tv Happening Now FOX News February 9, 2018 8:00am-9:00am PST
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2:00. we'll run the joint. >> it's one of those fridays. that's the end of a busy week. "happening now" starts right now. >> bye-bye. >> jon: fox news alert you'll be happy to know your government is back open once again this morning after an overnight battle to reach a budget deal. the president signing a $400 billion spending plan just hours after a short-lived shutdown. good friday morning to you. i'm jon scott. >> back in business. julie banderas. it was hours of legal wrangling the forced the second federal shutdown in three weeks. the president just signed bill. our military will be stronger than ever before. we love and need our military and gave them everything and more. first time this has happened in a long time. also means jobs, jobs, jobs. peter doocy joining us live from capitol hill.
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>> the bill has $300 bill in new spending was saw -- rand paul objected and objected until after the shutdown deadline to make a point. >> so we've got together, they're all holding hands and there is only one bad guy standing in the way. one guy is going to keep us here until 3:00 in the morning. i think the country is worth a debate until 3:00 in the morning frankly. >> he would have stopped if mitch mcconnell allowed a vote to restore spending caps. mcconnell, kentucky's other senator, was not interested. paul's republican colleagues were not pleased with the libertarian who once famously filibustered to make a point about drone strikes. >> now is not the time to have this discussion. we have to decide what do you want to be a u.s. senator? who wants to make a point or a difference?
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>> dozens of democrats in both chambers wound up voting yes on this spending package. nancy pelosi wasn't one of them. she never got protections for daca recipients so she says, quote, the fight in the house to protect dreamers is not over. i'm greatly disappointed that the speaker does not have the courage to lift the shadow of fear from the lives of these inspiring young people. but some republican leaders are surprised that she never came around. >> if minority pelosi was that serious about it she would have handled it more directly as speaker of the house. they never brought a bill to the floor to address the immigration problem. >> the bill president trump just signed is a two-year plan but it technically only funds the government until the middle of march. julie. >> peter doocy, thank you very much. >> jon: meantime congress managing the reach that agreement despite objections
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from democrats who long pushed for inclusion of some kind of daca fix. now many on the left are doubling down on their efforts to help the so-called dreamers and house speaker paul ryan is saying he is open to those negotiations. >> my commitment to working together on an immigration measure that we can make law is a sincere commitment. let me repeat. my commitment to working together on an immigration that we can make into law is a sincere commitment. we will solve this daca problem. >> jon: joining us now a glen hall chief editor for dow jones news wires. the fact they got the budget passed at all is an accomplishment in bipartisanship, is it not? >> it s. you had to see in both chambers the parties coming together and showing bipartisanship and you saw real compromise in terms of they got the increased military spending that republicans want. the democrats got the increased
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domestic spending they want and the funding to help with disaster relief. a lot of money being put if play. >> jon: people on both sides are unhappy about this budget as well, which might also be a sign of bipartisanship. >> on the democrat side many are still upset that daca was not pressured into this, right? they wanted to use the leverage they thought they had and now by the way, that leverage has gone for two years if you talk about a government shutdown in theory. on the republican side, there was a number of people not just rand paul but many in the house as well concerned this marks the end of fiscal discipline which they have long championed. >> jon: one of those not upset about the daca situation is the president. he said costs on non-military lines being budget lines will never come down if we do not elect more republicans in the 2018 election and beyond. this bill is a big victory for our military but much waste in order to get dem votes. fortunately, he says, daca not
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included in this bill. negotiations to start now. are you surprised that democrats were willing to give up daca in this compromise arrangement? >> considering that on wednesday minority leader in the house nancy pelosi spoke for a record eight hours trying to get her party to really press on the daca issue, but in the end many democrats realize they weren't going to get that compromise here and rather move on it to. we have until march 5 and they wanted to have a clean start here. >> jon: i wonder if the president sort of out foxed them when he angered many in his own party and said i will let 1.8 million of these so-called dreamers stay in the country and get citizenship and all of that. when he is defying his own party with that kind of an offer it is hard for the democrats to say he is not meeting them halfway, right? >> that's the negotiator putting offers on the table
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trying to bring people in and get down to the fine print. we'll see what comes out. he is not promising to do that. >> he wants more funding for border protection. he would compromise whether it's a total wall across the entire border or whether there are different measures of security but he is clear he wants to have border security as part of any compromise. >> jon: you mention nancy pelosi the house minority leader who held the house filibuster if there were such a thing speaking for eight hours about the daca situation. she is also criticizing paul ryan when it comes to protecting the dreamers. she writes: in return, the speaker refused to make a real commitment to schedule a vote to protect the dreamers who have the overwhelming support of the american people and a bipartisan majority in the house. in contrast senator mcconnell
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not only gave his commitment to the senators, he has already begun the process to bring a bill to the senate floor. you heard paul ryan in that sound bite we played at the top saying he is willing to bring it into the house. >> he said he is willing to start the negotiations and willing to work with democrats to find a compromise to continue the bipartisanship and also said he thinks the bipartisan solution that the president could sign can be found. but he is clear he doesn't want to even try to go down the path of passing legislation that the president won't sign. >> jon: all right. glen hall from the dow jones news wires. interesting times in washington >> indeed. >> the decision is now in the hands of the white house. will president trump -- the rebuttal could be released at any time. tick, tick, tick. white house correspondent kevin corke is live on the north lawn with more details. when is this thing coming out? >> great question.
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i think it's fair to say any time now meaning it could happen today, it could happen sometime tomorrow and the reason is the timing is fluid, julie because of the nature of the content we're talking about here. we're talking about very sensitive information. the white house will take its time conducting that review. it could happen today, perhaps as early as sometime early tomorrow morning. now, the author of the report, we're talking about the democratic response to the gop memo adam schiff wrote this in a way white house sources have told me that makes it tough to release as is because it includes a sort of granular detail, sources and methods that will force the white house to heavily redact its pages giving the impression that it is hiding something. but some people say that's precisely why it should come out as is. >> this is a political game. i'm saying that we shouldn't allow them to dictate the rules. we should not play the game and
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follow -- fall into their trap of redactions. that's what they want. this happened in the 1990s to an investigation i was overseeing and we redacted material because the committee made a concerted effort to try to protect somebody's privacy. it was a trap and we fell into it. i would never do it again. >> it was a trap. powerful words there. now as you probably recall, the gop memo details a host of allegations including abuses by the f.b.i. and d.o.j. and reliance on a phony dossier to spy on the trump campaign during and after the 2016 campaign. very powerful stuff there. of course, we'll be watching very carefully. i'll make my way to the west wing and see what i can find out. the latest details we have is it could be released today. perhaps as early as tomorrow morning. but we just don't know right now. i'll keep you posted. back to you, julie. >> kevin, thank you. >> jon: you've probably heard president trump is pushing for
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a big military parade in washington many in the mainstream media are slamming that idea. so are the attacks against the president catering to a specific audience? do they show a double standard? our media panel weighs in. plus what goes up must come down. after the dow suffers its second historic drop this week it's now on the rebound up just a couple points there about 35 at the moment. quick check on the stock market and where things stand coming up. liberty mutual saved us
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security? >> jon: the mainstream media raining on president's trump mill tear parade proposal. they're talking about a possible event he wants to showcase u.s. forces. the "washington post" calling it a dumb idea. media reporter for the hill tells tucker carlson the attacks are unwarranted. >> i think we're seeing a lot more performance art at this point, tucker. we talked about this. they are playing to a crowd. they know their audience primarily is anti-trump on some other networks and they are just playing into their emotions. i don't think they're even angry about half this stuff. >> jon: yoing us beverly halberg. also aaron delmore. thank you for being here. aaron, there is the feeling that some in media are reflexively calling this a dumb
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idea because we haven't had a major military parade in this country in a couple of decades. what do you think? >> the last major military parade in this country was at the end of the gulf war. people are asking now is this the best way to honor our military to show our gratitude and respect for our armed forces. is it the best use of the military's time and money. it's different than being reflexively anti-trump. asking those questions and scrutinizing the president's recommendations is part of the press's job. >> erin, the president wants this, the military seems, well, depends on who you talk to. most americans would probably call for honoring our troops, would they not? >> you are making a good point. fewer than 1% of americans will ever serve on active duty in this country. something we could do to close the gap to make people feel responsible and invested for this mission could go a long way.
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people in the military have asked congress for funding saying they didn't have enough money to meet their goals for military readiness. they are also some of the main critics against this proposal. for a lot of americans seeing tanks rolling down main street think about russia and red square. that's another perception issue that has to be taken into account. >> jon: want to hear from joe again. he says there is something of a double standard with the media when it comes to donald trump. here is what he said to tucker. >> i always want to play a game in these situations. take out the name trump and put in a name like biden. if joe biden said it would be a great idea to honor our folks in the military in washington, d.c. would you see a reaction? i don't think so. >> jon: what do you think? >> i completely agree. there is a double standard to go off of that if joe biden had made the suggestion it would have likely been praised.
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i would say reported similarly when he does inappropriate things like swearing in public or rubbing women's shoulders during a swearing in. they say it's joe biden being crazy uncle joe. with president trump what you find there is always an underpinning of thinking there is malintent behind it. even the images of soviet for north korean style parade. he is talking about lifting up our military. i don't know if it's the right thing to do or whether it's the best way to honor the military. to always have this as an underpinning of malintent is where the double standard is. >> jon: he says that he was inspired by the french parade on bastille day. >> he wants to make sure our military is supported in this country. i once again think there is a better way to do it. i would like to see the v.a. and their medical care covered for veterans. i would like to take the money for the parade and give them a bonus if we use money this way.
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we see this in a wide variety of areas, it is not just with the parade. i think back to when there was a discussion of whether or not he was mentally sane. there was lots of coverage of whether or not he was crazy. i don't think many reporters have a medical degree. yet even when the doctor came out and said not only is he mentally sane he also is physically fit. yet there were very few stories talking about that in mainstream media. i think you can dislike the president's style all you want. i struggle with his twitter account at times. we should be focusing on the substance and making sure there isn't a double standard. >> jon: what about that? the coverage of the president's sanity, the questions got a lot more coverage than the rebuttal. >> the president brought that issue back into the spotlight and something people were talking about because of a book that came out in early january. he took to his twitter feed to reignite that point of conversation. and he came out when he went and had a press conference with a bunch of republican leaders
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and also defended his mental stability. he should. that's his right. and also the right of reporters to report on the statements of the president. they are statements he made. it is their job to follow him and report on what he says. >> i was going to say. all set to report on what the doctor said as well. not many stories at all following that. >> jon: what are we looking forward to now that we have the government open again and a two-year budget deal, beverly, what should we expect from the press? >> i think there should be some criticism against this budget deal. you have a lot of republicans who are not happy. the freedom caucus is not in support of it. these are the types of stories i would like to see covered on the substance, the policy behind it. i think there is going to be from a conservative perspective a lot to criticize against the president whether or not he is spending far too much money. i just would like to see less of a style, more of a substance argument against the president. >> jon: it is going to be a fiscal debate coming up.
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that's for certain. thanks very much for being here, beverly hag berg and erin delmore. >> julie: could the flu season be taking a turn? we have the latest from the cdc coming up. the controversial trump dossier causing a firestorm an capitol hill and a new account raising questions about the man behind it. what it is saying about christopher steele. >> if they use part of that dossier to give to a fisa court to ask for surveillance knowing it was not factually accurate there needs to be accountability. hoo! (snap) achoo! achoo! (snap) (snap) achoo! achoo! feel a cold coming on? zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45%. shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. wgreat tasting, heart-healthys the california walnuts.ever?
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you know what's not awesome? gig-speed internet. when only certain people can get it. let's fix that. let's give this guy gig- really? and these kids, and these guys, him, ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. >> jon: quick check on the
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stock market. you could break your neck watching the dow these days after days of wild swings and some sharp losses. just yesterday the dow plummeted more than 1,000 points. its second worst point drop in history. earlier this morning it was down, then it was up. right now it's down again about 22 points. we will continue to watch it throughout the day see where we end up on this friday. >> julie: well, speaking of numbers, new numbers on this year's flu season into fox news. it's been a very deadly season so far with cases widespread across the country. and unfortunately it is not over yet. jonathan serrie joins us live with the latest from the cdc. what are they saying? >> we may be far from over. in fact the cdc officials say they're saying high rates of hospitalizations about non-elderly adults. 48 states are reporting
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widespread flu activity. 7.7% of people showing up at doctor's offices and other medical centers are showing flu-like illness. it's similar to what they saw during the 2009 h1n1 pandemic. >> it's still on the rise overall. in fact, we may be on track to break some recent records. >> although this year's flu vaccine offers limited protection against the dominant h3n2 strain out in circulation, public health officials are urging people to get the shot. it offers better protection against some of the other strains out there. and for the same reason they recommend you get a flu shot even if you've already had the flu this season. in fact, while h3n2 activity is show some signs of declining in some of the western states, public health officials say they are seeing increases in those states among activity
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among the other flu strains. they say you should get a shot and stay home if you get sick with the flu to avoid giving it to someone with a weak immune system. pediatric deaths continue to rise. an additional 10 pediatric deaths over the past weeks. it brings the national total to 63. very sad news, julie. >> julie: are they saying anything if you haven't had the flu shot it is not too late and still do it? >> they say even if you haven't gotten the shot it is not too late to get it. flu seasons can last 20 weeks or more. we're at week 11 right now. statistically we're just barely halfway through it. >> julie: all right. thank you so much. jonathan. >> jon: the trump administration reacting to the reimprisonment of an 81-year-old american overseas this as his family speaks out on the horrors their father has endured. plus will democrats defend the author of the anti-trump
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allegations of spying. they have sent him back to prison. jennifer griffin has the latest from the pentagon. >> there was a tiny bit of hope when the regime in tehran let the 81-year-old iranian american who worked for unicef for years out of prison. he and his son are being held as political pawn. many fear they will end up like otto warmbier. they sent him back to prison this week despite declining health. they were imprisoned after the iran nuclear deal. we spoke to one of his other sons. he is lobbying for help. his father faces a death sentence and described his brother's torture in iran's not toreous prison. >> spending over a year in solitaire confinement. he has been shot by tasers.
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wires have been tied to him with threat of electric shock. my father is dying. if he wishes to see him there are certain things he must do. >> we're deeply disappointed in the fact that he has been returned to prison. we're concerned about his health. we call for his unconditional release from his unjust detention in iran. >> his son and he were left out of a prisoner exchange after a nuclear deal. the family said they were surprised when the obama administration left them behind. >> i have no doubt there being americans is the reason they've been detained. >> they aren't the only americans being unjustly detained by iran. there is the princeton graduate student and we've just learned that another american, who ran an art gallery in tehran, was sent to the prison and sentenced to 27 years recently with no good explanation.
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president trump vowed to impose sanctions on iran if these american prisoners are not released immediately. >> jon: let us know what happens. thank you. >> julie: as we await a white house decision on the release of the democratic rebuttal to the fisa memo a new "wall street journal" opinion piece is going after the credibility of trump dossier author christopher steele. republicans accuse of f.b.i. of using unverified research by the former british spy to obtain a fisa warrant on former trump aide carter page. they write american has been unindated by the words dossier, memo, collusion, fisa, carter page. they all come back to the actions of one man, christopher steele which is why the only news that matters this week is that the former british spy's credibility has been dismantled. is a reliable and credible source one who defies f.b.i.
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orders, meets with press and lies about it? he is happy to spin a tale to journalists? watch for the house democrats in their memo to continue defending mr. steele despite all this. that is a mouthful. joining me now are two fox news contributors, talk show host leslie marshal and giano caldwell. will democrats try to substantiate his claims so they don't think they put all their eggs in one b.s. basket? >> there is out there, robert mueller can investigate the claims. if republicans would let the investigation play out. and fear they have nothing to hide. with regard to the steele dossier, they would say nothing has been confirmed or denied that's not true. actually there has been
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confirmation that russia in fact meddled in our elections. in the election process. that has been confirmed. i would like to know if the rest of the dossier is true or not and we're finding this memo that came out not everything in that memo was true. i want the truth whether it helps the democrats or not. >> julie: steele came to the f.b.i. as a political operative. there are red flags right there. paid by fusion gps. a subcontractor for hillary clinton's campaign. the f.b.i. should have known better. did they really get duped? >> they say they worked with him previously and why they trust his credibility. one thing we have to notice is he was unrelenting trump hater. that's what he was. the fact that he was someone who was paid by fusion gps and the hillary clinton campaign and dnc and that he made an agreement with the f.b.i. saying he would not talk to the press but yet did and lied about it is completely
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troubling and something that the f.b.i. shouldn't have based his credibility on. when they went in for an additional surveillance. so when you see these issues and you know there has been elected officials who have been arrested and jailed like an illinois member in f.b.i. how is he walking free? this is an interesting fiasco our country is currently in. a lot of folks don't trust the f.b.i. because of this situation and a lot of people who question the steele dossier because he lied about instances which he clearly shouldn't have. >> julie: if you do your due diligence credibility. how is it they didn't know this guy lacked credibility? according to senator chuck grassley's criminal referral, a former director james comey testified the bureau couldn't corroborate the dossier but used it in the fisa court proceedings anyway. because mr. steele had previously provided reliable information the thought process
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was this former spy no longer a spy for seven years should be seen as credible so let's just believe him? >> well first of all, it is not and we know the only reason that we had a fisa warrant. it wasn't the only evidence presented. i believe that warrant would have been issued without the dossier. the justice department has already admitted they knew it came from a politically backed organization, which was originally, as we know, hired by a conservative organization to dig up dirt on then candidate and not yet nominee donald trump who is now the president. look, anybody who comes to the f.b.i. with information and by the way, if you remember he went to various members of british parliament and said this is information i have. what do i do? they said you have no choice. the united states is our strongest ally, you have to go to them and this is exactly what he did. they felt here in the united states it was best at the state department for him to speak to the f.b.i. so i don't think that steele has that much to gain from this
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simply because he may not like donald trump. >> julie: while nunes gets ready to launch a second memo, his attack against the russians, he -- we're waiting for the democrats' memo. where is it? it needs to be approved. the longer the wait the more the mess of alleged fisa abuse percolates. how much damage is going to be done the longer it takes for this democrat memo to come out? >> first let me push back on leslie a little bit. he had a lot to gain. paychecks. and he was enriching himself off this information. he had a lot to gain. not only that he was again someone who despised president donald trump. if he could be a guy to take down trump i think he would say hey, kudos to me and get more work out of it. on the next point in terms of the democratic memo we need to see it. we need all aspects of this thing on the table. there is no other way to view it.
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as an american i'm troubled by the fact that the russians did meddle in our elections. if president trump or anybody within his campaign had anything to do about it we need to -- they need to be brought to justice and we need to know about it. that should be something that is consistent across the board but we must be very honest when we're discussing this. steele definitely had a game to play in this situation and he cannot be trusted based on his track record of lying to the f.b.i. >> julie: thank you both. appreciate you coming on. >> jon: a mansion in bel air up in flames. what neighbors are saying about this devastating fire. plus vice president mike pence and north korean delegates in pyeongchang for the olympics between heightened tensions between the two nations. we've got the vice president's strong message for kim jong-un's regime. >> the simple truth is that the time has come for north korea
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>> jon: crews responding to a massive fire at a bel air mansion. the flames broke out last night ripping through the two-story home. a smoke alarm alerted the family inside. >> at first she didn't think it was her house that was on fire. she thought it was the neighbor's. she realized it was her house. >> jon: two firefighters were injured. the cause of the fire under investigation. >> julie: so the 2018 winter olympics officially getting underway this morning marked by a historic and unexpected display of unity. south korea's president shaking hands with the sister of north korean dictator kim jong-un at the opening ceremonies. vice president mike pence who
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has reiterated america's commitment to taking any action necessary sitting just seats away. i'm joined now by retired admiral, the former seventh fleet commander. first of all, how might these olympics -- i know this is overly optimistic. when you watch the olympics and see the different countries, north korea and south korea and the united states all attending, does the participation at all do you think affect diplomacy with north korea? >> julie, only effects it inasmuch as north korea wants to use this as an opportunity to start discussions about dismantling their nuclear weapons. or it could just be another employ on their part, propaganda employ like they've done over the last 50 years or so. the question is, which one is it? >> julie: what is north korea's objective? >> well, again, it could be to
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distract the world and especially americans to the real threat of their development of nuclear weapons and the long range missiles to carry them. or it could be something that they want to get serious about. i have my doubts about the latter. >> julie: okay. pence basically told defectors, the american people stand with you for freedom and you represent the people of north korea, millions of which long to be free as well. the president had, you know, sent the vice president over there. the vice president had said before taking this trip with his wife that he had hoped to have talks with north korea in some way, shape or form. north korea basically said no thanks. what next? >> well, what next is any kind of diplomacy at this level is going to be done quietly at first. we just don't know what that
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effort is or if it's anything. but the reality is unless the north korean family decides to sit down and talk about dismantling nuclear weapons, this is all about the appearances of diplomacy. >> julie: when vice president pence arrived at the olympics he met with japanese prime minister abe. japan is looking to the united states hoping to come up with some sort of resolution. what are talks now with japan? do they change at all seeing that north korea's reluctance is not going anywhere. it is not going to change. so then something has to give. something has to change. question is what does? >> well, ultimately the north koreans have got to become realistic about this and put the welfare of their people ahead of developing weapons. >> julie: they're not realistic and don't care about the
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welfare of their people. what next? you have to rule out all the obvious things that aren't going to work since history sort of repeats itself. >> well, what we have not done historically is impose and maintain serious sanctions. and that's what has started here. we've got to continue that. we've got to talk -- continue to talk with the chinese to ensure they understand this is in their self-interest as well as american self-interest. >> julie: you also talk with russia. it goes back to the olympics. you would hope, when you see these countries all come together and compete in these winter sports and the world is supposed to sort of rally behind their teams and then you see russia and russia's involvement in how they have not cracked down on north korea, they are helping countries like syria, for example. so now you have russia, play russia into that factor. you have china and russia, the united states and north korea that is basically doing business with the bad guys and the united states is trying to
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somehow come in the middle and make it right. what do you do with russia? >> well again, you have to work with the russians. you have to make it in their best interest to get this resolved because they don't want to see nuclear weapons flying in their direction in eastern russia, either. so this really is in all our self-interests but we need to sit down and work with them. the chinese have been forthcoming here in the last seven months or so. but we need to keep the pressure on and we need to make sure that we as a nation don't slide on the sanctions which we've done in the past, by the way. >> julie: all right. admiral, thank you very much. appreciate you coming on. >> thank you. >> julie: jon. >> jon: an update on the california teen who live streamed her own car crash on instagram. her sister was killed and she is now headed to prison.
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plus a big storm brewing in the midwest. how cities big and small are handling it. >> i think it's something we're really not ready for but we'll have to deal with. let's begin. yes or no? do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet? do you want $4.95 commissions for stocks, $0.50 options contracts? $1.50 futures contracts? what about a dedicated service team of trading specialists? did you say yes?
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>> julie: what are we talking about? >> telling me his favorite ice cream truck flavor. >> moving on we have "outnumbered" coming up. it was exactly one week ago we got the details from the gop memo. we're awaiting the president's decision on whether or not he will make that memo public. just what will be the political fallout from that? >> the president is fighting hard for that parade to show off america's military might. but now there is a push from some lawmakers to block federal funding for it. will those who oppose it be
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picking a cultural battle that they cannot win? >> all that and #one lucky guy "outnumbered". >> jon: california drunk driver who live streamed her own car crash on instagram is sentenced the prison. the 19-year-old got six years behind bars. the crash killed her 14-year-old sister. it happened in july. authorities say the video shows sanchez taking her hands off the wheel and convicted of gross vehicular manslaughter, dui and child endangerment. >> julie: massive storm smacks the midwest. heavy snow grounding planes and closing schools. getting around has become treacherous in many states. matt finn joins us live in chicago in the thick of it all. yeah, you got snow there. >> julie, we do. most people in chicago can handle it, right? just like you guys can in new
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york. it isn't one of the crippling storms but one of those headaches for these fine people working trying to get to their jobs today. we got about eight inches in the city of chicago. forecasted up to 14 inches. the side streets, residential streets don't get plowed until all the major arteries do. some cars are snowed in people and people are shoveling or snow blowers, the pizza place has been slammed. earlier we were at the salt piles for the city of chicago and they have had hundreds of trucks and snowplows going around the streets since yesterday evening's commute preparing for this thing. i have to tell you the big headache right now is at chicago's o'hare and midway airport. more than 1,000 flights have been canceled. we all know the headache and
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backlog of one canceled flight. imagine 1,000 flights canceled in the city of chicago right now. transit authority here also warning people that trains could be canceled. make sure you check your schedule before you hop on a train or exit to get on one. >> julie: it's a friday. people are traveling. any delays, airports, anything like that? >> for sure. chicago's midway and o'hare, the city says now 1,000 cancellations and it looks like those cancellations are growing by the hour. we first got out here was about 750. so the backlog and the travel nightmare has probably just begun in chicago and nationwide because of the domino effect of all those canceled flights, julie. >> julie: matt finn, thanks so much. fox news alert. it's winter. >> jon: president trump's push for a large-scale military parade facing resistance from both sides of the aisle. now two democrats are taking action to try to stop the plan before it starts. details on that ahead.
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>> they are not happy on wall street right now. the dow is down 130 points. it went down quite a bit at the open, then actually got up into positive territory. now it is down 147 and dropping. unless it can eke out again of something like 28 points by the end of today, it's going to be the worst weekly decline since october of 2008. can you remember what things were like in 2008. so keeping an eye on wall street, the dow again dropping even more now, 137 points, not a good day. >> it's not. but remember what goes up must come down. we've seen historic highs so the market needs to correct itself at some point and people aren't selling often panicking. >> overall still up since the election. >> way to put as positive spin
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on it. >> some people called a buying opportunity but i'm not a stockbroker so don't listen to me. >> me either. thank you so much for joining us. us. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. >> sandra: it does. fox news alert, waiting a decision from president trump on whether it will allow the release of that democratic memo to counter the republican memo on fbi surveillance abuses. he is reportedly leaning towards allowing it. if he does, he could call for a lot of reactions and that could spark backlash from democrats. this is outnumbered, i'm sandra smith in here today, harris faulkner. cohosted after the bell and fox business, melissa francis. democratic try to just an fox news contributor jessica tarlov and joining us on the couch today, former utah congressman and fox news contributor jason chaffetz is outnumbered, and it is a friday. speak to the right answer. the ice cream truck comes by, you order a bomb popular that right answer.
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