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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX News  February 24, 2018 7:00am-7:30am PST

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ed: tomorrow we've got this exclusive guest house intel chair devon nunes live with us. rachel: a big interview so make sure you tune in for that one. griff: fox & after the show show. neil: you are looking live at marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, florida where now we're learning that the deputy who failed to go after shooter nikolas cruz well he might not have been the only one our students reacting one of them who just met with president donald trump and you're looking live at this conservative combat known as cpac going on in national harbor, maryland where the president renewed calls forearming teachers and beefing up background checks, forget the nra our congressional republican s on board. house conference chair kathy rogers is here we'll ask her and you're looking live at a very foggy capitol hill where the reverend billy graham's body
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will eventually be lying in honor starting on wednesday. he is the first private citizen to get that honor, since rosa parks, back in 2005, graham's casket today will be making its way from the graham training center in asheville, north carolina to charlotte in the next hour when liberty university president will be joining us. welcome, everybody, busy morning oil neil cavuto, very glad to have you with us. the first to the investigation now that is happening and the question as to what deputies were doing or not doing when those shots first rank out. in parkland with the very latest hey, matt. >> neil there is growing disgust and outrage over how law enforcement failed to protect the students and staff at the shooting last week at stoneman douglas high school behind me. by some accounts, a gross lack of duty first the fbi admitting it failed to properly investigate a tip in which the caller described nikolas cruz as someone whose capable of shooting up a school.
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then, the school resource officer here on campus whose sole job is to protect students is fired after it was discovered he stayed outside during the shooting, his boss, the broward county sheriff, admitting that deputy should have went inside to take down the shooter and now , emerging details that up to three sheriff's deputies were also here on campus during the shooting that day and did not go inside, according to reporting of the sun sentinal newspaper, again, their boss, those deput ies the broward county sheriffs saying that two deput ies have been placed on restriction as an investigation into their actions, their actions that day is underway so you can imagine how these emerging details are agonizing to the families, friends who lost loved ones and teachers. now, here at stoneman douglas high school teachers somehow have to eventually go back to classes, yesterday they attended an orientation for the first time since the massacre. >> it was a little surreal seeing kids backpacks all nice
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in a nice row as the kids had to evacuate. my laptop was still there, ungraded papers were still there . >> we prayed, it was nice. reporter: looking ahead there is an orientation tomorrow for students to ease them back into class which is are scheduled to resume this week. the florida governor rick scott also introduced his plan to make it much harder for young adults to buy guns here in the state of florida and he also wants an armed guard at every single school in the state. neil? neil: no matt, as i understand it kids are allowed to return and will return on wednesday but not to that building that was for freshman where all of the shooting went down, right? reporter: that's right, neil. we actually have a student here who probably would be able to give you much better details and she's coming up in just a little bit. neil: thank you very much my friend in the meantime in the wake of the shooting the president has been walking a bit
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of a tight rope on gun control. president trump: there's nobody that loves the second amendment more than i do and there's nobody that respects the nra, they're friends of mine they backed us all, they're great people and patriots but great people but we really do have to strengthen up, really strengthen up background checks. neil: i want to bring into this debate lieutenant colonel ralph peters who served in the army decorated soldier, himself but he drew the line in an editorial that is getting worldwide attention about these type of weapons that have been used in a lot of these attacks including in florida on automatic weapons. the colonel said remember that behind me and on my desk talking about a long family history but i believe on moral grounds the constitutional grounds no private citizens should own automatic weapons lieutenant colonel joins us right now. ralph your argument was if you
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really want to use these weapons you conclude by saying join the marines they will pay you to do it. explain. >> first of all i've got to say i don't consider myself a decorated soldier. my decorations are on a christmas tree but i did serve and i served proudly and i know what these weapons can do, and neil, i support the second amendment. i do not support the cherry picking of it that we're seeing right now, and we can talk about that if you wish but the bottom line is this. i'm a gun owner, i know guns, my family is a gun family going way back, but, these weapons, ar-15 and all similar weapons are not for sporting purposes. you don't take them hunting because they're meant to tear bodies apart. they tear up the meat. they're lousy for target shooting and not even good for defending your home in the middle of the night against an intruder and for that you want a pump action shot gun that will definitely deter the burglar,
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but these, the purpose of the ar -15 series weapons is to kill and mame human beings. that's it and what the m16 series roof els were designed for for our military but they certainly kill but beyond that when a round of an ar-15 hits you, it's meant to just tear the body apart so the wounded person can't get up and fight again and so to me having those weapons in civilian hands is absolutely madness and by the way those four deputies that didn't go into the school i think i can tell you what happened. they're outside with handguns and they're hearing that semi- automatic fire inside, pop pop pop pop pop pop pop. well it's like going in there with bare hands, and you know these semi-automatic weapons, the ar-15, even without a bump
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stock, without any modifications , it fires 45 rounds a minute. now think about that when the founding fathers wrote and when james madison and the others wrote the bill of rights, wonderfully written and wonderfully important when they wrote them the best weapon available in the united states of america or the colonies was a kentucky long rifle which could fire two rounds a minute with a range of 100 to 200-yards and the infantry weapon at the time was a brown musket, a trained soldier, could fire three rounds a minute with a range of 50 to a hundred yards and the ar-15 has a range of # hundred yards, 45 rounds a minute and you put a bump stock on it, it's several hundred rounds a minute. why on earth should we have weapons that kill children that they're using, the ar-15 is used again and again as a weapon of choice. neil: but a lot of people have a r-15 that never use them on kids or individuals and a lot of people knew i was going to have
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you on today have been saying, you know, please have colonel peters whether he wants to come to my home and grab my ar-15 and you say what? >> you know, it's pathetic we have to get to that level. it's pathetic that we're so wrap ped up around ar-15s that we don't want to protect children. i mean this is the weapon of choice for las vegas or a texas school for the texas church shooting for several other things and you know, in a perfect world, we would be able to tell exactly who can use these weapons, whose sane and whose not and just by the way, when i wrote that article, when i'm coming in here today i know my position is unpopular with many fox viewers, but it's a moral issue, it's an ethical issue about dead children, about dead law-abiding citizens and by the way whenever people talk about the second amendment, they skip two things. one, you know i've gotten messages suggesting all these people trying to tell me the part in the second amendment
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about the well regulated malitia doesn't matter and you can't cherry pick it and by the way neil when it talks about the right to bear arms, it says the right to bear arms it doesn't say firearms so in theory if you're literal that could give a citizen right to have have a nuclear weapon or a land line great to keep the neighbor's kids off your grass. we already use rational logic to ban machine guns, machine guns are banned, have been banned, since the 1930s really. neil: but would you advocate given your strong position on these type of weapons confiscat ing the ones that are out there? >> no. no i don't believe weapons cornifies indications but what i would like to see is preferably a ban on semi-automatic weapons that could be converted one way to automatic but if not that then much much more stringent background checks, much more so and certainly bump stocks and that sort of thing have to be banned but i think we need to stop politicizing this and look
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at the victims, the victims, those kids, don't they matter? neil: ralph peter thank you very much. good seeing you. thank you neil. neil: well student arianna kline was among those who went to the white house, gave president trump a pretty powerful message. >> we all have to realize that we all have our opinions and together we're going to be able to work to a solution and this is not just parkland any more. this is america. this is every student in every city and everywhere, as everybody. it's not small. it's everything. neil: that student, arianna kline, marjory stoneman douglas is here. very good to have you. how are you holding up? >> i'm okay. thank you. neil: you know, it's so much has happened just since the shooting itself and now you've heard about this move to try to reign in the type of guns, the shooter used other people saying which
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they can get them what do you think of all of that? >> well, i think that the age should definitely be raised to 21 because no 18-year-old should be able to have a gun that can kill multiple people within seconds and in regards to the gun laws in general, i think the focus right now needs to be on securing our schools before we can worry about these long term debates because they're not going to be resolved quickly enough and it's just giving everybody more time for god forbidden tragically like this to happen again. neil: securing our schools now you're hearing these reports of the guard who was placed in that school was outside not coming in reports of at least a couple of others who had similarly refused to come in what do you think of that? >> it's absolutely disgusting. he knew his job. he knew what he had to do and that's another problem. there needs to be accountability and right now there is none. like what's happening with the fbi that failed to give nikolas cruz the proper detainment he needed when they found out and
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for bso to not go inside when the shooter was active and they stood outside waiting for other people it's despicable. it should never happen and there needs to be accountability and in the future they also need to be looking into who they place at these schools because they can do the same thing and just not do anything. they are getting too comfortable with doing nothing. neil: ariana, where were you when all this went down? >> i was not at school. neil: so nearby? >> yes, about a mile down the street. neil: and how did you hear about it what happened? >> i was at act tutoring and my teacher comes in and she says not to scare you but there's an active shooter at stoneman douglas, so you can imagine my reaction. neil: i can imagine. did you know any of the victims? >> i did. friends and classmates. neil: how are their families holding up? >> i mean, some of their
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families are speaking out for what they believe in. other families are devastated as could be expected. everybody is handling it differently. neil: i'm sure. you know, classes are going to resume i guess on wednesday arin ana, i guess they plan to use the freshman building i guess they plan to destroy it. do you plan to be back on wednesday? >> i'm not sure. i don't think so. not until our schools are safe. neil: do you have doubts about that? >> i'm sorry? neil: and you have doubts about that now, even now? >> yes. neil: ariana, thank you very much. >> thank you. neil: one of many students just reassessing whether they should go back, and everybody is on this guy for failing to go in and confront nikolas cruz. what about the fbi that failed to go after him in the first place? we're following those developments and interesting read we're getting from warren
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buffet one of the world's most celebrateed invest ors saying right now that the environment in his annual letter to shareholders is very good for the economy and u.s. stocks, that he's betting on the united states about 90% of his investments are u.s. centric and the tax cuts is a big reason for that in fact berkshire hathaway is a big investing arm if you will made $29 billion just on that tut. the oracle is called all but thanking donald trump for that after this.
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neil: all right ivanka trump is in south korea and she will be representing the country as the games wind-down here but no doubt, forget about running into any north korean representatives who might be there including the dictator's sister who had a chilly sort of an experience with the vice president of the united states when the games started. she might have some trouble with
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chinese representatives there who are none too pleased over the president's latest crackdown on anyone doing business with north korea including the chinese. china's foreign ministry saying just a few hours ago that it was demanding the u.s. stop enacting unilateral sanctions against chinese entities and individuals after washington said it was imposing the largest set of sanctions to pressure north korea, what was left out of those details is that the sweep ing sanctions, the heaviest and the toughest to date also go after countries that we think are doing business or providing anything for the north koreans, the chinese have long denied this so just watch the closing ceremonies whether that causes any tensions or any chinese representatives try to corner ivanka trump at that closing event we'll see. meanwhile a lot of new questions for the fbi as we learn january tipline caller repeatedly told
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the fbi that they were concerned nikolas cruz get into a school and just shoot up the place, that that was her view, that this was a view she had expressed not only on that fbi call line but apparently with local police. how does that happen? how does it not get communicated how does it just fall through the cracks, crime prevention consultant retired fbi special agent. dave, this is yet another revelation where multiple agencies either failed to communicate with each other or get the word out that was convey ed in detail certainly on apart of this woman about the shooter. what do you make of this and what went wrong? >> well good morning, neil and i'll tell you this, that this was a cold os all miss on the part of all public safety officers involved and all the way down from the school system all the way up to the fbi.
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i've spoken to other fbi agents that are still on board and those that are retired and everybody was shocked and very disappointed that due diligence wasn't actually done when that call came in theism should have at the very least two things should have happened and that is one, take the information and then tell the caller to continue calling 911 and continue talking to local authorities and keep pushing at that level and second thing is that information should have been pushed down to the miami field office where the miami field office would have been able to do one of two things actually push it over to the local law enforcement agency for their notification or again, send task force individuals and agents to look into the situation and start data digging to see if there was a significant threat because we're looking at things now, you know, monday morning after the fact, after the game was played after the situation this tragically played out, so it's a lot easier looking at all of the pieces of the puzzle that no law enforcement agency or educational system or social services had at the time because
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people were not communicating there was no central location to pull this information in there. neil: all right dave thank you for this. on breaking news i wish we had more time here but we'll follow-up on this and you do raise a number of very good points. in the meantime we want to keep you abreast of these latest tax cuts the so-called crumbs. well they are doing the trick in helping the economy but don't let nancy pelosi tell you that a number of the democrats who feel right now that it could come back to hurt them. >> most people are not in poverty but some are but most people have to struggle to make ends meet. >> [inaudible] >> no we're not talking about that.
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>> most people aren't in poverty
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but some are but most people have to struggle to make ends meet. >> [inaudible] >> no we're not talking about that. so, in any event now i'm a mother of five. i can speak louder than anybody. neil: all right, nancy pelosi earlier in the week on criticism that she's one to talk about crumbs or whatever, when it comes to the tax code she's very wealthy so you don't hold that against her but this battle on back and forth the democrats since they unanimously voted against the tax cut but those tax cuts are becoming a little bit more popular right now so how does that all sort out? especially the very same morning we get word from warren buffet no big fan of the president by the way, he backs hillary clinton or was very very enthusiastic about her, saying in his annual letter today that the united states remains economically very fertile for investment with almost 90% of his investments made in the united states a lot of that
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because of the tax cut that made the environment here very favorable according to warren buffet. all right let's get a read on all of this with john layfield, jonas max fair it and slightly left of center julie. what do you make of the sort of box that she's in that nancy pelosi because to a man or a woman democrats i talk to from s teny hoyer to the leadership in the last go-around so those words the crumbs stuff and whatever, were not the puerto rico kind of attitude to convey. >> well i don't think that the use of the word crumbs is the right way to put it and i think the point she's trying to make is that these contributions that these corporate entities are making to their employees are not enough so i certainly wouldn't turn my nose up at a thousand dollar bonus on my paycheck i think that that's important and that's going to make a difference to a lot of people and i don't think that should be something that we diminish but what the issue is
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here is that for example, bank of america is giving a thousand dollars bonuses to their employees, so they are set to save about $2.7 billion in 2018 because of these corporate tax cuts and they're giving away this year because of those bonuses $145 million so that's 5 %. neil: they could afford to give more? >> that's my argument they could afford to give more but they continue to reep the benefits of this for 30 years making $81 billion they're only donat ing .16% of those earnings to their employees. neil: john i've heard that argument as well steny hoyer it was saying that too. >> the correct percent. neil: but my point is that they can also not share this with anyone beyond their shareholders but because they got so much, this is a surprising development and they are and a lot of people are getting them can probably sort out the same thing julie is
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saying they could afford to give more but they're giving this and they seem to be happy with it what do you think? >> i agree they don't have to give anything. it's their money if they want to use it for share repurchases and give a thousand dollar bonuses i agree with julie about the sentiment of nancy pelosi the sentiment was there was they could give more but it was really a tone deaf statement. the average person in america makes $857 a week this is over a weeks worth of bonuses, i think america the appeal of president trump was to the disenfranchised voter and what this shows is that this congress, ms. pelosi is not the only one out of touch but she certainly is one of the most out of touch people. neil: jonas, i was asking before about where the house or democratic leadership wants to go and whether the views representing nancy pelosi is the way to go, go forward to still continue to go against the tax cuts when the poll numbers seem to be improving for it and now that is not new a lot of tax cuts, democratic or republican presidents sort of, you know, grow nicely on people when they
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see the benefit for themselves if they see it. what do you make of where this is going and how it changes the environment this year? >> i don't think, you can't rail against the short-term benefits of a tax cut even if it is heavily trick en down so to say as a liberal would say. the bottom line is people everyone gets benefits they're seeing benefits and seeing economy pick up and seeing bonus checks but to criticize that is a very trickle down thing i think it's a weak argument and frankly, the average worker under a thousand that john talked to already got tax cuts under george bush that were not reversed under obama so it's very difficult to tax cuts to do more tax cutting significantly at that income level. that all said, the vehicle being $100 million family which is the pelosis saying the little guy it's a weak message should focus on long term negatives whose going to pay for the deficits in that message and have the vehicle be somebody whose not --
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neil: neither party is address ing the deficits that's a whole separate show but let me get your thoughts on this guys and this is the president commenting finally on the market downdraft we had when everything was going up up up started going down. he almost made light of it yesterday speaking to conservatives gathering in maryland. look at this. president trump: the stock market i just see with all of the ups and downs, since election day, is up 37% from election. 37%. >> [applause] president trump: now it did a little bit of a correction. in fact, i started to say you know i was in it for like 13-14 months from election. i say is this sucker ever going down a little bit? this is a little embarrassing it was up a hundred up 200 up 1000 up 150, up 90, up 63. i said goodness, that's better. >> [laughter] president trump: we've got seven years to go folks, you


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