge has to have a hearing, sort out the facts. but if a fraud is presented to the court. and the court's manipulating, you don't have to have a hearing. can you just order him in contempt or six months in jail and these people should be in jail for what they did. steve: it would be great if we could see the transcripts. >> that's what we're looking at. wants the truth and i think we are requesting to get it one way or another. steve: america wants to know what really happened. thanks for joining us live. >> thanks for being so attentive. this is modern.
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steve: a lot going on. real life american heros who stopped a train attack playing themselves in the new clinton eastwood movie. they are here live next. good morning, folks ♪
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steve: i'm going to watch that movie. here are the stars of the new movie 15:17 to paris and real life heroes screen left anthony sadler former national guardman skarlatos and airmen first class spencer stone. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. steve: not only do you play yourselves but clinton eastwood wanted to make it so realistic he had the guy who got shot play himself didn't he, spencer? >> yeah, him, his wife, britishman and whole lot of other people. pretty much everyone except for the terrorists. brian: spencer do you remember the time when clinton eastwood walked up to you and said i want you guys to play yourselves in. this have you no acting background, right. >> something we never even considered as a possibility. he actually called its down to his office in burbank. we were just hanging out like this on the couch. and he just randomly said
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hey, what do you guys think of reenacting things for us? at first we are like sure for the actors so they get everything right on camera for the fight sequence, blah, blah, blah. no. he reiterated himself. and we said are you asking us to play ourselves? he said yeah, why not. ainsley: hollywood gave him a hard time at first no i need real actors and i asked you in the green room. how did that happen? what was your response. >> understandably so. what eastwood wants he gets. it was good. we needed someone of that cachet to be able to do something like this. credit to him. steve: not only were you there, you helped write the script, right? >> absolutely. we had a hand in it from the very beginning. so when he asked us to play ourselves, it was honestly just fantastic because we had even more control over our own story. if nothing else, the movie is very accurate. brian: spencer, bring us through for those who didn't remember few years back,
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bring us what happened that day. >> we are childhood friends and traveling through europe on a big vacation. and we are heading from amsterdam to paris and a terrorist by the name of can a zanny gets on the train, ammunition. pistol, box cutter and he comes out of the bathroom ready to go. he comes in contact with two passengers, mark moogalian and they get into scuffle, mark takes the pistol. shoots mark in the back and train employees sprints down the aisle to us and that's what alerts us. first thing we see looking down the aisle is him picking up the ak-47. loading a round into it and we rushed him, tackled him and laid this imagin magdalene n on him. ainsley: we saw the clip. your instinct is to run. you guys were running towards the terrorists. what was that like? what was going through your mind. >> visually you see it so you register what's happening. in your mind you are trying to tell yourself this can't be real. we didn't have any seconds
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really to react. it was really go now or it was too late. wasn't anywhere to hide. seats wasn't a good hiding spot. once spencer went out we are all in at this point. brian: had you to rush towards him but the ak 47 jammed. or else it could have been different, right? >> it didn't actually jam. it was a misfire. the gun actually functioned fine. it's just the ammunition didn't ignite. brian: i'm not a gun guy. >> he pulled the trigger. everything functioned with the gun. the round just didn't go off just because he was using old corroded ammunition. >> it was a bad primer. brian: wow. steve: spencer, we haven't seen the movie yet because it comes out shortly. you know, i know you have talked a lot about what happened that day, but then to actually see what happened to the three of you in a movie, what's that like? >> it's really surreal. i mean, just us watching it. steve: does it look exactly like it happened. >> yes. that's out credit to mr. eastwood.
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we were talking earlier, he fully, you know, made us like true partners in the making of the film. if there is one thing about this movie, it's accurate. brian: wow. that is so cool. in fact, here is another clip. what can we expect when it rolls out this week. >> you guys just want to skip paris? >> at least delay it a little bit. >> if we weren't meant to be on the train tomorrow it would physically stop us. steve: you should have gone to barcelona. >> we almost made it we almost made it. brian: how many lives were saved because you didn't. >> hundreds u that's a memory we will be grateful for for the rest of our lives. we are extremely proud of that. ainsley: what's it like. >> he told us to be ourselves luckily all three of us playing ourselves. we decided to relax and have some fun. ainsley: did he say have a conversation or was there a script. >> there was a script. it was guidelines. wen able to ad-lib a lot. sounded like something we wouldn't actually say we
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would just change it. >> he likes things to be organic. he told us to just listen to what the other actor is say talking and just respond naturally. ainsley: any of you want to be actors now. >> definitely. >> we all do. >> get us managers now. steve: have to stop another terrorist strike. >> is that what we have got to do to get a role? brian: unfortunately we are going to need heroes like you guys in the future because the threat is not going away. guys, i cannot wait to see it i saw the promos a couple months ago and i'm watching they look exactly like the real guys. how did they cast it. i never thought it was going to be the real guys. >> just starting to pick up on it, too. brian: i'm the slowest. so you got me. ainsley: comes out this friday worldwide. congratulations and thank you for being heroes. brian: one of the parties. all right. >> yeah. brian: that's what they always say. steve: thank you. meanwhile the stock market rebounded yesterday closing um more than 500 points after another crazy day. but stuart varney says the
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wild ride not over yet. he's going to tell us next what to expect. ainsley: and it's a homecoming. we love these. that little boy is never going to forget it. how an entire school pulled off that patriotic parade for his american hero father. ♪ we can do anything ♪ we could be heroes ♪ we could be heroes ♪ baby boomers,
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here's something you should know. there's a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most don't even know it. a virus that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. the only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us, it's time to get tested. it's the only way to know for sure.
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♪ when i'm a billionaire ♪ oh, oh ♪ when i'm a billionaire. brian: watching the market yesterday one minute down 400 points. up 400 points. got to be a graphic problem. no there isn't we is have a stock market challenge. stuart varney, were you having the same challenge during your show yesterday? >> yes, it was up and down day in the extreme. we had a hard time keeping
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up with it that's what's going on. ainsley: in the end? >> in the end we were up 567 points. that's a very nice rebound. now, if you would have asked me a half hour ago how is the market going to open up this morning, i would say it will be down very, very sharply like 200, 300 points. ask me now, i have got a different answer. ainsley: why? >> it's going to be down, 50, 60, 70 points. that's because you have this extraordinary up and down. it's not over. it continues today. it might calm down a little, but that's what you have got up and down. steve: how do you explain these dramamine moments though because there is nothing going on in the economy to suggest time to bail instead people have. >> this is aannoying a lot of people program training. steve: machines. >> al gor algorithmic panic. the stock goes down, the program kicks in, they buy the stock at the lower price, the stock goes up because people are buying. it goes up, the program
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kicks in. they sell the thing and down it goes again. the program guys make the money. the little guy is squeezed out. steve: so a couple days ago when it went down for a little while to 1600, the machines bought and those people who bought at the bottom and then sold when it got up 500 points later made a lot of doe. >dough. >> i would not advise the ordinary average person to try to time the market by the second or by the minute. i wouldn't do that. don't do that the little why guy should take a hands off approach and wait for things to settle down. brian: they say the age of free money is over when they were trying to use the stimulus globally and the asian and european markets are tightening up now and we are beginning to realize that it's going to effect corporations. and us. every day people. is that what's happening? >> we have been fly a 10 year people where the central banks of the world. great central banks have printed money to get interest rates down to zero.
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brian: easing? >> on my program we have a buzzer. you use that expression you are buzzed out. brian: i have a huge vocabulary and sometimes it works against me. >> money flooding the world. okay, trillions and trillions of dollars. that era is over. the central banks have largely said we are not going to do that anymore. that means interest rates are going up. that's traditionally bad for the stock market. that's what you are seeing. ainsley: buzz brian. [buzzer] steve: thank you. >> qe 3 that's a terrible barrier to set up between you and your audience. and if you do that on my show, you get the buzzer. you're out. ainsley: secret door, you are out, brian. steve: stuart, it looks as if the house has come up with stop gap way to fund the government. yesterday the president was talking about how he is at loggerheads with some of the democrats and suggested that mane and i know last time you said go ahead and shut down the government and they did although you said for the wrong reasons. here's the president talking about maybe we need a shut
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down over daca. listen. >> i would shut it down over this issue. i can't speak for everybody at the table. but i will tell you i would shut it down over this issue. if we don't straighten out our border, we don't have a country. without borders, we don't have a country. so who woo i shut it down over this issue? yes. i can't speak for our great representatives here, but i have a feeling they may agree with me. okay? >> another fight with brian, yes, shut it down. immigration is the most important issue facing the nation, we're at a point where we could get a deal. president trump should push for it and fix it now. brian: put it this way, shutting it down is a failure. and that's giving them an out. an out is a failure. i can't work through my job and that means working with other people. the house passed a resolution and i think $300 billion over the next two years to defense. it goes to the senate. the senate -- senator schumer says we are closer than ever before. this is an opportunity to work something out.
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but what bothers you is they are busting the spending gaps to do it and yet we are still in debt. >> what bothers me is that the immigration debate is separate from this particular debate about funding the government. steve: right. >> i'm saying if you can't get a separate deal on immigration and fix it by march, then shut it down. steve: the president is reminding the democrat by saying yeah, let's have a shut down. last time there was a shut down, they wound up with a bloody nose. >> they did, indeed. did the sky fall, brian, when the government shut down for three days? what happened? did we all? brian: what you understand, stuart, is a failure. so when all -- you are hoping for failure. you are hoping for lawmakers not to do their job. >> i'm hoping for success that we fix the major problem facing our country, which is uncontrolled immigration, and what to do with the 10 or 11 million people here illegally. brian: i just wish a couple years ago we cut back on the another of brits that we allowed. i think everything would have been a lot better. >> i got the lottery visa. i didn't, i didn't.
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let's be clear. brian: now bring in all your relatives. steve: all right, stuart, take your dramamine, we will be watching you as the market goes up between 9 and noon today over on fox business. ainsley: hand it over to jillian who has headlines for us. jillian: some of us are very happy you are here, stuart. brian: just not all of us. jillian: good morning to you. let's start with this story right now. a serious one we have been following for weeks. the nationwide flu epidemic taking the life of a second grade teacher. heather hole land passing away from flu complications days after being diagnosed. she originally passed on taking medication because she thought it was too expensive. hole land leaving behind a husband and two young kids. schools in at least 21 states have closed for flu outbreaks this season. it's been a bad few days for patriots star. we are hearing 911 call after returning from the super bowl to his house that was robbed. >> this is rob gronkowski
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calling while i was gone my house got robbed while i was on the super bowl trip and i just got back. jillian: the crooks broke a window to get inside the massachusetts home. valuables and other items swipsd from common areas and from his house mates bedroom. gronk's room was locked. at this point it's unclear if police have any suspects. true patriotic moment at a texas preschool. soldier dad surprising his young son as students sing proud to be an american waving american flags. >> daddy! >> oh. >> you gave that right to me. >> that's staff sergeant garrett myron who had been serving overseas in cut tar since june. a look at your headlines. ainsley: those men and women sacrifice. they go for so long. i can't wait to just hug my daughter when i go home from work. i can't imagine being away from her for that long. brian: here is the thing i always hear. it gives you such an appreciation for each other when you are serving somewhere else.
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ferlts. ainsley: i'm sure. thank you, jillian. chilling new study says 300 americans have tried joining isis and 12 of them are back here a at home. who are they and what are they doing now? that's next. brian: we are going to discuss that one of the most iconic mass scotts in all of sports. some people say notre dame's fighting irish leprechaun is racist. triple question mark. one notre dame alum is here to fight back ♪ fight song ♪ m 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... lucy could only imagine enjoying a slice of pizza. now, it's as easy as pie. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?
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are steve: a wanna be terrorist college student sentenced to 18 years in prison after pleading guilty to conspiring with isis. authorities say he was making bombs to attack tourist hot spots, including the statue of liberty. this as the texas man eager to join isis takes the formal route submitting his resume to the terror group, even with a cover letter explaining he was equipped to teach english to other people in isis.
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brian: listen to this study. he claims that 300 americans have tried joining isis and other terror groups in iraq and syria. so far 12 of them return home. nine face terror charges. who are they and what are they doing and what radicalized them. here to break it down is clarion intelligence network director ryan mauro. if we know they are here. if we know where they're. why are they here? >> well, in these cases where have you specific identities of people who have gone overseas to join isis and came back and haven't been charged with a crime it's either because you lack the evidence or more likely you are watching them and using them as a honey pot. you see other terrorists coming near them so you let them go around and talk to people because you are seeing who they are communicating with and that will load you to other people. don't focus so much on the numbers of these three people that are still out there. this is just based on the publicly available information. as someone who has to track and find these guys, i have got to tell you there are many other supporters of isis and overall fans of the caliphate in the united
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states beyond what these numbers indicate. steve: we have a graphic that shows some of the states with a lot of radicalism as it's referred to. have you got minnesota. virginia. and ohio. with particularly high rates of radicalism. what does this say to you about the guys though who went over there, hoping to do isis' bidding and now they have got to come home because isis is running? >> one of the things that happened to a lot of people that were deduced into thinking caliphate wonderful thing they went over there expecting this sharia disney world they realize this situation isn't actually so great. it's not everything it's cracked up to be. so they turned against isis. did they turn against the idea of a caliphate? that i'm not so sure about. steve: they are still radical. >> they are still radical. no longer necessarily drawn to isis or they were deterred because they said i'm being watched. i'm not going to succeed if i try carry out an attack. why bother? their goal is to die not get locked up.
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brian: when there was a caliphate they knew where to go and we knew where to find them a lot of them. now it's broken up, the downside, ryan, they have dispersed if they are not dead. very few said they want to go back to being a normal person. >> turning points important to focus not on the remnants of isis but what groups are going to benefit from isis' downfall. whether that's al qaeda's natural army in syria or other groups all bound together by this idea that you cleanse yourself of sin by dying in violent jihad and you should pursue a caliphate. when i'm looking at next threats groups activated by so-called ally in turkey that basically declared war on us, as well as pakistan, iran and cutter, anyone connected to those government and the organization connected to them is suspect to me. brian: you didn't mention saudi arabia, why? >> just forgot. > zashsaudi arabiais mow meetin-
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brian: we are hope this threat this new creator created crack down. steve: thank you very much. scary stuff. brian: president trump hosting a group of sheriffs at the white house to discuss the crackdown on ms-13. how did it go? one of the sheriffs in the room yesterday will join us live today. steve: one of the most iconic mascots in all of sport. some people say that that notre dame fighting irish leprechaun is racist. we have a notre dame alum joining us shortly to fight back. brian: from his "wall street journal" perch ♪ fight for your right ♪ to party ♪ minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why at safelite, we'll show you exactly when we'll be there. with a replacement you can trust. all done sir.
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>> grandpa: looks great! >> tech: thanks for choosing safelite. >> grandpa: thank you! >> child: bye! >> tech: bye! saving you time... so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪
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♪ >> pernicious, negative
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stereotypes of marginalized people that offends even some among them should be changed. it's not that hard. steve: well, notre dame's fighting irish teams and leprechaun mascot finding themselves in a fight against political correctness. espn host matt kellerman say they should be changed even if it offends only some people. ainsley: a few people. fighting back in new op-ed that is some standard handful of offended trump, the majority of unoffended, notre dame argues correctly that the university is highlighting its own heritage rather than appropriating imagery from others. brian: leave the leprechaun alone. here op-ed journal consequential columnist notre dame alum william mcgurenel. do you believe you have to stand up for the leprechaun? what's going on. >> i think this is crazy. the larger point is, again, a few offended people can trump other people.
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mr. calaman oho made this is not irish he is appropriating my outrage which i don't have and most irish people don't have. brian: i'm irish i don't have it. steve: i never thought it as being a troublesome mascot. >> it was an insult originally. it was meant to stereotype irish. steve: because fighting. >> notre dame embraced it and fought back. at the time the 20's and 30's and even the teens catholic immigrants were struggling, so irish victories, notre dame irish victories were their victories. that's why it became so popular. ainsley: bill, explain to me that right there, a leprechaun that's not real by the way. brian: leprechauns don't exist. >> i wouldn't go that far saying they are not real. [laughter] ainsley: that's more offensive, isn't it? >> it is ridiculous and larger things about logos they are cartoons and
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caricatures. brian: being there did the indians start in the 1930s, is he gone this year. >> and he is in some way more a symbol of cleveland itself than gist the ball club. look, i think that the truth is a lot of these movements are about nothing more than ruining things that ordinary americans enjoy whether it's standing for the national anthem at a football game or a leprechaun or a statue of christopher columbus. steve: what does it say about where we are as a nation where this is what we are talking about? >> i think it's sad. it means that people -- everyone sort of knows it's ridiculous but so few people are willing to stand up and make it count. steve: why? >> i think because like people say, do you want to be hailed as a racist or this for a logo for a sports team? steve: if you support that leprechaun, you are a racist? >> although i put it this way. one of the things i said is notre dame to me is the larger issue is it's a sign of healthy cultural appropriation.
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you know, when i'm sitting there and i see african-american, asian american and latino come out, the athletes come out wearing a notre dame jersey saying irish on it. i mean, that's kind of a good appropriation. brian: i'm worried that notre dame is going to give in. >> i don't think so. ainsley: are you really? >> leprechaun mythology searching for a pot of gold. notre dame is the pot of gold. they make a lot of money off the leprechaun. they will have a hard time taking him away. ainsley: more people can understand chief wahoo than the leprechaun. >> still in perspective on chief wahoo. look, the other part is people take names as a source of pride. they don't take a name to insult. one reason native american names are popular is because it's associated with a fighting and marshall spirit. right? brian: i thought. so fighting is a compliment. >> well for irish. ainsley: you can't say that now.
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some people can't fight. brian: that's true. bill mcgurn can, clearly. when we come back, more text messages from peter strzok and lisa page that's going to blow the lid off this scandal. [ click, keyboard clacking ] ♪ good questions lead to good answers. our advisors can help you find both. . . . .
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brian: fox news obtained brand new, anti-trump text messages. steve: lisa page said to the boyfriend at fbi, potus wants to know everything we are doing. >> it means the president wants to know what they're doing to stop trump. >> democrats are politically mart snuff to put things memo -- smart enough. it create this is belief there is something being hidden. >> get rid of loopholes where kill remembers allowed to come into our country continue to kill. we'll do a shutdown, worth it for our country. >> yes, shut it down. immigration is the most important issue in the nation. we're at a point where we could get a deal.
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president trump should push for a deal and get it now. ainsley: they thwart ad terror attack on a train headed to paris. brian: they're starring themselves on on the big screen. >> picked up a ak-47, loaded a round into it, rushed them and laid a smackdown on them. ♪ ainsley: made them famous. brian: totally state together. ainsley: they were here first. brian: florida georgia line played us in but, man, these text messages will bring us through. steve: bring us through where? brian: when you read you will know. ainsley: bring us through the rest of the hour. steve: when you thought it couldn't get weirder, we got more text messages. >> this is a fox news alert and a bombshell. fox news obtaining thousands of
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brand new and at this trump text message, exchanges between two fbi lovers, peter strzok, lisa page. brian: we got the close. don't ever text me again. those new texts raising more questions and what the fbi and former president barack obama knew about the clinton investigation and when. steve: griff jenkins live in washington with the very latest. it look as if this appears to lead to the oval office. reporter: that's right. this shocking an new report out by ron johnson of homeland security committee released these text messages that brought you here first. take to you the obama part. september 2nd, 2016, lisa page writes strzok preparing talking points for director james comey. potus wants to know everything we are doing. potus meaning barack obama. according to this report, this now raises questions about
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president obama's personal involvement in the clinton email exchange. sheds light of timing of discovery of thousands of emails on anthony weiner's laptop. 2016, got called out to anthony's earlier. hundreds of thousands of e-mails turned over. includes ton of material from spouse abedin, sending team up tomorrow to review. this will never end. wasn't until a full month later on october 28th, former director comey informs congress he is reopening the clinton investigation, begging the question why it took so long for comey's investigative team to inform him of the discovery. one thing is clear, guys, they learned of their admiration of comey. writing after watching his congressional testimony, god he is so good, strzok said. page, i know. brilliant public speaker around brilliant distillation of fact. on election day more disdain for president trump. page rights, omg, this is effing
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terrifying. strzok rights, omg, i'm so depressed. this makes me angry. high fall lieutenant tin national security talk. unclear what page is referring to that. our task, is the last message. got to get this in there. please don't ever text me again on june 23rd of 2017, last year. a lot to comb through. there is 1500 messages that homeland security committee trying to point out the highlights. we are not leaving a single stone unturned, guys. brian: wow, so the inspector general had this entire time. this is the first time we're getting a chance to see some of this. this is really shedding a lot of light. i wonder what the other 1500 will do? reporter: there is a lot of text messages as well as email correspondence. a lot to go through. one thing for sure, reaching president obama's office in this is brand new.
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ainsley: that is the shocking part. thank you so much, griff. he is talking about the first text griff talked about, potus wants to know everything we're doing. the question is, was there a little club going on? did they all, were they all exchanging information? were they trying to rig the election. steve: but just suggests, if that's true, and there was an animus at the fbi against donald trump, ultimately was the president involved? if you have to the the two lovebirds talking? were they talking to the andy mccabe? was she calling the attorney general at white house? we don't know. we read that particular text message to congressman louie gohmert about an hour ago. he said this about that. >> the president wants to know what they're doing to try to stop trump, because that is clearly, from all the other text messages, that's what they were working on. that's what they cared about. and so, you know, we need to find out, we can't be like the
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fisa court. we have to actually have the facts. we need to get to the bottom of this and find out what the president knew and when he knew it. brian: amazing, because keep in mind we already knew that in july of that same year, 2016, they talked about an insurance policy. they also talkeda secret society. back off. they're just having fun. now after the election, meanwhile, we have our task ahead of us after the election. what is that task? steve: right. >> that could be it, was capitalized, our, it could be anything like our task, we're having this relationship together. it could be anything. we don't know. steve: when it says potus wants to know everything we're doing, are they talking about what they're doing to help hillary clinton? are they talking about the affair they're having? we don't know! ainsley: why did she say in june, don't text me anymore. were they in a fight, or they have gotten our text messages.
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don't text me. brian: gotten back on the iphone. if they are truly under investigation, should we get their iphones? if it affect ad national election. steve: i'm sure they have them. brian: is that personal? steve: i think the inspector general could get anything he wants. what we're talking about here are the text messages, between the lovebirds at the fbi last year. ainsley: still employed there. steve: that's right. that was about the hillary rodham clinton email scandal. talk about today. were there people, bad actors at fbi, who misled the fisa court to get an application and a warrant to spy on carter page on the trump team, kind of, back about a year ago? were things said that were not completely honest? well now, after friday, the republicans put out their memo, regarding that. and now the democrats have one as well. but it is much longer and it is
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much more complicated. ainsley: yes the white house is saying yesterday it will likely be returned to the committee for review this week. so the republicans, theirs was released last friday. will the democrats release theirs? will democrats release it this friday. it is rebuttal. explains what they don't like about the republican memo. explains why certain things were done. but some republicans are complaining, they are saying, they put all the sensitive information, the democrats did. when the president reads it and fbi reads it they have to redact, redact. then on friday they will say president didn't like what we wrote about him. brian: trey gowdy sat down with martha maccallum look at his career, why he is leaving and the investigation and the 10-page memo he saw. >> the democrats are politically smart must have to put things in the memo and bureau or department of justice this needs to be redacted, therefore
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creates belief something hidden from the american people. keep in mind this is the same crowd voted not to release our memo and voted not to gain a lot of this information in the last 12 months. unfortunately we're in an environment where you would include material that you know has to be redacted. you know responsible people are going to redact it, just so that question will be asked. brian: just so you know, you fully realize there, is so much more to know about this, both memos are out, some will be redacted, some won't like it, as martha maccallum tried to disseminate who was giving christopher steele this information? it could have been somebody like sidney bloom plume. he indicated his answer was sidney blumenthal giving information that would give it to the press? he said that would be really warm. so you're getting close. he can't give up information but you're getting close to finding out some things that will get president obama possibly in trouble and hillary clinton in
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additional trouble. steve: meanwhile, adam schiff, the congressman from california who you see on television all the time talking about russia collusion with the trump organization back during the campaign -- ainsley: top democrat on house intel committee. >> apparently about a year ago, we'll tell you the backstory. a couple of russian comics, somehow got him on the phone and convinced him that they were ukrainians and they had dirt on donald trump and it sure sounds like he was desperate to get to the bottom of that. listen to this. >> she got compromising materials on trump after their short relations. >> okay. and what is the nature of the compromise? >> well there were pictures of naked trump. >> okay. and so putin was made aware of the availability of the compromising material? >> yes, of course. >> thank you very much. we will be back in touch with you through our staff to make
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arrangements to obtain these materials for our committee and for the fbi and i appreciate your reaching out to us. brian: the staffer did, he did have a staffer next day reach out to them about getting these pictures, or whatever they have. ainsley: i think it is like the borat movie. we have the pictures of naked trump. steve: adam schiff said i can not believe donald trump could have the meeting with the russian lawyer trying to get dirt on, hillary clinton. watch this. >> whether that is criminal or not will be something bob mueller will ultimately determine but i certainly agree with the kind of damning characterization of it. i don't know that i would call it treason but certainly it was unpatriotic. ainsley: okay. steve: that he met with them. ainsley: when i heard the recording of trump being pranked, adam schiff, he was very measured, he was probably
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thinking this is real, is it not? but what is interesting, it got all the way to him. why would he think they would call him? of all the democrats why would they call him? why wouldn't they call the president. brian: is ranking member of the intelligence committee. ainsley: why wouldn't they to high. saying putin seen these pictures. i was shocked he would even take the call. here he is is, it is a double standard. he is saying this about donald trump, jr. steve: right. ainsley: he is doing same thing talking to russians. steve: donald trump, jr. tweeted this out. irony and hp hypocrisy of this can't be understated. #full of schiff. ainsley: shouldn't have gotten that high. the aides should have vetted the calls and these meetings. brian: say you don't do that, never take a meeting with a foreign source. you're a sitting congressman, you're a representative. you have a businessman making an effort to become a president. they hear about opposition
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research. maybe they made a rookie mistake letting russians come up here. we're debating that ad nauseam, to this day. we know that. don, jr. has already been to capitol hill to talk for hurst. his biggest critic, doing same thing off a phone call. if he thought it was call, he should have reprimanded his staff and hung up the phone. instead the staff followed up next day. steve: how long was he on the phone with him? ainsley: eight minutes. >> you can hear him scribbling down notes. steve: unless he was writing this is fake call. brian: naked trump hashtag. probably not seeing that on the other channels. don't know. not watching them. president trump loved the military day he saw at the bastille in paris. the pentagon is planning a big parade at d.c. at his request. we're at the white house with developments on that. ainsley: look who is in the green room? tim tebow is live coming up. brian: oh, the baseball player.
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♪ ainsley: patriotism might soon hit the streets of washington in full force. plans for a military parade are now in the works. steve: latest call to honor our heroes coming from the president himself. brian: kevin corke joins us right now from the white house. kevin, i guess you will be covering the parade if it happens. reporter: yeah, let me tell you, guys, this is going to be a blast. let me ask you a question, ever see something that was really cool, something you said i would love to do something like that or see something like that again? apparently that is what happened to the president after he saw the bastille day celebration in paris back in july. he saw that. he called it one of the greatest military parade he had ever seen and now he would like to see the u.s. hold a similar parade on pennsylvania avenue right here in washington. fox news has confirmed he has in fact asked the pentagon to work up a plan. let me show you what sarah huckabee sanders has to say about it. he says the president is incredibly supportive of america's great servicemembers who risk their lives every day
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to keep our country safe. he asked the department of defense to explore a sell operation, which all americans, me you, everybody, can show their appreciation. asked about the idea of a trump parade, general joe dunford said, yep, i'm aware of the president's request. we are in the initial stages of planning. i got to tell you, that looks like it would be an absolute blast. and ideally what would happen on the 4th of july weekend. i would love so see it. i'm sure we would have the showdown here. put in a call for that, "fox & friends" live on the mall. brian: on the 4th of july you would get time 1/2 because it's a holiday. reporter: i'm ready for it. steve: kevin, we all love a parade, but we should have one today, actually, yesterday, to celebrate your birthday. ainsley: happy birthday, whoo! reporter: my goodness. thank you. ainsley: do anything fun? reporter: i went out. ate well, drank well, slept
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well, thank you. thanks, guys. ainsley: glad you were born, kevin. brian: we all are. hopefully we don't get our snow starting now. ainsley: is it starting to snow? yes! steve: looks likes snow. ainsley: winter is not over. steve: it's not. ainsley: thank you, janice. president trump hosting a group of sheriffs at the white house to discuss the crackdown on ms-13. how did that go? one of the sheriffs in the room will join us live next. steve: you want to see that. the real-life american heroes stopped terror attack on the train, played themselves in the new clint eastwood movie about themselves. you will hear from spencer, alec and anthony coming up. ♪
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jillian: god wednesday morning to you, welcome back. we have headlines for you. justice department taking aim at previously deported illegal immigrant accused of the killing a nfl player in a drunk driving crash. 37-year-old is facing immigration charges. it killed indianapolis colts linebacker, edwin jackson and his uber-driver. >> we have the wall a tool for epforces our immigration law, something every other country on the face of the earth does. this would not have happened. two people would still be alive. that is what makes this steve, not a drunk driving case but immigration case. jillian: savala is due in court. the house passing a stopgap bill
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that would extend funding until march 22nd. as congress tries to work through gridlock, president trump speaks out on importance of immigration deal. >> won't change it let's have a shutdown. we'll do a shutdown. it is worth it for our country. i would love to see a shutdown if we don't get this stuff taken care of. jillian: lawmakers have until tomorrow at midnight. brian. brian: president trump welcoming law enforcement officials to the white house yesterday where he made those remarks, making his message clear about the threat of ms-13. >> we need these immigration laws changed. not another country in the world has the stupidity of laws we do when it comes to immigration, if we don't get them changed, this is not politics, this isn't republican and democrat. this is common sense. brian: would you i this our next guest attended meeting with president the chuck jenkins from frederick county over in maryland. he joins you now. i know you understand the
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president take this is serious. what did you tell him about your ms-13 problem? >> i told the administration the ms-13 problem in our county is growing violent crime organization. the president realize this is. the his message is clear. ms-13 is a menace to our society, he is going to declare war against them. brian: what do you need from him, from the federal government, being a local problem? >> what the president asked for, what i agree with 100%. we need the laws changed, we need the policy changes and need tools to do our job. a lot of sheriffs don't, some sheriffs don't agree with this but i happen to agree i need everything i can do, everything i can have, every resource available to fight this problem. brian: we talked in the break. you don't have any sanctuary cities near but the other sheriffs you, some will come on our show we don't like the idea if you're here illegally we could arrest you, we don't get sources within the illegal immigrant community.
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what do you say that? >> i say that is totally false rhetoric. no indication in my jurisdiction there is any fear of any immigrant coming forward to report a crime. there are protections in place. they well know that. brian: so gangs are gangs. the crips, they're horrible and they destroy communities and they terrorize people. what is the difference with this gang? >> this is a transnational criminal organization, much like, and i kind of relate it like this, brian, if you follow me, why don't we treat ms-13, or transnational gang like international terrorist group. we would not allow isis, al qaeda or the taliban to flourish in our communities. let's go after them. get the full force of the law behind us and root them out of this country. brian: bring is inside of that room if you could. tell me what you thought of the president going in and the way he was thought to take this problem with illegal immigration as it relates to ms-13 and what do you think now? >> well i know, i knew going into the room he takes it serious. we have a president who does
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take it seriously. he will bring down the full force of federal law enforcement, department of justice to go after these criminals. i agree with him 100%. brian: people wonder where did they come from, why does the president say shut it down? the reason he listens to all the men and women crack down on this, he sees the frustration in washington don't have his back fully on illegal immigration, that is why he said things have to stop. that is the frustration i saw coming up, coming up from him around the table where you were sitting. >> absolutely. there is a level of frustration there. everybody in that room knows that they know where the democrats stand in congress on this i have to tell you, brian, every crime against every american in this country, i hold the legislators responsible or at least complicit in those crimes against americans if they don't support the president. brian: just let you guys do your job, that is all you're asking. jeff, appreciate it. >> thank you. brian: real-life american heroes who stop ad terror attack on a train heading to paris. guess what, clint eastwood, said
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play yourselves in the movie. the movie looks fantastic. they joined us earlier. we'll bring you back highlights. more on our top story, stunning no other way to say it, new anti-trump text messages between peter strzok and lisa page. 1500 more coming out. cheryl atkinson, a great investigative reporter in her own right, gives the analysis. ♪
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ormula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd
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backed by 15 years of clinical studies. that's why i fight. because it's my vision. preservision. they appear out of nowhere. my secret visitors. hallucinations and delusions. the unknown parts of living with parkinson's. what plots they unfold, but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson's will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. if your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinson's specialist. there are treatment options that can help. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. brian: fox news alert now. bombshell exclusive, fox news obtaining thousands of brand new anti-trump text messages between fbi lovers peter strzok and lisa page. steve: those text messages raising more questions about the fbi and perhaps president
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obama's involvement during the clinton investigation of her email server. ainsley: look at that text right there, on september 2nd, 2016, page writes, strzok about preparing talking points for fbi director james comey, saying this, potus wants to know everything we're doing. steve: page's last text message on june 23rd, 2017, reads simply, please don't ever text me again. we don't know if they broke up or they figured we would all see them one day. cheryl atkinson joins us live. what do you make of all these? >> makes me wonder what is in five months of text messages we don't have, the department of inspector general recovered not turned over to con yes. for some reason he is sending the messages back to department of justice. he said to congress, you can get the messages through doj, i won't object to that. adding another layer and delay. brian: jeff sessions should be the one to say okay take it.
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>> i don't know what his recusal covers. i don't know how that happens. i think the text messages should have been turned over the day congress found they were recovered. i don't know why they don't have them. ainsley: what do you think potus wants to know everything we're doing? >> i think it means what it says. perhaps missing text messages we don't know and perhaps there is more information on that. steve: text messages we're seeing the senate has gotten their hand on, they asked the department of justice, these are the ones they have given. there are probably thousands of others only the inspector general at the department of justice has in his custody. apparently his report will come out in a month or two. do you trust him? >> well you know, i have no reason no not trust him on its face, but i will say congress when they wanted to see those messages he said they did not notify them that he had recovered them. remember they were thought to be missing. brian: this is one-week story.
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we thought they lost it because of the device. >> first of all ig didn't tell them initially if he discovered five months were missing. once congress discovered and announced five months were missing he didn't immediately come to the office and has not given them to congress directly. steve: we need to remind folks you're suing the department of justice, you feel the obama administration spied on you with one of those keystroke monitoring programs. >> we had seven forensic exams by different groups. we presented a lot of detail. we amended our complaint to include fbi and verizon. >> i want to move on to fisa, i want to bring up one area we need explanations for. they find anthony weiner's laptop of information with huma abedin. they are told that the information is on here. fbi office call andy mccabe, and three weeks between that communication happens and we all
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find out about it. hillary clinton says to this day, that is the reason why i lost, okay? what happened in those three weeks? did james comey know and hold it? was james comey kept from the information by andy mccabe? >> those are great questions that have to be asked. i'm not sure people understand, congress has an oversight role. they are equal to the executive branch and judiciary in terms of that and they are supposed to have this information as necessary in timely basis and not be obstructed. steve: the reason i mentioned your lawsuit against the department of justice, you're saying that the federal government spied on you. the big question, did they go to the fisa court? did they do all of that? you have written a great op-ed at the, did the fbi violate the woods procedures in vetting the fisa claims. explain what wood procedures are. >> explain in in the big picture what happened to me and other people that haven't been revealed yet. the surveillance abuses we're seeing pattern of 10 to 20 years of bad actors in the
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intelligence community i've been told by sources have been presenting bad evidence it fisa court but it is never seen. so we don't know that, to obtain illegal warrants or warrants that would not otherwise be granted. there are other surveillance abuses allegedly occurred. i think this is all connected. the reason they didn't want donald trump, not so much his political positions how much they hate him, is one guy once elected would fear would peer what they have been doing past 10 to 20 years. it is bigger than the 2016 election. it is why they did do that. brian: go ahead. >> the woods procedures say, my read of it, you can read for yourself, you're not allowed to present a single unverified fact to the fisa court. doesn't matter how much they relied on it, not a single unverified fact. ainsley: how did the dirty dossier get in their hands? >> good question. two high-ranking sources worked under obama and one worked under clinton and bush who both separately contacted me when they heard this news, criminal.
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i didn't ask the question, they both said criminal. brian: wow. if you present something and footnote at the bottom, presented by a political organization that is not enough. we don't know what happened in that room. do you believe, cheryl, the new york times request, along with the request that is put forward from congress will get the transcripts out and find out what took place for the first time ever between that judge, or those judges and those and the fbi? >> it depend. will congress press to do it? will there be a lot of opposition and squawking about it. brian: "new york times" wants it >> another intelligence source says this is pretext to look at all the fisa activity looked over past 10, 20 years. i don't think it will be done. i think it ought to be done. ainsley: pulling back the curtain. >> these are intelligence-connected people not outside. brian: no defense to push back. we shouldn't look at cheryl's text messages or carter page's
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phone calls. >> i'm not sure people realize this, is one of the most serious violation of privacy do to american citizen is wiretap. may not be done out of suspicion or curiosity, you may think they have done something bad because you don't like the way they're acting. you have to bring to the court with verified evidence through other means to get the electronic surveilance. it is very strict process. president has certification authority has to certify on these. three of four wiretaps i believed were signed by certification authority unpresident trump. did his certification authority tell him this was happening? who was the certification authority? steve: exactly with did they say. cheryl, thank you very much for bringing all that to us. once again read the op-ed at the cheryl atkinson. ainsley: jillian has headlines. jillian: good morning to you as well. starting with this story, american hero and father overseas found dead at train station in germany near a u.s.
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military training camp. 34-year-old first sergeant was on a nine-month deployment when he passed away. the 15-year veteran's death is still under investigation. leaves behind a nine-year-old daughter. the mother of natalie holloway, the alabama teen who mysteriously vanished in aruba is suing a a major tv network. filing a 35 million-dollar lawsuit against oxygen, they create fake documentary series on her daughter. she was tricked into her providing dna to be matched against newly-found remains. natalie has been missing since 2005. her body has never been found. three american friends on trip to europe thwarted a terror attack on a train headed to pair race. now these real-life here rest are staring as themselves on the big screen. ♪ those real life stars stopped by earlier to talk to us about their new film.
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the "15:17 to paris." >> this is something we never considered as possibility. >> once a year, basically for us it was good, we needed somebody of that cachet to be able to do something like this. >> when he asked us to play ourselves it was honestly just fantastic, we had even more control over our own story. jillian: the "15:17 to paris" hits theaters this friday. you guys had a chance to talk to them. pretty cool. steve: they played themselves as heroes, had the guy who got shot play himself, brought his wife along. ainsley: looks like a great movies. comes out on friday. steve: it was snowing a minute ago in new york city. janice dean, look like it stopped. janice: it is snowing, sleeting raining. this is andy. what do you think of new york? >> it is fan tats tick. it is cold. janice: take a look at maps. we're dealing with a storm
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system bringing a mix of rain, sleet, freezing rain and snow. there it is. potentially a very rough commute across portion of the northeast. we're getting rain, sleet mix north of that. we'll see pretty big snow totals. south of that it will be a rain event. in between where we have the pink stuff on the map it will be dangerous. so be careful. say hi to anybody at home real quick? >> hello, amy, andy, i'm andy obviously. sorry about that and the family from memphis. janice: memphis. thank you for coming out in the sleet, snow, freezing rain. back inside. steve: thank you, andy. ainsley: from the man named andy, that is cute. steve: defense secretary james mattis slamming lawmakers for not being able to pass a budget. >> without sustained, predictable appropriations, my presence here today wastes your time because no strategy can survive without the funding necessary to resource it. steve: so what is going on?
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congressman mac thornberry chaired that hearing. he is here to react next. ainsley: the westminster kennel club, that show is just around the corner. tim tebow is here with his pick for the top dog, coming up. ♪ if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪ ♪...nausea, heartburn,♪ indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ here's pepto bismol! ah. ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪
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we know that when you're >> tspending time with thelass grandkids... ♪ music >> tech: ...every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield.
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that's why at safelite, we'll show you exactly when we'll be there. with a replacement you can trust. all done sir. >> grandpa: looks great! >> tech: thanks for choosing safelite. >> grandpa: thank you! >> child: bye! >> tech: bye! saving you time... so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ ♪ ainsley: the house armed services committee got an earful from secretary of defense jim mattis laying out the dire details of congress's failure to pass a budget. >> the combination of rapidly-changing technology, the negative impact on military readiness, resulting from the longest, continuous stretch of combat in our nation's history, and insufficient funding have created an overstretched and underresourced military. ainsley: although the house did pass a funding extension late yesterday, mattis warns that without stable funding, the pentagon won't be able to pay
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our troops, maintain our ships or keep enough ammo on hand. steve: house armed services committee chairman congressman mac thornberry adding this budget dysfunction has a human cost as well. he joins us from statuary hall. good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: i'm old enough to remember back in the old days when there weren't all the budget skirmishes between the republicans and democrats, certainly never over the national budget regarding the military, yet now, it looks like, you know, people are pulling at the military budget as if it is something that is optional. >> yeah. you're right. and one of the reasons secretary mattis has so much credibility is because he says things, he just talks like it is as he did at the hearing yesterday. our situation now is nearly everybody agrees we need to do better by the military, but you have got some republicans who say, i will vote for more military spending, if you cut
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other spending because i'm worried about the deficit. you have democrats who say, i will support the military if you increase other spending. so the military is in the middle as a political football, and meanwhile we are unfortunately losing more and more servicemembers, training accidents because planes can't fly, ships can't sail. they're not getting training they need. it has got to stop. ainsley: there are several things come to mind. i can't believe democrats, this wouldn't be at top of their list to fund our military. because we're asking men and women to sacrifice so much to put their lives on the line, these parents dads need them to be around and we need our country to be safe. another thing that pasts all of us, the pentagon lost $700 million. you say this has a human cost. will you get into that a little bit what we're talking about? >> we can talk dollars and we can talk strategy but just like you said, the most important part of our defense or the, are the men and women who serve. just last year, 2017, we lost 21
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servicemembers who were killed in hostile action, but we lost 80, four times as many, who were killed in training accidents. that's part of the human cost. because, for example, where we lost so many sailors in those accidents out in the pacific, some of those sailors were working 100 hours a week. some of them didn't even know how to work the controls in front of them because they hadn't gotten training they needed. is that is the human cost. it is loss of life, it is injuries because we're not doing best we can for our military. ainsley: there is no excuse. we can't ask the men and women to sign up for the country and and not protect them. that is ridiculous. steve: we need a budget. neil: extend it to the military as long as we can budget that. thanks, congressman for joining us live. >> thanks for having me. steve: that is very troubling. straight ahead, switching gears,
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westminster kennel club show around the corner. tim tebow is here with his top picks for top dog. ainsley: first sandra what is coming up at top of the hour. >> i came from the green room. a lot of fun being had there. new texts between fbi officials showing a lot more disdain for republicans an donald trump as well as new clues into the clinton email investigation into the fbi. all of this as we await word on the president's decision. will he or won't he release the democrat's surveillance memo? are dems laying a trap for the president? we'll ask all of this, hogan gidley from the white house joins us in a moment. big lineup on "america's newsroom," including senator joe manchin, congressman duncan hunter and brad wenstrup, and i at the top of the hour. es nationwide.
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♪ brian: 142nd westminster dog show is around the conner. start clapping, any of these dog breeds could win best in show. steve: here with the top picks. tim tebow is the official bark tologist, everybody had a super bowl had a bracket. now you are a bark tologis. ainsley: what did you do to get that title? >> what i have did honestly. i picked my bracket. y'all should pick y'all's. he just said his dog was better than my dog. it is just not true, people! okay? you need to understand. brian: i will post both our dogs back-to-back.
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>> row depreciation ridge back. i'm super biased but i still think i have a chance to within a million dollars with pro plan. you need to fill out your bracket. brian: you can win a million bucks? >> you can win a million dollars. if you love dogs, go fill out the bracket to get a million dollars. ainsley: what about a date with you. >> the dog has a date with you. >> dogs and a date with tim tebow. >> every girl at fox is in the green room. every girl i know texted me already today. you're very popular. brian: you have no idea. >> tell us what you're life, what you're doing, you've done so much. >> it has been super busy. so honored to be here with pro plan and for this bracket. i love dogs. i love competing. but some other things going on in my life. two days from now we have our night to shine which is a worldwide prom for people with
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special needs. brian: that will be great. tell us how this will go down. >> 2800 dogs enter ad the westminster dog show. >> 2800. winner not going to be yours. brian: why didn't it make that list? >> honestly who would you pick as your champions best in show? brian: i have problems with boxers, big droolers. ainsley: come on. brian: no success with german shepherds. go with german shepherd. >> they won 17 times. brian: they won last year. >> 17-time winner. ainsley: all the dogs are winners at westminster. steve: see the show on fox sports 1. tune in on february 12th and 1th with the big finish. >> a ridgeback is going to win. and a ridgeback is going to win. ♪
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>> to win the million dollars with the clean bracket go to. >> dog show >> let's see if you can beat my bracket. >> bill: go for it. good morning. fox news alert now. more anti-trump text messages revealed from the f.b.i. there were thousands of newly uncovered messages between peter strzok and lisa page working at the agency then showing a lot more disdain for the president while raising new questions about the clinton email investigation. a new timeline to understand today. and the potential involvement of then-president obama, which is a bit of a mystery at the moment. i'm bill hemmer live inside "america's newsroom" midweek on a wednesday so far. how are you? >> sandra: good morning, bill. doing all right this morning. i'm sandra smith, thousands of newly public texts include reaction from strzok and page to the 2016 election. page writing


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