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tv   Forbes on Fox  FOX News  February 24, 2018 8:00am-8:30am PST

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the baldness and everything and that's very that is very healthy quite frankly for a president to feel that way. the way he has been. neil: a lot of people even the present's critics says he has a good week as far as communicating, getting the message out with this recession he had with gun victims and families at the white house and he was paying attention to each and every one. the same week bob mueller's investigation employed in other white house confidants, don't know where that is going to go. do you think the president might have learned something in this case or certainly his critics routinely underestimate him or makes things always about
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himself. he was quiet in this session and -- >> the folks who have been down, knew much about parkland. he played against type. she said coming on in, talk, let me hear what you have to say, listened. that is not how people identify trump. it showed another side which was an attractive side and he handled that very well put a horrific event and there has been poison in the media back and forth over guns and things and the way he handled it even some of his critics credited him. neil: they are getting ready, rev. billy graham from north
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carolina, head to charlotte for private family viewing later today, afforded an opportunity, in honor of the capital. rosa parks in 2005. i wanted to get your thoughts on rev. graham, a spiritual counselor, just listening to so many presidents, republican and democrat. >> what i think is the greatest preacher of the 20th century and of all time, fundamentally he was a good man, he was a simple message of the gospel, never deviated from it. probably helps as many people in
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some found christ and others turned away but i can't think of anyone, anyone who has spoken to more people in history and the greatest preacher of the of the 22 century and generally great and good american. i met him back in all those years, and the most popular individual, the most admired, billy graham is smallest in the top 10 and the next year, number 2 behind the president. i have nothing to say except positive. neil: the types of president, absolutely, you mentioned richard nixon, and what did he say to win their trust?
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>> every president wants to know, feels a vacuum in their minds, all this responsibility on them. talking to dr. graham internally, jesus christ is the answer. and this is important, politicians, the tough business that it is, consolation to talk to the man, and dr. graham, really lived his belief as almost no one you can think of in american history. neil: very good seeing you.
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>> thank you, my friend. neil: the billy graham legacy as the nation prepares to say goodbye and a rare honor afforded a private citizen in north carolina, the casket in charlotte, north carolina at the united states capitol where he will lay in honor. jerry falwell junior with us now, we talked a great deal about this 99-year-old preacher reps legacy, what kept him such a confidant of so many different presidents. and the unique asset, and -- and none other than the christian
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faith ever had. democrats, republicans, that was not his thing. everybody has their own gifts. he made sure he stayed with one simple task of communicating the gospel of jesus christ, a simple message we are all sinners. and that simple message was something he never deviated from. that is why he avoided politics. single-minded in one purpose his whole life. neil: i don't remember the time of the quote, and i am worried more, that afraid to embrace the
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greater being, embrace his goodness. vastly oversimplifying what he said but the deco remains, we on this planet in a technological society. >> his roots go back 2000 years and he focused on the roots that were 2000 years old, faith in jesus christ, teachings of jesus christ, love your neighbor as yourself. he never got dragged into the political fray, unlike a father and i spending time building a university, their own different gifts but he was just a simple gospel message was all he was about. and chapel hill, north carolina,
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the crusade, my wife and i in the 95th birthday party and the opening of his library in 2007 just a month after my father passed away. that is a testament to the respect he enjoyed. and stuck to that one goal of his life, to communicate the gospel to the world. neil: what religious figure could fill a stadium and put 100,000 people in their pack to hear them. outside the pope you wouldn't think that was possible but he did it routinely. >> all the network programming would be preempted.
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there are only three networks. imagine how many he reached by television. the impact the beatles had on american culture, the impact was relieving greater, i don't see anybody who will ever replace him. neil: you are dating yourself with the three network reference but i remember the same time. rev. jerry falwell. >> an eventful week of the tragedy of billy graham after death, my parents for the first time the same day, we announced the commencement speaker at the university, it has been a tragic and eventful week, we will miss rev. graham, they send all four children, the commencement 1997.
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neil: not such a trivial fact. congratulations to your wife and your family and continued success. jerry falwell. all right. we will keep you posted on these developments. the body of billy graham leads asheville, north carolina and later on with private citizen, in the capitol rotunda. the last person to be so honored.
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for just $22 per month. since 1985, we've helped millions of families by finding them affordable coverage by impartially shopping highly rated insurers offering over 70 policies. dad, you're coming right? you promise? you promise? you promise? i promise. neil: classhes will resume, they will not use the freshman and building, they plan to destroy it. do you plan to be back
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wednesday? >> not sure. i don't think so but not until our schools are safe. >> that students, areata klein, won't even get close to the school being safer. a lot of ideas to make schools safer after gary johnson feel about that, governor thank you for joining us. as a libertarian it is a slippery slope. and the compromise in doing so. they want better data records, better background checks, what are your thoughts? >> running for president, i was asked numerous occasions and absolutely think we should be
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engaging in a dialogue and discussion how to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. those ideas along with -- when i was governor of new mexico columbine happened. i was asked as governor how do you prevent a situation like this from occurring in the future? i said you are not going to like the answer and i am not advocating it because of all the issues surrounding it. but if you want a real deterrent you would require teachers to carry weapons. i won't suggest that because i'm aware of the issues surrounding it but i just saw a poll where 70% of teachers don't want to carry weapons. what if 25% that don't mind doing that have weapons, wouldn't that be a huge deterrence? forget an active shooter on the scene and there would be a
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crossfire or whatever but just the fact many teachers would be carrying concealed weapons wouldn't that be a big deterrence? neil: that is what donald trump wants to see happen and rick scott wants to see happen. >> for those teachers that wants to carry weapons, it would be a very real deterrent and you talked earlier, i heard earlier about the fact there was a police officer on scene, a police officer there. neil: a couple more local police did not go in, those details are sketchy but it is a little worse. >> the devil is in the details, a horrible tragedy but i don't
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want to say i'm not as concerned as everybody else in this country that someone like this who for weeks now his behavior has been reported to authorities and no action was taken. neil: on that point, col. ralph peters a little while ago, he drew the line, advanced weapons and automatic weapons this created a stir, ralph peters advocating something that someone gathered at cpac might cause controversy? >> why on earth should we have weapons that kill children, the ar 15 is used again and again, the weapon of choice. neil: a lot of people have you on today. whether he comes to my home and
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grab my ar 15, you said what? >> pathetic we have to get to that level. we are so wrapped up around ar 15 we don't want to protect children. neil: what do you think of that? >> it is a semi automatic rifle. we have 30 million of these semi automatic rifles, 30 million law-abiding citizens that own these weapons, a handful that aren't. and what you have is most, the majority of law-abiding citizens will turn them in, but you are going to have a great number of law-abiding citizens that will keep those weapons and an entirely new category of felons,
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but for keeping those weapons they are otherwise law-abiding. this is the debate and the discussion that needs to occur. you are not going to disarm america and if you try to do that you will make felons out of law-abiding citizens that keep those weapons. neil: entertaining or run an independent run for president in 2020. >> politically, dedicating myself to try to bring us legal to this duopoly. doesn't make a difference whether democrats or republicans are in office. an array for the tax cut, terrific. anytime you cut taxes, smaller
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government but where is the reduction in spending? neil: you would be hearing -- you wouldn't be running? >> my days of running for president are over. it would be very interesting. independents, the founding fathers envisioned well-meaning people, you and i running for office, we are not members of political parties. george washington wrote if we have political parties it will be the demise of the republic. neil: thank you very much. the governor was speaking, keeping track of the closing olympics in south korea but a firestorm that could develop with ivanka trump, involving the chinese and not the north koreans, upset about his latest
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sanctions they say are unfairly targeting china with the administration - they are letting the conversation be known, not fair and not right, long-term relationship and they could could be raising this with bill: - ivanka during the closing ceremonies. not just being in the military, but at home. she thinks she's the boss. she only had me by one grade. we bought our first home together in 2010. his family had used another insurance product but i was like well i've had usaa for a while, why don't we call and check the rates? it was an instant savings and i should've changed a long time ago. there's no point in looking elsewhere really. we're the tenneys and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today.
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neil: republicans are worried about hanging on to the house but in pennsylvania, what concerns them is the lines have been redrawn after democrats protested, brought to a judge and said they should be redrawn. could favor as many as four democratic pickup seats. that is getting a lot of people's attention. the interior secretary of the
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united states advocating in pennsylvania, new energy contract and the like benefiting a lot of folks and the interior secretary of the united states was out. thanks for taking the time. >> great to be with you as always. neil: you are the interior secretary, there is a disproportionate amount of interest on the part of the president and what else happens in pennsylvania, republicans could lose four seats at a minimum in this state with that redistricting. are you worried? >> i'm concerned about obstruction. interior, several senate confirmed positions, 6 were filled, hard to get things done when you have a group of quite frankly democrats that once obstruction. our nation is better than that.
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coal production goes up, it freezes up money in this case, in pennsylvania by $55 million to restore some past mistakes, reclamation and as steward of our great lands, part of my responsibility is to look at past mistakes, reclaim lands for better use and that is part of the program, $300 million in nationwide, $55 million gets distributed to pennsylvania and i'm in the middle of coal country in pennsylvania, great people, hard working at jobs too. neil: i would be remiss if i didn't talk about your navy seal days with his attention on weaponry after the school shooting and the back and forth, with the debate as to what is to coming now. col. ralph peters not long ago saying i am an advocate of the second amendment but we don't need weapons like that in
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average folks hands. how do you feel about that? >> we don't need crazy people to have access to advanced weaponry. newt gingrich wrote a wonderful article about it, one of the most articulate on this subject. second amendment, you shall not infringe but also, responsible gun ownership, gun ownership is a right but also a responsibility. some of it how our databases work, and so many things broke down and the tragedy is kids got killed because of the breakdown. everyone must agree, crazy people and prevent that from happening again. if you are 33 times what the reports say, law enforcement visit the shooter's home where
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we had certain indicators obviously that it was going to happen. america should agree if a person is heavily medicated, crazy, showing signs, he should not have access to weapons. neil: you are close to what rick scott wants to do which is raise the age you can get access to weapons, 21. >> i think highly of the governor and it should be on the table especially, a hunter and fisherman. in the west we have a different perspective but for semis, military style weapon, it should be on the table to raise it. also we have to balance it, 18 years old, you are eligible to
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fight for this country and it is a consideration, asking our young, they can to coming home exercising second amendment rights. neil: it is in the news, the nra itself, i don't mean to put it in these terms, is under fire when you look at the likes of companies that are increasingly ditching their association with the nra including best western, worldwide first national bank had a credit card, they shelved that. should republicans be concerned by and large loyal to the nra and the nra loyal to republicans but that might change? >> it is concerning companies never yield to pressure on
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higher principle. in this case the principle is the second amendment. i think the core issue is how do you get the weapon out of the hands of people that are clearly disturbed? our control is hard to get the data in some cases, the left vehemently fight against releasing documents when people are under serious medication or not well. mental health is an issue that remains an issue. neil: not so much the guns but who is getting them. >> i am a gun owner. who has access and at what time access should be available. this is a national discussion. clearly the shootings are a tragedy and the president,


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