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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  February 12, 2018 8:00am-9:00am PST

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a midday ceremony. it will be beautiful. >> bill: hopefully they get good weather. >> sandra: should be, mid may? that's exciting. i can tell you are thrilled. all right. "happening now" starts right now. you need a break. psh >> the president holding a key meeting on infrastructure and we're minutes away from official release of his 2019 budget plan. good morning to you. i'm jon scott. >> happy monday. i'm melissa francis. the president's 2019 budget includes 1 1/2 trillion to fix the nation's crumbling infrastructure. it is now time to start investing in our own country according to the president. he is meeting with state and local officials who will play an important role in his plan. >> this is a delivery on the president's promise to reinvest
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in america's infrastructure. the $200 billion if federal dollars won't be granted until state and local governments come forward with private investments to match it. >> good morning. the president meeting with state and local officials at this hour to lay out his infrastructure plan tweeting this morning saying it will be a big week for infrastructure after so stupidly spending $7 trillion in the middle east. it is time to start investing in our country. let's put some meat on the bones. 1.5 trillion in total. the federal section of that will only be $200 billion for seed money and loans. the white house saying one federal dollar in some programs generates $40 in project dollars. a $50 billion rural infrastructure planned. streamlined process for two years. one agency take the lead in all the permitting to cut red tape
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and changes to traded indication and licensing. if you're an electrician and licensed in say washington state you will be able to go to florida and work as well. there has been some criticism that this really shifts the burden in terms of getting the infrastructure dollars to the states. the white house legislative director marc short said no, that's not the way the plan works. listen here. >> i'm not so sure it's shifting the burden. what we're giving the states and local communities the opportunity to leverage federal dollars to invest in the projects the federal government hasn't been able to do for years. the reason infrastructure is crumbling is because of the bureaucracy doesn't enable us to move forward. we'll empower the states and localities to use federal dollars to reinvest in their communities. >> other things in the budget increases military spending over two years by $300 billion. that's the deal that was agreed to last week in congress.
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$23 billion additional for border security, which includes hiring 2,750 border patrol agents and $18 billion over two years for the wall. it also includes $13 billion to fight the opioid epidemic and plans to cut domestic spending by three trillion in 10 years. that's a little bit controversial for people in congress. the white house still explaining the circumstances surrounding the departure last week of the staff secretary rob porter over allegations from two of his ex wives of domestic abuse. the president didn't seem to help the situation at all when he tweeted over the weekend, quote, people's lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. some are true and some are false. some are old and some are new. there is no recovery from someone falsely accused. life and career are gone. is there no such thing as due process any longer? the white house counsel, don
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mcgahn, knew about some of the allegations as far back as november learning them from porter himself. porter down played them according to white house sources saying his ex-wives were saying things about him in f.b.i. interviews for his background checks but it was nothing serious. when that photograph of his first ex-wife with the black eye came out completely changed the equation. marc short with the white house reaction this morning. listen here. >> i think that the president, like all of us, were saddened and surprised by the revelations that came forward last week. rob was a friend to many of us. he did a great job inside the building. we can have zero tolerance for domestic abuse and violence against women. i think the president in my conversation with him has been very clear about that as well. >> the white house is saying it is looking forward to being able to release that democratic memo on alleged fisa abuses. the rebuttal to the republican memo released more than a week ago, adam schiff the ranking member on the house intelligence committee saying he will be happy to take his
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memo to the f.b.i. for the appropriate redactions. last week white house refused to release that saying that there was too much information about sources and methods for that to go public. melissa. >> lots to keep tabs on there. good job, thank you. >> let's dig into all of this more with john busy, associate editor of the "wall street journal." what congress did last week sup plants the budget anyway. >> president's budgets are wish lists. infrastructure is popular. it goes down well with democrats and republicans. the big issue is whether or not they'll find the money for it. where will the funding come from? the deal they brokered last week and the president signed busts the budget. there will be hundreds of billions of additional deficits as a result of the spending plan there. so he will have a hard time
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raising the dollars for this. one area where he might be able to be successful and probably will get some support from the states as well is in this notion of coordinating regulation and permitting to make it easier to undertake big projects. >> he is saying the budget that congress passed. we don't have to spend all that money. in my budget i'll cut some domestic programs or suggest cuts to domestic programs. >> right. whose ox will get goreed? a lot of money was thrown into the budget deal to get something through. are we going to reopen all of those debates over what gets spent and what doesn't to get infrastructure through? what will get cut? we have a good video on this and it -- the big issue is
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where is all the money going to come from? >> maybe the federal printing presses unfortunately. >> right. >> let's talk about the battle of the dueling memos. congressman devin nunes of california, the chair of the house intelligence committee says he wants to see that democrat memo come out. listen here. >> we actually want the democratic memo out. we think it's ridiculous on the face of it and very political how they attack myself, they attack chairman gowdy, they turn carter page into a super secret russian spy and talk about how christopher steele is a really good source when we know he lied to the f.b.i. >> he has seen the democrats' version of the memo. the rest of us have not. but isn't it kind of disingenuous now saying i want to take that back to the f.b.i. and let them strike the things that shouldn't be in there for national security purposes? >> so this has been politicized
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by nunes, yes? he has been very much a proponent of donald trump. the effort here is to muddy the waters the make people suspect of the f.b.i. why is that? because the f.b.i. is undertaking an investigation into collusion with russia, obstruction of justice that involves the presidency. if you make people question the veracity of the f.b.i. you've done your job. nunes has already done that. there is muddied water. the democrats will now seek to unmuddy that water. and these two memos will speak to constituents following this closely. if you go one step further back from that. it is less significant. the russia investigation continues to move forward and at some point we'll hear from mr. mueller. was there obstruction of justice, was there not? was there collusion with russia or was there not? >> and the rob porter matter.
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a guy most people didn't know but his boss, john kelly, the chief of staff, is in some real hot water in this one. >> that's the right focus to have on this, which is what is going to happen to john kelly? kelly again whatever your politics, whether you agree or don't agree with him, has brought a measure of discipline to a very undisciplined white house. he has been the key who says look, stuff has to come through me. people can't walk into the oval office and start conversations with the president. we need to prioritize the president's day to give him time to think about issues that need to be resolved. he has been the gate keeper, somebody who has brought a measure of discipline. if this problem now with who knew about porter, who knew about the allegations, when did they know about them, why wasn't something done, how does it affect the security, the temporary security clearance he kontded to have, was that appropriate? if those issues bring down john kelly the question is where does the next generation of
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parental supervision for the white house come from? >> he is getting criticized from both sides of the aisle. fascinating. >> yes indeed. >> thank you for being with us john. >> sandra: is a member of kim jong-un's family stealing the show at the winter olympics? that's what many in the mainstream media are saying. what our media panel says the press should be paying attention to. also the immigration debate heads to the senate floor today. is there room for comprehensive reform? >> voters don't trust that washington is going to do the right thing on immigration and they are tired of this oh we'll give some kind of amnesty to folks who came here illegally and promise we'll do something to secure the border. they're sick of that play. whoooo.
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with his uber driver when a suspected drunk driver living in the u.s. illegally struck and killed them on a highway. family members are asking anyone who wishes to honor edwin's life to donate to his 53 foundation. it was started by the 26-year-old to help empower athletes and young kids. >> melissa: senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is having an open-ended debate on immigration in the senate today. the goal a bipartisan bill. after so many attempts have stalled, is it really possible? joining me now is monique presley, trial attorney and kevin mccullough. thank you for joining us. did the republicans get credit for fulfilling their promise saying we'll have a big debate on this and here we go? >> sure. if it's credit they need in order to get things moving
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finally senator mcconnell is at least holding to his word to do what congress is supposed to do, have open, full throated debate. i am hoping that's what is about to happen and that then this congress that hasn't been able to get much done thus far will actually get to a finish line so that the people who need help the most can get it. >> melissa: kevin, what do you think? the american people are used to these guys talking and talking and talking but want to see results. >> no doubt. i think that as monique just said, senator mcconnell is keeping to his word. you will see a really robust, open discussion from both sides. the interesting thing about this issue is that you have caucus groups in both parties that oppose the other portion of their own party. you have people in the republican and democratic parties that are pro almost complete full amnesty and people in both parties that a want to see limits it to and other people end all
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immigration completely. if you get some form of protection for the dreamers and get beefed up border security. both issues rank with the american people you'll come out good and i think that's what we'll get in the next couple of weeks. >> melissa: the white house deputy press secretary was out a short time ago saying something similar. there is something for everyone to love and everyone to hate. here is where the white house is right now. >> it's a very encouraging start to the day because everything in the president's framework is laid out in this bill. and it is not just a lasting solution for daca. it is the things you mentioned. you have to build a wall and the secret is walls work. >> melissa: monique, is there room for compromise with everybody accepting what they like and something they hate? >> no. kevin is being very generous to his own party and i understand why. there is nobody on the democratic side of the house or the senate who is interested in no protection for these
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dreamers and that is exactly what the freedom caucus is advocating. >> that's not what i said. >> melissa: i'm not sure if monique heard me either. i said is there room for a compromise with both sides liking something and hating something. she said no. you think there is no room for compromise. >> i patently didn't say there isn't anybody in the democratic party. i said there are some on both sides. trump-leaning states that the president carried but that have democratic senators that have open seats this year in november and this is going to be an issue and this debate will be something both sides will use to figure out who will win. the problem is, neither party has a unanimous stance on what immigration reform should look like. really the best thing for the country is just what you said, melissa, everyone will get a little something they want and
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everybody will give up something. >> the one thing we can't give up is protection for dreamers. >> melissa: nobody is saying no protection for dreamers. the president offered three times as many a road to what seems like amnesty to some than president obama did. there are portions on the democrat side that say no funding for the wall. portions of the republican side say don't let anyone have a road to amnesty. none of those extremes will win. there has to be a come prom aisles -- compromise in the middle. >> yes, the difficulty that i'm trying my best to highlight is that the republican party is in control of the entire machine at this point. if speaker ryan is saying i won't even debate anything unless the president will be willing to sign it and he has no clue what the president is
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actually going to be willing to sign. >> melissa: that's not true. he laid it out exactly what he would sign and the republicans are not in full control. they don't have all the votes they need in the senate. so they aren't in total control and we do know what the president would sign. last word. >> it is important to point out that speaker ryan is in the house, and the debate begins today in the senate. mitch mcconnell is keeping his word. let's see what happens from here. >> jon: puerto rico cannot seem to catch a break with parts of that island plunged once again into darkness. now months after the hurricane. what happened? tell you more about that next. a north korean dictator's little sister stealing the show at the winter olympics if you read the headlines. is the media coverage giving the rogue nation publicity that money can't buy? our panel with their thoughts. wy in our marriage
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that kinda put us in a hole. go someplace exotic? yeah, bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. what? what happened? i got a little over-confident on a moped. even with insurance, we had to dip into our 401(k) so it set us back a little bit. sometimes you don't have a choice. but it doesn't mean you can't get back on track. great. yeah, great. i'd like to go back to bermuda. i hear it's nice. yeah, i'd like to see it. no judgment. just guidance. td ameritrade. hey.
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you know what's not awesome? gig-speed internet. there you go. when only certain people can get it. let's fix that. let's give this guy gig- really? and these kids, and these guys, him, ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh, sure.
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still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. >> jon: just in on the olympics. with critics slamming many members of the media for fawning over the sister of north korea's ruler. the mysterious young woman hijacking all the attention at the winter games. some outlets calling her the ivanka trump of north korea. a sample of the headlines. are the media ignoring a massive human rights issue? we have a media reporter for the hill and an investigative reporter and fox news contributor. are you surprised, judy, at the headlines that kim's little sister is getting? >> i'm not surprised. she is the shiny new object in the atmosphere. let me tell you if you go
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beyond those headlines you get some fantastic reporting about what a monstrous regime this is about the extent to which north korea starves, jails and tortures its own people. you get terrific reporting on the 30,000 north koreans who have defected to the south but yes, this is an olympics, jon. this is show. they're part of the show. this is lipstick diplomacy. terrific op-ed piece in the "new york times." it will be very superficial and won't last. >> jon: if the reporting is good why not reflect some of that in the headlines? people scroll through their phones and see a headline and it's fast food journalism in terms of supply and demand. she is not the shiny new object. her official title is the most insane thing i've heard. she is the director of the
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department of propaganda and agitation, all right? the last part is a joke in there somewhere. but to your point in terms of what is going on in north korea, 18 million people are starving >> jon: some of them are trying to eat dirt to avoid starving. >> 120,000 people in work camps. the number of people killed under this regime. to give a headline like that without any context, that has been the danger here. it is why critics, not just conservative critics but left and right are slamming not just "the new york times," cnn, reuters, abc, nbc. across the board of glamorizeing who runs propaganda. >> the things the american media needs to concentrate on, to what extent these people are
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really helping kim jong-un, the brutal dictator of north korea, achieve his goal, which is to drive a wedge between the united states and south korea? because the south korean president moon, whom i went to see in south korea last fall, was actually very much in favor of sunshine policy, getting the two koreas together. this is back to the future again. it is not going to work but it will complicate american diplomacy. >> what people forget and no way there could be peace between north korea and south korea, look at the results now. again, north korea it would be impossible to imagine them sending a delegation to the olympics. maybe there is a breakthrough. was trump wrong in that situation with his rhetoric by not following the three previous presidents before him in terms of measured language? bottom line on this in terms of media coverage. the enemy of my enemy is my
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friend. a lot of trump supporters see the u.s. media taking the side of north korea over the u.s., the administration, mike pence because the enemy of the enemy is my friend. >> jon: interesting kim jong-un sent the one person he knew would not defect. >> we saw what happened to her brother. >> 300 cheerleaders and athletes chosen from the elite. have smaller worms in their sisters. >> we know what happens to families when people defect. >> melissa: the trump administration rolling out its new budget plan including huge spending increases for the military. how it could give the u.s. more of an advantage over our two nearest competitors in terms of the military. we'll break it all down ahead. a possible breakthrough resulting from vice president mike pence olympic visit last week. is the u.s. ready to hold talks with north korea? >> as we've said for some time it is up to the north koreans
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to decide when they are ready to engage with us in a sincere and meaningful way. they know what has to be on the table for conversations. i was out here smoking instead of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. every great why no, please, please, oh! ♪ (shrieks in terror) (heavy breathing and snorting) no, no. the running of the bulldogs? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money aleia saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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in your noise cancelling trheadphones?ry maybe not. maybe you could trust you won't be next to a loud eater. (eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell. (silence) ♪ >> jon: vice president mike pence says the u.s. is open to a discussion with north korea after his stay in seoul, south korea last week.
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this comes after talks between south korea's president and the sister of north korea's leader during the olympics. the topic of our media center now. greg palkot live in seoul with more. >> yes, after korean olympic diplomacy in full swing some possible signs of movement toward easing the tension on this pennsylvania. vice president pence reportedly saying the talks between north korea and south korea and the north and u.s. could be possible following the assurance, he says, he got from south korean president moon that pressure would be maintained on north korea to rid that country of its nukes and missiles. this followed a virtual love fest between moon and kim jong-un's sister. they were together a total of four times over the weekend including a concert sunday night. she extended an invitation to moon to come to pyongyang for a
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summit. the vice president had a close but cool encounter with kim yo jong at friday's opening ceremony to the games. athletes from the north are participating with south korean athletes. sunday there was a protest in seoul against the south's efforts to turn the games into the peace olympics. it was small but symbolic, jon, of a larger number of people in this country old and young who are cautious about getting too close to north korea. our own experts say that a possible shift by the vice president on talks could be important but we are seeing other trump administration officials today already backing off that line. tough road to peace here. >> jon: seems a long way away. thank you. >> melissa: fox news alert for you now. the white house just releasing the president's budget plan. it proposes over 700 billion for the pentagon and next year
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it would rise to 716 billion allowing for more money to be spent on troops, training, ships and hardware. it is not only the largest budget the pentagon has ever seen but also a far bigger military budget than either chinas or russia's. jim mattis saying he sports the new plan. >> i'm confident with what the congress has now done and the president is going to allocate to us in the budget is what we need to bring us back to a position of primacy. >> melissa: that is only an outline and proposal from the president but appropriations that hands out money. this is a lot of money. what do you think? >> it's a lot of money in the right places. when we look at what has happened to our military since 2010, a nearly 20% cut in funding to our troops, to our
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military, to our defense priorities, this president and administration deserves a lot of credit for making that the priority and the fiscal year 2019 budget. i largely applaud the priorities laid out. we have a long ways to go to make sure that remains the priority as members of congress as we debate this along the way. >> melissa: it highlights the priority and the president matched it with some cutbacks in domestic spending. it would doing no get spending under control. there are a lot of people out there who pay taxes and watch their money go to washington and while we want to support the military, it is frustrating to see people come together over spending and seems like never over making really tough decisions about cutting things like entitlements. how do you respond? >> that's exactly what we have to do. to be responsible to address the fiscal status of our federal government looking forward we have to find a way to balance the budget.
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hopefully in doing that over the next 10 years. the budget doesn't get that far but close to that and the administration deserves credit for that. as the appropriations committees and budget committees come together and address the fiscal picture looking forward it will take a lot of work. that's the type of leadership the american people elected the republicans to provide that i hope we will follow through with. >> melissa: do you have any hope it will really happen? we hear platitudes and good words and intentions but when it comes to getting in committee and making sufficient decisions everyone seems to remember they have to be voted back. it seems like something fundamental has to change for the government to get its fiscal house in order. >> last year in my first year in the house of representatives we did pass a budget that would have balanced and cut several millions of spending the make it happen and passed a healthcare bill, the first effort ever in the house of
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representatives to scale back entitlement spending and medicaid expansion. it has happened at least on the house side. it will take leadership from the senate as well to make it a priority to cut back spengd and hopefully we'll see it occur when it comes to the fiscal 2019 budget. >> melissa: another subject. the memo back and fort continues. the republicans say the president looked at the memo. saw a lot of things in it the f.b.i. highlighted as possible breaches in security, sent it back to the democrats to then decide what to do about it. they say that the democrats have not looked at it further. meanwhile, congressman schiff had a very different point of view on face the nation. i'll ask you to listen and respond. >> their goal here is to put the f.b.i. on trial, to put bob mueller's investigation on trial. the president is too happy to accommodate. the president doesn't want you to see these facts from the fisa application because it
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completely undermines his claim of vindication. >> melissa: what do you think? >> that's complete hog wash. in fact, the president has made very clear that he is open to releasing the democrat memo but it needs to be scrubbed to make sure any classified issues or anything within the document that might be a national security risk should be scrubbed from the document. i read the democrat memo. one of the first members of congress to call for its released. it should be released but in a responsible way. it is my understanding that president trump supports that release as well with a couple of caveats making sure it isn't releasing information that's a national security threat. >> melissa: does it prove a lot of what the republicans say was inaccurate? >> it reads like a political document but concedes many of the key points that the republican memo makes as well. it should be released to the public. let the public decide for
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themselves. at the end of the day the outcry for accountability from both of these memos is loud and clear and that's the direction we should take to hold those accountable who abused the fisa process. >> melissa: thank you, congressman jim banks. >> jon: the major stock indexes in positive territory this morning after a crazy week last week. there you can see the dow up 255 points right now. traders hoping to ride a rebound but there is a sense that the ground they're standing on is a little bit shaky. let's bring in our reporter from fox business network. >> we saw last week four days of these dizzying swings. if you look at the high to the low of the market over 1,000 points in both directions. the dow has found one direction today and that's up. it has been up all morning. don't want to jinx it. the rally is a global one. it's picking up on the rally we
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had in the u.s. on friday up 330 dow points. that helped stocks in china and south korea today and the gains continue their way into europe. all of this happening as bond yields continue to move up. we saw four-year high today near 2.9% for the 10-year. investors are questioning if the economy can handle higher rates and, of course, that affects what you pay on everything from your mortgage to your car loan. but they are also questioning today if the economy can handle bigger deficits. the white house unveiling the infrastructure plan that includes $200 billion in federal money on top of what was agreed to last week. the spending drives the red ink, the deficit past $1 trillion. that's expected for 2019. as far as today is concerned, infrastructure plan, helping the construction plans today. caterpillar and u.s. steel are
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gaining ground and you have the stimulus from the tax cut plan. you have 3 1/2 million workers from more than 300 companies giving out bonuses. the latest from a texas-based company. the biggest bonus we've seen yet. some workers are getting $4,000. so all that is considered stimulus, jon. >> jon: talking about real money there. lauren, thank you. >> melissa: new details on the russian plane crash that killed 71 people. search and rescue teams finding the flight's data recorders. what new information that can shed light on the terrible tragedy. israel sending a warning to iran. why its presence in syria has benjamin netanyahu doing whatever it takes to protect his country. oh, sorry i'm late, sir.
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i had a doctor's appointment.
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>> melissa: right now more grief for the people of puerto
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rico after an explosion and fire threw northern parts of the island including san juan into a blackout. the power at a power station last night a major setback for people on the island. puerto rico has struggled with widespread power outages since hurricane maria hit five months ago. no injuries were reported from the accident. officials expect power to be restored sometime today. >> jon: new information from the middle east now. israel sends a stark warning to iran after conducting air strikes over the weekend against iranian and syrian forces in syria. >> i have been warning for sometime about the dangers of iran's military entrenchment in syria. iran seeks to use syrian territory to attack israel for its professed goal of destroying israel. israel holds iran and syrian host responsible for today's aggression and we'll continue to do whatever is necessary to
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protect our sovereignty and our security. >> jon: joining us now is daniel davis, military expert. the israelis have been trying to stay out of this syrian war as much as possible. they went after what they say are iranian targets. iran denies they had any personnel there. where is the truth? >> when you look at what actually happened. iran can deny it all day long. in the end it's pretty clear they did loose some troops. independent reporting confirms this. israel has the right to defend themselves. when you have whether it was syrian or israeli drone entering their airspace they have the right to shoot it down and retaliate as they did. you think at some point syria and iran would realize israel is serious about their security and you can't play around with them. >> jon: they had an israeli f-16 shot down a couple of days
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back. the pilots ejected and escaped but that's the first time israel has lost a war plane since what, 1982? >> 1982. what apparently happened was they were swamped with a number of more than a dozen anti-aircraft missiles, one of which got close enough to disable the aircraft. that didn't work out very well for syria or iran either. in retaliation israel went back and completely wiped out a number of different batteries. the net/net was a win for israel. i think syria will really consider again before they allow their airspace and personnel to be used as a surrogate by iran to do anything to israel. >> jon: that's the question. could this thing continue to escalate upwards from here? >> i don't think so. certainly syria definitely cannot afford to have yet another military enemy because they are still fighting for their lives in there. iran is struggling as they are,
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they're still struggling internally. the last thing they need is to add to their difficulties and they also don't want to spawn the military from the israeli defense force, the most powerful one in the region, against their assets there. so they want to try to be under the radar. this time they went too far. >> jon: the russians are propping up the syrian government. what are the dangers of russian involvement maybe against israel here? >> that is one of the definite problems that anrikts the whole area. the whole syria thing exposes how fragile and chaotic the whole middle east is. russia doesn't have an interest in war against israel. high-level negotiations between the nations are deconflicting. russia is on a delicate timeline.
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they want to defend their own interests in the middle east but not expand it into something they don't want to get into. it's a danger. i think we can navigate this. >> jon: iran and north korea are the two remaining members of the axis of evil. the north koreans are issued an invitation to a summit meeting at the hands of kim jong-un's little sister. the south korea president kind of rebuffed the invitation a little bit. at least dodged it. what do you think about the prospects? what are the north koreans trying to accomplish here? >> first of all let me reinforce there will be no war on the korean peninsula unless we start one with a preventive military strike and i hope the administration, through vice president pence's overtours to have talks with north korea indicate a shift in strategy. the ultimate objective of the united states is to prevent north korea from using any of
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their nuclear weapons which they've had for over a decade both now and into the future. so we don't want to start a war that would actually prevent or cause the very thing we're trying to prevent but we also have to recognize diplomacy will take a long time and we should enter into that. if we don't talk no diplomacy will be possible. it must never come at the expense at the clear and never blinking military deterrents we have with our military. >> jon: daniel davis with defense priorities. thank you, sir. >> melissa: new developments in russia after a plane crashes near moscow killing everyone on board. what emergency crews found while searching for victims. liberty mutual saved us
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>> melissa: coming up on "outnumbered", what did he know and when did he know? john kelly is under scrutiny for his handling of the rob porter abuse allegations amid reports he knew about those accusations for months. >> a big week on capitol hill as the senate prepares to take up the immigration issue in an open debate. can they get the votes they need to move forward on new legislation >> all that plus our guy in the middle. we say he is out numbered. we'll see about that. stay close. >> melissa: new information on the deadly plane crash outside moscow. emergency teams finding both flight data recorders in the debris today while searching for the remains of the 71 people who died. amy kellogg is live with the latest. amy. >> hi, melissa. russian investigators have ruled out terrorism and they say the plane did not break up in the air but they don't know what brought it down, whether it was pilot error, mechanical
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failure or possibly something to do with the weather. yesterday's crash broke a 440 day stretch without any commercial passenger air fatalities making last year the safest year on record for aviation. now we are learning more about the victims, seeing heartbreaking images of family members in shock and indescribable grief as they gather in the airport their loved ones were supposed to return to. the victims ranged in age from 5 to 79. the airlines flight took off yesterday afternoon from moscow's airport and disappeared from radar minutes after take-off. apparently the pilot didn't have time to make a may day call. it crashed 25 miles from the airport is snowy fields where rescue workers have worked throughout the night and found the second flight data recorder.
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it was a plane originally jointly manufactured between russia and ukraine. celebrated at one time as an example of cooperation between the two countries until problems arose after the annexation of crimea. cctv footage recorded on a nearby security camera shows the moment of the crash and a fiery ball. the flames were from the fuel tanks exploding on impact. the plane was, in fact, intact when it landed. it was not even eight years old. now russia's safety record, rate of crashes, is slightly higher than the worldwide average but they have made great strides in recent years. this clearly was a setback raising lots of questions about the safety of this particular aircraft. >> melissa: really tragic. amy kellogg. thank you. >> jon: immigration takes center stage on capitol hill as senate majority leader mitch mcconnell opens the debate he
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promised. will lawmakers be able to come up with a daca fix before the march deadline? that's ahead on "outnumbered".
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>> republican senate set to kick off a rare sight. a debate with over immigration reform. president trump indicated what he wants to see in legislation. no telling what the senate will produce. this is outnumbered. hosting kennedy on fox business. the former spokesperson news analyst and republican congressman ron santos. welcome. >> great to be


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