tv Fox and Friends First FOX News February 17, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PST
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♪ you are the one dream i pray comes true. ndndndndndndndndnd. we'll see you mont. sean hannity is next. a fox news alert. now since the day that president trump was elected the media, the left in this country have been trying to convince you, the american people that president trump colluded with the russians in order to win the election. we have been telling you there is no evidence and tonight we have proof. there is still no evidence. today the special counsel robert mueller indicted 13 russian nationals and three russian companies for engaging in information warfare on the united states and interfering on the election. this indictment shows this was widespread in terms of a russian effort and dates back to 2014 during the obama administration and meant to sow discord in the
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political system. the obama administration has a lot to explain about why they did not act. also breaking tonight, the department of justice is saying that the russian interference did not affect the outcome of the election and no americans were wittingly involved. there is nothing in the indictment about trump/russia collusion which continues to prove that the media has been fly-out lying to you. and the demoted department of justice official, bruce orr did not disclose to ethics officials that his wife was being paid by fusion gps, the company that paid for a phony dossier filled with russian government lies. and byron york is asking why james comey's memos about his conversations with president trump being kept secret. here's a hint.
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trey gowdy has read them. if they were released the memos would help president trump's legal team crush any obstruction of justice narrative. sarah carter has a huge development about andrew wiseman. she uncovers disturbing behavior by mr. wiseman. we have that and more in the opening monologue. let's start with what the media will not tell you tonight. some of the biggest news in the indictment is what is not included. it does not say that donald trump colluded with the russians. it does not say that anyone in the trump campaign colluded with the russians or that president trump on constructed justice, it does not say that donald trump jr. attempted to collude with the russians. the same goes for michael flynn and jeff sessions. the biggest exampling of russian
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collusion for 2016 that we know about and have concrete evidence of is, one, hillary clinton, her bought and paid for dossier that used russian government sources to pedal lies to influence the american people in the past election in 2016. and the other example of russian collusion number two is that we know to be true deals uranium and vladimir putin and people he had on the ground in america were involved in bribery and money laundering and rack tiering schemes. it took place in this country and we know all about that that. but here are the key points from the indictment. 13 russian nationals, three russian companies launched a campaign of information warfare that started back in 2014 and eventually culminated in interfering with the 2016 election. the goal was simple, to sow political discord in the united states of america. no kidding. we have been telling you all
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about uranium one, all about the dossier filled with russian lies. now this is critical. after the election, the same russian trolls that attempted to undermine then president-elect trump, president trump is reacting to this today. russia started an antiu.s. campaign in 2014 long before he announced he would run for president and the results of the election were not impacted. the trump campaign did nothing wrong, no collusion. the white house put out a statement quoting the president saying, quote, it is more important than ever before to come together as americans. we cannot allow those seeking to sow confusion, discord, rancor, to be successful. it's time we stop the outlandish partisan attacks, the wild far-fetched theories which only serve to further the agendas of bad actors like russia and do nothing to protect the
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principles of our institutions. we must unite as americans to protect the integrity of our democracy, our elections. this document shows a sophisticated effort by the russians to gain influence in america. we have been telling you this about vladimir putin, about russian operatives and how they have been involved in sophisticated schemes. we have been going back to as early as 2009. he had people, operatives on the ground with the purpose of breaking into america's uranium market and we also told you how the russian operatives were involved and we knew it because we have an insider on the ground, an fbi informant. all in a scheme, yes, tied to hillary clinton. that's the deal with the clinton state department and the obama administration. they ignored this fbi investigation. what this informant was telling them was going on the inside and
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inexpublic poinexplicably, givi them control of 20% of america's uranium market. nobody listened. and the clueless media, they ignored the russian interference. this only matters if the russians are involved if you can use it to blejen president trump politically. putin and russia, they weren't successful in 2010. they got that uranium. we have to import uranium. now let's get back to the indictment. it lays out allegations that begin in 2014. where russian nationals, they were working together. with a troll farm located in st. petersburg, russia trying to influence the election. they did this by, quote, posing as u.s. persons and operated social media pages and groups
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designed to attract u.s. audiences and staged political rallies while pretending to be american political activists and paid americans in the u.s. to attack certain candidates. this operation had a budget of $1 million a month and included russians operating inside this country just like in 2009. this case again, the russians got caught red handed and as we have been explaining, there were no americans, including anybody from the trump campaign that were knowingly involved and the efforts did not impact the election results. here's what the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein said earlier today. >> there is no allegation in this indictment that any american was a knowing participate in this illegal activity. there is no allegation in the indictment that the charge conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election. >> sean: all you people who paid
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no tension to vladimir putin, take a listen. >> the russians recruited and paid americans to engage in political activities, promote political campaigns and stage political rallies. the defendants and their co conspirator ors pretended to be grass roots activists. the americans did not know they were communicating with russians. after the election, the defendants allegedly staged rallies to support the president-elect while simultaneously staging rallies to protest his election. for example, the defendants organized one rally to support the president-elect and another rally to oppose him. both in new york on the same day. >> sean: so the russians were organizing rallies and engaging in political activities for both campaigns. and after the election they were seeking to undermine then
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president-elect trump. here's how the indictment lays it out. in or around november 2016 defendants organized a rally in new york through one organization control groups designed to show your support for president-elect trump held on or about november 2016. at the same time defendants and their co conspirators through another according controlled group they organize adderally also in new york called trump is not my president, held on or about november 12, 2016. similarly, defendants and their co conspirators organized a rally entitled "sharlt against trump" held on our about november 19, 2016. this wasn't as one-sided as the media is trying to make this out to be. in fact this indictment continues to prove that the media has been wrong and lying to the american people. no evidence for over a year now pushing their bizarre conspiracy theories about trump/russia
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collusion that is nonexistent. you may remember a lot of this. >> a dizzying 24 hours in the russia investigation. no longer just inching toward the president. this morning it is more like careening. >> i think this is a potentially more dangerous situation than watergate and we're at a very dangerous moment and that's because we are looking at the possibility that the president of the united states and those around him during an election campaign colluded with a hostile foreign power to undermine the basis of our democracy. >> donald trump is afraid a political hurricane is out there at sea for him. we'll call it hurricane vladimir, if you will. >> this is evidence of willingness to commit collusion. >> there is outright treason. there is no question that what he is going is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. >> tom friedman said it's at the caliber of pearl harbor or 9/11.
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do you agree? >> completely. >> donald trump is at the threshold of impeachment. >> sean: without any evidence, facts obviously don't matter to the fake news media. no evidence of collusion and no american, no member of the trump campaign willingly tried to help the russians. i know a lot of people are shocked by the indictment and there was a collective gasp from the main stream media today. why is anybody surprised? that's my question. russian election interference goes back decades. as we have been reporting an fbi informant that is talking to three separate congressional committees discovered in 2009 under cover for six years, all told in his life 30 years he noticed in 2009 was an informant about a plan that vladimir putin had to corner america's uranium
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market. this all started in 2009. then he discovered bribery, money laundering, kick backs, ra racketeering going on. and robert mueller was informed every step of the way and did nothing. and this informant is saying russia paid millions to a lobbying firm in an attempt to influence then secretary of state hillary clinton. that company apco worldwide. they deny the allegations. the putin operation in 2009 nobody in the media is telling you started years before -- a year and a half before the board that is nine obama federal agencies including hillary at secretary of state, eric holder at justice, approved the sale of uranium one. and key players involved in that decision should have known all of this was going on but they approved it anyway. and knowing all of this and knowing putin's efforts in '09
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and we didn't have enough uranium in america why would all these agencies and the obama administration, why did they allow russia, a hostile foreign entity to take control of 20% of our uranium. and here is the other aspect of all this, the left will never tell you about. the russian influence campaign, all right, they told you about today goes back to 2014. where the hell is the obama administration? what did they do then to stop this? remember, nbc news reported after the election the obama administration didn't do more to stop russia because they thought hillary was going to win. that's nbc. so in other words it sounds like the obama administration were complicit in this and dropped the ball. and they were definitely in this case more warning signs you can shake a stick at. in april 2016, the house
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intelligence committee chairman devin nunez he warned the plans would be the biggest intelligence failure we have had since 9/11. how sadly wrightright he was. and barack obama needs to tell you, the american people what he knew and when he knew it. maybe he didn't take the threat seriously. remember back in 2012 he was mocking mitt romney who was warning about the russian threat. take a look. >> governor romney i'm glad you recognize that al qaeda is a threat. when you were asked what is the biggest gee political threat facing america you said russia. in the 1980s or now calling to ask for their foreign policy back. the cold war has been over for 20 years. >> sean: a year later, putin has people money laundering in america to get involved in our uranium markets. given what we know now, president obama and the top
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members of his administration owe you an explanation, hillary owes you an explanation. this is a dereliction of duty. they failed to stop a major national security threat. we haven't heard back from obama's office. and another example of collusion is the clinton bought and paid for dossier filled with russian and russian government lies and propaganda. hillary clinton and the dnc shelled out over $12 million to fund this salacious and unverified dossier that was used to get a fisa warrant to spy on the trump campaign. the same dossier that the fbi used to lie in that fisa court to get that warrant to spy on a member of the trump campaign. the fbi, fusion gps, nobody verified what was in the dossier. to this day we have not proven a thing in that dossier and we now know the bulk of the application
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was a political hit piece document put together by christopher steele using russian government sources and some of hillary's best friends as sources. also breaking this hour as it relates to the case of bruce and nelle orr. we reported on the husband and wife after it was discovered that bruce orr, the justice department official he passed on the anti-trump steele dossier. he gave it to the fbi. it was his wife nelle working for fusion gps on the dossier. and according to a report in the daily caller, bruce orr you attempted to hide his wife's involvement by not disclosing that nelle orr was being paid by fusion gps. ohr listed her as a cybersecurity analyst and did not disclose fusion gps in any way. bruce ohr did not obtain a
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conflict of interest waiver from the justice department. was bruce ohr covering up his wife's involvement with fusion gps and that russian dossier and is mueller's investigation, are they going to charge bruce ohr. don't hold your breath. new information about james comey's memos. byron york points out with the headline "why are the comey memos secret?" the fbi did allow lawmakers to see the memo about conversations with president trump that leaked to the professor that leaked to the fbi that led to robert mueller but the fbi made sure the information in this memos was severely restricted. why would that be? co comey received that they leaked
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it -- you would think if they proved obstruction of justice which we keep hearing about like comey and the media and the democrats are all claiming why not release the memos but they are keeping them secret for a reason. take a look at how trey gowdy described the memos back in december. >> the obstruction of justice, remember that started being discussed when comey had these memos that he said he made. i have read every one of the memos they would be defense exhibit "a" in an obstruction of justice case, defense exhibit "a." if comey felt obstructed he did a master full job of keeping it out of his memos. >> sean: so the entire so-called scandal with the memo created by comey, perpetrated by democrats complicit with the democrats, it's absolutely a farce. it's a mere political tactic
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used to damage president trump. now all the comey memos should be released. what are they hiding? also tonight while the indictment showed that mueller is conducting serious work in the ongoing russia investigation which by the way no one should be surprised about there are deeply concerning issues about the team of liberal anti-trump partisan investigators that mueller tapped to lead the probe including andrew wiseman or as "the new york times" calls him mueller's pit bull. we have been reporting on his donations to democratic political campaigns including thousands to president obama, the "wall street journal" revealed that he attended the 2016 election night party for hillary clinton and weissmann, aside from his bias, the
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long-time prosecutor has been accused of employing sketchy tactics which led to the imprisonment of four innocent merrill lynch executives. that case was overturned and his prosecutions led to the downfall of arthur anderson. tens of thousands of people lost their jobs. and by the way, the supreme court overturned him again 9-0 in that case. and we have a new report tonight, sarah carter detailing even more misconduct including a 1997 case about andrew weissmann that he was officially rep maintained by the judge when he failed to disclose that a witness on behalf of the prosecution was working as an fbi informant in an organized crime case. in a many random he called it myopic withholding of
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information reprehensible and subject to appropriate disciplinary measures. that's the guy that mueller hired. his name was wiped from the complaint and after an ally fought to remove his name. he was reported to the department of justice inspector general for, quote, corrupt legal practices. civil rights attorney david schoen called for weissmann to be called out on this. shockingly they are not answering our calls. the sum of all of this is this, the big news today, zero evidence again, a year-plus, no evidence that trump, his campaign, colluded in any way, shape, matter or form. we have been telling you this over a year. show us the evidence. we want to see it. it's time for the democrats and the media to finally start telling the truth to you, the
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american people about the situation and that means to tell you about real collusion as it relates to uranium and why would you allow putin and his operatives to get away with that. and the phony dossier designed to manipulate the american people. we have sarah carter, jeanine pirro and much more on this busy my name is jeff sheldon, and i'm the founder of ugmonk.
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gregg, i'll let you respond. the only thing shocking to me is that anybody is shocked because we have been teg everybody about russia's work influence, dirty deeds in the country for a long time. the rest of the media has been literally ignoring the biggest story in their life if they can open their eyes. >> this shouldn't comes on a surprise to anybody who has read the dni report that came out a year ago in january. which they detail over the course of decades the russians and before them the soviet's efforts to sew discord and disruption and chaos in democracies especially america. why, they're an authorize tearian government that hates democracies. you could hear the grown across the nation from democrats and the liberal media, so disappointed when rosenstein stepped to the podium he said not a word about trump-russian
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collusion. the phish has been at it for a year and a half, found not a shred of it. mule hears been at it since last may and apparently hasn't found any evidence of it. don't be surprised by what happened today. this doesn't mean that mueller is shifting away from trump. his eyes are squarely on donald trump f they can't find evidence of collusion, mueller will likely try to pursue a case of obstruction. which doesn't apply. >> sean: let's see the comey memos. he said exhibit a, for the defense, exkwul patry row, lease them. >> i'm sure it is exculpatory. comey was writing them, he didn't envision being fired. he's an arrogant guy and never occurred that he would be. although he certainly deserved to be. >> sean: sara, end of the day, russians actually campaigned for and against donald trump in this whole thing.
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what an irony. they wanted to sew discord, just like they were able to manipulate america and the obama administration to get 20% of our uranium everyone else ignores. >> well this is what they do. this is the russian modus operandi, anybody that works in intelligence understands this. this will go beyond the 16-count indictment revealed they were doing it back in 2014 as far as our election system. but i think what we'll discover is that the dossier was also part of their disinformation come pain. campaign. the russians worked to pass disinformation to christopher steele, utilizing fusion gps and the media, journalists and mainstream media, american media, fed into this campaign. they were unwittingly being used by the russians over the past year. that's really a shame. that's something they should have been investigating from the beginning.
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this is how russian does this. they were very successful. >> sean: tick-tock, there's a lot more to come about how they were manipulated. how they were engaged with the clinton campaign. dr. gorka my favorite is the day they had a pro trump rally and anti-trump rally in the same city on the same day. speaks volumes. >> what they do, that's what they do, they disrupt other people's democracies. be clear what happened today, sean. 13 russians were dieted and three -- indicted and three legal entities. nothing is going on happen they're russians, we can't extradite them. i have a tip for robert mueller. other people messed with our elections, and they're right here in america. it's hillary clinton. there's the dnc. the fusion gps. and hillary's lawyer. they messed with the election. they stole the candidacy from bernie sanders and then they gave false information to a fisa court.
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mr. mueller, if you want to actually put some people in prison, start with the americans that perverted our election here in america. >> not only that, to damage, the damage to the bureau. and to the bureau's reputation. that people within the fbi, now we know, we've seen clear evidence of that, peter struk, lisa paige, james baker, general counsel, people within the fbi who had an agenda. that was not their role. not the polit bureau, not russia. this appears to be how it was run. >> sean: mccabe and comey and strzock and loretta lynch and paige had an agenda? you mean they exonerated hillary? i can't wait for the i.g. report to come out. if the i.g. does his job, that means the fix was, in the process was screwed and it was set up and rigged from kay one. >> we don't have to extradite
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them. >> i have talked to four former fbi officials close contact with current fbi agents. and they, the rank and file are angry. they're not angry at the media, they're angry at james comey, andrew mccabe, strzok, paige, the whole gang. high officials in management at the phish. some of the department of the justice. who have shredded the good name and hard work of the people who do the real job and carry a badge and gun and try to protect our lives. >> sean: we are getting to the truth in part without revealing sources and methods to use a phrase of late, because of honest fbi guys. honest people in the intelligence community. sara, i know who our sources are in some cases. dr. gorka as you lock at this and, where do you think this mueller is going? i see a guy that is blind in his ambition, that has hired a team of dnc obama hillary sicphants
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out to destroy the president. >> robert mueller, is kworted by his boss only buddy, rod rosenstein, went to the time-out to inther view as director of the fbi with president donald trump. he failed. he different get the interview. the next day, rod makes him special prosecutor, special counsel. don't you any he's got an agenda? absolutely. this is revenge for robert mueller. but we can't let him pervert justice like everybody else on the seventh floor. >> sean: what about andrew weissmann, got beaten by the supreme court overturned 9-0 in the fifth circuit court of appea appeals, this piece, sara, this guy twice has withheld evidence in cases and this is what the "new york times" describes as
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mueller's pit bull? why is he there? >> well, because he and mueller have been long-time acquaintances, very close friends, in the general counsel in the fbi under robert mueller. he has a lot of faith in him that he can take a case and run with it no matter what. you would have to ask, you know, special counsel mueller why. because if you look back to 1997, and he was directly reprimanded and then his name was withdrawn from that reprimand. he was going to be reported on the bar. not only did he not to the jury that you know the person that he had, the witness, was an informant for the fbi he also had an fbi agent that was apparently dirty and was indicted later. >> sean: i want robert mueller to sman to america how a guy that withheld evidence in two cases and lost 9-0 in the supreme court, sent people to jail for a year, overturned by the fifth circuit, why was he ever appointed to be his pit
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bull? i want that answer tonight. >> a great question. >> so do i. >> robert mueller will never answer it. the answer wouldn't be good. he want admit bull, a guy who would weaponize the law and bend and twist the rules. you could fill volumes with the complaints filed against andrew weissmann and the cases that have been overturned and his repeated attempts successfully to conceal evidence and intimidate with its. >> sean: i could keep you on all night. great job, everybody. we'll absorb all of this and reconvene on monday, have a great weekend. we still have a lot coming up. the fbi admitted today that the bureau received a tip about the florida school shooter last month. this is tip two, they didn't act upon. judge weighs in on that and our load story tonight.
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special edition of hanity, following the horivic shootings at the florida high school law enforcement reminded the public if you see something say something. tooled i89 was revealed that last month the fbi failed to act on such a tip. according to a statement a person close to nikolas cruz contacted the bureau's tip line january 5 and provided, quote, information with cruz's gun ownership, a desire to kill people, erratic behavior and disturbing social media posts. following the tip the fbi failed to investigate the information. the vib director, christopher wray responded, saying i am committed to getting to the bottom of what happened in this matter and reviewing processes or responding to information that we received from the public. the florida governor, rick scott, is calling on director wray to resign. the attorney general has ordered an immediate review of the process at the department of justice in the fbi. marco rubio is asking for the same. here with reaction, the host of
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kwft justice," judge jeannine piro. i understand everybody is busy. i understand that mistakes with be made. this costs lives. there's no other way to put it. >> sean, this is beyond the pale. when i was a d d.a. i worked with the fbi. what we're seeing in the segments you just completed about investigating russian could lougs and creating documents for warrants that are not legitimate. this is the kind of thing that we're used to hearing about, where the fbi is focused on headlines, and focused on things that really don't affect order americans. now, the rank and file, they do their job, and they're fantastic. >> sean: interest never got to the miami field office, never. >> exactly. when some one says i have information on a kid who has a brunch of guns who is about to
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shoot up a school who says i am going to be a professional school shooter, i don't care if you're the fbi or podunk, you put on your instincts and your antenna and you say let me try to find out who nicolas cage is. how people with the name cruz have the name nikolas. 13 in the nation. made a database i could get this information. the fbi were too -- sean, look -- >> sean: remember, you had the other guy, too. that actually got a screen shot of him say ig want to be a professional school shooter. >> right. and the person in louisiana didn't bother to do anything. they didn't have the wherewithal as a real cop to figure out what you have to do. the complaint in january is a perfect example of what happens in the fbi. they do not link up with local
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law enforcement, sean, i've seen it for 30 years. why we have 9/11. the fbi didn't talk to the cia and then we have 3,000 people dead. the fbi should focus on what their job is, and what they should be doing as opposed to looking for headlines. >> sean: let's go to today's news, today's indictment. i think that the noise -- the thing that annoys me more than anything else, people like, well, the russians tried to influence the election. well we've been telling everybody about what the russians did with uranium one, we've been talking about hillary's bought and paid for dossier, nobody in the media is covering any of those stories. we have evidence and facts in those cases. and we knew about facebook, we knew about google, we've known this. it started in 2014. >> it started in 2014, this russian so-called interference.
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and i'm sure it started even before then. but here's the real crime. the real crime is hillary clinton making $145 million, her his band pocketing $500,000 in cash for the sale of 20% of our uranium. and the real crime is, you look at rod rosenstein. hey, he's in front of the cameras today. why? sean, this press conference was put together on 45 minutes notice. why, because they wanted to cover up, or overshadow, what we found out from the fbi. and where was rod rosenstein with the indictment having to do with russia trying to do everything they can to get our uranium. snl i look at muler's team, obama donors, clinton donors, dnc donors, nobody likes trump. then you look at a guy like andrew weissmann, 9-0 supreme court, people go to jail for a year, tens of thousands lose their job, he's the pit bull. i want to know why robert
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mueller appointed that man and the rest of these dnc donors and trump haters. >> robert mueller is not looking for an objective team, robert mueller is looking for people with an agenda against donald trump. robert mueller is the person who should be being investigated given the fact he was the head of the fbi when this attempt to find the uranium started. >> sean: we had an informant, that's a great point. >> he knew all about it. he's investigating donald trump? he should be the one being investigated. he was the one who knew what way going on, why and how they were trying to get our uranium. now he's looking to create a problem with donald trump some we should stop talking about russian collusion, it's a bunch of hogwash. >> sean: they aren't talking about it any more. >> put their evidence where their mouth is, maybe then we'll talk about it. >> sean: thank you, judge. don't miss "the judge" tomorrow
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>> sean: welcome back. special edition of hannity. all throughout the russia collusion investigation the modia has done a great disservice to you, using the platform, powerful platforms to attack the president. they didn't dig for the truth. here with reaction former white house press secretary sean spicer. identify don't know how you did that job. i don't know how sarah sanders does the job. i would not be able to do that job. it would be entertaining for
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about a day. and wouldn't end well. but serious note, when you have russian collusion, and hillary paying for a russian dossier, to lie to the american people, don'tly unverified, used for a fisa want, the bulk. information unverified. you have the 2009 issue of putin operatives in the united states committing kroims trying to get who the uranium market. we ignore it, even though we had an informant. how is it possible that the press only cares about trump russia and nothing else russia? >> well, that's because that's what they've been doing forever. if it's against the republican or conservative they go full bore, find any threat on it and tag out f it's staring in the face democrat or clinton they'll walk away it from. peter schweitzer, wrote an entire book on it.
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. it's all laid out there, all of the money, all of the actions, you will of the people involved. it's like, you know, made for a great interview, once, then everyone moved o if we're going to talk about russia and collusion and interaction and money and all that, i think that there's a road map for what the clintons did that's interesting. just because she lost the election doesn't mean the crime or potential crimes should be ignored. >> sean: well, i mean, that's the whole point here, really, did they care about the truth or is it, they only care about the narrative that hurts the president. i watched this dog and pony show every day, you did it, then sarah is doing it every day, i don't know what the purpose of it is at some point. sarah can give a statement and say that's all i have to say and keep going. >> i said this over and over again during high time there and since then, the briefing used to serve a purpose, that -- actions
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or policy or personnel decisions that occurred. in loou of when the president can -- leou. they ask the time question over and over again. despite the fact they got the answer they want to get their clip on television or to be able to show it to their audience. it's not about getting information any more, it's not about informing a public. it's about making "you tube" stars out of all of the folks come in day in and day out. one of the things that is important, what you're getting at, it's not just what they cover it's what they don't cover. we talk about the president but i think that joy behar's attack on the voice president's christianity and faith is just despicable during this holy season of lent. no one in the media found it deplorable that she went and did that. it was the voice president who had to respond himself, and defend himself, instead of
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having any other member -- or joy behar and say that was over the line. >> sean: that's the point. and i just know that if a conservative says one thing one word one sentence one phrase, the reaction is like, oh, you know, the outrage, no revising and extending remarks, apologizing if you were wrong and misstate something. >> yeah. and, look, i said six years with the rnc, little tommy, west jefferson middle school was running for treasurer said something offensive the rnc got called about what our comment was. the answer was that's not what they meant. >> sean: do you see that the media is complicit, after all that time you spent as press secretary, you don't have to answer if you don't want. are they complicit? are they, do you see them totally in the tank for one side as i do? >> i think most. i don't like to loop everybody
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in on the same broad brush. there are good folks there that really try to pursue good journalism and the truth. but i think there are some that i'll num rate in my book that's coming out. that's what they should be praised. there are folks you mentioned who are more interested in getting clicks and becoming a star. but when was the last time jim acosta broke any news? his entire career is made out of the exchanges and the yelling he has and the level of obnoxious that he reaches to as opposed to the news that he breaks and the information he shares. >> sean: all right, sean spicer, thank you. we appreciate it. more hannity after the break. you won't see these folks at the post office they have businesses to run they have passions to pursue how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters ship packages all the amazing services of the post office right on your computer
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dossier. clinton paid for it, full of russian and government lies. we have so much more on monday. have a . thanks for being with us. laura ingraham is up next. >> good evening from washington. thank you for watching the ingraham angle. we have a huge day of news. you're not going to want to miss a minute. this special prosecutor announces a new round of inindictments. and it might not be who you think. and the governor of florida is calling for an fbi director to resign. and the media blow a gasket after my criticism of nba star king james. is that what he calls -- lebron james. i'm going to
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