tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News February 7, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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cd sales were down at most 20% last year in the store that was once the biggest music merchandiser in the u.s. best buy is softening the blow to generation x. they will continue to carry vinyl records. that's it for us from washington. 7 we will see you tomorrow night. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. we have exclusive reporting on how google may be stalking you, tracking your every move. even if you think you know how surveillance capitalism works. this will shock you, it shocked us. we have an investigation going up in a minute. we want to start with the biggest news development of the day. there is still no evidence the trump campaign colludedd with vladimir putin. hundreds of journalists and criminal investigators, tens of millions of taxpayer dollars more than year relentless searching that has basically shut the government down. in the end, nothing. but that doesn't mean we haven't learned a great deal about how our government actually works. we have. just today another trove of fbi text messages became public.
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last night the senate released a criminal referral to the justice department against christopher steele. he's the shadowy author of the trump dossier. so there is an awful lot going on. here's some of the most significant developments in the last 24 hours. now, you remember in the spring of 2016, presidentn obama was asked if the public could have confidence that his administration would never tamper with the criminal investigation. he responded unequivocallably quote, i guarantee that there no political influence in any investigation conducted by the justice department or the fbi in any case, full stop, period. that sounded definitive. and, yet, newly released fbi texts suggest that may be false. just five months after obama made that claim, fbi attorney lisa page texted senior agent peter strzok with whom she was having an affair to say, this quote: potus wants to know everything we're doing. now, keep in mind at the time that page wrote the hillary clinton investigation had been closed but the investigation
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of donald trump had begun. the fbi clearly understood that president obama was watching closely. that's the headline from today's batch of texts. there are many more texts on the way. remember those five months of text messages have somehow lost they have somehow been found. department of justice has them and congress is waiting to get them. you can expect more revelations to come. last night as we said the senate judiciary committee released a redacted version of criminal referral dossierry author christopher steele a carefully written document and packet with information. got far less attention than the now famous devin nunes memo but may tell us much more.t for example, the senate memo released last night explainsns how christopher steele deliberately mislead the fbi about the dossier he assembled. steele told federal investigators he had not spoken to any media outlets about his research. in fact, he has spoken to many of them, including the "new york times," "the washington post," yahoo news, the new yorker and cnn. that's not forgetfulness. if this memo is accurate,
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steele lied to the fbi. and that's a federal crime. but maybe more important, thanks to steele's deception, the fbi relied on a yahoo news report tobi verify the dossier when, in fact, the yahoo story was itself simply citing theoo dossier. circular. it would be pretty funny ifr. it weren't so incompetent. yet, here is the striking thing. even after the fbi learned that steele was lying to them. this they continued to use his dossier to justify spying on carter page. as the senate memo makes clear, there are only two possible explanations for this. either the fbi lied to the fisa court by saying steele had not spoken to journalists before october of 2016, that's one. or, two, steele lied to the fbi and is therefore a discredited source. neither one is good. both are bad. there is more. the senate memo describes steele as sloppy and reckless researcher, intense partisan with passionately left-wing views about american politics whoen included unsolicited,
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unverified allegations in his assessments you, apparently some of those allegations came from hillary clinton's own associates, that's that f seems odd sings the clinton campaign was helping to pay for the dossier in the first t place. there you go. as memo puts it dry understatement. all of this quote raises additional concerns about steele's credibility. yeah, that's for sure. in fact, it's hard to see how any fair person could. disagree with that sentence. yet, for some reason, the fbi seem to have no concerns about steele's credibility. his work, the dossier appears to form the basis of this entire investigation. if there is more evidence out there that points to collusion during the 2016 campaign, we haven't seen it. we haven't even heard. whispers of it at a moment like this leaks are the realm. primary way people communicate information, it's hard to imagine we haven't heard of any otherar evidence.un so maybe there isn't any. is the steele dossier the entire thing all they have
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got the steele dossier seems to me the reason we are having this conversation in the first place. that does not inspire confidence. congressman matt getz is a republican representing the state of florida. he joins us tonight. thanks for coming on. >> good to be on, tucker. >> tucker: i want to point out a story we had on last night the daily mail broke. the lead on the russia probe in the house among democrats was suckered in a prank phone call into believing that the ukrainian group had naked pictures president trump was reportedly having an affair with he then dispatched researcher or aide on the committee to call back the number and set up a document drop at the ukrainian embassy. that seems like a significant story. it's not being covered today. do you think that's a meaningful thing to know? >> absolutely, tucker. adam schiff should step aside as the lead democrat on the intelligence committee as a consequence of this scandal.l. while our fbi and justice department were suffering
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through an obama nation, an obama influence with these ateempts to influence investigations, had you adam schiff off playing footies with the ukrainians trying to get naked pictures of donald trump. adam schiff has gone with someone with oversight responsibilities to an actual principle in this investigation engaging in the ukrainians and i think for better objectivity, he ought to step aside. >> tucker: correct me if i am wrong, and i'm really trying to be open-minded because maybe trump colluded with putin. i'm waiting for the evidence. but the allegation appears to be this. that trump's associates, including one of his children, spoke to a russian lawyer in an effort to get damaging information on the other campaign, on a political rival, hillary clinton. adam schiff is basically admitted that he sought damaging campaign political rival from a foreign government. why is that different?ol >> well, even more analogous would be jeff sessions.. jeff sessions was talked into recusing himself because of a hand shake in a greeting line.
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here you have adam schiff engaging with ukrainians trying to dig up dirt on the president with seemingly no interest in whether or not the information is true or false or doctored. if you use the same standard applied to schiff he should have no role as a lead on this issue. if you look at his credibility with the american people, it'sk eroded. i mean, it was only a few weeks ago adam schiff saying if we released the national security memo there would be national security catastrophe that's been proven to be false. time and again he has lost credibility. the fact that he actively engaged with ukrainian a principles. the fact that he goes on russian sponsored television channel to talk about our intelligence system certainly indicates that adam schiff should step aside. >> tucker: that's the level of hypocrisy that would really embarrass most people. if you are calling for a president to leave office based on charges, standards t that you yourself violateded wouldn't you look at yourself in the mirror and say that's too hypocritical? >> why does nancy pelosi
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think. as she was calling for devin nunes to be released as intelligence chairman even though there was an investigation that cleared devin nunes that found he did nothing wrong. adam schiff clearly engaging in shady tactics and nancy pelosi spent her 8 hours onng the floor with a different rambling narrative. >> tucker: really quick are f we out on a limb suggestingra that the dossier seems to be the core document that spurred this investigation? is there other evidence that you know of? >> i have seen no other evidence. the reason you know dossier is the core piece of evidence because they had to have christopher steele go plant news articles to h validate the dossier. the very author of the dossier has to create and manufacture other fax to validate the dossier it cannot validate itself.. it has no mechanism to be proven true because it's all false. >> tucker: freshman philosophy class. you're exactly right though. congressman, thank you.hy >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: steven cohen is professor emeritus of russian studies and politics s at nyu and princeton, a contributing editor of the nation maybe the most famous russian scholar in the
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united states. he joins us tonight. professor, thanks for coming on. so, am i missing -- i just want to be absolutely clear because i think this helps inform how we see this investigation. are you aware of any other evidence at all of collusion between the trump campaign and russian government other than the dossier? >> no. none. but, there are two documents that became the foundational sources for the kremlin gate narrative. it was first the steele dossier which surely k informed the so-called intelligence community assessment in january of 2017. we were told that was the judgement of 17 intelligence agencies. it now turns out to have been the judgment of no intelligence agency. just a few guys at the top. that's all that's ever been produced and it's not credible. a >> tucker: what about, we know that dossier was at least part of the rationale few of the warrant that allowed the feds to spy on carter page. do you think other people in
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trump's orbit during the campaign were spied on by the federal government? >> oh, i don't the article i just publishedy in the nation i asked that question. we need to find out.t. i mean why did they, for example, get a warrant on carter page, who on the very surface of it, is no threat to american national security. and then on paul manafort. we might assume they did it because they thought these two men would be close, even in the same room with donald trump. and wanted to surveil him. but, let me just make one point, carter -- tucker. what interests me is not who paid for the dossier. we know it was the clinton campaign. >> tucker: right. >> but where steele got this information. in the article i write, i suggest that it's highly unlikely he got it from his so-called connections in the kremlin. now, there's a tempt underway to rehabilitate steele. on the front page of "the washington post" today thereat is a story that portrays him as a character of the spy. he may well be.
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a man without a purpose in life. retired at an early age and for hire. this is the guy who noww enters our life and used and larger question that comes to my mind but you know the answer better than i do is how many branches of government do we actually have? i was taught we had three. what's been going on above, with the intelligence services and not only the fbi, raises the question is there is a fourth branch of government that's influences not only our politicians but because they were leaking to the media, what we voters think when we go to vote. >> tucker: do you think that the information in the dossier and you are a credible person to ask this of. do you think it's credible? i mean, do you think it's real?hi do you think it came from real sources?s it can be verified? it hasn't yet been do you think it will be or has it been made up.
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>> we have to deconstruct it. i some of it is true because he got it from open sources from newspapers. i mean, was it really a mystery?y when i was in moscow over the years i know donald trump wanted to go to hotel in moscow. it was widely discussed. it was in the papers. you need to hire a guy for the money they paid steele to tell you that? we knew, for example, that the oil company that purportedly was going to pay carter zillion of dollars. it was a preposterous tale it was known they were going to privatize 15% of that oil company.y. you have sat steele whoever it was or his associates with and read the russian press and got been 50% ofs that information. >> tucker: a lot of our intelligence comes from newspapers. that's the shocking truth asot you well know.w. professor, thank you for that. i appreciate it. well robin is a formal regional director for barack obama's 2008 campaign.
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he joins us tonight. thank you for coming on. >> thanks for having me, >> tucker: i think it's important to have an open mind i have never been a friend of russia or anything like that. been going on a year and prevented the government from doing whether a it ought to do as an investigation. fair for the american citizen to say what's this about? accusing people of treasonon a a betraying their country. only thing i have able to come up with is this dossier prima facie flawed. what else do you know about. >> you know as well as i do to obtain a fisa warrant you have to have at least 10 forms of corroborating evidence. that was just one of them. and, you know, comey was correct. >> tucker: what are the others? >> we don't know. that investigation is still ongoing. we haven't been privy to that. five other investigations. >> tucker: that's all we do in washington is stage investigations. >> i know. right. >> tucker: look, at a certain point you think that's fine. get it.ri allegation is out there. let's get to the bottom of it but this is the basis much a
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partisan war right now. at some point the rest ofs have you a right what are you talking about? you got the dossier. what else is there? can you point to a single other fact that suggests actual collusion between the trump campaign and the government of vladimir putin? >> now, you are a smart man,mi you know as well as i do that fbi investigations could not work like that. we are not privy to ongoing investigations. >> tucker: no, no. >> we know that people have been charged. we know that there have been charges.>> >> tucker: none of the charges have anything to do with collusion with the russian government. you had two people charged for things they did long before the campaign and two others charged for lying to the fbi. i mean, and let's be real. we both know what that means. it's not a real thing. honestly, like the whole leadership of your party is accusing people of betraying their country. do we have any evidence that's real? like any? >> i want to go back to the very first thing that you said. struck a cord with me because as a veteran i had
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the same oath to uphold the constitution that our federal agents do. they are just doing their jobs to uphold our way of democracy. >> tucker: slow down. i'm not attacking them. i'm talking about ourr elected leaders in congress have gone way out on a limb accusing people they disagree with politically for work for a foreign and hostile nation and i think t now after a year more thatst be a year it's fair of me to ask what are you talking about? o do you have any evidence that that's true? and as i said the only piece i can see is the dossier which i doubt you will defend because it's impossible to defend. is there something else that's forming the basis of these allegations?n >> yes, like i said. there were at least nine other forms of corroborating evidence. we are not privy to that information because it's an open fbi investigation u the public is not. >> tucker: what percentage of fisa warrants are granted. >> something like 52%. that's a lot.
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>> tucker: it's a lot. it's only fake if it's like an albanian election like you get all the vote. i think it's fair tore me to ask like what was the evidence? have you stopped our government from working. why are you doing that? what do you know that we should know about trump's collusion with russia? and the answer is there's nothing. it's this dossier. this is all a bad joke then what else is there? >> that's one -- i don't want to be so redundant but it's on of at least 9 forms of. >> tucker: can you name me any of them? >> no. fbi investigation. i don't work at the fbi. they have to. >> i understand. >> in order to get a fisa warrent even though 90% of bench warrant is granted you don't need real evidence to get one.
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>> all of the legal analyst that i have heard these fisa warrant between 60 and 90 pages so it can't just be salacious dossier. >> tucker: they are long so they therefore must be true? is that what you are saying. have faith in a system that clearly needs oversighted. i wonder why i can't have some facts. >> because it's an open investigation. >> tucker: oh. >> g.o.p. shut party of law and order.. i feel like this is an attack on the preeminent law enforcement agency in the country. >> tucker: oh, right. you feel that's a talking points the democrats sent out this morning. it's not going to work on this show. >> i didn't even know that. >> tucker: i actually do believe in law and order and in order to believe in it i need to know that the people a administering it are on the level and therefore i have the right to ask honest questions and i' m not getting any honest answers..
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>> it's an open investigation. >> my last question then since you know know believe this investigation is based on. only the fbi does and -- should accuse anybody else being a tool of the federal government until we get that data, those fax.x. >> you better believe it i agree with you wholeheartedly there. i would like for them to do their job were let him go unimpeded and let himself be exnonener rate offed. >> we are all innocent until proven guilty. good to see.e. >> good to see you, thank you. >> fbi text messages are pretty embarrassing. pretty amazing, too. mark steyn has taken a look at them. he joins us next
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♪ >> tucker: newly released text messages between peter strzok and lisa page don't simplely from implications to the russia investigation they are embarrassing form the fbi. they tell us more than maybe we wanted to know. one text exchange strzok refers to the virginia citizens he serves as ignorant hillbillies he misspells the for the crime of not electing mccabe's wife. strzok adult male message strzok adult male message page in all caps omg this is f'ing terrifying he squealed. page replied omg i am so
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depressed. obviously an articulate group. a few days later page wrote this i bought all the president's men i figured i need to brush up on watergate what our task was w remains unclear. mark steyn is an author and columnist. he has seen these texts and he joins us tonight.t. uneducated hillbillies, huh? >> omg, tucker. lol. i think last time they came up on your show john rewritten by teen beat. i'm glad to say they have managed to keep that up. i don't understand -- just to be serious for a moment nobody ever resigns in washington unless they are caught up in me too.
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front of camera and say peter strzok one meeting wearing harvey weinstein's bath robe. he is out. absent that nobody resigns. i don't understand why these two are still in government service? t we were accused of being bigots by joy reid and her chums at msnbc a week or two back. these people actually are bigots. they think of virginians as hillbillies and romanians as sleazy. one point they are talking about this guccifer big internet guy in romania described as sleazy romanian and lisa page text strzok back all romanians are sleazy. combine the crookedness of russians with the entitledness of italians. what's that one, two, three nation states whose entire populations have just been
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put down the banality of this. go back what your previous guest was saying they are all sworn. they have all taken this oath to uphold the constitution of the united states. they are not. they are just two love birds who apparently get turned on by hyper partisan politics. they are completely unqualified for the jobs they are holding and way they are still tolding those jobs is a complete disgrace to this fbi of which mr. biro is so proud. >> tucker: because no one is ever fired from the federal government, more likely to die in the job than ever be fired from the job.. that's part of the problem. you wonder what's the fbi's response to this? >> well, the fbi responsee has been to protect itself. you know, this goes righte back to when the bureau of investigation was set up by 110 years ago, 1908, i think.
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and congress was actually concerned, so concerned that the attorney general, then bonepart. the guy who was nephew. he specifically assured congress that the fbi would not be used to monitor political dissent or to set loose investigations on politicians at the behest of their parties and opponents in the white house. we are seeing more and more clearly 110 years later that's the two things the fbi is doing. they set their dogs on carter page because they could get to their political opponents. they are -- they loose them on a whole collection of trump associates basically at the direction of the most senior figures in the democratic party.
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this is an absolute disgrace and those two should not be in office.e >> tucker: couldn't agree more. mark steyn, thank you. great to see you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: white house chief of staff john kelly has infuriated the left with a comment about dreamers. was it untrue? that's always the first question. was it true or not? the question nobody asks but we will. next.
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>> tucker: google may be stalking you. how that company could may very well be tracking your every move. t we have some major developments on that tonight. but, first, house majority leader nancy pelosi delivered the longest speech today.e history apparently she went on for more than 8 hours in an effort to pressure congresspa to give amnesty to illegal immigrants. >> so now we have the first republican president in. modern time, the first president, really who is anti-immigrant. >> to minister to the needs of god's creation is an act of worship. to ignore those needs is to dishonor the god who made us. we are not asking for something off the wall -- yeah maybe it is off the wall. the vote will yield soon until i yield back. i have no intension
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of yielding back, mr. speaker. >> newcomers with all of that hope and aspiration they make america more >> tucker: went on for manye hours like this. she said many things. one thing she said was striking.. listen how she describes howai her grandson badly wishes he were of a different race. watch. >> i'm reminded of my own grandson. he had a very close friend whose name is antonio, is he from guatemala. and he has beautiful, tan skin, beautiful brown eyes. and the rest. and this was such a proud day for me because when my grandson blew out the candles on his cake, they said did you make a wish? and he said yes, i made a wish. >> i said what is your wish? he said i wish i had brown skin and brown eyes like antonio. so beautiful. so beautiful. the beauty is in the mix. >> tucker: was it healthy to hate yourself for the way that god made you? nancy pelosi thinks it is.
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her delight says everything about the modern democratic party. certain races are good. others are bad. so bad that it's consideredac beautiful to hate your own innate appearance and want it changed. and that pelosi is saying one of the main reasons she supports mass immigration so america will look different and in her view better than m it does now. now, whatever you think of that idea, it is a genuinely radical sentiment.r nobody has said anything like that on the house floor for a long time. they used to. a but they don't anymore. and for good reason. elevating one race over another is the definition of bigotry.e pelosi may not be sharp enough to understand the consequences of what she just say. she may not know what she is saying. u if you want to live in a country where everyone doesn't hate everyone else for the color of your skin, you ought not say things like that. democrats ought to stop talking like this in public. the white house meanwhile chief of staff saying hundreds of illegal immigrants didn't sign up for daca in part because some of them may have beeneg too lazy, watch. d >> there are 690,000 official daca registrants.
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and the president sent over what amounts to be 2 and a half times that number to 1.8 million. the difference between 690 and 1.8 million were the people that some would sayet were too afraid to sign up, others were woo say were too lazy to get off their -- but they didn't sign up. >> tucker: the left is howling of course and jumping up and down like the hyenas they are. t think about what he said. daca did exist for five years with carve out people brought here under the age of 18. a lot of ways to help people sign up for it programs, translater, lawyers. at love things to help immigrants apply. yet more than a million people who are eligible to apply to the program failed to do so. why is that? exactly? what does it tell us about them? roberto hernandez is an immigration activist. he joins us.s. thanks for coming on. >> hey, how are you doing?he >> tucker: i'm doing great.. i think it's a really interesting question.
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so the majority the peoplele who were eligible for this program, which i think is unconstitutional in the first place but it existed. they didn't sign up for the program. now, maybe some would say they are lazy. i don't think that's the i think they just didn't care think didn't care about our they didn't care about the following the rules in a country that's not theirs. so he this didn't. i think that's worse than laziness, honestly. >> you know, tucker,. [speaking spanish] oh my god, first of all, i can't believe john kelly the chief of staff of the white house of this country using that kind of language? you know, to me, it's like it reminds me of the bullies in 3rd grade. and if you really look at why did people not apply? people are afraid, tucker.uc look at all the ice raids that are going on in this country right now. >> tucker: no, this is not right now.ow this is.
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>> people are living in right now. >> tucker: right, okay. >> beautiful. >> tucker: can i ask you a question. >> beautiful brown skin as we're. >> tucker: it's not about that. it's nothing to do with this. >> it is. they are not picking on any other race. they are picking on any other race. do you know how many other. >> tucker: you are single handedly making me very against making any of these people become citizens because you are making it a racial question it's a question of citizenship. these people are here illegally.e obama said look i'm going to let you stay thunder program. i'm going to let you sign up under the obama administration.y not trump, obama, five years ago and most of them didn't sign up. now, trump is saying i'm giving you citizenship anyway. i totally disagree with whatever, that's the fact. but the point is they didn't sign up. what were they afraid of? the obama people are like we are helping you, give you a translator. you still won't do it? why. because you don't care. you don't care about being legal. what's the other explanation?y. >> but, let's look, okay, bring up trump.
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now that you bring up trump. >> tucker: it was under obama, man, tune in. >> he created a crisis for daca. simple. it wasn't a crisis until he made it a crisis. distraction for this country when we have some other issues. >> tucker: i couldn't agree more. >> crisis we have in this country that shouldn't be the topic of this subject of what needs to be fixed in b this country. >> tucker: i couldn't agree with you more. we found common ground. >> using it as blackmail today. give me the wall. >> tucker: just answer this one question. under barack obama, who offered this program to people here illegally he said look, i will let you stay, give you legal status and help you sign up for it l there is nothing i won't do to help you sign up for it most of them said not interested. i'm turning down the programs and translater and the safe spaces you are giving me. why? don't tell me they are afraid. he was asking them to sign
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up and helping them and they didn't. a what's the answer? why didn't they do that under barack obama? honestly? >> well, that was temporary. and barack obama quite candidly failed by notac getting immigration reformrm done the first year. >> tucker: you are not going to answer my question, are you?ne >> no, i am. i'm trying to answer your question. didn't barack obama promise that he was going to do reform the first year that he was in office? >> tucker: does the president make the laws in this country or does the congress? do you know? >> it's congress. >> tucker: right, there you go. good. so congress does. >> obama also has democraticuc control house. nancy pelosi was the head of that he also had the senate that was democratic controlled. >> tucker: so you are not answering my question. it's a really interesting question. i think it tells you a lot about this population we are about to give citizenship to voting in our next election or some subsequent election.
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i hope we get to the bottomm of it because it tells us a lot. s roberto good to see. google has patents for spying on your home your bedroom your kids.go they could already be spying on you through your phone. the one that's in your pocket right now.ey not making it up to scare you. we tested it today. our exclusive report is next. ♪ and family never thought i'd be the one to quit smoking, i was such a heavy smoker. but i was able to do it with chantix. i did not know that chantix would reduce my urges so significantly. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions
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we all get together and support each other. that's the nature of humanity. ♪ i'll stand by you, ♪ won't let nobody hurt you. ♪ i'll stand by you, ♪ so if you're mad, get mad, ♪ don't hold it all inside, ♪ come on and talk to me now. ♪ hey, what you got to hide? ♪ mvo: it's a calling to the nation of how great we are and how great we can be. ♪ i'm alive like you. ♪ when you're standing at the cross roads, ♪ ♪ and don't know which path to choose, ♪ ♪ let me come along, ♪ 'cause even if you're wrong
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♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ won't let nobody hurt you. ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ even in your darkest hour, ♪ and i will never desert you. ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ >> tucker: last night the exclusive investigation we showed you two patents thatga google has filed for. they show the company's willingness to stick a camera in your bedroom to spy on you and your children and use the information to sell you things. google doesn't have camera in every bedroom or every home. it does have a phone in millions of people's pocketsam though. the question is how much information is google getting from those phones? we put a couple of our smartest producers on this
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and we sent fox news headlines anchor bret larson out to investigate. watch. >> we know that google isso tracking us. we agree to it when we set up our phones. so we wanted to figure out what exactly google is learning about us throughout the day.e so here's what we're going to do. we have two identical phones. the only difference between these two phones is this one is in airplane mode. both of the phones lack a sim card and haven't been set up to access any wi-fi networks so for all intents and purposes they have no connection to a data network.or keep them with us throughout the day. when i travel around d.c. we will find out what google is finding out about me. our first stop sims convenience store outside the fox bureau for quick coffee. from there took a walk to the capitol and took a quick walk around the senate office building and decided to hop in a car and head around town. hello. >> how are you. >> going to the children's hospital, please. >> to run our test, when were to do more than walk the block. so we took a tour around our nation's capitol. first due north to the children's national medical
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center hospital and west to saint alban's school and the national cathedral. our tour around town was a 14-mile journey that lastedd more than an hour. the entire time the phones had no access to the internet. >> oh my goodness. not a wi-fi connection and not any cellular data service. it almost seemed quaint to assume that google wouldn't even be able to collect data on me. >> head back to the bureau, my friend. that church is beautiful. >> google's business model is simple. collect data on its users and use that data to sell targeted ads. it's a business model called surveillance capitalism. but does that critical data collection work even when your phones aren't connected?d? so we're back here at our fox bureau in d.c. and we have got both of our a phones exactly how we left with them. the only difference, really, i snapped a couple of bad shelfies at the national cathedral: but otherwise they have stayed in my pocket for the entire day.
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so let's find out what they know. f this is our man in the w middle device. it's basically a wi-fi network that these phones are going to connect to once we turn their wi-fi on. it's going to pass data t through it on the way to o google. but on the way we're actually going to get a copy of the same data that google is going to get. we will be able to decrypt it and find out where we have been throughout the day. within minutes the numbers rolled in, the phone that wasn't on airplane mode registered more than 100 locations, 130 activities and even 152 barometric readings. as soon as it hooked up to our wi-fi it transmitted 300-kilo bites of data straight to google. the phone even logged our exact locations. tracking us all around town. the capitol, the hospital,l, the school, and then. cathedral. >> now you may notice what's missing here is the exact route that we took. but it got that data, too.he it knows when i got out of the car. >> the metadata has a time log down to the very second. tracking everything.g. when they think that you areec walking, riding, and, yes,
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even getting out of the car. >> okay. so you are thinking this isn't a big deal. i will just put my phone in airplane mode. yeah, we thought of that, too. this is the other phone that we had with us, no sim card, also remains in airplane t mode the entire time. let's see what kind of data it captured.he >> the phone with airplane mode activated actually logged more locations and activities than the other phone. and it also transferred hundreds of kilo bites of data to google as soon as it was activated. >> the only thing that's missing from this map is ourur stop at the children's hospital. but it still knows we were there. there it is. exiting the vehicle. 100 percent accuracy.. >> through complicated user agreements and free software google gets users to sign away their privacy for nothing. they are even following you into places that most people would expect total privacy. government buildings, a children's hospital. a private school. a church. every move you make, every step you take, google is watching you. now, in a statement to fox news, google told us that users who want to opt out ofoo
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tracking should turn off location history. but doing that is harder than you would think and most of google's appsar include hitting queries that automatically sign you up for the surveillance. for now we will continue too looking into how silicon valley sells your privacy. just remember when you are using a free online service, you are probably not the customer. you are actually the product. tucker? >> tucker: shocking. a airplane mode on, they are still following everything you do and automatically updates them. i can't wait to find out what they do with all that data. thank you for that. that's great report. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: and also the technology front, red linene cameras are an important contributor to hundreds of city's budgets.n in fact, they keep cities h afloat. they are stealing from that's why. questions are they constitutional? legislators want those cameras banned joins us next to explain his crusade ands so we can root for him. ♪
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♪ >> tucker: red light cams are suddenly ubiquitous in hundreds of cities. hundreds of places are installed cameras racking up millions of fines that sustain city budgets. are they a wise idea? is it constitutional is there a moment when government goes from being people to protect you to those disrespect you. >> thank you, tucker, good to be with you. >> thank you, tucker, good to be with you. is there any pretense. are we pretending red light cameras are here to help us or here to fleece us, treating us as marks for politicians? >> no, it's pretty obvious what they are here for i was
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taught early on in my political career which has always been a couple years so far. if you ever want the answer to something just follow the money. ironically, we have had this bill in front of committee. this is the second year in a row passed it out of the house last year. and the cities and townsns that come in and argue for this type of mechanism and this type of device, it always comes down to revenue, revenue, revenue. i said well open up some toll roads in your towns and cities and throw thesepe cameras in the garbage. >> tucker: i thought government was there to protect you, not exploit you. take your money. >> it's a nice thought. the unfortunate reality is that it's an industry that's not only unconstitutional, it's caused a lot of unsafe conditions. also rife with fraud. you get to this money aspect of it one of the biggest problems i have is this privatization of law enforcement where you are incentivizing a for profit company to issue more and more tickets to people by the way your google segmentre was interesting to me because there they are harvesting all this data red flex one the big companies in arizona that does it is australian based company. they wind up with all this
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information that belongs to drivers and their personal lives. frightening. >> tucker: sneak into this country and use our services and infrastructure we protect you. if you were to spray paintur the front of a red light cameras thereby saving your fellow citizens you will be arrested. >> it's happened here. you will be arrested and do some >> tucker: tells you everything, doesn't it.te travis, i can't tell you how much we are on your side. god speed tell us if you win and come back and celebrate.ou thank you.r >> thanks, tucker. will do. >> tucker: right back. ♪ bowling. classic. can i help you? it's me. jamie. i'm not good with names. celeste! i trained you. we share a locker. -moose man! -yo. he gets two name your price tools. he gets two? i literally coined the phrase, "we give you coverage options based on your budget." -that's me. -jamie! -yeah. -you're back from italy. [ both smooch ]
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♪ >> tucker: hear something new. new york city will no longer prosecute most subway turnstile jumpers, effectively giving criminals a free ride.. manhattan d.a. cyrus vance is behind the move, they will not let harvey weinstein off the move. liberals say enforcing the law was racist. they said the same thing about public ban in new york city, which is now no longer in place.
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as the city getting better? who cares.:0 that's it for us tonight. tune in every night at 8:00 to the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and especially groupthink. good night from washington. sean hannity is next. hey, sean. >> sean: great show, tucker. welcome to "hannity." breaking out, j we have brand-nw just released messages from peter strzok and lisa page. our investigative team, we have dug deep. we will expose exchanges between strzok a page that others are not talking about and two blockbuster memos that are proving that the fbi lied to a fisa court. the unredacted grassley-graham memo showedk that the phony dossier made up the bulk of the application to obtain a fisa warrant.h a ton of details will take your breath away tonight. we'll explain it all. also sara carter reporting that th
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