tv Hannity FOX News February 20, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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the massive loss of labor caused a crisis, and the bakery was able to recover by hiring local citizens from chicago's black neighborhoods.ze these employees have been paid an average of $14 an hour instead of ten dollars the illegal immigrants were making. in other words, and created high-paying jobs for african-americans. who would've thought? >> sean: welcome to "hannity," a fox news alert, breaking new developments into the russian collusion of 2016 election. devin nunes is demanding answers to find out what president obama and his cohorts knew and when they found out about the clinton bought for, paid for dossier filled with russian lies. sara carter reporting tonight sara carter reporting tonight that chairman nunes has sent a list of questions to senior obama officials about hillary's dirty russian dossier. and new at this hour, the special counsel, robert mueller has unsealed another criminal charge, albeit small against a
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lawyer for lying to the fbi. the document also mentions that the lawyer deleted emails. does this set a legal standard maybe hillary clinton will be investigated the rights way with no fix? we also have more information about special counsel mueller's top investigator andrew weissmann, his so-called pit bull, that and more in our breaking news opening monologue. ♪ brand-new information in this hour from sara carter, reporting that the house intel chair devin nunes is now asking former top obama administration officials for answers about how much the former president knew about the clinton bought and paid for dossier when he found out about it.t this is the dossier that was filled with russian lies. clinton used it to try to influence and manipulate the minds of the american people. this is the one that the fbi relied heavily on to get the fisa warrant to spy on the trump campaign associate carter page during an election year. sara carter is reporting that congressman nunes sent letters
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to many unnamed senior obama officials in the attempt to find their knowledge about the phony dossier. we have been saying on the program for months now that we want to know what former obama officials like john brennan, james clapper, susan rice, the new queen of unmasking, samantha power, and president obama, what they knew, when they knew it, and sara carter has also obtained a list of questions at the chairman, chairman nunes wants answers to. here are the most pertinent ones. we'll put them on the screen. "when and how did you first become aware of any information contained in the steele dossier?" they have uncovered that the obama fbi, doj and state department of obama either were given the dossier or were told about what was in the dossier. o so the number of people potentially involved is vast and widespread. now the next question, who did you share this information with, when, and in what form?
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describe every instance. before president obama left office, he amended that executive order, one, two, triple three, that made it easier to share information across 17 intelligence agencies, he never worked under this executive order. the next question, when did you first learn or come to believe that the steele dossier was funded by the democratic national committee and to the clinton campaign? hillary and the dnc,e donna brazile told us she was controlling the money in the dnc, paying $12 million for the government lies, propaganda to propagandize the american people, influence the election, another question asking when did you first become aware that the steele dossier was used to order a fisa order on carter page? we know from two republican memos that the dossier to spy oo carter page, trump associate, was first granted in october 2016 before the
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election, it was renewed three times afterwards. and yet people like james comey, andrew mccabe, sally yates, rod rosenstein, we cannot cannot forget lisa page and her boyfriend, and dana boente. we also know that mccabe testified without the dossier, the fisa warrant never would have been approved. and speaking of the application. remember, and the grassley-graham memo, the bulk of that fisa warrant application relied on the garbage this dossiere, had a net, that fusion gps and the fbi never i verified. that is even more troubling, because james comey said it was salacious and unverified. and he also briefed president-elect trump about the fake news dossier, and that was in january 2017, and he said tha same thing to donald trump. he said it was unverified and salacious. once earlier in october, comey
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had no problem using it to get the fisa warrant to surveille carter page. on to the next point, was president obama briefed on any information contained in the dossier prior to january 5th, 2017? now we know about january 5th in that meeting because the former national security advisor, susan rice is the one that sent her email to herself on president trump's inauguration day. and on her way out of the white house, rice describes a meeting from january 5th, 15 days prior when she and joe biden, james comey, the deputy attorney, herself, and this meeting were all in this meeting. she stressed, barack obama wanted everything with the russian investigation to be done by the book. he wanted it by the book. he did not instigate this investigation. he wanted it to by the book. sounds like a cya, and why would rice send the email on her way
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out of the white house, seems like she is trying to cover herself and president obama. her attorney is saying that the email was not unusual at all. do you believe that? now asking those officials if they had contact with the media about the dossier, and we learned that the former british spy, christopher steele was breaching outlets like "the new york times," "the washington post," yahoo! news, fake news cnn, all about the dossier, before the election, and nunes is giving these officials until march thee second to reply. we did reach out to former president obama for the comment, shockingly they never got back to us. so in addition to finding out what obama knew, when he knew it when it comes to the dossier, we are now asking the same questions about the russian election interference. the mueller indictment says that it started in 2014, donald trump was not running, and we now know despite warnings back in 2014
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from people like congressman devin nunes, president obama did nothing. we are calling it a dereliction of duty, especially when you consider what obama said just a couple of weeks before the election lecturing donald trump to stop whining.d take a look. >> i have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have evennd taken place. it is unprecedented. it happens to be based on no facts. there is no serious person out there who would suggest that somehow you could even rig america's elections. there is no evidence that that has happened in the past or that
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there are instances where that will happen this time. o and so, i would advise mr. trump to stop whining and try to make his case. >> sean: how about you stop whining, no serious president would've ignored the warnings in 2014, they would've known that russia was a hostile nation with vladimir putin. remember, remember, tell vladimir that i'll have more flexibility after the election. it is time for president obama, you have to tell the americanty people what you knew and when you knew it on the dossier andca especially, we want to find out what the former president knew and when did he know that hillary clinton, the dnc paid for the russian lies, did he know that the dossier was used to spy on a member of the trump campaign in an election year? on the issue of election interference, why didn't obama act? is it because he thought that hillary clinton was going to win? the president has been slamming obama on twitter,
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president trump that is, for his response to not to respond to russian interference. here is president trump's recent tweet. and sarah sanders schools the media today on how president trump has been much tougher on russia than obama, liberal media, i know that you do not do any work, you may want to pay close attention, maybe learn something. take a look. >> if russia or anybody else is trying to interfere with our election, i think that it is a horrible thing. and i want to get to the bottom of it and make sure that it will never, never happen. the thing that i have to mentiot is that barack obama when hee s president found out about this, he was told in early august by presumably the cia that russia was trying to get involved or meddling, pretty strongly withth
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the election, he did nothing about it. the reason is that he thought hillary was going to win. d we cannot let anybody play around with our voters and our voter system, but i have to tell you this -- [applause] >> sean: we will have more examples about how obama failed over and over again, this is later in the show, this includes uranium one and allowing vladimir putin to get control of 20% of our uranium when it is in short supply. why would any administration let a hostile foreign actor ever do that to this country? we also have been telling you about how it all started in 2009, you have a putin lead russian operative right here in american soil, they operate and want a foothold in the uranium market, remember? we have been telling you about douglas campbell, he was there the entire time. documenting and uncovering everything, bribery, extortion, money kickbacks, money laundering. and they did nothing, how is that possible? the special counsel robert
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mueller announces a new plea deal with the lawyer tied to paul manafort and rick gates. no collusion. and including the legal documents in some interesting information. mueller outlines how the lawyer deleted, oh, that sounds familiar, and - did not hand ovr emails that have been requested by the special counsel. wow. is robert mueller setting a legal standard? is he setting a precedent? can we now go back and get hillary clinton, she deleted, acid washed, and beat it with a hammer. mueller thinks what this lawyer did was wrong and illegal and should take a cold, hard look at the 33,000 and emails that were subpoenaed that she erased and then acid washed, bleachbit, and had it beat up with a hammer. that is a good start.he and her team gave the fbi cell phones, we have to give them credit.
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they did not have any sim cards in them, which basically rendered them useless. so if mueller cares a little bit about the equal application under the law, he would be investigating hillary clinton for destroying evidence in ane fbi investigation. that would be just the start of clinton's legal troubles. we told you last night about an article written by a lawyer, robert barnes for the website "law and crime." here's the headline, "does mueller's indictment mean clinton's campaign can be indicted herself or christopher steele?" because barnes is pointing out that since robert mueller indicted russian probes for failing to register as foreign agents and not reporting their activities to the ftc, it is in the overall text if you read it, will that be a legal standardhe for mueller to go after christopher steele, fusion gps,, the law firm?m dnc, and hillary clinton herself?
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here's the legal reason why, steele is a foreign citizen. he was paid by fusion gps. we haven't seen that he registered as a foreign agent or that he reported to the federal election committee what he was paid. so if we are going to go off of the precedent set by the russian indictment, all of the conditions are there in this case, robert mueller should be investigating steele, clinton, fusion gps, hillary clinton. isn't it about fairness and equal application of the law? if mueller is going after russian trolls, maybe he will bq okay with prosecuting steele and the people paying him to create a phony dossier full of russian lies that they tried to use to lie to the american people. rush limbaugh hit an amazing point on his radio show about why mueller only indicted the russians for certain reasons. he nails it. this is brilliant. take a look. >> the things that the russians were charged with in the
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mueller indictment or wire fraud, defrauding the united states, mail fraud. these charges that the russians were hit with in this indictment have nothing to do with the avowed purpose of the special counsel investigation. literally nothing. and if these russians were charged the way that everybody thought charges were going to happen, then they could charge c hillary and they could charge christopher steele and fusion gps. but they can't be charged just because the russians have been, because the charges are different. g >> sean: that's why they did not go after the fec issues, why they did not go after the farc issue. watch rush is saying here is brilliant. that they may have been shielding hillary clinton by the russian trolls, because all of
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that could have been provided to fusion gps, hillary clinton, the campaign, perkins coie, and the rest of them. brilliant point, so mueller again, hillary clinton, how does she get everybody to protect her? it's always rigged in her case. finally tonight we have more damning information about the partisan attack dog, andrew weissmann, look at the "l.a. times" getting on board, finally doing some reporting in the media. mueller deputy andrew weissmann has a reputation for the tactic and sometimes going too far. then the "l.a. times" details how weissmann has very close ties to the special counselho robert mueller, serving as his fbi general counsel for two years. maybe this will explain why mueller decided to tap andrew weissmann as his top prosecutor even though he has the most atrocious record of any lawyer i've ever seen in my life. we told you how he is biased, a political partisan hack, donated
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thousands to the democrats, including obama and despite the political bias, what about his track record as a prosecutor? sara carter broke the story about how a 1997 case, weissmann was reprimanded by a judge for withholding excuplatory evidence. not the first time. and in the end he got to bailed out by his powerful friend, his name was retroactively removed from the complaint. that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to weissmann. as part of the enron scandal, remember his aggressive tactics? it caused the andersen accounting firm to goe out of business. it cost tens of thousands of jobs, people lost their jobs, weissmann secured a obstruction of justice conviction against anderson, that was overturned by the supreme court, unanimous 9-0. he put four merrill executives in jail for a year. also overturned by the fifth circuit court of appeals. and the "l.a. times" is reporting as part of the enron prosecution, weissmann named 114 people as unindicted coconspirators. why is that important?
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because defense lawyers argued that by threatening these 114 people prosecution, he was able to block testimony that could have helped the clients. so weissmann was once againts holding exculpatory evidence. it's hard to fathom how anybody is corrupt as weissmann could be considered to be a part of the special counsel team?ns he has so many red flags, yetn. mueller took him on. he is his pit bull and that ought to raise questions to his judgment. but maybe that's what mueller was going for all along. sara carter, civil rights defense attorney david chon, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. let's start with you, you know robert mueller well, did he pick weissmann by accident? did he not know about the atrocious record and backgrounda >> he knew everything about
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mr. weissmann, if you would read the 2011 "boston globe" article, you would see remarkable similarity between mr. mueller's conduct as acting u.s. attorneym in boston with respect to a relationship between fbi agent now in prison and the remarkable similarity to andrew weissmann's conduct, later charged with several murderers, and gregory under boss of the colombo family, but mr. hannity, you are the first person who takes the side of law and order in most cases, so i hope that the viewers recognize for you to be speaking out and demanding an examination of tactics of a prosecutor is remarkable and extraordinary, and very important.n and that what you have done is exposed the problems to the tactics being used here. everyone ought to have a graded
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interest and full transparency in this process. >> sean: i want to tell you something, my mother was a prison guard, my dad worked in family court probation, i had more relative cops than in the fbi. no greater respect, those that accuse me, i also believe in our constitution. i believe in the rule of law, i believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. i appreciate your kind words,ry gregg, let's talk about crimes, you look at three particular people here. >> there are three villains in the great russian hoax. hillary clinton, fusion gps, and christopher steele, clinton wanted opposition research. instead of going to an opposition research firm, she went to a smear firm,ar fusion gps. she hired glenn simpson. people testified before the senate judiciary committee this last summer that it happened to them, that fusion gps phonied up
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a dossier to smear them, and that is what they did through christopher steele and ex-british spy who conjured out of thin air what is on its face a preposterous dossier. >> sean: so simpson, steele, hillary, potential legal jeopardy? >> all of them for campaign laws, and a registration act and a myriad of other crimes as well. >> sean: let's go to your breaking news tonight, sara. >> so going right from what was said, not just those three, remember, it expanded to the state department, this is where devin nunes is probably looking at as well, which is the reason why he sent those letters to senior obama administration officials, which he did not name, but it is expansive. looking at people within the state department, the second dossier, sidney blumenthal, a very close friend to hillary clinton is implicated.on cody scheer, who worked with her husband, bill clinton. this is not just fusion gps.s. it is bad enough that we are looking at the christopher
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steele, a foreign ex-agent, british spy, working with the russians, but we are also looking at information beingt, said through the state department, through allies of hillary clinton back to christopher steele, which was then placed in the dossier. that is very important. >> sean: let me go to you, what do we do now that we have a special prosecutor that seemingly is exceeding his authority, that has put a team of abusively politically biased people on the team, what do you do? he seems to have unlimited power in this case. >> right now it may be that the most effective thing we do is exactly what you are doing. the media may be the most important element in all of this, because again, transparency. >> sean: good luck, we are not the media, we are different. >> but the model that people like weissmann used against b te organized crime cases was using
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people as informants who are unsavory people who would sell their souls for freedom and who were then coached, we now know recently got a letter from one of the informants that weissmann used, coached in their testimony and told what to say. f these are the kind of tactics that we are going to see in this thing. they pick on the most vulnerable and pick the family member with the prosecution. >> sean: you said this about weissmann? >> he should be nowhere near ah courtroom, much less the special counsel team. one other point, andrew mccabe, behind closed doors but it's now been linked to the media, admitted that there wasee not a single thing in that dossier that the fbi could prove except that carter page had flown to moscow to give a speech. which is not a crime. that's it. and yet, they used it. >> sean: according to the
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♪ >> sean: here with reaction to tonight's news opening monologue, tom fitton and national security strategist sebastian gorka. dr. gorka, there is so much to unravel here on so many different levels and what we are really beginning to see is that more and more of this evidence that this goes back to the obama administration. and even the president knew, the susan rice memo to self is very revealing to me. >> absolutely. it is so transparent, it simply
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talks to the ability or the inability to be subtle about a cover up when you are no longer the national security adviser. let me just make one comment, i was listening to your monologue and something occurred to me listening to the last segment. robert mueller was empowered to do what? to investigate whether there was collusion, whatever that is, between the trump campaign and russia. the rod rosenstein press conference started with what statement, sean? "there is no evidence that despite what russia did that there was any effect on the election." that's how he started. so what are we talking about? why are we spending millions of dollars? the kremlin are bad guys, as a former kpd officer, i get it. but if you start with the assertion that nothing happened to change the election, then why don't you dissolve the whole special counsel? >> sean: that should have happened a long time ago, and
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he should never have been allowed to put the abusively biased team together. tom, let me read you something, this was from the doj announcement from last friday where they actually went out and said when they said thee indictment includes eight criminal counts and criminal conspiracy, defraud the u.s., that defendants conspired to defraud the u.s. by impairing the lawful functions of the ftc, the u.s. department of justice, u.s. department of state in administrating federal domestic activities. i want to ask this in relation to russia's point, which i thought was brilliant, which was, if they would have done it in this particular case, that means hillary, that means fusion, that means christopher's deal, that means everyone else with the same standards would have applied. so while they talk broadly about it and mention it in the press release, that's not what they were charged with, do you see that that was done purposefully? >> i think it was a
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fundamentally dishonest document designed to distract from the>> fact that the russia collusion allegations against donald trump are collapsing and the reason for being the mueller investigation is disappearing. and you have in many ways the obama administration responding appropriately to what they were doing in this indictment because they were having an immaterial impact on our public policy process. they should've been told to stop messing around, which apparently they were. but they were not spending a lot of money and having zero impact. but on the other hand, they were messing around significantly by trying to destroy donald trump through this dossier leaking through russian intelligence services to the clinton campaign that wandered into the obama doj and fbi. and rather than respond appropriately and protect mr. trump from the smear ever by the russians, they use it as a pretext to target and spy on him and his team. that is the scandal in the
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fundamentals of the scandal haven't changed with the press release/indictment on friday that is going to go nowhere. >> sean: that was a political document, that indictment, t because they know that they are not going to arrest any of the people, but your point is well taken, that there is russian interference,en there was, and hillary clinton's campaign and the dnc brought to the russians in, dr. gorka, they paid the russians to be involved in this, short of the trolls, and why wouldn't the russians think that they could get away with it? vladimir putin put his operatives in america and got our uranium, why would they think anything else? >> there are categories from the cold war, michael moore was a useful idiot when he shows up at the administration against donald trump that is organized by the russians, but we are not talking about useful idiots when it comes to the fisa courts surveillance and the steele dossier. let's use a phrase from the
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military, hillary clinton, herer lawyers and the dnc were forced multipliers for russian propaganda that attacked a presidential candidate during an election. they were not unwitting, they actually paid for it. more than $12 million of russian propaganda paid for and funneled into an illegal surveillance warrant against the u.s. citizen. >> sean: i have to roll, you guys have been doing amazing work. keep up the good work. we need your voice every night, i wish that there was the oneee big moment that you cross the finish line, this is going to unfold day by day, night after night, and we will have all of the latest information, making a lot of progress in the year. when we come back, we'll hold president obama accountable for all of his failures as it relates to russia, something the mainstream media, they say they care about russia, they are full of crap, straight ahead.
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♪ ♪ >> there is no serious person out there that would suggest that somehow you could even rig america's elections. there is no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances where that will happen this time. i would advise mr. trump to stop whining and go and try to make his case to get votes. >> sean: no serious president would've allowed putin and russia to get 20% of our uranium. great job, president obama. lecturing president trump to stop whining about election modeling, why didn't you do something? by the way the president, president trump, now slamming obama for his tepid response to russia's bizarre behavior, tweeting... the president is right, the obama administration sucked up to the putin regime, giving them a pass including this cringeworthy moment featuring
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"the russian reset" that never worked. take a look.k. >> i wanted to present you with a little gift which representsou what president obama and vice president biden and i have been saying, that we want to reset our relationship. so we will do it together. [laughs] >> thank you very much. >> you are very welcome. we worked hard to get to the right russian word, did we get it? >> you got it wrong. this says that we share. >> sean: a lot of good that it, so we will give you 20% of our uranium and hope you like us. you mind your member that president obama promised to be flexible with the kremlin following the reelection
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he said, "vladimir, he said, "vladimir, tell vladimir more flexibility." take a look. >> my last election, after my election i have more flexibility. >> sean: i transmit to vladimir -- joining us with reaction larry elder, fox news correspondent out to large, somebody apparently that is hanging with the president at mar-a-lago and we did not get an invitation, what is up with that geraldo? a >> the president had steak, i'm sorry. [laughter] >> sean: you get the point that i am making here. >> yes, i think that if anything the shock, sean is that it hasha taken this long to get to theta incontrovertible fact that president obama has consistently
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poo pooed the impact of russia in american internal affairs, elections and so forth.go in his debate with governor mitt romney was after he said russia is the biggest geopolitical threat that we face, president obama said, and you can never forget this, the cold war is calling and wants its foreign policy back. president trump has been tough on russia through the secretary of state rex tillerson and through the united states, united nations ambassador nikki haley.h it is true that the president would like a more civilized relationship with vladimir putin. but to suggest that the president is somehow colludingre with the russians, i mean, give it a rest. there has been a year and a hal, of the most intensive investigation probably in history. certainly in the last half-century. it has turned up absolutely nothing. the president thought that the indictment of the 13 russians which stated very specifically the indictment that any american involvement was unwitting would be president trump's victory
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lap. and the media consistently -- >> sean: never happening. the russians were brought in and paid for by hillary. just like -- who is going to give away f uranium? we do not have enough uranium, larry. >> sean, the reason thatni president obama did not take more action even though he was aware of the russian interfering is because he assumed it would not have any effect. he did not believe that the russians could materially affect to the outcome of the election, and he was right. he further believed that to the degree that donald trump was being helped by the russiansd they would not help donald trump win the election. he was right about that too. trump won the election but had nothing to do with the interference. what president obama assumed is that it did not matter what happened, trump was going to lose, and most of the country felt that way, and he told trump to stop whining and win the
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election, how is it any different than laura ingraham saying to basketball players shut up and dribble? >> sean: geraldo? why are you causing a problem on the program, larry? you going to drag me into this whole thing? >> i'm not going to refer to anything. all i say to that, larry, is go cavs! remember, i'm in cleveland. [laughter] >> sean: i cannot have either one of you on the show anymore. you guys are both troublemakers. the bunch of you. go ahead. >> tom friedman is a columnist and a legendary columnist whose politics frequently reflect my own. a middle-of-the-road person, buu he went off the rails in the last couple of days with a column of his that went viral because of the anti-trump rabid audience that suggested that maybe he is not a attacking vladimir putin personally or imposing the sanctions right now
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because he has so much to hide or he fears so much that he is so deeply into the conspiracy that he is shaking in his boots. it is the most preposterous notion based on no fact and so tom friedman becomes a collusion-ista it is systematic of what the left is trying to do. >> sean: last word, larry. >> in addition to everything that we talked about about the russian reset, the czech republic under the bus and about to the hot microphone saying, i will have more flexibility down the election. we need to talk about the fact that obama took absolutely no action whatsoever one more time because he just knew that it would not have any effect on the election and to the extent that the russians are trying to help trump, they could not get over the finish line because he knew that he was never going to be
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president. he was wrong about that, but right about the lack of affect of the russian interference on president trump's election. >> sean: thank you both, you are responsible for your own trouble. jesse watters, jessica tarlov next. straight ahead. ♪ e (highway noise) my name's dustin. hey, dustin. grab a seat. nice to meet you. have you ever had car trouble in a place like this? (semi-truck noise) yes and it was like the worst experience of my life. seven lanes of traffic and i was in the second lane. when i get into my car, i wanna know it's going to get me from point a to point b. well, then i have some good news. chevy is the only brand to receive j.d. power dependability awards for cars, trucks and suvs two years in a row. wait. (group laughter) i definitely feel like i'm in a dependable vehicle right now. i want a chevy now. i know!
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♪ >> sean: in the mueller indictment of the 13 russian nationals, the russian trolls organized approach trump and anti-trump rallies in new york city, deciding to take a look how fake news, the network cnn and msnbc covered up the anti-trump protest in new york city that day, here is how they covered this. >> people have said what is the
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point? y you have all of these different groups coming together. but the point is that they know they cannot change the results of the election, but what they say is that they want to come together and show america that love does win. >> i can tell you collectively what everyone has been agreeing on is how big of a protest this is. >> the crowds have not slowed down, following since 12:30 this afternoon. people out here are chanting and banging the drum, they do not want donald trump to be their next president. >> sean: on or about the 12th. we have not been able to independently confirm that that rally was literally set up by the russian trolls, but it's kind of it's funny that the mainstream media was playing right into vladimir putin's hands. the president tweeted tonight "bad ratings cnn, msnbc got scammed when they covered the anti-trump rally wall-to-wall, probably knew that it was fake news but because it was a rally
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against me they pushed it hardec anyway, two dishonest newscasters, but the public is watching." and jesse watters is here, cohost of "the five" ," and jessica tarlov, fox news contributor. my world. >> we are all in it. >> i'm watters, and this is my world. >> and i am tarlov. >> that is not how it works. >> okay, whatever. >> sean: i will do something that may surprise you, it is possible that nobody knew, i don't think that they did it wittingly, i think that for whatever influence, social media, byron york points out it was minimal, nobody would have known that this was a russian rally, but the fact that they covered it with such enthusiasm is kind of funny. >> listen, on november 12th, i remember how bad of a day i was having. it was terrible.
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it was not as bad as november 8th -- >> sean: were you watching jesse's world? >> i was in my bed crying. >> sean: you were in your bed crying? >> i did not shed a tear over this, i was here, i could not show any weakness. i guess that is funny, but the f real story is talking about the rallies that happened on november 12th that were pro-trump, and this is the argument that he is making what happened on november 12, what happened, what matters is what happened before november 8th. >> sean: trump won, and you do not think it was going to happen. >> the russians got more people to a protest then hillary could. this is a huge rally. >> how many times have you used that line? >> the media colluded more than trump did. they broadcast their rallies, playing right into vladimir putin's hand, could you imagine if "hannity" broadcast n russian sponsored rally?
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mueller would have indicted him. he would've been subpoenaed. >> i love how much you are smiling at that. >> sean: it is not over yet, jesse. who knows?s? i don't think they are loving our coverage. >> i don't know you anymore. >> everyone just walk away. there are lots of times that we have covered trump rallies that absolutely had the influence of russians behind it. you look at the 13 indictments that came down, you are rolling your eyes. >> look at the 13 indictments, hillary is guilty of what mueller charged the russians with. >> what are you talking about? that was unregistered to push russian lies into the american bloodstream. >> i will take it one step further, the entire fisa warrant was on the fake dossier. >> sean: the memo says that the bulk of it was rejected. the bulk of it, and mccabe said, no dossier, no ties a b
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no fisa warrant. >> there are people that refuse that mccabe said that, we were on that night when the memo came out and we were emphasizing it,w and you said, the bulk of it, which means that there was other evidence -- >> sean: that means 80% or 90%. >> really? >> the bulk of it was a lie, fraudulent act on the court to begin with. my question is what did obama know, when did he know it? the election interference happened his watch, the collusion with hillary and christopher steele have been honest watch. to the spying on his watch, the lying on his watch, how is he out of the water? >> he is not, you heard adam schiff talking about on the sunday shows that they thought obama should have done more. >> sean: do you want obama to answer jesse's questions? >> i would love him to come to fox and hang out. he has already answered the >> sean: i will give obama five hours, an entire week with me and obama on the show. >> i think that he would love that, sean. >> sean: i think he would love that, too.
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>> he would love nothing more. >> sean: has nothing better to do. >> that is absolutely not true. he is still saving the world. >> sean: oh, good god. >> and if you look at fact-check the false that it could be when you look at what obama did. and i see the tape of him in mid romney over and over this week, i got it, the '80s called -- >> trump was pretty tough on the russians. >> really, what did he do? >> bringing missiles to their doorstep? obama gave the ukrainians food! he gave them food when putin invaded, trump gave them weapons. we are building up the military and overtaken them on the i n deal is in the the iran deal is in the cross hair, at least he is not whispering -- >> sean: i'm ready to give my score. >> a big shocker. i don't even need -- oh, you won. >> sean: one, two, -- >> i am watters and this is my world. >> sean: a big announcement
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♪ >> sean: time for the hannity hotline. hit me with your best shot. what youou got? >> sean: i work hard on that monologue every day. what is it with my hair? picking on me. anyway if you have anything to say, call us, 877-225-8587. programming note. tomorrow night and thursday night, usual time, live, 9:00 eastern, we will be coming to you from national maryland as cpac 2018 gets underway.
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